Blame tests/

rpm-build 858c0f
#! /usr/bin/python
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from testutil import *
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from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
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import os, sys
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import pyatspi
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from dogtail import tree
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from dogtail import utils
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from dogtail.procedural import *
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from dogtail.rawinput import click
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def active(widget):
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    return widget.getState().contains(pyatspi.STATE_ARMED)
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def visible(widget):
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    return widget.getState().contains(pyatspi.STATE_VISIBLE)
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class Page(object):
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    def __init__(self, app, label):
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        self.button = app.child('%s Category List Row' % label)
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        self.character_list = app.child('%s Character List' % label)
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    app = start()
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    print "app started"
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    assert app is not None
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    pages = dict()
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    for label in PAGE_LABELS:
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        pages[label] = Page(app, label)
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    recently_used_page = Page(app, 'Recently Used')
rpm-build 858c0f
    assert recently_used_page.button.showing
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    assert not recently_used_page.character_list.showing
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    pages['Recently Used'] = recently_used_page
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    # basic state
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    for label, page in pages.items():
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        assert page.button.showing
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        if label in PAGE_LABELS:
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            # for the first time, recent characters are empty and
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            # 'Punctuation' tab should be selected.
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            if label == 'Punctuation':
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                assert page.character_list.showing
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                assert not page.character_list.showing
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    # selection mode
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    for label1 in PAGE_LABELS:
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        page = pages[label1]
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        assert page.character_list.showing
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        for label2 in PAGE_LABELS:
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            if label2 == label1:
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            assert not pages[label2].character_list.showing
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    # character dialog
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    page = pages['Punctuation']
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    x, y = page.character_list.position
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    click(x + 10, y + 10)
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    assert len(app.children) == 2
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    character_dialog = app.children[-1]
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    assert == 'Exclamation Mark'
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    see_also_button = character_dialog.child('See Also')
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    assert see_also_button.showing
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    # recently used characters
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    recently_used_page = Page(app, 'Recently Used')
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    x, y = recently_used_page.character_list.position
rpm-build 858c0f
    click(x + 10, y + 10)
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    assert len(app.children) == 2
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    character_dialog = app.children[-1]
rpm-build 858c0f
    assert == 'Exclamation Mark'
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    see_also_button = character_dialog.child('See Also')
rpm-build 858c0f
    assert see_also_button.showing
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    print "tearing down"
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