Blame platform-demos/C/samples/scrolledwindow.vala

Packit 1470ea
/* This is the application. */
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public class MyApplication : Gtk.Application {
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	/* Override the 'activate' signal of GLib.Application. */
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	protected override void activate () {
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		/* Create the window of this application. */
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		var window = new Gtk.ApplicationWindow (this);
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		window.title = "ScrolledWindow Example";
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		window.set_default_size (200, 200);
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		var scrolled_window = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null);
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		scrolled_window.set_border_width (10);
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		scrolled_window.add_with_viewport (new Gtk.Image.from_file ("gnome-image.png"));
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		scrolled_window.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
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		window.add (scrolled_window);
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		window.show_all ();
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/* main creates and runs the application. */
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public int main (string[] args) {
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	return new MyApplication ().run (args);
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