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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" xmlns:xi="" type="guide" style="task" id="textview.js" xml:lang="ca">
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  <title type="text">TextView (JavaScript)</title>
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    <link type="guide" xref="beginner.js#multiline"/>
Packit 1470ea
    <link type="seealso" xref="button.js"/>
Packit 1470ea
    <link type="seealso" xref="grid.js"/>
Packit 1470ea
    <link type="seealso" xref="GtkApplicationWindow.js"/>
Packit 1470ea
    <link type="seealso" xref="label.js"/>
Packit 1470ea
    <revision version="0.1" date="2012-06-28" status="draft"/>
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    <credit type="author copyright">
Packit 1470ea
      <name>Taryn Fox</name>
Packit 1470ea
      <email its:translate="no"></email>
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    <desc>A multiline text editor</desc>
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  <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="media/textviewpenguinchat.png"/>
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A TextView is really (or at least usually) a nested set of three objects.

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At the bottom there is a <link href="">TextBuffer</link>. This holds the text itself.

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In the middle there is the <link href="">TextView</link>, which is a widget that lets you see and edit the text in the buffer. It automatically resizes itself depending on how much text there is.

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Since the automatic resizing can make a TextView unwieldy, you normally place it inside of a ScrolledWindow. Despite the name, it's not an actual window in terms of having a title bar and an X button; it's a widget you put on the application you're making, which acts like a window onto a more manageable chunk of a TextView. If the text in the buffer is too big to fit, scrollbars will appear.

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If you want to change what text is displayed in the TextView, you act on the TextBuffer, since it's what actually holds the text. The same goes for if you want to see what text someone typed in. This sample application lets you talk to a (make-believe) penguin, and checks the TextBuffer to see if you typed the word "fish" anywhere in it.

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Real-life penguin populations are declining fast, because climate change is melting the ice that they live on and killing the fish that they eat. If you'd like to play a (somewhat silly) GNOME game based on this premise, take a look at <link href="">Pingus</link>.

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    <links type="section"/>
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  <section id="imports">
Packit 1470ea
    <title>Libraries to import</title>
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Packit 1470ea
const Gtk =;
Packit 1470ea
const Lang = imports.lang;
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea

These are the libraries we need to import for this application to run. Remember that the line which tells GNOME that we're using Gjs always needs to go at the start.

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  <section id="applicationwindow">
Packit 1470ea
    <title>Creating the application window</title>
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const TextViewExample = new Lang.Class ({
Packit 1470ea
    Name: 'TextView Example',
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    // Create the application itself
Packit 1470ea
    _init: function () {
Packit 1470ea
        this.application = new Gtk.Application ({
Packit 1470ea
            application_id: 'org.example.jstextview' });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Connect 'activate' and 'startup' signals to the callback functions
Packit 1470ea
        this.application.connect('activate', Lang.bind(this, this._onActivate));
Packit 1470ea
        this.application.connect('startup', Lang.bind(this, this._onStartup));
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    // Callback function for 'activate' signal presents windows when active
Packit 1470ea
    _onActivate: function () {
Packit 1470ea
        this._window.present ();
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    // Callback function for 'startup' signal builds the UI
Packit 1470ea
    _onStartup: function () {
Packit 1470ea
        this._buildUI ();
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea

All the code for this sample goes in the TextViewExample class. The above code creates a <link href="">Gtk.Application</link> for our widgets and window to go in.

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    // Build the application's UI
Packit 1470ea
    _buildUI: function () {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create the application window
Packit 1470ea
        this._window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow  ({
Packit 1470ea
            application: this.application,
Packit 1470ea
            window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER,
Packit 1470ea
            title: "Talk to a Penguin",
Packit 1470ea
            default_height: 400,
Packit 1470ea
            default_width: 440,
Packit 1470ea
            border_width: 20 });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea

The _buildUI function is where we put all the code to create the application's user interface. The first step is creating a new <link xref="GtkApplicationWindow.js">Gtk.ApplicationWindow</link> to put all our widgets into.

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  <section id="textview">
Packit 1470ea
    <title>Creating the TextView</title>
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a label for the penguin to talk to you
Packit 1470ea
        this._penguin = new Gtk.Label ({
Packit 1470ea
            height_request: 180,
Packit 1470ea
            width_request: 400,
Packit 1470ea
            label: "Squaaaak?",
Packit 1470ea
            wrap: true });
Packit 1470ea
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Packit 1470ea

Our first step in this example is to create the <link xref="label.js">Label</link> that the penguin will use to talk to you. We set the text in it to wrap by setting its wrap property to true, but we'll use a different method on the TextView itself that allows for more fine-grained control.

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        // Create a textview for you to talk to the penguin
Packit 1470ea
        this.buffer = new Gtk.TextBuffer();
Packit 1470ea
        this._textView = new Gtk.TextView ({
Packit 1470ea
            buffer: this.buffer,
Packit 1470ea
            editable: true,
Packit 1470ea
            wrap_mode: Gtk.WrapMode.WORD });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea

Our first step is to create a TextBuffer to put the words into. After that we create the TextView, and tell it to use the TextBuffer we created as its buffer. We also set it to be editable, since we want to be able to type new things in.

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The wrap_mode property lets you select from four different <link href="">WrapModes</link>. Gtk.WrapMode.CHAR, for instance, starts wrapping around in the middle of a word if you keep typing when it gets to the edge. Most people are probably used to Gtk.WrapMode.WORD, which will automatically put the word you're typing on the next line if it gets to be too long.

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        // Create a "scrolled window" to put your textview in so it will scroll
Packit 1470ea
        this._scrolled = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ({
Packit 1470ea
            hscrollbar_policy: Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
Packit 1470ea
            vscrollbar_policy: Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
Packit 1470ea
            shadow_type: Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN,
Packit 1470ea
            height_request: 180,
Packit 1470ea
            width_request: 400, });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Put the textview into the scrolled window
Packit 1470ea
        this._scrolled.add_with_viewport (this._textView);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea

Here we create a ScrolledWindow, and set it to automatically scroll if it gets to be too big horizontally or vertically. We also give it a nice-looking ETCHED_IN border. After that, we put our TextView inside, and tell the ScrolledWindow to give us a viewport onto it.

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    <section id="ui">
Packit 1470ea
    <title>Creating the rest of the user interface</title>
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        // Create a grid to organize them in
Packit 1470ea
        this._grid = new Gtk.Grid ({
Packit 1470ea
            halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
Packit 1470ea
            valign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Put the label and textview in the grid one on top of the other
Packit 1470ea
        this._grid.attach (this._penguin, 0, 0, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
        this._grid.attach (this._scrolled, 0, 1, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
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The first <link xref="grid.js">Grid</link> we create only has the Label and the ScrolledWindow inside it.

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        // Create a button to send your message to the penguin
Packit 1470ea
        this._send = new Gtk.Button ({
Packit 1470ea
            halign: Gtk.Align.END,
Packit 1470ea
            margin_top: 20,
Packit 1470ea
            label: "Send" });
Packit 1470ea
        this._send.connect ('clicked', Lang.bind (this, this._chat));
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a grid that will have the other grid on top and the button on bottom
Packit 1470ea
        this._mainGrid = new Gtk.Grid ({
Packit 1470ea
            halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
Packit 1470ea
            valign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Add the other grid and the button to the main grid
Packit 1470ea
        this._mainGrid.attach (this._grid, 0, 0, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
        this._mainGrid.attach (this._send, 0, 1, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea

We create a <link xref="button.js">Button</link> to send your message to the penguin, and a new Grid that has the other one on top and the Button on the bottom. The Button has a margin on top, so that it isn't squished up against the ScrolledWindow.

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        // Attach the main grid to the window
Packit 1470ea
        this._window.add (this._mainGrid);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Show the window and all child widgets
Packit 1470ea
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Finally, we attach the main Grid to the window, then we tell the window and everything inside it to become visible when the application is run.

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  <section id="function">
Packit 1470ea
    <title>Function which handles the penguin's response</title>
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Packit 1470ea
    _chat: function () {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a random number to determine what the penguin says
Packit 1470ea
        this.number = Math.floor ((Math.random() * 3) + 1);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Did you actually say anything?
Packit 1470ea
        if (this.buffer.text) {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
            // Did you mention fish?
Packit 1470ea
            if (this.buffer.text.match (/fish/gi)) {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                // Have the penguin squaak about fish
Packit 1470ea
                if (this.number == 1)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("FISH!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                else if (this.number == 2)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Fish fish fish fish. Fish!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Fish? Fish fish fish. Fish fish. FISH!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
            // I guess you didn't mention fish
Packit 1470ea
            else {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                // Have the penguin talk about penguinny stuff
Packit 1470ea
                if (this.number == 1)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("SQUAAK!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                else if (this.number == 2)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Ork ork ork ork squaak. Squaak squaak! *waves flippers*");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Ork ork ork ork ork?");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Clear the buffer
Packit 1470ea
        this.buffer.text = "";
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Give focus back to the textview so you don't have to click it again
Packit 1470ea
        this._textView.has_focus = true;
Packit 1470ea
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Here we use some basic JavaScript functions to have the penguins say something random. Penguins like fish, though, so if you mention fish we want the penguin to respond to that. To do that, we use the JavaScript String object's match method on <file>this.buffer.text</file>, which returns the contents of our TextBuffer.

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Since we want to clear out the TextBuffer after each time you click Send, we set <file>this.buffer.text</file> to contain an empty string afterwards. Then we return focus to our TextView, so that you can keep typing without having to click on it beforehand.

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// Run the application
Packit 1470ea
let app = new TextViewExample ();
Packit 1470ea (ARGV);
Packit 1470ea
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Finally, we create a new instance of the finished TextViewExample class, and set the application running.

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  <section id="complete">
Packit 1470ea
    <title>Complete code sample</title>
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Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea = '3.0';
Packit 1470ea
const Gtk =;
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
class TextViewExample {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    // Create the application itself
Packit 1470ea
    constructor() {
Packit 1470ea
        this.application = new Gtk.Application({
Packit 1470ea
            application_id: 'org.example.jstextview'
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Connect 'activate' and 'startup' signals to the callback functions
Packit 1470ea
        this.application.connect('activate', this._onActivate.bind(this));
Packit 1470ea
        this.application.connect('startup', this._onStartup.bind(this));
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    // Callback function for 'activate' signal presents windows when active
Packit 1470ea
    _onActivate() {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    // Callback function for 'startup' signal builds the UI
Packit 1470ea
    _onStartup() {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    // Build the application's UI
Packit 1470ea
    _buildUI() {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create the application window
Packit 1470ea
        this._window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow  ({
Packit 1470ea
            application: this.application,
Packit 1470ea
            window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER,
Packit 1470ea
            title: "Talk to a Penguin",
Packit 1470ea
            default_height: 400,
Packit 1470ea
            default_width: 440,
Packit 1470ea
            border_width: 20 });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a label for the penguin to talk to you
Packit 1470ea
        this._penguin = new Gtk.Label ({
Packit 1470ea
            height_request: 180,
Packit 1470ea
            width_request: 400,
Packit 1470ea
            label: "Squaaaak?",
Packit 1470ea
            wrap: true });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a textview for you to talk to the penguin
Packit 1470ea
        this.buffer = new Gtk.TextBuffer();
Packit 1470ea
        this._textView = new Gtk.TextView ({
Packit 1470ea
            buffer: this.buffer,
Packit 1470ea
            editable: true,
Packit 1470ea
            wrap_mode: Gtk.WrapMode.WORD });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a "scrolled window" to put your textview in so it will scroll
Packit 1470ea
        this._scrolled = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow ({
Packit 1470ea
            hscrollbar_policy: Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
Packit 1470ea
            vscrollbar_policy: Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC,
Packit 1470ea
            shadow_type: Gtk.ShadowType.ETCHED_IN,
Packit 1470ea
            height_request: 180,
Packit 1470ea
            width_request: 400, });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Put the textview into the scrolled window
Packit 1470ea
        this._scrolled.add_with_viewport (this._textView);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a grid to organize them in
Packit 1470ea
        this._grid = new Gtk.Grid ({
Packit 1470ea
            halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
Packit 1470ea
            valign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Put the label and textview in the grid one on top of the other
Packit 1470ea
        this._grid.attach (this._penguin, 0, 0, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
        this._grid.attach (this._scrolled, 0, 1, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a button to send your message to the penguin
Packit 1470ea
        this._send = new Gtk.Button ({
Packit 1470ea
            halign: Gtk.Align.END,
Packit 1470ea
            margin_top: 20,
Packit 1470ea
            label: "Send" });
Packit 1470ea
        this._send.connect ('clicked', this._chat.bind(this));
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a grid that will have the other grid on top and the button on bottom
Packit 1470ea
        this._mainGrid = new Gtk.Grid ({
Packit 1470ea
            halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
Packit 1470ea
            valign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Add the other grid and the button to the main grid
Packit 1470ea
        this._mainGrid.attach (this._grid, 0, 0, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
        this._mainGrid.attach (this._send, 0, 1, 1, 1);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Attach the main grid to the window
Packit 1470ea
        this._window.add (this._mainGrid);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Show the window and all child widgets
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
    _chat() {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Create a random number to determine what the penguin says
Packit 1470ea
        this.number = Math.floor ((Math.random() * 3) + 1);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Did you actually say anything?
Packit 1470ea
        if (this.buffer.text) {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
            // Did you mention fish?
Packit 1470ea
            if (this.buffer.text.match (/fish/gi)) {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                // Have the penguin squaak about fish
Packit 1470ea
                if (this.number == 1)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("FISH!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                else if (this.number == 2)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Fish fish fish fish. Fish!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Fish? Fish fish fish. Fish fish. FISH!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
            // I guess you didn't mention fish
Packit 1470ea
            else {
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                // Have the penguin talk about penguinny stuff
Packit 1470ea
                if (this.number == 1)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("SQUAAK!");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                else if (this.number == 2)
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Ork ork ork ork squaak. Squaak squaak! *waves flippers*");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
                    this._penguin.set_label ("Ork ork ork ork ork?");
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Clear the buffer
Packit 1470ea
        this.buffer.text = "";
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
        // Give focus back to the textview so you don't have to click it again
Packit 1470ea
        this._textView.has_focus = true;
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
// Run the application
Packit 1470ea
let app = new TextViewExample ();
Packit 1470ea (ARGV);
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea
  <section id="in-depth">
Packit 1470ea
    <title>In-depth documentation</title>
Packit 1470ea
Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.Application</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.ApplicationWindow</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.Button</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.Grid</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.Label</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.RadioButton</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.ScrolledWindow</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.TextBuffer</link>

Packit 1470ea

<link href="">Gtk.TextView</link>

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Packit 1470ea