Blame platform-demos/C/samples/statusbar.js

Packit 1470ea
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Packit 1470ea = '3.0';
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const Gio =;
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const Gtk =;
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class StatusbarExample {
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    // Create the application itself
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    constructor() {
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        this.application = new Gtk.Application({
Packit 1470ea
            application_id: 'org.example.jsstatusbar',
Packit 1470ea
            flags: Gio.ApplicationFlags.FLAGS_NONE
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        // Connect 'activate' and 'startup' signals to the callback functions
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        this.application.connect('activate', this._onActivate.bind(this));
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        this.application.connect('startup', this._onStartup.bind(this));
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    // Callback function for 'activate' signal presents window when active
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    _onActivate() {
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    // Callback function for 'startup' signal builds the UI
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    _onStartup() {
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    // Build the application's UI
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    _buildUI() {
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        // Create the application window
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        this._window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow({
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            application: this.application,
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            window_position: Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER,
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            default_height: 120,
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            default_width: 300,
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            title: "Button Clicker"});
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        // Create a paned interface
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        this._panes = new Gtk.Paned ({
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            orientation: Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL });
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        // Create the main button
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        this._clickMe = new Gtk.Button ({
Packit 1470ea
            label: "Click Me!" });
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        this._clickMe.connect ("clicked", this._clicked.bind(this));
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        // Create the back button
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        this._backButton = new Gtk.Button ({
Packit 1470ea
            label: "gtk-go-back",
Packit 1470ea
            use_stock: true });
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        this._backButton.connect ("clicked", this._back.bind(this));
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        // Create the clear button
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        this._clearButton = new Gtk.Button ({
Packit 1470ea
            label: "gtk-clear",
Packit 1470ea
            use_stock: true });
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        this._clearButton.connect ("clicked", this._clear.bind(this));
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        // Put the buttons in a grid
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        this._grid = new Gtk.Grid ({
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            halign: Gtk.Align.CENTER,
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            valign: Gtk.Align.CENTER });
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        this._grid.attach (this._backButton, 0, 0, 1, 1);
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        this._grid.attach_next_to (this._clickMe, this._backButton, Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1);
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        this._grid.attach_next_to (this._clearButton, this._clickMe, Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1);
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        // Put the grid in a large frame that fills most of the window
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        this._topFrame = new Gtk.Frame ({
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            border_width: 20,
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            height_request: 90,
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            width_request: 300});
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        this._topFrame.add (this._grid);
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        // Create the statusbar
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        this._statusbar = new Gtk.Statusbar();
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        // Keep track of the number of times the button has been clicked
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        this.Clicks = 0;
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        this.ContextID = this._statusbar.get_context_id ("Number of Clicks");
Packit 1470ea
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        // Give the statusbar an initial message
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        this._statusbar.push (this.ContextID, "Number of clicks: " + this.Clicks);
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        // Put the statusbar in its own frame at the bottom
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        this._barFrame = new Gtk.Frame ({
Packit 1470ea
            height_request: 30 });
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        this._barFrame.add (this._statusbar);
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        // Assemble the frames into the paned interface
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        this._panes.pack1 (this._topFrame, true, false);
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        this._panes.pack2 (this._barFrame, false, false);
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        // Put the panes into the window
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        this._window.add (this._panes);
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        // Show the window and all child widgets
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    _clicked() {
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        // Increment the number of clicks by 1
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        // Update the statusbar with the new number of clicks
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        this._statusbar.push (this.ContextID, "Number of clicks: " + this.Clicks);
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    _back() {
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        // If there have been any clicks, decrement by 1 and remove last statusbar update
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        if (this.Clicks > 0 ) {
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            this._statusbar.pop (this.ContextID);
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    _clear() {
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        // Reset the number of clicks
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        this.Clicks = 0;
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        // Wipe out all the messages pushed to the statusbar
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        this._statusbar.remove_all (this.ContextID);
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        // Reset the statusbar's message
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        this._statusbar.push (this.ContextID, "Number of clicks: " + this.Clicks);
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// Run the application
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let app = new StatusbarExample ();
Packit 1470ea (ARGV);