Blame help/sl/

rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028
<page xmlns="" type="guide" id="conv-base" xml:lang="sl">
rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028
        <link type="guide" xref="index#conversion"/>
rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028
	<title>Osnove števil</title>
rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028
    To convert the number to a different base representation use the in operator.
rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028
    12 in hex
rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028
    5 in binary
rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028
    1A₁₆ in dec
rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028
    1010₂ in octal
rpm-build 2eb028

rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028

Number Base conversions must be performed using the keyboard.

rpm-build 2eb028
rpm-build 2eb028