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Packit 1470ea
from gi.repository import Gtk
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import sys
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class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
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    def __init__(self, app):
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        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Scale Example", application=app)
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        self.set_default_size(400, 300)
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        # two adjustments (initial value, min value, max value,
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        # step increment - press cursor keys to see!,
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        # page increment - click around the handle to see!,
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        # page size - not used here)
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        ad1 = Gtk.Adjustment(0, 0, 100, 5, 10, 0)
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        ad2 = Gtk.Adjustment(50, 0, 100, 5, 10, 0)
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        # an horizontal scale
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        self.h_scale = Gtk.Scale(
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            orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, adjustment=ad1)
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        # of integers (no digits)
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        # that can expand horizontally if there is space in the grid (see
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        # below)
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        # that is aligned at the top of the space allowed in the grid (see
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        # below)
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        # we connect the signal "value-changed" emitted by the scale with the callback
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        # function scale_moved
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        self.h_scale.connect("value-changed", self.scale_moved)
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        # a vertical scale
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        self.v_scale = Gtk.Scale(
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            orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, adjustment=ad2)
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        # that can expand vertically if there is space in the grid (see below)
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        # we connect the signal "value-changed" emitted by the scale with the callback
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        # function scale_moved
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        self.v_scale.connect("value-changed", self.scale_moved)
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        # a label
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        self.label = Gtk.Label()
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        self.label.set_text("Move the scale handles...")
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        # a grid to attach the widgets
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        grid = Gtk.Grid()
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        grid.attach(self.h_scale, 0, 0, 1, 1)
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            self.v_scale, self.h_scale, Gtk.PositionType.RIGHT, 1, 1)
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        grid.attach(self.label, 0, 1, 2, 1)
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    # any signal from the scales is signaled to the label the text of which is
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    # changed
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    def scale_moved(self, event):
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        self.label.set_text("Horizontal scale is " + str(int(self.h_scale.get_value())) +
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                            "; vertical scale is " + str(self.v_scale.get_value()) + ".")
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class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
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    def __init__(self):
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    def do_activate(self):
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        win = MyWindow(self)
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    def do_startup(self):
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app = MyApplication()
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exit_status =
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