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优化 GNOME 程序时需要记住的第一件事情是:我们在做的不是使程序更好,而是让人们更快乐地使用计算机。

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            Traditional optimization tackles concepts like CPU use, code size, the number of mouse clicks and the memory use of the program. This second list has been chosen to correlate with the first list, however there is an important difference: The person using GNOME doesn't care about the second list, but they care a lot about the first list. When optimizing GNOME programs we will reduce CPU use, memory use and all those things, but these are the means to the end, not the final goal. We are optimizing for people.
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            Optimization is the process of measurement, refinement and re-measurement. So the first thing you must do is find a way to measure what you are optimizing. Ideally this measurement is a single number, for example: the time taken to perform a task. This is your benchmark, it is the only way to tell if you are winning or losing. There is a big difference between a program that should be fast and a program that is fast.
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程序通常可以分为很小的代码块。找出性能最差的地方并集中精力首先处理。完成之后,重新运行性能分析器然后重复。每进行一次这样的努力将获得的越来越少,您可以在一个点上认为结果已经足够好了。如果您的努力只能获取 10% 的改进,最好略过这个点,并且应该停止。

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使用正确的算法。经典的文本排序使用的是快速排序而不是冒泡排序。还有很多其它,一些可以节省内存,一些可以节省 CPU。同样,寻找您可以走的捷径:如果愿意进行某些组合,甚至可以比快速排序更快。

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                    Make sure you choose a wide variety of inputs to optimize against. If you don't it is easy to end up with a piece of code carefully optimized for one file and no others.
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避免高消耗的操作:多次从磁盘读取很少的数据。使用很多内存会需要交换。避免任何不需要的硬盘读写。网络也是很慢的。同样避免需要 X 服务器响应的图形操作。

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测量代码的运行时间时,即使在安静的系统上,程序之外的事件也会对计时产生影响。多次运行取平均值。如果代码非常短,计时精度也是一个问题。这时,测量代码运行 100 甚至 1000 次的时间。如果您记录的时间长达数秒,就可以了。

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也很容易被性能分析器误导。有人曾经优化掉了操作系统的 idle-loop,因为它耗费掉了系统所有的时间。不要优化做用户根本不关心的部分。

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别忘记了 X 服务器上的时间。您的程序的内存使用量并没有包含在 X 服务器进程中存储的像素影射,但它们仍然使用内存。使用 xrestop 查看您的程序使用的资源。

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优化内存使用时,警惕高峰使用量和平均使用量的区别。总是持有申请的内存是不好的。一些仅仅是简单的申请,还是可以接受的。类似于 massif 的工具使用时空 (内存使用量和使用时间的乘积) 的概念来代替。

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                    Time simplified bits of code that do only the things you know are essential, this gives an absolute lower limit on the time your code will take. For example, when optimizing a loop time the empty loop. If that is still too long no amount of micro-optimization will help and you will have to change your design. Make sure the compiler doesn't optimize away your empty loop.
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                    Move code out from inside loops. A slightly more complicated piece of code that is executed once is far quicker than a simple piece of code executed a thousand times. Avoid calling slow code often.
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                      Give the compiler as many hints as possible. Use the const keyword. Use G_INLINE_FUNC for short, frequently called, functions. Look up G_GNUC_PURE, G_LIKELY and the other glib miscellaneous macros. Use the macros instead of gcc-specific keywords to ensure portability.
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不要使用汇编语言。汇编语言不可移植,而且虽然可能在一个处理器上很快,但是甚至在支持同样处理器架构的处理器上也不能保证可以很快 (例如速龙和奔四的区别)。

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不要重写已有的库函数,除非确定库函数不可接受得慢。很多 CPU 敏感的库函数都是优化过的。相反地,一些库函数也是慢的,尤其是那些使用系统调用的。

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使用尽量少的库。链接到的库越少,程序启动越快。对于 GNOME,这很难达到。

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