Blame data/

rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
<component type="desktop">
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
  <name>GNOME Characters</name>
rpm-build 858c0f
  <summary>Character map application</summary>
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
  <project_license>BSD-3-Clause AND GPL-2.0+</project_license>
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f

rpm-build 858c0f
      Characters is a simple utility application to find and insert unusual characters.  It allows you to quickly find the character you are looking for by searching for keywords.
rpm-build 858c0f

rpm-build 858c0f

rpm-build 858c0f
      You can also browse characters by categories, such as Punctuation, Pictures, etc.
rpm-build 858c0f

rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
    <screenshot type="default" width="1024" height="768">
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
  <url type="homepage"></url>
rpm-build 858c0f
  <url type="bugtracker"></url>
rpm-build 858c0f
  <url type="donation"></url>
rpm-build 858c0f
  <url type="help"></url>
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
rpm-build 858c0f
  <translation type="gettext">org.gnome.Characters</translation>
rpm-build 858c0f