From 8fb625eb2ca68fbf4cb066a6929f96baee8d4848 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Packit Date: Sep 21 2020 07:40:18 +0000 Subject: gnome-bluetooth-3.28.2 base --- diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eeb944b --- /dev/null +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +Bastien Nocera +Marcel Holtmann +Joshua Lock +Chris Rivera +Jaap A. Haitsma +Antti Kaijanmäki +Michael Terry diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3912109 --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 + + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/COPYING.LIB b/COPYING.LIB new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8add30a --- /dev/null +++ b/COPYING.LIB @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. + +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] + + Preamble + + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change +free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. + + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below. + + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis +or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave +you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling +it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. + + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal +permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. + + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. + + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. + + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. + + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. + + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. + + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes +a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must be +allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a +"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. + + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". + + A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data +prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs +(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables. + + The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work +which has been distributed under these terms. A "work based on the +Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under +copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a +portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated +straightforwardly into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is +included without limitation in the term "modification".) + + "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means +all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation +and installation of the library. + + Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from +such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based +on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for +writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does +and what the program that uses the Library does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's +complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that +you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an +appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact +all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any +warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the +Library. + + You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, +and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a +fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) The modified work must itself be a software library. + + b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no + charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. + + d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a + table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses + the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility + is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that, + in the event an application does not supply such function or + table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of + its purpose remains meaningful. + + (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has + a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the + application. Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any + application-supplied function or table used by this function must + be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square + root function must still compute square roots.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote +it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Library. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library +with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public +License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library. To do +this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so +that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2, +instead of to this License. (If a newer version than version 2 of the +ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify +that version instead if you wish.) Do not make any other change in +these notices. + + Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for +that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all +subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy. + + This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of +the Library into a program that is not a library. + + 4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or +derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form +under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany +it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which +must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a +medium customarily used for software interchange. + + If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy +from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the +source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to +distribute the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the +Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or +linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a +work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and +therefore falls outside the scope of this License. + + However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library +creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it +contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the +library". The executable is therefore covered by this License. +Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables. + + When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file +that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a +derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not. +Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be +linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library. The +threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law. + + If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data +structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline +functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object +file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative +work. (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the +Library will still fall under Section 6.) + + Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may +distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. +Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, +whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. + + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or +link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a +work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work +under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit +modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse +engineering for debugging such modifications. + + You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the +Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by +this License. You must supply a copy of this License. If the work +during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the +copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference +directing the user to the copy of this License. Also, you must do one +of these things: + + a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding + machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever + changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under + Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked + with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that + uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the + user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified + executable containing the modified Library. (It is understood + that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the + Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application + to use the modified definitions.) + + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. + + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at + least three years, to give the same user the materials + specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more + than the cost of performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above + specified materials from the same place. + + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. + + For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the +Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for +reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on +which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies +the executable. + + It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license +restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally +accompany the operating system. Such a contradiction means you cannot +use both them and the Library together in an executable that you +distribute. + + 7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the +Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library +facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined +library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on +the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise +permitted, and provided that you do these two things: + + a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work + based on the Library, uncombined with any other library + facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the + Sections above. + + b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact + that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining + where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work. + + 8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute +the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any +attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or +distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your +rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, +or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses +terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. + + 9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the +Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Library or works based on it. + + 10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the +Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library +subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with +this License. + + 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any +particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, +and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add +an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, +so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus +excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if +written in the body of this License. + + 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. +Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, +but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and +"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and +conditions either of that version or of any later version published by +the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a +license version number, you may choose any version ever published by +the Free Software Foundation. + + 14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, +write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is +copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free +Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our +decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status +of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing +and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO +WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. +EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR +OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE LIBRARY "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY +KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE +IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR +PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE +LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME +THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN +WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY +AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARY AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU +FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR +CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE +LIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING +RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A +FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF +SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH +DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + + If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that +everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the +ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is +safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the +"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + + This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + + , 1 April 1990 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +That's all there is to it! + + diff --git a/ChangeLog.README b/ChangeLog.README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b5f0a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog.README @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +GNOME Bluetooth doesn't use ChangeLog anymore. Instead, we use git checkin comments +to autogenerate a ChangeLog file at "make dist" time. Use "make ChangeLog" in the +toplevel directory to manually create a ChangeLog. Or use + +to look up the version history. + +When committing a patch to git, use a checkin comment that describes the changes +made. If the checkin is related to a bug, reference the bug number. Example: + + When removing a toolbar, make its items available again in the toolbar + editor. (Closes: #131182) + +Checkin comments MUST use the UTF-8 encoding. + +Do NOT commit to this module without permission from a maintainer. +See the MAINTAINERS file for who they are. diff --git a/ChangeLog.pre-2.27 b/ChangeLog.pre-2.27 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a61fa99 --- /dev/null +++ b/ChangeLog.pre-2.27 @@ -0,0 +1,965 @@ +============ Version 0.12.0 + +2009-02-19 Bastien Nocera + + * NEWS: upd + * 0.12.0 + +2009-02-19 Bastien Nocera + + * + * + * data/.cvsignore: + * data/ + * data/ + * obex/.cvsignore: + * obex/ + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: + * obex/ + * obex/util.c: + * obex/util.h: + * src/ + * src/fileactiondialog.gob: + * src/gnomebt-fileactiondialog-test.c: + * src/gnomebt-icons.c: + * src/gnomebt-icons.h: + * src/gnomebt-permissiondialog-test.c: + * src/permissiondialog.gob: Remove gnome-obex-server, + it's been replaced by gnome-user-share a long time ago, + remove unused permission and fileaction dialogues + +2008-12-17 Przemysław Grzegorczyk + + * src/spinner.gob: Cleaned up gtk includes + to use only toplevel headers. Bug #564267. + +============ Version 0.11.0 + +2008-01-21 Bastien Nocera + + * NEWS: upd + * 0.11.0 + +2008-01-21 Bastien Nocera + + * + * ui/.cvsignore: + * ui/ + * ui/ Remove more sendto files + +2008-01-21 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/ + * obex/chooser.c: + * obex/chooser.h: + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: Kill gnome-obex-send, + Use bluetooth-sendto from bluez-gnome now + +============ Version 0.10.0 + +2008-01-21 Bastien Nocera + + * NEWS: upd + * 0.10.0 + +2007-12-17 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: (send_one): Patch from Baptiste + Mille-Mathias to use the unescaped filename + when pushing files to other devices, so as to avoid filenames + like foo%20bar.jpg showing up on the remote device + (Closes: #423649) + +2007-08-31 Bastien Nocera + + * MAINTAINERS: upd + +============ Version 0.9.1 + +2007-07-23 Bastien Nocera + + * NEWS: upd + * 0.9.1 + +2007-07-22 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: (put_callback): Don't crash when receiving + a file, thanks to Raphaël for triggering the stupid reversed condition + +============ Version 0.9.0 + +2007-07-12 Bastien Nocera + + * NEWS: upd + * 0.9.0 + + * + * obex/ + * src/ Fix make distcheck + + * libegg/*: Remove rest of libegg + +2007-07-11 Bastien Nocera + + * Up the version, for our testing, require a newer GTK+ + for the tray icon + * require libgnomeui-2.0, it's really needed + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: (put_callback): use g_file_set_contents() + instead of our crappy function, remove a whole load of unneeded included + headers + +2007-07-10 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: (disconnected_callback), (send_one), + (mainloop): Patch from Allen Hubbe to send + a disconnect when we're finished sending a file (Closes: #452970) + +2007-07-10 Bastien Nocera + + * Patch from Andreas Hanke + to avoid checking for libraries we don't use (Closes: #409813) + +2007-05-18 Bastien Nocera + + * MAINTAINERS: + * add a maintainers file + +2006-12-29 Bastien Nocera + + * + * + * + * obex/ + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: + Patch from Christian Persch to kill libegg + usage in the Obex server (Closes: #349303) + +2006-12-15 Christian Persch + + * + * po/LINGUAS: Use intltool 0.35.0 and use po/LINGUAS. Bug #385928. + +2006-10-04 Raivis Dejus + + * Added "lv" (Latvian) to ALL_LINGUAS. + * po/lv.po: Added Latvian Translation. + +============ Version 0.8.0 + +2006-09-18 Bastien Nocera + + * + * NEWS: + * + Finish removal of the gnome-bluetooth-manager, + release 0.8.0 + +2006-09-18 Bastien Nocera + + * + * python/.cvsignore: + * python/ + * python/ + * python/ + * python/ + * python/gtkobject-support.c: + * python/ + * python/iconlist.defs: + * python/iconlist.override: + * python/iconlistmodule.c: + * python/ + * python/pyegg-private.h: + * python/ + Remove the useless gnome-bluetooth-manager, won't disturb us + anymore for now + + * src/permissiondialog.gob: remove unneeded GConf include + +2006-09-08 Pema Geyleg + + * Added dz to ALL_LINGUAS + +2006-07-10 Kostas Papadimas + + * Added el to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2006-05-04 Bastien Nocera + + * src/ patch from Diego Pettenò to fix compilation + when using -Wl,--as-needed (Closes: #340067) + +2006-04-30 Josep Puigdemont Casamajó + + * Added ca to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2006-04-26 Bastien Nocera + + * src/controller.gob: + * src/gconftest.c: (main): + * src/gnomebt-controller-test.c: (main): Fix build for the libbtctl + changes in CVS + +2006-04-26 Bastien Nocera + + * + * python/ Fix variable-substitutions in the + gnome-bluetooth-manager script + +2006-04-26 Bastien Nocera + + * + * python.m4: Remove the python.m4 file, it is shipped with automake, + so people can't blame us for automake's bugs (Closes: #149710) + +2006-04-20 Bastien Nocera + + * + * gob2.m4: add gob's .m4 file to avoid weird error messages when + building from CVS + +2006-04-19 Bastien Nocera + + * + * bluez-libs.m4: + * bluez-sdp.m4: + * + * obex/ + * src/controller.gob: + * src/gnomebt-controller-test.c: + Remove direct bluez and obex dependencies, and unneeded gnome-vfs + module pkg-config check (Closes: #339073) + +2006-04-18 Kjartan Maraas + + * More cruft removal + * po/no.po: + +2006-04-17 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: (get_save_dir), + (get_display_notifications), (put_callback): save to + ~/Desktop/Downloads by default, then fallback to ~/Desktop and ~/ + (Closes: #317229), fixes a memory leak for each received file + +2006-04-06 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: (send_one): allow passing URIs as well + as filenames + +2006-03-15 Bastien Nocera + + * Require gtk+ 2.6.0, we can't build with older versions + +2006-02-10 Rodney Dawes + + * python/ (image_file): Add __datadir__/../pixmaps to the + list of paths to look for images in + + Fixes #323664 + +2006-01-29 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: (put_callback): update for new signal + prototype in libbtctl + +2006-01-07 Ilkka Tuohela + + * Added fi to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2005-12-31 Abel Cheung + + * Added "mk" "vi" "zh_HK" "zh_TW" to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2005-12-21 Bastien Nocera + + * add a minimum GConf 2.3.3 req for + GCONF_UNSET_INCLUDING_SCHEMA_NAMES + +2005-12-16 Lasse Bang Mikkelsen + + * Added Danish translation to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2005-11-23 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/ + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: (main): + * ui/ Fix the icon not being available for + gnome-obex-send + +============ Version 0.7.0 + +2005-11-21 Bastien Nocera + + * NEWS: upd + * 0.7.0 + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * bluez-libs.m4: + * bluez-sdp.m4: python, and underquoting, patches from Stanislav + Brabec + * gnome-vfs/*: deleted + * obex/ + * pixmaps/ + * python.m4: + * python/ + Install the blueradio-48.png file in $(datadir)/pixmaps so that the + menu icons appear (Closes: #300311) + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * pixmaps/.cvsignore: + * ui/.cvsignore: upd + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * + * + * pixmaps/ + * ui/ install the .glade and .png files using proper + Makefiles, rather than dist and install hooks + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * src/controller.gob: more return value fixing, patch from Stanislav + Brabec + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * src/spinner-test.c: (spin_me), (main): return values as we said + we would + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ + * python/ + * src/ Fixes python detection on bi-arch systems, patch + from Stanislav Brabec + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * src/controller.gob: Include header files properly using only paths + defined in .pc file, patch from Stanislav Brabec + +2005-11-19 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: (get_obex_channel): + * src/controller.gob: + * src/fileactiondialog.gob: + * src/gnomebt-controller-test.c: (main): + * src/gnomebt-controller.override: Fix casting warnings with GCC 4.x, + patch from Stanislav Brabec + +2005-11-17 Bastien Nocera + + * add Belorussian translation + +2005-10-08 Bastien Nocera + + * src/gconftest.c: (main): + * src/spinner-test.c: (on_start_clicked), (main): + Fix build for current libbtctl CVS + +2005-09-23 Bastien Nocera + + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: (is_palm_device), (main): slightly more + appropriate message if the device is a Palm + +2005-09-09 Bastien Nocera + + * required automake 1.8 + * dist as .tar.bz2 and checking the NEWS file before + make dist + * src/fileactiondialog.gob: don't use uri after it was freed, make + sure that a URI was created before using it + * src/gnomebt-fileactiondialog-test.c: (main): check that the + files exist before running the tests + +2005-09-05 Bastien Nocera + + * src/controller.gob: fix 2 memory leaks, gconf_client_get_string + already returns a newly-allocated string + * src/permissiondialog.gob: fix a double-free + +2005-08-24 Pawan Chitrakar + + * Added ne in ALL_LINGUAS + +============ Version 0.6.0 + +2005-08-16 Bastien Nocera + + * src/.cvsignore: added *.defs + * src/ remove unneeded target + * src/gnomebt-chooser.defs: + * src/gnomebt-controller.defs: remove generated files from CVS + +2005-08-16 Bastien Nocera + + * add data to the subdirs + * python/ add to the EXTRA_DIST + +2005-08-16 Bastien Nocera + + * NEWS: upd + * + * src/ version the libtool libraries properly + +2005-08-07 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ Patch from Harald Hoyer to make + gnome-bluetooth-manager run on recent pygtk versions (Closes: #172320) + +2005-08-06 Bastien Nocera + + * + * src/ Fix hard-coded h2def path in the Makefiles + (Closes: #153429) + +2005-08-01 Bastien Nocera + + * + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: (allowed_to_put): + * src/gnomebt-permissiondialog-test.c: (main): + * src/permissiondialog.gob: Require gtk+ 2.4, make the permission + dialog more HIG compliant, and split the strings to translate + (Closes: #150117) + +2005-06-22 Bastien Nocera + + * src/fileactiondialog.gob: Remove markup from translatable message + (Closes: #150115) + +2005-06-22 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ + * python/ + * python/ patch from Olav Vitters + to remove the use of deprecated + functions (Closes: #305677) + +2005-06-22 Bastien Nocera + + * require the same version of libbtctl in both tests + +2005-06-18 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ fix s/bluetooth/Bluetooth/ in user-visible + strings (Closes: #150111) + +2005-06-12 Bastien Nocera + + * orbit/.cvsignore: + * ui/gnome-obex-send.gladep: + * ui/obex-send-strings.c: Remove unused files + +2005-06-12 Bastien Nocera + + * + * + * nautilus/.cvsignore: + * nautilus/ + * nautilus/ + * nautilus/gnome-bluetooth-component.c: + * nautilus/gnome-bluetooth-component.h: + * nautilus/libmain.c: remove the nautilus extension, sending bluetooth + files over bluetooth is now handled by nautilus-sendto + +2005-06-11 Bastien Nocera + + * data/.cvsignore: well, duh! + +2005-06-11 Bastien Nocera + + * data/.cvsignore: added + * src/.cvsignore: upd + +2005-06-11 Bastien Nocera + + * src/ + * src/gnomebt-controller-test.c: (main): + * src/spinner-test.c: (spin_me), (on_start_clicked), + (on_stop_clicked), (main): added a simple test for the spinner widget + +2005-06-11 Bastien Nocera + + * src/controller.gob: patch from Marc O'Morain + to add some assertions + +2005-06-06 Ignacio Casal Quinteiro + + * Added 'gl' to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2005-04-01 Steve Murphy + + * Added "rw" to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2005-02-27 Alessio Frusciante + + * Added "it" (Italian) to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2005-02-17 Alexander Shopov + + * Added "bg" (Bulgarian) to ALL_LINGUAS + +2005-01-15 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: patch from Tuomas Salo. Use new + timestamp parameter on OBEX PUT to preserve timestamp. + Add get_display_notifications() to look for the gconf key + /apps/gnome-obex-server/receive_notification, controlling whether + dialog is shown when files received. + Move /system/bluetooth/obex-savedir to + /apps/gnome-obex-server/savedir. + * data/, data/ create schemas + for gconf keys. + * src/fileaction.gob: replace 'Save' button with 'Close' + * require libbtctl 0.5.0 or better + +2005-01-07 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/gnome-obex-server.c: Change translator_credits to + translator-credits. Regenerate pot file. + * po/*.po: update all po files for translator-credits. + +2004-11-06 Amanpreet Singh Alam + + * Add pa [Punjabi] to ALL_LINGUAS + +2004-04-30 Leonid Kanter + + * Added 'ru' (Russian) to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-09-30 Maxim Dziumanenko + + * Added 'uk' (Ukrainian) to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-09-24 Christophe Merlet + + * Added 'fr' (French) to ALL_LINGUAS. + Remove quotes from GETTEXT_PACKAGE variable. + +2004-09-12 Takeshi AIHANA + + * Added 'ja' (Japanese) to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-08-21 Francisco Javier F. Serrador + + * Added "es" to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-08-21 Kjartan Maraas + + * Add «nb» and «no» to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-08-14 Christian Rose + + * Added "sv" to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-08-10 Gustavo Maciel Dias Vieira + + * Added pt_BR to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-08-08 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: remove excess _() around "BDADDR" + +2004-08-08 Duarte Loreto + + * Added Portuguese (pt) to ALL_LINGUAS. + +2004-08-06 Adam Weinberger + + * Added en_CA to ALL_LINGUAS + +2004-08-05 Edd Dumbill + + * po/.cvsignore, po/gnome-bluetooth.pot: + get pot file checked in for translators. + +2004-07-29 Frederic Crozat + + * src/fileactiondialog.gob: + * src/permissiondialog.gob: + Fix crash when using gcc 3.4. + +2004-07-13 Hendrik Brandt + + * add "de" (german) to ALL_LINGUAS + +2004-06-18 Edd Dumbill + + * require libbtctl 0.4.1. + * NEWS: update for release. + * Release 0.5.1. + +2004-06-17 Edd Dumbill + + *,, add + pkgconfig file for the library. + +2004-06-12 Edd Dumbill + + * src/, python/ add -avoid-version to + LDFLAGS for py modules + * Bump version to 0.5.1. + * src/gnome-obex-server.c: send name request on device connect. + * src/permissiondialog.gob: display preferred name for device, + not just the name. + * src/fileaction.gob: new dialog for displaying received files + to the user and asking what to do next. + * src/fileactiontest.c: test program for fileaction dialog. + * src/gnome-obex-server.c: call fileaction dialog when file + received: should user open, save or delete? + * src/fileaction.gob, src/permissiondialog.gob: dialog button + rearrangement for HIGginess. + +2004-06-10 Edd Dumbill + + * src/permissiondialog.gob: HIGgy fixes (thanks Ross). + * TODO: add so when we release people know what I'm thinking of + doing next. + * RELEASE 0.5. + +2004-06-08 Edd Dumbill + + * bluez-sdp.m4: refresh from new version in libbtctl + * add libbtctl to Python module deps + +2004-06-06 Edd Dumbill + + * python/ build fixes from Nick Piper. + * python/ make manager program a wrapper + script that sets the correct PYTHONPATH. + +2004-06-04 Edd Dumbill + + * Build fixes. Compile cleanly with -Werror. + * Pass make distcheck. + * NEWS: update prior to release + * README: bring up to date + * COPYING.gnomebt: LGPL license to apply to libgnomebt + * src/*.{gob,c,h}: add license headers. + * obex/*.c: add license headers. + * python/*.py: add license headers. + +2004-06-03 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/gnome-obex-send.c: new OBEX sending program using improved + libbtctl functions. + * obex/sender.c, obex/obex_test_client.c: retire old sender. + * obex/chooser.c: consume outstanding Gtk events after dialog close. + * libegg/: freshen from GNOME CVS. Remove fileselector, menu, + and toolbar directories as we don't use these. + * remove SDP check. + * src/gnome-obex-server.c: new server implementation. + * src/spinner.gob: ref created image. + * src/: remove unneeded files: servonly.c obex_test_server.h + obex_test_server.c obex_test.h obex_test_client.h obexsdp.h + obexsdp.c obex_put_common.h obex_put_common.c obex_io.h obex_io.c + +2004-02-01 Edd Dumbill + + * src/gnomebt-chooser-pymodule.c, src/gnomebt-chooser.defs, + src/gnomebt-chooser.override, src/gnomebt-controller.defs, + src/ + added Python bindings for the device Chooser dialog, updated + controller bindings. + +2004-01-15 Edd Dumbill + + * Merged patch from Ross Burton: + + - python/ Use PYTHON_INCLUDES instead of the broken + PYTHON_PREFIX/blaa, as PYTHON_PREFIX is where python is currently + installed for me. + + - src/controller.gob: Fiddle with delete_device. This works for me but + the directory is not removed correctly. I must examine the gconf code + as I'm still having issues with it when I scan. + + - src/ Remove useless whitespace (my emacs shows it in + purple) and fix CLEAN_FILES. + + - python/ Require pygtk 2.0, implement Delete, handle + unnamed devices (happened to me a few days ago) and add my calling + card, a call to gtk_window_set_transient_for(). + + * src/controller.gob: remember to free various lists returned from + gconf_client calls. + + * src/gnomebt-controller-test.c: add silly test for delete_device. + + * obex/: move obex-server-source away from here: to libbtctl + +2004-01-02 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/obex-server-source.c, obex/obex-server-source.h, + obex/obex-server-source-private.h, obex/obex-server-source-test.c: + start of a GSource for OBEX control. Starting with a server, + this may be able to cope with both server and client uses cases + in the future. The source should be used by a nice GObject that + will create signals on OBEX events. + +2003-12-27 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/: integrate permission dialog, play around trying to get the + connection to close cleanly on deny, failed so far. Checking in + prior to embarking upon big cleanup of OBEX code to make it more + predictable. + +2003-12-26 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/servonly.c: added /system/bluetooth/obex-savedir key to specify + where beamed files are saved. + * src/permissiondialog.gob: finished dialog, HIGged as well as I can. + * src/gnomebt-permissiondialog-test.c: exercise perm dialog + +2003-12-05 Edd Dumbill + + * src/permissiondialog.gob: beginnings of a standard dialog to handle + requests to to the user about whether a device should be allowed to + connect or not + +2003-12-05 Mikael Hallendal + + * src/ fixed a buildproblem + +2003-11-18 Edd Dumbill + + * po/ refresh to reflect current state of source files. + * po/en_GB.po: add British translation, mainly to test. + * po/.cvsignore: updated + * ui/, ui/strings.c: obsolete, deleted. + +2003-11-17 Edd Dumbill + + * src/controller.gob: add get/set_device_permission method to store + user prefs for remote device connections + * src/gnomebt-controller-test.c: add test for perms + * python/ get rid of u prefix from about dialog strings: + source file is utf-8 native anyway, so we don't want to double-convert + +2003-11-12 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ add an icon for the window + +2003-11-11 Edd Dumbill + + * src/controller.gob: added get_device_alias, set_device_alias, + remove_device_alias, get_device_preferred_name methods to support + user setting a convenient name for a device. + * python/ avoid division by zero in progress bar + +2003-11-11 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ + * python/ make the error dialog transient for the main + window + +2003-11-11 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ upd + * python/ added HIG compliant alert dialogs from + gnome-blog (thanks Seth!) + * python/ yell at the user if there's no bluetooth adapter + plugged in the system + +2003-11-11 Bastien Nocera + + * python/.cvsignore: upd + +2003-11-06 Bastien Nocera + + * python/ + * src/.cvsignore: + * src/ install gnome-bluetooth specific files in + the gnomebt site package, update .cvsignore + +2003-11-03 Edd Dumbill + + * python/ move Python device manager to use async interface, + show progress of discovery in appbar. + * src/: Refresh Python bindings for new methods. + +2003-11-01 Edd Dumbill + + * src/controller.gob: ripped out the threads stuff + * src/chooser.gob: changed discovery to use the btctl async method + +2003-10-31 Bastien Nocera + + * + * src/ fix build with automake-1.4, and for my machine + +2003-10-31 Edd Dumbill + + * src/chooser.gob: started implementing a "Refresh" button to rescan for + devices. Currently running into weird threading issues. Ugh. + +2003-10-30 Edd Dumbill + + * src/controller.gob, src/ port Bonobo object functionality + into a straight GObject, GnomebtController. + * src/gnomebt-controller-test.c: test program to exercise the + features of GnomebtController. + * obex/sender.c, obex/chooser.c, obex/ remove dependency + on the Bonobo component. + * gnome-vfs/README: note that stuff in this directory is obsolete + * src/btadmin.{c,h}: removed these files, they're for an obsolete tool + * src/manager-client.c: remove obsolete test program for Bonobo object + *, src/ definitions for Python gnomebt module + * src/gnomebt-controller.{override,defs}, + src/gnome-bt-controller-pymodule.c: Python wrapper for gnomebt + * python/ small tidyups + *, stop compilation of orbit/ subdir + * python/ remove Bonobo use, use new gnomebt.controller module + * README, HACKING, NEWS: freshen up to reflect removal of Bonobo component + * src/manager.c, src/manager.h, src/manager-impl.c, + src/GNOME_Bluetooth_Manager.idl, src/, + src/main.c: remove Bonobo component source. + * src/chooser.gob: implement device chooser dialog + * obex/chooser.c: remove old chooser implementation, use new dialog + * ui/ remove chooser dialog + * src/controller.gob: add threaded discovery + * src/chooser.gob: implement, but leave commented out, usage of + threaded discovery while dialog is shown. To make this usable we need + to find a way of coping with the fact that inquiries are uncancellable + and can take up to 10 seconds. + +2003-09-27 Bastien Nocera + + * fix generation of libegg/configure on a clean checkout + +2003-09-26 Edd Dumbill + + * require libbtctl 0.4 or better + * src/chooser.gob: start work on a device-chooser widget + +2003-09-26 Bastien Nocera + + * orbit/.cvsignore: updated + * python/ make it install the python-fu + * python/ removed autogenerated file + * python/gnome-bluetooth-manager: added an empty line :) + +2003-09-26 Bastien Nocera + + * nautilus/.cvsignore: + * obex/.cvsignore: + * python/.cvsignore: + * src/.cvsignore: spring cleaning + +2003-09-26 Bastien Nocera + + * + * + * nautilus/ + * python.m4: + * python/ + * src/ + * src/gconftest.c: (add_device_callback), (device_name_callback), + (add_device_service_callback), (main): + * src/manager-impl.c: (add_device_callback), + (device_name_callback), (add_device_service_callback), + (btmanager_impl_discover_devices), (btmanager_impl_init), + (btmanager_impl_connect_rfcomm_port), + (btmanager_impl_get_rfcomm_port), + (btmanager_impl_channels_for_service): + * src/manager.h: fix building with older autotools, fix for updated + version of libbtctl with BtctlController + +2003-09-19 Edd Dumbill + + * nautilus/: add Nautilus context menu component. Initial functionality + calls gnome-obex-send with selected files. + * obex/chooser.{c,h}: create device chooser to be called if --dest is + not specified + * obex/sender.c: call chooser when no --dest + * ui/ add device chooser dialog to glade description + +2003-09-18 Edd Dumbill + + * require libbtctl 0.3.2 or better, for the + btctl_scan_for_service() method. + + * src/manager-impl.c: always re-probe a device when asked for a + channel corresponding to a service. This fixes stupid devices like the + P800 which move around which channels they host services on. + +2003-06-07 Edd Dumbill + + * obex/sender.c: finished preliminary GUI for + gnome-obex-send. Still much to do in figuring out how to + gracefully cancel an operation. Likewise, the server side needs + to be able to recover gracefully from crashes. + +2003-06-03 Edd Dumbill + + * gnome-vfs/bluetooth-method.c: changed linked app to be the + gnome-obex-send program + + * obex/obex_test_client.c (my_push_client): add copy of + push_client routine that takes the filename as a parameter rather + than from stdin. + + * obex/sender.c: main file for gnome-obex-send, a client program + to send files via OBEX PUSH + + * src/manager-impl.c (add_device_callback): purge service + descriptions on re-encountering a device, as some devices change + which channels their services are offered on + +2003-04-27 Edd Dumbill + + * Make gnome-vfs module display icons depending on the class of + device. + +2003-04-26 Edd Dumbill + + * Added a gnome-vfs module, which talks to the bonobo component + and presents a view of the known bluetooth devices to Nautilus. + +2003-04-24 Edd Dumbill + + * Release 0.4. + + * src/gnomebt-icons.c: add some handy icon routines to libgnomebt + to dole out icons to those who ask + + * obex/servonly.c: register with SDP. Add "Quit" menu item. + Initialise GNOME properly. + + * obex/obexsdp.c, obex/obexsdp.h: added SDP registration for the + OBEX server + +2003-04-05 Edd Dumbill + + * Added libgnomebt, which will store useful reusable routines for + GNOME applications running bluetooth -- UI components, for instance. + + * Added bare bones OBEX server implementation. + +2003-02-22 Edd Dumbill + + * Release 0.3. + * Reorganized source distribution so libbtctl is self + contained. This is because some users want only this component + without the Bonobo stuff. Libbtcl will now follow a separate + development path. + +2003-02-07 Edd Dumbill + + * Release 0.2. + * Fully implemented servicesForDevice. + * Updated to BlueZ SDP 1.0 API. + +2002-12-13 Edd Dumbill + + * Created user interface: gnome-bluetooth-admin tool comprising + src/btadmin.c, src/btadmin.h, ui/ + * Added CORBA method for finding all the services a device supports: + servicesForDevice(out ServiceList list, in string bdaddr) + +2002-11-11 Edd Dumbill + + * Initial public release. diff --git a/MAINTAINERS b/MAINTAINERS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21e69c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/MAINTAINERS @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Bastien Nocera +E-mail: +Userid: hadess diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2398a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/NEWS @@ -0,0 +1,898 @@ +ver 3.28.2: +- Use feature of BlueZ 5.51 to avoid Bluetooth adapters being left + Discoverable if the Settings panel exits suddenly +- Build warning fixes + +ver 3.28.1: +- Work-around a race in bluetoothd which would leave Bluetooth adapters + discoverable even after the Settings panel closed cleanly +- Fix icons in Persian and Punjabi translations + +ver 3.28.0: +- Translation updates + +ver 3.27.92: +- Avoid crash when Bluetooth panel is switched away from quickly +- Fix connection button state becoming out of sync after disconnect +- Make sure to remove all the devices when bluetoothd crashes +- Stop spinner when it becomes invisible +- Fix compile-time warning + +ver 3.27.90: +- Simplify and make BluetoothClient more efficient +- Fix problems when Bluetooth adapters come and go +- Remove quirks already handled by autopair plugin +- Meson build enhancements + +ver 3.26.1: +- Fix installation of Bluetooth icons +- Fix Bluetooth icon names for bluetooth-sendto in + es, ko, sl and zh_TW translations + +ver 3.26.0: +- Fix "file received" notifications not being translated +- Translation updates + +ver 3.25.91: +- Port to meson build system, and remove autotools build system +- Use Unicode in translatable strings +- Update Settings UI for updated gnome-control-center UI +- Align the explanatory text with the listbox +- Fix crash when exiting panel during pairing + +ver 3.20.1: +- Unknown device types now show as "Unknown" rather than "All types" +- Fix an invisible spinner when pairing +- Fix PIN font size + +ver 3.20.0: +- Add support for joysticks +- Fix small memory leaks +- Fix a runtime warning when the vendor is unknown +- Fix PIN label size + +ver 3.18.3: +- Trust devices paired from the remote device + +ver 3.18.2: +- Added API to export adapter status +- Translation updates + +ver 3.18.1: +- Fix a number of style regressions in PIN dialogues +- Translation updates + +ver 3.18.0: +- Translation updates + +ver 3.17.90: + +This version of the library adds Obex support to the settings +widget. When the settings panel will be opened, other devices +will be able to send files to the computer. + +- Remove outdated end-user documentation + +Settings: +- Better empty and disabled state views +- Handle service authorisation requests for HID devices (mice, joypads) +- Fix phone icon if extra icons aren't installed +- Add default PIN for Logitech Ultrathin Touch mouse and + Microsoft Sculpt Comfort mice + +Send-to: +- Show better error message when sending a file fails +- Disallow sending files to iDevices, they don't support Obex + +ver 3.16.1: +- Fix Bluetooth 2.1 keyboards not being pairable + +ver 3.16.0: +- Translation updates + +ver 3.15.4: +- Fix some memory leaks in BluetoothAgent +- Deprecation warning fixes +- Use widget templates to create the UI + +ver 3.14.0: +- Translation updates + +ver 3.13.90: +- Fix properties dialog bugs +- Fix incorrect use of "Setup" as an adjective +- Use header bar buttons in bluetooth-sendto + +ver 3.12.0: +- Fix crasher with GTK+ dialogue changes +- Translation updates + +ver 3.11.91: +- Add missing libudev private requires +- Require GTK+ 3.11.2 +- Fix crasher with latest GTK+ +- Remove GtkStock usage +- Translation updates + +ver 3.11.3: +- Obsolete the separate wizard, instead a widget + to create a Bluetooth Settings panel is provided + and will be used by gnome-control-center +- Removed APIs: + - settings/wizard plugins API + - killswitch (now handled by gnome-settings-daemon's Rfkill plugin) + - applet gir library +- Better icons for headphones, headsets, Apple, Google and Samsung phones + +ver 3.9.91: + +- Updated translations +- Fix some issues freeing memory + +Wizard: +- Remove extraneous tabs + +ver 3.9.3: + +- Fix possible assertion with newer kernels on some hardware +- Port to BlueZ 5 +- API documentation fixes + +Send-To: +- Fix "Retry" button +- Set the From label as soon as we create the window +- Clear the progress bar text when there's an error +- Remove duplicate header label +- Show when all the transfers have completed + +Wizard: +- Fix buttons when "retry" is clicked +- Only enable "PIN options" button if device is selected +- Hide PIN options dialogue if the selected device changes + +ver 3.8.0: + +- Updated translations + +ver 3.7.92: + +- Fix introspection generation for Vala +- Updated translations + +ver 3.7.4: + +- Remove fallback applet as GNOME fallback is obsolete. +- Remove ObexFTP browsing support +- Fix help links in GNOME 3.6+ + +Sendto: +- Remove nautilus-sendto plugin. + +Library: +- Fix crasher using BlueZ's development version +- Fix Connect/Disconnect functions not working +- Add internal helper to talk to /dev/rfkill + +Wizard: +- Add another OUI for Apple trackpad +- Fix crasher doing substring matching +- Add a white button press (meaning Return) for iCades + +ver 3.6.0: +- Updated translations + +ver 3.5.92: +- Fix warning in BluetoothAgent +- Add pairing support for iCade variants (mobile, core and jr.) +- Use yelp-tools instead of gnome-doc-utils +- Support LXDE with the fallback applet too +- Updated translations + +ver 3.5.5: +- Allow building with nautilus-sendto 3.6 +- Namespace killswitch API properly +- Loads of API documentation fixes + +ver 3.5.4: +Library: +- Add BlueZ 5 support +- Fix memory leak when registering the pairing agent +- Fix stuck "Finishing" page for some devices + +Applet: +- Fix warning and empty device name in some cases + +Wizard: +- Use shorter label for the finishing pages +- Fix Simple Pairing never succeeding + +ver 3.4.1: +Library: +- Fix potential crashes when registering pairing agents with no adapter present +- Fix warning when bluetooth-sendto exits +- Better API documentation +- Fix warnings related to BluetoothStatusClass + +Send-To: +- Document the --name option +- Make the "Retry" button always visible +- Fix warnings when saving the last used address + +Wizard: +- Fix setup of devices that don't require pairing + +- Grammar and spelling fixes +- Translation updates +and a great number of internal bug fixes + +ver 3.4.0: +- Translation updates + +ver 3.3.92: +Library: +- Remove generated file from version control + +Applet: +- String fixes + +Wizard: +- Add support for pairing the iCade +- Improve support for keyboard PINs +- Add OUI for Apple Magic Trackpad +- Add OUI for Sony BD Remote Control + +ver 3.3.4: + +Applet: +- Fix newly paired devices not appearing in menus +- Update fallback menu to match GNOME Shell's + +Library: +- Make the Connect/Disconnect helper function work +- Do not use dbus-glib-1 when building introspection data +- Remove header from chooser widget, breaks API + +Wizard: +- Fix assertion when exiting +- Remove "Device Setup Failed" label from the sidebar +- A number of UI tweaks + +Plus build fixes, and the removal of the unmaintained Moblin UI + +ver 3.3.3: +Library: +- GVariant fixes +- Build improvements + +Applet: +- Fix a packing issue + +Wizard: +- Improvements in the handling of PIN codes +- Fix a segfault +- Fix an UI issue with the "Close" button + +ver 3.3.2: +Library: +- Clean up public API +- Port to GDBus +- Small UI fixes to the chooser + +Properties: +- Move to gnome-control-center + +Wizard: +- Remove special-case Wiimote handling (now in Bluez) +- Remove multi-adapter support + +ver 3.1.92: +Properties: +- Use links to link to other panels +- Fix rounded toolbar buttons + +Applet: +- Fix "browse" menu item + +And loads of translations + +ver 3.1.4: +Properties: +- Fix crash when device has no UUIDs + +Applet: +- Change preferences menu items to match the gnome-shell UI + +And loads of translations + +ver 3.1.3: +Properties: +- Show extra configuration widgets in the properties +- Add Send/Browse buttons +- Small UI changes + +Applet: +- Fix crasher when "Browsing device" using the menu item +- Fix "Send To..." overquoting the Bluetooth address + +Wizard: +- Handle Wiimote pairing through newer bluez +- Fix a lot of keys not working in the custom PIN entry +- Fix display of Secure Simple Pairing passkeys +- Add old Apple wireless mouse to the PIN database + +ver 3.0.0: +Properties: +- Show link to touchpad settings for touchpads +- Hide labels when no devices are selected + +Build: +- Use tar-ustar to work-around tar bugs with long filenames + +And loads of translations + +ver 2.91.92: +Properties: +- Use dim labels +- Fix translation problems +- Use the inline-toolbar style + +Geoclue plugin: +- Use GSettings instead of GConf + +Wizard: +- Add Magic Trackpad quirk + +ver 2.91.91: +Properties: +- Put in the control-center's Hardware category +- Redesign for GNOME 3 + +Applet: +- Only start the applet in the fallback session + +Library: +- Fix a possible warning in the button chooser + +Sendto: +- Re-enable sento plugin for GNOME 3.0 +- Make double-click select a device +- Add desktop file for nice name in the shell +- Fix packing in dialogue + +Wizard: +- Add desktop file for nice name in the shell + +ver 2.91.5: +Properties: +- Make dialogue parenting work for errors + +Library: +- Use BluetoothClient to track default adapter +- Don't free request_key and passkey in agent reply functions +- Set log domain to differentiate library messages from the lib's ones + +Applet: +- Fix crash in bluetooth_applet_create_device_from_iter() +- Fix crash when creating an agent +- Fix crash when unref'ing a DBusGMethodInvocation +- Fix crash when there's no default adapter + +Moblin: +- Fix compilation of the Moblin front-end + +ver 2.91.2: +- Update command to launch Bluetooth panel +- Fix i18n in the panel +- Make test-plugins test command more useful +- Fix adapter not going powered when coming back from hard-block +- Allow setup of devices that don't support pairing +- Make sure the icon is shown/hidden when killswitch state changes +- Make sure all the unblocked adapters get powered on startup +- Fix visible menu item disappearing after suspend +- Make --dump-devices work again in the applet, and + fix its output for some services +- Refactor applet as a library, for use in gnome-shell +- Build fixes + +ver 2.90.0: +- Port to GSettings, GTK+ 3.x and GtkApplication +- Use GBinding instead of copy/paste Seahorse code +- Plenty of killswitch bug fixes + +Applet: + - Fix browsing a device when already mounted + - Use symbolic icons + +Properties: + - Port to gnome-control-center 3.x API + - Add a specific page when Bluetooth is hard-blocked + +Moblin/MeeGo: + - Use bluetoothd backed power switch + - Some re-designs for meego + +ver 2.30.0: +- Updated translations +- Add PIN code for Navman GPS + +ver 2.29.91: +- Mention gnome-user-share in the documentation + +Applet: + - Link to the sound preferences for audio devices + - Remove hard-coded use of nautilus + +Library: + - Use spinner from GTK+ + - Install introspection data properly + - API documentation fixes + - Fix some parts of the UI not being translated at run-time + +Wizard: + - Fix run-time warning when pairing a new device + +Moblin applet: + - Add summary page support + - Fix a number of memory leaks and possible crashers + +Sendto: + - Fix crash when obex-client isn't already running + - Make Cancel button actually work + - Implement "retry" when sending fails + - Fix progress bar when sending multiple files + +ver 2.29.3: +- Build and install nautilus-sendto plugin by default + +Preferences: + - Add a button to access "Personal File Sharing" preferences + +Library: + - Clean up combo box selection widget + - Make it possible to set the selected device in the chooser + - Make the button chooser select the device when popping up + a dialogue + +Sendto: + - Wrap errors instead of clipping them + +Wizard: + - Make it possible to re-pair devices + +ver 2.29.2: +- Add Moblin front-end for gnome-bluetooth +- Add experimental nautilus-sendto plugin + +Applet: + - Fix applet showing the wrong connection information + - Use separate icon for the status icon, for monochromatic themes + - Add discoverable menu item + - Fix a number of rfkill related bugs + +Library: + - Make it possible use another widget for device filtering + - Don't overwrite UUIDs when discovering known devices + - Add BluetoothChooserCombo widget + - Fix usage under non-UTF-8 locales + +ver 2.28.0: +Applet: + - Applet fails to connect to disconnected audio devices + - Fix crash when getting a pairing request from a known + rfcomm device +Wizard: + - Fix pairing of devices that require a PIN entry + +ver 2.27.90: +Wizard: + - Fix crasher when exiting and the NetworkManager + plugin was installed + - Fix wizard not loading because of a bug in the UI + definition + +Properties: + - Fix keyboard not working + +ver 2.27.9: +All: + - Port to using new rfkill API in Linux + kernel 2.6.31 +Applet: + - Hide unwanted menu items when Bluetooth isn't + available + - Fix connecting to Sony Ericsson phones + - Fix a crash when disconnecting an audio device + - Fix devices showing up as connected when they + were not + +Properties: + - Close the preferences dialogue when pressing 'Esc' + +Wizard: + - Mention "enter" when pairing a keyboard + - String fixes + +Library: + - Track whether devices are connecting, as + opposed to already connected + +ver 2.27.8: +All: + - A number of UI strings changes + +Applet: + - Make "Connect" in the menu for devices + appear correctly after pairing + - Filter for paired ObexFTP devices in + the browse menu item + +Preferences: + - Add link to help + +Wizard: + - Fix crash when selecting a device where + the name hasn't been resolved yet + +Library: + - Add introspection support + - Export device and adapter models for + easy enumeration + - Fix broken filtering for device category + - Fix possible crasher in spinner widget + - Ellipsise names in the chooser widget + - A number of API documentation fixes + +ver +Plugins: + - Install the Geoclue GPS plugin + +ver 2.27.7: +Preferences: + - When deleting a device, pass it through the plugins + to delete any other associations + +Plugins: + - Add a test program + - Add Geoclue GPS setup plugin + +Wizard: + - Fix pairing some fixed PIN devices, and misc fixes + +ver 2.27.6: +Applet: + - Use a better tooltip for the applet + - Add "Send File" and "Browse files" menu item for devices + that support it + - Add menu items to call the preferences for mice and keyboards + - Fix assertions when removing a device, and pairing it again + without the applet being restarted + - Don't show "Connect" for devices without input or audio capabilities + - Support notification-daemon without any support for actions, as + used in Ubuntu + - Pass the device name to bluetooth-sendto + - Rework UI of all the pairing helper dialogues + +Preferences: + - Fix the adapter page not showing up when restarting bluetoothd + - Add --dump debug option, to dump a list of all known devices + and their properties + +Send-to: + - Fix warning when sending an empty file + - Remove use of red labels on errors + - Remove obex-data-server support, and require obexd + - Try harder to get a device name + +Wizard: + - Fix handling for devices that use random passkeys, but + can't handle 6 digits (such as Sony CMT-DH5BT) + - Add Simple Pairing support + - Try harder to connect to devices after pairing them, fixes + the Microsoft Wireless Notebook Presenter Mouse 8000 not + working straight after pairing + - Allow skipping name resolution when we would be using + a fixed passkey + - Don't allow stepping back in the middle of pairing + - Add more instructions on the front page + - Many many UI changes + +Library: + - Allow getting arbitrary data from the backend for + BluetoothChooser users + - Only export the supported symbols in the library + - Add plugin support, so third-party applications can + be setup, for a particular device, from the preferences + or the wizard + - Replace the search button with a "Searching" label and spinner + +ver 2.27.5: + - Fix some killswitch related bugs + - Work with older versions of Pango + - Fix pairing with Blackberry and Samsung phones + - Use the services status to check the connection status, + makes connecting/disconnecting devices much faster + - Add a quit menu to the applet, when in debug mode + - Fix passkey special-casing when a OUI is used + +ver 2.27.4: + - Fix display of labels on the passkey page, and of the + passkey on the passkey options dialogue + - More use of GtkBuilder in the wizard + - First pass at user-targetted documentation + - Fix a few memory leaks + - Fix crash when running properties installed + +ver 2.27.3: + - Fix schema installation + - Make sure the applet works even without the schema being + installed properly + - Fix display of devices with underscores in their name + in the applet + - Fix some devices with no real audio support (AVCRP phones + for example) showing up in the applet + +ver 2.27.2: +General: + - Use our own "paired" icon, to avoid confusion in some themes + - Remove "Trust" from the UI, it's an implementation detail + - Group input and audio device-types under the same heading + in the chooser + +Applet: + - Use new "disabled" icons + - Add a status label for the killswitch menu item + - Add the ability to connect/disconnect from devices + directly from the applet's menu + +Properties: + - Only show the default adapter, and simplify the UI + - Show a way to turn off the killswitch when there's + no Bluetooth adapters in the machine + +Wizard: + - Don't show "Enter passkey" when we know the passkey + of the device already + - Remove special-casing of mice, and PS3 BD remote from + the code and into the database + - Move passkey options button back into the content area, + from the action area + - Simplify passkey options dialogue + - Connect to input and audio devices when setup finishes + - Mark all the newly paired devices as trusted + - Fix the wizard not allowing to get past the search page + when the device selected didn't have a name at first + - Port quirks database to XML + - Add quirk for the Bluemax Bluetooth GPS Receiver GPS-009 + - Add quirk for the Nintendo Wiimote + - Add quirk for iBT-GPS, and another GPS + +Sendto: + - Fix obex-data-server support + +ver 2.27.1: + - Fix the translations clashing with the old gnome-bluetooth + +ver 2.27.0: + UI changes: + - Move the device related buttons in the properties, + and add labels for them + - Fix the properties not fitting on netbook screens + - Revive the chooser widget, and add a chooser button, + exported through a library + - Add killswitch functionality to the applet, and show + the applet as disabled when the killswitch is on, or + the adapter is disabled + - Make the discoverable preference easier + - Use the GTK+ invisible char not '*' in the wizard for Simple + Pairing + - Better display of passkey in the wizard + Functional changes: + - Add PIN quirks database for a number of devices for wizard + - Allow users to select another passkey for devices in wizard + - Wait for the device name to be available before setting up + a device + Build fixes: + - Remove use of deprecated functions + - Loads of memory leak fixes + - Show the Bluetooth preferences in XFCE, and launch + the applet there as well + - Update sendto for latest obex-data-server API + +ver 1.8: + Add additional support for using obex-client. + Make mice and keyboards automatically trusted. + +ver 1.7: + Add support for HAL enabled kill switches. + +ver 1.6: + Add new visibility settings. + Add device setup button to properties application. + Add activation menu with option to setup devices. + Use the Icon property for device type icons. + Use the Alias property for device names. + +ver 1.5: + Use GIO to normalize pathnames. + Fix getting name of remote devices. + Write "time left" in human readable terms. + +ver 1.4: + Use longer D-Bus timeout for device creation. + Add Simple Pairing support to the wizard. + Add bluetooth-browse application. + Stop discovery when closing browse dialog. + Connect keyboards and mice after setup. + Introduce headphone device type. + +ver 1.3: + Fix pincode handling for headsets and mice. + Fix complete status when going back to search page. + Use StartDiscovery and StopDiscovery method calls. + Sort search lists by RSSI value. + +ver 1.2: + Add support for numeric passkey requests. + Add support for confirmation requests. + Remove --singleton from desktop files. + +ver 1.1: + Fix device status display in selection lists. + Enable bluetooth-sendto application. + Enable bluetooth-wizard application. + +ver 1.0: + Make use of the BlueZ 4.x D-Bus API. + +ver 0.28: + Import translations from Ubuntu Rosetta. + Add selected device name property. + Hide filters box when not needed. + +ver 0.27: + Import translations from Ubuntu Rosetta. + Improve the handling of error messages. + Make the display of service names translatable. + Remove status column for services. + Disable the passkey confirmation part. + Enable PIE by default if supported. + Don't optimize when debug is enabled. + +ver 0.26: + Import translations from Ubuntu Rosetta + Update user interface of sendto application. + Move analyzer application to the system category. + +ver 0.25: + Remove signal handlers when no longer needed. + Show OBEX errors and close server on failure. + +ver 0.24: + Update various translations. + Add Frisian translation. + Add tablets and joypads/joysticks device types. + Fix setting filter properties in the device selection widget. + Fix missing assignment of filter labels. + Show all the possibly known devices. + +ver 0.23: + Include more translations from Ubuntu Rosetta. + +ver 0.22: + Update for obex-data-server version 0.3 API. + +ver 0.21: + Update Polish translation. + Allow translation of the sendto application. + Fix annotation for missing translatable strings. + Fix translation issue for desktop files. + +ver 0.20: + Disable signals when finalizing the object. + Make about dialog a single instance. + +ver 0.19: + Add new Tango friendly Bluetooth icon. + Add support for file receiving. + Add support for file sharing. + Don't show class of device selector when HAL is used. + Enable the clickable links and call applications. + Make search button and discovery work again. + Fix detection of database update tools. + +ver 0.18: + Update Japanese translation. + Separate status icon, notification and agent handling. + +ver 0.17: + Update Polish translation. + Handle uint64 file size variables. + Use object path for session path type. + Use well known name to autostart the OBEX service. + +ver 0.16: + Update Polish translation. + Add Japanese translation. + Add more supported HAL classes. + Add support for handling default adapter changes. + Make device selection widget look better. + Make notification library a requirement. + Enable sendto application. + +ver 0.15: + Use buttons in notification popups. + Use CreateSecureDevice for input device setup. + Add remove button for network connections. + Enable connect/disconnect button for network devices. + Enable singleton support. + Update device selection widget. + Make tooltips HIG compliant. + +ver 0.14: + Add support for Bluetooth mime types. + Add support for service specific actions. + Ask user to confirm when deleting a bonding. + +ver 0.13: + Include translations from Ubuntu Rosetta. + +ver 0.12: + Add support for disconnecting devices. + Add support for changing the trust status. + Add trust checkbox to authorization dialog. + +ver 0.11: + Add support for BTSnoop files with baseband data. + Add support for showing list of bonded devices. + Split properties code into multiple files. + +ver 0.10: + Add Bluetooth protocol analyzer application. + Add Bluetooth device selection widget. + Add browse device menu entry. + Remove GTK compat code for status icon. + +ver 0.9: + Simplify the GConf callbacks. + Make some strings more translator friendly. + Don't translate command-line warnings. + Rename Brazilian translation file. + Update Polish translation. + Add Romanian translation. + +ver 0.8: + Add support for limited discovery mode. + +ver 0.7: + Fix handling of multiple adapters. + Use HAL for initial class of device setup. + Add basic support for authorization agent. + Add missing manual pages. + Add GConf schema support. + Add translatable desktop and schema files. + Add Finish translation. + Add Brazilian translation. + Add Polish translation. + Add Hungarian translation. + +ver 0.6: + Fix policy for showing status icon. + Add support for confirmation callback. + Add application for Bluetooth settings. + +ver 0.5: + Add support for periodic discovery. + +ver 0.4: + Fix handling of daemon restarts. + Always show the status icon. + +ver 0.3: + Add notification support. + Add about dialog. + +ver 0.2: + Add status icon support. + +ver 0.1: + Initial public release. diff --git a/README b/README new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fd68454 --- /dev/null +++ b/README @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +GNOME Bluetooth +=============== + +gnome-bluetooth is a fork of bluez-gnome focused on integration with +the GNOME desktop environment. + +gnome-bluetooth is the historical name of the first GNOME focused +Bluetooth effort for Linux. As such, when the need came to name +this project, we selected something that was still in the people's +minds. + +You can find historical versions of gnome-bluetooth in the GNOME SVN +repository at: + + +gnome-bluetooth does not include the bluez-gnome analyzer, or the +proximity tool. + +Requirements +------------ + +- GLib (with GIO), GTK+, GConf, dbus-glib, libhal +- libunique and libnotify +- BlueZ 4.36 is absolutely required +- kernel 2.6.31 (or pre-releases) with the new rfkill + sub-system are required for rfkill to work [1] +- obexd is required for bluetooth-sendto to work + +[1]: Note that read/write access to the /dev/rfkill device is +required and should be provided by the distribution + +Copyright +--------- + +The original bluez-gnome is: +Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + diff --git a/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth-docs.sgml b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth-docs.sgml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06a4cdf --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth-docs.sgml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + + + +]> + + + gnome-bluetooth Reference Manual + + for gnome-bluetooth &version;. + The latest version of this documentation can be found on-line at + + + + + + API Reference + + + + + + + + + Object Hierarchy + + + + API Index + + + + + diff --git a/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth-sections.txt b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth-sections.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6272230 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth-sections.txt @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +
+bluetooth-chooser +BluetoothChooser +BluetoothChooser +bluetooth_chooser_dump_selected_device +bluetooth_chooser_get_scrolled_window +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_info +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_is_connected +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_type +bluetooth_chooser_new +bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery +bluetooth_chooser_stop_discovery + +BluetoothChooserClass +BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER +BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_GET_CHOOSER_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER +BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER +bluetooth_chooser_get_type +
+ +
+bluetooth-chooser-button +BluetoothChooserButton +BluetoothChooserButton +bluetooth_chooser_button_available +bluetooth_chooser_button_new + +BluetoothChooserButtonClass +BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON +BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_BUTTON +BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_BUTTON +bluetooth_chooser_button_get_type +
+ +
+bluetooth-chooser-combo +BluetoothChooserCombo +BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_FIRST_DEVICE +BluetoothChooserCombo +bluetooth_chooser_combo_new + +BluetoothChooserComboClass +BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO +BLUETOOTH_GET_CHOOSER_COMBO_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_COMBO +BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_COMBO_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO +BluetoothChooserComboPrivate +bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_type +
+ +
+bluetooth-client +BluetoothClient +BluetoothClient +bluetooth_client_connect_service +bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish +bluetooth_client_get_adapter_model +bluetooth_client_get_device_model +bluetooth_client_get_filter_model +bluetooth_client_get_model +bluetooth_client_new + +BluetoothClientClass +BLUETOOTH_CLIENT +BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_GET_CLIENT_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT +BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT_CLASS +BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT +bluetooth_client_get_type +
+ +
+bluetooth-enums +BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AUDIO +BLUETOOTH_TYPE_INPUT +BluetoothCategory +BluetoothColumn +BluetoothStatus +BluetoothType +
+ +
+bluetooth-utils +bluetooth_class_to_type +bluetooth_send_to_address +bluetooth_type_to_string +bluetooth_uuid_to_string +bluetooth_verify_address +
diff --git a/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth.types b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth.types new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4747e51 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth.types @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +bluetooth_category_get_type +bluetooth_chooser_button_get_type +bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_type +bluetooth_chooser_get_type +bluetooth_client_get_type +bluetooth_column_get_type +bluetooth_status_get_type +bluetooth_type_get_type diff --git a/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/ b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ce31a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/ @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +private_headers = [ + 'bluetooth-agent.h', + 'bluetooth-chooser-private.h', + 'bluetooth-client-glue.h', + 'bluetooth-client-private.h', + 'bluetooth-fdo-glue.h', + 'bluetooth-settings-obexpush.h', + 'bluetooth-settings-row.h', + 'gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h' +] + +version_conf = configuration_data() +version_conf.set('VERSION', gnomebt_version) + +version_xml = 'version.xml' + +configure_file( + input: version_xml + '.in', + output: version_xml, + configuration: version_conf +) + +doc_path = join_paths(gnomebt_datadir, 'gtk-doc', 'html', meson.project_name()) + +gnome.gtkdoc( + meson.project_name(), + main_sgml: meson.project_name() + '-docs.sgml', + src_dir: [ + top_inc, + lib_inc + ], + dependencies: libgnome_bluetooth_dep, + scan_args: [ + '--rebuild-types', + '--ignore-headers=' + ' '.join(private_headers), + ], + mkdb_args: [ + '--sgml-mode', + '--output-format=xml' + ], + gobject_typesfile: meson.project_name() + '.types', + install: true, + install_dir: doc_path +) diff --git a/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/ b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d78bda9 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +@VERSION@ diff --git a/gnome-bluetooth.doap b/gnome-bluetooth.doap new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86ea173 --- /dev/null +++ b/gnome-bluetooth.doap @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ + + gnome-bluetooth + GNOME Bluetooth Subsystem + + + + + + C + + + Bastien Nocera + + hadess + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/bluetooth.png b/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/bluetooth.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23e6503 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/bluetooth.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-active.png b/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2aaa48b Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-active.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-disabled.png b/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-disabled.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f84b3d5 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-disabled.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-paired.png b/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-paired.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b72988 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/16x16/status/bluetooth-paired.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/bluetooth.png b/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/bluetooth.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7f00213 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/22x22/apps/bluetooth.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-active.png b/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7c0292 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-active.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-disabled.png b/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-disabled.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2683cd6 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-disabled.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-paired.png b/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-paired.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f911152 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/22x22/status/bluetooth-paired.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/bluetooth.png b/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/bluetooth.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..377ed65 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/bluetooth.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-active.png b/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f7c0292 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-active.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-disabled.png b/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-disabled.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b051bdf Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-disabled.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-paired.png b/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-paired.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2eb5d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/24x24/status/bluetooth-paired.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/bluetooth.png b/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/bluetooth.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1af7d7 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/bluetooth.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-active.png b/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92a2862 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-active.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-disabled.png b/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-disabled.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8781db3 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-disabled.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-paired.png b/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-paired.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b37b156 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/32x32/status/bluetooth-paired.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bluetooth.png b/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bluetooth.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..327ce3b Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/bluetooth.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/48x48/status/bluetooth-active.png b/icons/hicolor/48x48/status/bluetooth-active.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9d2483e Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/48x48/status/bluetooth-active.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/48x48/status/bluetooth-disabled.png b/icons/hicolor/48x48/status/bluetooth-disabled.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e064d83 Binary files /dev/null and b/icons/hicolor/48x48/status/bluetooth-disabled.png differ diff --git a/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/bluetooth.svg b/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/bluetooth.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3624a88 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/bluetooth.svg @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/bluetooth-paired.svg b/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/bluetooth-paired.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..92c084b --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/bluetooth-paired.svg @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + Lapo Calamandrei + + + + + + Ulisse Perusin + + + Keys + + + keys + key + password + authentication + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_apps_16x16_bluetooth.svg b/icons/hicolor_apps_16x16_bluetooth.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ef36eb --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_apps_16x16_bluetooth.svg @@ -0,0 +1,289 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_apps_22x22_bluetooth.svg b/icons/hicolor_apps_22x22_bluetooth.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba351c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_apps_22x22_bluetooth.svg @@ -0,0 +1,355 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_apps_32x32_bluetooth.svg b/icons/hicolor_apps_32x32_bluetooth.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78e70db --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_apps_32x32_bluetooth.svg @@ -0,0 +1,234 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_16x16_bluetooth-active.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_16x16_bluetooth-active.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..abfb768 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_16x16_bluetooth-active.svg @@ -0,0 +1,704 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_16x16_bluetooth-disabled.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_16x16_bluetooth-disabled.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc99d36 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_16x16_bluetooth-disabled.svg @@ -0,0 +1,762 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_22x22_bluetooth-active.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_22x22_bluetooth-active.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce7e5df --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_22x22_bluetooth-active.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_22x22_bluetooth-disabled.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_22x22_bluetooth-disabled.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bec24a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_22x22_bluetooth-disabled.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1077 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_32x32_bluetooth-active.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_32x32_bluetooth-active.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d6b511 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_32x32_bluetooth-active.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_32x32_bluetooth-disabled.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_32x32_bluetooth-disabled.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..060d68e --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_32x32_bluetooth-disabled.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1073 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_48x48_bluetooth-active.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_48x48_bluetooth-active.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b3db63 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_48x48_bluetooth-active.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1660 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/hicolor_status_48x48_bluetooth-disabled.svg b/icons/hicolor_status_48x48_bluetooth-disabled.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3df7235 --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/hicolor_status_48x48_bluetooth-disabled.svg @@ -0,0 +1,1725 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + image/svg+xml + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/icons/ b/icons/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d01af7e --- /dev/null +++ b/icons/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +install_subdir('hicolor', install_dir: join_paths(gnomebt_datadir, 'icons')) diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-agent.c b/lib/bluetooth-agent.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..58bf57e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-agent.c @@ -0,0 +1,748 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-client-glue.h" +#include "bluetooth-agent.h" + +#define BLUEZ_SERVICE "org.bluez" +#define BLUEZ_AGENT_PATH "/org/bluez/agent/gnome" +#define BLUEZ_MANAGER_PATH "/" + +static const gchar introspection_xml[] = +"" +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +""; + +#define BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT, BluetoothAgentPrivate)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothAgentPrivate BluetoothAgentPrivate; + +struct _BluetoothAgentPrivate { + GDBusConnection *conn; + gchar *busname; + gchar *path; + AgentManager1 *agent_manager; + GDBusNodeInfo *introspection_data; + guint reg_id; + guint watch_id; + + BluetoothAgentPasskeyFunc pincode_func; + gpointer pincode_data; + + BluetoothAgentDisplayFunc display_func; + gpointer display_data; + + BluetoothAgentDisplayPinCodeFunc display_pincode_func; + gpointer display_pincode_data; + + BluetoothAgentPasskeyFunc passkey_func; + gpointer passkey_data; + + BluetoothAgentConfirmFunc confirm_func; + gpointer confirm_data; + + BluetoothAgentAuthorizeFunc authorize_func; + gpointer authorize_data; + + BluetoothAgentAuthorizeServiceFunc authorize_service_func; + gpointer authorize_service_data; + + BluetoothAgentCancelFunc cancel_func; + gpointer cancel_data; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_PATH, + PROP_LAST +}; + +static GParamSpec *props[PROP_LAST]; + +static GDBusProxy * +get_device_from_path (BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv, + const char *path) +{ + Device1 *device; + + device = device1_proxy_new_sync (priv->conn, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START, + BLUEZ_SERVICE, + path, + NULL, + NULL); + + return G_DBUS_PROXY(device); +} + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(BluetoothAgent, bluetooth_agent, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_request_pincode(BluetoothAgent *agent, + const char *path, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + GDBusProxy *device; + + if (priv->pincode_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + device = get_device_from_path (priv, path); + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + priv->pincode_func(invocation, device, priv->pincode_data); + + g_object_unref(device); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_request_passkey(BluetoothAgent *agent, + const char *path, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + GDBusProxy *device; + + if (priv->passkey_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + device = get_device_from_path (priv, path); + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + priv->passkey_func(invocation, device, priv->passkey_data); + + g_object_unref(device); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_display_passkey(BluetoothAgent *agent, + const char *path, guint passkey, guint16 entered, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + GDBusProxy *device; + + if (priv->display_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + device = get_device_from_path (priv, path); + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + priv->display_func(invocation, device, passkey, entered, + priv->display_data); + + g_object_unref(device); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_display_pincode(BluetoothAgent *agent, + const char *path, const char *pincode, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + GDBusProxy *device; + + if (priv->display_pincode_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + device = get_device_from_path (priv, path); + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + priv->display_pincode_func(invocation, device, pincode, + priv->display_data); + + g_object_unref(device); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_request_confirmation(BluetoothAgent *agent, + const char *path, guint passkey, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + GDBusProxy *device; + + if (priv->confirm_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + device = get_device_from_path (priv, path); + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + priv->confirm_func(invocation, device, passkey, priv->confirm_data); + + g_object_unref(device); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_request_authorization(BluetoothAgent *agent, + const char *path, GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + GDBusProxy *device; + + if (priv->authorize_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + device = get_device_from_path (priv, path); + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + priv->authorize_func(invocation, device, priv->authorize_data); + + g_object_unref(device); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_authorize_service(BluetoothAgent *agent, + const char *path, const char *uuid, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + GDBusProxy *device; + + if (priv->authorize_service_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + device = get_device_from_path (priv, path); + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + priv->authorize_service_func(invocation, device, uuid, + priv->authorize_service_data); + + g_object_unref(device); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean bluetooth_agent_cancel(BluetoothAgent *agent, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + if (priv->cancel_func == NULL) + return FALSE; + + return priv->cancel_func(invocation, priv->cancel_data); +} + +static void +register_agent (BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + gboolean ret; + + ret = agent_manager1_call_register_agent_sync (priv->agent_manager, + priv->path, + "DisplayYesNo", + NULL, &error); + if (ret == FALSE) { + g_printerr ("Agent registration failed: %s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + ret = agent_manager1_call_request_default_agent_sync (priv->agent_manager, + priv->path, + NULL, &error); + if (ret == FALSE) { + g_printerr ("Agent registration as default failed: %s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } +} + +static void +name_appeared_cb (GDBusConnection *connection, + const gchar *name, + const gchar *name_owner, + BluetoothAgent *agent) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + g_free (priv->busname); + priv->busname = g_strdup (name_owner); + + priv->agent_manager = agent_manager1_proxy_new_sync (priv->conn, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES | G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START, + BLUEZ_SERVICE, + "/org/bluez", + NULL, + NULL); + + if (priv->reg_id > 0) + register_agent (priv); +} + +static void +name_vanished_cb (GDBusConnection *connection, + const gchar *name, + BluetoothAgent *agent) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + g_free (priv->busname); + priv->busname = NULL; + g_clear_object (&priv->agent_manager); +} + +static void +bluetooth_agent_get_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothAgent *agent = BLUETOOTH_AGENT (object); + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE (agent); + + switch (prop_id) { + case PROP_PATH: + g_value_set_string (value, priv->path); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_agent_set_property (GObject *object, + guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothAgent *agent = BLUETOOTH_AGENT (object); + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE (agent); + + switch (prop_id) { + case PROP_PATH: + priv->path = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void bluetooth_agent_init(BluetoothAgent *agent) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->introspection_data = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml (introspection_xml, NULL); + g_assert (priv->introspection_data); + priv->conn = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, NULL, NULL); + priv->watch_id = g_bus_watch_name_on_connection (priv->conn, + BLUEZ_SERVICE, + G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_NONE, + (GBusNameAppearedCallback) name_appeared_cb, + (GBusNameVanishedCallback) name_vanished_cb, + agent, + NULL); +} + +static void bluetooth_agent_finalize(GObject *agent) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + bluetooth_agent_unregister (BLUETOOTH_AGENT (agent)); + + g_bus_unwatch_name (priv->watch_id); + g_free (priv->busname); + g_dbus_node_info_unref (priv->introspection_data); + g_object_unref (priv->conn); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_agent_parent_class)->finalize(agent); +} + +static void bluetooth_agent_class_init(BluetoothAgentClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = (GObjectClass *) klass; + + g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(BluetoothAgentPrivate)); + + object_class->finalize = bluetooth_agent_finalize; + object_class->set_property = bluetooth_agent_set_property; + object_class->get_property = bluetooth_agent_get_property; + + props[PROP_PATH] = + g_param_spec_string ("path", "Path", + "Object path for the agent", + BLUEZ_AGENT_PATH, + G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); + + g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, + PROP_LAST, + props); + +} + +BluetoothAgent * +bluetooth_agent_new (const char *path) +{ + if (path != NULL) + return BLUETOOTH_AGENT (g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT, + "path", path, + NULL)); + else + return BLUETOOTH_AGENT (g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT, + NULL)); +} + +static void +handle_method_call (GDBusConnection *connection, + const gchar *sender, + const gchar *object_path, + const gchar *interface_name, + const gchar *method_name, + GVariant *parameters, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothAgent *agent = (BluetoothAgent *) user_data; + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + if (g_str_equal (sender, priv->busname) == FALSE) { + GError *error = NULL; + error = g_error_new (AGENT_ERROR, AGENT_ERROR_REJECT, + "Permission Denied"); + g_dbus_method_invocation_take_error(invocation, error); + return; + } + + if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Release") == 0) { + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "RequestPinCode") == 0) { + const char *path; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&o)", &path); + bluetooth_agent_request_pincode (agent, path, invocation); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "RequestPasskey") == 0) { + const char *path; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&o)", &path); + bluetooth_agent_request_passkey (agent, path, invocation); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "DisplayPasskey") == 0) { + const char *path; + guint32 passkey; + guint16 entered; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&ouq)", &path, &passkey, &entered); + bluetooth_agent_display_passkey (agent, path, passkey, entered, invocation); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "DisplayPinCode") == 0) { + const char *path; + const char *pincode; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&o&s)", &path, &pincode); + bluetooth_agent_display_pincode (agent, path, pincode, invocation); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "RequestConfirmation") == 0) { + const char *path; + guint32 passkey; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&ou)", &path, &passkey); + bluetooth_agent_request_confirmation (agent, path, passkey, invocation); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "RequestAuthorization") == 0) { + const char *path; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&o)", &path); + bluetooth_agent_request_authorization (agent, path, invocation); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "AuthorizeService") == 0) { + const char *path; + const char *uuid; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&o&s)", &path, &uuid); + bluetooth_agent_authorize_service (agent, path, uuid, invocation); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (method_name, "Cancel") == 0) { + bluetooth_agent_cancel (agent, invocation); + } +} + +static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable = +{ + handle_method_call, + NULL, /* GetProperty */ + NULL, /* SetProperty */ +}; + +gboolean bluetooth_agent_register(BluetoothAgent *agent) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + GError *error = NULL; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent), FALSE); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE (agent); + + priv->reg_id = g_dbus_connection_register_object (priv->conn, + priv->path, + priv->introspection_data->interfaces[0], + &interface_vtable, + agent, + NULL, + &error); + if (priv->reg_id == 0) { + g_warning ("Failed to register object: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + error = NULL; + return FALSE; + } + + if (priv->agent_manager != NULL) + register_agent (priv); + + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +error_matches_remote_error (GError *error, + const char *remote_error) +{ + char *str; + gboolean ret; + + if (error == NULL) + return FALSE; + + str = g_dbus_error_get_remote_error (error); + ret = (g_strcmp0 (str, remote_error) == 0); + g_free (str); + + return ret; +} + +gboolean bluetooth_agent_unregister(BluetoothAgent *agent) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + GError *error = NULL; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent), FALSE); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + if (priv->agent_manager == NULL) + return FALSE; + + if (agent_manager1_call_unregister_agent_sync (priv->agent_manager, + priv->path, + NULL, &error) == FALSE) { + /* Ignore errors if the adapter is gone */ + if (g_error_matches (error, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD) == FALSE && + error_matches_remote_error (error, "org.bluez.Error.DoesNotExist") == FALSE) { + g_printerr ("Agent unregistration failed: %s '%s'\n", + error->message, + g_quark_to_string (error->domain)); + } + g_error_free(error); + } + + g_object_unref(priv->agent_manager); + priv->agent_manager = NULL; + + g_free(priv->path); + priv->path = NULL; + + g_free(priv->busname); + priv->busname = NULL; + + if (priv->reg_id > 0) { + g_dbus_connection_unregister_object (priv->conn, priv->reg_id); + priv->reg_id = 0; + } + + return TRUE; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_pincode_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentPasskeyFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->pincode_func = func; + priv->pincode_data = data; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_passkey_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentPasskeyFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->passkey_func = func; + priv->passkey_data = data; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_display_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentDisplayFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->display_func = func; + priv->display_data = data; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_display_pincode_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentDisplayPinCodeFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->display_pincode_func = func; + priv->display_pincode_data = data; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_confirm_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentConfirmFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->confirm_func = func; + priv->confirm_data = data; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentAuthorizeFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->authorize_func = func; + priv->authorize_data = data; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_service_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentAuthorizeServiceFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->authorize_service_func = func; + priv->authorize_service_data = data; +} + +void bluetooth_agent_set_cancel_func(BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentCancelFunc func, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothAgentPrivate *priv; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT (agent)); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_AGENT_GET_PRIVATE(agent); + + priv->cancel_func = func; + priv->cancel_data = data; +} + +GQuark bluetooth_agent_error_quark(void) +{ + static GQuark quark = 0; + if (!quark) + quark = g_quark_from_static_string("agent"); + + return quark; +} + +#define ENUM_ENTRY(NAME, DESC) { NAME, "" #NAME "", DESC } + +GType bluetooth_agent_error_get_type(void) +{ + static GType etype = 0; + if (etype == 0) { + static const GEnumValue values[] = { + ENUM_ENTRY(AGENT_ERROR_REJECT, "Rejected"), + { 0, 0, 0 } + }; + + etype = g_enum_register_static("agent", values); + } + + return etype; +} + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-agent.h b/lib/bluetooth-agent.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..077d6e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-agent.h @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_AGENT_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_AGENT_H + +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT (bluetooth_agent_get_type()) +#define BLUETOOTH_AGENT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT, BluetoothAgent)) +#define BLUETOOTH_AGENT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT, BluetoothAgentClass)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_AGENT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_AGENT_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AGENT, BluetoothAgentClass)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothAgent BluetoothAgent; +typedef struct _BluetoothAgentClass BluetoothAgentClass; + +struct _BluetoothAgent { + GObject parent; +}; + +struct _BluetoothAgentClass { + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +GType bluetooth_agent_get_type(void); + +BluetoothAgent *bluetooth_agent_new(const char *path); + +gboolean bluetooth_agent_setup(BluetoothAgent *agent, const char *path); + +gboolean bluetooth_agent_register(BluetoothAgent *agent); +gboolean bluetooth_agent_unregister(BluetoothAgent *agent); + +typedef void (*BluetoothAgentPasskeyFunc) (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + gpointer data); +typedef void (*BluetoothAgentDisplayFunc) (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + guint passkey, + guint entered, + gpointer data); +typedef void (*BluetoothAgentDisplayPinCodeFunc) (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + const char *pincode, + gpointer data); +typedef void (*BluetoothAgentConfirmFunc) (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + guint passkey, + gpointer data); +typedef void (*BluetoothAgentAuthorizeFunc) (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + gpointer data); +typedef void (*BluetoothAgentAuthorizeServiceFunc) (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + const char *uuid, + gpointer data); +typedef gboolean (*BluetoothAgentCancelFunc) (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + gpointer data); + +void bluetooth_agent_set_pincode_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentPasskeyFunc func, + gpointer data); +void bluetooth_agent_set_passkey_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentPasskeyFunc func, + gpointer data); +void bluetooth_agent_set_display_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentDisplayFunc func, + gpointer data); +void bluetooth_agent_set_display_pincode_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentDisplayPinCodeFunc func, + gpointer data); +void bluetooth_agent_set_confirm_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentConfirmFunc func, + gpointer data); +void bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentAuthorizeFunc func, + gpointer data); +void bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_service_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentAuthorizeServiceFunc func, + gpointer data); +void bluetooth_agent_set_cancel_func (BluetoothAgent *agent, + BluetoothAgentCancelFunc func, + gpointer data); + +#define AGENT_ERROR (bluetooth_agent_error_quark()) +#define AGENT_ERROR_TYPE (bluetooth_agent_error_get_type()) + +typedef enum { + AGENT_ERROR_REJECT +} AgentError; + +GType bluetooth_agent_error_get_type (void); +GQuark bluetooth_agent_error_quark (void); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_AGENT_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f58786 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ +/* + * (C) Copyright 2007-2009 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with this library; if not, see . + */ + +/** + * SECTION:bluetooth-chooser-button + * @short_description: a Bluetooth chooser button + * @stability: Stable + * @include: bluetooth-chooser-button.h + * + * A button used to select Bluetooth devices which will pop-up a + * #BluetoothChooser widget inside a dialogue when clicked. + **/ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include "config.h" +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-chooser-button.h" +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" + +struct _BluetoothChooserButton { + GtkButton parent; + + BluetoothClient *client; + GtkWidget *image; + GtkWidget *dialog; + GtkWidget *chooser; + char *bdaddr; + guint is_available : 1; + guint has_selection : 1; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_DEVICE, + PROP_IS_AVAILABLE, +}; + +enum { + CHOOSER_CREATED, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static int signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; + +static void bluetooth_chooser_button_class_init (BluetoothChooserButtonClass * klass); +static void bluetooth_chooser_button_init (BluetoothChooserButton * button); + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(BluetoothChooserButton, bluetooth_chooser_button, GTK_TYPE_BUTTON); + +#define DEFAULT_STR N_("Click to select device…") + +static void +set_btdevname (BluetoothChooserButton *button, const char *bdaddr, const char *name, const char *icon) +{ + char *found_name, *found_icon; + + found_name = NULL; + found_icon = NULL; + + if (bdaddr != NULL && (name == NULL || icon == NULL)) { + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean cont = FALSE; + + model = bluetooth_client_get_device_model (button->client); + if (model != NULL) { + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), + &iter, NULL); + } + + while (cont == TRUE) { + char *value; + + gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &value, -1); + if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(bdaddr, value) == 0) { + gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, &found_name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, &found_icon, + -1); + g_free (value); + break; + } + g_free (value); + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter); + } + + if (model != NULL) + g_object_unref (model); + + if (found_name == NULL) { + found_name = g_strdup (bdaddr); + g_strdelimit (found_name, ":", '-'); + } + if (found_icon == NULL) + found_icon = g_strdup ("bluetooth"); + } + + if (bdaddr != NULL) { + /* Update the name */ + if (name == NULL) + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (button), found_name); + else + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (button), name); + /* And the icon */ + if (icon == NULL) + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (button->image), found_icon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU); + else + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (button->image), icon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU); + + /* And our copy of the address, and notify if it's actually changed */ + if (button->bdaddr == NULL || strcmp (bdaddr, button->bdaddr) != 0) { + g_free (button->bdaddr); + button->bdaddr = g_strdup (bdaddr); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (button), "device"); + } + } else { + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (button), _(DEFAULT_STR)); + if (button->bdaddr != NULL) { + g_free (button->bdaddr); + button->bdaddr = NULL; + gtk_image_clear (GTK_IMAGE (button->image)); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (button), "device"); + } + } + + g_free (found_name); + g_free (found_icon); +} + +static void select_device_changed(BluetoothChooser *self, gchar *address, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothChooserButton *button = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON (data); + + button->has_selection = (address != NULL); + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive(GTK_DIALOG (button->dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, + button->has_selection && button->is_available); +} + +static void +dialog_response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, int response_id, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothChooserButton *button = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON (data); + char *bdaddr, *icon, *name; + + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + BluetoothChooser *chooser = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (button->chooser); + bdaddr = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (chooser); + name = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name (chooser); + icon = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon (chooser); + } + + gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog)); + button->dialog = NULL; + + if (response_id != GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) + return; + + set_btdevname (button, bdaddr, name, icon); + g_free (bdaddr); + g_free (name); + g_free (icon); +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_button_clicked (GtkButton *widget) +{ + BluetoothChooserButton *button = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON (widget); + GtkWidget *parent; + + if (button->dialog != NULL) { + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (button->dialog)); + return; + } + + parent = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (button)); + //FIXME title + button->dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons("", GTK_WINDOW (parent), + GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, + _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_REJECT, + _("_OK"), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); + g_signal_connect (button->dialog, "response", + G_CALLBACK (dialog_response_cb), button); + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG(button->dialog), + GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, FALSE); + gtk_window_set_default_size (GTK_WINDOW(button->dialog), 480, 400); + + gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (button->dialog), 5); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (button->dialog))), 2); + + /* Create the button->chooser */ + button->chooser = bluetooth_chooser_new (); + g_signal_connect(button->chooser, "selected-device-changed", + G_CALLBACK(select_device_changed), button); + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (button), + signals[CHOOSER_CREATED], + 0, button->chooser); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (button->chooser), "device-selected", button->bdaddr, NULL); + gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER(button->chooser), 5); + gtk_widget_show (button->chooser); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (button->dialog))), button->chooser, + TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + gtk_widget_show (button->dialog); +} + +static void +default_adapter_changed (GObject *object, GParamSpec *pspec, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothChooserButton *button = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON (data); + char *adapter; + gboolean powered; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (button->client), + "default-adapter", &adapter, + "default-adapter-powered", &powered, + NULL); + if (adapter != NULL) + button->is_available = powered; + else + button->is_available = FALSE; + + if (adapter != NULL && button->bdaddr != NULL) + set_btdevname (button, button->bdaddr, NULL, NULL); + g_free (adapter); + + if (button->dialog != NULL) + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (button->dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, + button->has_selection && button->is_available); + + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (button), "is-available"); +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_button_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothChooserButton *button = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON (object); + + g_clear_object (&button->client); + + if (button->dialog != NULL) { + gtk_widget_destroy (button->dialog); + button->dialog = NULL; + button->chooser = NULL; + } + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (bluetooth_chooser_button_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_button_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothChooserButton *button; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_BUTTON (object)); + button = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON (object); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_DEVICE: { + const char *str = g_value_get_string (value); + g_return_if_fail (str == NULL || bluetooth_verify_address (str)); + set_btdevname (button, str, NULL, NULL); + break; + } + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_button_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothChooserButton *button; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_BUTTON (object)); + button = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON (object); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_DEVICE: + g_value_set_string (value, button->bdaddr); + break; + case PROP_IS_AVAILABLE: + g_value_set_boolean (value, button->is_available); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_button_class_init (BluetoothChooserButtonClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkButtonClass *button_class = GTK_BUTTON_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->finalize = bluetooth_chooser_button_finalize; + object_class->set_property = bluetooth_chooser_button_set_property; + object_class->get_property = bluetooth_chooser_button_get_property; + + button_class->clicked = bluetooth_chooser_button_clicked; + + /** + * BluetoothChooserButton::chooser-created: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooserButton widget + * @chooser: a #BluetoothChooser widget + * + * The signal is sent when a popup dialogue is created for the user to select + * a device. This signal allows you to change the configuration and filtering + * of the tree from its defaults. + **/ + signals[CHOOSER_CREATED] = + g_signal_new ("chooser-created", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + G_STRUCT_OFFSET (BluetoothChooserButtonClass, chooser_created), + NULL, NULL, + g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_OBJECT); + + /** + * BluetoothChooserButton:device: + * + * The Bluetooth address of the selected device or %NULL. + **/ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEVICE, + g_param_spec_string ("device", "Device", "The Bluetooth address of the selected device.", + NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + /** + * BluetoothChooserButton:is-available: + * + * %TRUE if there is a powered Bluetooth adapter available. + * + * See also: bluetooth_chooser_button_available() + **/ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_IS_AVAILABLE, + g_param_spec_boolean ("is-available", "Bluetooth is available", "Whether Bluetooth is available.", + TRUE, G_PARAM_READABLE)); +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_button_init (BluetoothChooserButton *button) +{ + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (button), _(DEFAULT_STR)); + + button->image = gtk_image_new (); + gtk_button_set_image (GTK_BUTTON (button), button->image); + + button->bdaddr = NULL; + button->dialog = NULL; + + button->client = bluetooth_client_new (); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button->client), "notify::default-adapter", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_changed), button); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button->client), "notify::default-adapter-powered", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_changed), button); + + /* And set the default value already */ + default_adapter_changed (NULL, NULL, button); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_button_new: + * + * Returns a new #BluetoothChooserButton widget. + * + * Return value: a #BluetoothChooserButton widget. + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_chooser_button_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_BUTTON, + NULL); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_button_available: + * @button: a #BluetoothChooserButton + * + * Returns whether there is a powered Bluetooth adapter. + * + * Return value: %TRUE if there is a powered Bluetooth adapter available, and the button should be sensitive. + **/ +gboolean +bluetooth_chooser_button_available (BluetoothChooserButton *button) +{ + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_BUTTON (button), FALSE); + + return button->is_available; +} + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.h b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..363738b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.h @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ +/* + * (C) Copyright 2007 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with this library; if not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON_H__ +#define __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_BUTTON (bluetooth_chooser_button_get_type ()) +#define BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_BUTTON, BluetoothChooserButton)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_BUTTON(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_BUTTON)) + +/** + * BluetoothChooserButton: + * + * The BluetoothChooserButton struct contains + * only private fields and should not be directly accessed. + */ +typedef struct _BluetoothChooserButton BluetoothChooserButton; + +typedef struct _BluetoothChooserButtonClass BluetoothChooserButtonClass; + +struct _BluetoothChooserButtonClass { + GtkButtonClass parent_class; + + void (*chooser_created) (BluetoothChooserButton *self, GtkWidget *chooser); +}; + +GType bluetooth_chooser_button_get_type (void); + +GtkWidget * bluetooth_chooser_button_new (void); +gboolean bluetooth_chooser_button_available (BluetoothChooserButton *button); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_BUTTON_H__ */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-chooser-combo.c b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-combo.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6903e83 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-combo.c @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ +/* + * (C) Copyright 2007-2009 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with this library; if not, see . + */ + +/** + * SECTION:bluetooth-chooser-combo + * @short_description: a Bluetooth chooser combo button + * @stability: Stable + * @include: bluetooth-chooser-combo.h + * + * A combo box used to select Bluetooth devices. + **/ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include "config.h" +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-chooser-combo.h" +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser-private.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" + +struct _BluetoothChooserComboPrivate { + GtkWidget *chooser; + GtkWidget *drop_box; + GtkWidget *drop; + GtkTreeModel *model; + guint model_notify_id; + GtkTreeSelection *selection; + + char *bdaddr; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_CHOOSER, + PROP_DEVICE, +}; + +enum { + CHOOSER_CREATED, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static int signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; + +static void bluetooth_chooser_combo_class_init (BluetoothChooserComboClass * klass); +static void bluetooth_chooser_combo_init (BluetoothChooserCombo * combo); + +static GtkBoxClass *parent_class; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(BluetoothChooserCombo, bluetooth_chooser_combo, GTK_TYPE_BOX); + +#define BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO, BluetoothChooserComboPrivate)) + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_combo_set_device (BluetoothChooserCombo *combo, + const char *bdaddr) +{ + if (bdaddr == NULL || combo->priv->model == NULL) { + g_free (combo->priv->bdaddr); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (combo->priv->drop_box, FALSE); + } else { + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean cont = FALSE; + + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (combo->priv->drop_box, TRUE); + + g_free (combo->priv->bdaddr); + if (g_strcmp0 (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_FIRST_DEVICE, bdaddr) != 0) + combo->priv->bdaddr = g_strdup (bdaddr); + else + combo->priv->bdaddr = NULL; + + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_children (combo->priv->model, &iter, NULL); + while (cont == TRUE) { + char *value; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (combo->priv->model), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &value, -1); + + if (combo->priv->bdaddr == NULL) { + gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (combo->priv->selection, &iter); + combo->priv->bdaddr = value; + break; + } + + if (g_ascii_strcasecmp(bdaddr, value) == 0) { + gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (combo->priv->selection, &iter); + g_free (value); + break; + } + g_free (value); + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (combo->priv->model), &iter); + } + } + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (combo), "device"); +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_combo_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothChooserCombo *combo = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO (object); + + if (combo->priv->model_notify_id != 0) { + GtkWidget *treeview; + + treeview = bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (combo->priv->chooser)); + g_signal_handler_disconnect (treeview, combo->priv->model_notify_id); + combo->priv->model_notify_id = 0; + } + if (combo->priv->model != NULL) { + g_object_unref (combo->priv->model); + combo->priv->model = NULL; + } + if (combo->priv->chooser != NULL) { + g_object_unref (combo->priv->chooser); + combo->priv->chooser = NULL; + } + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_combo_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothChooserCombo *combo; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_COMBO (object)); + combo = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO (object); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_DEVICE: + g_return_if_fail (bluetooth_verify_address (g_value_get_string (value)) || g_value_get_string (value) == NULL); + bluetooth_chooser_combo_set_device (combo, g_value_get_string (value)); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothChooserCombo *combo; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_COMBO (object)); + combo = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO (object); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_CHOOSER: + g_value_set_object (value, combo->priv->chooser); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE: + g_value_set_string (value, combo->priv->bdaddr); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_combo_class_init (BluetoothChooserComboClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); + + object_class->dispose = bluetooth_chooser_combo_dispose; + object_class->set_property = bluetooth_chooser_combo_set_property; + object_class->get_property = bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_property; + + g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(BluetoothChooserComboPrivate)); + + /** + * BluetoothChooserCombo::chooser-created: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooserCombo widget + * @chooser: a #BluetoothChooser widget + * + * The signal is sent when a popup dialogue is created for the user to select + * a device. This signal allows you to change the configuration and filtering + * of the tree from its defaults. + **/ + signals[CHOOSER_CREATED] = + g_signal_new ("chooser-created", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + G_STRUCT_OFFSET (BluetoothChooserComboClass, chooser_created), + NULL, NULL, + g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__OBJECT, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_OBJECT); + + /** + * BluetoothChooserCombo:chooser: + * + * The #BluetoothChooser used in the widget + **/ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CHOOSER, + g_param_spec_object ("chooser", "Chooser", "The #BluetoothChooser used in the widget", + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER, G_PARAM_READABLE)); + /** + * BluetoothChooserCombo:device: + * + * The Bluetooth address of the selected device or %NULL + **/ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEVICE, + g_param_spec_string ("device", "Device", "The Bluetooth address of the selected device.", + NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); +} + +static void +treeview_model_notify_cb (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothChooserCombo *combo = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO (user_data); + GtkTreeModel *model; + + g_object_get (gobject, "model", &model, NULL); + gtk_combo_box_set_model (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo->priv->drop), model); + if (combo->priv->model != NULL) { + g_object_unref (combo->priv->model); + combo->priv->model = NULL; + } + combo->priv->model = model; +} + +static void +treeview_selection_changed_cb (GtkTreeSelection *treeselection, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothChooserCombo *combo = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO (user_data); + GtkTreeIter iter; + char *value = NULL; + + if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (combo->priv->selection, NULL, &iter)) { + gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo->priv->drop), &iter); + if (combo->priv->model != NULL) + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (combo->priv->model), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &value, -1); + } else { + if (combo->priv->model != NULL) + gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo->priv->drop), -1); + } + + if (g_strcmp0 (combo->priv->bdaddr, value) != 0) { + g_free (combo->priv->bdaddr); + combo->priv->bdaddr = value; + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (combo), "device"); + } else { + g_free (value); + } +} + +static void +drop_changed_cb (GtkComboBox *widget, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothChooserCombo *combo = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO (user_data); + GtkTreeIter iter; + char *value = NULL; + + if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (widget, &iter)) { + gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (combo->priv->selection, &iter); + if (combo->priv->model != NULL) + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (combo->priv->model), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &value, -1); + } else { + if (combo->priv->model != NULL) + gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (combo->priv->selection); + } + + if (g_strcmp0 (combo->priv->bdaddr, value) != 0) { + g_free (combo->priv->bdaddr); + combo->priv->bdaddr = value; + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (combo), "device"); + } else { + g_free (value); + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_combo_init (BluetoothChooserCombo *combo) +{ + GtkWidget *treeview; + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + + combo->priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_GET_PRIVATE (combo); + + combo->priv->drop_box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0); + gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (combo->priv->drop_box), TRUE); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (combo), combo->priv->drop_box, + TRUE, FALSE, 0); + /* Setup the combo itself */ + combo->priv->drop = gtk_combo_box_new (); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (combo->priv->drop_box), combo->priv->drop, + TRUE, TRUE, 0); + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo->priv->drop), + renderer, + FALSE); + gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo->priv->drop), + renderer, + "icon-name", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, + NULL); + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo->priv->drop), + renderer, + TRUE); + gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (combo->priv->drop), + renderer, + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, + NULL); + + combo->priv->chooser = bluetooth_chooser_new (); + + treeview = bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (combo->priv->chooser)); + combo->priv->model_notify_id = g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (treeview), "notify::model", + G_CALLBACK (treeview_model_notify_cb), combo); + treeview_model_notify_cb (G_OBJECT (treeview), NULL, combo); + gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (combo->priv->drop), 0); + + combo->priv->selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview)); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->selection), "changed", + G_CALLBACK (treeview_selection_changed_cb), combo); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (combo->priv->drop), "changed", + G_CALLBACK (drop_changed_cb), combo); + + gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (combo)); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_combo_new: + * + * Returns a new #BluetoothChooserCombo widget. + * + * Return value: a #BluetoothChooserCombo widget. + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_chooser_combo_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO, NULL); +} + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-chooser-combo.h b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-combo.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8da966b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-combo.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ +/* + * (C) Copyright 2007 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Library General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public + * License along with this library; if not, see . + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_H__ +#define __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO (bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_type ()) +#define BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO, BluetoothChooserCombo)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_COMBO(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_COMBO_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_CHOOSER_COMBO_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER_COMBO, BluetoothChooserComboClass)) + +/** +* BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_FIRST_DEVICE: +* +* A convenience value used to select the first device regardless of its address. +**/ +#define BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_FIRST_DEVICE "00:00:00:00:00:00" + +typedef struct _BluetoothChooserComboPrivate BluetoothChooserComboPrivate; +typedef struct _BluetoothChooserComboClass BluetoothChooserComboClass; + +/** + * BluetoothChooserCombo: + * + * The BluetoothChooserCombo struct contains + * only private fields and should not be directly accessed. + */ +typedef struct _BluetoothChooserCombo { + GtkBox parent; + BluetoothChooserComboPrivate *priv; +} BluetoothChooserCombo; + +struct _BluetoothChooserComboClass { + GtkBoxClass parent_class; + + void (*chooser_created) (BluetoothChooserCombo *self, GtkWidget *chooser); +}; + +GType bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_type (void); + +GtkWidget * bluetooth_chooser_combo_new (void); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_H__ */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-chooser-private.h b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-private.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19f549d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-chooser-private.h @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2009 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_PRIVATE_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_PRIVATE_H + +#include +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_chooser_get_model (BluetoothChooser *self); +GtkWidget *bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview (BluetoothChooser *self); +gboolean bluetooth_chooser_remove_selected_device (BluetoothChooser *self); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_PRIVATE_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-chooser.c b/lib/bluetooth-chooser.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..180ea44 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-chooser.c @@ -0,0 +1,1174 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +/** + * SECTION:bluetooth-chooser + * @short_description: a Bluetooth chooser widget + * @stability: Stable + * @include: bluetooth-chooser.h + * + * A tree-like widget used to select Bluetooth devices. + **/ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#include + +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-private.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser-private.h" +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" +#include "bluetooth-filter-widget.h" + +enum { + SELECTED_DEVICE_CHANGED, + SELECTED_DEVICE_ACTIVATED, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static guint selection_table_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; + +#define BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ + (bluetooth_chooser_get_instance_private (obj)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothChooserPrivate BluetoothChooserPrivate; + +struct _BluetoothChooserPrivate { + BluetoothClient *client; + GtkTreeSelection *selection; + GtkTreeModel *model, *filter, *adapter_model; + + gulong default_adapter_changed_id; + + /* Widgets/UI bits that can be shown or hidden */ + GtkCellRenderer *bonded_cell; + GtkCellRenderer *connected_cell; + GtkWidget *treeview, *scrolled_window; + GtkWidget *search_hbox, *search_label, *spinner; + GtkWidget *filters_vbox; + + /* Current filter */ + int device_type_filter; + GtkTreeModel *device_type_filter_model; + int device_category_filter; + char *device_service_filter; + + guint show_paired : 1; + guint show_connected : 1; + guint show_searching : 1; + guint show_device_type : 1; + guint show_device_category : 1; + guint disco_rq : 1; + guint internal_filter : 1; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(BluetoothChooser, bluetooth_chooser, GTK_TYPE_BOX) + +enum { + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_NAME = 0, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_NUM_COLS +}; + +enum { + TREEVIEW_COLUMN_DEVICE = 0, + TREEVIEW_COLUMN_TYPE = 1 +}; + +static void +bonded_to_icon (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) +{ + gboolean bonded; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &bonded, -1); + + g_object_set (cell, "icon-name", bonded ? "bluetooth-paired" : NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +connected_to_icon (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) +{ + gboolean connected; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, &connected, -1); + + g_object_set (cell, "icon-name", connected ? "gtk-connected" : NULL, NULL); +} + +static void +type_to_text (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) +{ + guint type; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, -1); + + g_object_set (cell, "text", (type == 0) ? _("Unknown") : bluetooth_type_to_string (type), NULL); +} + +static void +alias_to_label (GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) +{ + char *alias, *escaped, *label; + gboolean connected; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, &alias, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, &connected, + -1); + + if (connected == FALSE) { + g_object_set (cell, "text", alias, NULL); + } else { + escaped = g_markup_escape_text (alias, -1); + label = g_strdup_printf ("%s", escaped); + g_free (escaped); + + g_object_set (cell, "markup", label, NULL); + g_free (label); + } + g_free (alias); +} + +static void +set_search_label (BluetoothChooser *self, gboolean state) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + if (priv->show_searching == FALSE) { + /* Just making sure */ + gtk_spinner_stop (GTK_SPINNER (priv->spinner)); + return; + } + if (state == FALSE) { + gtk_spinner_stop (GTK_SPINNER (priv->spinner)); + gtk_widget_hide (priv->spinner); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->search_label), _("No adapters available")); + } else { + gtk_widget_show (priv->spinner); + gtk_spinner_start (GTK_SPINNER (priv->spinner)); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->search_label), _("Searching for devices…")); + } +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Starts a discovery on the default Bluetooth adapter. Note that this will + * only work if the Search label is visible, as otherwise the user has no + * visual feedback that the process is on-going. + * + * See also: #BluetoothChooser:show-searching + **/ +void +bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + g_return_if_fail (priv->show_searching); + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-discovering", TRUE, NULL); + set_search_label (self, TRUE); + priv->disco_rq = TRUE; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_stop_discovery: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Stops a discovery started with #bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery. + **/ +void +bluetooth_chooser_stop_discovery (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + g_return_if_fail (priv->show_searching); + + priv->disco_rq = FALSE; + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-discovering", FALSE, NULL); +} + +static char * +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_data (BluetoothChooser *self, guint column) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GtkTreeIter iter; + gchar *str; + gboolean selected; + + selected = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (priv->selection, NULL, &iter); + if (selected == FALSE) + return NULL; + + gtk_tree_model_get (priv->filter, &iter, column, &str, -1); + return str; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns the Bluetooth address for the currently selected device. + * + * Return value: the Bluetooth address for the currently selected device, or %NULL. + **/ +gchar * +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + return bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_data (self, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns the name for the currently selected device. + * + * Return value: the name for the currently selected device, or %NULL. + **/ +gchar * +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + return bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_data (self, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns the icon name to use to represent the currently selected device. + * + * Return value: the icon name to use to represent the currently selected device, or %NULL. + **/ +gchar * +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + return bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_data (self, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_type: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns the #BluetoothType of the device selected. + * + * Return value: the #BluetoothType of the device selected, or '0' if unknown. + **/ +BluetoothType +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_type (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GtkTreeIter iter; + guint type; + gboolean selected; + + selected = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (priv->selection, NULL, &iter); + if (selected == FALSE) + return 0; + + gtk_tree_model_get (priv->filter, &iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, -1); + return type; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_is_connected: + * @self: a #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns whether the selected device is connected to this computer. + * + * Return value: whether the selected device is connected to this computer, + * will always be %FALSE if no devices are selected. + **/ +gboolean +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_is_connected (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean selected, connected; + + selected = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (priv->selection, NULL, &iter); + if (selected == FALSE) + return 0; + + gtk_tree_model_get (priv->filter, &iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, &connected, -1); + return connected; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_info: + * @self: A #BluetoothChooser widget. + * @field: The identifier for the field to get data for. + * @value: An empty #GValue to set. + * + * Returns whether the @value has been set. + * + * Return value: %TRUE if the @value has been set. + **/ +gboolean +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_info (BluetoothChooser *self, + const char *field, + GValue *value) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GEnumClass *eclass; + GEnumValue *ev; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + g_return_val_if_fail (field != NULL, FALSE); + + if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (priv->selection, NULL, &iter) == FALSE) + return FALSE; + + eclass = g_type_class_ref (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_COLUMN); + ev = g_enum_get_value_by_nick (eclass, field); + if (ev == NULL) { + g_warning ("Unknown field '%s'", field); + g_type_class_unref (eclass); + return FALSE; + } + + gtk_tree_model_get_value (priv->filter, &iter, ev->value, value); + + g_type_class_unref (eclass); + + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_dump_selected_device: + * @self: A #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Prints all the known attributes for the currently selected device + * on the standard output. Useful for debugging. + **/ +void +bluetooth_chooser_dump_selected_device (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GtkTreeIter iter; + GtkTreeModel *model; + + gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (priv->selection, &model, &iter); + + bluetooth_client_dump_device (model, &iter); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_model: + * @self: A #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns the #BluetoothChooser's #GtkTreeModel. + * + * Return value: a #GtkTreeModel object. + **/ +GtkTreeModel * +bluetooth_chooser_get_model (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + return priv->model; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview: + * @self: A #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns the #GtkTreeView object for the #BluetoothChooser. + * + * Return value: a #GtkTreeView object. + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + return priv->treeview; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_get_scrolled_window: + * @self: A #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Returns the #GtkScrolledWindow object for the #BluetoothChooser. + * This is useful to set a minimum height to the chooser using + * gtk_scrolled_window_set_min_content_height() or to join the + * chooser with a toolbar. + * + * Return value: (transfer none): a #GtkScrolledWindow object. + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_chooser_get_scrolled_window (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + return priv->scrolled_window; +} + +static void +device_model_row_changed (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreePath *path, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (data); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + char *address; + + /* Not the selection changing? */ + if (gtk_tree_selection_path_is_selected (priv->selection, path) == FALSE) + return; + + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "device-selected"); + address = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (self); + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (self), + selection_table_signals[SELECTED_DEVICE_CHANGED], + 0, address); + g_free (address); +} + +static void +select_browse_device_callback (GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = user_data; + char *address; + + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT(self), "device-selected"); + address = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (self); + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (self), + selection_table_signals[SELECTED_DEVICE_CHANGED], + 0, address); + g_free (address); +} + +static void +row_activated_cb (GtkTreeView *tree_view, + GtkTreePath *path, + GtkTreeViewColumn *column, + BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + char *address; + + address = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (self); + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (self), + selection_table_signals[SELECTED_DEVICE_ACTIVATED], + 0, address); + g_free (address); +} + +static gboolean +filter_type_func (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv) +{ + int type; + + if (priv->device_type_filter == BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY) + return TRUE; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, -1); + return (type & priv->device_type_filter); +} + +static gboolean +filter_category_func (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv) +{ + gboolean bonded, trusted; + + if (priv->device_category_filter == BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_ALL) + return TRUE; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &bonded, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, &trusted, + -1); + + if (priv->device_category_filter == BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED) + return bonded; + if (priv->device_category_filter == BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_TRUSTED) + return trusted; + if (priv->device_category_filter == BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NOT_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED) + return (!bonded && !trusted); + if (priv->device_category_filter == BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED) + return (bonded || trusted); + + g_assert_not_reached (); + + return FALSE; +} + +static gboolean +filter_service_func (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv) +{ + char **services; + gboolean ret = FALSE; + guint i; + + if (priv->device_service_filter == NULL) + return TRUE; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, &services, + -1); + if (services == NULL) { + /* FIXME we need a way to discover the services here */ + return FALSE; + } + + for (i = 0; services[i] != NULL; i++) { + if (g_str_equal (priv->device_service_filter, services[i]) != FALSE) { + ret = TRUE; + break; + } + } + + g_strfreev (services); + + return ret; +} + +static gboolean +filter_func (GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (data); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + return filter_type_func (model, iter, priv) + && filter_category_func (model, iter, priv) + && filter_service_func (model, iter, priv); +} + +static void +filter_type_changed_cb (GObject *object, GParamSpec *spec, gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (object); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + if (priv->filter) + gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter)); +} + +static void +filter_category_changed_cb (GObject *object, GParamSpec *spec, gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (object); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + if (priv->filter) + gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter)); +} + +static void +adapter_model_row_changed (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreePath *path, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (data); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + gboolean discovering, is_default, powered; + + /* Not an adapter changing? */ + if (gtk_tree_path_get_depth (path) != 1) + return; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, &is_default, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING, &discovering, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, &powered, + -1); + + if (is_default == FALSE) + return; + if (powered != FALSE && discovering == FALSE && priv->disco_rq != FALSE) { + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-discovering", TRUE, NULL); + set_search_label (self, TRUE); + return; + } + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (priv->treeview), powered); + set_search_label (self, discovering); +} + +static void default_adapter_changed (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *arg1, + gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (data); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + char *adapter; + + g_object_get (gobject, "default-adapter", &adapter, NULL); + + if (adapter == NULL) { + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (priv->treeview), FALSE); + set_search_label (self, FALSE); + gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW(priv->treeview), NULL); + } + + if (priv->model) { + g_object_unref (priv->model); + priv->model = NULL; + } + + if (adapter == NULL) + return; + + g_free (adapter); + + priv->model = bluetooth_client_get_device_model (priv->client); + if (priv->model) { + priv->filter = gtk_tree_model_filter_new (priv->model, NULL); + gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter), + filter_func, self, NULL); + gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW(priv->treeview), priv->filter); + g_signal_connect (priv->filter, "row-changed", + G_CALLBACK (device_model_row_changed), self); + g_object_unref (priv->filter); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (priv->treeview), TRUE); + + /* Start a discovery if it was requested before we + * had an adapter available */ + if (priv->disco_rq != FALSE) { + bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery (self); + set_search_label (self, TRUE); + } + } +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_treeview (BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GtkWidget *scrolled, *tree; + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + GtkTreeViewColumn *column; + + /* Create the scrolled window */ + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + + gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled), + GTK_SHADOW_OUT); + + /* Create the tree view */ + tree = gtk_tree_view_new (); + + gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible (GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), TRUE); + + gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), TRUE); + + g_object_set (tree, "show-expanders", FALSE, NULL); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tree), "row-activated", + G_CALLBACK (row_activated_cb), self); + + column = gtk_tree_view_column_new (); + + gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, _("Device")); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand (GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN(column), TRUE); + + /* The type icon */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_spacing (column, 4); + gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, FALSE); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes (column, renderer, + "icon-name", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, NULL); + + /* The device name */ + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, renderer, TRUE); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (renderer), "ellipsize", PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END, NULL); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, renderer, + alias_to_label, NULL, NULL); + + /* The connected icon */ + priv->connected_cell = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); + gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start (column, priv->connected_cell, FALSE); + + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, priv->connected_cell, + connected_to_icon, NULL, NULL); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->connected_cell), "visible", priv->show_connected, NULL); + + /* The bonded icon */ + priv->bonded_cell = gtk_cell_renderer_pixbuf_new (); + gtk_tree_view_column_pack_end (column, priv->bonded_cell, FALSE); + + gtk_tree_view_column_set_cell_data_func (column, priv->bonded_cell, + bonded_to_icon, NULL, NULL); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->bonded_cell), "visible", priv->show_paired, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), column); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data_func (GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + _("Type"), gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + type_to_text, NULL, NULL); + + priv->selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree)); + + gtk_tree_selection_set_mode (priv->selection, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT(priv->selection), "changed", + G_CALLBACK(select_browse_device_callback), self); + + /* Set the model, and filter */ + priv->model = bluetooth_client_get_device_model (priv->client); + if (priv->model) { + priv->filter = gtk_tree_model_filter_new (priv->model, NULL); + gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter), + filter_func, self, NULL); + gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), priv->filter); + g_signal_connect (priv->filter, "row-changed", + G_CALLBACK (device_model_row_changed), self); + g_object_unref (priv->filter); + } else { + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (tree), FALSE); + set_search_label (self, FALSE); + } + + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled), tree); + priv->treeview = tree; + + return scrolled; +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_init(BluetoothChooser *self) +{ + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *hbox; + + gtk_widget_push_composite_child (); + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (self), "orientation", GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, NULL); + + priv->client = bluetooth_client_new (); + + /* Setup the widget itself */ + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX(self), 18); + gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER(self), 0); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6); + gtk_widget_show (vbox); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (self), vbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + /* The treeview label */ + priv->search_hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 24); + gtk_widget_set_name (priv->search_hbox, "search_hbox"); + if (priv->show_searching) + gtk_widget_show (priv->search_hbox); + gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (vbox), priv->search_hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->search_hbox, TRUE); + + /* Setup the adapter disco mode callback for the search button */ + priv->adapter_model = bluetooth_client_get_adapter_model (priv->client); + g_signal_connect (priv->adapter_model, "row-changed", + G_CALLBACK (adapter_model_row_changed), self); + + /* The searching label */ + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_widget_set_name (hbox, "searching label hbox"); + priv->spinner = gtk_spinner_new (); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), priv->spinner); + gtk_widget_show (priv->spinner); + priv->search_label = gtk_label_new (_("Searching for devices…")); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (hbox), priv->search_label); + gtk_widget_show (priv->search_label); + gtk_widget_show (hbox); + + if (priv->show_searching) { + gboolean discovering; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-discovering", &discovering, NULL); + set_search_label (self, discovering); + } + + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->search_hbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); + + /* The treeview */ + priv->scrolled_window = create_treeview (self); + gtk_widget_show_all (priv->scrolled_window); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), priv->scrolled_window, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->scrolled_window), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (priv->scrolled_window), GTK_SHADOW_IN); + + /* The filters */ + priv->device_type_filter_model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (gtk_list_store_new (DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_NUM_COLS, + G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT)); + priv->filters_vbox = bluetooth_filter_widget_new (); + gtk_widget_show (priv->filters_vbox); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (self), priv->filters_vbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->filters_vbox, TRUE); + + /* if filters are not visible hide the vbox */ + if (!priv->show_device_type && !priv->show_device_category) + gtk_widget_hide (priv->filters_vbox); + + priv->default_adapter_changed_id = g_signal_connect (priv->client, "notify::default-adapter", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_changed), self); + + g_signal_connect(self, "notify::device-type-filter", + G_CALLBACK(filter_type_changed_cb), NULL); + g_signal_connect(self, "notify::device-category-filter", + G_CALLBACK(filter_category_changed_cb), NULL); + + gtk_widget_pop_composite_child (); +} + +static GObject * +bluetooth_chooser_constructor (GType type, + guint n_construct_params, + GObjectConstructParam *construct_params) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self; + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv; + GObject *object; + + object = G_OBJECT_CLASS (bluetooth_chooser_parent_class)->constructor (type, + n_construct_params, + construct_params); + self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (object); + priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + if (priv->internal_filter) { + bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter (BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET (priv->filters_vbox), self); + } + return object; +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (object); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + if (priv->client) { + g_signal_handler_disconnect (G_OBJECT(priv->client), priv->default_adapter_changed_id); + priv->default_adapter_changed_id = 0; + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-discovering", FALSE, NULL); + g_object_unref (priv->client); + priv->client = NULL; + } + if (priv->adapter_model) { + g_object_unref (priv->adapter_model); + priv->adapter_model = NULL; + } + if (priv->model != NULL) { + g_object_unref (priv->model); + priv->model = NULL; + } + g_free (priv->device_service_filter); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_chooser_parent_class)->finalize(object); +} + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_DEVICE_SELECTED, + PROP_SHOW_PAIRING, + PROP_SHOW_CONNECTED, + PROP_SHOW_SEARCHING, + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE, + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE_COLUMN, + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY, + PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER, + PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER, + PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER, + PROP_INTERNAL_FILTER +}; + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (object); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + switch (prop_id) { + case PROP_DEVICE_SELECTED: { + const char *address; + char *selected; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean cont; + + address = g_value_get_string (value); + if (address == NULL) { + gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all (priv->selection); + return; + } + + selected = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (self); + if (g_strcmp0 (selected, address) == 0) { + g_free (selected); + return; + } + g_free (selected); + + cont = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (priv->filter, &iter); + while (cont == TRUE) { + char *iaddress; + gtk_tree_model_get (priv->filter, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &iaddress, -1); + if (g_strcmp0 (iaddress, address) == 0) { + gtk_tree_selection_select_iter (priv->selection, &iter); + g_free (iaddress); + return; + } + g_free (iaddress); + + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (priv->filter, &iter); + } + break; + } + case PROP_SHOW_PAIRING: + priv->show_paired = g_value_get_boolean (value); + if (priv->bonded_cell != NULL) + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->bonded_cell), "visible", priv->show_paired, NULL); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_CONNECTED: + priv->show_connected = g_value_get_boolean (value); + if (priv->connected_cell != NULL) + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->connected_cell), "visible", priv->show_connected, NULL); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_SEARCHING: + priv->show_searching = g_value_get_boolean (value); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->search_hbox), "visible", priv->show_searching, NULL); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE: + priv->show_device_type = g_value_get_boolean (value); + if (priv->internal_filter) { + if (priv->show_device_type || priv->show_device_category) + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->filters_vbox), "visible", TRUE, NULL); + else + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->filters_vbox), "visible", FALSE, NULL); + } + break; + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE_COLUMN: { + GtkTreeViewColumn *column; + + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->treeview), TREEVIEW_COLUMN_TYPE); + gtk_tree_view_column_set_visible (column, + g_value_get_boolean (value)); + + column = gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->treeview), TREEVIEW_COLUMN_DEVICE); + if (g_value_get_boolean (value)) + gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, _("Device")); + else + gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (column, _("Devices")); + break; + } + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY: + priv->show_device_category = g_value_get_boolean (value); + if (priv->internal_filter) { + if (priv->show_device_type || priv->show_device_category) + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->filters_vbox), "visible", TRUE, NULL); + else + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->filters_vbox), "visible", FALSE, NULL); + } + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER: + priv->device_type_filter = g_value_get_int (value); + g_object_notify (object, "device-type-filter"); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER: + priv->device_category_filter = g_value_get_enum (value); + g_object_notify (object, "device-category-filter"); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER: + g_free (priv->device_service_filter); + priv->device_service_filter = g_value_dup_string (value); + if (priv->filter) + gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter)); + break; + case PROP_INTERNAL_FILTER: + priv->internal_filter = g_value_get_boolean (value); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->filters_vbox), "visible", priv->internal_filter, NULL); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, + GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothChooser *self = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER(object); + BluetoothChooserPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + switch (prop_id) { + case PROP_DEVICE_SELECTED: + g_value_take_string (value, bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (self)); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_PAIRING: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_paired); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_CONNECTED: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_connected); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_SEARCHING: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_searching); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_device_type); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE_COLUMN: + g_value_set_boolean (value, + gtk_tree_view_column_get_visible (gtk_tree_view_get_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->treeview), TREEVIEW_COLUMN_TYPE))); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_device_category); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER: + g_value_set_int (value, priv->device_type_filter); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER: + g_value_set_enum (value, priv->device_category_filter); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER: + g_value_set_string (value, priv->device_service_filter); + break; + case PROP_INTERNAL_FILTER: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->internal_filter); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_chooser_class_init (BluetoothChooserClass *klass) +{ + /* Use to calculate the maximum value for the + * device-type-filter value */ + guint i; + int max_filter_val; + + bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->constructor = bluetooth_chooser_constructor; + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->finalize = bluetooth_chooser_finalize; + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->set_property = bluetooth_chooser_set_property; + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->get_property = bluetooth_chooser_get_property; + + /** + * BluetoothChooser::selected-device-changed: + * @chooser: a #BluetoothChooser widget which received the signal + * @address: the Bluetooth address for the currently selected device, or %NULL + * + * The #BluetoothChooser::selected-device-changed signal is launched when the + * selected device is changed, it will be %NULL if a device was unselected. + **/ + selection_table_signals[SELECTED_DEVICE_CHANGED] = + g_signal_new ("selected-device-changed", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + G_STRUCT_OFFSET (BluetoothChooserClass, selected_device_changed), + NULL, NULL, + g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING); + /** + * BluetoothChooser::selected-device-activated: + * @chooser: a #BluetoothChooser widget which received the signal + * @address: the Bluetooth address for the currently selected device, or %NULL + * + * The #BluetoothChooser::selected-device-activated signal is launched when a + * device is double-clicked in the chooser. + **/ + selection_table_signals[SELECTED_DEVICE_ACTIVATED] = + g_signal_new ("selected-device-activated", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + G_STRUCT_OFFSET (BluetoothChooserClass, selected_device_activated), + NULL, NULL, + g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING); + + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_DEVICE_SELECTED, g_param_spec_string ("device-selected", + "device-selected", "The Bluetooth address for the currently selected device, or %NULL", NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_PAIRING, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-pairing", + "show-pairing", "Whether to show the pairing column in the tree.", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_CONNECTED, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-connected", + "show-connected", "Whether to show the connected column in the tree.", FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_SEARCHING, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-searching", + "show-searching", + "Whether to show the Searching label , this is necessary if you want to programmatically start a discovery, using bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery()", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-device-type", + "show-device-type", "Whether to show the device type filter", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE_COLUMN, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-device-type-column", + "show-device-type-column", "Whether to show the device type column", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-device-category", + "show-device-category", "Whether to show the device category filter", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + for (i = 0, max_filter_val = 0 ; i < _BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NUM_TYPES; i++) + max_filter_val += 1 << i; + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER, g_param_spec_int ("device-type-filter", + "device-type-filter", "A bitmask of #BluetoothType to show", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY, max_filter_val, 1, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER, g_param_spec_enum ("device-category-filter", + "device-category-filter", "The #BluetoothCategory to show", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CATEGORY, BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_ALL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER, g_param_spec_string ("device-service-filter", + "device-service-filter", "A string representing the service to filter for", NULL, G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_INTERNAL_FILTER, g_param_spec_boolean ("has-internal-device-filter", + "has-internal-device-filter", "Whether the #BluetoothChooser should be constructed with a visible #BluetoothFilterWidget", TRUE, G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY | G_PARAM_READWRITE)); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_chooser_new: + * + * Returns a new #BluetoothChooser widget. + * + * Return value: A #BluetoothChooser widget + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_chooser_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new(BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER, NULL); +} + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-chooser.h b/lib/bluetooth-chooser.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c36db2d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-chooser.h @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_H + +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER (bluetooth_chooser_get_type()) +#define BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER, BluetoothChooser)) +#define BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER, BluetoothChooserClass)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_CHOOSER_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_CHOOSER_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CHOOSER, BluetoothChooserClass)) + +/** + * BluetoothChooser: + * + * The BluetoothChooser struct contains + * only private fields and should not be directly accessed. + */ +typedef struct _BluetoothChooser BluetoothChooser; +typedef struct _BluetoothChooserClass BluetoothChooserClass; + +struct _BluetoothChooser { + GtkBox parent; +}; + +struct _BluetoothChooserClass { + GtkBoxClass parent_class; + + void (*selected_device_changed) (BluetoothChooser *chooser, const char *address); + void (*selected_device_activated) (BluetoothChooser *chooser, const char *address); +}; + +GType bluetooth_chooser_get_type (void); + +GtkWidget *bluetooth_chooser_new (void); + +char *bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (BluetoothChooser *self); +gboolean bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_info (BluetoothChooser *self, + const char *field, + GValue *value); +char *bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name (BluetoothChooser *self); +char * bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon (BluetoothChooser *self); +BluetoothType bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_type (BluetoothChooser *self); +gboolean bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_is_connected (BluetoothChooser *self); +void bluetooth_chooser_dump_selected_device (BluetoothChooser *self); + +GtkWidget *bluetooth_chooser_get_scrolled_window (BluetoothChooser *self); + +void bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery (BluetoothChooser *self); +void bluetooth_chooser_stop_discovery (BluetoothChooser *self); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-client-private.h b/lib/bluetooth-client-private.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..191821a --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-client-private.h @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_PRIVATE_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_PRIVATE_H + +#include +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +typedef void (*BluetoothClientSetupFunc) (BluetoothClient *client, + const GError *error, + const char *device_path); + +void bluetooth_client_setup_device (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *path, + gboolean pair, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GAsyncReadyCallback callback, + gpointer user_data); +gboolean bluetooth_client_setup_device_finish (BluetoothClient *client, + GAsyncResult *res, + char **path, + GError **error); + +gboolean bluetooth_client_set_trusted(BluetoothClient *client, + const char *device, gboolean trusted); + +GDBusProxy *bluetooth_client_get_device (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *path); + +void bluetooth_client_dump_device (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter); + +gboolean bluetooth_client_get_connectable(const char **uuids); + +GDBusProxy *_bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter (BluetoothClient *client); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_PRIVATE_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-client.c b/lib/bluetooth-client.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0be5089 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-client.c @@ -0,0 +1,1707 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * Copyright (C) 2010 Giovanni Campagna + * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation. + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +/** + * SECTION:bluetooth-client + * @short_description: Bluetooth client object + * @stability: Stable + * @include: bluetooth-client.h + * + * The #BluetoothClient object is used to query the state of Bluetooth + * devices and adapters. + **/ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-private.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-glue.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" +#include "pin.h" + +#define BLUEZ_SERVICE "org.bluez" +#define BLUEZ_MANAGER_PATH "/" +#define BLUEZ_ADAPTER_INTERFACE "org.bluez.Adapter1" +#define BLUEZ_DEVICE_INTERFACE "org.bluez.Device1" + +#define BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(obj) bluetooth_client_get_instance_private (obj) + +typedef struct _BluetoothClientPrivate BluetoothClientPrivate; + +struct _BluetoothClientPrivate { + GDBusObjectManager *manager; + GCancellable *cancellable; + GtkTreeStore *store; + GtkTreeRowReference *default_adapter; + /* Discoverable during discovery? */ + gboolean disco_during_disco; + gboolean discovery_started; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER, + PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_POWERED, + PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERABLE, + PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME, + PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERING +}; + +enum { + DEVICE_REMOVED, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; + +static const char *connectable_uuids[] = { + "HSP", + "AudioSource", + "AudioSink", + "A/V_RemoteControlTarget", + "A/V_RemoteControl", + "Headset_-_AG", + "Handsfree", + "HandsfreeAudioGateway", + "HumanInterfaceDeviceService", +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(BluetoothClient, bluetooth_client, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +typedef gboolean (*IterSearchFunc) (GtkTreeStore *store, + GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data); + +static gboolean iter_search(GtkTreeStore *store, + GtkTreeIter *iter, GtkTreeIter *parent, + IterSearchFunc func, gpointer user_data) +{ + gboolean cont, found = FALSE; + + if (parent == NULL) + cont = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), + iter); + else + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_children(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), + iter, parent); + + while (cont == TRUE) { + GtkTreeIter child; + + found = func(store, iter, user_data); + if (found == TRUE) + break; + + found = iter_search(store, &child, iter, func, user_data); + if (found == TRUE) { + *iter = child; + break; + } + + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), iter); + } + + return found; +} + +static gboolean compare_path(GtkTreeStore *store, + GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) +{ + const gchar *path = user_data; + GDBusProxy *object; + gboolean found = FALSE; + + gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &object, -1); + + if (object != NULL) { + found = g_str_equal(path, g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path(object)); + g_object_unref(object); + } + + return found; +} + +static gboolean +compare_address (GtkTreeStore *store, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + const char *address = user_data; + char *tmp_address; + gboolean found = FALSE; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(store), iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &tmp_address, -1); + found = g_str_equal (address, tmp_address); + g_free (tmp_address); + + return found; +} + +static gboolean +get_iter_from_path (GtkTreeStore *store, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + const char *path) +{ + return iter_search(store, iter, NULL, compare_path, (gpointer) path); +} + +static gboolean +get_iter_from_proxy(GtkTreeStore *store, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + GDBusProxy *proxy) +{ + return iter_search(store, iter, NULL, compare_path, + (gpointer) g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy)); +} + +static gboolean +get_iter_from_address (GtkTreeStore *store, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + const char *address, + GDBusProxy *adapter) +{ + GtkTreeIter parent_iter; + + if (get_iter_from_proxy (store, &parent_iter, adapter) == FALSE) + return FALSE; + + return iter_search (store, iter, &parent_iter, compare_address, (gpointer) address); +} + +static char ** +device_list_uuids (const gchar * const *uuids) +{ + GPtrArray *ret; + guint i; + + if (uuids == NULL) + return NULL; + + ret = g_ptr_array_new (); + + for (i = 0; uuids[i] != NULL; i++) { + const char *uuid; + + uuid = bluetooth_uuid_to_string (uuids[i]); + if (uuid == NULL) + continue; + g_ptr_array_add (ret, g_strdup (uuid)); + } + + if (ret->len == 0) { + g_ptr_array_free (ret, TRUE); + return NULL; + } + + g_ptr_array_add (ret, NULL); + + return (char **) g_ptr_array_free (ret, FALSE); +} + +gboolean +bluetooth_client_get_connectable(const char **uuids) +{ + int i, j; + + for (i = 0; uuids && uuids[i] != NULL; i++) { + for (j = 0; j < G_N_ELEMENTS (connectable_uuids); j++) { + if (g_str_equal (connectable_uuids[j], uuids[i])) + return TRUE; + } + } + + return FALSE; +} + +static const char * +phone_oui_to_icon_name (const char *bdaddr) +{ + char *vendor; + const char *ret = NULL; + + vendor = oui_to_vendor (bdaddr); + if (vendor == NULL) + return NULL; + + if (strstr (vendor, "Apple") != NULL) + ret = "phone-apple-iphone"; + else if (strstr (vendor, "Samsung") != NULL) + ret = "phone-samsung-galaxy-s"; + else if (strstr (vendor, "Google") != NULL) + ret = "phone-google-nexus-one"; + g_free (vendor); + + return ret; +} + +static const char * +icon_override (const char *bdaddr, + BluetoothType type) +{ + /* audio-card, you're ugly */ + switch (type) { + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET: + return "audio-headset"; + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES: + return "audio-headphones"; + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO: + return "audio-speakers"; + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PHONE: + return phone_oui_to_icon_name (bdaddr); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_DISPLAY: + return "video-display"; + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SCANNER: + return "scanner"; + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_REMOTE_CONTROL: + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_WEARABLE: + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TOY: + /* FIXME */ + default: + return NULL; + } +} + +static void +device_resolve_type_and_icon (Device1 *device, BluetoothType *type, const char **icon) +{ + g_return_if_fail (type); + g_return_if_fail (icon); + + *type = bluetooth_appearance_to_type (device1_get_appearance (device)); + if (*type == 0 || *type == BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY) + *type = bluetooth_class_to_type (device1_get_class (device)); + + *icon = icon_override (device1_get_address (device), *type); + + if (!*icon) + *icon = device1_get_icon (device); + + if (!*icon) + *icon = "bluetooth"; +} + +static void +device_notify_cb (Device1 *device, + GParamSpec *pspec, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + const char *property = g_param_spec_get_name (pspec); + GtkTreeIter iter; + + if (get_iter_from_proxy (priv->store, &iter, G_DBUS_PROXY (device)) == FALSE) + return; + + if (g_strcmp0 (property, "name") == 0) { + const gchar *name = device1_get_name (device); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, name, -1); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "alias") == 0) { + const gchar *alias = device1_get_alias (device); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, alias, -1); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "paired") == 0) { + gboolean paired = device1_get_paired (device); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, paired, -1); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "trusted") == 0) { + gboolean trusted = device1_get_trusted (device); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, trusted, -1); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "connected") == 0) { + gboolean connected = device1_get_connected (device); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, connected, -1); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "uuids") == 0) { + char **uuids; + + uuids = device_list_uuids (device1_get_uuids (device)); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, uuids, -1); + g_strfreev (uuids); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "legacy-pairing") == 0) { + gboolean legacypairing = device1_get_legacy_pairing (device); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING, legacypairing, + -1); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "icon") == 0 || + g_strcmp0 (property, "class") == 0 || + g_strcmp0 (property, "appearance") == 0) { + BluetoothType type = BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY; + const char *icon = NULL; + + device_resolve_type_and_icon (device, &type, &icon); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, type, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, icon, + -1); + } else { + g_debug ("Unhandled property: %s", property); + } +} + +static void +device_added (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + Device1 *device, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GDBusProxy *adapter; + const char *adapter_path, *address, *alias, *name, *icon; + char **uuids; + gboolean paired, trusted, connected; + int legacypairing; + BluetoothType type; + GtkTreeIter iter, parent; + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (device), "notify", + G_CALLBACK (device_notify_cb), client); + + adapter_path = device1_get_adapter (device); + address = device1_get_address (device); + alias = device1_get_alias (device); + name = device1_get_name (device); + paired = device1_get_paired (device); + trusted = device1_get_trusted (device); + connected = device1_get_connected (device); + uuids = device_list_uuids (device1_get_uuids (device)); + legacypairing = device1_get_legacy_pairing (device); + + device_resolve_type_and_icon (device, &type, &icon); + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &parent, adapter_path) == FALSE) + return; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &parent, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &adapter, -1); + + if (get_iter_from_address (priv->store, &iter, address, adapter) == FALSE) { + gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values (priv->store, &iter, &parent, -1, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, address, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, alias, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, type, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, icon, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING, legacypairing, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, uuids, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, paired, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, connected, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, trusted, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, device, + -1); + } else { + gtk_tree_store_set(priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, address, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, alias, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, type, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, icon, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING, legacypairing, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, uuids, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, paired, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, connected, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, trusted, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, device, + -1); + } + g_strfreev (uuids); + g_object_unref (adapter); +} + +static void +device_removed (const char *path, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GtkTreeIter iter; + + if (get_iter_from_path(priv->store, &iter, path) == TRUE) { + /* Note that removal can also happen from adapter_removed. */ + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (client), signals[DEVICE_REMOVED], 0, path); + gtk_tree_store_remove(priv->store, &iter); + } +} + +static gboolean +adapter_set_powered (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *path, + gboolean powered) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GObject *adapter; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client), FALSE); + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &iter, path) == FALSE) + return FALSE; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &adapter, -1); + + if (adapter == NULL) + return FALSE; + + g_object_set (adapter, "powered", powered, NULL); + g_object_unref (adapter); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +default_adapter_changed (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + const char *path, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GtkTreeIter iter; + GtkTreePath *tree_path; + gboolean powered; + + g_assert (!priv->default_adapter); + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &iter, path) == FALSE) + return; + + tree_path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter); + priv->default_adapter = gtk_tree_row_reference_new (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), tree_path); + gtk_tree_path_free (tree_path); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, TRUE, -1); + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, &powered, -1); + + if (powered) { + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-powered"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discoverable"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discovering"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-name"); + return; + } + + /* + * If the adapter is turn off (Powered = False in bluetooth) object + * notifications will be sent only when a Powered = True signal arrives + * from bluetoothd + */ + adapter_set_powered (client, path, TRUE); +} + +static void +adapter_notify_cb (Adapter1 *adapter, + GParamSpec *pspec, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + const char *property = g_param_spec_get_name (pspec); + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean notify = TRUE; + gboolean is_default; + + if (get_iter_from_proxy (priv->store, &iter, G_DBUS_PROXY (adapter)) == FALSE) + return; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, &is_default, -1); + + if (g_strcmp0 (property, "name") == 0) { + const gchar *name = adapter1_get_name (adapter); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, name, -1); + + if (is_default) { + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-powered"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-name"); + } + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "discovering") == 0) { + gboolean discovering = adapter1_get_discovering (adapter); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING, discovering, -1); + + if (is_default) + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discovering"); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "powered") == 0) { + gboolean powered = adapter1_get_powered (adapter); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, powered, -1); + + if (is_default && powered) { + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discoverable"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discovering"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-name"); + } + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-powered"); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (property, "discoverable") == 0) { + gboolean discoverable = adapter1_get_discoverable (adapter); + + gtk_tree_store_set (priv->store, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERABLE, discoverable, -1); + + if (is_default) + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discoverable"); + } else { + notify = FALSE; + } + + if (notify != FALSE) { + GtkTreePath *path; + + /* Tell the world */ + path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter); + gtk_tree_model_row_changed (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), path, &iter); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + } +} + +static void +adapter_added (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + Adapter1 *adapter, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GtkTreeIter iter; + const gchar *address, *name; + gboolean discovering, discoverable, powered; + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (adapter), "notify", + G_CALLBACK (adapter_notify_cb), client); + + address = adapter1_get_address (adapter); + name = adapter1_get_name (adapter); + discovering = adapter1_get_discovering (adapter); + powered = adapter1_get_powered (adapter); + discoverable = adapter1_get_discoverable (adapter); + + gtk_tree_store_insert_with_values(priv->store, &iter, NULL, -1, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, adapter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, address, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING, discovering, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERABLE, discoverable, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, powered, + -1); + + if (!priv->default_adapter) { + default_adapter_changed (manager, + g_dbus_object_get_object_path (g_dbus_interface_get_object (G_DBUS_INTERFACE (adapter))), + client); + } +} + +static void +adapter_removed (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + const char *path, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GtkTreeIter iter, childiter; + gboolean was_default; + gboolean have_child; + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &iter, path) == FALSE) + return; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, &was_default, -1); + + if (!was_default) + return; + + /* Ensure that all devices are removed. This can happen if bluetoothd + * crashes as the "object-removed" signal is emitted in an undefined + * order. */ + have_child = gtk_tree_model_iter_children (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &childiter, &iter); + while (have_child) { + GDBusProxy *object; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &childiter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &object, -1); + + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (client), signals[DEVICE_REMOVED], 0, g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (object)); + g_object_unref (object); + + have_child = gtk_tree_store_remove (priv->store, &childiter); + } + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->default_adapter, gtk_tree_row_reference_free); + gtk_tree_store_remove (priv->store, &iter); + + if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), + &iter)) { + GDBusProxy *adapter; + const char *adapter_path; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &adapter, -1); + + adapter_path = g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (adapter); + default_adapter_changed (manager, adapter_path, client); + + g_object_unref(adapter); + } else { + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-powered"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discoverable"); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discovering"); + } +} + +static GType +object_manager_get_proxy_type_func (GDBusObjectManagerClient *manager, + const gchar *object_path, + const gchar *interface_name, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (interface_name == NULL) + return G_TYPE_DBUS_OBJECT_PROXY; + + if (g_str_equal (interface_name, BLUEZ_DEVICE_INTERFACE)) + return TYPE_DEVICE1_PROXY; + if (g_str_equal (interface_name, BLUEZ_ADAPTER_INTERFACE)) + return TYPE_ADAPTER1_PROXY; + + return G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY; +} + +static void +interface_added (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + GDBusObject *object, + GDBusInterface *interface, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothClient *client = user_data; + + if (IS_ADAPTER1 (interface)) { + adapter_added (manager, + ADAPTER1 (interface), + client); + } else if (IS_DEVICE1 (interface)) { + device_added (manager, + DEVICE1 (interface), + client); + } +} + +static void +interface_removed (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + GDBusObject *object, + GDBusInterface *interface, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothClient *client = user_data; + + if (IS_ADAPTER1 (interface)) { + adapter_removed (manager, + g_dbus_object_get_object_path (object), + client); + } else if (IS_DEVICE1 (interface)) { + device_removed (g_dbus_object_get_object_path (object), + client); + } +} + +static void +object_added (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + GDBusObject *object, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + GList *interfaces, *l; + + interfaces = g_dbus_object_get_interfaces (object); + + for (l = interfaces; l != NULL; l = l->next) + interface_added (manager, object, G_DBUS_INTERFACE (l->data), client); + + g_list_free_full (interfaces, g_object_unref); +} + +static void +object_removed (GDBusObjectManager *manager, + GDBusObject *object, + BluetoothClient *client) +{ + GList *interfaces, *l; + + interfaces = g_dbus_object_get_interfaces (object); + + for (l = interfaces; l != NULL; l = l->next) + interface_removed (manager, object, G_DBUS_INTERFACE (l->data), client); + + g_list_free_full (interfaces, g_object_unref); +} + +static void +object_manager_new_callback(GObject *source_object, + GAsyncResult *res, + void *user_data) +{ + BluetoothClient *client; + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv; + GDBusObjectManager *manager; + GList *object_list, *l; + GError *error = NULL; + + manager = g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_for_bus_finish (res, &error); + if (!manager) { + if (!g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) + g_warning ("Could not create bluez object manager: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + client = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (user_data); + priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + priv->manager = manager; + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->manager), "interface-added", (GCallback) interface_added, client); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->manager), "interface-removed", (GCallback) interface_removed, client); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->manager), "object-added", (GCallback) object_added, client); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->manager), "object-removed", (GCallback) object_removed, client); + + object_list = g_dbus_object_manager_get_objects (priv->manager); + + /* We need to add the adapters first, otherwise the devices will + * be dropped to the floor, as they wouldn't have a parent in + * the treestore */ + for (l = object_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { + GDBusObject *object = l->data; + GDBusInterface *iface; + + iface = g_dbus_object_get_interface (object, BLUEZ_ADAPTER_INTERFACE); + if (!iface) + continue; + + adapter_added (priv->manager, + ADAPTER1 (iface), + client); + } + + for (l = object_list; l != NULL; l = l->next) { + GDBusObject *object = l->data; + GDBusInterface *iface; + + iface = g_dbus_object_get_interface (object, BLUEZ_DEVICE_INTERFACE); + if (!iface) + continue; + + device_added (priv->manager, + DEVICE1 (iface), + client); + } + g_list_free_full (object_list, g_object_unref); +} + +static void bluetooth_client_init(BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + + priv->cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); + priv->store = gtk_tree_store_new(_BLUETOOTH_NUM_COLUMNS, + G_TYPE_OBJECT, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY */ + G_TYPE_OBJECT, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROPERTIES */ + G_TYPE_STRING, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS */ + G_TYPE_STRING, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS */ + G_TYPE_STRING, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME */ + G_TYPE_UINT, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE */ + G_TYPE_STRING, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON */ + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT */ + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED */ + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED */ + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED */ + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERABLE */ + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING */ + G_TYPE_INT, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING */ + G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED */ + G_TYPE_HASH_TABLE, /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_SERVICES */ + G_TYPE_STRV); /* BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS */ + + g_dbus_object_manager_client_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, + G_DBUS_OBJECT_MANAGER_CLIENT_FLAGS_DO_NOT_AUTO_START, + BLUEZ_SERVICE, + BLUEZ_MANAGER_PATH, + object_manager_get_proxy_type_func, + NULL, NULL, + priv->cancellable, + object_manager_new_callback, client); +} + +GDBusProxy * +_bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter(BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + GDBusProxy *adapter; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client), NULL); + + if (priv->default_adapter == NULL) + return NULL; + + path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (priv->default_adapter); + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, path); + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &adapter, -1); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + return adapter; +} + +static const char* +_bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_path (BluetoothClient *self) +{ + GDBusProxy *adapter = _bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter (self); + + if (adapter != NULL) { + const char *ret = g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (adapter); + g_object_unref (adapter); + return ret; + } + return NULL; +} + +static gboolean +_bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_powered (BluetoothClient *self) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean ret; + + if (priv->default_adapter == NULL) + return FALSE; + + path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (priv->default_adapter); + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, path); + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, &ret, -1); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + return ret; +} + +static char * +_bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_name (BluetoothClient *self) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + char *ret; + + if (priv->default_adapter == NULL) + return NULL; + + path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (priv->default_adapter); + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, path); + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, &ret, -1); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + return ret; +} + +/** + * _bluetooth_client_set_discoverable: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient object + * @discoverable: whether the device should be discoverable + * + * Sets the default adapter's discoverable status. + * + * Return value: Whether setting the state on the default adapter was successful. + **/ +static gboolean +_bluetooth_client_set_discoverable (BluetoothClient *client, + gboolean discoverable) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (client); + GtkTreePath *path; + GObject *adapter; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client), FALSE); + + if (priv->default_adapter == NULL) + return FALSE; + + path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (priv->default_adapter); + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, path); + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &adapter, -1); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + if (adapter == NULL) + return FALSE; + + if (discoverable) { + g_object_set (adapter, + "discoverable", discoverable, + "discoverable-timeout", 0, + NULL); + } else { + /* Work-around race in bluetoothd which would reset the discoverable + * flag if a timeout change was requested before discoverable finished + * being set to off: + * */ + g_object_set (adapter, + "discoverable", FALSE, + NULL); + } + g_object_unref (adapter); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +_bluetooth_client_set_default_adapter_discovering (BluetoothClient *client, + gboolean discovering, + gboolean discoverable) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (client); + GDBusProxy *adapter; + GVariantBuilder builder; + + adapter = _bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter (client); + if (adapter == NULL) + return; + + g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT); + g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", + "Discoverable", g_variant_new_boolean (discoverable)); + if (!adapter1_call_set_discovery_filter_sync (ADAPTER1 (adapter), + g_variant_builder_end (&builder), NULL, NULL)) { + /* BlueZ too old? */ + _bluetooth_client_set_discoverable (client, discoverable); + } + + priv->discovery_started = discovering; + if (discovering) + adapter1_call_start_discovery_sync (ADAPTER1 (adapter), NULL, NULL); + else + adapter1_call_stop_discovery_sync (ADAPTER1 (adapter), NULL, NULL); + + g_object_unref(adapter); +} + +static gboolean +_bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_discovering (BluetoothClient *self) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean ret; + + if (priv->default_adapter == NULL) + return FALSE; + + path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path (priv->default_adapter); + gtk_tree_model_get_iter (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, path); + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING, &ret, -1); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + + return ret; +} + +static void +bluetooth_client_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothClient *self = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (object); + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER: + g_value_set_string (value, _bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_path (self)); + break; + case PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_POWERED: + g_value_set_boolean (value, _bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_powered (self)); + break; + case PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME: + g_value_take_string (value, _bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_name (self)); + break; + case PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERABLE: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->disco_during_disco); + break; + case PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERING: + g_value_set_boolean (value, _bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter_discovering (self)); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_client_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothClient *self = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (object); + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERABLE: + priv->disco_during_disco = g_value_get_boolean (value); + _bluetooth_client_set_default_adapter_discovering (self, priv->discovery_started, priv->disco_during_disco); + break; + case PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERING: + _bluetooth_client_set_default_adapter_discovering (self, g_value_get_boolean (value), priv->disco_during_disco); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void bluetooth_client_finalize(GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothClient *client = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (object); + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE (client); + + if (priv->cancellable != NULL) { + g_cancellable_cancel (priv->cancellable); + g_clear_object (&priv->cancellable); + } + g_clear_object (&priv->manager); + g_object_unref (priv->store); + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->default_adapter, gtk_tree_row_reference_free); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_client_parent_class)->finalize (object); +} + +static void bluetooth_client_class_init(BluetoothClientClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + object_class->finalize = bluetooth_client_finalize; + object_class->get_property = bluetooth_client_get_property; + object_class->set_property = bluetooth_client_set_property; + + /** + * BluetoothClient::device-removed: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient object which received the signal + * @device: the D-Bus object path for the now-removed device + * + * The #BluetoothClient::device-removed signal is launched when a + * device gets removed from the model. + **/ + signals[DEVICE_REMOVED] = + g_signal_new ("device-removed", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + 0, + NULL, NULL, + g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING); + + /** + * BluetoothClient:default-adapter: + * + * The D-Bus path of the default Bluetooth adapter or %NULL. + */ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER, + g_param_spec_string ("default-adapter", NULL, + "The D-Bus path of the default adapter", + NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE)); + /** + * BluetoothClient:default-adapter-powered: + * + * %TRUE if the default Bluetooth adapter is powered. + */ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_POWERED, + g_param_spec_boolean ("default-adapter-powered", NULL, + "Whether the default adapter is powered", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE)); + /** + * BluetoothClient:default-adapter-discoverable: + * + * %TRUE if the default Bluetooth adapter is discoverable during discovery. + */ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERABLE, + g_param_spec_boolean ("default-adapter-discoverable", NULL, + "Whether the default adapter is visible by other devices during discovery", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + /** + * BluetoothClient:default-adapter-name: + * + * The name of the default Bluetooth adapter or %NULL. + */ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_NAME, + g_param_spec_string ("default-adapter-name", NULL, + "The human readable name of the default adapter", + NULL, G_PARAM_READABLE)); + /** + * BluetoothClient:default-adapter-discovering: + * + * %TRUE if the default Bluetooth adapter is discovering. + */ + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DEFAULT_ADAPTER_DISCOVERING, + g_param_spec_boolean ("default-adapter-discovering", NULL, + "Whether the default adapter is searching for devices", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_client_new: + * + * Returns a reference to the #BluetoothClient singleton. Use g_object_unref() when done with the object. + * + * Return value: (transfer full): a #BluetoothClient object. + **/ +BluetoothClient *bluetooth_client_new(void) +{ + static BluetoothClient *bluetooth_client = NULL; + + if (bluetooth_client != NULL) + return g_object_ref(bluetooth_client); + + bluetooth_client = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT, NULL)); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (bluetooth_client), + (gpointer) &bluetooth_client); + + return bluetooth_client; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_client_get_model: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient object + * + * Returns an unfiltered #GtkTreeModel representing the adapter and devices available on the system. + * + * Return value: (transfer full): a #GtkTreeModel object. + **/ +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_model (BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv; + GtkTreeModel *model; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client), NULL); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (g_object_ref(priv->store)); + + return model; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_client_get_filter_model: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient object + * @func: a #GtkTreeModelFilterVisibleFunc + * @data: user data to pass to gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func() + * @destroy: a destroy function for gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func() + * + * Returns a #GtkTreeModelFilter of devices filtered using the @func, @data and @destroy arguments to pass to gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func(). + * + * Return value: (transfer full): a #GtkTreeModel object. + **/ +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_filter_model (BluetoothClient *client, + GtkTreeModelFilterVisibleFunc func, + gpointer data, GDestroyNotify destroy) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv; + GtkTreeModel *model; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client), NULL); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + model = gtk_tree_model_filter_new(GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), NULL); + + gtk_tree_model_filter_set_visible_func(GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER(model), + func, data, destroy); + + return model; +} + +static gboolean adapter_filter(GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) +{ + GDBusProxy *proxy; + gboolean active; + + gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &proxy, -1); + + if (proxy == NULL) + return FALSE; + + active = g_str_equal(BLUEZ_ADAPTER_INTERFACE, + g_dbus_proxy_get_interface_name(proxy)); + + g_object_unref(proxy); + + return active; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_client_get_adapter_model: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient object + * + * Returns a #GtkTreeModelFilter with only adapters present. + * + * Return value: (transfer full): a #GtkTreeModel object. + **/ +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_adapter_model (BluetoothClient *client) +{ + return bluetooth_client_get_filter_model (client, adapter_filter, + NULL, NULL); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_client_get_device_model: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient object + * + * Returns a #GtkTreeModelFilter with only devices belonging to the default adapter listed. + * Note that the model will follow a specific adapter, and will not follow the default adapter. + * Also note that due to the way #GtkTreeModelFilter works, you will probably want to + * monitor signals on the "child-model" #GtkTreeModel to monitor for changes. + * + * Return value: (transfer full): a #GtkTreeModel object. + **/ +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_device_model (BluetoothClient *client) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreePath *path; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean cont, found = FALSE; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client), NULL); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + cont = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter); + + while (cont == TRUE) { + gboolean is_default; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, &is_default, -1); + + if (is_default == TRUE) { + found = TRUE; + break; + } + + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter); + } + + if (found == TRUE) { + path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter); + model = gtk_tree_model_filter_new (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), path); + gtk_tree_path_free (path); + } else + model = NULL; + + return model; +} + +typedef struct { + BluetoothClientSetupFunc func; + BluetoothClient *client; +} CreateDeviceData; + +static void +device_pair_callback (GDBusProxy *proxy, + GAsyncResult *res, + GSimpleAsyncResult *simple) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + + if (device1_call_pair_finish (DEVICE1(proxy), res, &error) == FALSE) { + g_debug ("Pair() failed for %s: %s", + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy), + error->message); + g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error); + } else { + g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (simple, TRUE); + } + + g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (simple); + + g_object_unref (simple); +} + +gboolean +bluetooth_client_setup_device_finish (BluetoothClient *client, + GAsyncResult *res, + char **path, + GError **error) +{ + GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; + + simple = (GSimpleAsyncResult *) res; + + g_warn_if_fail (g_simple_async_result_get_source_tag (simple) == bluetooth_client_setup_device); + + if (path != NULL) + *path = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (res), "device-object-path"); + + if (g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gboolean (simple)) + return TRUE; + g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (simple, error); + return FALSE; +} + +void +bluetooth_client_setup_device (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *path, + gboolean pair, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GAsyncReadyCallback callback, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; + GDBusProxy *device; + GtkTreeIter iter, adapter_iter; + gboolean paired; + GError *err = NULL; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client)); + + simple = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (client), + callback, + user_data, + bluetooth_client_setup_device); + g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable (simple, cancellable); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (simple), "device-object-path", g_strdup (path)); + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &iter, path) == FALSE) { + g_simple_async_result_set_error (simple, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, + "Device with object path %s does not exist", + path); + g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (simple); + g_object_unref (simple); + return; + } + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &device, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &paired, -1); + + if (paired != FALSE && + gtk_tree_model_iter_parent (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &adapter_iter, &iter)) { + GDBusProxy *adapter; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &adapter_iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &adapter, + -1); + adapter1_call_remove_device_sync (ADAPTER1 (adapter), + path, + NULL, &err); + if (err != NULL) { + g_warning ("Failed to remove device: %s", err->message); + g_error_free (err); + } + g_object_unref (adapter); + } + + if (pair == TRUE) { + device1_call_pair (DEVICE1(device), + cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) device_pair_callback, + simple); + } else { + g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (simple, TRUE); + g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (simple); + g_object_unref (simple); + } + + g_object_unref (device); +} + +gboolean +bluetooth_client_set_trusted (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *device_path, + gboolean trusted) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GObject *device; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client), FALSE); + g_return_val_if_fail (device != NULL, FALSE); + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &iter, device_path) == FALSE) { + g_debug ("Couldn't find device '%s' in tree to mark it as trusted", device_path); + return FALSE; + } + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &device, -1); + + if (device == NULL) + return FALSE; + + g_object_set (device, "trusted", trusted, NULL); + g_object_unref (device); + + return TRUE; +} + +GDBusProxy * +bluetooth_client_get_device (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *path) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GtkTreeIter iter; + GDBusProxy *proxy; + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &iter, path) == FALSE) { + return NULL; + } + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &proxy, + -1); + return proxy; +} + +static void +connect_callback (GDBusProxy *proxy, + GAsyncResult *res, + GSimpleAsyncResult *simple) +{ + gboolean retval; + GError *error = NULL; + + retval = device1_call_connect_finish (DEVICE1(proxy), res, &error); + if (retval == FALSE) { + g_debug ("Connect failed for %s: %s", + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy), error->message); + g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error); + } else { + g_debug ("Connect succeeded for %s", + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy)); + g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (simple, retval); + } + + g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (simple); + + g_object_unref (simple); +} + +static void +disconnect_callback (GDBusProxy *proxy, + GAsyncResult *res, + GSimpleAsyncResult *simple) +{ + gboolean retval; + GError *error = NULL; + + retval = device1_call_disconnect_finish (DEVICE1(proxy), res, &error); + if (retval == FALSE) { + g_debug ("Disconnect failed for %s: %s", + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy), + error->message); + g_simple_async_result_take_error (simple, error); + } else { + g_debug ("Disconnect succeeded for %s", + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy)); + g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gboolean (simple, retval); + } + + g_simple_async_result_complete_in_idle (simple); + + g_object_unref (simple); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_client_connect_service: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient + * @path: the object path on which to operate + * @connect: Whether try to connect or disconnect from services on a device + * @cancellable: optional #GCancellable object, %NULL to ignore + * @callback: (scope async): a #GAsyncReadyCallback to call when the connection is complete + * @user_data: the data to pass to callback function + * + * When the connection operation is finished, @callback will be called. You can + * then call bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish() to get the result of the + * operation. + **/ +void +bluetooth_client_connect_service (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *path, + gboolean connect, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GAsyncReadyCallback callback, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothClientPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_GET_PRIVATE(client); + GtkTreeIter iter; + GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; + GDBusProxy *device; + + g_return_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT (client)); + g_return_if_fail (path != NULL); + + if (get_iter_from_path (priv->store, &iter, path) == FALSE) + return; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL(priv->store), &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &device, + -1); + + simple = g_simple_async_result_new (G_OBJECT (client), + callback, + user_data, + bluetooth_client_connect_service); + g_simple_async_result_set_check_cancellable (simple, cancellable); + + if (connect) { + device1_call_connect (DEVICE1(device), + cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) connect_callback, + simple); + } else { + device1_call_disconnect (DEVICE1(device), + cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) disconnect_callback, + simple); + } + + g_object_unref (device); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish: + * @client: a #BluetoothClient + * @res: a #GAsyncResult + * @error: a #GError + * + * Finishes the connection operation. See bluetooth_client_connect_service(). + * + * Returns: %TRUE if the connection operation succeeded, %FALSE otherwise. + **/ +gboolean +bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish (BluetoothClient *client, + GAsyncResult *res, + GError **error) +{ + GSimpleAsyncResult *simple; + + simple = (GSimpleAsyncResult *) res; + + g_warn_if_fail (g_simple_async_result_get_source_tag (simple) == bluetooth_client_connect_service); + + if (g_simple_async_result_get_op_res_gboolean (simple)) + return TRUE; + g_simple_async_result_propagate_error (simple, error); + return FALSE; +} + +#define BOOL_STR(x) (x ? "True" : "False") + +void +bluetooth_client_dump_device (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter) +{ + GDBusProxy *proxy; + char *address, *alias, *name, *icon, **uuids; + gboolean is_default, paired, trusted, connected, discoverable, discovering, powered, is_adapter; + GtkTreeIter parent; + BluetoothType type; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &address, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, &alias, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, &name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, &icon, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, &is_default, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &paired, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, &trusted, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, &connected, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERABLE, &discoverable, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING, &discovering, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, &powered, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, &uuids, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &proxy, + -1); + if (proxy) { + char *basename; + basename = g_path_get_basename(g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path(proxy)); + is_adapter = !g_str_has_prefix (basename, "dev_"); + g_free (basename); + } else { + is_adapter = !gtk_tree_model_iter_parent (model, &parent, iter); + } + + if (is_adapter != FALSE) { + /* Adapter */ + g_print ("Adapter: %s (%s)\n", name, address); + if (is_default) + g_print ("\tDefault adapter\n"); + g_print ("\tD-Bus Path: %s\n", proxy ? g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy) : "(none)"); + g_print ("\tDiscoverable: %s\n", BOOL_STR (discoverable)); + if (discovering) + g_print ("\tDiscovery in progress\n"); + g_print ("\t%s\n", powered ? "Is powered" : "Is not powered"); + } else { + /* Device */ + g_print ("Device: %s (%s)\n", alias, address); + g_print ("\tD-Bus Path: %s\n", proxy ? g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy) : "(none)"); + g_print ("\tType: %s Icon: %s\n", bluetooth_type_to_string (type), icon); + g_print ("\tPaired: %s Trusted: %s Connected: %s\n", BOOL_STR(paired), BOOL_STR(trusted), BOOL_STR(connected)); + if (uuids != NULL) { + guint i; + g_print ("\tUUIDs: "); + for (i = 0; uuids[i] != NULL; i++) + g_print ("%s ", uuids[i]); + g_print ("\n"); + } + } + g_print ("\n"); + + g_free (alias); + g_free (address); + g_free (icon); + g_clear_object (&proxy); + g_strfreev (uuids); +} + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-client.h b/lib/bluetooth-client.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab4cfa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-client.h @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_H + +#include +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT (bluetooth_client_get_type()) +#define BLUETOOTH_CLIENT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT, BluetoothClient)) +#define BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT, BluetoothClientClass)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_CLIENT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_CLIENT_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CLIENT, BluetoothClientClass)) + +/** + * BluetoothClient: + * + * The BluetoothClient struct contains + * only private fields and should not be directly accessed. + */ +typedef struct _BluetoothClient BluetoothClient; +typedef struct _BluetoothClientClass BluetoothClientClass; + +struct _BluetoothClient { + GObject parent; +}; + +struct _BluetoothClientClass { + GObjectClass parent_class; +}; + +GType bluetooth_client_get_type(void); + +BluetoothClient *bluetooth_client_new(void); + +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_model(BluetoothClient *client); + +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_filter_model(BluetoothClient *client, + GtkTreeModelFilterVisibleFunc func, + gpointer data, GDestroyNotify destroy); +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_adapter_model(BluetoothClient *client); +GtkTreeModel *bluetooth_client_get_device_model(BluetoothClient *client); + +void bluetooth_client_connect_service (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *path, + gboolean connect, + GCancellable *cancellable, + GAsyncReadyCallback callback, + gpointer user_data); + +gboolean bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish (BluetoothClient *client, + GAsyncResult *res, + GError **error); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_CLIENT_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-client.xml b/lib/bluetooth-client.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1324821 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-client.xml @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-enums.h b/lib/bluetooth-enums.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b54ad36 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-enums.h @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_ENUMS_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_ENUMS_H + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +/** + * SECTION:bluetooth-enums + * @short_description: Bluetooth related enumerations + * @stability: Stable + * @include: bluetooth-enums.h + * + * Enumerations related to Bluetooth. + **/ + +/** + * BluetoothCategory: + * @BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_ALL: all devices + * @BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED: paired devices + * @BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_TRUSTED: trusted devices + * @BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NOT_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED: neither paired, nor trusted devices + * @BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED: paired and/or trusted devices + * + * The category of a Bluetooth devices. + **/ +typedef enum { + BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_ALL, + BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED, + BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_TRUSTED, + BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NOT_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED, + BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED, + /* < private > */ + BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NUM_CATEGORIES /*< skip >*/ +} BluetoothCategory; + +/** + * BluetoothType: + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY: any device, or a device of an unknown type + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PHONE: a telephone (usually a cell/mobile phone) + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MODEM: a modem + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_COMPUTER: a computer, can be a laptop, a wearable computer, etc. + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NETWORK: a network device, such as a router + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET: a headset (usually a hands-free device) + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES: headphones (covers two ears) + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO: another type of audio device + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD: a keyboard + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE: a mouse + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CAMERA: a camera (still or moving) + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PRINTER: a printer + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_JOYPAD: a joypad, joystick, or other game controller + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET: a drawing tablet + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_VIDEO: a video device, such as a webcam + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_REMOTE_CONTROL: a remote control + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SCANNER: a scanner + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_DISPLAY: a display + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_WEARABLE: a wearable computer + * @BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TOY: a toy or game + * + * The type of a Bluetooth device. See also %BLUETOOTH_TYPE_INPUT and %BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AUDIO + **/ +typedef enum { + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY = 1 << 0, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PHONE = 1 << 1, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MODEM = 1 << 2, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_COMPUTER = 1 << 3, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NETWORK = 1 << 4, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET = 1 << 5, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES = 1 << 6, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO = 1 << 7, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD = 1 << 8, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE = 1 << 9, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CAMERA = 1 << 10, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PRINTER = 1 << 11, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_JOYPAD = 1 << 12, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET = 1 << 13, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_VIDEO = 1 << 14, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_REMOTE_CONTROL = 1 << 15, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SCANNER = 1 << 16, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_DISPLAY = 1 << 17, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_WEARABLE = 1 << 18, + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TOY = 1 << 19 +} BluetoothType; + +#define _BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NUM_TYPES 20 + +/** + * BLUETOOTH_TYPE_INPUT: + * + * Use this value to select any Bluetooth input device where a #BluetoothType enum is required. + */ +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_INPUT (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD | BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE | BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET | BLUETOOTH_TYPE_JOYPAD) +/** + * BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AUDIO: + * + * Use this value to select any Bluetooth audio device where a #BluetoothType enum is required. + */ +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AUDIO (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET | BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES | BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO) + +/** + * BluetoothColumn: + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY: a #GDBusProxy object + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROPERTIES: Used to be #GDBusProxy object for DBus.Properties, now always %NULL + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS: a string representing a Bluetooth address + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS: a string to use for display (the name of the device, or its address if the name is not known). Only available for devices. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME: a string representing the device or adapter's name + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE: the #BluetoothType of the device. Only available for devices. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON: a string representing the icon name for the device. Only available for devices. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT: whether the adapter is the default one. Only available for adapters. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED: whether the device is paired to its parent adapter. Only available for devices. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED: whether the device is trusted. Only available for devices. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED: whether the device is connected. Only available for devices. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERABLE: whether the adapter is discoverable/visible. Only available for adapters. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING: whether the adapter is discovering. Only available for adapters. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING: whether the device does not support Bluetooth 2.1 Simple Secure Pairing. Only available for devices. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED: whether the adapter is powered. Only available for adapters. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_SERVICES: an array of service names and #BluetoothStatus connection statuses. + * @BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS: a string array of human-readable UUIDs. + * + * A column identifier to pass to bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_info(). + **/ +typedef enum { + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROPERTIES, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERABLE, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_SERVICES, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, +} BluetoothColumn; + +#define _BLUETOOTH_NUM_COLUMNS (BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS + 1) + +/** + * BluetoothStatus: + * @BLUETOOTH_STATUS_INVALID: whether the status has been set yet + * @BLUETOOTH_STATUS_DISCONNECTED: whether the service is disconnected + * @BLUETOOTH_STATUS_CONNECTED: whether the service is connected + * @BLUETOOTH_STATUS_CONNECTING: whether the service is connecting + * @BLUETOOTH_STATUS_PLAYING: whether the service is playing (only used by the audio service) + * + * The connection status of a service on a particular device. Note that @BLUETOOTH_STATUS_CONNECTING and @BLUETOOTH_STATUS_PLAYING might not be available for all services. + **/ +typedef enum { + BLUETOOTH_STATUS_INVALID = 0, + BLUETOOTH_STATUS_DISCONNECTED, + BLUETOOTH_STATUS_CONNECTED, + BLUETOOTH_STATUS_CONNECTING, + BLUETOOTH_STATUS_PLAYING +} BluetoothStatus; + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_ENUMS_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c b/lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d010bb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c @@ -0,0 +1,477 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-filter-widget.h" +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" + +#define BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET, BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate; + +struct _BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate { + GtkWidget *device_type_label, *device_type; + GtkWidget *device_category_label, *device_category; + GtkWidget *title; + GtkWidget *chooser; + GtkTreeModel *filter; + + /* Current filter */ + int device_type_filter; + GtkTreeModel *device_type_filter_model; + int device_category_filter; + char *device_service_filter; + + guint show_device_type : 1; + guint show_device_category : 1; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(BluetoothFilterWidget, bluetooth_filter_widget, GTK_TYPE_BOX) + +enum { + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_NAME = 0, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_NUM_COLS +}; + +static const char * +bluetooth_device_category_to_string (int type) +{ + switch (type) { + case BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_ALL: + return N_("All categories"); + case BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED: + return N_("Paired"); + case BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_TRUSTED: + return N_("Trusted"); + case BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NOT_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED: + return N_("Not paired or trusted"); + case BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED: + return N_("Paired or trusted"); + default: + return N_("Unknown"); + } +} + +static void +set_combobox_from_filter (BluetoothFilterWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean cont; + + /* Look for an exact matching filter first */ + cont = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), + &iter); + while (cont != FALSE) { + int mask; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), &iter, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, &mask, -1); + if (mask == priv->device_type_filter) { + gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->device_type), &iter); + return; + } + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), &iter); + } + + /* Then a fuzzy match */ + cont = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), + &iter); + while (cont != FALSE) { + int mask; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), &iter, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, &mask, + -1); + if (mask & priv->device_type_filter) { + gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->device_type), &iter); + return; + } + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), &iter); + } + + /* Then just set the any then */ + gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), &iter); + gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter (GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->device_type), &iter); +} + +static void +filter_category_changed_cb (GtkComboBox *widget, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidget *self = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET (data); + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + priv->device_category_filter = gtk_combo_box_get_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->device_category)); + if (priv->filter) + gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter)); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT(self), "device-category-filter"); +} + +static void +filter_type_changed_cb (GtkComboBox *widget, gpointer data) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidget *self = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET (data); + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(self); + GtkTreeIter iter; + + if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter (widget, &iter) == FALSE) + return; + + gtk_tree_model_get (GTK_TREE_MODEL (priv->device_type_filter_model), &iter, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, &(priv->device_type_filter), + -1); + + if (priv->filter) + gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter)); + g_object_notify (G_OBJECT(self), "device-type-filter"); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_filter_widget_set_title: + * @self: a #BluetoothFilterWidget. + * @title: Title for the #BluetoothFilterWidget. + * + * Used to set a different title for the #BluetoothFilterWidget than the default. + * + **/ +void +bluetooth_filter_widget_set_title (BluetoothFilterWidget *self, gchar *title) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(self); + + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->title), title); +} + +static void +bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_chooser_single (BluetoothFilterWidget *self, + BluetoothChooser *chooser, + const char *property) +{ + /* NOTE: We are binding the chooser as the source so that all of its + * properties are pushed to the filter. + * The bindings will be automatically removed when one of the + * objects goes away */ + g_object_bind_property ((gpointer) chooser, property, + (gpointer) self, property, + G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter: + * @self: a #BluetoothFilterWidget. + * @chooser: The #BluetoothChooser widget to bind the filter to. + * + * Binds a #BluetoothFilterWidget to a #BluetoothChooser such that changing the + * #BluetoothFilterWidget results in filters being applied on the #BluetoothChooser. + * Any properties set on a bound #BluetoothChooser will also be set on the + * #BluetoothFilterWidget. + * + **/ +void +bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter (BluetoothFilterWidget *self, BluetoothChooser *chooser) +{ + bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_chooser_single (self, chooser, "device-type-filter"); + bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_chooser_single (self, chooser, "device-category-filter"); + bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_chooser_single (self, chooser, "show-device-type"); + bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_chooser_single (self, chooser, "show-device-category"); +} + +static void +bluetooth_filter_widget_init(BluetoothFilterWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(self); + guint i; + + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *alignment; + GtkWidget *table; + GtkCellRenderer *renderer; + + gtk_widget_push_composite_child (); + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (self), "orientation", GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, NULL); + + gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (self), FALSE); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (self), 6); + + priv->title = gtk_label_new (""); + /* This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. + * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... */ + bluetooth_filter_widget_set_title (self, _("Show:")); + gtk_widget_show (priv->title); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (self), priv->title, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (priv->title), 0, 0.5); + + alignment = gtk_alignment_new (0.5, 0.5, 1, 1); + gtk_widget_show (alignment); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (self), alignment, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + table = gtk_grid_new (); + gtk_widget_show (table); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (alignment), table); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 6); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing (GTK_GRID (table), 12); + + /* The device category filter */ + label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("Device _category:")); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (label, TRUE); + gtk_widget_show (label); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 0, 1, 1); + gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0, 0.5); + priv->device_category_label = label; + + priv->device_category = gtk_combo_box_text_new (); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->device_category, TRUE); + gtk_widget_show (priv->device_category); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), priv->device_category, 1, 0, 1, 1); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (priv->device_category, _("Select the device category to filter")); + for (i = 0; i < BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NUM_CATEGORIES; i++) { + gtk_combo_box_text_append_text (GTK_COMBO_BOX_TEXT (priv->device_category), + _(bluetooth_device_category_to_string (i))); + } + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->device_category), "changed", + G_CALLBACK (filter_category_changed_cb), self); + gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX (priv->device_category), priv->device_category_filter); + if (priv->show_device_category) { + gtk_widget_show (priv->device_category_label); + gtk_widget_show (priv->device_category); + } + + /* The device type filter */ + label = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("Device _type:")); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (label, TRUE); + gtk_widget_show (label); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), label, 0, 1, 1, 1); + gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (label), 0, 0.5); + priv->device_type_label = label; + + priv->device_type_filter_model = GTK_TREE_MODEL (gtk_list_store_new (DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_NUM_COLS, + G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT)); + priv->device_type = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model (priv->device_type_filter_model); + renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new (); + gtk_cell_layout_pack_start (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (priv->device_type), renderer, TRUE); + gtk_cell_layout_add_attribute (GTK_CELL_LAYOUT (priv->device_type), renderer, "text", DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_NAME); + + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->device_type, TRUE); + gtk_widget_show (priv->device_type); + gtk_grid_attach (GTK_GRID (table), priv->device_type, 1, 1, 1, 1); + gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text (priv->device_type, _("Select the device type to filter")); + gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (priv->device_type_filter_model), NULL, G_MAXUINT32, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_NAME, _(bluetooth_type_to_filter_string (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY)), + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY, + -1); + gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (priv->device_type_filter_model), NULL, G_MAXUINT32, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_NAME, _("Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)"), + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, BLUETOOTH_TYPE_INPUT, + -1); + gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (priv->device_type_filter_model), NULL, G_MAXUINT32, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_NAME, _("Headphones, headsets and other audio devices"), + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AUDIO, + -1); + /* The types match the types used in bluetooth-client.h */ + for (i = 1; i < _BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NUM_TYPES; i++) { + int mask = 1 << i; + if (mask & BLUETOOTH_TYPE_INPUT || mask & BLUETOOTH_TYPE_AUDIO) + continue; + gtk_list_store_insert_with_values (GTK_LIST_STORE (priv->device_type_filter_model), NULL, G_MAXUINT32, + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_NAME, _(bluetooth_type_to_filter_string (mask)), + DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER_COL_MASK, mask, + -1); + } + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->device_type), "changed", + G_CALLBACK(filter_type_changed_cb), self); + set_combobox_from_filter (self); + if (priv->show_device_type) { + gtk_widget_show (priv->device_type_label); + gtk_widget_show (priv->device_type); + } + + /* The services filter */ + priv->device_service_filter = NULL; + + gtk_widget_pop_composite_child (); +} + +static void +bluetooth_filter_widget_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(object); + + g_free (priv->device_service_filter); + priv->device_service_filter = NULL; + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_filter_widget_parent_class)->finalize(object); +} + +static void +bluetooth_filter_widget_dispose (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(object); + + if (priv->chooser) { + g_object_unref (priv->chooser); + priv->chooser = NULL; + } + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_filter_widget_parent_class)->dispose(object); +} + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE, + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY, + PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER, + PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER, + PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER +}; + +static void +bluetooth_filter_widget_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, + const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(object); + + switch (prop_id) { + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE: + priv->show_device_type = g_value_get_boolean (value); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->device_type_label), "visible", priv->show_device_type, NULL); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->device_type), "visible", priv->show_device_type, NULL); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY: + priv->show_device_category = g_value_get_boolean (value); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->device_category_label), "visible", priv->show_device_category, NULL); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->device_category), "visible", priv->show_device_category, NULL); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER: + priv->device_type_filter = g_value_get_int (value); + set_combobox_from_filter (BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET (object)); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER: + priv->device_category_filter = g_value_get_enum (value); + gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX(priv->device_category), priv->device_category_filter); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER: + g_free (priv->device_service_filter); + priv->device_service_filter = g_value_dup_string (value); + if (priv->filter) + gtk_tree_model_filter_refilter (GTK_TREE_MODEL_FILTER (priv->filter)); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_filter_widget_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, + GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(object); + + switch (prop_id) { + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_device_type); + break; + case PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->show_device_category); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER: + g_value_set_int (value, priv->device_type_filter); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER: + g_value_set_enum (value, priv->device_category_filter); + break; + case PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER: + g_value_set_string (value, priv->device_service_filter); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_filter_widget_class_init (BluetoothFilterWidgetClass *klass) +{ + /* Use to calculate the maximum value for the + * device-type-filter value */ + guint i; + int max_filter_val; + + g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(BluetoothFilterWidgetPrivate)); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->dispose = bluetooth_filter_widget_dispose; + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->finalize = bluetooth_filter_widget_finalize; + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->set_property = bluetooth_filter_widget_set_property; + G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass)->get_property = bluetooth_filter_widget_get_property; + + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_TYPE, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-device-type", + "show-device-type", "Whether to show the device type filter", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_SHOW_DEVICE_CATEGORY, g_param_spec_boolean ("show-device-category", + "show-device-category", "Whether to show the device category filter", TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + for (i = 0, max_filter_val = 0 ; i < _BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NUM_TYPES; i++) + max_filter_val += 1 << i; + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_DEVICE_TYPE_FILTER, g_param_spec_int ("device-type-filter", + "device-type-filter", "A bitmask of #BluetoothType to show", 1, max_filter_val, 1, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_DEVICE_CATEGORY_FILTER, g_param_spec_enum ("device-category-filter", + "device-category-filter", "The #BluetoothCategory to show", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CATEGORY, BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_ALL, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); + g_object_class_install_property (G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass), + PROP_DEVICE_SERVICE_FILTER, g_param_spec_string ("device-service-filter", + "device-service-filter", "A string representing the service to filter for", NULL, G_PARAM_WRITABLE)); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_filter_widget_new: + * + * Creates a new #BluetoothFilterWidget which can be bound to a #BluetoothChooser to + * control filtering of that #BluetoothChooser. + * Usually used in conjunction with a #BluetoothChooser which has the "has-internal-filter" + * property set to FALSE. + * + * Return value: A #BluetoothFilterWidget widget + * + * Note: Must call bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter () to bind the #BluetoothFilterWidget + * to a #BluetoothChooser. + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_filter_widget_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new(BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET, + NULL); +} diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.h b/lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..05912e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.h @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_H + +#include +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET (bluetooth_filter_widget_get_type()) +#define BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET, BluetoothFilterWidget)) +#define BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET, BluetoothFilterWidgetClass)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_FILTER_WIDGET(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_FILTER_WIDGET_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_FILTER_WIDGET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_FILTER_WIDGET, BluetoothFilterWidgetClass)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothFilterWidget BluetoothFilterWidget; +typedef struct _BluetoothFilterWidgetClass BluetoothFilterWidgetClass; + +struct _BluetoothFilterWidget { + GtkBox parent; +}; + +struct _BluetoothFilterWidgetClass { + GtkBoxClass parent_class; +}; + +GType bluetooth_filter_widget_get_type (void); + +GtkWidget *bluetooth_filter_widget_new (void); + +void bluetooth_filter_widget_set_title (BluetoothFilterWidget *self, gchar *title); + +void bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter (BluetoothFilterWidget *self, BluetoothChooser *chooser); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c b/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4565eeb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c @@ -0,0 +1,366 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright (C) 2013 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#include + +#include "bluetooth-pairing-dialog.h" +#include "bluetooth-enums.h" +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" +#include "bluetooth-settings-resources.h" + +#define BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ + (bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_instance_private (obj)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate; + +struct _BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate { + GtkWidget *title; + GtkWidget *help_label; + GtkWidget *label_pin; + GtkWidget *entry_pin; + GtkWidget *pin_notebook; + GtkWidget *done; + GtkWidget *spinner; + GtkWidget *cancel; + + BluetoothPairingMode mode; + char *pin; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(BluetoothPairingDialog, bluetooth_pairing_dialog, GTK_TYPE_DIALOG) + +enum { + CONFIRMATION_PAGE, + DISPLAY_PAGE, + MESSAGE_PAGE +}; + +void +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BluetoothPairingDialog *self, + BluetoothPairingMode mode, + const char *pin, + const char *device_name) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (self); + char *title; + char *help; + GtkStyleContext *context; + + priv->mode = mode; + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pin, g_free); + priv->pin = g_strdup (pin); + gtk_entry_set_text (GTK_ENTRY (priv->entry_pin), pin ? pin : ""); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->label_pin), pin); + + switch (mode) { + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_QUERY: + gtk_widget_show (priv->done); + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->pin_notebook), CONFIRMATION_PAGE); + title = g_strdup(_("Confirm Bluetooth PIN")); + help = g_strdup_printf (_("Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”."), device_name); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_CONFIRMATION: + gtk_widget_show (priv->done); + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (priv->done), _("Confirm")); + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->pin_notebook), CONFIRMATION_PAGE); + title = g_strdup(_("Confirm Bluetooth PIN")); + help = g_strdup_printf (_("Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the device’s manual."), device_name); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_NORMAL: + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD: + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_ICADE: + gtk_widget_hide (priv->done); + title = g_strdup_printf (_("Pairing “%s”"), device_name); + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->pin_notebook), DISPLAY_PAGE); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_MATCH: + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (priv->done), _("Confirm")); + gtk_widget_show (priv->done); + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->pin_notebook), DISPLAY_PAGE); + title = g_strdup(_("Confirm Bluetooth PIN")); + help = g_strdup_printf (_("Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”."), device_name); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_YES_NO: + gtk_widget_show (priv->done); + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->pin_notebook), MESSAGE_PAGE); + title = g_strdup (_("Bluetooth Pairing Request")); + help = g_strdup_printf (_("“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?"), device_name); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_CONFIRM_AUTH: + gtk_widget_show (priv->done); + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (priv->pin_notebook), MESSAGE_PAGE); + title = g_strdup (_("Confirm Bluetooth Connection")); + help = g_strdup_printf (_("“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?"), device_name); + break; + default: + g_assert_not_reached (); + } + + switch (mode) { + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_NORMAL: + help = g_strdup_printf (_("Please enter the following PIN on “%s”."), device_name); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD: + help = g_strdup_printf (_("Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard."), device_name); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_ICADE: + help = g_strdup (_("Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then press any of the white buttons.")); + break; + default: + g_assert (help); + } + + if (mode == BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_YES_NO || + mode == BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_CONFIRM_AUTH) { + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (priv->done), _("Allow")); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (priv->done); + gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "suggested-action"); + + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (priv->cancel), _("Dismiss")); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (priv->cancel); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "destructive-action"); + + gtk_widget_hide (priv->pin_notebook); + } else { + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (priv->done), _("Confirm")); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (priv->done); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "suggested-action"); + + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (priv->cancel), _("Cancel")); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (priv->cancel); + gtk_style_context_remove_class (context, "destructive-action"); + + gtk_widget_show (priv->pin_notebook); + } + + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->title), title); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->help_label), help); + g_free (title); + g_free (help); +} + +BluetoothPairingMode +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_mode (BluetoothPairingDialog *self) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + return priv->mode; +} + +char * +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_pin (BluetoothPairingDialog *self) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + g_assert (priv->mode == BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_CONFIRMATION || + priv->mode == BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_QUERY); + g_assert (gtk_widget_is_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (priv->done))); + + return g_strdup (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (priv->entry_pin))); +} + +void +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_pin_entered (BluetoothPairingDialog *self, + guint entered) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (self); + char *done; + + g_assert (priv->mode == BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD); + g_assert (priv->pin); + + if (entered > 0) { + gunichar invisible; + GString *str; + guint i; + + invisible = gtk_entry_get_invisible_char (GTK_ENTRY (priv->entry_pin)); + + str = g_string_new (NULL); + for (i = 0; i < entered; i++) + g_string_append_unichar (str, invisible); + if (entered < strlen (priv->pin)) + g_string_append (str, priv->pin + entered); + + done = g_string_free (str, FALSE); + } else { + done = g_strdup (priv->pin); + } + + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->label_pin), done); + g_free (done); +} + +static void +response_cb (GtkWidget *button, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + int response; + + if (button == priv->done) + response = GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT; + else if (button == priv->cancel) + response = GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL; + else + g_assert_not_reached (); + + gtk_dialog_response (GTK_DIALOG (user_data), response); +} + +static void +text_changed_cb (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + const char *text; + + if (priv->mode != BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_CONFIRMATION && + priv->mode != BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_QUERY) + return; + + text = gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (priv->entry_pin)); + if (!text || strlen (text) < 4) + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (priv->done), FALSE); + else + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (priv->done), TRUE); +} + +static void +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_init (BluetoothPairingDialog *self) +{ + GtkCssProvider *provider; + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + gtk_widget_set_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (self), 380, -1); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (self), FALSE); + + provider = gtk_css_provider_new (); + gtk_css_provider_load_from_resource (provider, "/org/gnome/bluetooth/bluetooth-settings.css"); + gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen (gdk_screen_get_default (), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER (provider), + GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER); + g_object_unref (provider); + +} + +static void +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_constructed (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialog *self = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (object); + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkWidget *header; + GtkStyleContext *context; + + /* Header */ + header = gtk_dialog_get_header_bar (GTK_DIALOG (self)); + priv->title = gtk_label_new (""); + gtk_header_bar_set_custom_title (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), priv->title); + gtk_widget_show (priv->title); + gtk_header_bar_set_show_close_button (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), FALSE); + + /* OK button */ + priv->done = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Accept")); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->done, TRUE); + gtk_widget_set_can_default (GTK_WIDGET (priv->done), TRUE); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->done), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (response_cb), self); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), priv->done); + + /* Spinner */ + priv->spinner = gtk_spinner_new (); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (priv->spinner, 12); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (priv->spinner, TRUE); + gtk_header_bar_pack_end (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), priv->spinner); + g_object_bind_property (priv->spinner, "visible", + priv->spinner, "active", 0); + g_object_bind_property (priv->spinner, "visible", + priv->done, "visible", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE | G_BINDING_INVERT_BOOLEAN | G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + + /* Cancel button */ + priv->cancel = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Cancel")); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->cancel), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (response_cb), self); + gtk_header_bar_pack_start (GTK_HEADER_BAR (header), priv->cancel); + gtk_widget_show (priv->cancel); + gtk_widget_grab_default (GTK_WIDGET (priv->done)); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->entry_pin), "notify::text", + G_CALLBACK (text_changed_cb), self); + + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (priv->done); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "suggested-action"); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (priv->title); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "title"); +} + +static void +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothPairingDialogPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_GET_PRIVATE (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (object)); + + g_free (priv->pin); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_pairing_dialog_parent_class)->finalize(object); +} + +static void +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_class_init (BluetoothPairingDialogClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); + + object_class->constructed = bluetooth_pairing_dialog_constructed; + object_class->finalize = bluetooth_pairing_dialog_finalize; + + /* Bind class to template */ + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/org/gnome/bluetooth/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, BluetoothPairingDialog, help_label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, BluetoothPairingDialog, pin_notebook); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, BluetoothPairingDialog, entry_pin); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, BluetoothPairingDialog, label_pin); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_pairing_dialog_new: + * + * Returns a new #BluetoothPairingDialog widget. + * + * Return value: A #BluetoothPairingDialog widget + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PAIRING_DIALOG, + "use-header-bar", 1, + NULL); +} diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.h b/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85a4602 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.h @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright (C) 2013 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_H + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PAIRING_DIALOG (bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_type()) +#define BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PAIRING_DIALOG, BluetoothPairingDialog)) +#define BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PAIRING_DIALOG, BluetoothPairingDialogClass)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_PAIRING_DIALOG(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PAIRING_DIALOG)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_PAIRING_DIALOG_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PAIRING_DIALOG)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_PAIRING_DIALOG_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PAIRING_DIALOG, BluetoothPairingDialogClass)) + +/** + * BluetoothPairingDialog: + * + * The BluetoothPairingDialog struct contains + * only private fields and should not be directly accessed. + */ +typedef struct _BluetoothPairingDialog BluetoothPairingDialog; +typedef struct _BluetoothPairingDialogClass BluetoothPairingDialogClass; + +struct _BluetoothPairingDialog { + GtkDialog parent; +}; + +struct _BluetoothPairingDialogClass { + GtkDialogClass parent_class; +}; + +typedef enum { + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_QUERY, + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_CONFIRMATION, + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_NORMAL, + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD, + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_ICADE, + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_MATCH, + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_YES_NO, + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_CONFIRM_AUTH +} BluetoothPairingMode; + +GType bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_type (void); + +GtkWidget *bluetooth_pairing_dialog_new (void); + +void bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BluetoothPairingDialog *self, + BluetoothPairingMode mode, + const char *pin, + const char *name); +BluetoothPairingMode bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_mode (BluetoothPairingDialog *self); + +void bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_pin_entered (BluetoothPairingDialog *self, + guint entered); + +char *bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_pin (BluetoothPairingDialog *self); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.ui b/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.ui new file mode 100644 index 0000000..74043d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.ui @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ + + + + + + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c b/lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e9e4f4d --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c @@ -0,0 +1,833 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Red Hat, Inc. + * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation. + * + * Nautilus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * Nautilus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + * + * Authors: Bastien Nocera + * Authors: Emilio Pozuelo Monfort + * + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-settings-obexpush.h" + +#define MANAGER_SERVICE "org.bluez.obex" +#define MANAGER_IFACE "org.bluez.obex.AgentManager1" +#define MANAGER_PATH "/org/bluez/obex" + +#define AGENT_PATH "/org/gnome/share/agent" +#define AGENT_IFACE "org.bluez.obex.Agent1" + +#define TRANSFER_IFACE "org.bluez.obex.Transfer1" +#define SESSION_IFACE "org.bluez.obex.Session1" + +static GDBusNodeInfo *introspection_data = NULL; + +static const gchar introspection_xml[] = +"" +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +" " +""; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE(ObexAgent, obex_agent, G_TYPE_OBJECT) + +static ObexAgent *agent; +static BluetoothClient *client; + +static void +on_close_notification (NotifyNotification *notification) +{ + g_object_unref (notification); +} + +static void +notification_launch_action_on_file_cb (NotifyNotification *notification, + const char *action, + const char *file_uri) +{ + g_assert (action != NULL); + + /* We launch the file viewer for the file */ + if (g_str_equal (action, "display") != FALSE) { + GdkDisplay *display; + GAppLaunchContext *ctx; + GTimeVal val; + + g_get_current_time (&val); + + display = gdk_display_get_default (); + ctx = G_APP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT (gdk_display_get_app_launch_context (display)); + gdk_app_launch_context_set_timestamp (GDK_APP_LAUNCH_CONTEXT (ctx), val.tv_sec); + + if (g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri (file_uri, ctx, NULL) == FALSE) { + g_warning ("Failed to launch the file viewer\n"); + } + + g_object_unref (ctx); + } + + /* we open the Downloads folder */ + if (g_str_equal (action, "reveal") != FALSE) { + GDBusConnection *connection = agent->connection; + GVariantBuilder builder; + + g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("as")); + g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "s", file_uri); + + g_dbus_connection_call (connection, + "org.freedesktop.FileManager1", + "/org/freedesktop/FileManager1", + "org.freedesktop.FileManager1", + "ShowItems", + g_variant_new ("(ass)", &builder, ""), + NULL, + G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, + -1, + NULL, + NULL, + NULL); + + g_variant_builder_clear (&builder); + } + + notify_notification_close (notification, NULL); +} + +static void +show_notification (const char *filename) +{ + char *file_uri, *notification_text, *display, *mime_type; + NotifyNotification *notification; + ca_context *ctx; + GAppInfo *app; + + file_uri = g_filename_to_uri (filename, NULL, NULL); + if (file_uri == NULL) { + g_warning ("Could not make a filename from '%s'", filename); + return; + } + + display = g_filename_display_basename (filename); + /* Translators: %s is the name of the filename received */ + notification_text = g_strdup_printf(_("You received “%s” via Bluetooth"), display); + g_free (display); + notification = notify_notification_new (_("You received a file"), + notification_text, + "bluetooth"); + + notify_notification_set_timeout (notification, NOTIFY_EXPIRES_DEFAULT); + notify_notification_set_hint_string (notification, "desktop-entry", "gnome-bluetooth-panel"); + + mime_type = g_content_type_guess (filename, NULL, 0, NULL); + app = g_app_info_get_default_for_type (mime_type, FALSE); + if (app != NULL) { + g_object_unref (app); + notify_notification_add_action (notification, "display", _("Open File"), + (NotifyActionCallback) notification_launch_action_on_file_cb, + g_strdup (file_uri), (GFreeFunc) g_free); + } + notify_notification_add_action (notification, "reveal", _("Reveal File"), + (NotifyActionCallback) notification_launch_action_on_file_cb, + g_strdup (file_uri), (GFreeFunc) g_free); + + g_free (file_uri); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (notification), "closed", G_CALLBACK (on_close_notification), notification); + + if (!notify_notification_show (notification, NULL)) { + g_warning ("failed to send notification\n"); + } + g_free (notification_text); + + /* Now we do the audio notification */ + ctx = ca_gtk_context_get (); + ca_context_play (ctx, 0, + CA_PROP_EVENT_ID, "complete-download", + CA_PROP_EVENT_DESCRIPTION, _("File reception complete"), + NULL); +} + +static void +reject_transfer (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + const char *filename; + + filename = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (invocation), "temp-filename"); + g_remove (filename); + + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, + "org.bluez.obex.Error.Rejected", "Not Authorized"); +} + +static void +ask_user_transfer_accepted (NotifyNotification *notification, + char *action, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + gchar *file = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (invocation), "temp-filename"); + + g_debug ("Notification: transfer accepted! accepting transfer"); + + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, + g_variant_new ("(s)", file)); +} + +static void +ask_user_transfer_rejected (NotifyNotification *notification, + char *action, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + g_debug ("Notification: transfer rejected! rejecting transfer"); + reject_transfer (invocation); +} + +static void +ask_user_on_close (NotifyNotification *notification, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + g_debug ("Notification closed! rejecting transfer"); + reject_transfer (invocation); +} + +static void +ask_user (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + const char *filename, + const char *name) +{ + NotifyNotification *notification; + char *summary, *body; + + summary = g_strdup_printf(_("Bluetooth file transfer from %s"), name); + body = g_filename_display_basename (filename); + + notification = notify_notification_new (summary, body, "bluetooth"); + + notify_notification_set_urgency (notification, NOTIFY_URGENCY_CRITICAL); + notify_notification_set_timeout (notification, NOTIFY_EXPIRES_NEVER); + notify_notification_set_hint_string (notification, "desktop-entry", + "gnome-bluetooth-panel"); + + notify_notification_add_action (notification, "cancel", _("Decline"), + (NotifyActionCallback) ask_user_transfer_rejected, + invocation, NULL); + notify_notification_add_action (notification, "receive", _("Accept"), + (NotifyActionCallback) ask_user_transfer_accepted, + invocation, NULL); + + /* We want to reject the transfer if the user closes the notification + * without accepting or rejecting it, so we connect to it. However + * if the user clicks on one of the actions, the callback for the + * action will be invoked, and then the notification will be closed + * and the callback for :closed will be called. So we disconnect + * from :closed if the invocation object goes away (which will happen + * after the handler of either action accepts or rejects the transfer). + */ + g_signal_connect_object (G_OBJECT (notification), "closed", + G_CALLBACK (ask_user_on_close), invocation, 0); + + if (!notify_notification_show (notification, NULL)) + g_warning ("failed to send notification\n"); + + g_free (summary); + g_free (body); +} + +static gboolean +get_paired_for_address (const char *adapter, + const char *device, + char **name) +{ + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeIter parent; + gboolean next; + gboolean ret = FALSE; + char *addr; + + model = bluetooth_client_get_model (client); + + for (next = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &parent); + next; + next = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &parent)) { + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &parent, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &addr, + -1); + + if (g_strcmp0 (addr, adapter) == 0) { + GtkTreeIter child; + char *dev_addr; + + for (next = gtk_tree_model_iter_children (model, &child, &parent); + next; + next = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &child)) { + gboolean paired; + char *alias; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &child, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &dev_addr, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &paired, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, &alias, + -1); + if (g_strcmp0 (dev_addr, device) == 0) { + ret = paired; + *name = alias; + next = FALSE; + } else { + g_free (alias); + } + g_free (dev_addr); + } + } + g_free (addr); + } + + g_object_unref (model); + return ret; +} + +static void +on_check_bonded_or_ask_session_acquired (GObject *object, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation = user_data; + GDBusProxy *session; + GError *error = NULL; + GVariant *v; + char *device, *adapter, *name; + gboolean paired; + + session = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, &error); + + if (!session) { + g_debug ("Failed to create a proxy for the session: %s", error->message); + g_clear_error (&error); + goto out; + } + + device = NULL; + adapter = NULL; + + /* obexd puts the remote device in Destination and our adapter + * in Source */ + v = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (session, "Destination"); + if (v) { + device = g_variant_dup_string (v, NULL); + g_variant_unref (v); + } + + v = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (session, "Source"); + if (v) { + adapter = g_variant_dup_string (v, NULL); + g_variant_unref (v); + } + + g_object_unref (session); + + if (!device || !adapter) { + g_debug ("Could not get remote device for the transfer"); + g_free (device); + g_free (adapter); + goto out; + } + + name = NULL; + paired = get_paired_for_address (adapter, device, &name); + g_free (device); + g_free (adapter); + + if (paired) { + g_debug ("Remote device '%s' is paired, auto-accepting the transfer", name); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, + g_variant_new ("(s)", g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (invocation), "temp-filename"))); + g_free (name); + return; + } else { + ask_user (invocation, + g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (invocation), "filename"), + name ? name : device); + g_free (name); + return; + } + +out: + g_debug ("Rejecting transfer"); + reject_transfer (invocation); +} + +static void +check_if_bonded_or_ask (GDBusProxy *transfer, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation) +{ + GVariant *v; + const gchar *session = NULL; + + v = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (transfer, "Session"); + + if (v) { + session = g_variant_get_string (v, NULL); + g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, + NULL, + MANAGER_SERVICE, + session, + SESSION_IFACE, + NULL, + on_check_bonded_or_ask_session_acquired, + invocation); + g_variant_unref (v); + } else { + g_debug ("Could not get session path for the transfer, " + "rejecting the transfer"); + reject_transfer (invocation); + } +} + + +static void +obex_agent_release (GError **error) +{ +} + +static void +obex_agent_cancel (GError **error) +{ +} + +/* From the old embed/mozilla/MozDownload.cpp */ +static const char* +file_is_compressed (const char *filename) +{ + int i; + static const char * const compression[] = {".gz", ".bz2", ".Z", ".lz", ".xz", NULL}; + + for (i = 0; compression[i] != NULL; i++) { + if (g_str_has_suffix (filename, compression[i])) + return compression[i]; + } + + return NULL; +} + +static const char* +parse_extension (const char *filename) +{ + const char *compression; + const char *last_separator; + + compression = file_is_compressed (filename); + + /* if the file is compressed we might have a double extension */ + if (compression != NULL) { + int i; + static const char * const extensions[] = {"tar", "ps", "xcf", "dvi", "txt", "text", NULL}; + + for (i = 0; extensions[i] != NULL; i++) { + char *suffix; + suffix = g_strdup_printf (".%s%s", extensions[i], compression); + + if (g_str_has_suffix (filename, suffix)) { + char *p; + + p = g_strrstr (filename, suffix); + g_free (suffix); + + return p; + } + + g_free (suffix); + } + } + + /* no compression, just look for the last dot in the filename */ + last_separator = strrchr (filename, G_DIR_SEPARATOR); + return strrchr ((last_separator) ? last_separator : filename, '.'); +} + +char * +lookup_download_dir (void) +{ + const char *special_dir; + char *dir; + + special_dir = g_get_user_special_dir (G_USER_DIRECTORY_DOWNLOAD); + if (special_dir != NULL && strcmp (special_dir, g_get_home_dir ()) != 0) { + g_mkdir_with_parents (special_dir, 0755); + return g_strdup (special_dir); + } + + dir = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), "Downloads", NULL); + g_mkdir_with_parents (dir, 0755); + return dir; +} + +static char * +move_temp_filename (GObject *object) +{ + const char *orig_filename; + char *dest_filename, *dest_dir; + GFile *src, *dest; + GError *error = NULL; + gboolean res; + + orig_filename = g_object_get_data (object, "temp-filename"); + src = g_file_new_for_path (orig_filename); + + dest_dir = lookup_download_dir (); + dest_filename = g_build_filename (dest_dir, g_object_get_data (object, "filename"), NULL); + g_free (dest_dir); + dest = g_file_new_for_path (dest_filename); + + res = g_file_move (src, dest, + G_FILE_COPY_NONE, NULL, + NULL, NULL, &error); + + /* This is sync, but the files will be on the same partition already + * (~/.cache/obexd to ~/Downloads) */ + if (!res && g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS)) { + guint i = 1; + const char *dot_pos; + gssize position; + char *serial = NULL; + GString *tmp_filename; + + dot_pos = parse_extension (dest_filename); + if (dot_pos) + position = dot_pos - dest_filename; + else + position = strlen (dest_filename); + + tmp_filename = g_string_new (NULL); + g_string_assign (tmp_filename, dest_filename); + + while (!res && g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS)) { + g_debug ("Couldn't move file to %s", tmp_filename->str); + + g_clear_error (&error); + g_object_unref (dest); + + serial = g_strdup_printf ("(%d)", i++); + + g_string_assign (tmp_filename, dest_filename); + g_string_insert (tmp_filename, position, serial); + + g_free (serial); + + dest = g_file_new_for_path (tmp_filename->str); + res = g_file_move (src, dest, + G_FILE_COPY_NONE, NULL, + NULL, NULL, &error); + } + + g_free (dest_filename); + dest_filename = g_strdup (tmp_filename->str); + g_string_free (tmp_filename, TRUE); + } + + if (!res) { + g_warning ("Failed to move %s to %s: '%s'", + orig_filename, dest_filename, error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } else { + g_debug ("Moved %s (orig name %s) to %s", + orig_filename, (char *) g_object_get_data (object, "filename"), dest_filename); + } + + g_object_unref (src); + g_object_unref (dest); + + return dest_filename; +} + +static void +transfer_property_changed (GDBusProxy *transfer, + GVariant *changed_properties, + GStrv invalidated_properties, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GVariantIter iter; + const gchar *key; + GVariant *value; + const char *filename; + + g_debug ("Calling transfer_property_changed()"); + + filename = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (transfer), "filename"); + + g_variant_iter_init (&iter, changed_properties); + while (g_variant_iter_next (&iter, "{&sv}", &key, &value)) { + char *str = g_variant_print (value, TRUE); + + if (g_str_equal (key, "Status")) { + const gchar *status; + + status = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL); + + g_debug ("Got status %s = %s for filename %s", status, str, filename); + + if (g_str_equal (status, "complete")) { + char *path; + + path = move_temp_filename (G_OBJECT (transfer)); + g_debug ("transfer completed, showing a notification"); + show_notification (path); + g_free (path); + } + + /* Done with this transfer */ + if (g_str_equal (status, "complete") || + g_str_equal (status, "error")) { + g_object_unref (transfer); + } + } else { + g_debug ("Unhandled property changed %s = %s for filename %s", key, str, filename); + } + g_free (str); + g_variant_unref (value); + } +} + +static void +obex_agent_authorize_push (GObject *source_object, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GDBusProxy *transfer = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_finish (res, NULL); + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation = user_data; + GVariant *variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (transfer, "Name"); + const gchar *filename = g_variant_get_string (variant, NULL); + char *template; + int fd; + + g_debug ("AuthorizePush received"); + + template = g_build_filename (g_get_user_cache_dir (), "obexd", "XXXXXX", NULL); + fd = g_mkstemp (template); + close (fd); + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (transfer), "filename", g_strdup (filename), g_free); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (transfer), "temp-filename", g_strdup (template), g_free); + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (invocation), "filename", g_strdup (filename), g_free); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (invocation), "temp-filename", g_strdup (template), g_free); + + g_signal_connect (transfer, "g-properties-changed", + G_CALLBACK (transfer_property_changed), NULL); + + /* check_if_bonded_or_ask() will accept or reject the transfer */ + check_if_bonded_or_ask (transfer, invocation); + g_variant_unref (variant); + g_free (template); +} + +static void +handle_method_call (GDBusConnection *connection, + const gchar *sender, + const gchar *object_path, + const gchar *interface_name, + const gchar *method_name, + GVariant *parameters, + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (g_str_equal (method_name, "Cancel")) { + obex_agent_cancel (NULL); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + } else if (g_str_equal (method_name, "Release")) { + obex_agent_release (NULL); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + } else if (g_str_equal (method_name, "AuthorizePush")) { + const gchar *transfer; + + g_variant_get (parameters, "(&o)", &transfer); + + g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, + NULL, + MANAGER_SERVICE, + transfer, + TRANSFER_IFACE, + NULL, + obex_agent_authorize_push, + invocation); + } else { + g_warning ("Unknown method name or unknown parameters: %s", + method_name); + } +} + +static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable = +{ + handle_method_call, + NULL, + NULL +}; + +static void +obexd_appeared_cb (GDBusConnection *connection, + const gchar *name, + const gchar *name_owner, + gpointer user_data) +{ + ObexAgent *self = user_data; + + g_debug ("obexd appeared, registering agent"); + g_dbus_connection_call (self->connection, + MANAGER_SERVICE, + MANAGER_PATH, + MANAGER_IFACE, + "RegisterAgent", + g_variant_new ("(o)", AGENT_PATH), + NULL, + G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, + -1, + NULL, + NULL, + NULL); +} + +static void +on_bus_acquired (GDBusConnection *connection, + const gchar *name, + gpointer user_data) +{ + ObexAgent *self = user_data; + + /* parse introspection data */ + introspection_data = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml (introspection_xml, + NULL); + + self->connection = connection; + self->object_reg_id = g_dbus_connection_register_object (connection, + AGENT_PATH, + introspection_data->interfaces[0], + &interface_vtable, + NULL, /* user_data */ + NULL, /* user_data_free_func */ + NULL); /* GError** */ + + g_dbus_node_info_unref (introspection_data); + + g_assert (self->object_reg_id > 0); + + self->obexd_watch_id = g_bus_watch_name_on_connection (self->connection, + MANAGER_SERVICE, + G_BUS_NAME_WATCHER_FLAGS_AUTO_START, + obexd_appeared_cb, + NULL, + self, + NULL); +} + +static void +obex_agent_init (ObexAgent *self) +{ + self->owner_id = g_bus_own_name (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, + AGENT_IFACE, + G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_ALLOW_REPLACEMENT, + on_bus_acquired, + NULL, + NULL, + self, + NULL); + + client = bluetooth_client_new (); +} + +static void +obex_agent_dispose (GObject *obj) +{ + ObexAgent *self = OBEX_AGENT (obj); + + g_dbus_connection_unregister_object (self->connection, self->object_reg_id); + self->object_reg_id = 0; + + g_bus_unown_name (self->owner_id); + self->owner_id = 0; + + g_bus_unwatch_name (self->obexd_watch_id); + self->obexd_watch_id = 0; + + g_clear_object (&client); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (obex_agent_parent_class)->dispose (obj); +} + +static void +obex_agent_class_init (ObexAgentClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->dispose = obex_agent_dispose; +} + +static ObexAgent * +obex_agent_new (void) +{ + return (ObexAgent *) g_object_new (OBEX_AGENT_TYPE, NULL); +} + +void +obex_agent_down (void) +{ + if (agent != NULL) { + g_dbus_connection_call (agent->connection, + MANAGER_SERVICE, + MANAGER_PATH, + MANAGER_IFACE, + "UnregisterAgent", + g_variant_new ("(o)", AGENT_PATH), + NULL, + G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, + -1, + NULL, + NULL, + NULL); + } + + g_clear_object (&agent); + g_clear_object (&client); +} + +void +obex_agent_up (void) +{ + if (agent == NULL) + agent = obex_agent_new (); + + if (!notify_init ("gnome-bluetooth")) { + g_warning("Unable to initialize the notification system"); + } +} diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.h b/lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..272968e --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.h @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 4 -*- */ + +/* + * Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Red Hat, Inc. + * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation. + * + * Nautilus is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * Nautilus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. + * + * Authors: Bastien Nocera + * Authors: Emilio Pozuelo Monfort + * + */ + +#ifndef __OBEX_AGENT_H__ +#define __OBEX_AGENT_H__ + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +typedef struct _ObexAgent { + GObject parent; + guint owner_id; + guint object_reg_id; + guint obexd_watch_id; + GDBusConnection *connection; +} ObexAgent; + +typedef struct _ObexAgentClass { + GObjectClass parent; +} ObexAgentClass; + +GType obex_agent_get_type (void); + +#define OBEX_AGENT_TYPE (obex_agent_get_type ()) +#define OBEX_AGENT(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((object), OBEX_AGENT_TYPE, ObexAgent)) +#define OBEX_AGENT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), OBEX_AGENT_TYPE, ObexAgentClass)) +#define IS_OBEX_AGENT(object) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((object), OBEX_AGENT_TYPE)) +#define IS_OBEX_AGENT_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), OBEX_AGENT_TYPE)) +#define OBEX_AGENT_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), OBEX_AGENT_TYPE, ObexAgentClass)) + +void obex_agent_up (void); +void obex_agent_down (void); +char *lookup_download_dir (void); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c b/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ff8c523 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c @@ -0,0 +1,295 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright (C) 2013 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#include + +#include "bluetooth-settings-row.h" +#include "bluetooth-enums.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" + +#define BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ + (bluetooth_settings_row_get_instance_private (obj)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate; + +struct _BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate { + /* Widget */ + GtkWidget *label; + GtkWidget *status; + GtkWidget *spinner; + + /* Properties */ + GDBusProxy *proxy; + gboolean paired; + gboolean trusted; + BluetoothType type; + gboolean connected; + char *name; + char *bdaddr; + gboolean legacy_pairing; + + gboolean pairing; +}; + +enum { + PROP_0, + PROP_PROXY, + PROP_PAIRED, + PROP_TRUSTED, + PROP_TYPE, + PROP_CONNECTED, + PROP_NAME, + PROP_ADDRESS, + PROP_PAIRING, + PROP_LEGACY_PAIRING +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(BluetoothSettingsRow, bluetooth_settings_row, GTK_TYPE_LIST_BOX_ROW) + +static void +label_might_change (BluetoothSettingsRow *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + if (!priv->paired && !priv->trusted) + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->status), _("Not Set Up")); + else if (priv->connected) + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->status), _("Connected")); + else + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->status), _("Disconnected")); + + if (priv->pairing) + gtk_widget_show (priv->spinner); + else + gtk_widget_show (priv->status); +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_row_init (BluetoothSettingsRow *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + gtk_widget_init_template (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + /* Placeholder text and spinner */ + g_object_bind_property (priv->spinner, "visible", + priv->status, "visible", G_BINDING_INVERT_BOOLEAN | G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); + g_object_bind_property (priv->spinner, "active", + priv->status, "visible", G_BINDING_INVERT_BOOLEAN | G_BINDING_BIDIRECTIONAL); +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_row_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothSettingsRow *self = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW (object); + BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + g_clear_object (&priv->proxy); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->name, g_free); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->bdaddr, g_free); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_settings_row_parent_class)->finalize(object); +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_row_get_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothSettingsRow *self = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW (object); + BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_PROXY: + g_value_set_object (value, priv->proxy); + break; + case PROP_PAIRED: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->paired); + break; + case PROP_TRUSTED: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->trusted); + break; + case PROP_TYPE: + g_value_set_flags (value, priv->type); + break; + case PROP_CONNECTED: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->connected); + break; + case PROP_NAME: + g_value_set_string (value, priv->name); + break; + case PROP_ADDRESS: + g_value_set_string (value, priv->bdaddr); + break; + case PROP_PAIRING: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->pairing); + break; + case PROP_LEGACY_PAIRING: + g_value_set_boolean (value, priv->legacy_pairing); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +update_row (BluetoothSettingsRow *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + if (priv->name == NULL) { + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->label), + bluetooth_type_to_string (priv->type)); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (self), FALSE); + } else { + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (priv->label), priv->name); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (self), TRUE); + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_row_set_property (GObject *object, + guint property_id, + const GValue *value, + GParamSpec *pspec) +{ + BluetoothSettingsRow *self = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW (object); + BluetoothSettingsRowPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + switch (property_id) { + case PROP_PROXY: + g_clear_object (&priv->proxy); + priv->proxy = g_value_dup_object (value); + break; + case PROP_PAIRED: + priv->paired = g_value_get_boolean (value); + label_might_change (self); + break; + case PROP_TRUSTED: + priv->trusted = g_value_get_boolean (value); + label_might_change (self); + break; + case PROP_TYPE: + priv->type = g_value_get_flags (value); + update_row (self); + break; + case PROP_CONNECTED: + priv->connected = g_value_get_boolean (value); + label_might_change (self); + break; + case PROP_NAME: + g_free (priv->name); + priv->name = g_value_dup_string (value); + update_row (self); + break; + case PROP_ADDRESS: + g_free (priv->bdaddr); + priv->bdaddr = g_value_dup_string (value); + break; + case PROP_PAIRING: + priv->pairing = g_value_get_boolean (value); + label_might_change (self); + break; + case PROP_LEGACY_PAIRING: + priv->legacy_pairing = g_value_get_boolean (value); + break; + default: + G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, property_id, pspec); + break; + } +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_row_class_init (BluetoothSettingsRowClass *klass) +{ + GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (klass); + + bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); + + object_class->finalize = bluetooth_settings_row_finalize; + object_class->get_property = bluetooth_settings_row_get_property; + object_class->set_property = bluetooth_settings_row_set_property; + + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_PROXY, + g_param_spec_object ("proxy", NULL, + "The D-Bus object path of the device", + G_TYPE_DBUS_PROXY, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_PAIRED, + g_param_spec_boolean ("paired", NULL, + "Paired", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_TRUSTED, + g_param_spec_boolean ("trusted", NULL, + "Trusted", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_TYPE, + g_param_spec_flags ("type", NULL, + "Type", + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TYPE, BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_CONNECTED, + g_param_spec_boolean ("connected", NULL, + "Connected", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_NAME, + g_param_spec_string ("name", NULL, + "Name", + NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ADDRESS, + g_param_spec_string ("address", NULL, + "Address", + NULL, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_PAIRING, + g_param_spec_boolean ("pairing", NULL, + "Pairing", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_LEGACY_PAIRING, + g_param_spec_boolean ("legacy-pairing", NULL, + "Legacy pairing", + FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); + + /* Bind class to template */ + gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource (widget_class, "/org/gnome/bluetooth/bluetooth-settings-row.ui"); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, BluetoothSettingsRow, label); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, BluetoothSettingsRow, spinner); + gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_private (widget_class, BluetoothSettingsRow, status); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_settings_row_new: + * + * Returns a new #BluetoothSettingsRow widget. + * + * Return value: A #BluetoothSettingsRow widget + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_settings_row_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW, NULL); +} diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.h b/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed0db01 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.h @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright (C) 2013 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_H + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW (bluetooth_settings_row_get_type()) +#define BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW, BluetoothSettingsRow)) +#define BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW, BluetoothSettingsRowClass)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_SETTINGS_ROW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_SETTINGS_ROW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_SETTINGS_ROW_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW, BluetoothSettingsRowClass)) + +/** + * BluetoothSettingsRow: + * + * The BluetoothSettingsRow struct contains + * only private fields and should not be directly accessed. + */ +typedef struct _BluetoothSettingsRow BluetoothSettingsRow; +typedef struct _BluetoothSettingsRowClass BluetoothSettingsRowClass; + +struct _BluetoothSettingsRow { + GtkListBoxRow parent; +}; + +struct _BluetoothSettingsRowClass { + GtkListBoxRowClass parent_class; +}; + +GType bluetooth_settings_row_get_type (void); + +GtkWidget *bluetooth_settings_row_new (void); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_ROW_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui b/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9222f65 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ + + + + + + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c b/lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7880418 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c @@ -0,0 +1,2062 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright (C) 2013 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-private.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-glue.h" +#include "bluetooth-agent.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" +#include "bluetooth-settings-widget.h" +#include "bluetooth-settings-resources.h" +#include "bluetooth-settings-row.h" +#include "bluetooth-settings-obexpush.h" +#include "bluetooth-pairing-dialog.h" +#include "pin.h" + +#define BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE(obj) \ + (bluetooth_settings_widget_get_instance_private (obj)) + +typedef struct _BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate; + +struct _BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate { + GtkBuilder *builder; + GtkWidget *child_box; + BluetoothClient *client; + GtkTreeModel *model; + gboolean debug; + GCancellable *cancellable; + + /* Pairing */ + BluetoothAgent *agent; + GtkWidget *pairing_dialog; + GHashTable *pairing_devices; /* key=object-path, value=boolean */ + + /* Properties */ + GtkWidget *properties_dialog; + char *selected_bdaddr; + char *selected_name; + char *selected_object_path; + + /* Device section */ + GtkWidget *device_list; + GtkAdjustment *focus_adjustment; + GtkSizeGroup *row_sizegroup; + GtkWidget *device_stack; + GtkWidget *device_spinner; + GHashTable *connecting_devices; /* key=bdaddr, value=boolean */ + + /* Hack to work-around: + * */ + GHashTable *devices_type; /* key=bdaddr, value=guint32 */ + + /* Sharing section */ + GtkWidget *visible_label; + gboolean has_console; + GDBusProxy *session_proxy; +}; + +G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_PRIVATE(BluetoothSettingsWidget, bluetooth_settings_widget, GTK_TYPE_BOX) + +enum { + PANEL_CHANGED, + ADAPTER_STATUS_CHANGED, + LAST_SIGNAL +}; + +static guint signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; + +#define WID(s) GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (priv->builder, s)) + +#define KEYBOARD_PREFS "keyboard" +#define MOUSE_PREFS "mouse" +#define SOUND_PREFS "sound" + +#define ICON_SIZE 128 + +/* We'll try to connect to the device repeatedly for that + * amount of time before we bail out */ +#define CONNECT_TIMEOUT 3.0 + +#define BLUEZ_SERVICE "org.bluez" +#define ADAPTER_IFACE "org.bluez.Adapter1" + +#define AGENT_PATH "/org/gnome/bluetooth/settings" + +#define GNOME_SESSION_DBUS_NAME "org.gnome.SessionManager" +#define GNOME_SESSION_DBUS_OBJECT "/org/gnome/SessionManager" +#define GNOME_SESSION_DBUS_INTERFACE "org.gnome.SessionManager" + +#define FILLER_PAGE "filler-page" +#define DEVICES_PAGE "devices-page" + +enum { + CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SWITCH = 0, + CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SPINNER = 1 +}; + +static void +set_connecting_page (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + int page) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + if (page == CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SPINNER) + gtk_spinner_start (GTK_SPINNER (WID ("connecting_spinner"))); + gtk_notebook_set_current_page (GTK_NOTEBOOK (WID ("connecting_notebook")), page); + if (page == CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SWITCH) + gtk_spinner_stop (GTK_SPINNER (WID ("connecting_spinner"))); +} + +static void +remove_connecting (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + const char *bdaddr) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + g_hash_table_remove (priv->connecting_devices, bdaddr); +} + +static void +add_connecting (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + const char *bdaddr) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + g_hash_table_insert (priv->connecting_devices, + g_strdup (bdaddr), + GINT_TO_POINTER (1)); +} + +static gboolean +is_connecting (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + const char *bdaddr) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + return GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_hash_table_lookup (priv->connecting_devices, + bdaddr)); +} + +typedef struct { + char *bdaddr; + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self; +} ConnectData; + +static void +connect_done (GObject *source_object, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv; + gboolean success; + GError *error = NULL; + ConnectData *data = (ConnectData *) user_data; + + success = bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish (BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (source_object), + res, &error); + if (!success && g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) + goto out; + + self = data->self; + priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + /* Check whether the same device is now selected, and update the UI */ + if (g_strcmp0 (priv->selected_bdaddr, data->bdaddr) == 0) { + GtkSwitch *button; + + button = GTK_SWITCH (WID ("switch_connection")); + + /* Ensure the switch position is in the correct place. */ + gtk_switch_set_active (button, gtk_switch_get_state (button)); + + if (success == FALSE) { + g_debug ("Connection failed to %s: %s", data->bdaddr, error->message); + } + set_connecting_page (self, CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SWITCH); + } + + g_clear_error (&error); + remove_connecting (self, data->bdaddr); + + //FIXME show an error if it failed? + +out: + g_clear_error (&error); + g_free (data->bdaddr); + g_free (data); +} + +static void +add_device_type (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + const char *bdaddr, + BluetoothType type) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + BluetoothType t; + + t = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (priv->devices_type, bdaddr)); + if (t == 0 || t == BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY) { + g_hash_table_insert (priv->devices_type, g_strdup (bdaddr), GUINT_TO_POINTER (type)); + g_debug ("Saving device type %s for %s", bluetooth_type_to_string (type), bdaddr); + } +} + +static void +setup_pairing_dialog (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkWidget *toplevel; + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); + priv->pairing_dialog = bluetooth_pairing_dialog_new (); + toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (priv->pairing_dialog), GTK_WINDOW (toplevel)); + gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (priv->pairing_dialog), TRUE); +} + +static gboolean +get_properties_for_device (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + GDBusProxy *device, + char **name, + char **ret_bdaddr, + BluetoothType *type) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GVariant *value; + char *bdaddr; + + g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, FALSE); + + value = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (device, "Name"); + if (value == NULL) { + /* What?! */ + return FALSE; + } + *name = g_variant_dup_string (value, NULL); + g_variant_unref (value); + + value = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (device, "Address"); + bdaddr = g_variant_dup_string (value, NULL); + g_variant_unref (value); + + if (ret_bdaddr) + *ret_bdaddr = g_strdup (bdaddr); + + if (type) { + value = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (device, "Class"); + if (value != NULL) { + *type = bluetooth_class_to_type (g_variant_get_uint32 (value)); + g_variant_unref (value); + } else { + *type = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (priv->devices_type, bdaddr)); + if (*type == 0) + *type = BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY; + } + } + + g_free (bdaddr); + + return TRUE; +} + +static char * +get_random_pincode (guint num_digits) +{ + if (num_digits == 0) + num_digits = PIN_NUM_DIGITS; + return g_strdup_printf ("%d", g_random_int_range (pow (10, num_digits - 1), + pow (10, num_digits))); +} + +static char * +get_icade_pincode (char **pin_display_str) +{ + GString *pin, *pin_display; + guint i; + static char *arrows[] = { + NULL, + "⬆", /* up = 1 */ + "⬇", /* down = 2 */ + "⬅", /* left = 3 */ + "➡" /* right = 4 */ + }; + + pin = g_string_new (NULL); + pin_display = g_string_new (NULL); + + for (i = 0; i < PIN_NUM_DIGITS; i++) { + int r; + char *c; + + r = g_random_int_range (1, 5); + + c = g_strdup_printf ("%d", r); + g_string_append (pin, c); + g_free (c); + + g_string_append (pin_display, arrows[r]); + } + g_string_append (pin_display, "❍"); + + *pin_display_str = g_string_free (pin_display, FALSE); + return g_string_free (pin, FALSE); +} + +static void +display_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, + int response, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); +} + +static void +enter_pin_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, + int response, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation; + + invocation = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "invocation"); + + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + const char *name; + char *pin; + BluetoothPairingMode mode; + + mode = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "mode")); + name = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "name"); + pin = bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_pin (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (dialog)); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, + g_variant_new ("(s)", pin)); + + if (bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog)) == BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_QUERY) { + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); + return; + } + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + mode, pin, name); + g_free (pin); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (display_cb), user_data); + } else { + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, + "org.bluez.Error.Canceled", + "User cancelled pairing"); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); + return; + } + + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "invocation", NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "mode", NULL); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "name", NULL); +} + +static void +confirm_remote_pin_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, + int response, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation; + + invocation = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "invocation"); + + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + GDBusProxy *device; + const char *pin; + + pin = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (invocation), "pin"); + device = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (invocation), "device"); + + bluetooth_client_set_trusted (priv->client, g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device), TRUE); + + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, + g_variant_new ("(s)", pin)); + } else { + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", "Pairing refused from settings panel"); + } + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); +} + +static void +pincode_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + BluetoothType type; + char *name, *bdaddr; + guint max_digits; + gboolean confirm_pin = TRUE; + char *default_pin; + char *display_pin = NULL; + BluetoothPairingMode mode; + gboolean remote_initiated; + + g_debug ("pincode_callback (%s)", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device)); + + if (!get_properties_for_device (self, device, &name, &bdaddr, &type)) { + char *msg; + + msg = g_strdup_printf ("Missing information for %s", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device)); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", msg); + g_free (msg); + return; + } + + remote_initiated = !GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_hash_table_lookup (priv->pairing_devices, + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device))); + + default_pin = get_pincode_for_device (type, bdaddr, name, &max_digits, &confirm_pin); + if (g_strcmp0 (default_pin, "KEYBOARD") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD; + g_free (default_pin); + default_pin = get_random_pincode (max_digits); + display_pin = g_strdup_printf ("%s⏎", default_pin); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (default_pin, "ICADE") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_ICADE; + confirm_pin = FALSE; + g_free (default_pin); + default_pin = get_icade_pincode (&display_pin); + } else if (default_pin == NULL) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_NORMAL; + confirm_pin = TRUE; + default_pin = get_random_pincode (0); + } else if (g_strcmp0 (default_pin, "NULL") == 0) { + g_assert_not_reached (); + } else { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_NORMAL; + display_pin = g_strdup (default_pin); + } + + setup_pairing_dialog (BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET (user_data)); + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "name", g_strdup (name), g_free); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "mode", GUINT_TO_POINTER (mode)); + + if (confirm_pin) { + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "invocation", invocation); + if (remote_initiated) { + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_QUERY, + default_pin, + name); + } else { + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_CONFIRMATION, + default_pin, + name); + } + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (enter_pin_cb), user_data); + } else if (!remote_initiated) { + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + mode, display_pin, name); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, + g_variant_new ("(s)", default_pin)); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (display_cb), user_data); + } else { + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_YES_NO, + default_pin, name); + + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (invocation), "pin", g_strdup (default_pin), g_free); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (invocation), "device", g_object_ref (device), g_object_unref); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "invocation", invocation); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (confirm_remote_pin_cb), user_data); + } + + g_free (name); + g_free (bdaddr); + g_free (default_pin); + g_free (display_pin); + + gtk_widget_show (priv->pairing_dialog); +} + +static void +display_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + guint pin, + guint entered, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + char *pin_str, *name; + + g_debug ("display_callback (%s, %i, %i)", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device), pin, entered); + + if (priv->pairing_dialog == NULL || + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog)) != BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD) + setup_pairing_dialog (BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET (user_data)); + + pin_str = g_strdup_printf ("%06d", pin); + get_properties_for_device (self, device, &name, NULL, NULL); + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD, + pin_str, + name); + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_pin_entered (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + entered); + g_free (pin_str); + g_free (name); + + gtk_widget_show (priv->pairing_dialog); +} + +static void +display_pincode_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + const char *pincode, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + BluetoothType type; + char *display_pin = NULL; + char *name, *bdaddr; + char *db_pin; + + g_debug ("display_pincode_callback (%s, %s)", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device), pincode); + + if (!get_properties_for_device (self, device, &name, &bdaddr, &type)) { + char *msg; + + msg = g_strdup_printf ("Missing information for %s", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device)); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", msg); + g_free (msg); + return; + } + + /* Verify PIN code validity */ + db_pin = get_pincode_for_device (type, + bdaddr, + name, + NULL, + NULL); + if (g_strcmp0 (db_pin, "KEYBOARD") == 0) { + /* Should work, follow through */ + } else if (g_strcmp0 (db_pin, "ICADE") == 0) { + char *msg; + + msg = g_strdup_printf ("Generated pincode for %s when it shouldn't have", name); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", msg); + g_free (msg); + goto bail; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (db_pin, "0000") == 0) { + g_debug ("Ignoring generated keyboard PIN '%s', should get 0000 soon", pincode); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + goto bail; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (db_pin, "NULL") == 0) { + char *msg; + + msg = g_strdup_printf ("Attempting pairing for %s that doesn't support pairing", name); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", msg); + g_free (msg); + goto bail; + } + + setup_pairing_dialog (BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET (user_data)); + + display_pin = g_strdup_printf ("%s⏎", pincode); + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD, + display_pin, + name); + gtk_widget_show (priv->pairing_dialog); + + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + +bail: + g_free (db_pin); + g_free (display_pin); + g_free (bdaddr); + g_free (name); +} + +static void +passkey_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + gpointer data) +{ + g_warning ("RequestPasskey(): not implemented"); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, + "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", + "RequestPasskey not implemented"); +} + +static gboolean +cancel_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GList *l, *children; + + g_debug ("cancel_callback ()"); + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); + + children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->device_list)); + for (l = children; l != NULL; l = l->next) + g_object_set (l->data, "pairing", FALSE, NULL); + g_list_free (children); + + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +confirm_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, + int response, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation; + + invocation = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "invocation"); + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + } else { + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, + "org.bluez.Error.Canceled", + "User cancelled pairing"); + } + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); +} + +static void +confirm_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + guint pin, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + char *name, *pin_str; + + g_debug ("confirm_callback (%s, %i)", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device), pin); + + setup_pairing_dialog (BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET (user_data)); + + pin_str = g_strdup_printf ("%06d", pin); + get_properties_for_device (self, device, &name, NULL, NULL); + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_MATCH, + pin_str, name); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (confirm_cb), user_data); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "invocation", invocation); + + gtk_widget_show (priv->pairing_dialog); + + g_free (pin_str); + g_free (name); +} + +static void +authorize_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + char *name; + + g_debug ("authorize_callback (%s)", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device)); + + setup_pairing_dialog (BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET (user_data)); + get_properties_for_device (self, device, &name, NULL, NULL); + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_YES_NO, + NULL, name); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (confirm_cb), user_data); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "invocation", invocation); + + gtk_widget_show (priv->pairing_dialog); + + g_free (name); +} + +static void +authorize_service_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, + int response, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation; + + invocation = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (dialog), "invocation"); + + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + GDBusProxy *device; + + device = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (invocation), "device"); + bluetooth_client_set_trusted (priv->client, g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device), TRUE); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + } else { + char *msg; + + msg = g_strdup_printf ("Rejecting service auth (HID): not paired or trusted"); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", msg); + g_free (msg); + } + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); +} + +static void +authorize_service_callback (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + const char *uuid, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + char *msg; + GVariant *value; + gboolean paired, trusted; + + g_debug ("authorize_service_callback (%s, %s)", g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device), uuid); + + value = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (device, "Paired"); + paired = g_variant_get_boolean (value); + g_variant_unref (value); + + value = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (device, "Trusted"); + trusted = g_variant_get_boolean (value); + g_variant_unref (value); + + /* Device was paired, initiated from the remote device, + * so we didn't get the opportunity to set the trusted bit */ + if (paired && !trusted) { + bluetooth_client_set_trusted (priv->client, + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device), TRUE); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + return; + } + + if (g_strcmp0 (bluetooth_uuid_to_string (uuid), "HumanInterfaceDeviceService") != 0) { + msg = g_strdup_printf ("Rejecting service auth (%s) for %s: not HID", + uuid, g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (device)); + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error (invocation, "org.bluez.Error.Rejected", msg); + g_free (msg); + return; + } + + /* We shouldn't get asked, but shizzle happens */ + if (paired || trusted) { + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); + } else { + char *name; + + setup_pairing_dialog (BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET (user_data)); + get_properties_for_device (self, device, &name, NULL, NULL); + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (priv->pairing_dialog), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_CONFIRM_AUTH, + NULL, name); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (authorize_service_cb), user_data); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (invocation), "device", g_object_ref (device), g_object_unref); + g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (priv->pairing_dialog), "invocation", invocation); + + gtk_widget_show (priv->pairing_dialog); + + g_free (name); + } +} + +static void +turn_off_pairing (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + const char *object_path) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GList *l, *children; + + children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->device_list)); + for (l = children; l != NULL; l = l->next) { + GDBusProxy *proxy; + + g_object_get (l->data, "proxy", &proxy, NULL); + if (g_strcmp0 (g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy), object_path) == 0) { + g_object_set (l->data, "pairing", FALSE, NULL); + g_object_unref (proxy); + break; + } + g_object_unref (proxy); + } + g_list_free (children); +} + +typedef struct { + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self; + char *device; + GTimer *timer; + guint timeout_id; +} SetupConnectData; + +static void connect_callback (GObject *source_object, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer user_data); + +static gboolean +connect_timeout_cb (gpointer user_data) +{ + SetupConnectData *data = (SetupConnectData *) user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (data->self); + + bluetooth_client_connect_service (priv->client, data->device, TRUE, NULL, connect_callback, data); + data->timeout_id = 0; + + return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; +} + +static void +connect_callback (GObject *source_object, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer user_data) +{ + SetupConnectData *data = (SetupConnectData *) user_data; + GError *error = NULL; + gboolean success; + + success = bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish (BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (source_object), res, &error); + + if (success == FALSE) { + if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { + g_error_free (error); + goto bail; + } else if (g_timer_elapsed (data->timer, NULL) < CONNECT_TIMEOUT) { + g_assert (data->timeout_id == 0); + data->timeout_id = g_timeout_add (500, connect_timeout_cb, data); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + g_debug ("Failed to connect to device %s", data->device); + } + + turn_off_pairing (data->self, data->device); + +bail: + if (data->timeout_id > 0) + g_source_remove (data->timeout_id); + + g_timer_destroy (data->timer); + g_free (data); +} + +static void +create_callback (GObject *source_object, + GAsyncResult *res, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + SetupConnectData *data; + GError *error = NULL; + gboolean ret; + char *path; + + ret = bluetooth_client_setup_device_finish (BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (source_object), + res, &path, &error); + + /* Create failed */ + if (ret == FALSE) { + //char *text; + char *dbus_error; + + if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { + g_error_free (error); + g_free (path); + return; + } + + turn_off_pairing (user_data, path); + + dbus_error = g_dbus_error_get_remote_error (error); + if (g_strcmp0 (dbus_error, "org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled") != 0) { + //FIXME show an error? + /* translators: + * The “%s” is the device name, for example: + * Setting up “Sony Bluetooth Headset” failed + */ + //text = g_strdup_printf(_("Setting up “%s” failed"), target_name); + + g_warning ("Setting up %s failed: %s", path, error->message); + + //gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(label_summary), text); + //g_free (text); + } + + g_free (dbus_error); + g_error_free (error); + g_free (path); + return; + } + + priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); + + g_hash_table_remove (priv->pairing_devices, path); + + bluetooth_client_set_trusted (BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (source_object), path, TRUE); + + data = g_new0 (SetupConnectData, 1); + data->self = user_data; + data->device = path; + data->timer = g_timer_new (); + + bluetooth_client_connect_service (BLUETOOTH_CLIENT (source_object), + path, TRUE, priv->cancellable, connect_callback, data); + //gtk_assistant_set_current_page (window_assistant, PAGE_FINISHING); +} + +static void start_pairing (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + GtkListBoxRow *row); + +static void +device_name_appeared (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + char *name; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (gobject), + "name", &name, + NULL); + if (!name) + return; + + g_debug ("Pairing device name is now '%s'", name); + start_pairing (user_data, GTK_LIST_BOX_ROW (gobject)); + g_free (name); + + g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func (gobject, device_name_appeared, user_data); +} + +static void +start_pairing (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + GtkListBoxRow *row) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GDBusProxy *proxy; + gboolean pair = TRUE; + BluetoothType type; + char *bdaddr, *name; + gboolean legacy_pairing; + const char *pincode; + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (row), "pairing", TRUE, NULL); + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (row), + "proxy", &proxy, + "type", &type, + "address", &bdaddr, + "name", &name, + "legacy-pairing", &legacy_pairing, + NULL); + + if (name == NULL) { + g_debug ("No name yet, will start pairing later"); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (row), "notify::name", + G_CALLBACK (device_name_appeared), self); + g_object_unref (proxy); + g_free (bdaddr); + g_free (name); + return; + } + + g_debug ("Starting pairing for '%s'", name); + + /* Legacy pairing might not have been detected yet, + * so don't check for it */ + pincode = get_pincode_for_device (type, + bdaddr, + name, + NULL, + NULL); + if (g_strcmp0 (pincode, "NULL") == 0) + pair = FALSE; + + g_debug ("About to setup %s (legacy pairing: %d pair: %d)", + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy), + legacy_pairing, pair); + + g_hash_table_insert (priv->pairing_devices, + g_strdup (g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy)), + GINT_TO_POINTER (1)); + + bluetooth_client_setup_device (priv->client, + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy), + pair, + priv->cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) create_callback, + self); + g_object_unref (proxy); +} + +static gboolean +switch_connected_state_set (GtkSwitch *button, + gboolean state, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + ConnectData *data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + if (gtk_switch_get_state (button) == state) + return TRUE; + + if (is_connecting (self, priv->selected_bdaddr)) + return TRUE; + + data = g_new0 (ConnectData, 1); + data->bdaddr = g_strdup (priv->selected_bdaddr); + data->self = self; + + bluetooth_client_connect_service (priv->client, + priv->selected_object_path, + gtk_switch_get_active (button), + priv->cancellable, + connect_done, + data); + + add_connecting (self, data->bdaddr); + set_connecting_page (self, CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SPINNER); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +update_properties (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + GDBusProxy *proxy) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkSwitch *button; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean ret; + BluetoothType type; + gboolean connected, paired; + char **uuids, *bdaddr, *name, *icon; + guint i; + + model = bluetooth_client_get_device_model (priv->client); + g_assert (model); + + ret = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first (model, &iter); + while (ret) { + GDBusProxy *p; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &p, + -1); + + if (g_strcmp0 (g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy), + g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (p)) == 0) { + g_object_unref (p); + break; + } + + g_object_unref (p); + + ret = gtk_tree_model_iter_next (model, &iter); + } + + /* This means we've found the device */ + g_assert (ret); + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &bdaddr, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, &name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, &icon, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &paired, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, &connected, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, &uuids, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, + -1); + if (priv->debug) + bluetooth_client_dump_device (model, &iter); + g_object_unref (model); + + g_free (priv->selected_object_path); + priv->selected_object_path = g_strdup (g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy)); + + /* Hide all the buttons now, and show them again if we need to */ + gtk_widget_hide (WID ("keyboard_button")); + gtk_widget_hide (WID ("sound_button")); + gtk_widget_hide (WID ("mouse_button")); + gtk_widget_hide (WID ("send_button")); + + /* Name */ + gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (priv->properties_dialog), name); + g_free (priv->selected_name); + priv->selected_name = name; + + /* Icon */ + gtk_image_set_from_icon_name (GTK_IMAGE (WID ("image")), icon, GTK_ICON_SIZE_DIALOG); + + /* Connection */ + button = GTK_SWITCH (WID ("switch_connection")); + + gtk_switch_set_state (button, connected); + if (is_connecting (self, bdaddr)) { + set_connecting_page (self, CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SPINNER); + } else { + set_connecting_page (self, CONNECTING_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_SWITCH); + } + + /* Paired */ + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (WID ("paired_label")), + paired ? _("Yes") : _("No")); + + /* UUIDs */ + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (button), + bluetooth_client_get_connectable ((const char **) uuids)); + for (i = 0; uuids && uuids[i] != NULL; i++) { + if (g_str_equal (uuids[i], "OBEXObjectPush")) { + gtk_widget_show (WID ("send_button")); + break; + } + } + + /* Type */ + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (WID ("type_label")), bluetooth_type_to_string (type)); + switch (type) { + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD: + gtk_widget_show (WID ("keyboard_button")); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE: + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET: + gtk_widget_show (WID ("mouse_button")); + break; + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET: + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES: + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO: + gtk_widget_show (WID ("sound_button")); + default: + /* others? */ + ; + } + + /* Address */ + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (WID ("address_label")), bdaddr); + + g_free (priv->selected_bdaddr); + priv->selected_bdaddr = bdaddr; + + g_free (icon); + g_strfreev (uuids); +} + +static void +switch_panel (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + const char *panel) +{ + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (self), + signals[PANEL_CHANGED], + 0, panel); +} + +static gboolean +keyboard_callback (GtkButton *button, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + switch_panel (self, KEYBOARD_PREFS); + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +mouse_callback (GtkButton *button, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + switch_panel (self, MOUSE_PREFS); + return TRUE; +} + +static gboolean +sound_callback (GtkButton *button, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + switch_panel (self, SOUND_PREFS); + return TRUE; +} + +static void +send_callback (GtkButton *button, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + bluetooth_send_to_address (priv->selected_bdaddr, priv->selected_name); +} + +/* Visibility/Discoverable */ +static void +update_visibility (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + char *name; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-name", &name, NULL); + if (name != NULL) { + char *label, *path, *uri; + + path = lookup_download_dir (); + uri = g_filename_to_uri (path, NULL, NULL); + g_free (path); + + /* translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: + * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the + * location of the Downloads folder.*/ + label = g_strdup_printf (_("Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred files are placed in the Downloads folder."), name, uri); + g_free (uri); + g_free (name); + gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (priv->visible_label), label); + g_free (label); + } + gtk_widget_set_visible (priv->visible_label, name != NULL); +} + +static void +name_changed (BluetoothClient *client, + GParamSpec *spec, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + update_visibility (self); +} + +static gboolean +show_confirm_dialog (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + const char *name) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkWidget *dialog; + gint response; + + dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (GTK_WINDOW (priv->properties_dialog), GTK_DIALOG_MODAL, + GTK_MESSAGE_QUESTION, GTK_BUTTONS_NONE, + _("Remove “%s” from the list of devices?"), name); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (dialog), "secondary-text", + _("If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use."), + NULL); + + gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL); + gtk_dialog_add_button (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), _("_Remove"), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); + + response = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); + + gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); + + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) + return TRUE; + + return FALSE; +} + +static gboolean +remove_selected_device (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GDBusProxy *adapter_proxy; + GError *error = NULL; + GVariant *ret; + + g_debug ("About to call RemoveDevice for %s", priv->selected_object_path); + + adapter_proxy = _bluetooth_client_get_default_adapter (priv->client); + + if (adapter_proxy == NULL) { + g_warning ("Failed to get a GDBusProxy for the default adapter"); + return FALSE; + } + + //FIXME use adapter1_call_remove_device_sync() + ret = g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (G_DBUS_PROXY (adapter_proxy), + "RemoveDevice", + g_variant_new ("(o)", priv->selected_object_path), + G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, + -1, + NULL, + &error); + + if (ret == NULL) { + g_warning ("Failed to remove device '%s': %s", + priv->selected_object_path, error->message); + g_error_free (error); + } else { + g_variant_unref (ret); + } + + g_object_unref (adapter_proxy); + + return (ret != NULL); +} + +static void +delete_clicked (GtkButton *button, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + if (show_confirm_dialog (self, priv->selected_name) != FALSE) { + remove_selected_device (self); + gtk_widget_hide (priv->properties_dialog); + } +} + +static void +default_adapter_changed (BluetoothClient *client, + GParamSpec *spec, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + char *default_adapter; + + g_object_get (priv->client, "default-adapter", &default_adapter, NULL); + + g_debug ("Default adapter changed to: %s", default_adapter ? default_adapter : "(none)"); + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discovering", default_adapter != NULL, NULL); + + /* FIXME: This should turn off automatically when + * the settings panel goes away */ + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discoverable", default_adapter != NULL, NULL); + + g_signal_emit (G_OBJECT (self), signals[ADAPTER_STATUS_CHANGED], 0); +} + +static gint +device_sort_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b, gpointer data) +{ + GObject *row_a = (GObject*)a; + GObject *row_b = (GObject*)b; + gboolean setup_a, setup_b; + gboolean paired_a, paired_b; + gboolean trusted_a, trusted_b; + gboolean connected_a, connected_b; + char *name_a, *name_b; + int ret; + + g_object_get (row_a, + "paired", &paired_a, + "trusted", &trusted_a, + "connected", &connected_a, + "name", &name_a, + NULL); + g_object_get (row_b, + "paired", &paired_b, + "trusted", &trusted_b, + "connected", &connected_b, + "name", &name_b, + NULL); + + /* First, paired or trusted devices (setup devices) */ + setup_a = paired_a || trusted_a; + setup_b = paired_b || trusted_b; + if (setup_a != setup_b) { + if (setup_a) + ret = -1; + else + ret = 1; + goto out; + } + + /* Then connected ones */ + if (connected_a != connected_b) { + if (connected_a) + ret = -1; + else + ret = 1; + goto out; + } + + if (name_a == NULL) { + ret = 1; + goto out; + } + if (name_b == NULL) { + ret = -1; + goto out; + } + + /* And all being equal, alphabetically */ + ret = g_utf8_collate (name_a, name_b); + +out: + g_free (name_a); + g_free (name_b); + return ret; +} + +static void +update_header_func (GtkListBoxRow *row, + GtkListBoxRow *before, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkWidget *current; + + if (before == NULL) + return; + + current = gtk_list_box_row_get_header (row); + if (current == NULL) { + current = gtk_separator_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL); + gtk_widget_show (current); + gtk_list_box_row_set_header (row, current); + } +} + +static gboolean +keynav_failed (GtkWidget *list, GtkDirectionType direction, BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GList *children, *item; + + children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->device_list)); + + if (direction == GTK_DIR_DOWN) { + item = children; + } else { + item = g_list_last (children); + } + + gtk_widget_child_focus (item->data, direction); + + g_list_free (children); + + return TRUE; +} + +static void +activate_row (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self, + GtkListBoxRow *row) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkWidget *w; + GtkWidget *toplevel; + gboolean paired, trusted, is_setup; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (row), + "paired", &paired, + "trusted", &trusted, + NULL); + is_setup = paired || trusted; + + if (is_setup) { + GDBusProxy *proxy; + + //FIXME pass the row + //FIXME add UUIDs to the row + //FIXME add icon to the row + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (row), "proxy", &proxy, NULL); + update_properties (self, proxy); + g_object_unref (proxy); + + w = priv->properties_dialog; + toplevel = gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (w), GTK_WINDOW (toplevel)); + gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (w), TRUE); + gtk_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (w)); + } else { + start_pairing (self, row); + } +} + +static void +add_device_section (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *widget, *box, *hbox, *spinner; + GtkWidget *frame, *label; + gchar *s; + + vbox = WID ("vbox_bluetooth"); + + box = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_set_margin_top (box, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (box, 24); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), box, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + priv->child_box = box; + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0); + + s = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s", _("Devices")); + widget = gtk_label_new (s); + g_free (s); + gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (widget), TRUE); + gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 0, 0.5); + gtk_widget_set_margin_end (widget, 6); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (widget, 12); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), widget, FALSE, TRUE, 0); + + /* Discoverable spinner */ + priv->device_spinner = spinner = gtk_spinner_new (); + g_object_bind_property (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-discovering", + G_OBJECT (priv->device_spinner), "active", + G_BINDING_SYNC_CREATE); + gtk_widget_set_margin_bottom (spinner, 12); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), spinner, FALSE, TRUE, 0); + + /* Discoverable label placeholder, the real name is set in update_visibility(). + * If you ever see this string during normal use, please file a bug. */ + priv->visible_label = WID ("explanation-label"); + gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (priv->visible_label), TRUE); + update_visibility (self); + + priv->device_list = widget = gtk_list_box_new (); + g_signal_connect (widget, "keynav-failed", G_CALLBACK (keynav_failed), self); + gtk_list_box_set_selection_mode (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), GTK_SELECTION_NONE); + gtk_list_box_set_header_func (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), + update_header_func, + NULL, NULL); + gtk_list_box_set_sort_func (GTK_LIST_BOX (widget), + (GtkListBoxSortFunc)device_sort_func, NULL, NULL); + g_signal_connect_swapped (widget, "row-activated", + G_CALLBACK (activate_row), self); + + priv->device_stack = gtk_stack_new (); + gtk_stack_set_homogeneous (GTK_STACK (priv->device_stack), FALSE); + + label = gtk_label_new (_("Searching for devices…")); + gtk_style_context_add_class (gtk_widget_get_style_context (label), "dim-label"); + gtk_stack_add_named (GTK_STACK (priv->device_stack), label, FILLER_PAGE); + + frame = gtk_frame_new (NULL); + gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (frame), GTK_SHADOW_IN); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (frame), widget); + gtk_stack_add_named (GTK_STACK (priv->device_stack), frame, DEVICES_PAGE); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (box), priv->device_stack, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + gtk_widget_show_all (box); +} + +static gboolean +is_interesting_device (GtkTreeModel *model, + GtkTreeIter *iter) +{ + GtkTreeIter parent_iter; + gboolean is_default; + + /* Not a child */ + if (gtk_tree_model_iter_parent (model, &parent_iter, iter) == FALSE) + return FALSE; + + /* Not the default adapter */ + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &parent_iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, &is_default, + -1); + return is_default; +} + +static void +row_inserted_cb (GtkTreeModel *tree_model, + GtkTreePath *path, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GDBusProxy *proxy; + char *name, *bdaddr; + BluetoothType type; + gboolean paired, trusted, connected, legacy_pairing; + GtkWidget *row; + + if (is_interesting_device (tree_model, iter) == FALSE) { + gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, &name, + -1); + g_debug ("Not adding device '%s'", name); + g_free (name); + return; + } + + gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &proxy, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, &name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &paired, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, &trusted, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, &connected, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &bdaddr, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING, &legacy_pairing, + -1); + + g_debug ("Adding device %s (%s)", name, g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy)); + + add_device_type (self, bdaddr, type); + + row = g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_ROW, + "proxy", proxy, + "paired", paired, + "trusted", trusted, + "type", type, + "connected", connected, + "name", name, + "address", bdaddr, + "legacy-pairing", legacy_pairing, + NULL); + g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (row), "object-path", g_strdup (g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy)), g_free); + + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->device_list), row); + gtk_size_group_add_widget (priv->row_sizegroup, row); + + g_object_unref (proxy); + g_free (name); + g_free (bdaddr); + + gtk_stack_set_transition_type (GTK_STACK (priv->device_stack), + GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_SLIDE_DOWN); + gtk_container_child_set (GTK_CONTAINER (WID ("vbox_bluetooth")), + priv->child_box, "expand", FALSE, NULL); + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (priv->device_stack), DEVICES_PAGE); +} + +static void +row_changed_cb (GtkTreeModel *tree_model, + GtkTreePath *path, + GtkTreeIter *iter, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self = user_data; + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GDBusProxy *proxy; + GList *l, *children; + const char *object_path; + + if (is_interesting_device (tree_model, iter) == FALSE) { + char *name; + + gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, &name, + -1); + g_debug ("Not interested in device '%s'", name); + g_free (name); + return; + } + + gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &proxy, + -1); + object_path = g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path (proxy); + + children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->device_list)); + for (l = children; l != NULL; l = l->next) { + const char *path; + + path = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (l->data), "object-path"); + if (g_str_equal (object_path, path)) { + char *name, *bdaddr; + BluetoothType type; + gboolean paired, trusted, connected, legacy_pairing; + + gtk_tree_model_get (tree_model, iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, &name, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, &paired, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, &trusted, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, &connected, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &bdaddr, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING, &legacy_pairing, + -1); + + add_device_type (self, bdaddr, type); + + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (l->data), + "paired", paired, + "trusted", trusted, + "type", type, + "connected", connected, + "name", name, + "legacy-pairing", legacy_pairing, + NULL); + + /* Update the properties if necessary */ + if (g_strcmp0 (priv->selected_object_path, object_path) == 0) + update_properties (user_data, proxy); + break; + } + } + g_list_free (children); + g_object_unref (proxy); +} + +static void +device_removed_cb (BluetoothClient *client, + const char *object_path, + gpointer user_data) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (user_data); + GList *children, *l; + gboolean found = FALSE; + + children = gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->device_list)); + for (l = children; l != NULL; l = l->next) { + const char *path; + + path = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (l->data), "object-path"); + if (g_str_equal (path, object_path)) { + char *name; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (l->data), "name", &name, NULL); + g_debug ("Removing device '%s'", name); + g_free (name); + + gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (l->data)); + found = TRUE; + break; + } + } + + if (found) { + if (gtk_container_get_children (GTK_CONTAINER (priv->device_list)) == NULL) { + gtk_stack_set_transition_type (GTK_STACK (priv->device_stack), + GTK_STACK_TRANSITION_TYPE_NONE); + gtk_container_child_set (GTK_CONTAINER (WID ("vbox_bluetooth")), + priv->child_box, "expand", TRUE, NULL); + gtk_stack_set_visible_child_name (GTK_STACK (priv->device_stack), FILLER_PAGE); + } + } else { + g_debug ("Didn't find a row to remove for tree path %s", object_path); + } +} + +static void +setup_properties_dialog (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkWidget *container; + GtkStyleContext *context; + + priv->properties_dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DIALOG, "use-header-bar", TRUE, NULL); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (priv->properties_dialog, 380, -1); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (priv->properties_dialog), FALSE); + container = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (priv->properties_dialog)); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (container), WID ("properties_vbox")); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->properties_dialog), "delete-event", + G_CALLBACK (gtk_widget_hide_on_delete), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("delete_button")), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (delete_clicked), self); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("mouse_button")), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (mouse_callback), self); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("keyboard_button")), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (keyboard_callback), self); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("sound_button")), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (sound_callback), self); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("send_button")), "clicked", + G_CALLBACK (send_callback), self); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("switch_connection")), "state-set", + G_CALLBACK (switch_connected_state_set), self); + + /* Styling */ + gtk_image_set_pixel_size (GTK_IMAGE (WID ("image")), ICON_SIZE); + + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (WID ("delete_button")); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "destructive-action"); +} + +static void +setup_pairing_agent (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + + priv->agent = bluetooth_agent_new (AGENT_PATH); + if (bluetooth_agent_register (priv->agent) == FALSE) { + g_clear_object (&priv->agent); + return; + } + + bluetooth_agent_set_pincode_func (priv->agent, pincode_callback, self); + bluetooth_agent_set_passkey_func (priv->agent, passkey_callback, self); + bluetooth_agent_set_display_func (priv->agent, display_callback, self); + bluetooth_agent_set_display_pincode_func (priv->agent, display_pincode_callback, self); + bluetooth_agent_set_cancel_func (priv->agent, cancel_callback, self); + bluetooth_agent_set_confirm_func (priv->agent, confirm_callback, self); + bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_func (priv->agent, authorize_callback, self); + bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_service_func (priv->agent, authorize_service_callback, self); +} + +static void +session_properties_changed_cb (GDBusProxy *session, + GVariant *changed, + char **invalidated, + BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GVariant *v; + + v = g_variant_lookup_value (changed, "SessionIsActive", G_VARIANT_TYPE_BOOLEAN); + if (v) { + priv->has_console = g_variant_get_boolean (v); + g_debug ("Received session is active change: now %s", priv->has_console ? "active" : "inactive"); + g_variant_unref (v); + + if (priv->has_console) + obex_agent_up (); + else + obex_agent_down (); + } +} + +static gboolean +is_session_active (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GVariant *variant; + gboolean is_session_active = FALSE; + + variant = g_dbus_proxy_get_cached_property (priv->session_proxy, + "SessionIsActive"); + if (variant) { + is_session_active = g_variant_get_boolean (variant); + g_variant_unref (variant); + } + + return is_session_active; +} + +static void +setup_obex (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GError *error = NULL; + + priv->session_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, + NULL, + GNOME_SESSION_DBUS_NAME, + GNOME_SESSION_DBUS_OBJECT, + GNOME_SESSION_DBUS_INTERFACE, + NULL, + &error); + + if (priv->session_proxy == NULL) { + g_warning ("Failed to get session proxy: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + g_signal_connect (priv->session_proxy, "g-properties-changed", + G_CALLBACK (session_properties_changed_cb), self); + priv->has_console = is_session_active (self); + + if (priv->has_console) + obex_agent_up (); +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_widget_init (BluetoothSettingsWidget *self) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (self); + GtkWidget *widget; + GError *error = NULL; + + priv->cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); + priv->debug = g_getenv ("BLUETOOTH_DEBUG") != NULL; + + g_resources_register (bluetooth_settings_get_resource ()); + priv->builder = gtk_builder_new (); + gtk_builder_set_translation_domain (priv->builder, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); + gtk_builder_add_from_resource (priv->builder, + "/org/gnome/bluetooth/settings.ui", + &error); + if (error != NULL) { + g_warning ("Could not load ui: %s", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + widget = WID ("scrolledwindow1"); + + priv->connecting_devices = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, + g_str_equal, + (GDestroyNotify) g_free, + NULL); + priv->pairing_devices = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, + g_str_equal, + (GDestroyNotify) g_free, + NULL); + priv->devices_type = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, + g_str_equal, + (GDestroyNotify) g_free, + NULL); + + setup_pairing_agent (self); + priv->client = bluetooth_client_new (); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "notify::default-adapter-name", + G_CALLBACK (name_changed), self); + priv->model = bluetooth_client_get_model (priv->client); + g_signal_connect (priv->model, "row-changed", + G_CALLBACK (row_changed_cb), self); + g_signal_connect (priv->model, "row-inserted", + G_CALLBACK (row_inserted_cb), self); + g_signal_connect (priv->client, "device-removed", + G_CALLBACK (device_removed_cb), self); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "notify::default-adapter", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_changed), self); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "notify::default-adapter-powered", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_changed), self); + default_adapter_changed (priv->client, NULL, self); + + priv->row_sizegroup = gtk_size_group_new (GTK_SIZE_GROUP_VERTICAL); + + add_device_section (self); + + gtk_widget_set_hexpand (widget, TRUE); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (widget), + GTK_POLICY_NEVER, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (self), widget); + + setup_properties_dialog (self); + + gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (self)); + + setup_obex (self); +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_widget_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidget *widget = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET(object); + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (widget); + + g_clear_object (&priv->agent); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->properties_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_dialog, gtk_widget_destroy); + g_clear_object (&priv->session_proxy); + + obex_agent_down (); + + /* See default_adapter_changed () */ + /* FIXME: This is blocking */ + if (priv->client) + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->client), "default-adapter-discoverable", FALSE, NULL); + + g_cancellable_cancel (priv->cancellable); + g_clear_object (&priv->cancellable); + + g_clear_object (&priv->model); + g_clear_object (&priv->client); + g_clear_object (&priv->builder); + + g_clear_pointer (&priv->devices_type, g_hash_table_destroy); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->connecting_devices, g_hash_table_destroy); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->pairing_devices, g_hash_table_destroy); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->selected_name, g_free); + g_clear_pointer (&priv->selected_object_path, g_free); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS(bluetooth_settings_widget_parent_class)->finalize(object); +} + +static void +bluetooth_settings_widget_class_init (BluetoothSettingsWidgetClass *klass) +{ + bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); + bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); + + G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass)->finalize = bluetooth_settings_widget_finalize; + + /** + * BluetoothSettingsWidget::panel-changed: + * @chooser: a #BluetoothSettingsWidget widget which received the signal + * @panel: the new panel that the Settings application should now open + * + * The #BluetoothChooser::panel-changed signal is launched when a + * link to another settings panel is clicked. + **/ + signals[PANEL_CHANGED] = + g_signal_new ("panel-changed", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + 0, + NULL, NULL, + g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__STRING, + G_TYPE_NONE, 1, G_TYPE_STRING); + + /** + * BluetoothSettingsWidget::adapter-status-changed: + * @chooser: a #BluetoothSettingsWidget widget which received the signal + * + * The #BluetoothChooser::adapter-status-changed signal is launched when the status + * of the adapter changes (powered, available, etc.). + **/ + signals[ADAPTER_STATUS_CHANGED] = + g_signal_new ("adapter-status-changed", + G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (klass), + G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, + 0, + NULL, NULL, + g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, + G_TYPE_NONE, 0, G_TYPE_NONE); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_settings_widget_new: + * + * Returns a new #BluetoothSettingsWidget widget. + * + * Return value: A #BluetoothSettingsWidget widget + **/ +GtkWidget * +bluetooth_settings_widget_new (void) +{ + return g_object_new (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_WIDGET, NULL); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_settings_widget_get_default_adapter_powered: + * @widget: a #BluetoothSettingsWidget widget. + * + * Return value: Whether the default Bluetooth adapter is powered. + **/ +gboolean +bluetooth_settings_widget_get_default_adapter_powered (BluetoothSettingsWidget *widget) +{ + BluetoothSettingsWidgetPrivate *priv; + gboolean ret; + + g_return_val_if_fail (BLUETOOTH_IS_SETTINGS_WIDGET (widget), FALSE); + + priv = BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_GET_PRIVATE (widget); + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (priv->client), + "default-adapter-powered", &ret, + NULL); + + return ret; +} diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.h b/lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b72295 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.h @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +/* + * + * Copyright (C) 2013 Bastien Nocera + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_H + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_WIDGET (bluetooth_settings_widget_get_type()) +#define BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_WIDGET, BluetoothSettingsWidget)) +#define BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_WIDGET, BluetoothSettingsWidgetClass)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_SETTINGS_WIDGET(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_WIDGET)) +#define BLUETOOTH_IS_SETTINGS_WIDGET_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE((klass), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_WIDGET)) +#define BLUETOOTH_GET_SETTINGS_WIDGET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS((obj), \ + BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SETTINGS_WIDGET, BluetoothSettingsWidgetClass)) + +/** + * BluetoothSettingsWidget: + * + * The BluetoothSettingsWidget struct contains + * only private fields and should not be directly accessed. + */ +typedef struct _BluetoothSettingsWidget BluetoothSettingsWidget; +typedef struct _BluetoothSettingsWidgetClass BluetoothSettingsWidgetClass; + +struct _BluetoothSettingsWidget { + GtkBox parent; +}; + +struct _BluetoothSettingsWidgetClass { + GtkBoxClass parent_class; +}; + +GType bluetooth_settings_widget_get_type (void); + +GtkWidget *bluetooth_settings_widget_new (void); + +gboolean bluetooth_settings_widget_get_default_adapter_powered (BluetoothSettingsWidget *widget); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS_WIDGET_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-settings.css b/lib/bluetooth-settings.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2950652 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-settings.css @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ { + font: 50px regular; +} + { + font: 50px regular; +} diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-utils.c b/lib/bluetooth-utils.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..201e479 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-utils.c @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Bastien Nocera + * Copyright (C) 2010 Giovanni Campagna + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +/** + * SECTION:bluetooth-utils + * @short_description: Bluetooth utility functions + * @stability: Stable + * @include: bluetooth-utils.h + * + * Those helper functions are used throughout the Bluetooth + * management utilities. + **/ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" + +/** + * bluetooth_type_to_string: + * @type: a #BluetoothType + * + * Returns a human-readable string representation of @type usable for display to users. Do not free the return value. + * The returned string is already translated with gettext(). + * + * Return value: a string. + **/ +const gchar * +bluetooth_type_to_string (BluetoothType type) +{ + switch (type) { + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PHONE: + return _("Phone"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MODEM: + return _("Modem"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_COMPUTER: + return _("Computer"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NETWORK: + return _("Network"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET: + /* translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone */ + return _("Headset"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES: + return _("Headphones"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO: + return _("Audio device"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD: + return _("Keyboard"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE: + return _("Mouse"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CAMERA: + return _("Camera"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PRINTER: + return _("Printer"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_JOYPAD: + return _("Joypad"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET: + return _("Tablet"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_VIDEO: + return _("Video device"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_REMOTE_CONTROL: + return _("Remote control"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SCANNER: + return _("Scanner"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_DISPLAY: + return _("Display"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_WEARABLE: + return _("Wearable"); + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TOY: + return _("Toy"); + } + + return _("Unknown"); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_type_to_filter_string: + * @type: a #BluetoothType + * + * Returns a human-readable string representation of @type usable for display to users, + * when type filters are displayed. Do not free the return value. + * The returned string is already translated with gettext(). + * + * Return value: a string. + **/ +const gchar * +bluetooth_type_to_filter_string (BluetoothType type) +{ + switch (type) { + case BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY: + return _("All types"); + default: + return bluetooth_type_to_string (type); + } + + g_assert_not_reached (); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_verify_address: + * @bdaddr: a string representing a Bluetooth address + * + * Returns whether the string is a valid Bluetooth address. This does not contact the device in any way. + * + * Return value: %TRUE if the address is valid, %FALSE if not. + **/ +gboolean +bluetooth_verify_address (const char *bdaddr) +{ + guint i; + + g_return_val_if_fail (bdaddr != NULL, FALSE); + + if (strlen (bdaddr) != 17) + return FALSE; + + for (i = 0; i < 17; i++) { + if (((i + 1) % 3) == 0) { + if (bdaddr[i] != ':') + return FALSE; + continue; + } + if (g_ascii_isxdigit (bdaddr[i]) == FALSE) + return FALSE; + } + + return TRUE; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_class_to_type: + * @class: a Bluetooth device class + * + * Returns the type of device corresponding to the given @class value. + * + * Return value: a #BluetoothType. + **/ +BluetoothType +bluetooth_class_to_type (guint32 class) +{ + switch ((class & 0x1f00) >> 8) { + case 0x01: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_COMPUTER; + case 0x02: + switch ((class & 0xfc) >> 2) { + case 0x01: + case 0x02: + case 0x03: + case 0x05: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PHONE; + case 0x04: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MODEM; + } + break; + case 0x03: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NETWORK; + case 0x04: + switch ((class & 0xfc) >> 2) { + case 0x01: + case 0x02: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET; + case 0x06: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES; + case 0x0b: /* VCR */ + case 0x0c: /* Video Camera */ + case 0x0d: /* Camcorder */ + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_VIDEO; + default: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO; + } + break; + case 0x05: + switch ((class & 0xc0) >> 6) { + case 0x00: + switch ((class & 0x1e) >> 2) { + case 0x01: + case 0x02: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_JOYPAD; + case 0x03: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_REMOTE_CONTROL; + } + break; + case 0x01: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD; + case 0x02: + switch ((class & 0x1e) >> 2) { + case 0x05: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET; + default: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE; + } + } + break; + case 0x06: + if (class & 0x80) + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PRINTER; + if (class & 0x40) + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SCANNER; + if (class & 0x20) + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_CAMERA; + if (class & 0x10) + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_DISPLAY; + break; + case 0x07: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_WEARABLE; + case 0x08: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TOY; + } + + return 0; +} + +/** + * bluetooth_appearance_to_type: + * @appearance: a Bluetooth device appearance + * + * Returns the type of device corresponding to the given @appearance value, + * as usually found in the GAP service. + * + * Return value: a #BluetoothType. + **/ +BluetoothType +bluetooth_appearance_to_type (guint16 appearance) +{ + switch ((appearance & 0xffc0) >> 6) { + case 0x01: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PHONE; + case 0x02: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_COMPUTER; + case 0x05: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_DISPLAY; + case 0x0a: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO; + case 0x0b: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SCANNER; + case 0x0f: /* HID Generic */ + switch (appearance & 0x3f) { + case 0x01: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD; + case 0x02: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE; + case 0x03: + case 0x04: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_JOYPAD; + case 0x05: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET; + case 0x08: + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_SCANNER; + } + break; + } + + return 0; + +} + +static const char * +uuid16_custom_to_string (guint uuid16, const char *uuid) +{ + switch (uuid16) { + case 0x2: + return "SyncMLClient"; + case 0x5601: + return "Nokia SyncML Server"; + default: + g_debug ("Unhandled custom UUID %s (0x%x)", uuid, uuid16); + return NULL; + } +} + +/* Short names from Table 2 at: + * */ +static const char * +uuid16_to_string (guint uuid16, const char *uuid) +{ + switch (uuid16) { + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_SPP: + return "SerialPort"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_DUN: + return "DialupNetworking"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_IRMC: + return "IrMCSync"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_OPP: + return "OBEXObjectPush"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_FTP: + return "OBEXFileTransfer"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_HSP: + return "HSP"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_A2DP_SOURCE: + return "AudioSource"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_A2DP_SINK: + return "AudioSink"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_AVRCP_TARGET: + return "A/V_RemoteControlTarget"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_A2DP: + return "AdvancedAudioDistribution"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_AVRCP_CONTROL: + return "A/V_RemoteControl"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_HSP_AG: + return "Headset_-_AG"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_PAN_PANU: + return "PANU"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_PAN_NAP: + return "NAP"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_PAN_GN: + return "GN"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_HFP_HF: + return "Handsfree"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_HFP_AG: + return "HandsfreeAudioGateway"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_HID: + case 0x1812: + return "HumanInterfaceDeviceService"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_SAP: + return "SIM_Access"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_PBAP: + return "Phonebook_Access_-_PSE"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_GENERIC_AUDIO: + return "GenericAudio"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_SDP: /* ServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassID */ + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_PNP: /* PnPInformation */ + /* Those are ignored */ + return NULL; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_GENERIC_NET: + return "GenericNetworking"; + case BLUETOOTH_UUID_VDP_SOURCE: + return "VideoSource"; + case 0x8e771303: + case 0x8e771301: + return "SEMC HLA"; + case 0x8e771401: + return "SEMC Watch Phone"; + default: + g_debug ("Unhandled UUID %s (0x%x)", uuid, uuid16); + return NULL; + } +} + +/** + * bluetooth_uuid_to_string: + * @uuid: a string representing a Bluetooth UUID + * + * Returns a string representing a human-readable (but not usable for display to users) version of the @uuid. Do not free the return value. + * + * Return value: a string. + **/ +const char * +bluetooth_uuid_to_string (const char *uuid) +{ + char **parts; + guint uuid16; + gboolean is_custom = FALSE; + + if (g_str_has_suffix (uuid, "-0000-1000-8000-0002ee000002") != FALSE) + is_custom = TRUE; + + parts = g_strsplit (uuid, "-", -1); + if (parts == NULL || parts[0] == NULL) { + g_strfreev (parts); + return NULL; + } + + uuid16 = g_ascii_strtoull (parts[0], NULL, 16); + g_strfreev (parts); + if (uuid16 == 0) + return NULL; + + if (is_custom == FALSE) + return uuid16_to_string (uuid16, uuid); + return uuid16_custom_to_string (uuid16, uuid); +} + +/** + * bluetooth_send_to_address: + * @address: Remote device to use + * @alias: Remote device's name + * + * Start a GUI application for transfering files over Bluetooth. + **/ +void +bluetooth_send_to_address (const char *address, + const char *alias) +{ + GPtrArray *a; + GError *err = NULL; + + a = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func ((GDestroyNotify) g_free); + + g_ptr_array_add (a, g_strdup ("bluetooth-sendto")); + if (address != NULL) + g_ptr_array_add (a, g_strdup_printf ("--device=%s", address)); + if (address != NULL && alias != NULL) + g_ptr_array_add (a, g_strdup_printf ("--name=%s", alias)); + g_ptr_array_add (a, NULL); + + if (g_spawn_async(NULL, (char **) a->pdata, NULL, + G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &err) == FALSE) { + g_printerr("Couldn't execute command: %s\n", err->message); + g_error_free (err); + } + + g_ptr_array_free (a, TRUE); +} + diff --git a/lib/bluetooth-utils.h b/lib/bluetooth-utils.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a5108dd --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth-utils.h @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Bastien Nocera + * Copyright (C) 2010 Giovanni Campagna + * + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifndef __BLUETOOTH_UTILS_H +#define __BLUETOOTH_UTILS_H + +#include +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +/* + * The profile UUID list is provided by the Bluetooth SIG: + * + */ +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_SPP 0x1101 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_DUN 0x1103 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_IRMC 0x1104 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_OPP 0x1105 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_FTP 0x1106 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_HSP 0x1108 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_A2DP_SOURCE 0x110A +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_A2DP_SINK 0x110B +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_AVRCP_TARGET 0x110C +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_A2DP 0x110D +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_AVRCP_CONTROL 0x110E +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_HSP_AG 0x1112 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_PAN_PANU 0x1115 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_PAN_NAP 0x1116 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_PAN_GN 0x1117 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_HFP_HF 0x111E +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_HFP_AG 0x111F +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_HID 0x1124 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_SAP 0x112d +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_PBAP 0x112F +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_GENERIC_AUDIO 0x1203 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_SDP 0x1000 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_PNP 0x1200 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_GENERIC_NET 0x1201 +#define BLUETOOTH_UUID_VDP_SOURCE 0x1303 + +BluetoothType bluetooth_class_to_type (guint32 class); +BluetoothType bluetooth_appearance_to_type (guint16 appearance); +const gchar *bluetooth_type_to_string (guint type); +const gchar *bluetooth_type_to_filter_string (guint type); +gboolean bluetooth_verify_address (const char *bdaddr); +const char *bluetooth_uuid_to_string (const char *uuid); + +void bluetooth_send_to_address (const char *address, + const char *alias); + +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __BLUETOOTH_UTILS_H */ diff --git a/lib/bluetooth.gresource.xml b/lib/bluetooth.gresource.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b8111b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/bluetooth.gresource.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + + settings.ui + bluetooth-pairing-dialog.ui + bluetooth-settings-row.ui + bluetooth-settings.css + + diff --git a/lib/gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.c.template b/lib/gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.c.template new file mode 100644 index 0000000..32d5ceb --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.c.template @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/*** BEGIN file-header ***/ +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" +#include + +/*** END file-header ***/ + +/*** BEGIN file-production ***/ +/* enumerations from "@basename@" */ +#include "@basename@" + +/*** END file-production ***/ + +/*** BEGIN value-header ***/ +GType +@enum_name@_get_type (void) +{ + static GType the_type = 0; + + if (the_type == 0) + { + static const G@Type@Value values[] = { +/*** END value-header ***/ + +/*** BEGIN value-production ***/ + { @VALUENAME@, + "@VALUENAME@", + "@valuenick@" }, +/*** END value-production ***/ + +/*** BEGIN value-tail ***/ + { 0, NULL, NULL } + }; + the_type = g_@type@_register_static ( + g_intern_static_string ("@EnumName@"), + values); + } + return the_type; +} + +/*** END value-tail ***/ diff --git a/lib/gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h.template b/lib/gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h.template new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1915ac9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h.template @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/*** BEGIN file-header ***/ +#ifndef __GNOME_BLUETOOTH_ENUM_TYPES_H__ +#define __GNOME_BLUETOOTH_ENUM_TYPES_H__ + + +#include + +G_BEGIN_DECLS + +/*** END file-header ***/ + +/*** BEGIN file-production ***/ +/* Enumerations from "@basename@" */ + +/*** END file-production ***/ + +/*** BEGIN enumeration-production ***/ +#define BLUETOOTH_TYPE_@ENUMSHORT@ (@enum_name@_get_type()) +GType @enum_name@_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; + +/*** END enumeration-production ***/ + +/*** BEGIN file-tail ***/ +G_END_DECLS + +#endif /* __GNOME_BLUETOOTH_ENUM_TYPES_H__ */ +/*** END file-tail ***/ + diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bb99104 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +{ +global: + bluetooth_chooser_dump_selected_device; + bluetooth_chooser_get_type; + bluetooth_chooser_new; + bluetooth_chooser_set_title; + bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device; + bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_info; + bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name; + bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon; + bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_type; + bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_is_connected; + bluetooth_chooser_get_model; + bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview; + bluetooth_chooser_get_scrolled_window; + bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery; + bluetooth_chooser_stop_discovery; + bluetooth_chooser_button_get_type; + bluetooth_chooser_button_new; + bluetooth_chooser_button_available; + bluetooth_client_setup_device; + bluetooth_client_setup_device_finish; + bluetooth_client_dump_device; + bluetooth_client_get_type; + bluetooth_client_new; + bluetooth_client_get_model; + bluetooth_client_get_filter_model; + bluetooth_client_get_adapter_model; + bluetooth_client_get_device_model; + bluetooth_client_connect_service; + bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish; + bluetooth_client_set_trusted; + bluetooth_client_get_device; + bluetooth_class_to_type; + bluetooth_type_to_string; + bluetooth_type_to_filter_string; + bluetooth_verify_address; + bluetooth_uuid_to_string; + bluetooth_send_to_address; + bluetooth_column_get_type; + bluetooth_category_get_type; + bluetooth_type_get_type; + bluetooth_status_get_type; + bluetooth_filter_widget_new; + bluetooth_filter_widget_set_title; + bluetooth_filter_widget_get_type; + bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter; + bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_type; + bluetooth_chooser_combo_new; + bluetooth_agent_new; + bluetooth_agent_set_pincode_func; + bluetooth_agent_register; + bluetooth_agent_unregister; + bluetooth_agent_set_confirm_func; + bluetooth_agent_set_passkey_func; + bluetooth_agent_set_cancel_func; + bluetooth_agent_error_quark; + bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_func; + bluetooth_agent_set_display_func; + bluetooth_agent_set_display_pincode_func; + bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_service_func; + bluetooth_agent_setup; + bluetooth_settings_widget_get_type; + bluetooth_settings_widget_new; + bluetooth_settings_widget_get_default_adapter_powered; + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_new; + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_type; + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode; + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_mode; + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_pin_entered; +local: + *; +}; diff --git a/lib/gnome-bluetooth.symbols b/lib/gnome-bluetooth.symbols new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9866ce1 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/gnome-bluetooth.symbols @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +bluetooth_chooser_dump_selected_device +bluetooth_chooser_get_type +bluetooth_chooser_new +bluetooth_chooser_set_title +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_info +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_type +bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_is_connected +bluetooth_chooser_get_model +bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview +bluetooth_chooser_get_scrolled_window +bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery +bluetooth_chooser_stop_discovery +bluetooth_chooser_button_get_type +bluetooth_chooser_button_new +bluetooth_chooser_button_available +bluetooth_client_setup_device +bluetooth_client_setup_device_finish +bluetooth_client_dump_device +bluetooth_client_get_type +bluetooth_client_new +bluetooth_client_get_model +bluetooth_client_get_filter_model +bluetooth_client_get_adapter_model +bluetooth_client_get_device_model +bluetooth_client_connect_service +bluetooth_client_connect_service_finish +bluetooth_client_set_trusted +bluetooth_client_get_device +bluetooth_appearance_to_type +bluetooth_class_to_type +bluetooth_type_to_string +bluetooth_type_to_filter_string +bluetooth_verify_address +bluetooth_uuid_to_string +bluetooth_send_to_address +bluetooth_column_get_type +bluetooth_category_get_type +bluetooth_type_get_type +bluetooth_status_get_type +bluetooth_filter_widget_new +bluetooth_filter_widget_set_title +bluetooth_filter_widget_get_type +bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter +bluetooth_chooser_combo_get_type +bluetooth_chooser_combo_new +bluetooth_agent_new +bluetooth_agent_set_pincode_func +bluetooth_agent_register +bluetooth_agent_unregister +bluetooth_agent_set_confirm_func +bluetooth_agent_set_passkey_func +bluetooth_agent_set_cancel_func +bluetooth_agent_error_quark +bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_func +bluetooth_agent_set_display_func +bluetooth_agent_set_display_pincode_func +bluetooth_agent_set_authorize_service_func +bluetooth_agent_setup +bluetooth_settings_widget_get_type +bluetooth_settings_widget_new +bluetooth_settings_widget_get_default_adapter_powered +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_new +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_type +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_mode +bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_pin_entered diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6fc41fe --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/ @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +lib_inc = include_directories('.') + +enum_headers = files('bluetooth-enums.h') + +headers = enum_headers + files( + 'bluetooth-client.h', + 'bluetooth-chooser.h', + 'bluetooth-chooser-button.h', + 'bluetooth-chooser-combo.h', + 'bluetooth-filter-widget.h', + 'bluetooth-settings-widget.h', + 'bluetooth-utils.h' +) + +install_headers( + headers, + subdir: meson.project_name() +) + +sources = files( + 'bluetooth-agent.c', + 'bluetooth-chooser.c', + 'bluetooth-chooser-button.c', + 'bluetooth-chooser-combo.c', + 'bluetooth-client.c', + 'bluetooth-filter-widget.c', + 'bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c', + 'bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c', + 'bluetooth-settings-row.c', + 'bluetooth-settings-widget.c', + 'bluetooth-utils.c', + 'pin.c' +) + +built_sources = [] + +resource_data = files( + 'bluetooth-pairing-dialog.ui', + 'bluetooth-settings.css', + 'bluetooth-settings-row.ui', + 'settings.ui' +) + +built_sources += gnome.compile_resources( + 'bluetooth-settings-resources', + 'bluetooth.gresource.xml', + source_dir: '.', + c_name: 'bluetooth_settings', + dependencies: resource_data, + export: true +) + +enum_types = 'gnome-bluetooth-enum-types' + +built_sources += gnome.mkenums( + enum_types, + sources: headers, + c_template: enum_types + '.c.template', + h_template: enum_types + '.h.template' +) + +client = 'bluetooth-client' + +built_sources += gnome.gdbus_codegen( + client + '-glue', + client + '.xml', + interface_prefix: 'org.bluez' +) + +deps = [ + gtk_dep, + m_dep, + libgbt_dep +] + +cflags = [ + '-DPKGDATADIR="@0@"'.format(gnomebt_pkgdatadir), + '-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Bluetooth"' +] + +symbol_map = join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), meson.project_name() + '.map') + +test_ldflag = '-Wl,--version-script,' + symbol_map +ldflags = [] + +if cc.has_argument(test_ldflag) + ldflags += test_ldflag +endif + +libgnome_bluetooth = shared_library( + meson.project_name(), + sources: sources + built_sources, + version: libversion, + include_directories: top_inc, + dependencies: deps, + c_args: cflags, + link_args: ldflags, + link_depends: symbol_map, + install: true, + install_dir: gnomebt_libdir +) + +libgnome_bluetooth_dep = declare_dependency( + link_with: libgnome_bluetooth, + include_directories: lib_inc, + dependencies: deps +) + +pkg.generate( + libraries: libgnome_bluetooth, + version: gnomebt_version, + name: gnomebt_api_name, + description: 'Widgets for Bluetooth device selection', + filebase: gnomebt_api_name, + subdirs: meson.project_name(), + requires: [ + 'gio-2.0', + 'gtk+-3.0' + ], + requires_private: 'libudev', + variables: 'exec_prefix=' + gnomebt_libexecdir, + install_dir: join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'pkgconfig') +) + +if enable_gir + gir_sources = sources + headers + + gir_incs = [ + 'GModule-2.0', + 'GObject-2.0', + 'Gtk-3.0' + ] + + gir_extra_args = '--warn-all' + + gir_dir = join_paths(gnomebt_datadir, 'gir-' + gnomebt_gir_version) + typelib_dir = join_paths(gnomebt_libdir, 'girepository-' + gnomebt_gir_version) + + gnome.generate_gir( + libgnome_bluetooth, + sources: gir_sources, + nsversion: gnomebt_api_version, + namespace: gnomebt_gir_ns, + symbol_prefix: 'bluetooth', + identifier_prefix: 'Bluetooth', + export_packages: gnomebt_api_name, + includes: gir_incs, + extra_args: gir_extra_args, + install: true, + install_dir_gir: gir_dir, + install_dir_typelib: typelib_dir, + ) +endif + +test_names = [ + 'test-agent', + 'test-class', + 'test-client', + 'test-deviceselection', + 'test-pairing-dialog', + 'test-pin', + 'test-settings' +] + +foreach name: test_names + executable( + name, + [name + '.c'] + built_sources, + include_directories: top_inc, + dependencies: deps, + c_args: cflags, + link_with: libgnome_bluetooth + ) +endforeach + +database = 'pin-code-database.xml' + +install_data( + database, + install_dir: gnomebt_pkgdatadir +) + +custom_target( + database, + input: database, + output: database + '.valid', + command: [find_program('xmllint'), '--output', '@OUTPUT@', '--valid', '@INPUT'] +) diff --git a/lib/pin-code-database.xml b/lib/pin-code-database.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..350cc24 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/pin-code-database.xml @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +]> + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/lib/pin.c b/lib/pin.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dceb295 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/pin.c @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2009 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "pin.h" + +#define PIN_CODE_DB "pin-code-database.xml" +#define MAX_DIGITS_PIN_PREFIX "max:" + +char * +oui_to_vendor (const char *oui) +{ + struct udev *udev = NULL; + struct udev_hwdb *hwdb = NULL; + struct udev_list_entry *list, *l; + char *modalias = NULL; + char *vendor = NULL; + + if (oui == NULL || + strlen (oui) < 8) + return NULL; + + udev = udev_new (); + if (udev == NULL) + goto bail; + + hwdb = udev_hwdb_new (udev); + if (hwdb == NULL) + goto bail; + + modalias = g_strdup_printf ("OUI:%c%c%c%c%c%c", + g_ascii_toupper (oui[0]), + g_ascii_toupper (oui[1]), + g_ascii_toupper (oui[3]), + g_ascii_toupper (oui[4]), + g_ascii_toupper (oui[6]), + g_ascii_toupper (oui[7])); + + list = udev_hwdb_get_properties_list_entry (hwdb, modalias, 0); + + udev_list_entry_foreach (l, list) { + const char *name = udev_list_entry_get_name (l); + + if (g_strcmp0 (name, "ID_OUI_FROM_DATABASE") == 0) { + vendor = g_strdup (udev_list_entry_get_value (l)); + break; + } + } + +bail: + g_clear_pointer (&modalias, g_free); + g_clear_pointer (&hwdb, udev_hwdb_unref); + g_clear_pointer (&udev, udev_unref); + + return vendor; +} + +#define TYPE_IS(x, r) { \ + if (g_str_equal(type, x)) return r; \ +} + +static guint string_to_type(const char *type) +{ + TYPE_IS ("any", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY); + TYPE_IS ("mouse", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE); + TYPE_IS ("tablet", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_TABLET); + TYPE_IS ("keyboard", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD); + TYPE_IS ("headset", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADSET); + TYPE_IS ("headphones", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_HEADPHONES); + TYPE_IS ("audio", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_OTHER_AUDIO); + TYPE_IS ("printer", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PRINTER); + TYPE_IS ("network", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_NETWORK); + TYPE_IS ("joypad", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_JOYPAD); + + g_warning ("unhandled type '%s'", type); + return BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY; +} + +typedef struct { + char *ret_pin; + guint max_digits; + guint type; + const char *address; + const char *name; + char *vendor; + gboolean confirm; +} PinParseData; + +static void +pin_db_parse_start_tag (GMarkupParseContext *ctx, + const gchar *element_name, + const gchar **attr_names, + const gchar **attr_values, + gpointer data, + GError **error) +{ + PinParseData *pdata = (PinParseData *) data; + + if (pdata->ret_pin != NULL || pdata->max_digits != 0) + return; + if (g_str_equal (element_name, "device") == FALSE) + return; + + while (*attr_names && *attr_values) { + if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "type")) { + guint type; + + type = string_to_type (*attr_values); + if (type != BLUETOOTH_TYPE_ANY && type != pdata->type) + return; + } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "oui")) { + if (g_str_has_prefix (pdata->address, *attr_values) == FALSE) + return; + } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "vendor")) { + if (*attr_values == NULL || pdata->vendor == NULL) + return; + if (strstr (pdata->vendor, *attr_values) == NULL) + return; + } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "name")) { + if (*attr_values == NULL || pdata->name == NULL) + return; + if (strstr (pdata->name, *attr_values) == NULL) + return; + pdata->confirm = FALSE; + } else if (g_str_equal (*attr_names, "pin")) { + if (g_str_has_prefix (*attr_values, MAX_DIGITS_PIN_PREFIX) != FALSE) { + pdata->max_digits = strtoul (*attr_values + strlen (MAX_DIGITS_PIN_PREFIX), NULL, 0); + g_assert (pdata->max_digits > 0 && pdata->max_digits < PIN_NUM_DIGITS); + } else { + pdata->ret_pin = g_strdup (*attr_values); + } + return; + } + + ++attr_names; + ++attr_values; + } +} + +char * +get_pincode_for_device (guint type, + const char *address, + const char *name, + guint *max_digits, + gboolean *confirm) +{ + GMarkupParseContext *ctx; + GMarkupParser parser = { pin_db_parse_start_tag, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }; + PinParseData *data; + char *buf; + gsize buf_len; + GError *err = NULL; + char *tmp_vendor, *ret_pin; + + g_return_val_if_fail (address != NULL, NULL); + + g_debug ("Getting pincode for device '%s' (type: %s address: %s)", + name ? name : "", bluetooth_type_to_string (type), address); + + /* Load the PIN database and split it in lines */ + if (!g_file_get_contents(PIN_CODE_DB, &buf, &buf_len, NULL)) { + char *filename; + + filename = g_build_filename(PKGDATADIR, PIN_CODE_DB, NULL); + if (!g_file_get_contents(filename, &buf, &buf_len, NULL)) { + g_warning("Could not load "PIN_CODE_DB); + g_free (filename); + return NULL; + } + g_free (filename); + } + + data = g_new0 (PinParseData, 1); + data->type = type; + data->address = address; + data->name = name; + data->confirm = TRUE; + + tmp_vendor = oui_to_vendor (address); + if (tmp_vendor) + data->vendor = g_ascii_strdown (tmp_vendor, -1); + g_free (tmp_vendor); + + ctx = g_markup_parse_context_new (&parser, 0, data, NULL); + + if (!g_markup_parse_context_parse (ctx, buf, buf_len, &err)) { + g_warning ("Failed to parse '%s': %s\n", PIN_CODE_DB, err->message); + g_error_free (err); + } + + g_markup_parse_context_free (ctx); + g_free (buf); + + if (max_digits != NULL) + *max_digits = data->max_digits; + if (confirm != NULL) + *confirm = data->confirm; + + g_debug ("Got pin '%s' (max digits: %d, confirm: %d) for device '%s' (type: %s address: %s, vendor: %s)", + data->ret_pin, data->max_digits, data->confirm, + name ? name : "", bluetooth_type_to_string (type), address, data->vendor); + + g_free (data->vendor); + ret_pin = data->ret_pin; + g_free (data); + + return ret_pin; +} + diff --git a/lib/pin.h b/lib/pin.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db7d323 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/pin.h @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2009 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#include + +#define PIN_NUM_DIGITS 6 + +char *oui_to_vendor (const char *oui); +char *get_pincode_for_device (guint type, + const char *address, + const char *name, + guint *max_digits, + gboolean *confirm); + diff --git a/lib/settings.ui b/lib/settings.ui new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8129004 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/settings.ui @@ -0,0 +1,407 @@ + + + + + + True + False + 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + vertical + + + True + False + vertical + 6 + + + True + False + 16 + 16 + image-missing + True + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + True + False + 18 + True + + + True + False + Connection + 1 + + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + True + False + False + False + + + False + True + True + start + + + + + True + False + page 1 + + + False + + + + + True + False + start + + + 1 + + + + + True + False + page 2 + + + 1 + False + + + + + + + + + + + False + True + 1 + + + + + + + + False + True + 1 + + + + + True + False + 18 + True + + + True + False + Paired + 1 + + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + True + False + Yes + 0 + + + False + True + 1 + + + + + + + + False + True + 2 + + + + + True + False + 18 + True + + + True + False + Type + 1 + + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + True + False + Keyboard + 0 + + + False + True + 1 + + + + + + + + False + True + 3 + + + + + True + False + 18 + True + + + True + False + Address + 1 + + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + True + False + 00:00:00:00:00 + True + 0 + + + False + True + 1 + + + + + + + + False + True + 4 + + + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + + + + True + False + 6 + vertical + 6 + + + _Mouse & Touchpad Settings + True + True + True + True + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + _Sound Settings + True + True + True + True + + + False + True + 1 + + + + + _Keyboard Settings + True + True + True + True + + + False + True + 2 + + + + + Send _Files… + False + True + True + True + + + False + False + 3 + + + + + _Remove Device + True + True + True + True + + + False + True + 4 + + + + + False + True + end + 2 + + + + + True + False + + + True + True + 3 + + + + + True + True + + + True + False + + + True + False + vertical + 128 + 128 + + + True + False + start + 32 + 12 + Visible as “Bastien's computer” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred files are placed in the <a href="">Downloads</a> folder. + True + fill + True + + + False + True + 0 + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/lib/test-agent.c b/lib/test-agent.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e32dec --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/test-agent.c @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-agent.h" + +static void +agent_confirm (GDBusMethodInvocation *invocation, + GDBusProxy *device, + guint passkey, + gpointer data) +{ + const char *path; + + path = g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path(device); + + g_print ("Confirming passkey %6.6d from %s\n", passkey, path); + + g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value (invocation, NULL); +} + +static GMainLoop *mainloop = NULL; + +static void +sig_term (int sig) +{ + g_main_loop_quit(mainloop); +} + +int main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + struct sigaction sa; + BluetoothAgent *agent; + + memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); + sa.sa_flags = SA_NOCLDSTOP; + sa.sa_handler = sig_term; + sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); + sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); + + mainloop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE); + + agent = bluetooth_agent_new(NULL); + + bluetooth_agent_set_confirm_func(agent, agent_confirm, NULL); + + bluetooth_agent_register(agent); + + g_main_loop_run(mainloop); + + bluetooth_agent_unregister(agent); + + g_object_unref(agent); + + g_main_loop_unref(mainloop); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/lib/test-class.c b/lib/test-class.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73e405b --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/test-class.c @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2009 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-private.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" + +static const char * +byte_to_binary (int x) +{ + static char b[9] = {0}; + + int z; + for (z = 256; z > 0; z >>= 1) { + strcat(b, ((x & z) == z) ? "1" : "0"); + } + + return b; +} + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + GLogLevelFlags fatal_mask; + guint class; + + gtk_init(&argc, &argv); + + fatal_mask = g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK); + fatal_mask |= G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL; + g_log_set_always_fatal (fatal_mask); + + class = g_ascii_strtoull (argv[1], NULL, 0); + + g_message ("device class: 0x%X", class); + g_message ("major class: 0x%X %s", (class & 0x1f00) >> 8, byte_to_binary ((class & 0x1f00) >> 8)); + + g_message ("%d %s", bluetooth_class_to_type (class), bluetooth_type_to_string (bluetooth_class_to_type (class))); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/lib/test-client.c b/lib/test-client.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..900af41 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/test-client.c @@ -0,0 +1,326 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-private.h" +#include "gnome-bluetooth-enum-types.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" + +static BluetoothClient *client; +static GtkTreeSelection *selection; + +static void delete_callback(GtkWidget *window, GdkEvent *event, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_widget_destroy(window); + + gtk_main_quit(); +} + +static void scan_callback(GtkWidget *button, gpointer user_data) +{ + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (client), "default-adapter-discovering", TRUE, NULL); +} + +static void select_callback(GtkTreeSelection *selection, gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + if (gtk_tree_selection_get_selected(selection, &model, &iter) == FALSE) { + g_print ("No devices selected"); + return; + } + + bluetooth_client_dump_device (model, &iter); +} + +static void row_inserted(GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreePath *path, + GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkTreeView *tree = user_data; + + gtk_tree_view_expand_all(tree); +} + +static void proxy_to_text(GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) +{ + GDBusProxy *proxy; + gchar *path; + + gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PROXY, &proxy, -1); + + if (proxy == NULL) { + g_object_set(cell, "text", "", NULL); + return; + } + + path = g_path_get_basename(g_dbus_proxy_get_object_path(proxy)); + + g_object_set(cell, "text", path, NULL); + + g_free(path); + + g_object_unref(proxy); +} + +static void type_to_text(GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) +{ + guint type; + + gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TYPE, &type, -1); + + g_object_set(cell, "text", bluetooth_type_to_string(type), NULL); +} + +static void +legacypairing_to_text(GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) +{ + gint legacypairing; + + gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_LEGACYPAIRING, &legacypairing, -1); + + switch (legacypairing) { + case -1: + g_object_set(cell, "text", "UNSET", NULL); + break; + case 0: + g_object_set(cell, "text", "FALSE", NULL); + break; + default: + g_object_set(cell, "text", "TRUE", NULL); + } +} + +static void uuids_to_text(GtkTreeViewColumn *column, GtkCellRenderer *cell, + GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *iter, gpointer user_data) +{ + char **uuids; + char *str; + + gtk_tree_model_get(model, iter, BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_UUIDS, &uuids, -1); + if (uuids == NULL) + str = NULL; + else + str = g_strjoinv (", ", uuids); + g_strfreev (uuids); + + g_object_set(cell, "text", str, NULL); + g_free (str); +} + +static void create_window(void) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + GtkWidget *vbox; + GtkWidget *toolbar; + GtkToolItem *item; + GtkWidget *scrolled; + GtkWidget *tree; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeModel *sorted; + GtkWidget *statusbar; + + window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); + gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "Test client"); + gtk_window_set_icon_name(GTK_WINDOW(window), "bluetooth"); + gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(window), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER); + gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 800, 600); + g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "delete-event", + G_CALLBACK(delete_callback), NULL); + + vbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), vbox); + + toolbar = gtk_toolbar_new(); + gtk_toolbar_set_show_arrow(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), FALSE); + gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), toolbar, FALSE, TRUE, 0); + + item = gtk_tool_button_new (gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("view-refresh", GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR), NULL); + gtk_toolbar_insert(GTK_TOOLBAR(toolbar), item, -1); + g_signal_connect(item, "clicked", G_CALLBACK(scan_callback), NULL); + + scrolled = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL); + gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(scrolled), + GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), scrolled, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + tree = gtk_tree_view_new(); + gtk_tree_view_set_headers_visible(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), TRUE); + gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), TRUE); + gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(tree)); + gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(scrolled), tree); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data_func(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Proxy", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + proxy_to_text, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Address", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Alias", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Name", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_NAME, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data_func(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Type", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + type_to_text, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Icon", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ICON, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Default", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DEFAULT, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Paired", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_PAIRED, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Trusted", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_TRUSTED, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Connected", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_CONNECTED, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data_func(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Legacy Pairing", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + legacypairing_to_text, NULL, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Discoverable", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERABLE, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Discovering", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_DISCOVERING, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_attributes(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "Powered", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + "text", BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_POWERED, NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_insert_column_with_data_func(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), -1, + "UUIDs", gtk_cell_renderer_text_new(), + uuids_to_text, NULL, NULL); + + model = bluetooth_client_get_model(client); + sorted = gtk_tree_model_sort_new_with_model(model); + gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree), sorted); + g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(model), "row-inserted", + G_CALLBACK(row_inserted), tree); + g_object_unref(sorted); + g_object_unref(model); + + selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree)); + gtk_tree_selection_set_mode(selection, GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE); + g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(selection), "changed", + G_CALLBACK(select_callback), NULL); + + gtk_tree_view_expand_all(GTK_TREE_VIEW(tree)); + + statusbar = gtk_statusbar_new(); + gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), statusbar, FALSE, FALSE, 0); + + gtk_widget_show_all(window); +} + +static void +default_adapter_changed (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + char *adapter; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (gobject), "default-adapter", &adapter, NULL); + g_message ("Default adapter changed: %s", adapter ? adapter : "(none)"); + g_free (adapter); +} + +static void +default_adapter_powered_changed (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gboolean powered; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (gobject), "default-adapter-powered", &powered, NULL); + g_message ("Default adapter is %s", powered ? "powered" : "switched off"); +} + +static void +default_adapter_discovering_changed (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gboolean discovering; + + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (gobject), "default-adapter-discovering", &discovering, NULL); + g_message ("Default adapter is %s", discovering ? "discovering" : "not discovering"); +} + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + GLogLevelFlags fatal_mask; + + gtk_init(&argc, &argv); + + fatal_mask = g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK); + fatal_mask |= G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL; + g_log_set_always_fatal (fatal_mask); + + client = bluetooth_client_new(); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (client), "notify::default-adapter", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_changed), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (client), "notify::default-adapter-powered", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_powered_changed), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (client), "notify::default-adapter-discovering", + G_CALLBACK (default_adapter_discovering_changed), NULL); + + default_adapter_changed (G_OBJECT (client), NULL, NULL); + default_adapter_powered_changed (G_OBJECT (client), NULL, NULL); + + create_window(); + + gtk_main(); + + g_object_unref(client); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/lib/test-deviceselection.c b/lib/test-deviceselection.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71d3ad9 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/test-deviceselection.c @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Bastien Nocera + * + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include +#include + +#include "bluetooth-chooser.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser-button.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser-combo.h" +#include "bluetooth-chooser-private.h" +#include "bluetooth-client.h" +#include "bluetooth-client-private.h" +#include "bluetooth-utils.h" +#include "bluetooth-filter-widget.h" + +static void select_device_changed(BluetoothChooser *sel, + gchar *address, gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkDialog *dialog = user_data; + char *name; + + name = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name (sel); + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive(dialog, + GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, (address != NULL && name != NULL)); + g_free (name); +} + +static void selected_device_activated(BluetoothChooser *sel, + gchar *address, gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkDialog *dialog = user_data; + + gtk_dialog_response(dialog, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); +} + +static void device_selected_cb(GObject *object, + GParamSpec *spec, gpointer user_data) +{ + g_message ("Property \"device-selected\" changed"); + if (bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (object))) + bluetooth_chooser_dump_selected_device (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (object)); +} + +static void device_type_filter_selected_cb(GObject *object, + GParamSpec *spec, gpointer user_data) +{ + g_message ("Property \"device-type-filter\" changed"); +} + +static void device_category_filter_selected_cb(GObject *object, + GParamSpec *spec, gpointer user_data) +{ + g_message ("Property \"device-category-filter\" changed"); +} + +/* Phone chooser */ + +static void +chooser_created (BluetoothChooserButton *button, BluetoothChooser *chooser, gpointer data) +{ + g_object_set(chooser, + "show-searching", FALSE, + "show-pairing", FALSE, + "show-device-type", FALSE, + "device-type-filter", BLUETOOTH_TYPE_PHONE, + "show-device-category", FALSE, + "device-category-filter", BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED, + NULL); +} + +static void +is_available_changed (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gboolean is_available; + + g_object_get (gobject, "is-available", &is_available, NULL); + g_message ("button is available: %d", is_available); + gtk_widget_set_sensitive (GTK_WIDGET (gobject), is_available); +} + +static void +device_changed (GObject *gobject, + GParamSpec *pspec, + gpointer user_data) +{ + char *device; + + g_object_get (gobject, "device", &device, NULL); + g_message ("Property \"device\" changed to '%s'", device); + + g_free (device); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_phone_dialogue (const char *bdaddr) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *button; + + dialog = g_object_new(GTK_TYPE_DIALOG, + "use-header-bar", 1, + "title", "My test prefs", + NULL); + button = bluetooth_chooser_button_new (); + if (bdaddr != NULL) + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (button), "device", bdaddr, NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "chooser-created", + G_CALLBACK (chooser_created), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "notify::is-available", + G_CALLBACK (is_available_changed), NULL); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (button), "notify::device", + G_CALLBACK (device_changed), NULL); + is_available_changed (G_OBJECT (button), NULL, NULL); + gtk_widget_show (button); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), + button, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (gtk_main_quit), NULL); + + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT(dialog), (gpointer *) (&dialog)); + + return dialog; +} + +/* Wizard and co. */ +static GtkWidget * +create_dialogue (const char *title) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *button; + GtkStyleContext *context; + + dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DIALOG, + "use-header-bar", 1, + "title", title, + NULL); + gtk_dialog_add_buttons(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), + "_Cancel", GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, + "Connect", GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive(GTK_DIALOG(dialog), + GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, FALSE); + gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), 480, 400); + + gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog), 5); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), 2); + + button = gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context(button); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "suggested-action"); + + return dialog; +} + +static void +response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, gint response_id, BluetoothChooser *selector) +{ + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + char *address, *name, *icon; + guint type; + + address = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (selector); + name = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name (selector); + icon = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon (selector); + type = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_type (selector); + g_message("Selected device is: %s (address: %s, icon: %s, type: %s)", + name, address, icon, bluetooth_type_to_string (type)); + g_free(address); + g_free (name); + g_free (icon); + } else { + g_message ("No selected device"); + } + + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT) + exit (0); + + gtk_main_quit (); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_wizard_dialogue (void) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *selector; + + dialog = create_dialogue ("Add a Device"); + + selector = bluetooth_chooser_new(); + gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(selector), 5); + gtk_widget_show(selector); + g_object_set(selector, + "show-searching", TRUE, + "show-device-type", TRUE, + "show-device-category", FALSE, + "device-category-filter", BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NOT_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED, + NULL); + + g_signal_connect(selector, "selected-device-changed", + G_CALLBACK(select_device_changed), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-selected", + G_CALLBACK(device_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-type-filter", + G_CALLBACK(device_type_filter_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-category-filter", + G_CALLBACK(device_category_filter_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "selected-device-activated", + G_CALLBACK(selected_device_activated), dialog); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), selector, + TRUE, TRUE, 0); + bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (selector)); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (response_cb), selector); + + return dialog; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_props_dialogue (void) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *selector; + + dialog = create_dialogue ("Add a Device"); + + selector = bluetooth_chooser_new(); + gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(selector), 5); + gtk_widget_show(selector); + g_object_set(selector, + "show-searching", FALSE, + "show-device-type", FALSE, + "show-device-category", FALSE, + "show-pairing", TRUE, + "show-connected", TRUE, + "device-category-filter", BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED, + NULL); + + g_signal_connect(selector, "selected-device-changed", + G_CALLBACK(select_device_changed), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-selected", + G_CALLBACK(device_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-type-filter", + G_CALLBACK(device_type_filter_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-category-filter", + G_CALLBACK(device_category_filter_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "selected-device-activated", + G_CALLBACK(selected_device_activated), dialog); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG(dialog))), selector, + TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (response_cb), selector); + + return dialog; +} + +static void device_changed_cb (GObject *object, + GParamSpec *spec, + GtkDialog *dialog) +{ + char *device; + BluetoothChooser *chooser; + GtkWidget *tree; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeSelection *selection; + GtkTreeIter iter; + + g_object_get (object, "device", &device, NULL); + g_message ("Property \"device\" changed to '%s'", device); + + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, + GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, + device != NULL); + + g_object_get (object, "chooser", &chooser, NULL); + tree = bluetooth_chooser_get_treeview (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (chooser)); + selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree)); + gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &iter); + if (model != NULL) + bluetooth_client_dump_device (model, &iter); + + g_object_unref (chooser); + g_free (device); +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_combo_dialogue (const char *bdaddr) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *selector, *chooser; + const char *filter = "OBEXObjectPush"; +// const char *filter[] = { "OBEXObjectPush", "OBEXFileTransfer", NULL }; + + dialog = create_dialogue ("Add a Device"); + + selector = bluetooth_chooser_combo_new (); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (selector), "notify::device", + G_CALLBACK (device_changed_cb), dialog); + g_object_get (G_OBJECT (selector), "chooser", &chooser, NULL); + g_object_set(chooser, + "show-searching", TRUE, + "show-device-type", TRUE, + "show-device-category", TRUE, + "show-pairing", TRUE, + "show-connected", FALSE, + "device-service-filter", filter, + NULL); + g_object_set (G_OBJECT (selector), "device", bdaddr, NULL); + bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (chooser)); + gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(selector), 5); + gtk_widget_show(selector); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), + selector, TRUE, FALSE, 6); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (response_cb), chooser); + + return dialog; +} + +static GtkWidget * +create_filter_dialogue (void) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *selector, *filter, *vbox, *hbox; + + dialog = create_dialogue ("Add a Device"); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6); + gtk_widget_show (hbox); + + selector = bluetooth_chooser_new(); + gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(selector), 5); + gtk_widget_show(selector); + g_object_set(selector, + "show-searching", TRUE, + "device-category-filter", BLUETOOTH_CATEGORY_NOT_PAIRED_OR_TRUSTED, + NULL); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), selector, TRUE, TRUE, 6); + + vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_widget_show (vbox); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); + filter = bluetooth_filter_widget_new (); + g_object_set (filter, + "show-device-type", TRUE, + "show-device-category", FALSE, + NULL); + gtk_widget_show (filter); + bluetooth_filter_widget_bind_filter (BLUETOOTH_FILTER_WIDGET (filter), BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (selector)); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), filter, FALSE, FALSE, 6); + + g_signal_connect(selector, "selected-device-changed", + G_CALLBACK(select_device_changed), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-selected", + G_CALLBACK(device_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-type-filter", + G_CALLBACK(device_type_filter_selected_cb), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "notify::device-category-filter", + G_CALLBACK(device_category_filter_selected_cb), dialog); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), + hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (selector)); + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK (response_cb), selector); + + return dialog; +} + +int main(int argc, char **argv) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog; + const char *selection; + + gtk_init(&argc, &argv); + if (argc < 2) + selection = "wizard"; + else + selection = argv[1]; + + if (g_str_equal (selection, "phone")) { + if (argc == 3) + dialog = create_phone_dialogue (argv[2]); + else + dialog = create_phone_dialogue (NULL); + } else if (g_str_equal (selection, "wizard")) { + dialog = create_wizard_dialogue (); + } else if (g_str_equal (selection, "props")) { + dialog = create_props_dialogue (); + } else if (g_str_equal (selection, "combo")) { + if (argc == 3) + dialog = create_combo_dialogue (argv[2]); + else + dialog = create_combo_dialogue (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER_COMBO_FIRST_DEVICE); + } else if (g_str_equal (selection, "filter")) { + dialog = create_filter_dialogue (); + } else { + g_warning ("Unknown dialogue type, try either \"phone\", \"props\", \"combo\", \"filter\" or \"wizard\""); + return 1; + } + + gtk_widget_show(dialog); + + gtk_main (); + + if (dialog) + gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/lib/test-pairing-dialog.c b/lib/test-pairing-dialog.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e2909fc --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/test-pairing-dialog.c @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +#include "bluetooth-pairing-dialog.h" + +static const char * +response_to_str (int response) +{ + switch (response) { + case GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT: + return "accept"; + case GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL: + return "cancel"; + case GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT: + return "delete-event"; + default: + g_message ("response %d unhandled", response); + g_assert_not_reached (); + } +} + +static void +response_cb (GtkDialog *dialog, + int response, + gpointer user_data) +{ + g_message ("Received response '%d' (%s)", + response, response_to_str (response)); + + if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL || + response == GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT) { + if (response != GTK_RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT) + gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog)); + gtk_main_quit (); + return; + } + + if (bluetooth_pairing_dialog_get_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (user_data)) == BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_CONFIRMATION) { + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (user_data), + BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_NORMAL, + "234567", + "My device"); + } else { + gtk_widget_destroy (GTK_WIDGET (dialog)); + gtk_main_quit (); + } +} + +int main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + GtkWidget *window; + BluetoothPairingMode mode; + const char *pin = "123456"; + const char *device = "My device"; + + gtk_init (&argc, &argv); + + if (g_strcmp0 (argv[1], "pin-confirmation") == 0 || + argv[1] == NULL) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_CONFIRMATION; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (argv[1], "pin-display-keyboard") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_KEYBOARD; + pin = "123456⏎"; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (argv[1], "pin-display-icade") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_DISPLAY_ICADE; + pin = "⬆⬆⬅⬅➡➡❍"; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (argv[1], "pin-query") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_QUERY; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (argv[1], "pin-match") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_PIN_MATCH; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (argv[1], "yes-no") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_YES_NO; + } else if (g_strcmp0 (argv[1], "confirm-auth") == 0) { + mode = BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_MODE_CONFIRM_AUTH; + } else { + g_print ("Mode '%s' not supported, must be one of:\n", argv[1]); + g_print ("\tpin-confirmation\n"); + g_print ("\tpin-display-keyboard\n"); + g_print ("\tpin-display-icade\n"); + g_print ("\tpin-query\n"); + g_print ("\tpin-match\n"); + g_print ("\tyes-no\n"); + g_print ("\tconfirm-auth\n"); + + return 1; + } + + window = bluetooth_pairing_dialog_new (); + bluetooth_pairing_dialog_set_mode (BLUETOOTH_PAIRING_DIALOG (window), + mode, + pin, + device); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "response", + G_CALLBACK (response_cb), window); + + gtk_widget_show (window); + + gtk_main (); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/lib/test-pin.c b/lib/test-pin.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7403c06 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/test-pin.c @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +#include "pin.c" +#include "bluetooth-enums.h" + +int main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + guint max_digits; + gboolean confirm; + char *pin; + + g_setenv ("G_MESSAGES_DEBUG", "all", TRUE); + +#if 0 + pin = get_pincode_for_device (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_KEYBOARD, + "00:13:6C:00:00:00", + "TomTom Remote", + &max_digits, + &confirm); +#endif + pin = get_pincode_for_device (BLUETOOTH_TYPE_MOUSE, + "0C:77:1A:00:00:00", + "Some Apple mouse", + &max_digits, + &confirm); + + g_message ("pin: %s max digits: %d confirm: %d", + pin, max_digits, confirm); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/lib/test-settings.c b/lib/test-settings.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f4e4979 --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/test-settings.c @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +#include "bluetooth-settings-widget.h" + +static gboolean +delete_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, + GdkEvent *event, + gpointer user_data) +{ + gtk_main_quit (); + return FALSE; +} + +int main (int argc, char **argv) +{ + GtkWidget *window, *widget; + + gtk_init (&argc, &argv); + + window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); + gtk_widget_set_size_request (window, 800, 600); + gtk_window_set_resizable (GTK_WINDOW (window), TRUE); + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (window), "delete-event", + G_CALLBACK (delete_event_cb), NULL); + widget = bluetooth_settings_widget_new (); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), widget); + + gtk_widget_show_all (window); + + gtk_main (); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de055d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +project( + 'gnome-bluetooth', 'c', + version: '3.28.2', + license: 'GPL2+', + default_options: 'buildtype=debugoptimized', + meson_version: '>= 0.43.0' +) + +gnomebt_version = meson.project_version() +version_array = gnomebt_version.split('.') +gnomebt_major_version = version_array[0].to_int() +gnomebt_minor_version = version_array[1].to_int() +gnomebt_micro_version = version_array[2].to_int() + +gnomebt_api_version = '1.0' +gnomebt_api_name = '@0@-@1@'.format(meson.project_name(), gnomebt_api_version) + +gnomebt_gir_ns = 'GnomeBluetooth' +gnomebt_gir_version = '1.0' + +gnomebt_gettext_package = meson.project_name() + '2' + +gnomebt_prefix = get_option('prefix') +gnomebt_bindir = join_paths(gnomebt_prefix, get_option('bindir')) +gnomebt_datadir = join_paths(gnomebt_prefix, get_option('datadir')) +gnomebt_includedir = join_paths(gnomebt_prefix, get_option('includedir')) +gnomebt_libdir = join_paths(gnomebt_prefix, get_option('libdir')) +gnomebt_libexecdir = join_paths(gnomebt_prefix, get_option('libexecdir')) +gnomebt_localedir = join_paths(gnomebt_prefix, get_option('localedir')) +gnomebt_mandir = join_paths(gnomebt_prefix, get_option('mandir')) + +gnomebt_pkgdatadir = join_paths(gnomebt_datadir, meson.project_name()) +gnomebt_pkglibdir = join_paths(gnomebt_libdir, meson.project_name()) + +# options +enable_gtk_doc = get_option('gtk_doc') +enable_gir = get_option('introspection') + +# Before making a release, the GNOMEBT_LT_VERSION string should be modified. +# The string is of the form C:R:A. +# - If interfaces have been changed or added, but binary compatibility has +# been preserved, change to C+1:0:A+1 +# - If binary compatibility has been broken (eg removed or changed interfaces) +# change to C+1:0:0 +# - If the interface is the same as the previous version, change to C:R+1:A +current = 13 +revision = 1 +age = 0 + +libversion = '@0@.@1@.@2@'.format(current, age, revision) + +cc = meson.get_compiler('c') + +config_h = configuration_data() + +#i18n +config_h.set_quoted('GETTEXT_PACKAGE', gnomebt_gettext_package) +config_h.set_quoted('LOCALEDIR', gnomebt_localedir) + +# compiler flags +common_flags = [ + '-DHAVE_CONFIG_H', + '-DBONOBO_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DBONOBO_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES', + '-DBONOBO_UI_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DBONOBO_UI_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES', + '-DGCONF_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DGCONF_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES', + '-DGNOME_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DGNOME_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES', + '-DGNOME_VFS_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DGNOME_VFS_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES', + '-DLIBGLADE_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DLIBGLADE_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES', + '-DLIBSOUP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DLIBSOUP_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES', + '-DWNCK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED', + '-DWNCK_DISABLE_SINGLE_INCLUDES' +] + +compiler_flags = [] +if get_option('buildtype').contains('debug') + test_flags = [ + '-Werror=format=2', + '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', + '-Werror=init-self', + '-Werror=missing-prototypes', + '-Werror=missing-include-dirs', + '-Werror=pointer-arith', + '-Werror=return-type', + '-Wnested-externs', + '-Wstrict-prototypes' + ] + + compiler_flags += cc.get_supported_arguments(test_flags) +endif + +add_project_arguments(common_flags + compiler_flags, language: 'c') + +gtk_dep = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.12.0') +m_dep = cc.find_library('m') +libgbt_dep = [ dependency('gio-unix-2.0'), + dependency('gmodule-2.0'), + dependency('libcanberra-gtk3'), + dependency('libnotify', version: '>= 0.7.0'), + dependency('libudev') +] + +gnome = import('gnome') +i18n = import('i18n') +pkg = import('pkgconfig') + +po_dir = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'po') + +top_inc = include_directories('.') + +subdir('icons') +subdir('lib') +subdir('sendto') + +if enable_gtk_doc + subdir('docs/reference/libgnome-bluetooth') +endif + +subdir('po') + +configure_file( + output: 'config.h', + configuration: config_h +) + +meson.add_install_script( + '', + get_option('icon_update') ? 'icon_update' : '', + gnomebt_datadir +) + +output = '\nConfigure summary:\n\n' +output += ' Compiler....................: ' + cc.get_id() + '\n\n' +output += ' Compiler Flags..............: ' + ' '.join(compiler_flags) + '\n' +output += ' Prefix......................: ' + gnomebt_prefix + '\n' +output += ' Documentation...............: ' + enable_gtk_doc.to_string() + '\n' +output += ' GObject-Introspection.......: ' + enable_gir.to_string() +message(output) diff --git a/meson_options.txt b/meson_options.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1defb70 --- /dev/null +++ b/meson_options.txt @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +option('icon_update', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Enable icon cache update') +option('gtk_doc', type: 'boolean', value: false, description: 'use gtk-doc to build documentation') +option('introspection', type: 'boolean', value: true, description: 'Enable GObject Introspection (depends on GObject)') diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd91721 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python3 + +import os +import subprocess +import sys + +if not os.environ.get('DESTDIR') and sys.argv[1] == 'icon_update': + icondir = os.path.join(sys.argv[2], 'icons', 'hicolor') + print('Update icon cache...') +['gtk-update-icon-cache', '-f', '-t', icondir]) diff --git a/po/.gitignore b/po/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3a8c5d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +*.pot diff --git a/po/LINGUAS b/po/LINGUAS new file mode 100644 index 0000000..61b0df2 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/LINGUAS @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +# please keep this list sorted alphabetically +af +an +ar +as +ast +be +bg +bn +bn_IN +bs +ca +ca@valencia +crh +cs +da +de +el +en_GB +en@shaw +eo +es +et +eu +fa +fi +fr +fur +fy +ga +gd +gl +gu +he +hi +hr +hu +hy +id +is +it +ja +ka +kk +km +kn +ko +ku +lt +lv +mai +mk +ml +mn +mr +ms +nb +ne +nl +nn +oc +or +pa +pl +pt +pt_BR +ro +ru +sk +sl +sr +sr@latin +sv +ta +te +tg +th +tr +ug +uk +vi +xh +zh_CN +zh_HK +zh_TW +zu diff --git a/po/ b/po/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ffdf6a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c +lib/bluetooth-chooser.c +lib/bluetooth-chooser-combo.c +lib/bluetooth-client.c +lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c +lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c +lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c +lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui +lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c +lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c +lib/bluetooth-utils.c +lib/settings.ui +sendto/ +sendto/main.c diff --git a/po/POTFILES.skip b/po/POTFILES.skip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5503bc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/POTFILES.skip @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +sendto/ +sub/sendto/ diff --git a/po/af.po b/po/af.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8fe822b --- /dev/null +++ b/po/af.po @@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@ +# Afrikaans translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# F Wolff , 2009, 2011. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-05 10:30+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-02 12:28+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: F Wolff \n" +"Language-Team:\n" +"Language: af\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.0-beta4\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:128 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alle tipes" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:130 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefoon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:132 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:134 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Rekenaar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:136 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Netwerk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:139 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Kopstuk" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:141 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Oorfone" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:143 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Oudiotoestel" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:145 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Sleutelbord" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:147 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Muis" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:149 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kammera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:151 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Drukker" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:153 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:155 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:157 +#| msgid "Audio device" +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videotoestel" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:159 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:130 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Onbekend" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Klik om toestel te kies..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:171 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Geen hardewaresteun beskikbaar nie" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:175 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:905 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Soek tans vir toestelle..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:373 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Verwyder '%s' uit die lys van toestelle?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:375 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"As die toestel verwyder word, sal dit weer opgestel moet word voor die " +"volgende gebruik." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Toestel" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:819 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:8 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:71 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Alle kategorieë" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:73 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:5 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Opgepaar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Vertroud" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nie opgepaar of vertroud nie" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Opgepaar of vertroud" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "Wys slegs Bleutooth-toestelle met..." + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Toestel_kategorie:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:262 +#| msgid "Select the device category to filter above list" +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Kies die toestelkategorie om te filtreer" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:276 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Toestel_tipe:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:297 +#| msgid "Select the device type to filter above list" +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Kies die toesteltipe om te filtreer" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:303 +#| msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, ...)" +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Toevoertoestelle (muise, sleutelborde, ens.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:307 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Oorfone, kopstukke en ander oudiotoestelle" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Gebruik hierdie GPS-toestel vir ligginggewing" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Verkry toegang tot die Internet m.b.v. 'n selfoon (toets)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:125 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Kies toestel om deur te blaai" + +#: ../applet/main.c:129 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_Blaai" + +#: ../applet/main.c:138 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Kies toestel om deur te blaai" + +#: ../applet/main.c:288 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Skakel Bluetooth aan" + +#: ../applet/main.c:289 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Bluetooth: af" + +#: ../applet/main.c:292 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Skakel Bluetooth af" + +#: ../applet/main.c:293 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Bluetooth: aan" + +#: ../applet/main.c:298 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: gedeaktiveer" + +#: ../applet/main.c:445 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Ontkoppel tans..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:448 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Koppel tans..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:451 ../applet/main.c:734 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Gekoppel" + +#: ../applet/main.c:454 ../applet/main.c:734 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Ontkoppeld" + +#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Ontkoppel" + +#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1001 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Koppel" + +#: ../applet/main.c:765 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Stuur lêers..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:775 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Blaai lêers..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:786 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "Open sleutelbordvoorkeure..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:794 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "Open muisvoorkeure..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:804 +#| msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "Open klankvoorkeure..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:857 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Ontfout" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:876 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- Bluetooth-miniprogram" + +#: ../applet/main.c:881 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Laat loop '%s --help' vir 'n volledige lys van beskikbare opdraglynkeuses.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:907 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Bluetooth-miniprogram" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../applet/notify.c:122 ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/main.c:129 ../moblin/main.c:141 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1602 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: geaktiveer" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:196 ../applet/agent.c:265 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "Die toestel '%s' wil met hierdie rekenaar oppaar" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Tik die PIN wat op toestel %s gewys word." + +#: ../applet/agent.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Bevestig of die PIN '%s' dieselfde is as die een op die toestel %s." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Verleen toegaan aan '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:319 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "Toestel %s wil toegang hê tot die '%s'-diens." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Versoek om op te paar vanaf '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:371 ../applet/agent.c:404 ../applet/agent.c:434 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Bluetooth-toestel" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:372 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Tik PIN in" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:396 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Bevestig oppaar vir '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:405 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Verifieer PIN" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:432 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:435 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Bluetooth-bestuurder" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Bluetooth-bestuurder-miniprogram" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Kontroleer tans" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Blaai deur lêers op die toestel..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1403 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1513 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Toestelle" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Voorkeure" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Sluit af" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Stuur lêers na die toestel..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Stel 'n nuwe toestel op..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Sigbaar" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "Verleen _altyd toegang" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Laat toe" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "Weie_r" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "Pas _nie" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Pas" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_Wys toevoer" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nee" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:331 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth is gedeaktiveer" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:336 +#| msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +msgstr "Bluetooth is gedeaktiveer met 'n hardewareskakelaar" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:340 +#| msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +msgstr "Geen Bluetooth-hardeware gevind nie" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:406 +msgid "Visibility" +msgstr "Sigbaarheid" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:410 +#, c-format +msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +msgstr "Sigbaarheid van “%s”" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:1 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adres" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:2 +#| msgid "Connect" +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Koppeling" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:3 +#| msgid "Keyboard" +msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Sleutelbordinstellings" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Muis- en raakbladinstellings" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:6 +#| msgid "Phone" +msgid "Power" +msgstr "Krag" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:7 +msgid "Sound Settings" +msgstr "Klankinstellings" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Stel Bluetooth op" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:207 ../wizard/main.c:328 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Opparing met '%s' is gekanselleer" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:247 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1146 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Bevestig dat die PIN wat op '%s' vertoon dieselfde is as dié een." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:301 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1197 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Tik die volgende PIN in:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:384 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Opstelling van '%s' het misluk" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:442 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Koppel tans aan '%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:480 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:750 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "Tik die volgende PIN op '%s' in en druk “Enter” op die sleutelbord:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:482 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:752 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Tik die volgende PIN op '%s' in:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Wag asb. terwyl opstelling voltooi word op toestel '%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:523 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Sukses met opstelling van toestel '%s'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (meeste kopstukke, muise en GPS-toestelle)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Opstelling van nuwe Bluetooth-toestel" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +#| msgid "Custom PIN code:" +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "Eie PIN:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Toestelopstelling" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Toestelopstelling het misluk" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Toestelsoektog" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +#| msgid "Does not match" +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "Moenie oppaar nie" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1350 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Pas nie" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Klaar met opstelling van nuwe toestel" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "Vasgestelde PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Inleiding" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1346 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Dit pas" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN-keuses" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN-_keuses..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1260 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Kies watter addisionele dienste om saam met die toestel te gebruik:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +#| msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +msgstr "Kies watter toestel om op te stel" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Opstelling voltooi" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"Die opstelling van 'n nuwe Bluetooth-toestel sal stap-vir-stap deur die " +"proses gaan om Bluetooth-toestelle op te stel om op hierdie rekenaar te " +"gebruik." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +#| msgid "" +#| "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#| "“discoverable” (sometimes called “visible”). Check the device's manual if " +#| "in doubt." +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"Die toestel moet binne 'n 10m-omtrek vanaf die rekenaar wees, en moet " +"“sigbaar” wees (soms ook “ontdekbaar” genoem). Kontroleer die toestel se " +"handleiding vir meer inligting." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Welkom by die opstelling van 'n nuwe Bluetooth-toestel" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_Outomatiese PIN-keuse" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Kanselleer" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:28 +#| msgid "_Browse" +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Sluit" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "He_rbegin opstelling" + +#: ../wizard/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Opstelling van Bluetooth-toestel" + +#: ../wizard/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Stel Bluetooth-toestelle op" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekonde" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekondes" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minute" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d uur" +msgstr[1] "%'d ure" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "omtrent %'d uur" +msgstr[1] "omtrent %'d ure" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Lêeroordrag" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +#| msgid "_Reject" +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "P_robeer weer" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Lêeroordrag via Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Van:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Aan:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "'n Onbekende fout het voorgekom" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +#| msgid "" +#| "Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +#| "connections" +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Maak seker dat die afgeleë toestel aangeskakel is en dat dit Bluetooth-" +"koppeling toelaat" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Stuur tans %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Stuur tans lêer %d van %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KG/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d G/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:651 +#| msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Kies toestel om na te stuur" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:656 +#| msgid "Send _To" +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Stuur" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Kies lêers om te stuur" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:703 +#| msgid "_Reject" +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Kies" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:729 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Afgeleë toestel om te gebruik" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:731 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Afgeleë toestel se naam" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:168 +msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Programmeerfout: kon nie die toestel in die lys kry nie" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:243 +#, c-format +msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:262 +#| msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-oordrag" + +#: ../sendto/ +#| msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Stuur lêers via Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "Loop in alleenstaanmodus" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 ../moblin/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Mobil Bluetooth-paneel" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +#| msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Mobil Bluetooth-paneel" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:177 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%'d hour" +#| msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "%d uur" +msgstr[1] "%d ure" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:179 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%'d minute" +#| msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%d minuut" +msgstr[1] "%d minute" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:182 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%'d second" +#| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%d sekonde" +msgstr[1] "%d sekondes" + +#. hour:minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "" + +#. minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:192 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "" + +#. minutes +#. seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:195 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:199 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#. 0 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:202 +#| msgid "%'d second" +#| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "0 sekondes" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:224 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgid "" +"Your computer is visible on\n" +"Bluetooth for %s." +msgstr "" +"Die rekenaar is sigbaar op\n" +"Bluetooth vir %s." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:625 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Opparing met %s het misluk." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:985 +#| msgid "Paired" +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Paar op" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1022 +#| msgid "_Browse" +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Blaai" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1219 +#| msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Toestelopstelling het misluk" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1233 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1309 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1358 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1436 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1668 +#| msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Terug na toestelle" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1272 +#| msgid "Phone" +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Klaar" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1293 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1330 +#| msgid "Device Setup" +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Toestelopstelling" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1453 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1584 +#| msgid "Sending %s" +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Instellings" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1469 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Wys slegs:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1475 +#| msgid "PIN Options" +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "PIN-keuses" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1519 +#| msgid "Set up new device..." +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Voeg 'n nuwe toestel by" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1620 +#| msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "Maak sigbaar op Bluetooth" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1626 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Stuur lêer vanaf die rekenaar" + +#: ../moblin/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Bluetooth-bestuurder-paneel" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "'n Bluetooth-bestuurder vir die GNOME-werkskerm" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "Friedel Wolff" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "Tuisblad vir GNOME-Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-voorkeure" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "_Wys Bluetooth-ikoon" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Wys 'n lys van tans bekende toestelle" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-eienskappe" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _discoverable" +#~ msgstr "Maak die rekenaar ont_dekbaar" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Vriendelike naam" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Stel 'n _nuwe toestel op..." + +#~ msgid "_Remove" +#~ msgstr "Ve_rwyder" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Of die kennisgewingikoon moet wys" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Of die kennisgewingikoon moet wys." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf-fout: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "Alle verdere foute word slegs in die terminaal gewys." diff --git a/po/an.po b/po/an.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f99eac3 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/an.po @@ -0,0 +1,647 @@ +# Aragonese translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2012 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# jorgtum , 2012. +# Daniel Martinez , 2014. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-01-28 19:59+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-01-29 19:43+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Daniel \n" +"Language-Team: Aragonés \n" +"Language: an\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Pootle\n" +"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1454093013.000000\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Fe clic ta seleccionar o dispositivo…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1255 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancelar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Acceptar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconoixiu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "No bi ha garra adautador disponible" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1544 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Se son mirando dispositivos…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositivo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Mena" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1506 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivos" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Todas as categorías" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Emparellau" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De confianza" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ni emparellaus ni de confianza" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Emparellaus u de confianza" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Amostrar" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoría de dispositivo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Seleccionar a categoría de dispositivo por que filtrar" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Mena de dispositivo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Seleccionar a mena de dispositivo por que filtrar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositivos de dentrada (churis, teclaus, etc.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Auriculars, auriculars con microfono y atros dispositivos de son" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirmar o PIN d'o bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "Confirma o PIN introduciu en \"%s\"." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirma o PIN d'o bluetooth ta \"%s\". Normalment se puet trobar en o " +"manual d'o dispositivo." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "Emparellando '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" +"Confirma que o siguient PIN coincide con l'amostrau en o dispositivo '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Solicitut d'emparellamiento de Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"O dispositivo \"%s\" quier emparellar-se con iste equipo. Quiers permitir-lo?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +#| msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Configurar a connexión Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"O dispositivo '%s' quiere emparellar-se con este equipo. Quiere permitir-lo?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "Mete o siguient PIN en \"%s\"." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Mete o siguient PIN en \"%s\" y preta l'intro en o teclau." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Mueve o joystick d'o tuyo iCade en as siguients adrezas, y preta cualsiquier " +"d'os botons blancos." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Premitir" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Descartar" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Acceptar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Sin configurar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Connectau" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconnectau" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1123 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sí" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1123 +msgid "No" +msgstr "No" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1223 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visible como “%s” y disponible pa transferencias de fichers por Bluetooth. " +"Os fichers transferius s'alzan en a carpeta Descargas." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1250 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Sacar \"%s\" d'a lista de dispositivos?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1252 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Si sacas o dispositivo, tendrás que configurar-lo unatra vegada antis " +"d'emplegar-lo nuevament." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1256 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "Esbo_rrar-lo" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Ha recibiu \"%s\" por meyo de Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Ha recibiu un fichero" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +#| msgid "Send _Files…" +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Ubrir fichero" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Amostrar fichero" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Recepción d'o fichero completada" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferencia de fichers Bluetooth dende %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Refusar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Todas as menas" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefono" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ordinador" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Ret" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Auriculars con microfono" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Auriculars" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de son" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teclau" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Churi" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Camara" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Impresora" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Mando de chuego" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tableta" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de vídeo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Control remoto" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Escáner" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Pantalla" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Usable" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Chuget" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connexión" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adreza" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Configuración d'o churi y d'o touchpad" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Configuración d'o _son" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Opcions d'o teclau" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Ninviar _fichers…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Elimina_r o dispositivo" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferencia Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Se son ninviando fichers vía Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ocurrió una error desconoixida" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Asegura-te que o dispositivo remoto ye enchegau y que accepta connexions " +"Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segundo" +msgstr[1] "%'d segundos" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuto" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutos" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d horas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadament %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadament %'d horas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Se ye connectando…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferencia d'un fichero por Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Reintentar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Ta:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Se ye ninviando %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Se ye ninviando fichero %d de %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transferencia completa" +msgstr[1] "%u transferencias completas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Zarrar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "S'ha produciu una error" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Seleccionar o dispositivo ta lo que ninviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Ninviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Seleccionar os fichers ta ninviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seleccionar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositivo remoto que emplegar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADREZA" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Nombre d'o dispositivo remoto" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOMBRE" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FICHERO...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visible como \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pachina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pachina 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Feito" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Mete o siguient PIN en \"belún\":" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Emplegar iste dispositivo GPS ta servicios de geolocalización" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Acceder a Internet emplegando lo suyo telefono mobil (preba)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Mete o siguient PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Fallo a lo configurar «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Se ye connectando con «%s»..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Aspera mientras se remata de configurar o dispositivo «%s»..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Dispositivo nuevo «%s» configurau correctament" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración d'un dispositivo Bluetooth nuevo" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opcions d'o PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Busca de dispositivos" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración d'o dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Se ye rematando la configuración" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Seleccionar os servicios adicionals que quiers emplegar con o suyo " +#~ "dispositivo:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Configurar resumen" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opcions d'o PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "Selección _automatica d'o PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN fixo" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "«0000» (a mayoría d'os auriculars, churis y dispositivos GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "«1111»" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "«1234»" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "No pas emparellar" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN personalizau:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "I_ntentar-lo de nuevas" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Salir" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "No coincide" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Coincide" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración de dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Configurar dispositivos Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Transferencia de fichero" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Se ye ninviando o fichero vía Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/ar.po b/po/ar.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bf04f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ar.po @@ -0,0 +1,1096 @@ +# Arabic translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2008 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2008 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Khaled Hosny , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, 2016. +# Abderrahim Kitouni , 2012. +# Ibrahim Saed , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-09-17 18:13+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-17 18:13+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Khaled Hosny \n" +"Language-Team: Arabic \n" +"Language: ar\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 " +"&& n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 ? 4 : 5;\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 1.0.0-beta1\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:37+0000\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "انقر لاختيار جهاز…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "أ_لغِ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_نعم" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "مجهول" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "لا محولات متاحة" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "يبحث عن الأجهزة…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "الجهاز" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "النوع" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "الأجهزة" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "كلّ الفئات" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "مُزاوَج" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "موثوق" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "ليس مُزاوَجا ولا موثوقا" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "مُزاوَج أو موثوق" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "أظهر:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_فئة الجهاز:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "اختر فئة الأجهزة التي سترشح" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_نوع الجهاز:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "اختر نوع الأجهزة التي سترشح" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "أجهزة الدخْل (فأرة، لوحة مفاتيح، إلخ.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "سماعات وأجهزة الصوت الأخرى" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "أكد رمز البلوتوث (PIN)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "من فضلك أكد تطابق الرقم مع الموجود على الجهاز %s." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "أكّد" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "أكد رقم بلوتوث للجهاز ’%s‘. تجد هذا في دليل استخدام الجهاز." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "مزاوجة '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "من فضلك أكد تطابق الرقم مع المعروض على الجهاز ’%s‘." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "طلب مزاوجة بلوتوث" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "يريد الجهاز '%s' المزاوجة مع هذا الحاسوب. أتريد السماح بهذا؟" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "أكّد لتصال بلوتوث" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "يريد الجهاز '%s' الاتصال بهذا الحاسوب. أتريد السماح بهذا؟" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "من فضلك أدخِل الرقم التالي على '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"من فضلك أدخل الرقم التالي على '%s' ثم انقر زر ”إدخال“ على لوحة المفاتيح." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"حرّك عصا الألعاب iCade في الاتّجاهات التالية، ثم اضغط على أي من الأزرار " +"البيضاء." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "اسمح" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "ارفض" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ألغِ" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "اقبل" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "غير مُعد" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "متّصل" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "غير متَّصل" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "نعم" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "لا" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"يظهر باسم ”%s“ و متاح لنقل الملفات عبر بلوتوث. ستذهب الملفات المنقولة في " +"مجلد التنزيلات." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "أأزيل '%s' من قائمة الأجهزة؟" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "إذا أزلت الجهاز فستحتاج لإعداده ثانيا في المرة القادمة." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "أ_زل" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "لقد تلقيت ”%s“ عبر بلوتوث" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "لقد تلقيت ملفا" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "افتح الملف" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "أظهر الملف" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "اكتمل استلام الملف" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "نقل ملف عبر بلوتوث من %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "ارفض" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "كل الأنواع" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "الهاتف" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "مودم" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "الحاسوب" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "الشبكة" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "سماعة رأس بميكروفون" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "سماعة الرأس" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "جهاز صوت" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "لوحة المفاتيح" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "الفأرة" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "الكاميرا" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "الطابعة" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "عصا الألعاب" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "لوح" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "جهاز فديو" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "جهاز تحكم عن بعد" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "ماسحة ضوئية" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "شاشة" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "جهاز يُلبس" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "لعبة" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "الاتصال" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "العنوان" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "إعدادات الفأرة و _لوحة اللمس" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "إعدادات ال_صوت" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "إعدادات لوحة ال_مفاتيح" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "أرسل مل_فات…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "أ_زل الجهاز" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "نقل بلوتوث" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "أرسل الملفات عبر بلوتوث" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "حدث خطأ مجهول" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "تأكد من أن الجهاز البعيد مُشغّل وأنه يقبل اتصالات بلوتوث" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "أقل من ثانية" +msgstr[1] "ثانية واحدة" +msgstr[2] "ثانيتين" +msgstr[3] "%'d ثوان" +msgstr[4] "%'d ثانية" +msgstr[5] "%'d ثانية" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "أقل من دقيقة" +msgstr[1] "دقيقة واحدة" +msgstr[2] "دقيقتين" +msgstr[3] "%'d دقائق" +msgstr[4] "%'d دقيقة" +msgstr[5] "%'d دقيقة" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "أقل من ساعة" +msgstr[1] "ساعة واحدة" +msgstr[2] "ساعتين" +msgstr[3] "%'d ساعات" +msgstr[4] "%'d ساعة" +msgstr[5] "%'d ساعة" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "أقل من ساعة تقريبا" +msgstr[1] "ساعة واحدة تقريبا" +msgstr[2] "ساعتين تقريبا" +msgstr[3] "%'d ساعات تقريبا" +msgstr[4] "%'d ساعة تقريبا" +msgstr[5] "%'d ساعة تقريبا" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "يتّصل…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "نقل الملفات عبر بلوتوث" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "أ_عد المحاولة" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "من:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "إلى:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "يُرسل %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "يُرسل الملف %d من %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d ك.ب/ث" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d بايت/ث" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "لم يكتمل نقل الملف" +msgstr[1] "اكتمل نقل ملف" +msgstr[2] "اكتمل نقل ملفين" +msgstr[3] "اكتمل نقل %u ملفات" +msgstr[4] "اكتمل نقل %u ملفا" +msgstr[5] "اكتمل نقل %u ملف" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "أ_غلق" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "حدث عُطل" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "اختر جهازا للإرسال إليه" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "أ_رسل" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "اختر ملفات لإرسالها" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "اختر" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "الجهاز البعيد الذي سيُستخدم" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "العنوان" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "اسم الجهاز البعيد" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "الاسم" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ملف...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "استخدم جهاز GPS هذا لخدمات تحديد المكان" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "اتصل بالإنترنت عبر هاتفك المحمول (اختباري)" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "شغل بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: مطفأ" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "أطفئ بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: يعمل" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: معطّل" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "يقطع الاتصال..." + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "جاري الاتصال..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "اقطع الاتصال" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "اتصل" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "تصفح الملفات..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "نقّح" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- بريمج بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "نفّذ '%s --help' لتحصل على قائمة كاملة بخيارات سطر الأوامر المتاحة.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "بريمج بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "من فضلك أدخل الرقم المذكور على الجهاز %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "امنح '%s' الصلاحية" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "يريد الجهاز %s صلاحية الوصول للخدمة '%s'." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "جهاز بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "أدخِل الرقم" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "تأكيد مزاوجة '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "تحقق من الرقم" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "طلب تخويل من '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "تحقق من التخويل" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "مدير بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "بريمج إدارة بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: يفحص" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "ظاهر" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "أرسِل ملفات للجهاز..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "اضبط الجهاز..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "إعدادات بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "أنهِ" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "امنح الصلاحية _دائما" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "ار_فض" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "ا_منح" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "لا _تتطابق" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_تتطابق" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "اعرض الإ_دخال" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "أُلغِيت المزاوجة مع '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "من فضلك أكد أن الرقم المعروض على '%s' يُطابق هذا." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "من فضلك أدخِل الرقم التالي:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "فشل إعداد '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "يتصل بـ %s..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "من فضلك انتظر إعداد الجهاز '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "أُعِد الجهاز '%s' بنجاح" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "إعداد جهاز بلوتوث جديد" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_خيارات PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "البحث عن جهاز" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "إعداد الجهاز" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "إنهاء الإعداد" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "اختر الخدمات الإضافية التي تريد استخدامها مع هذا الجهاز:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "ملخص الإعداد" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "خيارات PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "ا_ختيار PIN تلقائي" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "رقم PIN ثابت" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (أغلب سماعات الرأس والفأرات وأجهزة GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "لا تُزاوِج" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "رقم PIN مخصص:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "أعِد الم_حاولة" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "أ_نهِ" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "لا تتطابق" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "تتطابق" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "إعداد جهاز بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "اضبط أجهزة بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "نقل الملفات" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "إرسال الملفات عبر بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "خطأ برمجي: لم أتمكن من العثور على الجهاز في القائمة" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "نقل ملفات OBEX Push غير مدعوم" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d ك.بايت/ث" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "أظهر فقط أجهزة بلوتوث التي..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "اختر جهازا لتصفحه" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_تصفّح" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "اختر جهازا لتصفحه" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "افتح تفضيلات لوحة المفاتيح..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "افتح تفضيلات لوحة الفأرة..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "افتح تفضيلات الصوت..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: مفعّل" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "تصفح الملفات على الجهاز..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "التفضيلات" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "البلوتوث معطّل" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "البلوتوث اللاسلكية مغلق بمفتاح في العتاد" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "لم يُعثر على محولات بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "الظهور" + +#~ msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +#~ msgstr "ظهور ”%s“" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "الطاقة" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "فشل إعداد الجهاز" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "مقدمة" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "اختر الجهاز الذي تريد إعداده" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "اكتمل الإعداد" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "سيُرشدك \"إعداد جهاز بلوتوث جديد\" عبر عملية إعداد جهاز يدعم بلوتوث " +#~ "ليُستخدم مع هذا الحاسوب." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "يجب أن يكون الجهاز في مدى 10 أمتار من الحاسوب، ومعد ليظهر للأجهزة الأخرى. " +#~ "راجع كتيب الجهاز للتفاصيل." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "مرحبا في مرشد إعداد جهاز بلوتوث جديد" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "أ_عد تشغيل الإعداد" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "شغل في الوضع المستقل" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "لوحة بلوتوث موبلين" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- لوحة بلوتوث موبلين" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "أقل من ساعة" +#~ msgstr[1] "ساعة واحدة" +#~ msgstr[2] "ساعتين" +#~ msgstr[3] "%d ساعات" +#~ msgstr[4] "%d hour" +#~ msgstr[5] "%d ساعة" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "أقل من دقيقة" +#~ msgstr[1] "دقيقة واحدة" +#~ msgstr[2] "دقيقتين" +#~ msgstr[3] "%d دقائق" +#~ msgstr[4] "%d دقيقة" +#~ msgstr[5] "%d دقيقة" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "أقل من ثانية" +#~ msgstr[1] "ثانية واحدة" +#~ msgstr[2] "ثانيتين" +#~ msgstr[3] "%d ثوان" +#~ msgstr[4] "%d ثانية" +#~ msgstr[5] "%d ثانية" + +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "أقل من ثانية" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "حاسوبك ظاهر عبر\n" +#~ "بلوتوث %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "فشلت المزاوجة مع %s." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "زاوِج" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "تصفّح" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "فشل إعداد الجهاز" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "ارجع للأجهزة" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "تم" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "إعداد الجهاز" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "الإعدادات" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "اعرض فقط:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "خيارات PIN" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "أضف جهازا جديدا" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "أظهر الحاسوب عبر بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "أرسل ملف من حاسوبك" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "لوحة مدير البلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "تعذّر تشغيل تفضيلات \"مشاركة الملفات الشخصية\"" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "من فضلك تأكد من أن برنامج تفضيلات \"مشاركة الملفات الشخصية\" مثبت بشكل " +#~ "سليم." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "أ_ظهر أيقونة البلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..." +#~ msgstr "إعدادات المُشاركة..." + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "الاسم السهل" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "أظهر الحاسوب للآ_خرين" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "اضبط جهازا جديدا..." + +#~ msgid "_Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "ا_قطع الاتصال" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "لا تتصل أي محولات بلوتوث بحاسوبك." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "لقد عُطِّل البلوتوث عبر مفتاح في حاسوبك." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "تفضيلات البلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "اعرض قائمة بالأجهزة المعروفة حاليا" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "ما إذا ستعرض أيقونة التنبيه" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "ما إذا ستعرض أيقونة التنبيه." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "خطأ ‪GConf‬‏: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "ستعرض جميع الأخطاء القادمة في الطّرفيّة فقط." + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "زاوج" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "اتصل" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "تصفّح" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "مدير بلوتوث لسطح المكتب جنوم" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Nizar Kerkeni" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "صفحة مدير بلوتوث جنوم" + +#~ msgid "General" +#~ msgstr "عـام" + +#~ msgid "Notification area" +#~ msgstr "مكان التذكير" + +#~ msgid "Never display icon" +#~ msgstr "لا تظهر الايقونة ابدا" + +#~ msgid "Always display icon" +#~ msgstr "اظهر الايقونة دائما" + +#~ msgid "Adapter" +#~ msgstr "محوّل" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved" +#~ msgstr "لم يحفظ" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_ملف" + +#~ msgid "Open _Recent" +#~ msgstr "افتح ملف _حديث" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "ت_حرير" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "ا_عرض" + +#~ msgid "_Full Screen" +#~ msgstr "_كامل الشاشة" + +#~ msgid "_Tools" +#~ msgstr "أد_وات" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "م_ساعدة" + +#~ msgid "All Files" +#~ msgstr "كل الملفات" + +#~ msgid "Supported Files" +#~ msgstr "الملفات المدعمة" + +#~ msgid "By Extension" +#~ msgstr "حسب الامتداد" + +#~ msgid "File Type" +#~ msgstr "نوع الملف" + +#~ msgid "Extensions" +#~ msgstr "الامتدادات" + +#~ msgid "Local connection" +#~ msgstr "اتصال محلى" + +#~ msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +#~ msgstr "إذا لم تحفظ، كل التغيرات سوف تفقد نهائيا" + +#~ msgid "Close _without Saving" +#~ msgstr "اغلق _بدون حفظ" + +#~ msgid "_Discard Changes" +#~ msgstr "تجا_هل التّغييرات" + +#~ msgid "Timestamp" +#~ msgstr "طابع وقتى" diff --git a/po/as.po b/po/as.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f1795ad --- /dev/null +++ b/po/as.po @@ -0,0 +1,954 @@ +# Assamese translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Amitakhya Phukan , 2009. +# Nilamdyuti Goswami , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-13 06:06+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-13 19:08+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: Nilamdyuti Goswami \n" +"Language-Team: American English \n" +"Language: as\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "ডিভাইচ নিৰ্বাচন কৰিবলৈ ক্লিক কৰক…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:420 +#: ../sendto/main.c:688 ../sendto/main.c:737 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "বাতিল কৰক (_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ঠিক আছে (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "কোনো এডাপ্টাৰ উপলব্ধ নাই" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "ডিভাইচসমূহ সন্ধান কৰা হৈছে…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ডিভাইচ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ধৰণ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ডিভাইচসমূহ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "সকলো বিভাগ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "যোৰ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "বিশ্বস্ত" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "যোৰ বন্ধা অথবা বিশ্বস্ত নহয়" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "যোৰ বন্ধা অথবা বিশ্বস্ত" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "দেখুওৱাক:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ডিভাইচৰ বিভাগ (_c):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "পৰিস্ৰাৱন কৰাৰ বাবে ডিভাইচৰ বিভাগ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ডিভাইচৰ ধৰণ (_t):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "পৰিস্ৰাৱন কৰাৰ বাবে ডিভাইচৰ ধৰণ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ইনপুট ডিভাইচসমূহ (মাউছসমূহ, কিবৰ্ডসমূহ, ইত্যাদি)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "হেড-ফোন, হেড-ছেট আৰু অন্যান্য অডিঅ' ডিভাইচসমূহ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ব্লুটুথ PIN সুনিশ্চিত কৰক" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি '%s' ত সুমুৱা PIN সুনিশ্চিত কৰক।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "নিশ্চিত কৰক" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"'%s' ৰ বাবে ব্লুটুথ PIN সুনিশ্চিত কৰক। ই সাধাৰণত ডিভাইচৰ হাতপুথিত থাকে।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' ৰ সৈতে যোৰ কৰা হৈছে" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" +"অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি সুনিশ্চিত কৰক যে নিম্নলিখিত PIN '%s' ত প্ৰদৰ্শিত PIN ৰ সৈতে মিল " +"খায়।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ব্লুটুথ যোৰ অনুৰোধ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' এ ডিভাইচৰ সৈতে যোৰ কৰিব খোজে। আপুনি যোৰ কৰাৰ অনুমতি দিব খোজে নে?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি '%s' ত নিম্নলিখিত PIN লিখক।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি '%s' ত নিম্নলিখিত PIN লিখক। তাৰ পিছত কিবৰ্ডত “Return” টিপক।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি আপোনাৰ iCade ৰ জয়স্টিকক নিম্নলিখিত দিশত গতি কৰাওক। তাৰ পিছত বগা " +"বুটামসমূহৰ যিকোনো এটা টিপক।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "অনুমতি দিয়ক" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "বাতিল কৰক" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "বাতিল কৰক" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "গ্ৰহণ কৰক" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +#| msgid "Not Setup" +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "সংস্থাপিত নহয়" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "সংযুক্ত" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "হয়" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "নহয়" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” ৰূপে দৃশ্যমান" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ডিভাইচৰ তালিকাৰ পৰা '%s' আঁতৰুৱা হ'ব নেকি ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"ডিভাইচ আঁতৰুৱা হ'লে, পৰবৰ্তী ব্যৱহাৰৰ পূৰ্বে আপুনি ইয়াক পুনৰ সংস্থাপন কৰিব " +"লাগিব।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "আঁতৰাওক (_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "সকলো ধৰণৰ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ফোন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "মোডেম" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "কমপিউটাৰ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "নেটৱৰ্ক" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "হেড-ছেট" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "হেড-ফোনসমূহ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "অডিঅ' ডিভাইচ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "কিবৰ্ড" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "মাউছ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "কেমেৰা" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "প্ৰিন্টাৰ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "জয়-পেড" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "টেবলেট" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' ডিভাইচ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "দূৰৱৰ্তী নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "স্কেনাৰ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "ধাৰণযোগ্য" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "টয়" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "সংযোগ " + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ১" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ২" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ঠিকনা" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "মাউছ আৰু টাচপেড সংহতিসমূহ (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "শব্দ সংহতিসমূহ (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "কিবৰ্ড সংহতিসমূহ (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ফাইলসমূহ পঠাওক…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "ডিভাইচ আঁতৰাওক (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ব্লুটুথ স্থানান্তৰ" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লুটুথৰ মাধ্যমে ফাইল পঠিৱাওক" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "অজ্ঞাত ত্ৰুটি দেখা দিছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d ছেকেণ্ড" +msgstr[1] "%'d ছেকেণ্ড" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d মিনিট" +msgstr[1] "%'d মিনিট" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ঘন্টা" +msgstr[1] "%'d ঘন্টা" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "আনুমানিক %'d ঘন্টা" +msgstr[1] "আনুমানিক %'d ঘন্টা" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:473 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "সংযোগ কৰা হৈছে…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:418 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ফাইল স্থানান্তৰ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:421 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "পুনৰ চেষ্টা কৰক (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:443 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "উৎসস্থল:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "গন্তব্যস্থল:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:552 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s পঠিওৱা হৈছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:559 ../sendto/main.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "ফাইল %d পঠিওৱা হৈছে, সৰ্বমুঠ %d ফাইলসমূহৰ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:604 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:606 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:636 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u স্থানান্তৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ" +msgstr[1] "%u স্থানান্তৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:650 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "এটা ত্ৰুটি আছিল" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:686 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "পঠিৱাব লগিয়া ডিভাইচ বাছক" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:691 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "পঠাওক (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:735 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "পঠিওৱাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে ফাইল নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "বাছক" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:764 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰযোগ্য দূৰবৰ্তী ডিভাইচ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:764 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADDRESS" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:766 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "দূৰবৰ্তী ডিভাইচৰ নাম" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:766 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:785 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FILE...]" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "কৰা হল" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "ভূঅৱস্থান সেৱাৰ বাবে এই GPS ডিভাইচ প্ৰয়োগ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "আপোনাৰ মোবাইল ফোন সহযোগে ইন্টাৰনেট ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (পৰীক্ষামূলক)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ৰ সৈতে নিৰ্ধাৰিত যোৰ বাতিল কৰা হৈছে" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি নিশ্চিত কৰক, এই PIN আৰু '%s' ত প্ৰদৰ্শিত PIN একেই হয় নে নহয়।" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি নিম্নলিখিত PIN উল্লেখ কৰক:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' সংস্থাপন কৰিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ৰ সৈতে সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰা হৈছে..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপনৰ সমাপ্তি অবধি অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি অপেক্ষা কৰক..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "সফলতাৰে সৈতে নতুন ডিভাইচ '%s' সংস্থাপন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ নতুন ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN বিকল্পসমূহ (_o)..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচ সন্ধান" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "সংস্থাপন সমাপ্ত কৰা হৈছে" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচৰ সৈতে ব্যৱহাৰৰ বাবে অতিৰিক্ত সেৱাসমূহ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "সংস্থাপন সাৰাংশ" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN বিকল্পসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "স্বচালিত PIN নিৰ্বাচন (_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "সুনিৰ্দিষ্ট PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (অধিকাংশ হেড-ছেট, মাউছ আৰু GPS ডিভাইচসমূহ)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "যোৰ নাবান্ধিব" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "স্বনিৰ্বাচিত PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "পুনৰ চেষ্টা কৰক (_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰস্থান কৰক (_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "মিল পোৱা নাযায়" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "মিলসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ডিভাইচসমূহ সংস্থাপন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "সংযোত স্থাপন কৰা হৈছে..." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "দূৰবৰ্তী ডিভাইচটো সামৰ্থবান হয় নে নহয় আৰু ডিভাইচটো দ্বাৰা ব্লুটুথ সংযোগ গ্ৰহণ কৰা " +#~ "হৈছে নে নাই সেইটো পৰীক্ষা কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ অন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ: বন্ধ" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ বন্ধ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ: অন" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ: অসামৰ্থবান" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্নিত কৰা হৈছে..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "সংযোগ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "ফাইলসমূহ পঠাওক..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "ফাইলসমূহ ব্ৰাউছ কৰক..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "ডিবাগ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- ব্লুটুথ এপ্লেট" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "কমান্ড-শাৰীৰ পৰা ব্যৱহাৰযোগ্য সকলো বিকল্পৰ তালিকা চোৱাৰ বাবে '%s --help' " +#~ "কমান্ড চলাওক।\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ এপ্লেট" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি %s ডিভাইচত উল্লিখিত PIN লিখক।" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ক অভিগম প্ৰদান কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "%s ডিভাইচে '%s' সেৱালে অভিগম বিচাৰে।" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ডিভাইচ" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN সুমুৱাওক" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s ৰ পৰা প্ৰাপ্ত যোৰ নিৰ্মাণৰ নিশ্চিতি" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN পৰীক্ষা কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s ৰ পৰা প্ৰাপ্ত প্ৰমাণীকৰণৰ অনুৰোধ" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰমাণীকৰণ পৰীক্ষা কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ব্যৱস্থাপক" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ব্যৱস্থাপক এপ্লেট" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ: পৰীক্ষা কৰা হৈছে" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "দৃশ্যমান" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচত ফাইলসমূহ পঠিয়াওক..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "নতুন ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন কৰক..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ সংহতিসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰস্থান কৰক" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "সদায় অভিগম প্ৰদান কৰক (_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰত্যাখ্যান কৰক (_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰদান কৰক (_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "মিল নাখায় (_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "মিল পোৱা গৈছে (_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "ইনপুট দেখুৱাওক (_S)" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "ফাইল স্থানান্তৰ" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথৰ মাধ্যমে ফাইল পঠিওৱা হৈছে" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰগ্ৰামিং ত্ৰুটি: ডিভাইচটো তালিকাত পোৱা নগল" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX দ্বাৰা ঠেলা মাৰি ফাইল সঞ্চালন অসমৰ্থিত" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ (OBEX ঠেলা)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d কিলোবাইট/ছেকেণ্ড" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "অকল চিহ্নিত মান বিশিষ্ট ব্লুটুথ ডিভাইচ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "ব্ৰাউছ কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে এটা ডিভাইচ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "ব্ৰাউছ কৰক (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "ব্ৰাউছ কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে ডিভাইচ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচত ফাইলসমূহ ব্ৰাউছ কৰক..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "পছন্দসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ অসামৰ্থবান" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ হাৰ্ডওৱেৰ চুইচ দ্বাৰা অসামৰ্থবান" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "কোনো ব্লুটুথ এডাপ্টাৰ পোৱা নগল" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "দৃশ্যমানতা" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "ফাইলসমূহ ব্ৰাউছ কৰক..." + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন ব্যৰ্থ হল" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "পৰিচয়" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "সংস্থাপন কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে এটা ডিভাইচ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "সংস্থাপন সম্পূৰ্ণ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ব্লুটুথৰ নতুন ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন ব্যৱস্থাৰ সাহায্যে কমপিউটাৰৰ সৈতে ব্যৱহাৰৰ বাবে ব্লুটুথ " +#~ "সামৰ্থবান ডিভাইচ সহজে সংৰূপণ কৰা যাব।" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ডিভাইচ আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰৰ ১০ মিটাৰত উপস্থিত থকা আবশ্যক, আৰু “দৃশ্যমান" +#~ "\" (কেতিয়াবা \"discoverable\" বুলি কোৱা হয়) হোৱা আবশ্যক। কোনো ধৰণৰ সন্দেহ " +#~ "থাকিলে ডিভাইচৰ সহায়িকাত উপস্থিত তথ্য পঢ়ক।" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথৰ নতুন ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন ব্যৱস্থাত স্বাগতম" + +#~ msgid "_Close" +#~ msgstr "বন্ধ কৰক (_C)" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "স্টেন্ডএল্ন অৱস্থাত চলাওক" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin ব্লুটুথ পেনেল" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin ব্লুটুথ পেনেল" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ঘন্টা" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d ঘন্টাসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d মিনিট" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d মিনিটসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ছেকেণ্ড" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d ছেকেণ্ডসমূহ" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "০ ছেকেণ্ডসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰৰ %s ৰ\n" +#~ " বাবে ব্লুটুথত দৃশ্যমান।" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%sৰ সৈতে নিৰ্ধাৰিত যোৰ পাতিবলে ব্যৰ্থ।" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "যোৰ" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "ব্ৰাউছ কৰক (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন ব্যৰ্থ হল" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচসমূহলে উভতি যাওক" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "সংহতিসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "কেৱল দেখুৱাওক" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN বিকল্পসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "এটা নতুন ডিভাইচ যোগ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথত দৃশ্যমান কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰৰ পৰা ফাইল পঠাওক" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ব্যৱস্থাপক পেনেল " + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "কিবৰ্ড সংক্ৰান্ত পছন্দৰ বৈশিষ্ট্য খোলক..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "মাউছ সংক্ৰান্ত পছন্দৰ বৈশিষ্ট্য খোলক..." + +#~| msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "শব্দৰ পছন্দসমূহ খোলক..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ: সামৰ্থবান" + +#~ msgid "Active" +#~ msgstr "সামৰ্থবান" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "GNOME ডেস্কট'পত ব্যৱহাৰযোগ্য ব্লুটুথ ব্যৱস্থাপক" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "অমিতাক্ষ ফুকন (" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "GNOME Bluetoothৰ প্ৰধান পৃষ্ঠা" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth সংক্ৰান্ত পছন্দ" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথৰ আইকন প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "বৰ্তমানে জ্ঞাত ডিভাইচসমূহৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব" + +#~| msgid "_Discoverable" +#~ msgid "Make computer _discoverable" +#~ msgstr "কমপিউটাৰ উন্মোচনযোগ্য ৰূপে ধাৰ্য কৰা হ'ব (_D)" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "সহজ নাম" + +#~| msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "নতুন ডিভাইচ সংস্থাপন কৰক...(_n)" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "সূচনাৰ আইকন প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব নে নহয়" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "সূচনাৰ আইকন প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব নে নহয়।" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf সংক্ৰান্ত ত্ৰুটি: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "পৰবৰ্তী সকলো ত্ৰুটিৰ সূচনা টাৰ্মিনেলৰ মাধ্যমে প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব।" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Unknown" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ: অজ্ঞাত" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "পাছ-কি লিখক" + +#~ msgid "Verify passkey" +#~ msgstr "পাছকি প্ৰমাণ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Known devices" +#~ msgstr "জ্ঞাত ডিভাইচ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +#~ msgstr "ব্লুটুথ ডিভাইচ উইজাৰ্ড" + +#~ msgid "Setup Finished" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰস্ততি পৰ্ব সমাপ্ত" diff --git a/po/ast.po b/po/ast.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5d42f4c --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ast.po @@ -0,0 +1,860 @@ +# Asturian translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2010 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Xandru Armesto , 2010. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-12 16:24+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-12 17:25+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Xandru Armesto \n" +"Language-Team: Asturian Team\n" +"Language: ast\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.5.2\n" +"X-Poedit-Language: asturian\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:127 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Tolos tipos" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:129 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Teléfonu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:131 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Módem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:133 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Equipu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:135 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rede" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:138 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Auriculares" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:140 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Auriculares" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:142 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Preséu de soníu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:144 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tecláu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:146 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mur" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:148 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Cámara" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:150 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Imprentadora" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:152 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Mandu de xuegu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:154 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tableta" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:156 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Preséu de vídeu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:158 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:129 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:85 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconocíu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:369 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Calca pa escoyer el preséu..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:170 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nun hai dengún adautador disponible" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:174 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:868 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Guetando preseos..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:372 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "¿Quitar «%s» de la llista de preseos?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:374 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Si quites el preséu vas tener que configuralu otra vegada, enantes de poder " +"usalu." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:746 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Preséu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Toles categoríes" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Emparexáu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "D'enfotu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nin emparexaos nin d'enfotu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:83 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Emparexaos o d'enfotu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:238 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "Amosar namái preseos Bluetooth que..." + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:254 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoría de preséu:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:269 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Escoyer la categoría de preséu pola que peñerar" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:283 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipu de preséu:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:304 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Escoyer el tipu de dispositivu pol que peñerar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:310 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Preseos d'entrada (mures, teclaos, etc.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:314 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Auriculares, auriculares con micrófonu y otros preseos de soníu" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Usar esti preséu GPS pa servicios de xeollocalización" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Acceder a Internet usando'l so teléfonu móvil (prueba)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:140 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Seleicionar el preséu qu'esaminar" + +#: ../applet/main.c:144 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_Desaminar" + +#: ../applet/main.c:153 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Seleicionar el preséu pa desaminar" + +#: ../applet/main.c:332 ../properties/properties-adapter-off.ui.h:1 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Encender Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:333 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Apagáu" + +#: ../applet/main.c:336 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Apagar Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:337 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Encendíu" + +#: ../applet/main.c:342 ../applet/notify.c:148 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Desactiváu" + +#: ../applet/main.c:493 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Desconeutando…" + +#: ../applet/main.c:496 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Coneutando…" + +#: ../applet/main.c:499 ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Coneutáu" + +#: ../applet/main.c:502 ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconeutáu" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 ../applet/main.c:922 ../properties/adapter.c:371 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Desconeutar" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 ../applet/main.c:922 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Coneutar" + +#: ../applet/main.c:871 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Unviar ficheros…" + +#: ../applet/main.c:881 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Desaminar ficheros…" + +#: ../applet/main.c:892 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "Abrir les Preferencies del tecláu…" + +#: ../applet/main.c:900 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "Abrir les Preferencies del mur…" + +#: ../applet/main.c:910 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "Abrir les Preferencies de soníu…" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1037 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Depurar" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:1057 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- Miniaplicación para Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1062 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Execute «%s --help» pa ver una llista completa de toles opciones disponibles " +"de la llinia de comandos.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1079 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Miniaplicación pa Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:148 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Activáu" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:251 ../applet/agent.c:332 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "El preséu «%s» quier emparexase con esti equipu" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:257 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Introduz el PIN mentáu nel preséu %s." + +#: ../applet/agent.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Confirma qu'el PIN amosáu en «%s» concasa col del preséu %s." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Conceder accesu a «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:390 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "El preséu %s quier acceder al serviciu «%s»." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:496 ../applet/agent.c:531 ../applet/agent.c:573 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Solicitú d'emparexamientu pa «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:500 ../applet/agent.c:535 ../applet/agent.c:577 +#: ../applet/agent.c:618 ../applet/agent.c:656 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Preséu Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:501 ../applet/agent.c:536 ../applet/agent.c:578 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Introducir el PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Confirmación d'emparexamientu pa «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:619 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Verificar el PIN" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:652 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Solicitud d'autorización de «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:657 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Comprobar autorización" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Xestor de Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Miniaplicación del Xestor de Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Comprobando" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Agüeyar ficheros nel preséu…" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../properties/adapter.c:330 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1297 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1385 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Preseos" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Preferencies" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Colar" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Unviar ficheros al preséu…" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Configurar un preséu nuevu…" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Visible" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "Conceder accesu _siempre" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Conceder" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_Refugar" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "_Nun concasa" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "C_oncasa" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_Amosar entrada" + +#: ../properties/main.c:91 +msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +msgstr "" +"Nun pueden aniciase les preferencies de «Compartición de ficheros personales»" + +#: ../properties/main.c:96 +msgid "" +"Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +"installed." +msgstr "" +"Comprueba que'l programa «Compartición de ficheros personales» ta instaláu " +"correcho." + +#: ../properties/main.c:125 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "Preferencies de Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/main.c:140 +msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +msgstr "_Amosar iconu de Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/main.c:164 +msgid "Receive Files" +msgstr "Recibir ficheros" + +#: ../properties/main.c:212 +msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +msgstr "Amosar una llista de los preseos conocíos anguaño" + +#: ../properties/main.c:250 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "Propiedaes del Bluetooth" + +#. The discoverable checkbox +#: ../properties/adapter.c:277 +msgid "Make computer _visible" +msgstr "Facer que'l equipu seya _visible" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:300 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "Nome amistosu" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:362 +msgid "Set up _new device..." +msgstr "Configurar un preséu _nuevu..." + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:385 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Desaniciar" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:661 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "El Bluetooth ta desconeutáu" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:697 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgstr "Nun hai dengún adaptador de Bluetooth presente" + +#: ../properties/properties-no-adapter.ui.h:1 +msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgstr "El to equipu nun tien dengún adaptador de Bluetooth coneutáu." + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1455 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Configurar opciones de Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +msgstr "Indica si se tien d'amosar l'iconu de notificación" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +msgstr "Indica si se tien d'amosar l'iconu de notificación." + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1233 +#, c-format +msgid "GConf error: %s" +msgstr "Error de GConf: %s" + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1238 +msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +msgstr "Tolos futuros mensaxes de fallu, namái van amosase nel terminal." + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:205 ../wizard/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Emparexamientu con «%s» encaboxáu" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:245 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1049 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Confirma qu'el PIN amosáu en «%s» concasa con esti." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:299 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1100 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Introduz el viniente PIN:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:382 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Falló al configurar «%s»" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' now... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:513 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Coneutando con «%s»…" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:549 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:658 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "Introduz el viniente PIN en «%s» y calca «Intro» nel tecláu:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:551 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:660 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Introduz el viniente PIN en «%s»:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:572 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Espera mientres se termina de configurar el preséu «%s»…" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:588 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:686 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Preséu nuevu «%s» configuráu correcho" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "«0000» (la mayoría de los auriculares, mures y preseos GPS)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "«1111»" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "«1234»" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Configuración de preséu Bluetooth nuevu" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "PIN personalizáu:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Configuración del preséu" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Falló la configuración del preséu" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Gueta de preseos" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:10 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1253 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Nun concasa" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Rematando la configuración del preséu nuevu" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "PIN fixu" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Introducción" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1249 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Concasa" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "Opciones del PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "_Opciones del PIN…" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1163 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Escoyer los servicios adicionales que quier usar col so preséu:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "Escueyi'l preséu que quies configurar" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Configuración completada" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"La configuración de preseos Bluetooth nuevos empobinaráte a traviés del " +"procesu de configuración de preseos con Bluetooth activaos pa usalos con " +"esti equipu." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +#| msgid "" +#| "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#| "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). " +#| "Check the device's manual if in doubt." +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"El preséu tendrá de tar nun radiu de 10 metros alrodiu del equipu y poder " +"ser “visible” (denomáu dalgunes vegaes " +"“descubrible”). Si tienes dubies, consulta'l manual del preséu." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Bienveníu a la configuración de preseos Bluetooth nuevos" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "Seleición _automática del PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "_Reaniciar la configuración" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segundu" +msgstr[1] "%'d segundos" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minutu" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutos" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d hores" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadamente %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadamente %'d hores" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Tresferencia de ficheros" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Reintentar" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Unviando ficheros vía Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Pa:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Asocedió un fallu desconocíu" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" +"Asegúrate de que'l preséu remotu ta encesu y qu'aceuta conexones Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Unviando %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Unviando ficheru %d de %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:641 +msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgstr "Seleicionar el preséu al qu'unviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "Send _To" +msgstr "_Unviar a" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:687 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Seleicionar los ficheros pa unviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:716 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Preséu remotu qu'usar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:718 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Nome del preséu remotu" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:172 +msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Fallu de programación, nun pudo tenese la llista de preseos" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:247 +#, c-format +msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "Nun se soporta la tresferencia de ficheros con OBEX Push" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:266 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:86 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "Executar en mou independiente" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:94 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Panel Bluetooth de Moblin" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:95 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Panel Bluetooth de Moblin" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:122 +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:533 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Falló l'emparexamientu con %s." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:895 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Emparexar" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:909 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Coneutar" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:928 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Agüeyar" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1122 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Falló la configuración del preséu" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1136 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1212 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1261 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1323 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1540 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Volver a los preseos" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1175 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Fecho" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1196 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1233 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Configuración del preséu" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1344 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Amosar namái:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1350 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "Opciones del PIN" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1433 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Amestar un preséu nuevu" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1500 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Unviar un ficheru dende l'equipu" + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Panel de xestión de Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/be.po b/po/be.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..78a9b82 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/be.po @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ +# Alexander Nyakhaychyk , 2007, 2009. +# Ihar Hrachyshka , 2011, 2013, 2014. +# Yuras Shumovich , 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-01 19:28+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Yuras Shumovich \n" +"Language-Team: Belarusian \n" +"Language: be\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n" +"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Пстрыкніце, каб выбраць прыстасаванне..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Скасаваць" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Добра" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Невядома" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Адаптары адсутнічаюць" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Пошук прыстасаванняў..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Прыстасаванне" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Тып" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Прыстасаванні" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Усе катэгорыі" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Спараныя" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Вартыя даверу" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Няспараныя ці не вартыя даверу" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Спараныя ці вартыя даверу" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Паказваць:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Катэгорыя прыстасавання:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Выберыце катэгорыю прыстасаванняў для фільтру" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Тып прыстасавання:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Выберыце тып прыстасавання для фільтру" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Прыстасаванні ўводу (мышы, клавіятуры і інш.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Навушнікі, аўдыягарнітуры і іншыя аўдыяпрыстасаванні" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Пацвердзіць PIN-код да Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Пацвердзіце PIN-код, уведзены ў \"%s\"." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Пацвердзіць" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Пацвердзіце PIN-код Bluetooth для \"%s\". Звычайна яго можна знайсці ў " +"дакументацыі да прыстасавання." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Звязванне з \"%s\"" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Пацвердзіце адпаведнасць гэтага коду PIN-коду, паказанаму прыстасаваннем \"%s" +"\"." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Запыт да спарвання Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "\"%s\" хоча звязацца з гэтым прыстасаваннем. Ці хочаце дазволіць?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Пацвердзіць злучэнне праз Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "\"%s\" хоча злучыцца з гэтым прыстасаваннем. Ці хочаце дазволіць?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Увядзіце наступны PIN-код на прыстасаванні \"%s\"." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Увядзіце наступны PIN-код на прыстасаванні \"%s\", затым націсніце клавішу " +"\"Enter\" на клавіятуры." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Павярніце джойстык свайго iCade у наступных кірунках, затым націсніце любую " +"белую кнопку." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Дазволіць" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Праігнараваць" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Скасаваць" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Прыняць" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ненастроена" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Злучэнне ўсталявана" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Няма злучэння" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Так" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Не" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Бачны як \"%s\" і даступны для перадачы файлаў праз Bluetooth. Перададзеныя " +"файлы будуць змешчаны ў папцы Сцягнутыя файлы." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Ці выдаліць \"%s\" са спіса прыстасаванняў?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Выдаліўшы прыстасаванне, вы будзеце вымушаны яго зноў настройваць, калі яно " +"вам зноў спатрэбіцца." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Выдаліць" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Вы атрымалі \"%s\" праз Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Вы атрымалі файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Адкрыць файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Паказаць файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Прыём файла скончаны" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Перадача файлаў праз Bluetooth з %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Адмовіцца" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Тэлефон" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Мадэм" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Камп'ютар" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Сеткавы адаптар" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Аўдыягарнітура" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Навушнікі" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Аўдыяпрыстасаванне" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Клавіятура" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Мыш" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Відэакамера" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Прынтар" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Джоўстык" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Планшэт" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Відэапрыстасаванне" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Аддаленае кіраванне" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Сканер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Манітор" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Аксесуар вопраткі" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Цацка" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Усе тыпы" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Злучэнне" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Адрас" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Настройкі _мышы і чулай панэлі" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Настройкі _гуку" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Настройкі _клавіятуры" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_Паслаць файлы..." + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Выдаліць прыстасаванне" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Перадача Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Пасылка файлаў праз Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Узнікла невядомая памылка" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Упэўніцеся, што аддаленае прыстасаванне ўключана і прымае Bluetooth злучэнні" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d секунда" +msgstr[1] "%'d секунды" +msgstr[2] "%'d секунд" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d хвіліна" +msgstr[1] "%'d хвіліны" +msgstr[2] "%'d хвілін" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d гадзіна" +msgstr[1] "%'d гадзіны" +msgstr[2] "%'d гадзін" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "прыблізна %'d гадзіна" +msgstr[1] "прыблізна %'d гадзіны" +msgstr[2] "прыблізна %'d гадзін" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Злучэнне..." + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Перадача файлаў праз Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Паўтарыць" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Ад:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Каму:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Пасылка %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Пасылка файла %d з %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d кб/с" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d б/с" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "Закончана %u перадача" +msgstr[1] "Закончана %u перадачы" +msgstr[2] "Закончана %u перадач" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Закрыць" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Узнікла памылка" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Выбар прыстасавання-атрымальніка" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Паслаць" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Выбар файлаў для пасылкі" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Выбраць" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Аддаленае прыстасаванне" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "АДРАС" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Назва аддаленага прыстасавання" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "НАЗВА" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ФАЙЛ...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Бачны як \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "старонка 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "старонка 2" diff --git a/po/bg.po b/po/bg.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..42c32d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/bg.po @@ -0,0 +1,537 @@ +# Bulgarian translation of gnome-bluetooth po-file. +# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2009 Krasimir "Bfaf" Chonov . +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Krasimir "Bfaf" Chonov , 2009, 2010, 2014. +# Alexander Shopov , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017. +# Lyubomir Vasilev , 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-10 06:14+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-10 10:52+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Lyubomir Vasilev \n" +"Language-Team: Bulgarian \n" +"Language: bg\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Натиснете, за да изберете устройство…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Отказ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Добре" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Неизвестно" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Няма налични адаптери" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Търсене на устройства…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Устройство" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Вид" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Устройства" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Всички категории" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Сдвоени" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Доверени" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Несдвоени или недоверени" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Сдвоени или доверени" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Показване на:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Категория устройство:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "" +"Изберете категорията устройства, по която да се филтрира списъка отгоре" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Вид устройство:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Изберете вида устройства, по която да се филтрира списъка отгоре" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Входни устройства (мишки, клавиатури и др.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Слушалки, слушалки с микрофон и други аудио устройства" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Потвърждение на код" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Въведете същия код, който е бил въведен на „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Потвърждение" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Въведете кода за „%s“. Обикновено можете да го намерите в ръководството на " +"устройството." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Свързване с „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Потвърдете дали кодът съвпада с показания на „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Свързване с устройство по Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "Устройството „%s“ иска да се свърже с този компютър. Разрешавате ли?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Потвърждение на връзката по Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "„%s“ иска да се свърже с това устройство. Разрешавате ли?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Въведете следния код на „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Въведете следния код на „%s“ и натиснете клавиша „Enter“ на клавиатурата." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Придвижете джойстика на устройството iCade в следните посоки и натиснете " +"някой от белите бутони." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Позволяване" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Отказване" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Отказ" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Приемане" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Не е свързано" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Свързано" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Прекъсната връзка" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Да" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Не" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Видимост като „%s“ и възможност за пренос на файлове по Bluetooth. " +"Получените файлове се запазват в папката Свалени folder." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Премахване на „%s“ от списъка с устройства?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ако премахнете устройството, следващия път, когато го използвате, ще трябва " +"да го настроите отново." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Премахване" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Получихте „%s“ през Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Получен е файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Отваряне на файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Показване на файла" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Завърши приемането на файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Прехвърляне на файл чрез Bluetooth от „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Отказване" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Телефон" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Компютър" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Мрежа" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Слушалки" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Слушалки" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Устройство за Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Клавиатура" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Мишка" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Камера" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Принтер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Джойстик" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Таблет" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Видео устройство" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Отдалечено управление" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Скенер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Екран" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Носимо" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Играчка" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Всички видове" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Връзка" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Адрес" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Настройки на _мишката и сензорния панел" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Настройки на _звука" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Настройки на _клавиатура" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Изпращане на _файл…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Премахване" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Прехвърляне на файл чрез Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Изпращане на файлове през Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Възникна неизвестна грешка" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Проверете дали другото устройство е включено и дали приема връзки по " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d секунда" +msgstr[1] "%'d секунди" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d минута" +msgstr[1] "%'d минути" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d час" +msgstr[1] "%'d часа" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "приблизително %'d час" +msgstr[1] "приблизително %'d часа" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Свързване…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Прехвърляне на файл чрез Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Повторен опит" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "От:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Към:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Изпращане на %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Изпращане на файл %d от %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u прехвърляне е завършено" +msgstr[1] "%u прехвърляния са завършени" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Затваряне" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Възникна грешка" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Избор на устройство, към което ще се изпраща" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "Изпращане _до" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Избор на файлове за изпращане" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Избор" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Отдалечено устройство" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "АДРЕС" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Име на отдалечено устройство" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "ИМЕ" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]" diff --git a/po/bn.po b/po/bn.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..425dca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/bn.po @@ -0,0 +1,1049 @@ +# Bengali translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Runa Bhattacharjee , 2009. +# Loba Yeasmeen , 2009. +# Sadia Afroz , 2010. +# Israt Jahan , 2010. +# Zenat Rahnuma , 2011. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bn\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-18 00:41+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-27 11:47+0600\n" +"Last-Translator: Zenat Rahnuma \n" +"Language-Team: Bengali \n" +"Language: bn\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" +"X-Language: bn_BD\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:128 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "সব ধরণের" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:130 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ফোন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:132 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "মডেম" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:134 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "কম্পিউটার" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:136 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "নেটওয়ার্ক" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:139 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "হেডসেট" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:141 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "হেডফোন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:143 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "অডিও ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:145 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "কীবোর্ড" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:147 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "মাউস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:149 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "ক্যামেরা" + +# Edited by sadia +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:151 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "মুদ্রণযন্ত্র" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:153 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "জয়প্যাড" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:155 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ট্যাবলেট" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:157 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ভিডিও ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:159 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:130 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "অজানা" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "ডিভাইস নির্বাচন করার জন্য ক্লিক..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:171 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "কোনো অ্যাডাপ্টার উপস্থিত নেই" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:175 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:905 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "ডিভাইস অনুসন্ধান করা হচ্ছে..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:373 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ডিভাইসের তালিকা থেকে '%s' মুছে ফেলা হবে কি?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:375 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"আপনি যদি ডিভাইসটি মুছে ফেলেন তাহলে পরবর্তী ব্যবহারের পূর্বে এটি পুনরায় সেটআপ করতে " +"হবে।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:819 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:8 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ধরণ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:71 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "সবধরণের শ্রেণী" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:73 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:5 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "জুটিবদ্ধ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "বিশ্বস্ত" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "জুটিবদ্ধ অথবা বিশ্বস্ত নয়" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "জুটিবদ্ধ অথবা বিশ্বস্ত" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +#| msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "শুধুমাত্র ব্লু-টুথ ডিভাইস প্রদর্শিত হবে..." + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ডিভাইসের শ্রেনী: (_c)" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:262 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "পরিশোধকের জন্য ডিভাইসের শ্রেণী নির্বাচন" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:276 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ডিভাইসের ধরণ: (_t)" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:297 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ফিল্টার করার জন্য ডিভাইসের ধরণ নির্বাচন" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:303 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ইনপুট ডিভাইস (মাউস, কীবোর্ড, ইত্যাদি)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:307 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "হেডফোন, হেডসেট ও অন্যান্য অডিও ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "ভৌগলিক অবস্থান সার্ভিসের জন্য এই GPS ডিভাইসটি ব্যবহার করা হয়" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "আপনার মোবাইল ফোন ব্যবহার করে ইন্টারনেটে প্রবেশ করুন (পরীক্ষামূলক)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:125 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "ব্রাউজ করার জন্য একটি ডিভাইস নির্বাচন" + +#: ../applet/main.c:129 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "ব্রাউজ (_B)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:138 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "ব্রাউজ করার জন্য একটি ডিভাইস নির্বাচন" + +#: ../applet/main.c:288 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ সক্রিয়" + +#: ../applet/main.c:289 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ: নিষ্ক্রিয়" + +#: ../applet/main.c:292 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ নিষ্ক্রিয়" + +#: ../applet/main.c:293 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ: সক্রিয়" + +#: ../applet/main.c:298 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ: নিষ্ক্রিয়" + +#: ../applet/main.c:445 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন করা হচ্ছে..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:448 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "সংযোজন করা হচ্ছে..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:451 ../applet/main.c:734 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "সংযুক্ত" + +#: ../applet/main.c:454 ../applet/main.c:734 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন" + +#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন" + +#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1001 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "সংযুক্ত করুন" + +#: ../applet/main.c:765 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "ফাইল প্রেরণ করা হবে..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:775 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "ফাইল ব্রাউজ করুন..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:786 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "কীবোর্ড সংক্রান্ত পছন্দসমূহ খুলুন..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:794 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "মাউস সংক্রান্ত পছন্দসমূহ খুলুন..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:804 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "শব্দ সংক্রান্ত পছন্দসমূহ খুলুন..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:857 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "ডিবাগ করা হবে" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:876 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- ব্লু-টুথ অ্যাপ্লেট" + +#: ../applet/main.c:881 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"উপস্থিত কমান্ড-লাইন অপশনের সম্পূর্ণ তালিকা দেখার জন্য '%s --help' রান করান।\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:907 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ অ্যাপ্লেট" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../applet/notify.c:122 ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/main.c:129 ../moblin/main.c:141 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1602 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ: সক্রিয়" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:196 ../applet/agent.c:265 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "'%s' ডিভাইসটি এই কম্পিউটারের সাথে সংযুক্ত করা হবে" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে %s ডিভাইসে উল্লিখিত PIN প্রবেশ করান।" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে '%1s' PIN এবং %2s ডিভাইসের PIN দুটি এক কিনা তা পরীক্ষা করুন।" + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "'%s'-তে প্রয়োগ অনুমোদন করা হবে" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:319 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "%1s ডিভাইসটি %2s সার্ভিসে প্রবেশাধিকার চায়।" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' এর জন্য জুটিবদ্ধকরণ অনুরোধ" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:371 ../applet/agent.c:404 ../applet/agent.c:434 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ডিভাইস" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:372 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "PIN প্রবেশ করান" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:396 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' এর জুটিবদ্ধকরণ নিশ্চয়তা" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:405 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "PIN যাচাই করুন" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:432 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' থেকে প্রাপ্ত অনুমোদনের অনুরোধ" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:435 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "অনুমোদন পরীক্ষা করুন" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ম্যানেজার" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ম্যানেজার অ্যাপ্লেট" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ: পরীক্ষা করা হচ্ছে" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "ডিভাইসে ফাইল ব্রাউজ করুন..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1403 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1513 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ডিভাইস" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "পছন্দ" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "প্রস্থান" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "ডিভাইসে ফাইল প্রেরণ করুন..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "নতুন ডিভাইস স্থাপন করুন..." + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "দৃশ্যমান" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "সবসময় প্রবেশ অনুমোদন করা হবে (_A)" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "অনুমোদন (_G)" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "বাতিল করা (_R)" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "মিলে না (_D)" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "মিলে যায় (_M)" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "ইনপুট প্রদর্শন (_S)" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "হ্যাঁ" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239 +msgid "No" +msgstr "না" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:331 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হয়েছে" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:336 +#| msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ হার্ডওয়্যার সুইচ দ্বারা নিষ্ক্রিয় করা হয়েছে" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:340 +#| msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +msgstr "কোনো ব্লু-টুথ অ্যাডাপ্টার নেই" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:406 +#| msgid "Visible" +msgid "Visibility" +msgstr "দৃশ্যমানতা" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:410 +#, c-format +msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” এর দৃশ্যমানতা" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:1 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ঠিকানা" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:2 +#| msgid "Connect" +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "সংযোগ" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:3 +#| msgid "Keyboard" +msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "কীবোর্ড এর সেটিং" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "মাউস এবং টাচপ্যাড সেটিং" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:6 +#| msgid "Phone" +msgid "Power" +msgstr "শক্তি" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:7 +msgid "Sound Settings" +msgstr "শব্দের সেটিং" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ সেটিং কনফিগার করুন" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:207 ../wizard/main.c:328 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "'%s' এর সাথে নির্ধারিত জুটি বাতিল করা হয়েছে" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:247 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1146 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে নিশ্চিত করুন যে, এই PIN এবং '%s' এ প্রদর্শিত PIN অনুরূপ।" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:301 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1197 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে নিচের PIN দিন:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:384 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "'%s' সেটআপ করতে ব্যর্থ" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:442 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "'%s'-র সাথে সংযুক্ত করা হচ্ছে..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:480 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:750 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে '%s' এ নিচের PIN দিন এবং কীবোর্ডে “Enter” চাপুন:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:482 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:752 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে '%s' এ নিচের PIN দিন:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে '%s' ডিভাইস সেটআপের সমাপ্তি অবধি অপেক্ষা করুন..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:523 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "নতুন ডিভাইস '%s' সাফল্যের সাথে সেটআপ করা হয়েছে" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (অধিকাংশ হেড-সেট, মাউস এবং GPS ডিভাইস)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ নতুন ডিভাইস সেটআপ" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:4 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "স্বনির্ধারিত পিন:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "ডিভাইস সেটআপ" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "ডিভাইস সেটআপ বিফল" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "ডিভাইস অনুসন্ধান" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +#| msgid "Does not match" +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "জোড়া হবেনা" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1350 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "মিলে না" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "নতুন ডিভাইস সেটআপ সমাপ্ত করা হচ্ছে" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:6 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "সুনির্দিষ্ট PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "ভূমিকা" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1346 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "মিলে যায়" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:7 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN অপশন" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN অপশন (_o)... " + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1260 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "আপনার ডিভাইসের সাথে ব্যবহার করতে চান এমন অতিরিক্ত সার্ভিস নির্বাচন করুন:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +#| msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +msgstr "আপনি যে ডিভাইস সেটআপ করতে চান তা নির্বাচন করুন" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "সেটআপ সম্পূর্ণ হয়েছে" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"ব্লু-টুথের নতুন ডিভাইস সেটআপ ব্যবস্থার সাহায্যে কম্পিউটারের সাথে ব্যবহারের জন্য ব্লু-টুথ " +"সক্রিয় ডিভাইস সহজে কনফিগার করা যাবে।" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"ডিভাইসটি আপনার কম্পিউটারের ১০ মিটারের মধ্যে থাকতে হবে, এবং \"দৃশ্যমান\" (কিছু " +"ক্ষেত্রে \"আবিষ্কারকরণীয়\" বলা হয়) হতে হবে। কোনো রকম সন্দেহ থাকলে ডিভাইসের " +"ম্যানুয়েল দেখুন।" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথের নতুন ডিভাইস সেটআপে স্বাগতম" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিভাবে PIN নির্বাচন (_A)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "বাতিল (_C)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:28 +#| msgid "_Browse" +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "বন্ধ (_C)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "সেটআপ পুনরায় শুরু করুন (_R)" + +#: ../wizard/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ডিভাইস সেটআপ" + +#: ../wizard/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ডিভাইসের সেটআপ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d সেকেন্ড" +msgstr[1] "%'d সেকেন্ড" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d মিনিট" +msgstr[1] "%'d মিনিট" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ঘন্টা" +msgstr[1] "%'d ঘন্টা" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "আনুমানিক %'d ঘন্টা" +msgstr[1] "আনুমানিক %'d ঘন্টা" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "ফাইল স্থানান্তর" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "পুনঃপ্রচেষ্টা (_R)" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথের মাধ্যমে ফাইল পাঠানো হচ্ছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "থেকে:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "প্রতি:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "অজানা ত্রুটি সংঘটিত হয়েছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +#| msgid "" +#| "Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +#| "connections" +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"দূরবর্তী ডিভাইসটি চালু আছে এবং ডিভাইসটি ব্লু-টুথ দ্বারা সংযুক্ত হচ্ছে কি না " +"তা নিশ্চিত করুন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s পাঠানো হচ্ছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%2d এর %1d ফাইল পাঠানো হচ্ছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d কিলোবাইট/সেকেন্ড" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d বাইট/সেকেন্ড" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:651 +#| msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "পাঠানোর জন্য ডিভাইস নির্বাচন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:656 +#| msgid "Send _To" +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "প্রেরণ (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "পাঠানোর জন্য ফাইল নির্বাচন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:703 +#| msgid "_Reject" +msgid "Select" +msgstr "নির্বাচন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:729 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ব্যবহার করার জন্য দূরবর্তী ডিভাইস" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:731 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "দূরবর্তী ডিভাইসের নাম" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:168 +#| msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "প্রোগ্রামিং ত্রুটি, ডিভাইসটি তালিকাতে খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়নি" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:243 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "OBEX পুশ ফাইল স্থানান্তর অসমর্থিত" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:262 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ (OBEX পুশ)" + +#: ../sendto/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ স্থানান্তর" + +#: ../sendto/ +#| msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথের মাধ্যমে ফাইল পাঠানো হচ্ছে" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "স্ট্যান্ড অ্যালোন মুডে চালান" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "মবলিন ব্লু-টুথ প্যানেল" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- মবলিন ব্লু-টুথ প্যানেল" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:177 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%'d hour" +#| msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "%d ঘন্টা" +msgstr[1] "%d ঘন্টা" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:179 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%'d minute" +#| msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%d মিনিট" +msgstr[1] "%d মিনিট" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:182 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%'d second" +#| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%d সেকেন্ড" +msgstr[1] "%d সেকেন্ড" + +#. hour:minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#. minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:192 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "%s %s" + +#. minutes +#. seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:195 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:199 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#. 0 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:202 +#| msgid "%'d second" +#| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "0 সেকেন্ড" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:224 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgid "" +"Your computer is visible on\n" +"Bluetooth for %s." +msgstr "আপনার কম্পিউটার দৃশ্যমান\n%s এর জন্য ব্লুটুথে" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:625 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "%s এর সাথে নির্ধারিত জুটি ব্যর্থ হয়েছে।" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:985 +#| msgid "Paired" +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "জুটিবদ্ধ" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1022 +#| msgid "_Browse" +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "ব্রাউজ" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1219 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "ডিভাইস সেটআপ ব্যর্থ" + +# Translated by sadia +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1233 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1309 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1358 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1436 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1668 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "ডিভাইসে ফিরে যান" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1272 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "সম্পন্ন" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1293 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1330 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "ডিভাইস সেটআপ" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1453 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1584 +#| msgid "Sending %s" +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "সেটিং" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1469 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "শুধুমাত্র প্রদর্শন:" + +# Translated by sadia +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1475 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "পিন অপশন" + +# Translated by sadia +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1519 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "একটি নতুন ডিভাইস যোগ" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1620 +#| msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথে দৃশ্যমান" + +# Translated by sadia +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1626 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "আপনার কম্পিউটার থেকে ফাইলটি পাঠান" + +# Translated by sadia +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ম্যানেজার প্যানেল" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "\"ব্যক্তিগত ফাইল শেয়ারকরণ\" এর পছন্দসমূহ আরম্ভ করা যাচ্ছে না" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "অনুগ্রহ করে যাচাই করুন যে \"ব্যক্তিগত ফাইল শেয়ারকরণ\" এর প্রোগ্রামটি সঠিকভাবে " +#~ "ইনস্টল করা আছে।" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ সংক্রান্ত পছন্দসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ আইকন প্রদর্শন করা হবে (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Receive Files" +#~ msgstr "ফাইল গ্রহণ" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "বর্তমানে জানা ডিভাইসের তালিকার আউটপুট প্রদান করা হবে" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +#~ msgstr "ব্ল-টুথের বৈশিষ্ট্যাবলী" + +# Translated by sadia +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "কম্পিউটার দৃশ্যমান কর (_v)" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "সহজ নাম" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "নতুন ডিভাইস সেটআপ করুন... (_n)" + +#~ msgid "_Remove" +#~ msgstr "অপসারণ (_R)" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "নোটিফিকেশন আইকন প্রদর্শন করা হবে কি না" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "নোটিফিকেশন আইকন প্রদর্শন করা হবে কি না" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf ত্রুটি: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "পরবর্তীতে সংঘটিত সকল ত্রুটি টার্মিনালের মাধ্যমে প্রদর্শন করা হবে।" + +# Translated by sadia +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ " + +# Translated by sadia +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "জোড়া" + +# Translated by sadia +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "সংযুক্ত করুন" + +# Translated by sadia +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "ব্রাউজ" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "GNOME ডেস্কটপের জন্য একটি ব্লু-টুথ ম্যানেজার" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "অনুবাদকের স্বীকৃতি" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "GNOME ব্লুটুথ হোম পেজ" diff --git a/po/bn_IN.po b/po/bn_IN.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1008801 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/bn_IN.po @@ -0,0 +1,466 @@ +# translation of bn_IN.po to Bengali INDIA +# Bengali (India) translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Runa Bhattacharjee , 2009, 2011, 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bn_IN\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-27 21:41+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-09-21 10:11-0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Runa Bhattacharjee \n" +"Language-Team: Bengali (India) \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: bn_IN\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Zanata 3.1.2\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "ডিভাইস নির্বাচন করার জন্য ক্লিক করুন..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "অজানা" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "কোনো অ্যাডাপ্টার উপলব্ধ নেই" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "ডিভাইস অনুসন্ধানে করা হচ্ছে..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ধরন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "সর্বধরনের শ্রেণী" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "জুটি" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "বিশ্বস্ত" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "জুটি বাঁধা অথবা বিশ্বস্ত নয়" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "জুটি বদ্ধ অথবা বিশ্বস্ত" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "প্রদর্শন:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ডিভাইসের শ্রেণী: (_c)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "ফিল্টার করার জন্য ডিভাইসের শ্রেণী নির্বাচন করুন" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ডিভাইসের ধরন: (_t)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ফিল্টার করার জন্য ডিভাইসের ধরন নির্বাচন করুন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ইনপুট ডিভাইস (মাউস, কি-বোর্ড, প্রভৃতি)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "হেড-ফোন, হেড-সেট ও অন্যান্য অডিও ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "সর্ব প্রকার" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ফোন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "মোডেম" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "কম্পিউটার" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "নেটওয়ার্ক" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "হেড-সেট" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "হেড-ফোন" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "অডিও ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "কি-বোর্ড" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "মাউস" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "ক্যামেরা" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "প্রিন্টার" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "জয়-প্যাড" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ট্যাবলেট" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ভিডিও ডিভাইস" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "" +"Geolocation (ভৌগলিক অবস্থান) পরিসেবার জন্য এই GPS ডিভাইসটি প্রয়োগ করা হবে" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "আপনার মোবাইল ফোন সহযোগে ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহার করুন (পরীক্ষামূলক)" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#: ../wizard/main.c:242 +#: ../wizard/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "'%s'-র সাথে নির্ধারিত জুটি বাতিল করা হয়েছে" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:283 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "" +"অনুগ্রহ করে নিশ্চিত করুন, এই PIN ও '%s'-র মধ্যে প্রদর্শিত PIN এক কি না।" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:337 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে নিম্নলিখিত PIN উল্লেখ করুন:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#: ../wizard/main.c:425 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "'%s' প্রস্তুত করতে ব্যর্থ" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#: ../wizard/main.c:479 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "'%s'-র সাথে সংযোগ স্থাপন করা হচ্ছে..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে '%s'-র মধ্যে নিম্নলিখিত PIN লিখুন:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:524 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" +"অনুগ্রহ করে '%s'-র মধ্যে নিম্নলিখিত PIN লিখুন ও কি-বোর্ড থেকে “Enter” টিপুন:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:529 +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgstr "অনুগ্রহ করে iCade-র জয়স্টিকটি নিম্নলিখিত দিশায় ঘোরান:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#: ../wizard/main.c:561 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "'%s' ডিভাইস প্রস্তুতির সমাপ্তি অবধি অনুগ্রহ করে অপেক্ষা করুন..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:579 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "সাফল্যের সাথে নতুন ডিভাইস '%s' প্রস্তুত করা হয়েছে" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ নতুন ডিভাইস প্রস্তুতি" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN সংক্রান্ত বিকল্প...(_o)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "Device Search" +msgstr "ডিভাইস অনুসন্ধান" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "ডিভাইস প্রস্তুতি" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Finishing Setup" +msgstr "প্রস্তুতি সমাপ্ত করা হচ্ছে" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "ডিভাইসের সাথে ব্যবহারের জন্য অতিরিক্ত পরিসেবাগুলি নির্বাচন করুন:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Setup Summary" +msgstr "প্রস্তুতির সংক্ষিপ্ত তথ্য" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN সংক্রান্ত বিকল্প" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "স্বয়ংক্রিয় PIN নির্বাচন (_A)" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "সুনির্দিষ্ট PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (অধিকাংশ হেড-সেট, মাউস ও GPS ডিভাইস)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "জুটি করা হবে না" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "স্বনির্ধারিত PIN:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "_Try Again" +msgstr "পুনরায় প্রচেষ্টা করুন (_T)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "প্রস্থান (_Q)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "বাতিল করুন (_C)" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "মিল পাওয়া যায়নি" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "মিল" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ডিভাইস প্রস্তুতি" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ ডিভাইস নির্ধারণ করুন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:151 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d সেকেন্ড" +msgstr[1] "%'d সেকেন্ড" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:156 +#: ../sendto/main.c:169 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d মিনিট" +msgstr[1] "%'d মিনিট" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ঘন্টা" +msgstr[1] "%'d ঘন্টা" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "আনুমানিক %'d ঘন্টা" +msgstr[1] "আনুমানিক %'d ঘন্টা" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:192 +#: ../sendto/main.c:292 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "সংযোত স্থাপন করা হচ্ছে..." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:231 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "ফাইল বিনিময়" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:234 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "পুনরায় প্রচেষ্টা করুন (_R)" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথের মাধ্যমে ফাইল পাঠানো হচ্ছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:265 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "উৎসস্থল:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:277 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "গন্তব্যস্থল:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:321 +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "অজানা ত্রুটি দেখা দিয়েছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:332 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"দূরবর্তী ডিভাইসটি সক্রিয় কিনা ও ডিভাইসটি দ্বারা ব্লু-টুথ সংযোগ গ্রহণ করা " +"হচ্ছে কি না তা পরীক্ষা করুন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:430 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s পাঠানো হচ্ছে" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:437 +#: ../sendto/main.c:508 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d ফাইল পাঠানো হচ্ছে, সর্বমোট %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:504 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:506 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d বাইট/সেকেন্ড" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:639 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "উদ্দিষ্ট ডিভাইস চিহ্নিত করুন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:644 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "পাঠিয়ে দিন (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:688 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "পাঠানোর উদ্দেশ্যে ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:691 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "নির্বাচন করুন" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:717 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ব্যবহারযোগ্য দূরবর্তী ডিভাইস" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:717 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADDRESS" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:719 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "দূরবর্তী ডিভাইসের নাম" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:719 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FILE...]" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথ বিনিময়" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ব্লু-টুথের মাধ্যমে ফাইল পাঠানো হবে" diff --git a/po/bs.po b/po/bs.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..39fc0d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/bs.po @@ -0,0 +1,486 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-02-27 07:03+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-02-04 15:39+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Merima Cisija \n" +"Language-Team: Bosnian \n" +"Language: bs\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%" +"10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2015-02-05 06:59+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 17331)\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klikni za odabir uređaja" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:697 ../sendto/main.c:753 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Odustani" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Uredu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nepoznato" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nema dostupnih adaptira" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Traženje uređaja…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Uređaj" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Vrsta" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Uređaji" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Sve kategorije" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Uparen" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Povjerljiv" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nije uparen ili povjerljiv" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Upareni ili povjerljivi" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth djevice chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Prikaži:" + +#. The djevice category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Kategorija uređaja:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Izaberi kategoriju uređaja za filter" + +#. The djevice type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Vrsta uređaja:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Izaberi tip vrstu uređaja za filter" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Ulazni uređaji (miš, tastature, itd)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Slušalice, slušalice sa mikrofonom i drugi audio uređaji" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Potvrdi Bluetooth PIN" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "Molim potvrdite PIN koji je unesen u '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:142 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Potvrdi" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"Potvrdi Bluetooth PIN za '%s'. Ovo se obično može naći u priručniku uređaja." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "Uparivanje '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "Molim potvrdite da sljedeći PIN odgovara onom prikazanom na '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth zahtjev za uparivanje" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' se želi spojiti sa ovim uređajem. Želite li to dozvoliti?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:119 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "Molim unesite sljedeći PIN na '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:122 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Molim unesite sljedeći PIN na '%s'. Zatim pritisnite \"Povratak\" na " +"tastaturi." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Molim pomjerajte upravljač za igrice Vašeg iCade-a u sljedćim smjernicama. " +"Zatim pritisnite bilo koju bijelu tipku." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:132 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Dozvoli" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Odbaci" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Poništi" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:270 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Prihvati" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nije postavljeno" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Spojeno" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Veza je prekinuta" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Da" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#. translators: %s is the nami of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "Vidljivo kao \"%s\"" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Ukloniti '%s' sa liste uređaja?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ako uklonite ovaj uređaj, moraćete ga ponovo postaviti za sljedeće " +"korištenje." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Ukloni" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Sve vrste" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Računar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Mreža" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Slušalice sa mikrofonom" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Slušalice" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Audio uređaj" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatura" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Miš" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Štampač" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video uređaj" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Daljinska kontrola" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skener" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Prikaži" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Podesan za nošenje" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Igračka" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Veza" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "stranica 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "stranica 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresa" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Miš & Touchpad Postavke" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Postavke zvuka" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Postavke tastature" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Pošalji _Datoteke" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Ukloni uređaj" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transfer preko bluetootha" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Šaljem datoteke preko Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Došlo je do nepoznate greške" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekunda" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunde" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekundi" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[1] "%'d minute" +msgstr[2] "%'d minuta" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d sat" +msgstr[1] "%'d sata" +msgstr[2] "%'d sati" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "približno %'d sat" +msgstr[1] "približno %'d sata" +msgstr[2] "približno %'d sati" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Povezivanje…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transfer Bluetooth Daoteke" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Pokušaj ponovo" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Od:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Do:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:553 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Slanje %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:560 ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Šaljem datoteku broj %d od ukupno %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:605 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:638 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u prijenos završen" +msgstr[1] "%u prijenosa završena" +msgstr[2] "%u prijenosa završeno" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Zatvori" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:655 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Desila se greška" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:693 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Izaberite uređaj na koji da pošaljem" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:698 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Pošalji" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:748 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Odaberite datoteke za slanje" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:754 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Odaberi" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:784 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Udaljeni uređaji za korištenje" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:784 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESA" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Ime udaljenog uređaja" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "IME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:805 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[DATOTEKA...]" diff --git a/po/ca.po b/po/ca.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..271c38e --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ca.po @@ -0,0 +1,549 @@ +# Catalan translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Jaume Villalba , 2007. +# David Planella , 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. +# Josep Sànchez , 2013. +# Gil Forcada , 2014. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-01 16:29+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-01 20:53+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Gil Forcada \n" +"Language-Team: Catalan \n" +"Language: ca\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Feu clic per seleccionar un dispositiu…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancel·la" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_D'acord" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconegut" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "No hi ha cap adaptador disponible" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "S'estan cercant dispositius…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositiu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositius" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Totes les categories" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Aparellat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De confiança" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "No aparellat o no de confiança" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Aparellat o de confiança" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Mostra:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoria del dispositiu:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "" +"Seleccioneu la categoria de dispositius per la qual voleu que es filtri" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipus de dispositiu:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Seleccioneu el tipus de dispositiu pel qual voleu que es filtri" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositius d'entrada (ratolins, teclats, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Auriculars, microauriculars i altres dispositius d'àudio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirmeu el PIN Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirmeu que el PIN que s'ha introduït a «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirma" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirmeu el PIN Bluetooth per «%s». El PIN es troba normalment al manual " +"del dispositiu." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "S'està aparellant amb «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirmeu que el PIN següent concorda amb el que es mostra a «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Petició d'aparellament per Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"«%s» vol aparellar-se amb aquest dispositiu. Voleu permetre l'aparellament?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirmeu la connexió Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "«%s» vol connectar-se amb aquest dispositiu. Voleu permetre-ho?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Introduïu el PIN següent a «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Introduïu el PIN següent a «%s» i premeu la tecla de Retorn en el teclat." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Moveu la palanca de control del vostre iCade en les direccions següents. " +"Després premeu qualsevol dels botons blancs." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Descarta" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancel·la" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Accepta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "No configurat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Connectat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconnectat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sí" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "No" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Sou visible com a «%s» i disponible per transferències de fitxers per " +"Bluetooth. Els fitxers transferits es troben a la carpeta Baixades" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Voleu eliminar «%s» de la llista de dispositius?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Si elimineu el dispositiu, haureu de tornar-lo a configurar la propera " +"vegada que el vulgueu utilitzar." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Elimina" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Heu rebut «%s» a través del Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Heu rebut un fitxer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Obre un fitxer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Mostra un fitxer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Recepció del fitxer acabada" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferència de fitxers per Bluetooth des de %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Declina" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telèfon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Mòdem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ordinador" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Xarxa" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Microauricular" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Auriculars" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositiu d'àudio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teclat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Ratolí" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Càmera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Impressora" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Comandament de joc" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tauleta gràfica" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositiu de vídeo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Control remot" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Escàner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Pantalla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Portable" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Joguina" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Tots els tipus" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connexió" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adreça" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Parà_metres de ratolí i ratolí tàctil" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Paràmetres de _so" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Paràmetres del teclat" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Envia _fitxers…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Elimina el dispositiu" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferència per Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Envia fitxers a través del Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error desconegut" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Assegureu-vos que el dispositiu remot està engegat i que accepta connexions " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segon" +msgstr[1] "%'d segons" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuts" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d hores" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadament %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadament %'d hores" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "S'està connectant…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferència de fitxers per Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Torna-ho a intentar" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "A:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "S'està enviant %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "S'està enviant el fitxer %d de %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transferència completada" +msgstr[1] "%u transferències completades" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Tanca" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Seleccioneu el dispositiu on enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "En_via" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Trieu els fitxers a enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seleccioneu" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositiu remot a utilitzar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADREÇA" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nom del dispositiu remot" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOM" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FITXER…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visible com «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pàgina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pàgina 2" diff --git a/po/ca@valencia.po b/po/ca@valencia.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..87b0b60 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ca@valencia.po @@ -0,0 +1,549 @@ +# Catalan translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Jaume Villalba , 2007. +# David Planella , 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. +# Josep Sànchez , 2013. +# Gil Forcada , 2014. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-02 12:59+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-01 20:53+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Xavi Ivars \n" +"Language-Team: Catalan \n" +"Language: ca-valencia\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.11\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Feu clic per seleccionar un dispositiu…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancel·la" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_D'acord" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconegut" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "No hi ha cap adaptador disponible" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "S'estan cercant dispositius…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositiu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositius" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Totes les categories" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Aparellat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De confiança" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "No aparellat o no de confiança" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Aparellat o de confiança" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Mostra:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoria del dispositiu:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "" +"Seleccioneu la categoria de dispositius per la qual voleu que es filtri" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipus de dispositiu:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Seleccioneu el tipus de dispositiu pel qual voleu que es filtri" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositius d'entrada (ratolins, teclats, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Auriculars, microauriculars i altres dispositius d'àudio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirmeu el PIN Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirmeu que el PIN que s'ha introduït a «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirma" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirmeu el PIN Bluetooth per «%s». El PIN es troba normalment al manual " +"del dispositiu." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "S'està aparellant amb «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirmeu que el PIN següent concorda amb el que es mostra a «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Petició d'aparellament per Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"«%s» vol aparellar-se amb este dispositiu. Voleu permetre l'aparellament?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirmeu la connexió Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "«%s» vol connectar-se amb este dispositiu. Voleu permetre-ho?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Introduïu el PIN següent a «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Introduïu el PIN següent a «%s» i premeu la tecla de Retorn en el teclat." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Moveu la palanca de control del vostre iCade en les direccions següents. " +"Després premeu qualsevol dels botons blancs." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Descarta" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancel·la" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Accepta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "No configurat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Connectat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconnectat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sí" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "No" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Sou visible com a «%s» i disponible per transferències de fitxers per " +"Bluetooth. Els fitxers transferits es troben a la carpeta Baixades" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Voleu eliminar «%s» de la llista de dispositius?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Si elimineu el dispositiu, haureu de tornar-lo a configurar la propera " +"vegada que el vulgueu utilitzar." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Elimina" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Heu rebut «%s» a través del Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Heu rebut un fitxer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Obri un fitxer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Mostra un fitxer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Recepció del fitxer acabada" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferència de fitxers per Bluetooth des de %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Declina" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telèfon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Mòdem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ordinador" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Xarxa" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Microauricular" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Auriculars" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositiu d'àudio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teclat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Ratolí" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Càmera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Impressora" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Comandament de joc" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tauleta gràfica" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositiu de vídeo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Control remot" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Escànner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Pantalla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Portable" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Joguina" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Tots els tipus" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connexió" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adreça" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Parà_metres de ratolí i ratolí tàctil" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Paràmetres de _so" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Paràmetres del teclat" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Envia _fitxers…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Elimina el dispositiu" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferència per Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Envia fitxers a través del Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error desconegut" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Assegureu-vos que el dispositiu remot està engegat i que accepta connexions " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segon" +msgstr[1] "%'d segons" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuts" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d hores" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadament %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadament %'d hores" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "S'està connectant…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferència de fitxers per Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Torna-ho a intentar" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "A:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "S'està enviant %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "S'està enviant el fitxer %d de %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transferència completada" +msgstr[1] "%u transferències completades" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Tanca" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Seleccioneu el dispositiu on enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "En_via" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Trieu els fitxers a enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seleccioneu" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositiu remot a utilitzar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADREÇA" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nom del dispositiu remot" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOM" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FITXER…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visible com «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pàgina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pàgina 2" diff --git a/po/crh.po b/po/crh.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0215e95 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/crh.po @@ -0,0 +1,678 @@ +# Crimean Turkish; Crimean Tatar translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2011 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2011 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Reşat SABIQ , 2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-05-21 22:26-0500\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-05-21 22:34-0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Reşat SABIQ \n" +"Language-Team: QIRIMTATARCA (Qırım Türkçesi) \n" +"Language: crh\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: UTF-8\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Cihaznı saylamaq içün çertiñiz..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Bilinmegen" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Hiçbir adaptör mevcut değil" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Cihazlar qıdırıla..." + +# tüklü +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Cihaz" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tür" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Cihazlar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Hepsi ulamlar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Çiftlengen" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "İtimatlı" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Çiftlengen yaki itimatlı olmağan" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Çiftlengen yaki itimatlı" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Köster:" + +# tr +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Cihaz _ulamı:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Süzgüçlemek üzre cihaz kategoriyasını saylañız" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Cihaz _türü:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Süzgüçlemek üzre cihaz türüni saylañız" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Kirdi cihazları (sıçanlar, klavyeler, vs.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Qulaqlıqlar, başsetleri ve diger davuş cihazları" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Tüm türler" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Bilgisayar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Şebeke" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Başseti (qulaqlıq/mikrofon)" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Qulaqlıqlar" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Davuş cihazı" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klavye" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Sıçan" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Bastırıcı" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +# tr +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video cihazı" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Bu GPS cihazını Coğqonum hızmetleri içün qullan" + +# tr +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "İnternet erişimi için cep telefonunuzu kullanın (test)" + +# tr +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:242 ../wizard/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "'%s' ile eşleştirme iptal edildi" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/main.c:283 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Lütfen '%s' üzerinde gösterilen PIN ile bunun eşleştiğini onaylayın." + +# tr +#: ../wizard/main.c:337 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Lütfen aşağıdaki PIN kodunu girin:" + +# tr +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:425 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "'%s' kurulumu başarısız oldu" + +# tr +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:479 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "'%s' aygıtına bağlanılıyor..." + +# tr +#: ../wizard/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Lütfen aşağıdaki PIN kodunu '%s' üzerine girin:" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/main.c:524 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" +"Lütfen aşağıdaki PIN kodunu '%s' üzerine girin ve klavyedeki “Enter” tuşuna " +"basın:" + +# tüklü +#: ../wizard/main.c:529 +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgstr "" +"Lütfen iCade'iñizniñ neşesopasını aşağıdaki yönelişlerde hareket ettiriñiz:" + +# tr +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:561 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Lütfen cihaz '%s' kurulum bitene kadar bekleyin..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:579 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Cihaz '%s' muvaffaqiyet ile tesbit etildi" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Bluetooth Yañı Cihaz Ayarlaması" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN _seçenekleri..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "Device Search" +msgstr "Cihaz Qıdırması" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Cihaz Ayarlaması" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Finishing Setup" +msgstr "Ayarlama Tamamlana" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Cihazıñız ile qullanmağa istegeniñiz ek hızmetlerni saylañız:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Setup Summary" +msgstr "Ayarlama Hulâsası" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN Seçenekleri" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_Otomatik PIN seçimi" + +# tr +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "Sabit PIN" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (çoğu kulaklık, fareler ve GPS cihazları)" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "Eşleştirme" + +# tr +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "Özel PIN:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "_Try Again" +msgstr "Yañıdan _Deñeñiz" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "_Terk et" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Vazgeç" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Eşleşmey" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Eşleşe" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Bluetooth Cihaz Ayarlaması" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Bluetooth cihazlarını ayarla" + +# tr +#: ../sendto/main.c:152 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d saniye" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:157 ../sendto/main.c:170 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d daqqa" + +# tr +#: ../sendto/main.c:168 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d saat" + +# tr +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "yaklaşık %'d saat" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:193 ../sendto/main.c:293 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Bağlanıla..." + +# tr +#: ../sendto/main.c:232 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Dosya Transferi" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:235 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Kene deñe" + +# tr +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:254 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth aracılığıyla dosyalar gönderiliyor" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:266 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Yiberici:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:278 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Alıcı:" + +# tr +#: ../sendto/main.c:322 ../sendto/main.c:340 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:333 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Uzaqtaki cihaznıñ açıq olğanından ve Bluetooth bağlantılarını qabul " +"etkeninden emin oluñız" + +# tr +#: ../sendto/main.c:431 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s yiberile" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:438 ../sendto/main.c:509 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Dosye %d / %d yiberile" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +# tr +#: ../sendto/main.c:507 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Oña yibermek üzre cihaznı saylañız" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Yiber" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:689 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Yiberilecek dosyeler saylañız" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:692 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Sayla" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:718 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Qullanılacaq uzaqtaki cihaz" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:718 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRES" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:720 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Uzaqtaki cihaznıñ ismi" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:720 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "İSİM" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[DOSYE...]" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth Aqtarımı" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Dosyelerni Bluetooth arqalı yiber" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth'nı Aç" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Qapalı" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth'nı Qapat" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Açıq" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Qabil degil" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Bağlantı qoparıla..." + +#~ msgid "Connected" +#~ msgstr "Bağlanğan" + +#~ msgid "Disconnected" +#~ msgstr "Bağlanmağan" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Bağlantını Qopar" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Bağlan" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Dosya gönder..." + +# tr +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Dosyalara göz at..." + +#~ msgid "Keyboard Settings" +#~ msgstr "Klavye Ayarları" + +#~ msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +#~ msgstr "Sıçan ve Tiyüv-şiltesi Ayarları" + +#~ msgid "Sound Settings" +#~ msgstr "Davuş Ayarları" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Hata Ayıklama" + +# tr +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetooth uygulamacığı" + +# tr +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s \n" +#~ "Tüm kullanılabilir komut satırı seçeneklerinin tam listesini görmek için " +#~ "'%s --help' çalıştırın.\n" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Programcığı" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +#~ msgstr "Aygıtı '%s' bu bilgisayar eşleştirmek istiyor" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Lütfen cihaz %s üzerinde belirtilen PIN'i girin." + +# tr +#~ msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Lütfen PIN '%s' ile aygıt %s üzerindekinin eşleşip eşleşmediğini " +#~ "onaylayın." + +# tr +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' için erişim izni ver" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Cihaz %s '%s' hizmetine erişmek istiyor." + +# tr +#~ msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' için eşleştirme isteği" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth aygıtı" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN kodunu girin" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' için eşleştirme onayı" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN Doğrula" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' için yetkilendirme isteği" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Yetkilendirme kontrol et" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Yöneticisi" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Yönetim Programcığı" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Kontrol ediliyor" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Körünir" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Dosyelerni cihazğa yiber..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Yañı bir cihaznı ayarla..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Ayarları" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Terk Et" + +# tr +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Her zaman erişim izni ver" + +# tr +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Reddet" + +# tr +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "İzin _Ver" + +# tr +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Eşleşmiyor" + +# tr +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Eşleşiyor" + +# tr +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Girdi göster" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Programlama hatası: cihaz listede tapılamadı" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push dosye aqtarımı desteklenmey" + +# tr +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" diff --git a/po/cs.po b/po/cs.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d476c94 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/cs.po @@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ +# Czech translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007. +# Copyright (C) 2009 the author(s) of gnome-bluetooth. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Kamil Páral , 2008. +# Petr Kovar , 2009. +# Marek Černocký , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-17 19:27+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Marek Černocký \n" +"Language-Team: čeština \n" +"Language: cs\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 0 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 1 : 2;\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klikněte pro výběr zařízení…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Zrušit" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Budiž" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Neznámé" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Není dostupný žádný adaptér" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Vyhledávají se zařízení…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Zařízení" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Typ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Zařízení" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Všechny kategorie" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Spárovaná" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Důvěryhodná" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nespárovaná nebo důvěryhodná" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Spárovaná nebo důvěryhodná" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Zobrazit:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Kategorie zařízení:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Vyberte kategorii zařízení, na kterou chcete seznam omezit" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Typ zařízení:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Vyberte typ zařízení, na který chcete seznam omezit" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Vstupní zařízení (myš, klávesnice, apod.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Sluchátka, sluchátka s mikrofonem a další zvuková zařízení" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Potvrzení PIN od Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Potvrďte prosím PIN, který byl zadán na zařízení „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Potvrdit" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Potvrďte PIN od Bluetooth pro zařízení „%s“. Návod obvykle najdete v " +"příručce zařízení." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Páruje se se zařízením „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Potvrďte prosím, že následující PIN je stejný, jako ten zobrazený na " +"zařízení „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Požadavek na spárování přes Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"Zařízení „%s“ se chce spárovat s tímto zařízením. Chcete spárování povolit?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Potvrzení spojení přes Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"Zařízení „%s“ se chce spojit s tímto zařízením. Chcete spojení povolit?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Vložte prosím na zařízení „%s“ následující PIN." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Vložte prosím na zařízení „%s“ následující PIN a zmáčkněte klávesu „Enter“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Pohněte prosím pákovým ovladačem svého zařízení iCade v následujících " +"směrech. Po té zmáčkněte některé z bílých tlačítek." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Povolit" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Zamítnout" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Zrušit" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Přijmout" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nenastaveno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Spojeno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Odpojeno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ano" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Viditelné jako „%s“ a k dispozici pro přenos souborů přes Bluetooth. " +"Přenášené soubory se ukládají do složky Stažené." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Odebrat „%s“ ze seznamu zařízení?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Pokud zařízení odeberete, budete jej muset před příštím použitím znovu " +"nastavit." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "Odeb_rat" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Obdrželi jste „%s“ přes Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Obdrželi jste soubor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Otevřít soubor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Ukázat soubor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Příjem souboru je dokončen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Přenos souboru přes Bluetooth z %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Odmítnout" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Počítač" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Síť" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Sluchátko s mikrofonem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Sluchátka" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Zvukové zařízení" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klávesnice" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Myš" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotoaparát" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Tiskárna" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Herní ovladač" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Zařízení pro práci s videem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Dálkové ovládání" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skener" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Displej" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Obléknutelné zařízení" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Hračka" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Všechny typy" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Spojení" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresa" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Nastavení _myši a touchpadu" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Na_stavení zvuku" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Nastavení _klávesnice" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Odeslat _soubory…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Odeb_rat zařízení" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Přenos přes Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Posílejte soubory přes Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Došlo k neznámé chybě" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Ujistěte se, že protější zařízení je zapnuté a že přijímá požadavky na " +"spojení přes Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekunda" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekundy" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekund" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuty" +msgstr[2] "%'d minut" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hodina" +msgstr[1] "%'d hodiny" +msgstr[2] "%'d hodin" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "přibližně %'d hodina" +msgstr[1] "přibližně %'d hodiny" +msgstr[2] "přibližně %'d hodin" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Spojuje se…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Přenos souboru přes Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Zkusit znovu" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Od:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Pro:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Odesílání %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Odesílání souboru %d z %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u přenos dokončen" +msgstr[1] "%u přenosy dokončeny" +msgstr[2] "%u přenosů dokončeno" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Zavřít" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Vyskytla se chyba" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Výběr zařízení pro odeslání" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "Ode_slat" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Výběr souborů k odeslání" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Vybrat" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Použít zadané vzdálené zařízení" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESA" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Název vzdáleného zařízení" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NÁZEV" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[SOUBOR…]" diff --git a/po/da.po b/po/da.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6e6c40e --- /dev/null +++ b/po/da.po @@ -0,0 +1,1267 @@ +# Danish translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2009-2018 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2009-2018 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Mads Bille Lundby , 2009. +# Kenneth Nielsen , 2009-2014. +# Kris Thomsen , 2011. +# flemming christensen , 2011. +# scootergrisen, 2015. +# Ask Hjorth Larsen , 2017. +# Alan Mortensen , 2018. +# +# paired -> parret +# to pair -> at parre (Apples danske iPhone dokumentation har "danne par" - MS har både "danne par" og "parre") +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-15 12:52+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-05 19:27+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Alan Mortensen \n" +"Language-Team: Danish \n" +"Language: da\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2009-09-12 15:44+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit\n" +"X-Language: da_DK\n" +"X-Source-Language: C\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klik for at vælge enhed …" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Annullér" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Ukendt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Ingen tilgængelige adaptere" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Søger efter enheder …" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Enhed" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Type" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Enheder" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Alle kategorier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Parret" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Betroet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Hverken parret eller betroet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Parret eller betroet" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Vis:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Enheds_kategori:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Vælg den enhedskategori, der skal filtreres" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Enheds_type:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Vælg den enhedstype, der skal filtreres" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Inputenheder (mus, tastaturer, osv.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Hovedtelefoner, headset og andre lydenheder" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bekræft PIN-kode for Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Bekræft venligst den PIN-kode som blev indtastet på “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Bekræft" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Bekræft Bluetooth-PIN-koden for “%s”. Den kan som regel findes i enhedens " +"manual." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Parrer med “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Bekræft venligst at følgende PIN-kode matcher den som vises på “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Forespørgsel om Bluetooth-parring" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "“%s” vil parre med denne enhed. Vil du tillade parring?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bekræft Bluetooth-forbindelse" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s” vil oprette forbindelse med denne enhed. Vil du give tilladelse?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Indtast venligst følgende PIN-kode på “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Indtast venligst følgende PIN-kode på “%s”. Tryk herefter “Enter” på " +"tastaturet." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Flyt venligst joysticket på din iCade i følgende retninger. Tryk herefter på " +"en vilkårlig hvid knap." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Tillad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Afvis" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annullér" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Acceptér" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ikke indstillet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Forbundet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Frakoblet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nej" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Synlig som “%s” og tilgængelig for Bluetooth-filoverførsel. Overførte filer " +"placeres i mappen Hentet." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Fjern “%s” fra listen over enheder?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Hvis du fjerner enheden, skal du sætte den op igen, før den kan bruges næste " +"gang." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Fjern" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Du modtog “%s” via Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Du modtog en fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Åbn fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Vis fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Filmodtagelse fuldført" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth-filoverførsel fra %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Afvis" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Computer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Netværk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Headset" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Hovedtelefoner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Lydenhed" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatur" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Printer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Skriveplade" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videoenhed" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Fjernbetjening" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Skærm" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Smart-ur m.v." + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Legetøj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alle typer" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Forbindelse" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresse" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Indstillinger for _mus & pegeplade" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Indstillinger for _lyd" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Indstillinger for _tastatur" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Send _filer …" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Fjern enhed" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-overførsel" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Send filer via Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Der opstod en ukendt fejl" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Sørg for at fjernenheden er tændt, og at den accepterer Bluetooth-" +"forbindelser" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekund" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunder" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutter" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d time" +msgstr[1] "%'d timer" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ca. %'d time" +msgstr[1] "ca. %'d timer" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Danner forbindelse …" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-filoverførsel" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Prøv igen" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Fra:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Til:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Sender %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Sender fil %d ud af %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u overførsel fuldført" +msgstr[1] "%u overførsler fuldført" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Luk" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Der opstod en fejl" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Vælg enhed der skal sendes til" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Send" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Vælg filer til afsendelse" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Vælg" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Fjernenhed som skal anvendes" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESSE" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Fjernenheds navn" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAVN" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FIL …]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Synlig som “%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "side 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "side 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Færdig" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Brug denne GPS-enhed til geolokationstjenester" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Gå på internettet ved hjælp af din mobiltelefon (test)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Pardannelse med “%s” afbrudt" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Bekræft venligst at PIN-koden vist på “%s” matcher denne her." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Indtast venligst følgende PIN-kode:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Opsætning af “%s” mislykkedes" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Tilslutter til “%s” …" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Vent venligst mens opsætningen af enheden “%s” færdiggøres …" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Opsætning af den nye enhed “%s” er fuldført" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Opsætning af ny Bluetooth-enhed" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Indstillinger for PIN-kode …" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Søgning efter enhed" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Enhedsopsætning" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Færdiggør opsætning" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Vælg yderligere tjenester du ønsker at bruge på din enhed:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Indstillingssammendrag" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Indstillinger for PIN-kode" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Automatisk valg af PIN-kode" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Fast PIN-kode" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "“0000” (fleste headset, mus og GPS-enheder)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "“1111”" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "“1234”" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Danner ikke par" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Tilpasset PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Prøv igen" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Afslut" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Matcher ikke" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Matcher" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Opsætning af Bluetooth-enhed" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Opsæt Bluetooth-enheder" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Kobler på …" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Aktivér Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Slukket" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Deaktivér Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Tændt" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Slået fra" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Kobler af …" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Kobl af" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Kobl på" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Send filer …" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Gennemse filer …" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Fejlsøg" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetooth-panelprogram" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Kør '%s --help' for at få en komplet liste over tilgængelige " +#~ "kommandolinjetilvalg.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-panelprogram" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Indtast venligst PIN-koden, som står på enheden %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Giv adgang til “%s”" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Enheden %s ønsker at få adgang til tjenesten “%s”." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-enhed" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Indtast PIN-kode" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Bekræftelse om pardannelse fra “%s”" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Bekræft PIN-kode" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel om godkendelse fra “%s”" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Kontrollér godkendelse" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-håndtering" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Panelprogram til Bluetooth-håndtering" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Tjekker" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Synlig" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Send filer til enhed …" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Opsætning af ny enhed …" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Indstillinger for Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Afslut" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "Giv _altid adgang" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "Af_slå" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Giv adgang" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Matcher _ikke" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Matcher" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Vis indtastning" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Filoverførsel" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Sender filer via Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Programmørfejl: Kunne ikke finde enheden i listen" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push-filoverførsel understøttes ikke" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Indstillinger" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Vis kun Bluetooth-enheder med …" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Vælg enhed at gennemse" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Gennemse" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Vælg enhed at gennemse" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Gennemse filer på enhed …" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth er slået fra" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth er slået fra med hardware-kontakt" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Ingen Bluetooth-adaptere fundet" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Synlighed" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Gennemse filer …" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Enhedsopsætning mislykkedes" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Introduktion" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Vælg den enhed du ønsker at sætte op" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Opsætning færdiggjort" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Enhedsguiden vil hjælpe dig gennem processen med at konfigurere Bluetooth-" +#~ "enheder til anvendelse med denne computer." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Enheden skal være inden for 10 meters afstand af din computer, og skal " +#~ "være “synlig” (eng. “discoverable” eller “visible”). I tvivlstilfælde bør " +#~ "enhedens manual konsulteres." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Velkommen til opsætningsguiden for nye Bluetooth-enheder" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Kør i selvstændig tilstand" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblins Bluetoothpanel" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblins Bluetoothpanel" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d time" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d timer" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d minut" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d minutter" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d sekund" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d sekunder" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 sekunder" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Din computer er synlig på\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Pardannelse med %s mislykkedes." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Par" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Gennemse" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Enhedsopsætning mislykkedes" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Tilbage til enheder" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Enhedsopsætning" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Indstillinger" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Vis kun:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN-indstillinger" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Tilføj en ny enhed" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Gør synlig over Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Send fil fra din computer" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-håndteringspanel" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Åbn tastaturindstillinger …" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Åbn museindstillinger …" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Åbn lydindstillinger …" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Slået til" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Strøm" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Vis en liste over kendte enheder" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Gør computeren _synlig" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Venskabeligt navn" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Opsætning af _ny enhed …" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Kan ikke starte indstillinger for “Personlig Fildeling”" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Kontrollér venligst at programmet “Personlig Fildeling” (Personal File " +#~ "Sharing) er korrekt installeret." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "_Vis Bluetooth-ikon" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "Der er ikke sluttet nogen Bluetooth-adapter til din computer." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth er slået fra ved hjælp af en knap på din computer." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Par" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Tilslut" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Gennemse" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-indstillinger" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Om statusikonet skal vises" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Om statusikonet skal vises." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf-fejl: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "Alle efterfølgende fejl vil kun blive vist i terminalen." + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-håndtering for GNOME-skrivebordsmiljøet" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Andreas Dalsgaard\n" +#~ "Hans-Jørgen Martinus Hansen\n" +#~ "Mads Lundby\n" +#~ "Marcel Holtmann\n" +#~ "Kenneth Nielsen\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Dansk-gruppen \n" +#~ "Mere info:" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "Hjemmeside for GNOME Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Authentication request" +#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel om godkendelse" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for device:" +#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel om kobling for enhed:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "Indtast adgangsnøgle for godkendelse:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request" +#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel om bekræftelse" + +#~ msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "Bekræft værdi for godkendelse:" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request" +#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel om autorisation" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request for device:" +#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel om autorisation for enhed:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "Indtast adgangsnøgle" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +#~ msgstr "Forespørgsel om bekræftelse for %s" + +#~ msgid "General" +#~ msgstr "Generelt" + +#~ msgid "File transfer" +#~ msgstr "Filoverførsel" + +#~ msgid "Receive files from remote devices" +#~ msgstr "Modtag filer fra fjernenheder" + +#~ msgid "Notification area" +#~ msgstr "Statusfelt" + +#~ msgid "Never display icon" +#~ msgstr "Vis aldrig ikon" + +#~ msgid "Only display when adapter present" +#~ msgstr "Vis kun når adapter er til stede" + +#~ msgid "Always display icon" +#~ msgstr "Vis altid ikon" + +#~ msgid "Power switches" +#~ msgstr "Strømkontakter" + +#~ msgid "Adapter" +#~ msgstr "Adapter" + +#~ msgid "always" +#~ msgstr "altid" + +#~ msgid "hidden" +#~ msgstr "skjult" + +#~ msgid "%'g minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%'g minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%' g minut" +#~ msgstr[1] "%' g minutter" + +#~ msgid "Hidden" +#~ msgstr "Skjult" + +#~ msgid "Always visible" +#~ msgstr "Altid synlig" + +#~ msgid "Temporary visible" +#~ msgstr "Midlertidig synlig" + +#~ msgid "Known devices" +#~ msgstr "Kendte enheder" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Display options for the notification icon. Valid options are \"never\", " +#~ "\"present\" and \"always\"." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Vis indstillinger for statusfeltet. Gyldige indstillinger er " +#~ "“aldrig”,“til stede” eller “altid”." + +#~ msgid "If Bluetooth file sharing is enabled" +#~ msgstr "Hvorvidt Bluetooth-fildeling er aktiveret" + +#~ msgid "If receiving of remote files via Bluetooth is enabled" +#~ msgstr "Hvorvidt modtagelse af fjerne filer via Bluetooth er aktiveret" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If the service for receiving remote files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Hvorvidt tjenesten for modtagelse af fjerne filer via Bluetooth er " +#~ "aktiveret eller ej." + +#~ msgid "If the service for sharing files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Hvorvidt tjenesten for deling af filer via Bluetooth er aktiveret eller " +#~ "ej." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following passkey: %s%s" +#~ msgstr "Indtast følgende adgangsnøgle: %s%s" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s finished" +#~ msgstr "Kobling med %s er afsluttet" + +#~ msgid "Successfully paired with %s" +#~ msgstr "Koblet problemfrit med %s" + +#~ msgid "Select the type of device you want to setup" +#~ msgstr "Vælg typen af enhed du vil sætte op" + +#~ msgid "Mobile phone" +#~ msgstr "Mobiltelefon" + +#~ msgid "Saving of protocol trace failed" +#~ msgstr "Arkivering af protokolspor mislykkedes" + +#~ msgid "Loading Trace" +#~ msgstr "Indlæser spor" + +#~ msgid "Live Import" +#~ msgstr "Direkte import" + +#~ msgid "Protocol Trace" +#~ msgstr "Protokolspor" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved" +#~ msgstr "Ikke gemt" + +#~ msgid "Can't live import from" +#~ msgstr "Kan ikke importere direkte fra" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Fil" + +#~ msgid "Open _Recent" +#~ msgstr "Åbn _seneste" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Redigér" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Vis" + +#~ msgid "_Full Screen" +#~ msgstr "_Fuldskærm" + +#~ msgid "_Tools" +#~ msgstr "Værk_tøjer" + +#~ msgid "_Debug Packet List" +#~ msgstr "_Fejlsøg pakkeliste" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Hjælp" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-protokolanalysator" + +#~ msgid "All Files" +#~ msgstr "Alle Filer" + +#~ msgid "Supported Files" +#~ msgstr "Understøttede filer" + +#~ msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Files" +#~ msgstr "Frontline BTSnoop-filer" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger Files" +#~ msgstr "Apple Packet Logger-filer" + +#~ msgid "By Extension" +#~ msgstr "Efter filendelse" + +#~ msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Format" +#~ msgstr "Frontline BTSnoop-format" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger Format" +#~ msgstr "Apple Packet Logger-format" + +#~ msgid "Select File _Type" +#~ msgstr "Vælg fil_type" + +#~ msgid "File Type" +#~ msgstr "Filtype" + +#~ msgid "Extensions" +#~ msgstr "Filendelser" + +#~ msgid "Local connection" +#~ msgstr "Lokal forbindelse" + +#~ msgid "Open Import" +#~ msgstr "Åbn import" + +#~ msgid "Save the protocol trace before closing?" +#~ msgstr "Gem protokolsporet før lukning?" + +#~ msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +#~ msgstr "Hvis du ikke gemmer, vil alle informationer gå tabt permanent." + +#~ msgid "Close _without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Luk _uden at gemme" + +#~ msgid "There is" +#~ msgstr "Der er" + +#~ msgid "There are" +#~ msgstr "Der er" + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol trace." +#~ msgstr "ugemt protokolspor." + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol traces." +#~ msgstr "ugemte protokolspor." + +#~ msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +#~ msgstr "Hvis du afslutter nu, vil alle informationer gå tabt." + +#~ msgid "_Discard Changes" +#~ msgstr "_Forkast ændringer" + +#~ msgid "Packet" +#~ msgstr "Pakke" + +#~ msgid "Timestamp" +#~ msgstr "Tidsstempel" + +#~ msgid "Analyze Bluetooth traces" +#~ msgstr "Analysér Bluetooth-spor" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger File" +#~ msgstr "Apple Packet Logger-fil" + +#~ msgid "Frontline BTSnoop File" +#~ msgstr "Frontline BTSnoop-fil" diff --git a/po/de.po b/po/de.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ff4187 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/de.po @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ +# German translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# # +# pair - verbinden/koppeln +# # +# Mario Blättermann , 2009-2012, 2017. +# Hendrik Richter , 2011. +# Tobias Endrigkeit , 2012. +# Christian Kirbach , 2009, 2012. +# Wolfgang Stöggl , 2014. +# Bernd Homuth , 2015. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-01 16:29+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-10-16 19:54+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Christian Kirbach \n" +"Language-Team: Deutsch \n" +"Language: de\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.4\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klicken, um das Gerät auszuwählen …" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "A_bbrechen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Unbekannt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Keine Adapter verfügbar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Nach Geräten wird gesucht …" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Gerät " + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Typ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Geräte" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Alle Typen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Gekoppelt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Vertrauenswürdig verbunden" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nicht gekoppelt oder vertrauenswürdig verbunden" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Gekoppelt oder vertrauenswürdig verbunden" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Anzeigen:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Geräte_kategorie:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Wählen Sie die zu filternde Gerätekategorie aus" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Geräte_typ:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Wählen Sie den zu filternden Gerätetyp aus " + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Eingabegeräte (Mäuse, Tastaturen, usw.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Kopfhörer, Sprechgarnituren und andere Audio-Geräte" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bluetooth-PIN bestätigen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Bitte bestätigen Sie die PIN, die auf dem Gerät »%s« eingegeben wurde." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Bestätigen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Bestätigen Sie die Bluetooth-PIN für »%s«. Diese ist für gewöhnlich im " +"Handbuch des Gerätes zu finden." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "»%s« wird gekoppelt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass die folgende PIN mit der auf dem Gerät »%s« " +"angezeigten PIN übereinstimmt." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth-Koppelungsanfrage" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"Gerät »%s« möchte mit diesem Rechner gekoppelt werden. Möchten Sie die " +"Verbindung zulassen?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bluetooth-Verbindung bestätigen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"Gerät »%s« möchte mit diesem Rechner gekoppelt werden. Möchten Sie die " +"Verbindung zulassen?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Bitte geben Sie die folgende PIN auf »%s« ein." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Bitte geben Sie die folgende PIN auf »%s« ein und drücken Sie anschließend " +"die Eingabetaste auf der Tastatur." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Bitte bewegen Sie den Joystick Ihres iCade in die folgenden Richtungen und " +"drücken Sie anschließend auf einen der weißen Knöpfe." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Zulassen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Verwerfen" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Abbrechen" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Akzeptieren" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nicht eingerichtet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Verbunden" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Verbindung getrennt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nein" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Sichtbar als »%s« und verfügbar für Bluetooth-Dateitransfers. Empfangene " +"Dateien werden im Downloads-Ordner abgelegt." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "»%s« aus der Liste der bekannten Geräte entfernen?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Falls Sie das Gerät entfernen, müssen Sie es vor der nächsten Benutzung " +"erneut konfigurieren." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Entfernen" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Sie haben »%s« über Bluetooth empfangen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Sie haben eine Datei empfangen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Datei öffnen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Datei anzeigen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Dateiempfang abgeschlossen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth-Dateiübertragung von %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Ablehnen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Rechner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Netzwerk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Sprechgarnitur" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Kopfhörer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Audio-Gerät" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatur" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Maus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Drucker" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video-Gerät" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Fernbedienung" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Anzeige" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Tragbares Gerät" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Spielzeug" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alle Typen" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Verbindung" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresse" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Einstellungen für _Maus und Touchpad" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Klangeinstellungen" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Tastatureinstellungen" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_Dateien senden …" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Gerät _entfernen" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-Übertragung" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Dateien über Bluetooth versenden" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ein unbekannter Fehler ist aufgetreten" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Stellen Sie sicher, dass das entfernte Gerät eingeschaltet ist und Bluetooth-" +"Verbindungen akzeptiert" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d Sekunde" +msgstr[1] "%'d Sekunden" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d Minute" +msgstr[1] "%'d Minuten" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d Stunde" +msgstr[1] "%'d Stunden" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ungefähr %'d Stunde" +msgstr[1] "ungefähr %'d Stunden" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Verbinden …" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-Dateiübertragung" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "E_rneut versuchen" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Von:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "An:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s wird gesendet" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Datei %d von %d wird gesendet" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u Übertragung abgeschlossen" +msgstr[1] "%u Übertragungen abgeschlossen" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "S_chließen" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Gerät als Empfänger auswählen" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Senden" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Dateien zum Senden auswählen" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Auswahl" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Zu verwendendes entferntes Gerät" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESSE" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Name des entfernten Gerätes" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[DATEI …]" diff --git a/po/el.po b/po/el.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5121114 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/el.po @@ -0,0 +1,1046 @@ +# Greek translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2008 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2008 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2008, 2009. +# Tournaris Pavlos >, 2009. +# Georgios Stefanakis , 2010. +# George Stefanakis , 2011. +# Efstathios Iosifidis , 2013. +# Dimitris Spingos (Δημήτρης Σπίγγος) , 2013, 2015. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-09 14:00+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Efstathios Iosifidis \n" +"Language-Team:\n" +"Language: el\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.7\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:37+0000\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Πατήστε για να επιλέξετε συσκευή…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Ακύρωση" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Εντάξει" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Άγνωστο" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμοι προσαρμογείς" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Αναζήτηση για συσκευές…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Συσκευή" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Τύπος" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Συσκευές" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Όλες οι κατηγορίες" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Συζευγμένα" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Αξιόπιστα" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Μη συζευγμένα ή αξιόπιστα" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Συζευγμένα ή αξιόπιστα" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Προβολή:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Κατηγορία συσκευής:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Επιλέξτε την κατηγορία συσκευής για φιλτράρισμα" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Τύπος συσκευής:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Επιλέξτε τον τύπο συσκευής για φιλτράρισμα" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Συσκευές εισόδου (ποντίκια, πληκτρολόγια, κτλ.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Ακουστικά και άλλες συσκευές ήχου" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Επιβεβαιώστε το PIN για μπλουτούθ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Παρακαλούμε επιβεβαιώστε το PIN που εισήχθη στο «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Επιβεβαιώστε το PIN του Bluetooth για το «%s». Αυτό μπορεί συνήθως να βρεθεί " +"στο εγχειρίδιο της συσκευής." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Γίνεται σύζευξη «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Παρακαλούμε επιβεβαιώστε ότι το ακόλουθο PIN ταιριάζει με αυτό που " +"εμφανίζεται στο «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Αίτημα σύζευξης μπλουτούθ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"Το «%s» θέλει να συνδεθεί με αυτήν την συσκευή. Θέλετε να επιτρέψετε τη " +"σύζευξη;" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Επιβεβαιώστε τη σύνδεση μπλουτούθ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"Το «%s» θέλει να συνδεθεί με αυτήν την συσκευή. Θέλετε να το επιτρέψετε;" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε το ακόλουθο PIN στο «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε το ακόλουθο PIN στο «%s». Έπειτα πιέστε το πλήκτρο " +"«Return» στο πληκτρολόγιο." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Παρακαλούμε μετακινήστε το χειριστήριο του iCade στις ακόλουθες " +"κατευθύνσεις. Έπειτα πατήστε οποιοδήποτε από τα λευκά κουμπιά." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Να επιτρέπεται" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Απόρριψη" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Ακύρωση" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Αποδοχή" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Χωρίς ρύθμιση" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Συνδέθηκε" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Αποσυνδέθηκε" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ναι" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Όχι" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Ορατό ως “%s” και διαθέσιμο για μεταφορές αρχείου μπλουτούθ. Τα μεταφερόμενα " +"αρχεία τοποθετούνται στον φάκελο λήψεις." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Αφαίρεση του «%s» από τη λίστα των συσκευών;" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Εάν αφαιρέσετε τη συσκευή, θα πρέπει να τη ρυθμίσετε ξανά την επόμενη φορά " +"που θα την χρησιμοποιήσετε." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Αφαίρεση" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Λάβατε το «%s» μέσω Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Λάβατε ένα αρχείο" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Άνοιγμα αρχείου" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Εμφάνιση αρχείου" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Ολοκληρώθηκε η λήψη του αρχείου" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Μεταφορά αρχείου μπλουτούθ από %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Άρνηση" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Τηλέφωνο" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Μόντεμ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Υπολογιστής" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Δίκτυο" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Ακουστικά ανοιχτής συνομιλίας" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Ακουστικά" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Συσκευή ήχου" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Πληκτρολόγιο" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Ποντίκι" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Κάμερα" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Εκτυπωτής" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Χειριστήριο παιχνιδιών" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Συσκευή βίντεο" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Απομακρυσμένος έλεγχος" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Σαρωτής" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Οθόνη" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Φορητό" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Παιχνίδι" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Όλοι οι τύποι" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Σύνδεση" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Διεύθυνση" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις _ποντικιού και πινακίδας αφής" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις ή_χου" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις π_ληκτρολογίου" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Αποστολή _αρχείων…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Α_φαίρεση συσκευής" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Μεταφορά Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Αποστολή αρχείων μέσω Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Προέκυψε ένα άγνωστο σφάλμα" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Βεβαιωθείτε ότι η απομακρυσμένη συσκευή είναι ενεργοποιημένη και ότι δέχεται " +"συνδέσεις Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d δευτερόλεπτο" +msgstr[1] "%'d δευτερόλεπτα" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d λεπτό" +msgstr[1] "%'d λεπτά" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ώρα" +msgstr[1] "%'d ώρες" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "περίπου %'d ώρα" +msgstr[1] "περίπου %'d ώρες" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Γίνεται σύνδεση…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Μεταφορά αρχείων με Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Προσπάθεια _ξανά" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Από:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Προς:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Αποστολή %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Αποστολή αρχείου %d από %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u ολοκληρωμένη μεταφορά" +msgstr[1] "%u ολοκληρωμένες μεταφορές" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Κλείσιμο" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Επιλέξτε την συσκευή που θα γίνει αποστολή" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "Α_ποστολή" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Επιλογή αρχείων για αποστολή" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Επιλογή" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Απομακρυσμένη συσκευή για χρήση" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ΔΙΕΥΘΥΝΣΗ" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Το όνομα της απομακρυσμένης συσκευής" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "ΟΝΟΜΑ" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ΑΡΧΕΙΟ...]" + +#~| msgid "Searching for devices…" +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Αναζήτηση για συσκευές..." + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Ορατό ως “%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "σελίδα 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "σελίδα 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Έγινε" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Παρακαλούμε εισάγετε το ακόλουθο PIN στο 'Foobar':" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Χρήση αυτής της συσκευής GPS για γεωτοπικές υπηρεσίες" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Πρόσβαση στο διαδίκτυο με χρήση του κινητού τηλεφώνου σας (δοκιμή)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Η σύζευξη με το '%s' ακυρώθηκε" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Παρακαλώ επιβεβαιώστε ότι το PIN που εμφανίζεται στο '%s' ταιριάζει με " +#~ "αυτό." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το ακόλουθο PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Η ρύθμιση του '%s' απέτυχε" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Γίνεται σύνδεση με '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Παρακαλώ περιμένετε μέχρι το πέρας της ρύθμισης στη συσκευή '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Επιτυχημένη ρύθμιση στη συσκευή '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Ρύθμιση νέας συσκευής Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Επιλογές PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Αναζήτηση συσκευής" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Ρύθμιση συσκευής" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Ολοκλήρωση ρύθμισης" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Επιλέξτε τις πρόσθετες υπηρεσίες που επιθυμείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε με τη " +#~ "συσκευή σας:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Περίληψη ρυθμίσεων" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Επιλογές PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Αυτόματη επιλογή PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Σταθερό PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (τα περισσότερα ακουστικά, ποντίκια και συσκευές GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Δε γίνεται σύζευξη" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Προσαρμοσμένο PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Επανάληψη προσπάθειας" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "Έ_ξοδος" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Δεν ταιριάζει" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Ταιριάζει" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Ρύθμιση νέας συσκευής Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Ρύθμιση συσκευών Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Γίνεται σύνδεση..." + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Κλειστό" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Απενεργοποίηση Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Ενεργό" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Απενεργοποιημένο" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Γίνεται αποσύνδεση…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Αποσύνδεση" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Σύνδεση" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Περιήγηση αρχείων…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Αποσφαλμάτωση" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Μικροεφαρμογή Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Εκτελέστε «%s --help» για να δείτε την πλήρη λίστα των διαθέσιμων " +#~ "επιλογών της γραμμής εντολών.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Μικροεφαρμογή Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε το PIN που είναι σημειωμένο στη συσκευή %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Χορήγηση πρόσβασης στο «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Η συσκευή %s απαιτεί πρόσβαση στην υπηρεσία «%s»." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Συσκευή Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Εισαγωγή PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Επικύρωση σύζευξης για «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Επιβεβαίωση PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Αίτηση εξουσιοδότησης από «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Έλεγχος εξουσιοδότησης" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Διαχείριση Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Μικροεφαρμογή διαχείρισης Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Γίνεται έλεγχος" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Ορατό" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Αποστολή αρχείων στη συσκευή…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Εγκατάσταση νέας συσκευής…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Έξοδος" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Πάντα χορήγηση πρόσβασης" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Απόρριψη" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Χορήγηση" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Δεν ταιριάζει" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Ταιριάζει" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Εμφάνιση εισόδου" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Μεταφορά αρχείων" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Αποστολή αρχείων μέσω Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Σφάλμα προγραμματισμού: αδυναμία εντοπισμού της συσκευής στη λίστα" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Η μεταφορά αρχείων με Obex Push δεν υποστηρίζεται" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/δευτ." + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Εμφάνιση μόνο των συσκευών Bluetooth με…" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Επιλογή συσκευής για περιήγηση" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Περιήγηση" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Επιλέξτε συσκευή για περιήγηση" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Άνοιγμα των προτιμήσεων πληκτρολογίου…" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Άνοιγμα των προτιμήσεων ποντικιού…" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Άνοιγμα των προτιμήσεων ήχου…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Περιήγηση αρχείων στη συσκευή…" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Προτιμήσεις" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "To Bluetooth είναι απενεργοποιημένο" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "To Bluetooth είναι απενεργοποιημένο από διακόπτη στο σύστημά σας" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Δεν βρέθηκε προσαρμογέας Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Ορατότητα" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Ισχύς" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Η ρύθμιση της συσκευής απέτυχε" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Εισαγωγή" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Επιλέξτε τη συσκευή που επιθυμείτε να ρυθμίσετε" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Η ρύθμιση ολοκληρώθηκε" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Η εγκατάσταση της νέας συσκευής Bluetooth θα σας καθοδηγήσει στην " +#~ "διαδικασία ρύθμισης συσκευών με ενεργοποιημένο το Bluetooth ώστε να " +#~ "χρησιμοποιηθούν με αυτό τον υπολογιστή." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Η συσκευή πρέπει να βρίσκεται το πολύ 10 μέτρα μακριά από τον υπολογιστή " +#~ "σας και να είναι “ορατή” (μερικές φορές λέγεται και “ανιχνεύσιμη”). Αν " +#~ "αμφιβάλλετε, ελέγξτε το εγχειρίδιο της συσκευής." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Καλωσήλθατε στη ρύθμιση νέας συσκευής Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Εκτέλεση σε αυτόνομη κατάσταση λειτουργίας" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Πίνακας Bluetooth του Moblin" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Πίνακας Bluetooth του Moblin" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%'d ώρα" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d ώρες" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%'d λεπτό" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d λεπτά" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%'d δευτερόλεπτο" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d δευτερόλεπτα" + +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 δευτερόλεπτα" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ο υπολογιστή σας είναι ορατός στο\n" +#~ "Bluetooth για %s" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Η σύζευξη με το %s απέτυχε." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Σύζευξη" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Περιήγηση" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Η ρύθμιση της συσκευής απέτυχε" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Πίσω στις συσκευές" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Ρύθμιση συσκευής" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Ρυθμίσεις" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Μόνο εμφάνιση:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "Επιλογές PIN" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Προσθήκη νέας συσκευής" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Κάντε το ορατό στο Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Αποστολή αρχείου από τον υπολογιστή σας" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Πίνακας διαχείρισης Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Ενεργοποιημένο" + +#~ msgid "«1234»" +#~ msgstr "«1234»" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Κάνε τον υπολογιστή _ορατό" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Φιλικό όνομα" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Εγκατάσταση _νέας συσκευής..." + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Αδυναμία έναρξης του παραθύρου προτιμήσεων της \"Διανομής προσωπικών " +#~ "αρχείων\"" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Παρακαλώ, επιβεβαιώστε ότι το πρόγραμμα \"Διανομής προσωπικών αρχείων\" " +#~ "έχει εγκατασταθεί σωστά στον υπολογιστή σας" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "_Εμφάνιση του εικονιδίου Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "Ο υπολογιστής σας δεν έχει συνδεδεμένους προσαρμογείς Bluetooth ." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Το Bluetooth έχει τεθεί εκτός λειτουργίας από έναν διακόπτη στον " +#~ "υπολογιστή σας." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Σύζευξη" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Σύνδεση" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Περιήγηση" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Παραγωγή μιας λίστας ήδη γνωστών συσκευών" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Προτιμήσεις Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Εάν θα φαίνεται το εικονίδιο ενημέρωσης" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Εάν θα φαίνεται το εικονίδιο ενημέρωσης." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "Σφάλμα GConf: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "Όλα τα υπόλοιπα σφάλματα θα φανούν μόνο στο τερματικό." + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "Ένας διαχειριστής Bluetooth για το περιβάλλον GNOME" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ελληνική μεταφραστική ομάδα GNOME Tουρνάρης Παύλος Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες, επισκεφθείτε την σελίδα http://www." +#~ "" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "Κεντρική σελίδα του GNOME για το Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/en@shaw.po b/po/en@shaw.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..af5ef28 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/en@shaw.po @@ -0,0 +1,940 @@ +# Shavian translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009 The Gnome Foundation. +# Thomas Thurman , 2009. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-05-02 17:58+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-05-12 18:36 -0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Thomas Thurman \n" +"Language-Team: Shavian \n" +"Language: en@shaw\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n!=1;\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:127 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "𐑷𐑤 𐑑𐑲𐑐𐑕" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:129 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "𐑓𐑴𐑯" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:131 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "𐑥𐑴𐑛𐑧𐑥" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:133 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:135 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "𐑯𐑧𐑑𐑢𐑻𐑒" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:138 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "𐑣𐑧𐑛𐑕𐑧𐑑" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:140 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "𐑣𐑧𐑛𐑓𐑴𐑯𐑟" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:142 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "𐑷𐑛𐑦𐑴 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:144 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "𐑒𐑰𐑚𐑪𐑮𐑛" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:146 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "𐑥𐑬𐑕" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:148 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "𐑒𐑨𐑥𐑻𐑩" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:150 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑼" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:152 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:154 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "𐑑𐑨𐑚𐑤𐑩𐑑" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:156 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "𐑝𐑦𐑛𐑦𐑴 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:158 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:129 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:85 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "𐑳𐑯𐑴𐑯" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:369 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "𐑒𐑤𐑦𐑒 𐑑 𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:170 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "𐑯𐑴 𐑩𐑛𐑨𐑐𐑑𐑻𐑟 𐑩𐑝𐑱𐑤𐑩𐑚𐑩𐑤" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:174 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:868 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "𐑕𐑻𐑗𐑦𐑙 𐑓𐑹 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟..." + +#, c-format +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:372 +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑵𐑝 '%s' 𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥 𐑞 𐑤𐑦𐑕𐑑 𐑝 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:374 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "𐑦𐑓 𐑿 𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑵𐑝 𐑞 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕, 𐑿 𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑣𐑨𐑝 𐑑 𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑦𐑑 𐑳𐑐 𐑩𐑜𐑱𐑯 𐑚𐑦𐑓𐑹 𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑕𐑑 𐑿𐑕." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:746 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "𐑑𐑲𐑐" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "𐑷𐑤 𐑒𐑨𐑑𐑩𐑜𐑪𐑮𐑰𐑟" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "𐑐𐑧𐑮𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "𐑑𐑮𐑳𐑕𐑑𐑩𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑐𐑧𐑮𐑛 𐑹 𐑑𐑮𐑳𐑕𐑑𐑩𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:83 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "𐑐𐑧𐑮𐑛 𐑹 𐑑𐑮𐑳𐑕𐑑𐑩𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:238 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "<𐑚𐑰>𐑖𐑴 𐑴𐑯𐑤𐑦 Bluetooth 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟 𐑢𐑦𐑞..." + +#. The device category filter +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:254 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 _category:" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:269 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑞 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑒𐑨𐑑𐑧𐑜𐑹𐑰 𐑑 𐑓𐑦𐑤𐑑𐑼" + +#. The device type filter +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:283 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 _type:" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:304 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑞 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑑𐑲𐑐 𐑑 𐑓𐑦𐑤𐑑𐑼" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:310 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "𐑦𐑯𐑐𐑫𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟 (𐑥𐑲𐑕, 𐑒𐑰𐑚𐑪𐑮𐑛𐑟, 𐑧𐑑𐑕.)" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:314 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "𐑣𐑧𐑛𐑓𐑴𐑯𐑟, 𐑣𐑧𐑛𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑕 𐑯 𐑳𐑞𐑼 𐑷𐑛𐑦𐑴 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "𐑿𐑟 𐑞𐑦𐑕 GPS 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑓𐑹 Geolocation 𐑕𐑻𐑝𐑦𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "𐑨𐑒𐑕𐑧𐑕 𐑞 ·𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑼𐑯𐑧𐑑 𐑿𐑟𐑦𐑙 𐑿𐑼 𐑕𐑧𐑤 𐑓𐑴𐑯 (𐑑𐑧𐑕𐑑)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:139 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑑 𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟" + +#: ../applet/main.c:143 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟" + +#: ../applet/main.c:152 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑑 𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:331 ../properties/properties-adapter-off.ui.h:1 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "𐑑𐑻𐑯 𐑪𐑯 Bluetooth" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:332 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Bluetooth: 𐑪𐑓" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:335 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "𐑑𐑻𐑯 𐑪𐑓 Bluetooth" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:336 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Bluetooth: 𐑪𐑯" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:341 ../applet/notify.c:150 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: 𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑤𐑛" + +#: ../applet/main.c:492 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑙..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:495 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑙..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:498 ../applet/main.c:839 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛" + +#: ../applet/main.c:501 ../applet/main.c:839 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑩𐑛" + +#: ../applet/main.c:857 ../applet/main.c:921 ../properties/adapter.c:371 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑" + +#: ../applet/main.c:857 ../applet/main.c:921 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑" + +#: ../applet/main.c:870 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:880 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:891 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑒𐑰𐑚𐑪𐑮𐑛 𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:899 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑥𐑬𐑕 𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟..." + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:909 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "𐑴𐑐𐑩𐑯 𐑕𐑬𐑯𐑛 𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:1029 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "𐑛𐑰𐑚𐑳𐑜" + +#. Parse command-line options +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:1050 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- Bluetooth 𐑨𐑐𐑤𐑩𐑑" + +#, c-format +#: ../applet/main.c:1055 +msgid "" +"%s\nRun '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "%s\n𐑮𐑳𐑯 '%s --help' 𐑑 𐑕𐑰 𐑩 𐑓𐑫𐑤 𐑤𐑦𐑕𐑑 𐑝 𐑩𐑝𐑱𐑤𐑩𐑚𐑩𐑤 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑭𐑯𐑛 𐑤𐑲𐑯 𐑪𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟.\n" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/main.c:1072 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑨𐑐𐑤𐑩𐑑" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/notify.c:115 ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/main.c:141 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1595 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/notify.c:150 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: 𐑦𐑯𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑤𐑛" + +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:251 ../applet/agent.c:332 +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 '%s' 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑𐑕 𐑑 𐑐𐑺 𐑢𐑦𐑞 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼" + +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:257 +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑼 𐑞 PIN 𐑥𐑧𐑯𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑛 𐑪𐑯 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 %s." + +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:339 +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑒𐑪𐑯𐑓𐑻𐑥 𐑢𐑧𐑞𐑼 𐑞 PIN '%s' 𐑥𐑨𐑗𐑩𐑟 𐑞 𐑢𐑳𐑯 𐑪𐑯 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 %s." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:385 +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "𐑜𐑮𐑭𐑯𐑑 𐑨𐑒𐑕𐑧𐑕 𐑑 '%s'" + +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:390 +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 %s 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑𐑕 𐑨𐑒𐑕𐑧𐑕 𐑑 𐑞 𐑕𐑻𐑝𐑦𐑕 '%s'." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:496 ../applet/agent.c:531 ../applet/agent.c:573 +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "𐑐𐑧𐑮𐑦𐑙 𐑮𐑦𐑒𐑢𐑧𐑕𐑑 𐑓𐑹 '%s'" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/agent.c:500 ../applet/agent.c:535 ../applet/agent.c:577 +#: ../applet/agent.c:618 ../applet/agent.c:656 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:501 ../applet/agent.c:536 ../applet/agent.c:578 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑼 PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:608 +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "𐑐𐑧𐑮𐑦𐑙 𐑒𐑪𐑯𐑓𐑼𐑥𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑓𐑹 '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:619 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "𐑝𐑧𐑮𐑦𐑓𐑲 PIN" + +#, c-format +#: ../applet/agent.c:652 +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "𐑷𐑔𐑼𐑦𐑟𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯 𐑮𐑦𐑒𐑢𐑧𐑕𐑑 𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥 '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:657 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "𐑗𐑧𐑒 𐑷𐑔𐑼𐑦𐑟𐑱𐑖𐑩𐑯" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑩𐑡𐑼" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑩𐑡𐑼 𐑨𐑐𐑤𐑩𐑑" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Bluetooth: 𐑗𐑧𐑒𐑦𐑙" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟 𐑪𐑯 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../properties/adapter.c:330 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1396 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1506 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "𐑒𐑢𐑦𐑑" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟 𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑳𐑐 𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "𐑝𐑦𐑕𐑦𐑚𐑩𐑤" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "_𐑷𐑤𐑢𐑱𐑟 𐑜𐑮𐑭𐑯𐑑 𐑨𐑒𐑕𐑧𐑕" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_𐑜𐑮𐑭𐑯𐑑" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_𐑮𐑦𐑡𐑧𐑒𐑑" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "_𐑛𐑳𐑟 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑥𐑨𐑗" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_𐑥𐑨𐑗𐑩𐑟" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_𐑖𐑴 𐑦𐑯𐑐𐑫𐑑" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/main.c:90 +msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +msgstr "𐑒𐑨𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑕𐑑𐑸𐑑 \"𐑐𐑻𐑕𐑩𐑯𐑩𐑤 𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑖𐑺𐑦𐑙\" 𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/main.c:95 +msgid "" +"Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +"installed." +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑝𐑧𐑮𐑦𐑓𐑲 𐑞𐑨𐑑 𐑞 \"𐑐𐑻𐑕𐑩𐑯𐑩𐑤 𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑖𐑺𐑦𐑙\" 𐑐𐑮𐑴𐑜𐑮𐑨𐑥 𐑦𐑟 𐑒𐑩𐑮𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑤𐑦 𐑦𐑯𐑕𐑑𐑷𐑤𐑛." + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/main.c:124 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑓𐑼𐑩𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/main.c:139 +msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +msgstr "_Show Bluetooth 𐑲𐑒𐑪𐑯" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/main.c:163 +msgid "Receive Files" +msgstr "𐑮𐑦𐑕𐑰𐑝 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟" + +#: ../properties/main.c:211 +msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +msgstr "𐑬𐑑𐑐𐑫𐑑 𐑩 𐑤𐑦𐑕𐑑 𐑝 𐑒𐑳𐑮𐑩𐑯𐑑𐑤𐑦 𐑯𐑴𐑯 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/main.c:251 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑐𐑮𐑪𐑐𐑼𐑑𐑦𐑟" + +#. The discoverable checkbox +#: ../properties/adapter.c:277 +msgid "Make computer _visible" +msgstr "𐑥𐑱𐑒 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼 _𐑝𐑦𐑕𐑦𐑚𐑩𐑤" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:300 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "𐑓𐑮𐑧𐑯𐑛𐑤𐑦 𐑯𐑱𐑥" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:362 +msgid "Set up _new device..." +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑳𐑐 _𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕..." + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:385 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑵𐑝" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/adapter.c:661 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑦𐑟 𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑤𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/adapter.c:697 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgstr "𐑯𐑴 Bluetooth 𐑩𐑛𐑨𐑐𐑑𐑻𐑟 𐑐𐑮𐑩𐑟𐑧𐑯𐑑" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/properties-no-adapter.ui.h:1 +msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgstr "𐑿𐑼 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼 𐑛𐑳𐑟 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑣𐑨𐑝 𐑧𐑯𐑦 Bluetooth 𐑩𐑛𐑨𐑐𐑑𐑻𐑟 𐑐𐑤𐑳𐑜𐑛 𐑦𐑯." + +#, fuzzy +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑓𐑦𐑜𐑘𐑼 Bluetooth 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑦𐑙𐑟" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:205 ../wizard/main.c:326 +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "𐑐𐑧𐑮𐑦𐑙 𐑢𐑦𐑞 '%s' 𐑒𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑛" + +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:245 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1139 +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑒𐑪𐑯𐑓𐑻𐑥 𐑞𐑨𐑑 𐑞 PIN 𐑛𐑩𐑕𐑐𐑤𐑱𐑛 𐑪𐑯 '%s' 𐑥𐑨𐑗𐑩𐑟 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑢𐑳𐑯." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:299 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1190 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑼 𐑞 𐑓𐑪𐑤𐑴𐑦𐑙 PIN:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:382 +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑦𐑙 𐑳𐑐 '%s' 𐑓𐑱𐑤𐑛" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' now... +#. +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:513 +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑𐑦𐑙 𐑑 '%s'..." + +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:549 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:750 +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑼 𐑞 𐑓𐑪𐑤𐑴𐑦𐑙 PIN 𐑪𐑯 '%s' 𐑯 𐑐𐑮𐑧𐑕 “𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑼” 𐑪𐑯 𐑞 𐑒𐑰𐑚𐑪𐑮𐑛:" + +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:551 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:752 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑧𐑯𐑑𐑼 𐑞 𐑓𐑪𐑤𐑴𐑦𐑙 PIN 𐑪𐑯 '%s':" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:572 +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑟 𐑢𐑱𐑑 𐑢𐑲𐑤 𐑓𐑦𐑯𐑦𐑖𐑦𐑙 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐 𐑪𐑯 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 '%s'..." + +#, c-format +#: ../wizard/main.c:588 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:777 +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑒𐑕𐑧𐑕𐑓𐑩𐑤𐑦 𐑕𐑧𐑑 𐑳𐑐 𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 '%s'" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (𐑥𐑴𐑕𐑑 𐑣𐑧𐑛𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑕, 𐑥𐑲𐑕 𐑯 GPS 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "𐑒𐑳𐑕𐑑𐑩𐑥 PIN:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐 𐑓𐑱𐑤𐑛" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑻𐑗" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:10 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1343 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "𐑛𐑳𐑟 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑥𐑨𐑗" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "𐑓𐑦𐑯𐑦𐑖𐑦𐑙 𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "𐑓𐑦𐑒𐑕𐑑 PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "𐑦𐑯𐑑𐑮𐑩𐑛𐑳𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1339 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "𐑥𐑨𐑗𐑩𐑟" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN 𐑪𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN _𐑪𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1253 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑞 𐑩𐑛𐑦𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑩𐑤 𐑕𐑻𐑝𐑦𐑕𐑩𐑟 𐑿 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑 𐑑 𐑿𐑕 𐑢𐑦𐑞 𐑿𐑼 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑞 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑿 𐑢𐑪𐑯𐑑 𐑑 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑤𐑰𐑑𐑩𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"𐑞 Bluetooth 𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐 𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑢𐑷𐑒 𐑿 𐑔𐑮𐑵 𐑞 𐑐𐑮𐑴𐑕𐑧𐑕 𐑝 𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑓𐑦𐑜𐑘𐑼𐑦𐑙 Bluetooth " +"𐑦𐑯𐑱𐑚𐑩𐑤𐑛 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟 𐑓𐑹 𐑿𐑕 𐑢𐑦𐑞 𐑞𐑦𐑕 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"𐑞 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑢𐑦𐑤 𐑯𐑰𐑛 𐑑 𐑚𐑰 𐑢𐑦𐑞𐑦𐑯 10 𐑥𐑰𐑑𐑼𐑟 𐑝 𐑿𐑼 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼, 𐑯 𐑚𐑰 “𐑝𐑦𐑕𐑦𐑚𐑩𐑤” (𐑕𐑳𐑥𐑑𐑲𐑥𐑟 " +"𐑒𐑷𐑤𐑛 “𐑛𐑦𐑕𐑒𐑳𐑝𐑼𐑩𐑚𐑩𐑤”). 𐑗𐑧𐑒 𐑞 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕'𐑕 𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑘𐑫𐑩𐑤 𐑦𐑓 𐑦𐑯 𐑛𐑬𐑑." + +#, fuzzy +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "𐑢𐑧𐑤𐑒𐑩𐑥 𐑑 𐑞 Bluetooth 𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_𐑷𐑑𐑴𐑥𐑨𐑑𐑦𐑒 PIN 𐑕𐑦𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "_𐑮𐑰𐑕𐑑𐑸𐑑 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐" + +#, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d 𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛" +msgstr[1] "%'d 𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑟" + +#, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d 𐑥𐑦𐑯𐑩𐑑" +msgstr[1] "%'d 𐑥𐑦𐑯𐑩𐑑𐑕" + +#, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d 𐑬𐑼" +msgstr[1] "%'d 𐑬𐑼𐑟" + +#, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "𐑩𐑐𐑮𐑭𐑒𐑕𐑩𐑥𐑩𐑑𐑤𐑰 %'d 𐑬𐑼" +msgstr[1] "𐑩𐑐𐑮𐑭𐑒𐑕𐑩𐑥𐑩𐑑𐑤𐑰 %'d 𐑬𐑼𐑟" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑓𐑻" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Retry" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#, fuzzy +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛𐑦𐑙 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟 𐑝𐑲𐑩 Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "𐑑:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "𐑩𐑯 𐑳𐑯𐑴𐑯 𐑻𐑼 𐑪𐑒𐑻𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" +"𐑥𐑱𐑒 𐑖𐑫𐑼 𐑞𐑨𐑑 𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑴𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑦𐑟 𐑕𐑢𐑦𐑗𐑑 𐑪𐑯 𐑯 𐑞𐑨𐑑 𐑦𐑑 𐑨𐑒𐑕𐑧𐑐𐑑𐑕 Bluetooth 𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟" + +#, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛𐑦𐑙 %s" + +#, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛𐑦𐑙 𐑓𐑲𐑤 %d 𐑝 %d" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#, c-format +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:641 +msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgstr "𐑕𐑩𐑤𐑧𐑒𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑑 𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛 𐑑" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "Send _To" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛 _𐑑" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:687 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "𐑗𐑵𐑟 𐑓𐑲𐑤𐑟 𐑑 𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:716 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑴𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑑 𐑿𐑕" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:718 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "𐑮𐑦𐑥𐑴𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕'𐑕 𐑯𐑱𐑥" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:172 +msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "𐑐𐑮𐑴𐑜𐑮𐑨𐑥𐑦𐑙 𐑻𐑼, 𐑒𐑫𐑛 𐑯𐑪𐑑 𐑓𐑲𐑯𐑛 𐑞 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑦𐑯 𐑞 𐑤𐑦𐑕𐑑" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:247 +msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "Obex 𐑐𐑫𐑖 𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑑𐑮𐑨𐑯𐑕𐑓𐑻 𐑳𐑯𐑕𐑩𐑐𐑹𐑑𐑩𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:266 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX 𐑐𐑫𐑖)" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "𐑮𐑳𐑯 𐑦𐑯 standalone 𐑥𐑴𐑛" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Moblin Bluetooth 𐑐𐑨𐑯𐑩𐑤" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Moblin Bluetooth 𐑐𐑨𐑯𐑩𐑤" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/main.c:129 +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:177 +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d 𐑬𐑼" +msgstr[1] "%'d 𐑬𐑼𐑟" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:179 +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d 𐑥𐑦𐑯𐑩𐑑" +msgstr[1] "%'d 𐑥𐑦𐑯𐑩𐑑𐑕" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:182 +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d 𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛" +msgstr[1] "%'d 𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑟" + +#. hour:minutes:seconds +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:188 +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#. minutes:seconds +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:192 +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "%s %s" + +#. minutes +#. seconds +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:195 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:199 +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#. 0 seconds +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:202 +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "0 𐑕𐑧𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑟" + +#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:224 +msgid "Your computer is visible on\nBluetooth for %s." +msgstr "𐑿𐑼 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼 𐑦𐑟 𐑝𐑦𐑕𐑦𐑚𐑩𐑤 𐑪𐑯\nBluetooth 𐑓𐑹 %s." + +#, c-format +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:625 +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "𐑐𐑧𐑮𐑦𐑙 𐑢𐑦𐑞 %s 𐑓𐑱𐑤𐑛." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:985 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "𐑐𐑺" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:999 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "𐑒𐑩𐑯𐑧𐑒𐑑" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1018 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "𐑚𐑮𐑬𐑟" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1212 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐 𐑓𐑱𐑤𐑛" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1226 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1302 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1351 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1429 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1661 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "𐑚𐑨𐑒 𐑑 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕𐑩𐑟" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1265 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "𐑛𐑳𐑯" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1286 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1323 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕 𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑳𐑐" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1446 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1577 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑑𐑦𐑙𐑟" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1462 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "𐑴𐑯𐑤𐑦 𐑖𐑴:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1468 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "PIN 𐑪𐑐𐑖𐑩𐑯𐑟" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1512 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "𐑨𐑛 𐑩 𐑯𐑿 𐑛𐑦𐑝𐑲𐑕" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1613 +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "𐑥𐑱𐑒 𐑝𐑦𐑕𐑦𐑚𐑩𐑤 𐑪𐑯 Bluetooth" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1619 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "𐑕𐑧𐑯𐑛 𐑓𐑲𐑤 𐑓𐑮𐑪𐑥 𐑿𐑼 𐑒𐑩𐑥𐑐𐑿𐑑𐑼" + +#, fuzzy +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Bluetooth 𐑥𐑨𐑯𐑩𐑡𐑼 𐑐𐑨𐑯𐑩𐑤" + diff --git a/po/en_GB.po b/po/en_GB.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fb50dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/en_GB.po @@ -0,0 +1,1324 @@ +# English (United Kingdom) translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same licence as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Bruce Cowan , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. +# Philip Withnall , 2010. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-08-22 22:12+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-09-06 17:46+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: David King \n" +"Language-Team: British English \n" +"Language: en_GB\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Click to select device…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancel" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Unknown" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "No adapters available" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Searching for devices…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Device" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Type" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Devices" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "All categories" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Paired" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Trusted" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Not paired or trusted" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Paired or trusted" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Show:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Device _category:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Select the device category to filter" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Device _type:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Select the device type to filter" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Configure Bluetooth PIN" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on ‘%s’." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirm" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "Pairing ‘%s’" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on ‘%s’." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth Pairing Request" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "‘%s’ wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "‘%s’ wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "Please enter the following PIN on ‘%s’:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Please enter the following PIN on ‘%s’ and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Allow" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Dismiss" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancel" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Accept" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Not Set Up" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Connected" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Disconnected" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Yes" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "No" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Remove ‘%s’ from the list of devices?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Remove" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "You received a file" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Open File" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Reveal File" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "File reception complete" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Decline" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "All types" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Phone" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Computer" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Network" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Headset" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Headphones" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Audio device" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Keyboard" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mouse" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Camera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Printer" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video device" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Remote control" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Display" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Wearable" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Toy" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connection" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Address" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Sound Settings" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Keyboard Settings" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Send _Files…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Remove Device" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth Transfer" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Send files via Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "An unknown error occurred" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d second" +msgstr[1] "%'d seconds" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minute" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutes" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hour" +msgstr[1] "%'d hours" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "approximately %'d hour" +msgstr[1] "approximately %'d hours" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Connecting…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth File Transfer" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Retry" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "From:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "To:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Sending %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Sending file %d of %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transfer complete" +msgstr[1] "%u transfers complete" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Close" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "There was an error" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Select device to send to" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Send" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Choose files to send" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Select" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Remote device to use" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADDRESS" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Remote device's name" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FILE…]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Access the Internet using your mobile phone (test)" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Turn on Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Off" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Turn off Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: On" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Disabled" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Disconnecting…" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Connecting…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Disconnect" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Connect" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Send files…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Browse files…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Debug" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetooth applet" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Applet" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Grant access to '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth device" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Enter PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Verify PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Authorisation request from '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Check authorisation" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Manager" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Manager applet" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Checking" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Visible" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Send files to device…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Set up new device…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Settings" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Quit" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Always grant access" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Reject" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Grant" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Does not match" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Matches" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Show input" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Please enter the following PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Setting up '%s' failed" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Connecting to '%s'…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Successfully set up new device '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth New Device Setup" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN _options…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Device Search" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Device Setup" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Finishing Setup" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Setup Summary" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN Options" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Automatic PIN selection" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Fixed PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Do not pair" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Custom PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Try Again" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Quit" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Does not match" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Matches" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Device Setup" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Setup Bluetooth devices" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "File Transfer" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Sending files via Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With…" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Select Device to Browse" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Browse" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Select device to browse" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Browse files on device…" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Preferences" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth is disabled" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "No Bluetooth adapters found" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Visibility" + +#~ msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visibility of “%s”" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Browse Files…" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Device Setup Failed" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Introduction" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Select the device you want to set up" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Setup Completed" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth-enabled devices for use with this computer." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 metres of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "_Restart Setup" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Run in standalone mode" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d hour" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d hours" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d minute" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d minutes" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d second" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d seconds" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 seconds" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Pairing with %s failed." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Pair" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Browse" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Device setup failed" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Back to devices" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Done" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Device setup" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Settings" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Only show:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN options" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Add a new device" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Make visible on Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Send file from your computer" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Manager Panel" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Open Keyboard Preferences…" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Open Mouse Preferences…" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Open Sound Preferences…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Enabled" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Power" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Make computer _visible" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Friendly name" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Set up _new device…" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "_Show Bluetooth icon" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Pair" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Connect" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Browse" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth Preferences" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Output a list of currently known devices" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Whether to show the notification icon" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Whether to show the notification icon." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf error: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "All further errors shown only on terminal." + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Bruce Cowan \n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Jen Ockwell\n" +#~ " Malcolm Parsons\n" +#~ " Utkarshraj Atmaram\n" +#~ " Marcel Holtmann" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "GNOME Bluetooth home page" + +#~ msgid "Created bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "Created bonding with %s" + +#~ msgid "Removed bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "Removed bonding with %s" + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched off" +#~ msgstr "Device has been switched off" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made non-discoverable" +#~ msgstr "Device has been made non-discoverable" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made connectable" +#~ msgstr "Device has been made connectable" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made limited discoverable" +#~ msgstr "Device has been made limited discoverable" + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched into pairing mode" +#~ msgstr "Device has been switched into pairing mode" + +#~ msgid "Couldn't execute command: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "Couldn't execute command: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "Browse Devices" +#~ msgstr "Browse Devices" + +#~ msgid "Services" +#~ msgstr "Services" + +#~ msgid "Authorization requests" +#~ msgstr "Authorisation requests" + +#~ msgid "Automatically authorize incoming requests" +#~ msgstr "Automatically authorise incoming requests" + +#~ msgid "Hardware database" +#~ msgstr "Hardware database" + +#~ msgid "Select class of device automatically" +#~ msgstr "Select class of device automatically" + +#~ msgid "Available services" +#~ msgstr "Available services" + +#~ msgid "never" +#~ msgstr "never" + +#~ msgid "1 minute" +#~ msgstr "1 minute" + +#~ msgid "%g minutes" +#~ msgstr "%g minutes" + +#~ msgid "Mode of operation" +#~ msgstr "Mode of operation" + +#~ msgid "Other devices can connect" +#~ msgstr "Other devices can connect" + +#~ msgid "Visible and connectable for other devices" +#~ msgstr "Visible and connectable for other devices" + +#~ msgid "Limited discoverable and connectable" +#~ msgstr "Limited discoverable and connectable" + +#~ msgid "Make adapter invisible after:" +#~ msgstr "Make adaptor invisible after:" + +#~ msgid "Class of device" +#~ msgstr "Class of device" + +#~ msgid "Unspecified" +#~ msgstr "Unspecified" + +#~ msgid "Desktop workstation" +#~ msgstr "Desktop workstation" + +#~ msgid "Laptop computer" +#~ msgstr "Laptop computer" + +#~ msgid "If HAL should be used for automatic preferences settings" +#~ msgstr "If HAL should be used for automatic preferences settings" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If HAL should be used to automatically adjust settings like class of " +#~ "device etc." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "If HAL should be used to automatically adjust settings like class of " +#~ "device etc." + +#~ msgid "If authorization requests should be automatically granted" +#~ msgstr "If authorisation requests should be automatically granted" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If authorization requests should be granted all the time without asking " +#~ "the user for confirmation." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "If authorisation requests should be granted all the time without asking " +#~ "the user for confirmation." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Switched device into\n" +#~ "%s mode" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Switched device into\n" +#~ "%s mode" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to system bus failed: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "Connecting to system bus failed: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Enter passkey for authentication:" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Confirm value for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Confirm value for authentication:" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Pairing request for %s\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Click to open passkey entry dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Pairing request for %s\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Click to open passkey entry dialogue" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Pairing request for %s\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Click to open confirmation dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Pairing request for %s\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Click to open confirmation dialogue" + +#~ msgid "Select type of device you wanna setup" +#~ msgstr "Select type of device you want to setup" + +#~ msgid "Select device you wanna setup" +#~ msgstr "Select device you want to setup" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device wizard" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth device wizard" + +#~ msgid "Search" +#~ msgstr "Search" + +#~ msgid "Authentication request" +#~ msgstr "Authentication request" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "Enter passkey for authentication:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request" +#~ msgstr "Confirmation request" + +#~ msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "Confirm value for authentication:" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request" +#~ msgstr "Authorisation request" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request for device:" +#~ msgstr "Authorisation request for device:" + +#~ msgid "General" +#~ msgstr "General" + +#~ msgid "Notification area" +#~ msgstr "Notification area" + +#~ msgid "Never display icon" +#~ msgstr "Never display icon" + +#~ msgid "Only display when adapter present" +#~ msgstr "Only display when adaptor present" + +#~ msgid "Always display icon" +#~ msgstr "Always display icon" + +#~ msgid "Adapter" +#~ msgstr "Adaptor" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Display options for the notification icon. Valid options are \"never\", " +#~ "\"present\" and \"always\"." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Display options for the notification icon. Valid options are \"never\", " +#~ "\"present\" and \"always\"." + +#~ msgid "Mobile phone" +#~ msgstr "Mobile phone" + +#~ msgid "Saving of protocol trace failed" +#~ msgstr "Saving of protocol trace failed" + +#~ msgid "Loading Trace" +#~ msgstr "Loading Trace" + +#~ msgid "Live Import" +#~ msgstr "Live Import" + +#~ msgid "Protocol Trace" +#~ msgstr "Protocol Trace" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved" +#~ msgstr "Unsaved" + +#~ msgid "Can't live import from" +#~ msgstr "Can't live import from" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_File" + +#~ msgid "Open _Recent" +#~ msgstr "Open _Recent" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Edit" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_View" + +#~ msgid "_Full Screen" +#~ msgstr "_Full Screen" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Help" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth protocol analyser" + +#~ msgid "Supported Files" +#~ msgstr "Supported Files" + +#~ msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Files" +#~ msgstr "Frontline BTSnoop Files" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger Files" +#~ msgstr "Apple Packet Logger Files" + +#~ msgid "By Extension" +#~ msgstr "By Extension" + +#~ msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Format" +#~ msgstr "Frontline BTSnoop Format" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger Format" +#~ msgstr "Apple Packet Logger Format" + +#~ msgid "Select File _Type" +#~ msgstr "Select File _Type" + +#~ msgid "File Type" +#~ msgstr "File Type" + +#~ msgid "Extensions" +#~ msgstr "Extensions" + +#~ msgid "Local connection" +#~ msgstr "Local connection" + +#~ msgid "Open Import" +#~ msgstr "Open Import" + +#~ msgid "Save the protocol trace before closing?" +#~ msgstr "Save the protocol trace before closing?" + +#~ msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +#~ msgstr "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." + +#~ msgid "Close _without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Close _without Saving" + +#~ msgid "There is" +#~ msgstr "There is" + +#~ msgid "There are" +#~ msgstr "There are" + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol trace." +#~ msgstr "unsaved protocol trace." + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol traces." +#~ msgstr "unsaved protocol traces." + +#~ msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +#~ msgstr "If you quit now, all information will be lost." + +#~ msgid "_Discard Changes" +#~ msgstr "_Discard Changes" + +#~ msgid "Packet" +#~ msgstr "Packet" + +#~ msgid "Timestamp" +#~ msgstr "Timestamp" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger File" +#~ msgstr "Apple Packet Logger File" + +#~ msgid "Frontline BTSnoop File" +#~ msgstr "Frontline BTSnoop File" diff --git a/po/eo.po b/po/eo.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dab9240 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/eo.po @@ -0,0 +1,570 @@ +# Esperanto translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Ryan LORTIE , 2013. +# Ken PRICE , 2014. +# Kristjan SCHMIDT , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018. +# Daniel PUENTES , 2015. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-15 12:52+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-01-22 19:51+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Kristjan SCHMIDT \n" +"Language-Team: Esperanto \n" +"Language: eo\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Alklaki por elekti aparaton…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Nuligi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "B_one" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nekonate" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Neniu adaptilo disponeblas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Serĉante aparatojn…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Aparato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Aparatoj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Ĉiuj kategorioj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Parigite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Fidate" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ne parigite aŭ fidite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Parigite aŭ fidite" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Montri:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Aparat_kategorio:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Elekti la aparat-kategorion por filtri" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Aparat-_tipo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Elekti la aparat-tipon por filtri" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Enig-aparatoj (muso, klvaro, ktp.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Kapaŭskultiloj, kaptelefonoj kaj aliaj sonaparatoj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Konfirmi la Bludentan PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Bonvole konfirmu la PIN-on kiu estis enigita je “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Konfirmi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Konfirmi la Bludentan PIN por “%s”. Ĝi kutime troveblas en la manlibro de la " +"aparato." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Pariganta “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Bonvole konfirmu ke la sekva PIN kongruas kun tiu montrata sur “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bludenta Pariĝa Peto" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "“%s” volas pariĝi kun ĉi tiu aparato. Ĉu vi volas permesi pariĝon?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +#| msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Konfirmi la Bludentan konekton" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s” volas konekti kun ĉi tiu aparato. Ĉu vi volas permesi tion?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Bonvole enigu la sekvan PIN de “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Bonvole enigu la sekvan PIN je “%s”. Poste premu la enigan klavon sur la " +"klavaro." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Bonvolu movi la stirstangon de via iCade en la sekvaj direktoj. Tiam premu " +"iun ajn el la bankaj butonoj." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permesi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Malakcepti" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Nuligi" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Akcepti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ne agordita" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Konektite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Malkonektite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Jes" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Videbla kiel “%s” kaj atingebla por Bludenta dosiertransigoj. Transigitaj " +"dosieroj estas metitaj en la Elŝutoj-dosierujon." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Ĉu forigi “%s” el la listo de aparatoj?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Se vi forigas la aparaton, vi devos agordi ĝin denove antaŭ la sekva uzo." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "Fo_rigi" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Vi recevis na “%s” per Bludento" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Vi ricevis dosieron" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +#| msgid "Send _Files…" +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Malfermi dosieron" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Malkaŝi dosieron" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +#, fuzzy +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Ricevado de dosiero estas kompleta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bludenta dosier-transigo de %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Malakcepti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefono" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modemo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Komputilo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Reto" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Kaptelefono" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Kapaŭskultilo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Son-aparato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klavaro" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Muso" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotilo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Presilo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Ludtuŝplato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tabulkomputilo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video-aparato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Defora regado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skanilo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Ekrano" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Portebla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Ludilo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Ĉiuj tipoj" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Konekto" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adreso" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Agordoj de _muso kaj tuŝplato" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Sonagordoj" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Klavaragordoj" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Sendi _dosierojn…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Fo_rigi aparaton" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bludenta transigo" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Sendi dosierojn per Bludento" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Okazis nekonata eraro" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Certigu ke la fora aparato estas ŝaltita kaj ke ĝi akceptas Bludentajn " +"konektojn" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekundo" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekundoj" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuto" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutoj" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d horo" +msgstr[1] "%'d horoj" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "proksimume %'d horo" +msgstr[1] "proksimume %'d horoj" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Konektante…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bludenta dosiera transigo" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Reprovi" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Al:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Sendante %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Sendi dosieron %d de %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transigo kompleta" +msgstr[1] "%u transigoj kompletaj" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Fermi" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Estis eraro" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Elekti aparaton al kiu sendi" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Sendi" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Elekti dosierojn por sendi" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Elekti" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Uzota fora aparato" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESO" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nomo de la fora aparato" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOMO" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[DOSIERO…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Videbla kiel \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "paĝo 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "paĝo 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Farite" diff --git a/po/es.po b/po/es.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b2c543 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/es.po @@ -0,0 +1,1175 @@ +# Spanish translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2007. +# Jorge González , 2009, 2010, 2011. +# Daniel Mustieles , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome.master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-21 13:10+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Daniel Mustieles \n" +"Language-Team: es \n" +"Language: es\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:37+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Pulse para seleccionar el dispositivo…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancelar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Aceptar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconocido" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "No hay ningún adaptador disponible" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Buscando dispositivos…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivos" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Todas las categorías" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Emparejado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De confianza" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ni emparejados ni de confianza" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Emparejados o de confianza" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Mostrar:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoría de dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Seleccionar la categoría de dispositivo por la que filtrar" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipo de dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Seleccionar el tipo de dispositivo por el que filtrar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositivos de entrada (ratones, teclados, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Auriculares, auriculares con micrófono y otros dispositivos de sonido" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Configurar el PIN Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirme el PIN introducido en «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirme el PIN Bluetooth para «%s». Normalmente se puede encontrar en el " +"manual del dispositivo." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Emparejando «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Confirme que el siguiente PIN coincide con el mostrado en dispositivo %s." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Solicitud de emparejamiento Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"El dispositivo «%s» quiere emparejarse con este equipo. ¿Quiere permitirlo?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Configurar la conexión Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"El dispositivo «%s» quiere conectarse con este equipo. ¿Quiere permitirlo?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Introduzca el siguiente PIN en «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Introduzca el siguiente PIN en «%s» y pulse «Intro» en el teclado." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Mueva el joystick de su iCade en las siguientes direcciones, y pulse " +"cualquiera de los botones blancos." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permitir" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Descartar" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Aceptar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "No configurado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Conectado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconectado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sí" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "No" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visible como «%s» y disponible para transferencias de archivos por " +"Bluetooth. Los archivos transferidos se guardan en la carpeta Descargas." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "¿Quitar «%s» de la lista de dispositivos?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Si quita el dispositivo tendrá que configurarlo de nuevo antes de poder " +"usarlo la próxima vez." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Quitar" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Ha recibido «%s» mediante Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Ha recibido un archivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Abrir archivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Mostrar archivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Recepción del archivo completada" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferencia de archivos Bluetooth desde %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Rechazar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Teléfono" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Módem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Equipo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Red" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Auriculares" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Auriculares" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de sonido" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teclado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Ratón" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Cámara" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Impresora" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Mando de juego" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tableta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de vídeo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Control remoto" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Escáner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Pantalla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Usable" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Juguete" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Todos los tipos" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Conexión" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Dirección" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Configuración del _ratón y del «touchpad»" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Configuración del _sonido" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Configuración del _teclado" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Enviar _archivos…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Quitar dispositivo" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferencia Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Enviar archivos mediante Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ocurrió un error desconocido" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Asegúrese de que el dispositivo remoto está encendido y que acepta " +"conexiones Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segundo" +msgstr[1] "%'d segundos" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuto" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutos" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d horas" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadamente %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadamente %'d horas" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Conectando…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferencia de archivos Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Reintentar" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Para:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Enviando %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Enviando archivo %d de %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transferencia completa" +msgstr[1] "%u transferencias completas" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Cerrar" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Ocurrió un error" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Seleccionar el dispositivo al que enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Seleccionar los archivos para enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seleccionar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositivo remoto que usar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "DIRECCIÓN" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nombre del dispositivo remoto" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOMBRE" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ARCHIVO…]" + +#~| msgid "Searching for devices…" +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Buscando dispositivos…" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visible como «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "página 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "página 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Realizado" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Introduzca el siguiente PIN en «alguno»:" + +#~| msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN code entered on '%s':" +#~ msgstr "Introduzca el código PIN introducido en «%s»:" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Coincide" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one:" +#~ msgstr "Confirme que el PIN mostrado en «%s» coincide con este:" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that you want to pair with '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirme que se quiere emparejar con «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Usar este dispositivo GPS para servicios de geolocalización" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Acceder a Internet usando su teléfono móvil (prueba)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Emparejamiento con «%s» cancelado" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Introduzca el siguiente PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Falló al configurar «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Conectando con «%s»…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Espere mientras se termina de configurar el dispositivo «%s»…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Dispositivo nuevo «%s» configurado correctamente" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración de dispositivo Bluetooth nuevo" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opciones del PIN…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Búsqueda de dispositivos" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración del dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Finalizando la configuración" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Seleccionar los servicios adicionales que quiere usar con su dispositivo:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Configurar resumen" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opciones del PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "Selección _automática del PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN fijo" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "«0000» (la mayoría de los auriculares, ratones y dispositivos GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "«1111»" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "«1234»" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "No emparejar" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN personalizado:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "I_ntentarlo de nuevo" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Salir" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "No coincide" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración de dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Configurar dispositivos Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Conectando…" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Transferencia de archivos" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Enviando archivos vía Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Encender el Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Apagado" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Apagar el Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Encendido" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Desactivado" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Desconectando…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Desconectar" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Conectar" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Enviar archivos…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Examinar archivos…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Depurar" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Miniaplicación para Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Ejecute «%s --help» para ver una lista completa de todas las opciones " +#~ "disponibles de la línea de comandos.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicación para Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Conceder acceso a «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "El dispositivo %s quiere acceder al servicio «%s»." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Introducir el PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirmación de emparejamiento para «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Verificar el PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Solicitud de autorización de «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Comprobar autorización" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Gestor de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicación del Gestor de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Comprobando" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Visible" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Enviar archivos al dispositivo…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurar un dispositivo nuevo…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Configuración de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Salir" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "Conceder acceso _siempre" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Rechazar" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Conceder" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_No coincide" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "C_oincide" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Mostrar entrada" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Error de programación, no se pudo encontrar el dispositivo en la lista" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "No se soporta la transferencia de archivos con OBEX Push" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Preferencias" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Seleccionar el dispositivo que examinar" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Examinar" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Seleccionar el dispositivo para examinar" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Examinar archivos en el dispositivo…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "El Bluetooth está desconectado" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "El Bluetooth está desactivado por el interruptor físico" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "No se encontró ningún adaptador Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Visibilidad" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Examinar archivos…" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Falló la configuración del dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Introducción" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Seleccione el dispositivo que quiere configurar" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Configuración completada" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "La configuración de dispositivos Bluetooth nuevos le guiará a través del " +#~ "proceso de configuración de dispositivos con Bluetooth activados para " +#~ "usarlos con este equipo." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "El dispositivo deberá estar en un radio de 10 metros alrededor de su " +#~ "equipo y poder ser “visible” (llamado algunas veces “descubrible”). Si " +#~ "tiene dudas, consulte el manual del dispositivo." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Bienvenido a la configuración de dispositivos Bluetooth nuevos" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Ejecutar en modo independiente" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Panel Bluetooth de Moblin" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Panel Bluetooth de Moblin" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d hora" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d horas" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d minuto" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d minutos" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d segundo" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d segundos" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 segundos" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "El equipo es visible a través de\n" +#~ "Bluetooth durante %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Falló el emparejamiento con %s." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Emparejar" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Examinar" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Falló la configuración del dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Volver a los dispositivos" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración del dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Configuración" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar sólo:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "Opciones del PIN" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Añadir un dispositivo nuevo" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Hacer visible a través de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Enviar un archivo desde el equipo" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Panel de gestión de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Mostrar sólo dispositivos Bluetooth con…" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir las Preferencias del teclado…" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir las Preferencias del ratón…" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir las Preferencias de sonido…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Activado" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Potencia" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Active" +#~ msgstr "Activar" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "No se pueden iniciar las preferencias de «Compartición de archivos " +#~ "personales»" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Compruebe que el programa «Compartición de archivos personales» está " +#~ "correctamente instalado." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "_Mostrar icono Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..." +#~ msgstr "Configuración de compartición…" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Nombre amistoso" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Hacer que el equipo sea _visible" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurar un dispositivo _nuevo…" + +#~| msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgid "_Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "_Desconectar" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "Su equipo no tiene ningún adaptador de Bluetooth conectado." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "Un conmutador ha desactivado el Bluetooth en su equipo." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Emparejar" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Conectar" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Examinar" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar una lista de los dispositivos conocidos actualmente" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Preferencias de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Indica si se debe mostrar el icono de notificación" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Indica si se debe mostrar el icono de notificación." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "Error de GConf: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "En adelante todos los errores sólo se mostrarán en el terminal." + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "Un gestor de Bluetooth para el escritorio GNOME" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Jorge González , 2009\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Contribuciones en Launchpad:\n" +#~ " Alvaro Lazaro\n" +#~ " Chema\n" +#~ " Cuadrado\n" +#~ " Dante Díaz\n" +#~ " Deisy Yekaterina\n" +#~ " Gonzalo L. Campos Medina\n" +#~ " JM Rivas\n" +#~ " Jago (Carlos S. Melón)\n" +#~ " Jorge González González\n" +#~ " Julián Alarcón\n" +#~ " Martin Albisetti\n" +#~ " Paco Molinero\n" +#~ " RICARDO\n" +#~ " Ricardo González Castro\n" +#~ " Ricardo Pérez López\n" +#~ " Sargate Kanogan\n" +#~ " Wilfredo Ernesto Guerrero Campos\n" +#~ " José Luis Flores Pineda\n" +#~ " Michael Castielli\n" +#~ " Nacho Blanco\n" +#~ " Ricardo Varas Santana\n" +#~ " Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez\n" +#~ " fr85710\n" +#~ " maaark" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "Página web de GNOME Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Desconocido" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "Introducir contraseña" + +#~| msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgid "Verify passkey" +#~ msgstr "Verificar contraseña" + +#~ msgid "Known devices" +#~ msgstr "Dispositivos conocidos" + +#~ msgid "Successfully configured '%s'" +#~ msgstr "«%s» se configuró correctamente" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +#~ msgstr "Asistente de dispositivos Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Finished" +#~ msgstr "Finalizó la configuración" + +#~ msgid "Check passkey" +#~ msgstr "Comprobar la contraseña" + +#~ msgid "S_earch" +#~ msgstr "_Buscar" + +#~ msgid "Authentication request" +#~ msgstr "Solicitud de autenticación" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for device:" +#~ msgstr "Solicitud de emparejamiento para el dispositivo:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "Introduzca la contraseña para la autenticación:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request" +#~ msgstr "Solicitud de confirmación" + +#~ msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "Confirmar el valor para la autenticación:" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request" +#~ msgstr "Solicitud de autorización" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request for device:" +#~ msgstr "Solicitud de autorización para el dispositivo:" + +#~ msgid "Please wait whilst '%s' is being paired" +#~ msgstr "Espere mientras «%s» se empareja" + +#~ msgid "Additional setup" +#~ msgstr "Ajustes adicionales" + +#~ msgid "Setting up new device" +#~ msgstr "Configurando el dispositivo nuevo" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +#~ msgstr "Solicitud de confirmación para %s" + +#~ msgid "Error Occurred" +#~ msgstr "Ocurrió un error" + +#~ msgid "gtk-close" +#~ msgstr "gtk-close" + +#~ msgid "General" +#~ msgstr "General" + +#~ msgid "Notification area" +#~ msgstr "Área de notificación" + +#~ msgid "Never display icon" +#~ msgstr "No mostrar nunca el icono" + +#~ msgid "Only display when adapter present" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar sólo cuando el adaptador esté presente" + +#~ msgid "Always display icon" +#~ msgstr "Mostrar siempre el icono" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Display options for the notification icon. Valid options are \"never\", " +#~ "\"present\" and \"always\"." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Muestra las opciones para el icono de notificación. Las opciones válidas " +#~ "son «nunca», «presente» y «siempre»." + +#~ msgid "Unnamed Adapter" +#~ msgstr "Adaptador sin nombre" diff --git a/po/et.po b/po/et.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..596901a --- /dev/null +++ b/po/et.po @@ -0,0 +1,531 @@ +# GNOME bluetoothi eesti keele tõlge. +# Estonian translation of GNOME bluetooth. +# +# Copyright (C) 2008–2011 The Gnome Project. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth +# package. +# +# Priit Laes , 2008, 2009 +# Ivar Smolin , 2009–2011. +# Mattias Põldaru , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth MASTER\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-11 19:35+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-11 22:53+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Mattias Põldaru \n" +"Language-Team: Estonian <>\n" +"Language: et\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n" + +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Klõpsa seadme valimiseks..." + +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Tundmatu" + +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Adapter pole saadaval" + +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Seadmete otsimine..." + +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Seade" + +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Liik" + +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Seadmed" + +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Kõik kategooriad" + +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Paardunud" + +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Usaldusväärne" + +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Pole paardunud ega usaldusväärne" + +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Paardunud või usaldusväärne" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Näidatakse:" + +#. The device category filter +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Seadme _kategooria:" + +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Vali filtreeritav seadmekategooria" + +#. The device type filter +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Seadme _liik:" + +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Vali filtreeritav seadmeliik" + +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Sisendseade (hiir, klaviatuur jms.)" + +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Kõrvaklapid, peakomplekt või muu heliseade" + +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Kõik liigid" + +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Arvuti" + +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Võrk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Peakomplekt" + +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Kõrvaklapid" + +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Heliseade" + +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klaviatuur" + +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Hiir" + +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kaamera" + +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Printer" + +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Graafikalaud" + +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videoseade" + +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Seda GPS-seadet kasutatakse Geopositsioneerimise teenuse jaoks" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Ligipääs internetti selle mobiili kaudu (testimisel)" + +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Palun sisesta järgnev PIN-kood seadmesse '%s':" + +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" +"Palun sisesta järgnev PIN-kood seadmesse '%s' ja vajuta klaviatuuril klahvi " +"„Enter“:" + +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgstr "Palun liiguta oma iCade'i juhtkangi järgnevas suunas:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Paardumine seadmega '%s' katkestati" + +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Kontrolli, kas seadmel '%s' kuvatav PIN-kood kattub siinolevaga." + +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Palun sisesta järgnev PIN-kood:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Seadme '%s' häälestamine nurjus" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Ühendumine seadmega '%s'..." + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Palun oota seadme '%s' häälestamise lõppu..." + +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Uue seadme '%s' häälestus edukas" + +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Uue Bluetooth-seadme häälestus" + +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN-koodi _valikud..." + +msgid "Device Search" +msgstr "Seadme otsing" + +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Seadme häälestus" + +msgid "Finishing Setup" +msgstr "Häälestuse lõpetamine" + +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Vali lisateenused, mida tahad selle seadmega kasutada:" + +msgid "Setup Summary" +msgstr "Seadistuse kokkuvõte" + +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN-koodi valikud" + +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_Automaatselt valitud PIN-kood" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "Fikseeritud PIN-kood" + +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (enamik peakomplekte, hiiri ja GPS-seadmeid)" + +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "Ei paardu" + +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "Muu PIN-kood:" + +msgid "_Try Again" +msgstr "_Proovi uuesti" + +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "_Lõpeta" + +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Loobu" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Ei kattu" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Kattub" + +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Bluetooth-seadme häälestus" + +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Bluetooth-seadmete häälestamine" + +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekund" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekundit" + +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutit" + +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d tund" +msgstr[1] "%'d tundi" + +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ligikaudu %'d tund" +msgstr[1] "ligikaudu %'d tundi" + +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Ühendumine..." + +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetoothi failiülekanne" + +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Proovi _uuesti" + +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Kellelt:" + +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Kellele:" + +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Esines tundmatu viga" + +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Veendu, et kaugseade on sisse lülitatud ja võtab Bluetooth ühendusi vastu" + +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s saatmine" + +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d. faili saatmine %d-st" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u ülekanne lõpetatud" +msgstr[1] "%u ülekannet lõpetatud" + +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Esines viga" + +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Seadme valimine, kuhu saata" + +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Saada" + +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Vali saadetavad failid" + +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Vali" + +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Kasutatav kaugseade" + +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "AADRESS" + +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Kaugseadme nimi" + +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NIMI" + +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FAIL...]" + +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetoothi failiülekanne" + +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Failide saatmine üle Bluetoothi" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Lülita Bluetooth sisse" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: väljas" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Lülita Bluetooth välja" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: sees" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: keelatud" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Ühenduse katkestamine..." + +#~ msgid "Connected" +#~ msgstr "Ǜhendatud" + +#~ msgid "Disconnected" +#~ msgstr "Ühendus katkestatud" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Katkesta ühendus" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Ühendu" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Failide saatmine..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Failide sirvimine..." + +#~ msgid "Keyboard Settings" +#~ msgstr "Klaviatuurisätted" + +#~ msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +#~ msgstr "Hiire ja puuteplaadi sätted" + +#~ msgid "Sound Settings" +#~ msgstr "Heli sätted" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Silumine" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetoothi rakend" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Kõigi saadaolevate käsureavõtmete nägemiseks käivita '%s --help'.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetoothi rakend" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +#~ msgstr "Seade '%s' tahab paarduda selle arvutiga" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Palun sisesta seadme %s poolt öeldav PIN-kood." + +#~ msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Palun kontrolli, et PIN-kood '%s' kattuks seadme %s parooliga." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Ligipääsu lubamine seadmele '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Seade %s tahab ligipääsu teenusele '%s'." + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Seadmega '%s' paardumise päring" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetoothi seade" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Sisesta PIN-kood" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Paardumise kinnitus seadmele '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN-koodi kontroll" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Autoriseerimise päring seadmelt '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Autoriseerimise kontroll" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Bluetoothi haldur" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetoothi halduri rakend" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: kontroll" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Nähtav" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Failide saatmine seadmesse..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Uue seadme häälestamine..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Bluetoothi sätted" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Lõpeta" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Ligipääs on alati lubatud" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Keela" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Luba" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Ei kattu" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Kattub" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Näita parooli" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Failiülekanne" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Failide saatmine üle Bluetoothi" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Programmeerimise viga: seadet pole võimalik nimekirjast leida" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push failiülekanded pole toetatud" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" diff --git a/po/eu.po b/po/eu.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f762478 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/eu.po @@ -0,0 +1,962 @@ +# Basque translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# +# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio , 2009, 2010, 2011. +# Julen Ruiz Aizpuru , 2011. +# Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio , 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-27 14:27+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio \n" +"Language-Team: Basque \n" +"Language: eu\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Egin klik gailua hautatzeko…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Utzi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Ados" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Ezezaguna" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Ez dago moldagailurik erabilgarri" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Gailuak bilatzen…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Gailua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Mota" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Gailuak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Kategoria guztiak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Parekatua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Fidatua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Parekatu edo fidatu gabea" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Parekatuta edo fidatuta" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Erakutsi:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Gailuaren _kategoria:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Hautatu gailuaren kategoria iragazteko" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Gailu _mota:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Hautatu gailu mota iragazteko" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Sarrerako gailuak (sagua, teklatua, e.a…)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "" +"Aurikularrak, aurikularrak mikrofonoarekin eta bestelako audioko gailuak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Berretsi Bluetooth-aren PINa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Berretsi PINa “%s“ gailuan sartu dela." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Berretsi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Berretsi “%s“ gailuaren Bluetooth-aren PINa. Gailuaren eskuliburuan aurkitu " +"ohi da." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "“%s“ parekatzen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Berretsi PIN hau “%s“ gailuan bistaratutakoarekin bat datorrela." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth-a parekatzeko eskaera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"“%s“ gailua ordenagailu honekin pare jartzea nahi du. Parekatzea baimentzea " +"nahi duzu?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Berretsi Bluetooth-aren konexioa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s“(e)k gailu honekin konektatzea nahi du. Baimentzea nahi duzu?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Sartu honako PINa “%s“(e)n." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Sartu honako PINa “%s“(e)n. Ondoren, sakatu teklatuko “Sartu“ tekla." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Eraman iCade-ren kontrol-palanka honako norabideetara. Ondoren, sakatu zuria " +"koloreko edozein botoi." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Baimendu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Baztertu" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Utzi" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Onartu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ez konfiguratu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Konektatuta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Deskonektatuta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Bai" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ez" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"“%s” gisa ikusgai eta Bluetooth bidezko fitxategi-transferentzientzako " +"erabilgarri. Transferitutako fitxategiak honako karpetan kokatzen dira: Deskargak." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Kendu “%s“ gailuen zerrendatik?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Gailua ezabatzen baduzu, berriro konfiguratu beharko duzu hurrengoan erabili " +"aurretik." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Kendu" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "\"%s\" Bluetooth bidez jasota." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Fitxategi bat jasota" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Ireki fitxategia" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Errebelatu fitxategia" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Fitxategi-harrera burutu da" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth-en fitxategi-transferentzia %s(e)ndik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Ukatu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefonoa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modema" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ordenagailua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Sarea" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Aurikular+mikrofonoa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Aurikularrak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Audio gailua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teklatua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Sagua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Inprimagailua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joko-palanka" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Taula" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Bideo gailua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Urruneko kontrola" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Eskanerra" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Pantaila" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Jantzigarria" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Jostailua" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Mota guztiak" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Konexioa" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Helbidea" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Saguaren eta touchpad-aren ezarpenak" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Soinuaren ezarpenak" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Teklatuaren ezarpenak" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Bidali _fitxategiak…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Kendu gailua" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-en transferentzia" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Fitxategiak Bluetooth bidez bidaltzea" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth" +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Errore ezezaguna gertatu da" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Ziurtatu zaitez urruneko gailua piztuta dagoela eta Bluetooth konexioak " +"onartzen dituela" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "Segundo %'d" +msgstr[1] "%'d segundo" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "Minutu %'d" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutu" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "Ordu %'d" +msgstr[1] "%'d ordu" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "gutxi gorabehera ordu %'d" +msgstr[1] "gutxi gorabehera %'d ordu" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Konektatzen…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-en fitxategi-transferentzia" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Saiatu berriro" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Hemendik:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Hona:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s bidaltzen" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Fitxategia bidaltzen: %d / %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "Transferentzia %u osatuta" +msgstr[1] "%u transferentzia osatuta" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Itxi" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Errore bat dago" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Hautatu gailua horra bidaltzeko" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Bidali" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Aukeratu fitxategiak bidaltzeko" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Hautatu" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Urruneko gailua erabiltzeko" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "HELBIDEA" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Urruneko gailuaren izena" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "IZENA" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FITXATEGIA…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "\"%s\" gisa ikusgai" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "1. orria" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "2. orria" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Eginda" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Erabili GPS gailu hau geolokalizazio zerbitzuetarako" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Sarbidetu Internetera telefono mugikorra erabiliz (proba)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' parekatzea bertan behera utzi da" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Berretsi '%s'(e)n bistaratutako PINa honekin bat datorrela." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Sartu honako PINa:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Huts egin du '%s' konfiguratzean" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s'(e)ra konektatzen..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Itxaron '%s? gailua konfiguratu bitartean..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' gailu berria ongi konfiguratu da" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-en gailua berriaren konfigurazioa" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PINaren _aukerak..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Gailuaren bilaketa" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Gailuaren konfigurazioa" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Konfigurazioa amaitzen" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Hautatu zerbitzu gehigarriak zure gailuarekin erabiltzeko:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Konfigurazioaren laburpena" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PINaren aukerak" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_PINaren hautapen automatikoa" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN finkoa" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (aurikular-mikrofono, sagu eta GPS gailu gehienak)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Ez dator bat" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN pertsonalizatua:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Saiatu berriro" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Irten" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Ez dator bat" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Bat dator" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth gailuaren konfigurazioa" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Konfiguratu Bluetooth gailuak" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Konektatzen..." + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Fitxategi-transferentzia" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Fitxategiak Bluetooth bidez bidaltzea" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Piztu Bluetooth-a" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-a: itzali" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Itzali Bluetooth-a" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-a: piztu" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-a: desgaituta" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Deskonektatzen..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Deskonektatu" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Konektatu" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Bidali fitxategiak..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Arakatu fitxategiak..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Araztu" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetooth miniaplikazioa" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Exekutatu '%s --help' komando-lerroko aukera guztiak zerrendatzeko.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth miniaplikazioa" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Sartu aipatutako PINa %s gailuan." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Baimendu sarbidea '%s'-(e)ri" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "%s gailuak sarbidetzea nahi du '%s' zerbitzura." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth gailua" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Sartu PINa" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "%s(r)en parekatzea berresten" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Egiaztatu PINa" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s'-(r)en baimen-eskaera" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Egiaztatu baimena" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-kudeatzailea miniaplikazioa" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth ezarpenak" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-a: egiaztatzen" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Irten" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Bidali fitxategiak gailura..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Konfiguratu gailu berria..." + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Ikusgai" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Beti baimendu sarbidea" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Baimendu" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Ukatu" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Ez datoz bat" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Bat datoz" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Erakutsi sarrera" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Programazioko errorea: ezin izan da gailua zerrendan aurkitu" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push fitxategi-transferentzia ez dago onartuta" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Erakutsi Bluetooth gailuak soilik honekin..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Hautatu gailua arakatzeko" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Arakatu" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Hautatu gailua arakatzeko" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Arakatu fitxategiak gailuan..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Hobespenak" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-a desgaituta dago" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-a hardwarearen kommutadoreagatik desgaituta dago" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Ez da Bluetooth moldagailurik aurkitu" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Ikusgaitasuna" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Arakatu fitxategiak..." + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Huts egin du gailua konfiguratzean" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Sarrera" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Hautatu gailua konfiguratzeko" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Konfigurazioa burututa" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Bluetooth gailu berriaren konfigurazioak ordenagailu honekin " +#~ "konfiguratzeko urratsetan zehar lagunduko dizu." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Gailua ordenagailutik 10 metro baino gertuago egon beharko du, eta " +#~ "“ikusgai” izan beharko du baita ere (batzuetan “aurkigarria” ere deitzen " +#~ "zaio). Begiratu gailuaren eskuliburua zalantzaren bat edukiz gero." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Ongi etorri Bluetooth gailu berria konfiguratzeko morroira" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Exekutatu bakarkako moduan" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin Bluetooth panela" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin Bluetooth panela" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "Ordu %d" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d ordu" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "Minutu %d" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d minutu" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "Segundo %d" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d segundo" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 segundo" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ordenagailua ikusgai dago orain\n" +#~ "%s(r)en Bluetooth-ean." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Huts egin du '%s'(r)ekin parekatzean." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Parekatua" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Arakatu" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Huts egin du gailua konfiguratzean" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Itzuli gailuetara" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Gailuaren konfigurazioa" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Ezarpenak" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Soilik erakutsi:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PINaren aukerak" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Gehitu gailu berria" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Egin ikusgai Bluetooth bidez" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Bidali fitxategia ordenagailutik" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-kudeatzailearen panela" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Ireki teklatuaren hobespenak..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Ireki saguaren hobespenak..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Ireki soinuaren hobespenak..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-a: gaituta" + +#~| msgid "Phone" +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Energia" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" diff --git a/po/fa.po b/po/fa.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ce51ba --- /dev/null +++ b/po/fa.po @@ -0,0 +1,788 @@ +# Persian translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2011 Iranian Free Software Users Group ( team. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Arash Mousavi , 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2017. +# Danial Behzadi , 2014. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-29 19:19+0330\n" +"Last-Translator: Arash Mousavi \n" +"Language-Team: Persian\n" +"Language: fa\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.4\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "برای انتخاب دستگاه کلیک کنید…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_لغو" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_تأیید" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ناشناس" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "هیچ آداپتوری موجود نیست" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "درحال جست‌وجو برای دستگاه‌ها…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "دستگاه" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "نوع" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "دستگاه‌ها" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "همه‌ی دسته‌ها" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "جفت شده" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "مورد اعتماد" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "جفت شده یا قابل اعتماد نیست" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "جفت شده یا قابل اعتماد" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "نمایش:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "دسته‌ی دستگاه:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "برای فیلتر کردن، دسته‌ی دستگاه را انتخاب کنید" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_نوع دستگاه:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "برای فیلتر کردن، نوع دستگاه را انتخاب کنید" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "دستگاه‌های ورودی (موشی‌ها، صفحه‌کلیدها و…)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "هدفون‌ها، هدست‌ها و دستگاه‌های صوتی دیگر" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "تأیید پین بلوتوث" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "لطفا پینی که روی «%s» وارد شده را تأیید کنید." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "تأیید" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the device’s " +"manual." +msgstr "" +"پین بلوتوث برای «%s» را تأیید کنید. این پین معمولاً در راهنمای دستگاه درج " +"می‌شود." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "درحال جفت شدن با «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "لطفاً تأیید کنید که این پین با پین نمایش داده شده روی «%s» منطبق است." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "درخواست جفت کردن بلوتوث فرستاده شد" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "«%s» می‌خواهد با این دستگاه جفت شود. اجازه می‌دهید؟" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "تأیید اتصال بلوتوث" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "دستگاه ‫«%s» می‌خواهد با این دستگاه جفت شود. آیا می‌خواهید اجازه دهید؟" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "لطفا این پین را روی «%s» وارد کنید." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "لطفا این پین را روی «%s» وارد کنید و «Return» را روی صفحه‌کلید بزنید." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"لطفا دسته‌ی iCade خود را در این مسیرها حرکت داده، سپس یکی از دکمه‌های سفید را " +"فشار دهید." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "اجازه" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "رد" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "لغو" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "قبول" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "راه‌اندازی نشده" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "وصل شده" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "قطع شده" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "بله" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "خیر" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred files " +"are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"قابل روئیت با عنوان «%s» و آماده انتقال بلوتوثی پرونده‌ها. پرونده‌های منتقل شده " +"در پوشه بارگیری‌ها قرار می‌گیرند." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "برداشتن «%s» از فهرست دستگاه‌ها؟" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"اگر دستگاه را بردارید، پیش از استفاده‌ی دوباره باید مجدّدا آن را راه‌اندازی کنید." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_برداشتن" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "شما «%s» را از طریق بلوتوث دریافت کردید" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "شما یک پرونده دریافت کردید" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "بازکردن پرونده" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "بازکردن پرونده" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "دریافت پرونده کامل شد" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "انتقال پرونده بوسیله بلوتوث از %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "نپذیرفتن" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "تلفن" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "مودم" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "رایانه" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "شبکه" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "هدست" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "هدفون" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "دستگاه صوتی" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "صفحه‌کلید" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "موشی" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "دوربین" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "چاپگر" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "دسته بازی" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "تبلت" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "دستگاه ویدیویی" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "کنترل از راه دور" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "پویشگر" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "نمایشگر" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "پوشیدنی" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "اسباب‌بازی" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "تمامی انواع" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "اتّصال" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "نشانی" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "تنظیمات _موشی و صفحه‌ی لمسی" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "تنظیمات _صدا" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "تنظیمات ص_فحه‌کلید" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ا_رسال پرونده‌ها…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_برداشتن دستگاه" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "انتقال بلوتوث" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ارسال پرونده‌ها از طریق بلوتوث" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "یک خطای ناشناس رخ داد" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" +"اطمینان حاصل کنید که دستگاه دوردست روشن است و اتصال‌های بلوتوث را می‌پذیرد" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%I'd ثانیه" +msgstr[1] "%I'd ثانیه" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%I'd دقیقه" +msgstr[1] "%I'd دقیقه" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%I'd ساعت" +msgstr[1] "%I'd ساعت" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "حدودا %I'd ساعت" +msgstr[1] "حدودا %I'd ساعت" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "در حال اتّصال…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "انتقال پرونده بلوتوث" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_تلاش مجدد" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "از:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "به:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "درحال ارسال %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "ارسال %Id پرونده از %Id" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%Id کیلوبایت/ثانیه" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%Id بایت/ثانیه" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "انتقال %Iu مورد کامل شد" +msgstr[1] "انتقال‌های %Iu مورد کامل شدند" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_بستن" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "خطایی رخ داد" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "برای ارسال دستگاهی را انتخاب کنید" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "ا_رسال" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "پرونده‌ها را برای ارسال انتخاب کنید" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "انتخاب" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "دستگاه دوردست برای استفاده" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADDRESS" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "اسامی دستگاه‌های دوردست" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FILE…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "قابل مشاهده به عنوان «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "صفحه‌ی ۱" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "صفحه‌ی ۲" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "انجام شد" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "استفاده از این دستگاه جی‌پی‌اس برای سرویس‌های مکان‌یابی جغرافیایی" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "دسترسی به اینترنت از طریق تلفن همراه (آزمایشی)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "جفت شدن با «%s» لغو شد" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "لطفا تایید کنید که PIN نمایش داده شده بر روی «%s» با این یکی مطابقت دارد." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "لطفا PIN مقابل را وارد کنید:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "برپاسازی «%s» شکست خورد" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "درحال اتصال به «%s»..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "لطفا تا زمان پایان برپاسازی بر روی دستگاه «%s» منتظر بمانید..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "دستگاه «%s» با موفقیت برپاسازی شد" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "برپاسازی دستگاه جدید بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_گزینه‌های PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "جستجو دستگاه" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "برپاسازی دستگاه" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "درحال پایان بردن برپاسازی" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "سرویس‌های اضافی که میخواهید همراه با دستگاهتان از آنها استفاده کنید را " +#~ "انتخاب کنید:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "برپاسازی خلاصه" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "گزینه‌های PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_انتخاب خودکار PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "عدد PIN ثابت" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "«0000» (بیشتر هدست‌ها، موشی و دستگاه‌های جی‌پی‌اس)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "جفت نکن" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "رمز PIN سفارشی:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_تلاش مجدد" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_خروج" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "مطابقت ندارد" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "مطابقت‌ها" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "برپاسازی دستگاه بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "دستگاه بلوتوث را برپاسازی کنید" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: خاموش" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "خاموش کردن بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: روشن" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: غیرفعال" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "در حال قطع ارتباط..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "قطع ارتباط" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "مرور پرونده‌ها..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "رفع اشکال" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- برنامک بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "برای نمایش تمام گزینه‌های موجود خط فرمان «%s --help» را اجرا کنید.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "برنامک بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "لطفا PIN مورد اشاره در دستگاه %s را وارد کنید." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "موافقت با دسترسی به «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "دستگاه «%s» می‌خواهد به سرویس «%s» دسترسی داشته باشد." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "دستگاه بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "ورود PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "تصدیق جفت شدن برای «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "تصدیق PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "درخواست تصدیق هویت از «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "بررسی تصدیق هویت" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "برنامک مدیریت بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث: درحال بررسی" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "قابل روئیت" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ارسال پرونده‌ها به دستگاه..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "برپاسازی دستگاه جدید..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "تنظیمات بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "خروج" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_همیشه اجازه دسترسی بده" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_نپذیرفتن" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_موافقت" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_مطابقت ندارد" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_مطابقت‌ها" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_نمایش ورودی" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "انتقال پرونده" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ارسال پرونده‌ها از طریق بلوتوث" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "خطای برنامه‌نویسی: عدم توانایی در پیدا کردن دستگاه در فهرست" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "انتقال پرونده OBEX Push پشتیبانی نمی‌شود" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%Id کیلوبایت/ثانیه" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "تنها نمایش دستگاه‌های بلوتوث با..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "برای مرور دستگاه را انتخاب کنید" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_مرور" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "برای مرور دستگاه را انتخاب کنید" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "مرور پرونده‌های روی دستگاه..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ترجیحات" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث غیرفعال است" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "بلوتوث از طریق کلید فیزیکی غیرفعال است" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "هیچ آداپتور بلوتوثی پیدا نشد" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "قابلیت روئیت" diff --git a/po/fi.po b/po/fi.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c28cd4c --- /dev/null +++ b/po/fi.po @@ -0,0 +1,790 @@ +# Finnish translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007, 2009 Timo Jyrinki +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# +# Note: Gnome Finnish translation team is at +# +# Gnome 2012-03 Finnish translation sprint participants: +# Timo Jyrinki +# Timo Jyrinki , 2007, 2010. +# Tommi Vainikainen , 2009. +# Jiri Grönroos , 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-29 12:17+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Jiri Grönroos \n" +"Language-Team: suomi \n" +"Language: fi\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-09-08 09:16+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n" +"X-POT-Import-Date: 2012-02-19 15:16:02+0000\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Napsauta valitaksesi laitteen…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Peru" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Tuntematon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Sovittimia ei ole saatavilla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Etsitään laitteita…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Laite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tyyppi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Laitteet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Kaikki luokat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Paritettu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Luotettu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ei paritettu eikä luotettu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Paritettu tai luotettu" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Näytä:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Laite_luokka:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Valitse etsittävä laiteluokka" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Laite_tyyppi:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Valitse etsittävä laitetyyppi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Syötelaite (hiiri, näppäimistö jne.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Kuulokkeet, kuulokemikrofonit ja muut äänilaitteet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Vahvista Bluetooth-PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Vahvista laitteelle “%s” syötetty PIN." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Vahvista" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Vahvista Bluetooth-PIN-koodi laitteelle “%s”. Koodi on yleensä mainittu " +"laitteen ohjekirjassa." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Paritetaan “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Vahvista, että seuraava PIN täsmää laitteella “%s” näkyvää PIN-koodia." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth-parituspyyntö" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"“%s” haluaa muodostaa parin tämän laitteen kanssa. Sallitaanko paritus?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Vahvista Bluetooth-yhteys" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"“%s” haluaa muodostaa yhteyden tämän laitteen kanssa. Sallitaanko yhteys?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Syötä seuraava PIN laitteelle “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Syötä seuraava PIN laitteelle “%s” ja paina “Enter”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Liikuta iCaden sauvaohjainta seuraaviin suuntiin. Paina sitten mitä tahansa " +"valkoista painiketta." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Salli" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Hylkää" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Peru" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Hyväksy" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ei asetuksia tehtynä" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Yhdistetty" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Yhteys katkaistu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Kyllä" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ei" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Näkyvissä nimellä “%s” ja käytettävissä Bluetooth-tiedostosiirtoihin. " +"Siirretyt tiedostot sijoitetaan Lataukset-kansioon." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Poistetaanko “%s” laiteluettelosta?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Jos poistat laitteen, sinun tulee määrittää sen asetukset uudelleen ennen " +"seuraavaa käyttökertaa." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Poista" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Vastaanotettiin tiedosto “%s” Bluetoothin kautta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Vastaanotit tiedoston" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Avaa tiedosto" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Näytä tiedosto" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Tiedoston vastaanotto valmistui" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth-tiedostonsiirto lähteestä %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Kieltäydy" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Puhelin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modeemi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Tietokone" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Verkko" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Kuulokemikrofoni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Kuulokkeet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Äänilaite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Näppäimistö" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Hiiri" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Tulostin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Peliohjain" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Piirtopöytä" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videolaite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Kaukosäädin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Kuvanlukija" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Näyttö" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Puettava" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Lelu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Kaikki tyypit" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Yhteys" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Osoite" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Hiiren ja kosketuslevyn asetukset" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Ääniasetukset" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Näppäimistöasetukset" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Lähetä _tiedostoja…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Poista laite" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-siirto" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Lähetä tiedostoja Bluetoothilla" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth" +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Tapahtui tuntematon virhe" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Varmista, että etälaite on kytketty päälle ja hyväksyy Bluetooth-yhteyksiä" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekunti" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekuntia" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuutti" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuuttia" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d tunti" +msgstr[1] "%'d tuntia" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "noin %'d tunti" +msgstr[1] "noin %'d tuntia" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Yhdistetään…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-tiedostonsiirto" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Y_ritä uudelleen" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Lähettäjä:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Vastaanottaja:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Lähetetään %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Lähetetään tiedostoa %d/%d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kt/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d t/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u siirto valmis" +msgstr[1] "%u siirtoa valmiina" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Sulje" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Tapahtui virhe" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Valitse laite jolle lähetetään" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Lähetä" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Valitse lähetettävät tiedostot" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Valitse" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Käytettävä etälaite" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "OSOITE" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Etälaitteen nimi" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NIMI" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[TIEDOSTO…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Näkyy nimellä \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "sivu 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "sivu 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Valmis" + +#, fuzzy +#~| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Syötä seuraava PIN laitteella ”%s”:" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Käytä tätä GPS-laitetta paikannuspalveluihin" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Internetin käyttö matkapuhelimella (testi)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Paritus laitteen ”%s” kanssa peruttiin" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Vahvista, täsmääkö laitteella ”%s” näytetty PIN tähän." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Syötä seuraava PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Laitteen ”%s” asetusten teko epäonnistui" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Yhdistetään laitteeseen ”%s”..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Odota, viimeistellään laitteen ”%s” asetuksia..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Laite ”%s” otettu käyttöön" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Uuden Bluetooth-laitteen käyttöönotto" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN-_valinnat..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Laitteiden haku" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Laiteasetusten teko" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Viimeistellään asetuksia" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Valitse laitteen kanssa käytettävät lisäpalvelut:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Asetusten yhteenveto" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN-valinnat" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Automaattinen PIN-valinta" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Pysyvä PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (useimmat kuulokemikrofonit, hiiret ja GPS-laitteet)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Älä muodosta laiteparia" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Oma PIN-koodi:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Yritä uudelleen" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Lopeta" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Ei täsmää" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Täsmää" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-laitteen asetukset" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Muuta Bluetooth-laitteiden asetuksia" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: pois päältä" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Kytke Bluetooth pois päältä" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: päällä" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: pois käytöstä" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Katkaistaan yhteyttä..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Katkaise" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Selaa tiedostoja..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Virheenjäljitys" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetooth-sovelma" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Suorita ”%s --help” nähdäksesi täyden luettelon saatavilla olevista \n" +#~ "komentorivivalitsimista.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-sovelma" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Syötä laitteella %s mainittu PIN." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Myönnä pääsy palveluun ”%s”?" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Laite %s pyytää pääsyä palveluun ”%s”." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-laite" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Syötä PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Parituspyyntö laitteen ”%s” kanssa" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Vahvista PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Valtuutuspyyntö laitteelta ”%s”" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Tarkista valtuutus" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-hallintasovelma" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: tarkistetaan" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Näkyvä" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Lähetä tiedostoja laitteelle..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Asenna uusi laite..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-asetukset" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Lopeta" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "Myönnä pääsy _aina" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Hylkää" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Myönnä" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Ei täsmää" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "Täs_mää" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "Näytä _syöte" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Tiedostonsiirto" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Lähetetään tiedostoja Bluetoothilla" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Ohjelmointivirhe: laitetta ei löytynyt listalta" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push -tiedostonsiirto ei ole tuettu" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d Kt/s" diff --git a/po/fr.po b/po/fr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6144747 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/fr.po @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +# French translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Claude Paroz , 2009-2017 +# Laurent Coudeur , 2009. +# Bruno Brouard , 2012 +# Alain Lojewski , 2014. +# Claude Paroz , 2015. +# Erwan Georget , 2015. +# +# Sites de référence : +# +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-16 09:18+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Claude Paroz \n" +"Language-Team: GNOME French Team \n" +"Language: fr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Cliquez pour choisir un périphérique…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "A_nnuler" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Valider" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Inconnu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Aucun adaptateur disponible" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Recherche de périphériques…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Périphérique" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Type" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Périphériques" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Toutes les catégories" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Appairé" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De confiance" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Non appairé ou de confiance" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Appairé ou de confiance" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Afficher :" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Catégorie de périphérique :" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Sélectionner la catégorie de périphérique à filtrer" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Type de périphérique :" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Choisir le type de périphérique à filtrer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Périphériques de saisie (souris, claviers, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Écouteurs, casques audio et autres périphériques audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirmer le numéro d'identification personnel du Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Veuillez confirmer le numéro d'identification personnel saisi dans « %s » ." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirmer le numéro d'identification personnel (PIN) de « %s ». Il est " +"normalement indiqué dans le manuel du périphérique." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Appairage de « %s »" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Veuillez confirmer que le numéro d'identification personnel suivant " +"correspond à celui affiché sur « %s »." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Demande d'appairage Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"« %s » souhaite s'appairer à ce périphérique. Autorisez-vous la liaison ?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirmer la connexion Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"« %s » souhaite se connecter à ce périphérique. Autorisez-vous la liaison ?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Veuillez saisir le numéro d'identification personnel suivant sur « %s »." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Saisissez le numéro d'identification personnel ci-après sur « %s ». Appuyez " +"ensuite sur la touche « Entrée » du clavier." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Déplacez le joystick de votre iCade dans les directions suivantes. Appuyez " +"ensuite sur n'importe lequel des boutons blancs." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Autoriser" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Abandonner" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annuler" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Accepter" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Non configuré" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Connecté" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Déconnecté" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Oui" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Non" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visible en tant que « %s » et disponible pour transfert de fichier " +"Bluetooth. Les fichiers transférés sont placés dans le dossier Téléchargements." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Supprimer « %s » de la liste des périphériques ?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Si vous supprimez ce périphérique, vous devrez le reconfigurer à nouveau " +"avant utilisation." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Supprimer" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Vous avez reçu « %s » par Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Vous avez reçu un fichier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Ouvrir le fichier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Révéler le fichier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Réception du fichier terminée" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transfert de fichier par Bluetooth de %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Refuser" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Téléphone" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ordinateur" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Réseau" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Casque audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Écouteurs" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Périphérique audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Clavier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Souris" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Appareil photo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Imprimante" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Manette de jeu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablette" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Périphérique vidéo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Commande à distance" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Écran" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Portable" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Jouet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Tous les types" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connexion" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresse" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres de la s_ouris et du pavé tactile" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres du _son" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres du _clavier" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Envoi de _fichiers…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Supprimer le périphérique" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transfert Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Envoi de fichiers par Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Une erreur inconnue est survenue" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Vérifiez que le périphérique est allumé et qu'il accepte les connexions " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d seconde" +msgstr[1] "%'d secondes" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minute" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutes" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d heure" +msgstr[1] "%'d heures" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "environ %'d heure" +msgstr[1] "environ %'d heures" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Connexion en cours…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transfert de fichier par Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Essayer à nouveau" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De :" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Vers :" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Envoi de %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Envoi du fichier %d sur %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d Ko/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d o/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transfert terminé" +msgstr[1] "%u transferts terminés" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Fermer" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Il y a eu une erreur" + +# Titre de fenêtre +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Choix du périphérique cible" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Envoyer" + +# Titre de fenêtre +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Choix des fichiers à envoyer" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Sélectionner" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Périphérique distant à utiliser" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESSE" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nom du périphérique distant" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOM" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FICHIER…]" diff --git a/po/fur.po b/po/fur.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ec3b114 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/fur.po @@ -0,0 +1,514 @@ +# Friulian translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2013 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Fabio Tomat , 2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-12 20:25+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-13 17:15+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Fabio Tomat \n" +"Language-Team: Friulian \n" +"Language: fur\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "No configurât" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Conession" + +#: lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Associât" + +#: lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipo" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Recapit" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Impostazions Mouse e Touchpad" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Impostazions suns" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Impostazions Tastiere" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Invie _File…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Gjave dispositîf" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Trasferiment Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Invie files vie Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d secont" +msgstr[1] "%'d seconts" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minût" +msgstr[1] "%'d minûts" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ore" +msgstr[1] "%'d oris" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "cirche %'d ore" +msgstr[1] "cirche %'d oris" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u trasferiment completât" +msgstr[1] "%u trasferiments completâts" + +#~ msgid "Click to select device…" +#~ msgstr "Fâs clic par selezionâ il dispositîf…" + +#~ msgid "_Cancel" +#~ msgstr "_Anule" + +#~ msgid "_OK" +#~ msgstr "_OK" + +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "No cognossût" + +#~ msgid "No adapters available" +#~ msgstr "Nissun adatatôr disponibil" + +#~ msgid "Searching for devices…" +#~ msgstr "Daûr a cirî i dispositîfs…" + +#~ msgid "Device" +#~ msgstr "Dispositîf" + +#~ msgid "Devices" +#~ msgstr "Dispositîfs" + +#~ msgid "All categories" +#~ msgstr "Dutis lis categoriis" + +#~ msgid "Trusted" +#~ msgstr "Fidât" + +#~ msgid "Not paired or trusted" +#~ msgstr "No associât o fidât" + +#~ msgid "Paired or trusted" +#~ msgstr "Associât o fidât" + +#~ msgid "Show:" +#~ msgstr "Mostre:" + +#~ msgid "Device _category:" +#~ msgstr "Categorie di dispositif:" + +#~ msgid "Select the device category to filter" +#~ msgstr "Selezione la categorie di device di filtrâ" + +#~ msgid "Device _type:" +#~ msgstr "Tipo di dispositîf:" + +#~ msgid "Select the device type to filter" +#~ msgstr "Selezione il tipo di dispositîf di filtrâ" + +#~ msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +#~ msgstr "Dispositîfs di input (surîs, tastieris, ecc.)" + +#~ msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +#~ msgstr "Cufies, auricolârs o altris dispositîfs audio" + +#~ msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +#~ msgstr "Conferme PIN Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +#~ msgstr "Par plasê conferme il PIN inserît su “%s”." + +#~ msgid "Confirm" +#~ msgstr "Conferme" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +#~ "device’s manual." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Conferme il PIN Bluetooth par “%s”. Chest di solit a si cjate tal manuâl " +#~ "dal dispositîf." + +#~ msgid "Pairing “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Daûr a associâ “%s”" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Par plasê conferme che il PIN a chi al seti compagn di chel mostrât su " +#~ "“%s”." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +#~ msgstr "Richieste di associazion Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "“%s” al domande di associâsi cun chest dispositîf. Permeti la associazion?" + +#~ msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +#~ msgstr "Conferme conession Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "“%s” al domande di conetisi cun chest dispositîf. Permeti la conession?" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +#~ msgstr "Par plasê scrîf chest PIN su “%s”." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the " +#~ "keyboard." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Par plasê scrîf chest PIN su “%s” e dopo frache “Invie” su la tastiere." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +#~ "press any of the white buttons." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Par plasê môf il joystick dal to iCade in tes direzions chi sot. Dopo " +#~ "frache cualsisei boton blanc." + +#~ msgid "Allow" +#~ msgstr "Permeti" + +#~ msgid "Dismiss" +#~ msgstr "Declinâ" + +#~ msgid "Cancel" +#~ msgstr "Anule" + +#~ msgid "Accept" +#~ msgstr "Acetâ" + +#~ msgid "Connected" +#~ msgstr "Conetût" + +#~ msgid "Disconnected" +#~ msgstr "No conetût" + +#~ msgid "Yes" +#~ msgstr "Sì" + +#~ msgid "No" +#~ msgstr "No" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +#~ "files are placed in the Downloads folder." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Visibil come \"%s\" e disponibil par passâ file vie Bluetooth. I file " +#~ "trasferîts a vegnin metûts in te cartele Scjariâts." + +#~ msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +#~ msgstr "Gjavâ “%s” de liste dai dispositîfs?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next " +#~ "use." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Se tu gjavis il dispositîf tu varâs di configurâlu di gnûf prime di " +#~ "doprâlu la prossime volte." + +#~ msgid "_Remove" +#~ msgstr "_Gjave" + +#~ msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Si à ricevût “%s” vie Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "You received a file" +#~ msgstr "Tu âs ricevût un file" + +#~ msgid "Open File" +#~ msgstr "Vierç file" + +#~ msgid "Reveal File" +#~ msgstr "Mostre file" + +#~ msgid "File reception complete" +#~ msgstr "Ricezion file completade" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +#~ msgstr "Trasferiment file Bluetooth da %s" + +#~ msgid "Decline" +#~ msgstr "Decline" + +#~ msgid "Phone" +#~ msgstr "Telefonos" + +#~ msgid "Modem" +#~ msgstr "Modem" + +#~ msgid "Computer" +#~ msgstr "Computer" + +#~ msgid "Network" +#~ msgstr "Rêt" + +#~ msgid "Headset" +#~ msgstr "Cufies" + +#~ msgid "Headphones" +#~ msgstr "Auricolârs" + +#~ msgid "Audio device" +#~ msgstr "Dispositîfs audio" + +#~ msgid "Keyboard" +#~ msgstr "Tastieris" + +#~ msgid "Mouse" +#~ msgstr "Surîs" + +#~ msgid "Camera" +#~ msgstr "Machine fotografiche" + +#~ msgid "Printer" +#~ msgstr "Stampant" + +#~ msgid "Joypad" +#~ msgstr "Joypad" + +#~ msgid "Tablet" +#~ msgstr "Tablet" + +#~ msgid "Video device" +#~ msgstr "Dispositf video" + +#~ msgid "Remote control" +#~ msgstr "Control rimot" + +#~ msgid "Scanner" +#~ msgstr "Scanner" + +#~ msgid "Display" +#~ msgstr "Visôr" + +#~ msgid "Wearable" +#~ msgstr "Di meti intor" + +#~ msgid "Toy" +#~ msgstr "Zûc" + +#~ msgid "All types" +#~ msgstr "Ducj i tipos" + +#~ msgid "An unknown error occurred" +#~ msgstr "Si è verificât un erôr no congossût" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Sigurâsi che il dispositîf rimot al sedi piât e che al aceti lis " +#~ "conessions Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Connecting…" +#~ msgstr "Daûr a coneti…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Trasferiment File Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "_Retry" +#~ msgstr "_Riprove" + +#~ msgid "From:" +#~ msgstr "Da:" + +#~ msgid "To:" +#~ msgstr "A:" + +#~ msgid "Sending %s" +#~ msgstr "Inviant %s" + +#~ msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +#~ msgstr "Inviant il file %d di %d" + +#~ msgid "%d kB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#~ msgid "%d B/s" +#~ msgstr "%d B/s" + +#~ msgid "_Close" +#~ msgstr "_Siere" + +#~ msgid "There was an error" +#~ msgstr "Al è vignût fûr un erôr" + +#~ msgid "Select device to send to" +#~ msgstr "Selezione il dispositîf a cui inviâ" + +#~ msgid "_Send" +#~ msgstr "_Invie" + +#~ msgid "Choose files to send" +#~ msgstr "Selezione file di inviâ" + +#~ msgid "Select" +#~ msgstr "Selezione" + +#~ msgid "Remote device to use" +#~ msgstr "Dispositîf rimot di doprâ" + +#~ msgid "ADDRESS" +#~ msgstr "RECAPIT" + +#~ msgid "Remote device’s name" +#~ msgstr "Non dal dispositîf rimot" + +#~ msgid "NAME" +#~ msgstr "NON" + +#~ msgid "[FILE…]" +#~ msgstr "[FILE…]" + +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Daûr a cirî dispositîfs..." + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visibil come \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pagjine 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pagjine 2" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Dopre chest dispositîf GPS par il servizi di localizazion geografiche" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Vâ in Internet doprant il to telefono celulâr (in prove)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Par plasê scrîf il PIN che al è chi sot:" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "O stoi conetint a '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Par plasê spiete intant che a si finis di installâ il dispositîf '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Gnûf dispositîf '%s' installât cun sucès" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Installazion Gnûf Dispositîf Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opzions PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Cîr Dispositîf" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Installazion dispositîf" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "O stoi finint di installâ" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Selezione i servizis adizionai che tu vuelis doprâ cun il to dispositîf:" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opzions PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "selezion _automatiche PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN fìs" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (la plui part dis cufiis, surîs e dispositîfs GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "No sta associâ" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN personalizât:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Riprove" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Jes" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "A nol corispuint" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Al corispuint" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Installazion Dispositîf Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Installe Dispositîf Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Trasferìs file" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Inviant file vie Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/fy.po b/po/fy.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e3a2a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/fy.po @@ -0,0 +1,687 @@ +# Frisian translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2008 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2008 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2008. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-29 14:31+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-24 16:22+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Jaap Haitsma \n" +"Language-Team: Frisian \n" +"Language: fy\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:82 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alle typen" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:84 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Tillefoan" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:86 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:88 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Kompjûter" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:90 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Netwurk" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:92 ../wizard/main.c:326 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:94 +msgid "Headphone" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:96 ../wizard/main.c:311 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Toetseboerd" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:98 ../wizard/main.c:306 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mûs" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:100 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:102 ../wizard/main.c:321 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Ofdrukker" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:104 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:106 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:108 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Unbekend" + +#: ../common/helper.c:162 +msgid "Select Device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/helper.c:222 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:123 +msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:126 ../analyzer/dialog.c:128 +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "" +"Launchpad Contributions:\n" +" Jaap Haitsma" + +#: ../applet/main.c:177 ../applet/main.c:232 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:242 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:250 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:373 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:258 +msgid "Authentication request" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:286 ../applet/agent.c:395 +msgid "Pairing request for device:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:303 +msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:327 +msgid "Show input" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +msgid "Confirmation request" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:412 +msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:456 +msgid "Authorization request" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:482 +msgid "Authorization request for device:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:503 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:512 +msgid "Always grant access" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:586 ../applet/agent.c:633 ../applet/agent.c:683 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:590 ../applet/agent.c:637 ../applet/agent.c:687 +#: ../applet/agent.c:736 ../applet/agent.c:781 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Bluetooth apparaat" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:591 +msgid "Enter PIN code" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:638 ../applet/agent.c:688 +msgid "Enter passkey" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:732 +#, c-format +msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:737 +msgid "Confirm passkey" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request for %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:782 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:63 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:94 +msgid "General" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:131 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:172 +msgid "File transfer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:176 +msgid "Receive files from remote devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:184 +msgid "Share files from public folder" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:195 +msgid "Notification area" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:199 +msgid "Never display icon" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:206 +msgid "Only display when adapter present" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:213 +msgid "Always display icon" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:99 +msgid "Adapter" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:174 +msgid "always" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:176 +msgid "hidden" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "%'g minute" +msgid_plural "%'g minutes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:477 +msgid "Visibility setting" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:490 +msgid "Hidden" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:502 +msgid "Always visible" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:514 +msgid "Temporary visible" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:566 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:587 +msgid "Known devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/dialog.c:41 +msgid "Remove from list of known devices?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/dialog.c:42 +msgid "" +"If you delete the device, you have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "" +"Display options for the notification icon. Valid options are \"never\", " +"\"present\" and \"always\"." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If Bluetooth file sharing is enabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If receiving of remote files via Bluetooth is enabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "" +"If the service for receiving remote files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If the service for sharing files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "When to show the notification icon" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:75 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN code: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:94 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following passkey: %s%s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s canceled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:118 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s finished" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully paired with %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:159 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:193 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to %s now ..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:264 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:265 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth device setup wizard" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:268 +msgid "" +"The device wizard will walk you through the process of configuring Bluetooth " +"enabled devices for use with this computer.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:303 +msgid "Device type" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:304 +msgid "Select the type of device you want to setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:316 +msgid "Mobile phone" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:331 +msgid "Any device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:392 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:393 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:428 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:429 +msgid "Setting up new device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:451 +msgid "Summary" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:452 +msgid "Succesfully configured new device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:462 +msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:93 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:98 ../sendto/main.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:119 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:145 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:174 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:190 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:206 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:254 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:261 ../sendto/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:322 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:324 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:373 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:383 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:554 ../browse/main.c:38 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:166 +msgid "Saving of protocol trace failed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:313 +msgid "Loading Trace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:317 +msgid "Live Import" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:321 +msgid "Protocol Trace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:326 +msgid "Unsaved" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:609 +msgid "Can't live import from" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:842 ../analyzer/main.c:1032 ../analyzer/dialog.c:102 +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Bluetooth Analyzer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:856 +msgid "_File" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:886 +msgid "Open _Recent" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:933 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:942 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:947 +msgid "_Full Screen" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:954 +msgid "_Tools" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:959 +msgid "_Debug Packet List" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:968 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:140 +msgid "All Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:145 +msgid "Supported Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:154 +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:160 +msgid "Apple Packet Logger Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:175 +msgid "By Extension" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:180 +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Format" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:185 +msgid "Apple Packet Logger Format" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:249 +msgid "Select File _Type" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:292 +msgid "File Type" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:297 +msgid "Extensions" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:331 +msgid "Save File" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:373 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:455 +msgid "Local connection" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:463 +msgid "Remote connection" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:497 +msgid "Open Import" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:537 +msgid "Save the protocol trace before closing?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:538 +msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:546 +msgid "Close _without Saving" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:576 +msgid "There is" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:576 +msgid "There are" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:577 +msgid "unsaved protocol trace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:578 +msgid "unsaved protocol traces." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:579 +msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:589 +msgid "_Discard Changes" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:250 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Type" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:258 +msgid "Packet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:267 +msgid "Timestamp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Analyze Bluetooth traces" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Apple Packet Logger File" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop File" +msgstr "" diff --git a/po/ga.po b/po/ga.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4641a3d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ga.po @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +# Irish translations for gnome-bluetooth package. +# Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Seán de Búrca , 2009-2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2013-09-03 19:40-0600\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2013-09-03 19:52-0600\n" +"Last-Translator: Seán de Búrca \n" +"Language-Team: Irish \n" +"Language: ga\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=5; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n==2 ? 1 : n<7 ? 2 : n<11 ? 3 : " +"4;\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Cliceáil chun gléas a roghnú..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Anaithnid" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Níl aon chuibhneoir ar fáil" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Gléasanna á gcuardach..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Gléas" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Cineál" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Gléasanna" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Gach catagóir" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Iontaofa" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Taispeáin:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Catagóir ghléis:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Roghnaigh an catagóir ghléis le scagadh" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "C_ineál gléis:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Roghnaigh an cineál gléis le scagadh" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Gléasanna ionchuir (lucha, méarchláir, srl.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Cluasáin, gléasanna cinn agus gléasanna fuaime eile" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Gach cineál" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Fón" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Móideim" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ríomhaire" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Líonra" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Gléas cinn" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Cluasáin" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Gléas fuaime" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Méarchlár" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Luch" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Ceamara" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Printéir" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Ceap stiúrtha" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Táibléad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Gléas físe" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:217 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:221 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:226 +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:284 ../wizard/main.c:422 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:394 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:480 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:540 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:605 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:623 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Socrú Gléis Nua Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "_Roghanna UAP..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "Device Search" +msgstr "Cuardach Gléis" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Socrú Gléis" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Finishing Setup" +msgstr "Socrú á Chriochnú" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Setup Summary" +msgstr "Achoimre Socraithe" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "Roghanna UAP" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "Roghnú _uathoibríoch UAP" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "UAP Socraithe" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (an chuid is mó de ghléasanna cinn, lucha agus ghléasanna GPS)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "UAP saincheaptha:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "_Try Again" +msgstr "_Bain Triail Eile As" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "_Scoir" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cealaigh" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Socrú Gléis Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Socraigh gléasanna Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:338 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d soicind" +msgstr[1] "%'d shoicind" +msgstr[2] "%'d shoicind" +msgstr[3] "%'d soicind" +msgstr[4] "%'d soicind" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:356 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%d nóiméad" +msgstr[1] "%d nóiméad" +msgstr[2] "%d nóiméad" +msgstr[3] "%d nóiméad" +msgstr[4] "%d nóiméad" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:354 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d uair" +msgstr[1] "%'d uair" +msgstr[2] "%'d uaire" +msgstr[3] "%'d n-uaire" +msgstr[4] "%'d uair" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:364 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "timpeall is %'d uair" +msgstr[1] "timpeall is %'d uair" +msgstr[2] "timpeall is %'d uaire" +msgstr[3] "timpeall is %'d n-uaire" +msgstr[4] "timpeall is %'d uair" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:377 ../sendto/main.c:479 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Á Nasc..." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Aistriú Comhaid Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:427 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Atriail" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:449 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Ó:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:463 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Chuig:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:508 ../sendto/main.c:526 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Tharla earráid anaithnid" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:591 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s á sheoladh" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:598 ../sendto/main.c:647 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Comhad %d as %d á sheoladh" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:643 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:675 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[2] "" +msgstr[3] "" +msgstr[4] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:689 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:725 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:730 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Seol" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:774 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:777 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Roghnaigh" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:803 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:803 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "SEOLADH" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:805 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:805 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "AINM" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:824 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[COMHAD...]" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Aistriú Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Seol comhaid trí Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/gd.po b/po/gd.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..771c0c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/gd.po @@ -0,0 +1,581 @@ +# Scottish Gaelic translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2014 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# GunChleoc , 2014, 2015, 2018. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"=gnome-bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 17:33+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-01 11:45+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: GunChleoc \n" +"Language-Team: Fòram na Gàidhlig\n" +"Language: gd\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : " +"(n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Briog gus uidheam a thaghadh…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Sguir dheth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Ceart ma-tha" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Chan eil fhios" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Chan eil freagarraichear ri làimh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "A’ sireadh uidheaman…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Uidheam" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Seòrsa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Uidheaman" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Na h-uile roinn-seòrsa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Paidhrichte" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Earbsach" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Chan eil e paidhrichte no earbsach" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Paidhrichte no earbsach" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Seall:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Roinn-Seòrsa an uidheim:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Tagh roinn-seòrsa an uidheim airson a chriathradh" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Seòrsa an uidheim:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Tagh seòrsa an uidheim airson a chriathradh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Uidheaman ion-chuir (luchagan, meur-chlàran agus msaa.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Headphones, headsets agus uidheaman fuaime eile" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Dearbhaich PIN a’ Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Dearbhaidh a’ PIN a chaidh a chur a-steach air “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Dearbhaich" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Dearbhaich PIN a’ Bluetooth airson “%s”. Lorgaidh tu seo ann an " +"leabhar-mìneachaidh an uidheim mar as trice." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "A’ paidhreachadh “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Dearbhaich gum freagair a’ PIN a leanas ris an fhear a chì thu air “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Iarrtas paidhreachaidh Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"Tha “%s” airson paidhreachadh ris an uidheam seo. A bheil thu airson cead a " +"thoirt dhan phaidhreachadh?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Dearbhaich ceangal Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"Tha “%s” airson ceangal ris an uidheam seo. A bheil thu airson cead a thoirt " +"dha?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Cuir a-steach a’ PIN a leanas air “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Cuir a-steach a’ PIN a leanas air “%s”. Brùth air “Enter” air a’ mheur-chlàr " +"an uairsin." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Cluais joystick an iCade agas ris a’ chaochladh comhair a leanas. Brùth air " +"gin dhe na putanan geala an uairsin." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Ceadaich" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Leig seachad" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Sguir dheth" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Gabh ris" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Gun rèiteachadh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Ceangailte" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Gun cheangal" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Tha" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Chan eil" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Chì thu mar “%s” e is bidh e ri fhaighinn airson ar-chuir fhaidhlichean le " +"Bluetooth. Thèid faidhlichean air an tar-chur a chur dhan phasgan Luchdaidhean a-nuas." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "A bheil thu airson “%s” a thoirt air falbh o liosta nan uidheaman?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ma bheir thu an t-uidheam air falbh, feumaidh tu a rèiteachadh às ùr mus " +"cleachd thu a-rithist e." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "Thoi_r air falbh" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Fhuair thu “%s” slighe Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Fhuair thu faidhle" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Fosgail am faidhle" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Nochd am faidhle" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Chaidh faighinn an fhaidhle a choileanadh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Tar-chur fhaidhlichean Bluetooth o %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Diùlt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Fòn" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Mòdam" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Coimpiutair" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Lìonra" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Headset" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Headphones" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Uidheam fuaime" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Meur-chlàr" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Luchag" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Camara" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Clò-bhualadair" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablaid" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Uidheam video" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Inneal-smachd cèin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Sganair" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Sgrìn" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Rud airson cur ort" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Dèideag" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Na h-uile seòrsa" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Ceangal" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Seòladh" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Roghainnean _luchaige ⁊ pada-suathaidh" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Roghainnean _fuaime" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Roghainnean a’ _mheur-chlàir" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Cuir _faidhlichean…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Thoi_r uidheam air falbh" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Tar-chur Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Cuir faidhlichean le Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Thachair mearachd neo-aithnichte" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Dèan cinnteach gun deach an t-uidheam cèin a chur air is gun gabh e ri " +"ceanglaichean Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d diog" +msgstr[1] "%'d dhiog" +msgstr[2] "%'d diogan" +msgstr[3] "%'d diog" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d mhionaid" +msgstr[1] "%'d mhionaid" +msgstr[2] "%'d mionaidean" +msgstr[3] "%'d mionaid" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d uair a thìde" +msgstr[1] "%'d uair a thìde" +msgstr[2] "%'d uairean a thìde" +msgstr[3] "%'d uair a thìde" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "mu %'d uair a thìde" +msgstr[1] "mu %'d uair a thìde" +msgstr[2] "mu %'d uairean a thìde" +msgstr[3] "mu %'d uair a thìde" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "’Ga cheangal…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Tar-chur fhaidhlichean Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Feuch ris a-rithist" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "O:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Gu:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "A’ cur %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "A’ cur faidhle %d à %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u tar-chur coileanta" +msgstr[1] "%u thar-chur coileanta" +msgstr[2] "%u tar-chuir coileanta" +msgstr[3] "%u tar-chur coileanta" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Dùin" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Thachair mearachd" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Tagh uidheam gus a chur thuige" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Cuir" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Tagh faidhlichean airson an cur" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Tagh" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "An t-uidheam cèin a thèid a chleachdadh" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "SEÒLADH" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Ainm an uidheim chèin" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "AINM" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FAIDHLE…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Nochdaidh e mar \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "duilleag 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "duilleag 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Dèanta" diff --git a/po/gl.po b/po/gl.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6871b7e --- /dev/null +++ b/po/gl.po @@ -0,0 +1,773 @@ +# Galician translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2010 Fran Diéguez +# Proxecto Trasno - Adaptación do software libre á lingua galega: Se desexas +# colaborar connosco, podes atopar máis información en +# Antón Méixome , 2009. +# Antón Méixome , 2010. +# Fran Diéguez , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. +# Leandro Regueiro , 2012. +# Fran Dieguez , 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth-master-po-gl-18070.merged\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-15 12:52+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-05-10 00:27+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: marcos \n" +"Language-Team: Galician\n" +"Language: gl\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.6\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Prema para seleccionar o dispositivo…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancelar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Aceptar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Descoñecido" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Non hai ningún adaptador dispoñíbel" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Buscando dispositivos…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivos" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Todas as categorías" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Emparellado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De confianza" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Non está emparellado ou non é de confianza" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Emparellado ou de confianza" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Mostrar:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Categoría do _dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Seleccione a categoría de dispositivo para filtrar" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipo de dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Seleccione o tipo de dispositivo para filtrar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositivos de entrada (ratos, teclados, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Auriculares e outros dispositivos de son" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirmar PIN do Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirme o PIN que foi escrito en «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirmar o PIN de Bluetooth para «%s». Isto pode atoparse normalmente no " +"manual do dispositivo." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Emparellando «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirme que o PIN coincide co que se mostra no dispositivo «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Solicitude de emparellado de Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"«%s» quere emparellarse con este computador. Desexa permitir o emparellado?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirmar conexión de Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "«%s» quere conectarse con este dispositivo. Desexa permitilo?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Escriba o seguinte PIN en «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Escriba o seguinte PIN en «%s». Logo prema «Intro» no teclado." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Mova o joystick do seu iCade nas seguintes direccións. Logo prema calquera " +"botón branco." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permitir" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Rexeitar" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Aceptar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Sen configurar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Conectado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconectado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Si" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Non" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visíbel como «%s» e dispoñíbel para as transferencias de ficheiros por " +"Bluetooth. Os ficheiros transferidos gardaranse no cartafol Descargas." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Desexa retirar «%s» da lista de dispositivos?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Se retira o dispositivo, deberá configuralo de novo antes de usalo a " +"seguinte vez." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Retirar" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Recibiu «%s» por Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Recibiu un ficheiro" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Abrir ficheiro" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Mostrar ficheiro" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Recepción de ficheiro completada" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferencia de ficheiro por Bluetooth desde %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Rexeitar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Teléfono" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Módem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Computador" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rede" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Auriculares" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Auriculares" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de son" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teclado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Rato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Cámara" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Impresora" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tableta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de vídeo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Control remoto" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Escaner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Pantalla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Vestíbel" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Xoguete" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Todos os tipos" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Conexión" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Enderezo" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Preferencias do _rato e área táctil" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Preferencias de _son" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Preferencias do _teclado" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Enviar _ficheiros…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Retirar dispositivo" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferencia por Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Enviando ficheiros a través de Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Produciuse un erro descoñecido" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Asegúrese de que o dispositivo remoto está acendido e que acepta conexións " +"de Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segundo" +msgstr[1] "%'d segundos" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuto" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutos" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d horas" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadamente %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadamente %'d horas" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Conectando…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferencia de ficheiro por Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Reintentar" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Desde:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Para:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Enviando %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Enviando ficheiro %d de %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transferencia completada" +msgstr[1] "%u transferencias completadas" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Pechar" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Produciuse un erro" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Seleccionar o dispositivo ao que enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Elixa os ficheiros para enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seleccionar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositivo remoto a empregar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ENDEREZO" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nome do dispositivo remoto" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOME" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FICHEIRO...]" + +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Buscando dispositivos…" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visíbel como «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "páxina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "páxina 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Feito" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Escriba o seguinte PIN en «Foobar»:" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN code entered on '%s':" +#~ msgstr "Escriba o PIN escrito no dispositivo «%s»:" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Coincide" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one:" +#~ msgstr "Confirme que o PIN mostrado en «%s» coincide con este:" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that you want to pair with '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirme que quere emparellarse con «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Use un dispositivo GPS para os servizos de xeolocalización" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Acceder á Internet usando o seu teléfono móbil (test)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Emparellamento con «%s» cancelado" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Insira o seguinte PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "A configuración de «%s» fallou" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Conectando con «%s» …" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Agarde mentres se remata de configurar o dispositivo «%s»…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Configuración correcta do novo dispositivo «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración do novo dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opcións do PIN…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Buscar dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración do dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Rematando a configuración" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Seleccione os servizos adicionais que quere usar co seu dispositivo:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Resumo da instalación" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opcións do PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "Selección de PIN _automática" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN estabelecido" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (a maioría dos auriculares, ratos e dispositivos GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "«1111»" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "«1234»" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Non emparella" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Código PIN personalizado:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Tentar de novo" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Saír" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Non coincide" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuración de dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Configurar dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Transferencia de ficheiro" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Enviando ficheiros por Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: desactivado" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Desactivar o Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: activado" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: desactivado" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Desconectando…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Desconectar" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Explorar os ficheiros…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Depurar" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Miniaplicativo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Execute «%s --help» para ver a lista completa de opcións de liña de ordes " +#~ "dispoñíbeis.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicativo de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Permitirlle o acceso a «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "O dispositivo %s quere acceder ao servizo «%s»." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Introducir PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirmación de emparellamento de «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Comprobar PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Solicitude de autorización de %s" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Comprobar autorización" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicativo de xestión de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: comprobando" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Visíbel" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Enviar ficheiros ao dispositivo…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurar un novo dispositivo…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Preferencias de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Saír" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Permitir o acceso sempre" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Rexeitar" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Permitir" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Non coincide" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Coincide" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Mostrar a entrada" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Produciuse un erro de programación: non foi posíbel atopar o dispositivo " +#~ "na lista" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "A transferencia de ficheiro OBEX Push non é compatíbel" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: (OBEX Push)" diff --git a/po/gu.po b/po/gu.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a7ce8cf --- /dev/null +++ b/po/gu.po @@ -0,0 +1,938 @@ +# translation of gu.po to Gujarati +# Gujarati translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Sweta Kothari , 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gu\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"cgi?product=gnome-bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-26 18:03+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-01 11:10+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: \n" +"Language-Team: American English \n" +"Language: gu\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +#| msgid "Click to select device..." +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "ઉપકરણને પસંદ કરવા માટે ક્લિક કરો..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "રદ કરો (_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "બરાબર (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "અજ્ઞાત" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "એડપ્ટરો ઉપલ્બધ નથી" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +#| msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "ઉપકરણો માટે શોધી રહ્યા છે..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ઉપકરણ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "પ્રકાર" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ઉપકરણો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "બધા વર્ગો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "જોડી" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "વિશ્ર્વાસપાત્ર" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "જોડેલ કે વિશ્ર્વાસુ નથી" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "જોડેલ અથવા વિશ્ર્વાસુ" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "બતાવો:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ઉપકરણ વર્ગ (_c):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "ગાળણ કરવા માટે ઉપકરણ વર્ગને પસંદ કરો" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ઉપકરણ પ્રકાર (_t):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ગાળણ કરવા માટે ઉપકરણને પસંદ કરો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ઇનપુટ ઉપકરણો (માઉસો, કિબોર્ડો, વગેરે...)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "હેડફોનો, હેન્ડસેટો અને બીજા ઓડિયો ઉપકરણો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +#| msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "બ્લુટુથ PIN ખાતરી કરો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને PIN દાખલ કરો કે જે '%s' પર દાખલ થયેલ હતી." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "ખાતરી કરો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"'%s' માટે બ્લુટુથ PIN ની ખાતરી કરો. આ સામાન્ય રીતે ઉપકરણની પુસ્તિકામાં શોધી શકાય " +"છે." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "જોડી '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને ખાતરી કરો કે ક્યાંતો PIN એ %s પર એક બંધબેસતુ છે." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "બ્લુટુથ જોડી સૂચના" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"'%s' એ આ ઉપકરણ સાથે જોડી કરવા માંગે છે. શું તમે જોડી કરવા પરવાનગી આપવા માંગો છો?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને '%s' પર નીચેની PIN દાખલ કરો:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"મહેરબાની કરીને '%s' પર નીચેની PIN દાખલ કરો અને પછી કિબોર્ડ પર “પાછા જાવો” ને દબાવો." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +#| msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"મહેરબાની કરીને નીચેની દિશાઓમાં તમારી iCade ની જોયસ્ટિકને ખસેડો. પછી કોઇપણ સફેદ " +"બટનોનાં કોઇપણને દબાવો." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "પરવાનગી આપો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "કાઢી નાંખવુ" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +#| msgid "_Cancel" +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "રદ કરો" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "સ્વીકારો" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "સુયોજિત નથી" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "જોડાયેલ છે" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "જોડાયેલ નથી" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "હાં" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "ના" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” તરીકે દૃશ્યમાન" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ઉપકરણોની યાદીમાંથી '%s' દૂર કરો?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"જો તમે ઉપકરણને કાઢતા હોય તો, તમારે તેને પછી વાપરતા પહેલા ફરીથી સુયોજિત કરવુ જ પડશે." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "દૂર કરો (_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "બધા પ્રકારો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ફોન" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "મોડેમ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "કમ્પ્યૂટર" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "નેટવર્ક" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "હેન્ડસેટ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "હેડફોનો" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ઓડિયો ઉપકરણ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "કિબોર્ડ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "માઉસ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "કેમેરા" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "પ્રિન્ટર" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "જોયપેડ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ટેબલેટ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "વિડિયો ઉપકરણ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "દૂરસ્થ નિયંત્રણ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "સ્કેનર" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "દર્શાવ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "પહેરી શકાય તેવું" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +#| msgid "To:" +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "રમકડુ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "Connect" +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "જોડાણ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "પાનું 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "પાનું 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "સરનામું" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +#| msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "માઉસ અને ટપપૅડ સુયોજનો (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +#| msgid "Sound Settings" +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "સાઉન્ડ સુયોજનો (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +#| msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "કિબોર્ડ સુયોજનો (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +#| msgid "Send files..." +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ફાઇલોને મોકલો (_F)..." + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +#| msgid "_Remove" +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "ઉપકરણ દૂર કરો (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "બ્લુટુથ પરિવહન" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "બ્લુટુથ મારફતે ફાઇલોને મોકલો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "અજ્ઞાત ભૂલ ઉદ્ભવી" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d સેકંડ" +msgstr[1] "%'d સેકંડો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d મિનિટ" +msgstr[1] "%'d મિનિટો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d કલાક" +msgstr[1] "%'d કલાકો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "આશરે %'d કલાક" +msgstr[1] "આશરે %'d કલાકો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +#| msgid "Connecting..." +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "જોડાઇ રહ્યા છે..." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "બ્લુટુથ ફાઇલ પરિવહન" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "પુન:પ્રયત્ન કરો (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "માથી:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "થી:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s ને મોકલી રહ્યા છે" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d ની ફાઇલ %d ને મોકલી રહ્યા છે" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u સ્થળાંતર સમાપ્ત" +msgstr[1] "%u સ્થળાંતર સમાપ્ત" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "બંધ કરો (_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "ત્યાં ભૂલ હતી" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "મોકલવા માટે ઉપકરણને પસંદ કરો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "મોકલો (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "મોકલવા માટે ફાઇલોને પસંદ કરો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "પસંદ કરો" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "વાપરવા માટે દૂરસ્થ ઉપકરણ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADDRESS" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "દૂરસ્થ ઉપકરણનું નામ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FILE...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Geolocation સેવાઓ માટે આ GPS ઉપકરણને વાપરો" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "તમારા મોબાઇલ ફોનની મદદથી ઇન્ટરનેટમાં પ્રવેશ કરો (ચકાસણી)" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ ને ચાલુ કરો" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ: બંધ" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથને બંધ કરો" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ: ચાલુ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ: નિષ્ક્રિય થયેલ છે" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "જોડાણને તોડી રહ્યા છે..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "જોડાણ તોડો" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "ફાઇલોને બ્રાઉઝ કરો..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "ડિબગ" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- બ્લુટુથ એપલેટ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "ઉપલ્બધ આદેશ વાક્ય વિકલ્પોની સંપૂર્ણ યાદી ને જોવા માટે '%s --help' ને ચલાવો.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ એપલેટ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને ઉપકરણ %s પર ઉલ્લેખ થયેલ PIN દાખલ કરો." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' માં પ્રવેશવા માટે મંજૂરી આપો" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણ %s એ સેવા '%s' માં દાખલ થવાની ઇચ્છા રાખે છે." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ ઉપકરણ" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN દાખલ કરો" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "%s માટે જોડી કરવા માટેની ખાતરી" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN ને ચકાસો" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' માંથી સત્તાધિકરણ સૂચના" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "સત્તાધિકરણને ચકાસો" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ વ્યવસ્થાપક એપલેટ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ: ચકાસી રહ્યા છે" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "દૃશ્યમાન" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણમાં ફાઇલોને મોકલો..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "નવાં ઉપકરણને સુયોજિત કરો..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ સુયોજનો" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "બહાર નીકળો" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "હંમેશા પ્રવેશવા મંજૂરી આપો (_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "કાઢી નાંખો (_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "સંમતિ આપો (_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "બંધબેસતુ નથી (_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "બંધબેસે છે (_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "ઇનપુટને બતાવો (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' સાથે જોડી કરવાનું રદ કરેલ છે" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને ખાતરી કરો કે જે '%s' પર દર્શાવેલ : એ આ એક ને બંધબેસે છે." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને નીચેની PIN દાખલ કરો:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' સાથે સુયોજન કરવાનું નિષ્ફળ" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' માં જોડાઇ રહ્યા છે..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "મહેરબાની કરીને થોભો જ્યારે ઉપકરણ '%s' પર સુયોજનને સમાપ્ત કરી રહ્યા હોય..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "સફળતાપૂર્વક સુયોજિત નવું ઉપકરણ '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ નવું ઉપકરણ સુયોજન" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN વિકલ્પો (_o)..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણ શોધ" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણ સુયોજન" + +#~| msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "સુયોજનને સમાપ્ત કરી રહ્યા છે" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "તમારા ઉપકરણ સાથે તમે વાપરવા માંગતા હોય તેવી વધારાની સેવાઓને પસંદ કરો:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "સુયોજન સારાંશ" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN વિકલ્પો" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "આપમેળે PIN પસંદગી (_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "સુધારેલ PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (મોટેભાગે હેન્ડસેટો, માઉસો અને GPS ઉપકરણો)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "જોડી બનાવો નહિં" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "વૈવિધ્ય PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "ફરીથી પ્રયત્ન કરો (_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "બહાર નીકળો (_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "બંધબેસતુ નથી" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "બંધબેસે છે" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ ઉપકરણ સુયોજન" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ ઉપકરણોનું સુયોજન" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "ફાઇલ સ્થળાંતર" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ મારફતે ફાઇલોને મોકલી રહ્યા છે" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "ખાતરી કરો કે દૂરસ્થ ઉપકરણની સ્વીચ ચાલુ હોય અને તે બ્લુટુથ જોડાણોને સ્વીકારે છે" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "પ્રોગ્રામીંગ ભૂલ:યાદીમાં ઉપકરણને શોધી શક્યા નહિં" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push ફાઇલ પરિવહન બિનઆધારભૂત" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "ની સાથે ફક્ત બ્લુટુથ ઉપકરણોને બતાવો..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "બ્રાઉઝ કરવા માટે ઉપકરણ ને પસંદ કરો" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "બ્રાઉઝ કરો (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "બ્રાઉઝ કરવા માટે ઉપકરણને પસંદ કરો" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "કિબોર્ડ પસંદગીઓને ખોલો..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "માઉસ પસંદગીઓને ખોલો..." + +#~| msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "સાઉન્ડ પસંદગીઓને ખોલો..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ: સક્રિય થયેલ છે" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણ પર ફાઇલોને બ્રાઉઝ કરો..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "પસંદગીઓ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ નિષ્ક્રિય થયેલ છે" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ એડપ્ટરો હાલમાં નથી" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "\"વ્યક્તિગત ફાઇલ વહેંચણી\" પસંદગીઓને શરૂ કરી શકતા નથી" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "મહેરબાની કરીને ચકાસો કે \"વ્યક્તિગત ફાઇલ વહેંચણી\" કાર્યક્રમ યોગ્ય રીતે સ્થાપિત થયેલ છે." + +#~| msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..." +#~ msgstr "સુયોજનોને વહેંચી રહ્યા છે..." + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "મિત્રતાવાળુ નામ" + +#~| msgid "Make computer _discoverable" +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "કમ્પ્યૂટરને દેખીતુ બનાવો (_v)" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "નવાં ઉપકરણને સુયોજિત કરો (_n)..." + +#~| msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgid "_Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "જોડાણ તોડો (_D)" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "તમારા કમ્પ્યૂટર પાસે કોઇપણ બ્લુટુથ એડપ્ટરો પ્લગઇન થયેલ નથી." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "તમારા કમ્પ્યૂટરની સ્વીચ ચાલુ કરવા દ્દારા બ્લુટુથને નિષ્ક્રિય કરી દેવામાં આવ્યુ છે." + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણ સુયોજન નિષ્ફળ" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "પરિચય" + +#~| msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણને પસંદ કરો જે તમે સુયોજિત કરવા માંગો છો" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "સુયોજન સમાપ્ત થયેલ છે" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "બ્લુટુથ નવું ઉપકરણ સુયોજન એ આ કમ્પ્યૂટર સાથે વાપરવા માટે બ્લુટુથ સક્રિય થયેલ ઉપકરણો ને " +#~ "રૂપરેખાંકિત કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા મારફતે તમને ચલાવશે." + +#~| msgid "" +#~| "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~| "“discoverable” (sometimes called “visible”). Check the device's manual " +#~| "if in doubt." +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ઉપકરણને તમારા કમ્પ્યૂટર ની ૧૦ મિટરોમાં જરૂર પડશે, અને “દૃશ્યમાન” બનાવવા (કેટલીક વાર " +#~ "“શોધી શકાય તેવુ” કહેવાય છે). ઉપકરણની પુસ્તિકાને ચકાસો જો શંકા હોય તો." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ નવાં ઉપકરણ સુયોજન તમારુ સ્વાગત કરે છે" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "સુયોજનને પુન:શરૂ કરો (_R)" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "standalone સ્થિતિમાં ચલાવો" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "મોબલિન બ્લુટુથ પેનલ" + +#~| msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- મોબલિન બ્લુટુથ પેનલ" + +#~| msgid "%'d hour" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d hours" +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d કલાક" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d કલાકો" + +#~| msgid "%'d minute" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d મિનિટ" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d મિનિટો" + +#~| msgid "%'d second" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d સેકંડ" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d સેકંડો" + +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~| msgid "%'d second" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 સેકંડો" + +#~| msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "તમારા કમ્પ્યૂટર %s માટે બ્લુટુથ પર દૃશ્યમાન છે." + +#~| msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%s સાથે જોડી કરવાનું નિષ્ફળ" + +#~| msgid "Paired" +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "જોડી" + +#~| msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "બ્રાઉઝ કરો" + +#~| msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણ સુયોજન નિષ્ફળ" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણોમાં પાછા જાઓ" + +#~| msgid "Phone" +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "પૂરુ થયુ" + +#~| msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "ઉપકરણ સુયોજન" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "ફક્ત બતાવો:" + +#~| msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN વિકલ્પો" + +#~| msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "નવાં ઉપકરણને ઉમેરો" + +#~| msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ પર દૃશ્યમાન બનાવો" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "તમારા કમ્પ્યૂટરમાંથી ફાઇલને મોકલો" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "બ્લુટુથ સંચાલક પેનલ" diff --git a/po/he.po b/po/he.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37f9498 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/he.po @@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@ +# Hebrew translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2007. +# Yaron Shahrabani , 2011. +# Yosef Or Boczko , 2014, 2015. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-08-30 10:13+0300\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-08-30 10:18+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Yosef Or Boczko \n" +"Language-Team: עברית <>\n" +"Language: he\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural= (n!=1);\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:37+0000\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "נא ללחוץ לבחירת התקן…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1254 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_ביטול" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_אישור" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "לא ידוע" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "אין מתאמים זמינים" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1541 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "מחפש אחר התקנים…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "התקן" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "סוג" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1503 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "התקנים" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "כל הקטגוריות" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "צימוד" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "מהימן" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "לא בצימוד ולא מהימן" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "בצימוד או מהימן" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "הצגה:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_קטגוריית התקן:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "יש לבחור קטגוריית התקנים לסינון" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_סוג ההתקן:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "יש לבחור את סוג ההתקן לסינון" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "התקני קלט (עכברים, מקלדות וכו')" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "אוזניות, ערכות דיבור והתקני שמע אחרים" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "אישור ססמת Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "נא לוודא שהססמה הוזנה על '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "אישור" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"אישור ססמת Bluetooth עבור '%s'. בדרך כלל ניתן למצוא את זה בהוראות ההתקן." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "צימוד '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "נא לוודא שהססמה הבאה תואמת לזו שבתצוגה על '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "בקשת צימוד Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "ההתקן '%s' מעוניין בצימוד עם התקן זה. האם ברצונך לאפשר צימוד?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "אישור התחברות Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "ההתקן '%s' מעוניין בהתחברות עם התקן זה. האם ברצונך לאפשר זאת?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "נא להזין את הססמה הבאה על '%s'." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "נא להזין את הססמה הבאה על '%s'. לאחר מכן ללחוץ „Return” על המקלדת." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"נא להזיז את מוט ההיגוי של ה־iCade שלך בכיוונים הבאים. לאחר מכן יש ללחוץ על " +"אחד מהכפתורים הלבנים." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "אפשור" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "דחייה" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:296 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ביטול" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:277 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "אישור" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "לא מוגדר" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "חיבור פעיל" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "חיבור כבוי" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1122 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "כן" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1122 +msgid "No" +msgstr "לא" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1222 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"נראה כ־„%s” וזמין עבור העברת קבצי Bluetooth. קבצים שהועברו ממוקמים בתיקיית " +"ההורדות." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1249 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "להסיר את '%s' מרשימת ההתקנים?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1251 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "אם התקן זה ימחק, יהיה עליך להגדיר אותו שוב לפני השימוש הבא." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1255 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "ה_סרה" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "קבלת את „%s” דרך Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "קבלת קובץ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "פתיחת קבוץ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "חשיפת קובץ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "קבלת קובץ הושלמה" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "העברת קבצים דרך Bluetooth מ־%s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "סירוב" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "כל הסוגים" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "טלפון" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "מודם" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "מחשב" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "רשת" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "אוזניות" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "אוזנית" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "התקן שמע" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "מקלדת" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "עכבר" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "מצלמה" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "מדפסת" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "התקן משחק" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "משטח שליטה" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "התקן וידאו" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "שליטה מרוחקת" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "סורק" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "תצוגה" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "לביש" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "משחק" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "חיבור" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "כתובת" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "הגדרות _עכבר ומשטח המגע" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "הגדרות _שמע" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "הגדרות מ_קלדת" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "שליחת _קבצים…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "ה_סרת התקן" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "העברה דרך Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "שליחת קבצים דרך Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "אירעה שגיאה לא ידועה" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "נא לוודא כי ההתקן המרוחק פועל ושהוא מקבל חיבורי Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "שנייה אחת" +msgstr[1] "%'d שניות" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "דקה אחת" +msgstr[1] "%'d דקות" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "שעה אחת" +msgstr[1] "%'d שעות" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "בערך %'d שעות" +msgstr[1] "בערך %'d שעות" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "מתחבר…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "העברת קבצים דרך Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_ניסיון חוזר" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "מ:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "אל:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s נשלח" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "נשלח קובץ %d מתוך %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d ק״ב/ש׳" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d ב׳/ש׳" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "העברה אחת הושלמה" +msgstr[1] "%u העברות הושלמו" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "ס_גירה" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "אירעה שגיאה" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "נא לבחור התקן לשליחה אליו" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_שליחה" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "בחירת קבצים לשליחה" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "בחירה" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Remote device to use" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADDRESS" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Remote device's name" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FILE...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "מוצג בשם „%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "עמוד 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "עמוד 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "הושלם" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "שימוש בהתקן GPS זה עבור שרותי איתור גאוגרפי (Geolocation)" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "התחברות לאינטרנט באמצעות הטלפון הסלולרי שלך (תוסף בדיקה)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "הצימוד עם '%s' בוטל" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "נא לוודא שהסיסמה המופיעה ב־'%s' תואמת לזו." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "נא להזין את הסיסמה הבאה:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת '%s' נכשלה" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "מתחבר אל '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "נא להמתין בעת סיום תהליך ההגדרה של '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "המכשיר החדש ‏'%s' הוגדר בהצלחה" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקן Bluetooth חדש" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_אפשרויות ססמה..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "חיפוש התקנים" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקן" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "ההתקנה מסתיימת" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "נא לבחור את השירותים הנוספים בהם ברצונך להשתמש עם ההתקן שלך:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "סיכום ההתקנה" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "אפשרויות ססמה" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "בחירת ססמה _אוטומטית" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "ססמה קבועה" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (רב ערכות הדיבור, העכברים והתקני ה־GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "אינו בצימוד" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ססמה מותאמת אישית:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_ניסוי חוזר" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "י_ציאה" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "אינו תואם" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "תואם" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקן Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקני Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "בהתחברות..." + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "הפעלת ה־Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "‏Bluetooth: כבוי" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "כיבוי ה־Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "‏Bluetooth: פעיל" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "‏Bluetooth: כבוי" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "בניתוק..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "הינתקות" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "התחברות" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "שליחת קבצים..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "עיון בקבצים..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "ניפוי שגיאות" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- יישומון Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "יישומון Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "נא להזין את הססמה כפי שצוינה בהתקן %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "מתן גישה אל '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "ההתקן %s מעוניין לגשת אל השירות '%s'." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "התקן Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "נא להזין את הססמה" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "אימות צימוד עבור '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "אימות הססמה" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "בקשת אימות מ־'%s'" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "בדיקת אימות" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "מנהל Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "מנהל יישומוני Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "‏Bluetooth: בבדיקה" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "גלוי" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "שליחת קבצים להתקן..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקן חדש..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "הגדרות ה־‏Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "יציאה" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_תמיד לאשר גישה" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_דחייה" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_אישור" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_אינו תואם" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_תואם" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "ה_צגת קלט" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "העברת קבצים" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "קבצים נשלחים דרך Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "שגיאת תכנות: לא ניתן למצוא את ההתקן ברשימה" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "העברת קבצים בדחיפת OBEX אינה נתמכת" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (דחיפת OBEX)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d ק״ב/ש׳" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "העדפות" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "בחירת התקן לעיון" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_עיון" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "בחירת התקן לעיון" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "עיון בקבצים שבהתקן..." + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת ההתקן נכשלה" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "הקדמה" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "נא לבחור את ההתקן אותו ברצונך להגדיר" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "ההגדרה הושלמה" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "אשף ההתקנים ילווה אותך במהלך הגדרת ההתקנים תומכי ה־Bluetooth שלך לצורך " +#~ "שימוש עם מחשב זה." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "על ההתקן להיות בטווח של עד עשרה מטרים מהמחשב שלך, ועליו להיות " +#~ "“גלוי” (לעתים נקרא “נראה”). יש לעיין במדריך השימוש בהתקן למען הסר ספק." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ברוך בואך אל אשף הגדרת התקני Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Run in standalone mode" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "פאנל ה־Bluetooth של Moblin" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "שעה אחת" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d שעות" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "דקה אחת" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d דקות" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "שנייה אחת" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d שניות" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 שניות" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "המחשב שלך גלוי\n" +#~ "דרך Bluetooth עבור %s" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "הצימוד עם %s בוטל" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "צימוד" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "עיון" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת ההתקן נכשלה" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "חזרה להתקנים" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקן" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "הגדרות" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "להציג אך ורק:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "אפשרויות ססמה" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקן חדש" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "הפיכה לגלוי דרך Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "שליחת קובץ ממחשבך" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "לוח ניהול ה־Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "יש להציג אך ורק התקני Bluetooth בעלי..." + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "פתיחת העדפות המקלדת..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "פתיחת העדפות המקלדת..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "פתיחת העדפות השמע..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "ה־Bluetooth כבוי." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "ה־Bluetooth נוטרל על ידי מתג חומרה" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "לא נמצאו מתאמי Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "גילוי" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "עיון בקבצים..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "‏Bluetooth: מופעל" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "צריכת חשמל" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "לא ניתן להפעיל את ההעדפות של \"שיתוף קבצים אישי\"" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "נא לאמת כי התכנית \"שיתוף קבצים אישי\" מותקנת כראוי." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "ה_צגת הסמל של Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..." +#~ msgstr "הגדרות שיתוף..." + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "שם ידידותי" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "הפיכת המחשב ל_גלוי" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "הגדרת התקן _חדש..." + +#~ msgid "_Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "_ניתוק" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "אין כל מתאמי Bluetooth המחוברים למחשבך." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "קישורית ה־Blutooth בוטלה על ידי מפסק במחשב שלך." + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "צימוד" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "התחברות" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "עיון" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "הצגת רשימת כל ההתקנים המוכרים" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "העדפות Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "מנהל Bluetooth לשולחן העבודה GNOME" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Eli Daian\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Marcel Holtmann\n" +#~ " Yaron" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "דף הבית של GNOME Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Whether to show the notification icon" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Whether to show the notification icon." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "שגיאת GConf: ‏%s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "כל השגיאות הנוספות מוצגות במסוף בלבד." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Unknown" +#~ msgstr "‏Bluetooth: לא ידוע" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "הזן מילת צופן" diff --git a/po/hi.po b/po/hi.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5aadb14 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/hi.po @@ -0,0 +1,920 @@ +# translation of gnome-bluetooth.master.hi.po to Hindi +# Hindi translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Rajesh Ranjan , 2009, 2014. +# chandankumar(ciypro) , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master.hi\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-20 06:09+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-22 14:35+0630\n" +"Last-Translator: rajesh \n" +"Language-Team: Hindi \n" +"Language: hi\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "युक्ति चुनने के लिए क्लिक करें…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "रद्द करें (_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ठीक (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "अज्ञात" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "कोई एडाप्टर उपलब्ध नहीं" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "युक्तियों के लिए खोज रहा है…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "उपकरण" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "प्रकार" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "औज़ार" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "सभी श्रेणियाँ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "युग्म" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "विश्वसनीय" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "युग्मित या विश्वसनीय नहीं" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "युग्मित या विश्वसनीय" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "दिखायें:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "युक्ति श्रेणी (_c):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "फिल्टर करने के लिए युक्ति श्रेणी चुनें" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "युक्ति प्रकार (_t):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "फिल्टर करने के लिए युक्ति प्रकार चुनें" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "इनपुट युक्तियां (माइस, कुंजीपट, आदि...)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "हेडफोन, हेडसेट और दूसरे ऑडियो युक्ति" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ब्लूटूथ PIN संपुष्ट करें" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "कृपया पुष्टि करें कि क्या PIN जो '%s' पर दाखिल किया गया था." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "संपुष्ट करें" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"ब्लूटूथ PIN को '%s' के लिए पुष्टि करें. यह आपकी युक्ति की निर्देश-पुस्तिका " +"में सामान्य रूप से पाया जाता है." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "युग्मन '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "कृपया पुष्टि करें कि क्या PIN '%s' पर से मेल खाता है." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ब्लूटूथ युग्मन अनुरोध" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' इस युक्ति के साथ युग्मित होना चाहता है. क्या आप युग्मन चाहते हैं?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "निम्नलिखित PIN को '%s' पर दाखिल करें." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"कृपया निम्नलिखित PIN को '%s' पर दाखिल करें. फिर “Return” को कुंजीपट पर दाखिल " +"करें:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"कृपया निम्नलिखित दिशाओं में अपने iCade की जॉयस्टिक को संचालित करें. किसी भी " +"सफेद बटन " +"दबाएँ." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "स्वीकारें" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "छोड़ें" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "रद्द करें" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "स्वीकारें" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "सेटअप नहीं" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "कनेक्टेड" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "डिस्कनेक्टेड" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "हाँ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "नहीं" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” बतौर दृश्य" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "'%s' को युक्तियों की सूची से हटाता है?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"यदि आप युक्ति को हटाते हैं, आपको इसे फिर से सेटअप करना होगा आगे के प्रयोग के " +"पहले." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "हटाएँ (_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "सभी प्रकार" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "फोन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "मॉडेम" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "कम्प्यूटर" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "नेटवर्क" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "हेडसेट" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "हेडफोन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ऑडियो युक्ति" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "कुंजीपटल" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "माउस" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "कैमरा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "मुद्रक" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "जॉयपॉड" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "टैब्लेट" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ऑडियो युक्ति" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "रिमोट कंट्रोल" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "स्कैनर" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "दिखाएँ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Wearable" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "खिलोना" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "कनेक्शन" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "पृष्ठ 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "पृष्ठ 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "पता" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "माउस और टचपैड सेटिंग (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "ध्वनि विन्यास (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "कुंजीपट सेटिंग (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "फाइल भेजें (_F)…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "युक्ति हटाएँ (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ब्लूटूथ हस्तांतरण" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ब्लूटूथ से होकर फ़ाइल भेजें" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "एक अनजान त्रुटि उत्पन्न हुई" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d सेकेंड" +msgstr[1] "%'d सेकेंड" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d मिनट" +msgstr[1] "%'d मिनट" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d घंटा" +msgstr[1] "%'d घंटा" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "करीब %'d घंटा" +msgstr[1] "करीब %'d घंटा" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "कनेक्ट कर रहा है…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ब्लूटूथ फाइल स्थानान्तरण" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "पुनः कोशिश करें (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "सेः" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "को:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s भेज रहा है" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "फ़ाइल %d, %d का भेज रहा है" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u हस्तांतरण पूर्ण" +msgstr[1] "%u हस्तांतरण पूर्ण" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "बंद करें (_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "एक त्रुटि थी" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "युक्ति चुनें जिसे यहाँ भेजना है" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "भेजें (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "फ़ाइल को भेजने के लिए चुनें" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "चुनें" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "प्रयोग के लिए दूरस्थ युक्ति" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "पता" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "दूरस्थ युक्ति नाम" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "नाम" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[फ़ाइल...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "इस GPS युक्ति को भूस्थिति सेवा के लिए प्रयोग करें" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "अपने मोबाइल फोन के प्रयोग के लिए इंटरनेट की पहुँच लें (जाँचें)" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ चालू करें" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ: बंद" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ बंद करें" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ: चालू" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ: निष्क्रिय" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "डिसकनेक्ट कर रहा है..." + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "जुड़ रहा है..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "डिस्कनेक्ट" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "कनेक्ट" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "फाइल ब्रॉउज करें..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "दोषसुधार" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- ब्लूटूथ एप्लेट" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "'%s --help' को उपलब्ध कमांड लाइन विकल्प की पूरी सूची दिखाने के लिए चलाएँ.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ एप्लेट" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "%s युक्ति पर वर्णित PIN दाखिल करें." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' में पहुँच दें" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "युक्ति %s सेवा '%s' की पहुँच लेना चाहता है." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ युक्ति" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN दाखिल करें" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' के लिए युग्मन पुष्टि" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN जाँचें" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' से सत्यापन आग्रह" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "प्राधिका जाँचें" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ प्रबंधक एप्लेट" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ: जाँच की जा रही है" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "दृष्टिगोचर" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "युक्ति पर फ़ाइल भेजें..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "नई युक्ति सेटअप करें..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ विन्यास" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "बाहर जाएँ" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "हमेशा पहुँच दें (_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "अस्वीकार करें (_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "दें (_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "मेल नहीं खाता है (_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "मेल खाता है (_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "इनपुट दिखाएँ (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' के साथ युग्मन रद्द" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "कृपया पुष्टि करें कि PIN जो कि '%s' पर दिखाया गया है इससे मेल खाता है." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "कृपया निम्नलिखित PIN दाखिल करें:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' का सेटअप विफल" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' से कनेक्ट कर रहा है..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें जब तक '%s' युक्ति का सेटअप किया जा रहा है..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "नई युक्ति को सफलतापूर्वक '%s' सेटअप करें" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ नई युक्ति सेटअप" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN विकल्प (_o)..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "डिवाइस खोजें" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "युक्ति सेटअप" + +#~| msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "सेटअप समाप्त कर रहा है" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "अतिरिक्त सेवा को चुनें जिसे आप अपनी युक्ति के साथ प्रयोग करना चाहेंगे:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "सारांश सेटअप करें" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN विकल्प" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "स्वचालित PIN चयन (_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "स्थिर PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (अधिकतर हेडसेट, माउस, और GPS युक्ति)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "मेल नहीं खाता है" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "मनपसंद PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "फिर से कोशिश करें (_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "बाहर जाएँ (_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "मेल नहीं खाता है" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "मिलान" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ युक्ति सेटअप" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ युक्ति सेटअप करें" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "फाइल हस्तांतरण" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ से होकर फ़ाइल भेज रहा है" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "सुनिश्चित करें कि दूरस्थ युक्ति स्विच ऑन की हुई है और यह ब्लूटूथ कनेक्शन स्वीकार करता है" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "प्रोग्रामिंग त्रुटि: सूची में युक्ति को नहीं ढूँढ़ सका" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX पुश फ़ाइल हस्तांतरण असमर्थित" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "सिर्फ ब्लूटूथ युक्ति इसके साथ दिखाएँ..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "ब्रॉउज करने के लिए युक्ति चुनें" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "ब्राउज़ (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "ब्रॉउज करने के लिए युक्ति चुनें" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "कुंजीपटल वरीयताएँ खोलें..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "माउस वरीयताएँ खोलें..." + +#~| msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ध्वनि वरीयताएँ खोलें..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ: सक्षम" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "फाइल को युक्ति पर ब्रॉउज करें..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "वरीयताएं" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ अक्षम है" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ हार्डवेयर स्विच से निष्क्रिय है" + +#~| msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "कोई ब्लूटूथ एडाप्टर मौजूद नहीं है" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "दृश्यता" + +#~| msgid "Phone" +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "पावर" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "युक्ति सेटअप असफल" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "परिचय" + +#~| msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "युक्ति चुनें जिसे आप सेटअप करना चाहते हैं" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "सेटअप पूर्ण" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ नई युक्ति सेटअप ब्लूटूथ सक्षम युक्तियों के विन्यास किए जाने के लिए आगे बढ़ेगी." + +#~| msgid "" +#~| "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~| "“discoverable” (sometimes called “visible”). Check the device's manual " +#~| "if in doubt." +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "युक्ति को आपके कंप्यूटर के 10 मीटर के भीतर होना चाहिए, और “दृश्य” (कभी कभी “खोजने " +#~ "योग्य” कहा जाता है) होना चाहिए. संदेह की स्थिति में युक्ति का मैनुअल पढ़ें." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ नई युक्ति सेटअप में आपका स्वागत है" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "सेटअप फिर आरंभ करें (_R)" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "पृथक मोड में चलाएँ" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "मोब्लिन ब्लूटूथ पैनल" + +#~| msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- मोब्लिन ब्लूटूथ पैनल" + +#~| msgid "%'d hour" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d hours" +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d घंटा" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d घंटे" + +#~| msgid "%'d minute" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d मिनट" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d मिनट" + +#~| msgid "%'d second" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d सेकेंड" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d सेकेंड" + +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~| msgid "%'d second" +#~| msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 सेकण्ड" + +#~| msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "आपके कंप्यूटर यहाँ दृश्य हैं\n" +#~ "%s के लिए ब्लूटूथ." + +#~| msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%s के साथ युग्मन रद्द" + +#~| msgid "Paired" +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "युग्म" + +#~| msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "ब्राउज़" + +#~| msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "युक्ति सेटअप असफल" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "युक्ति में वापस" + +#~| msgid "Phone" +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "सम्पन्न" + +#~| msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "युक्ति सेटअप" + +#~| msgid "Sending %s" +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "सेटिंग्स" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "केवल दिखाएँ:" + +#~| msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN विकल्प" + +#~| msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "नई युक्ति जोड़ें..." + +#~| msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ पर दृश्य बनाएँ" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "अपने कंप्यूटर से फ़ाइल भेजें" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "ब्लूटूथ प्रबंधक पटल" diff --git a/po/hr.po b/po/hr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e22ec81 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/hr.po @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ +# Croatian translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2007. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-15 12:52+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-20 23:54+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: gogo \n" +"Language-Team: Croatian \n" +"Language: hr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n" +"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2016-09-15 12:11+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.6\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klikni za odabir uređaja..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Odustani" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_U redu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nepoznato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nema dostupnih adaptera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Pretraživanje uređaja..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Uređaj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Vrsta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Uređaji" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Sve kategorije" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Upareno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Povjerljiv" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nema uparenih ili povjerljivih" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Upareni ili povjerljivi" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Prikaži:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Kategorija _uređaja:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Odaberi kategoriju uređaja za izdvajanje" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Vrsta _uređaja:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Odaberi vrstu uređaja za izdvajanje" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Ulazni uređaji (miševi, tipkovnice, itd.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Slušalice, slušalice s mikrofonom i ostali zvučni uređaji" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Potvrdi Bluetooth PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Potvrdite PIN koji je upisan na “%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Potvrdi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Potvrdi Bluetooth PIN za “%s“. Uobičajeno može biti sadržan u uputama " +"uređaja." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Uparivanje “%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Potvrdite da se sljedeći PIN podudara s onim prikazanim na “%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Zahtjev Bluetooth uparivanja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "“%s“ se želi upariti s ovim uređajem. Želite li dopustiti uparivanje?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Potvrdi Bluetooth povezivanje" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s“ se želi povezati s ovim uređajem. Želite li to dopustiti?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Upišite sljedeći PIN na “%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Upišite sljedeći PIN na “%s“. Zatim pritisnite “Return” na tipkovnici." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Pomičite igraću palicu vašeg iCada u sljedećim smjerovima. Zatim pritisnite " +"jednu od bijelih tipki." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Dopusti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Odbaci" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Odustani" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Prihvati" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nije postavljeno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Povezano" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Odspojen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Da" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Vidljiv kao “%s” i dostupan za Bluetooth prijenos datoteka. Prenešene " +"datoteke su smještene u mapi Preuzimanja." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Ukloni “%s“ s popisa uređaja?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ako uklonite uređaj, prije ponovnog korištenja morate ga ponovno postaviti." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Ukloni" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Primili ste datoteku \"%s\" Bluetooth povezivanjem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Primili ste datoteku" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Otvori datoteku" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Otkrij datoteku" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Primanje datoteka završeno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth prijenos datoteke s %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Odbaci" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Računalo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Mreža" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Slušalice s mikrofonom" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Slušalice" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Zvučni uređaj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tipkovnica" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Miš" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Pisač" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Igraći kontroler" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video uređaj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Daljinski upravljač" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skener" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Zaslon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Prenosivi uređaj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Igračka" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Sve vrste" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Povezivanje" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adrese" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Postavke miša i touchpada" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Postavke zvuka" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Postavke tipkovnice" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Pošalji _datoteku..." + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Ukloni uređaj" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth prijenos" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Pošalji datoteku putem Bluetootha" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Dogodila se nepoznata greška" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Pobrinite se da je udaljeni uređaj uključen i da prihvaća Bluetooth " +"povezivanja" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekunda" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunde" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekundi" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[1] "%'d minute" +msgstr[2] "%'d minuta" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d sat" +msgstr[1] "%'d sata" +msgstr[2] "%'d sati" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "približno %'d sat" +msgstr[1] "približno %'d sata" +msgstr[2] "približno %'d sati" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Povezivanje…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth prijenos datoteka" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Pokušaj ponovo" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Šalje:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Prima:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Šaljem %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Šaljem datoteku %d od %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u prijenos završen" +msgstr[1] "%u prijenosa završena" +msgstr[2] "%u prijenosa završeno" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Zatvori" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Dogodila se greška" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Odaberite uređaj za slanje" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Pošalji" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Odaberi datoteke za slanje" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Odaberi" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Daljinski uređaj koji želite koristiti" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESA" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Naziv daljinskog uređaja" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAZIV" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[DATOTEKA...]" diff --git a/po/hu.po b/po/hu.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd7051d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/hu.po @@ -0,0 +1,950 @@ +# Hungarian translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Gabor Kelemen , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. +# Balázs Úr , 2013, 2014, 2015. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-16 11:29+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Meskó Balázs \n" +"Language-Team: Hungarian \n" +"Language: hu\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Kattintson az eszközválasztáshoz…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "Mé_gse" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Ismeretlen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nem érhetők el adapterek" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Eszközök keresése…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Eszköz" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Típus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Eszközök" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Minden kategória" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Párosított" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Megbízható" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nem párosított vagy megbízható" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Párosított vagy megbízható" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Megjelenítés:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Eszköz_kategória:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Válassza ki a szűrendő eszközkategóriát" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Eszköz_típus:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Válassza ki a szűrendő eszköztípust" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Beviteli eszközök (egér, billentyűzetek stb.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Fülhallgatók, fejhallgatók és más hangeszközök" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bluetooth PIN megerősítése" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Erősítse meg a(z) „%s” eszközön megadott PIN-t." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Megerősítés" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"A Bluetooth PIN megerősítése ehhez: „%s”. Ez általában az eszköz " +"kézikönyvében található." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "„%s” párosítása" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Erősítse meg, hogy következő PIN egyezik-e a(z) „%s” eszközön " +"megjelenítettel." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth párosításkérés" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"A(z) „%s” párosítást kezdeményez ezzel az eszközzel. Engedélyezi a " +"párosítást?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bluetooth kapcsolat megerősítése" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "A(z) „%s” kapcsolódni szeretne ehhez az eszközhöz. Engedélyezi?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Adja meg a következő PIN-kódot a(z) „%s” eszközön." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Adja meg a következő PIN-kódot a(z) „%s” eszközön. Azután nyomja meg az " +"„Enter” billentyűt." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Mozgassa az iCade joystickját a következő irányokba. Azután nyomja meg " +"bármelyik fehér gombot." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Engedélyezés" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Eltüntetés" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Mégse" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Elfogadás" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nincs beállítva" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Kapcsolódva" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Bontva" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Igen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nem" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"„%s” néven látható és elérhető a Bluetooth fájlátvitelhez. Az átküldött " +"fájlok a Letöltések mappába kerülnek." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Eltávolítja a(z) „%s” eszközt az eszközök listájából?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ha eltávolítja az eszközt, a következő használat előtt újra be kell majd " +"állítania." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Eltávolítás" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "„%s” érkezett Bluetooth-on" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Fájl érkezett" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Fájl megnyitása" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Fájl felfedése" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Fájlfogadás kész" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth fájlátvitel innen: %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Elutasítás" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Számítógép" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Hálózat" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Fejhallgató" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Fülhallgató" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Hangeszköz" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Billentyűzet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Egér" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fényképezőgép" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Nyomtató" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Játékvezérlő" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tábla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videoeszköz" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Távirányító" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Szkenner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Kijelző" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Viselhető" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Játék" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Minden típus" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Kapcsolat" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Cím" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Egér és érintőtábla beállításai" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Hangbeállítások" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Billentyűzetbeállítások" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_Fájlok küldése…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Esz_köz eltávolítása" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth átvitel" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Fájlok küldése Bluetoothon" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth" +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ismeretlen hiba történt" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Ellenőrizze, hogy a távoli eszköz be van kapcsolva, illetve fogadja a " +"Bluetooth kapcsolatokat" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d másodperc" +msgstr[1] "%'d másodperc" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d perc" +msgstr[1] "%'d perc" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d óra" +msgstr[1] "%'d óra" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "megközelítőleg %'d óra" +msgstr[1] "megközelítőleg %'d óra" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Kapcsolódás…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth fájlátvitel" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Ú_jra" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Feladó:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Címzett:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s küldése" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d. fájl küldése, összesen %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u átvitel befejezve" +msgstr[1] "%u átvitel befejezve" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Bezárás" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Hiba történt" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Válassza ki a küldés cél eszközét" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Küldés" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Válassza ki a küldeni kívánt fájlokat" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Kijelölés" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Használandó távoli eszköz" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "CÍM" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Távoli eszköz neve" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NÉV" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FÁJL…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Így látható: „%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "1. oldal" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "2. oldal" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Kész" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Ezen GPS eszköz használata Geolocation szolgáltatásokhoz" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Az internet elérése a mobiltelefonnal (teszt)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "A(z) „%s” eszközzel való párosítás megszakítva" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Erősítse meg, hogy a(z) „%s” eszközön megjelenített PIN egyezik ezzel." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Adja meg a következő PIN-kódot:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "A„%s” beállítása meghiúsult" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Csatlakozás a(z) „%s” eszközhöz…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Várja meg a(z) „%s” eszköz beállításának befejezését…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Az új „%s” eszköz sikeresen beállítva" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Új Bluetooth eszköz beállítása" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_PIN-beállítások…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Eszköz keresése" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Eszköz beállítása" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Beállítás befejezése" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Válassza ki az eszközzel használandó további szolgáltatásokat:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Beállítások összegzése" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN-beállítások" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Automatikus PIN választás" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Rögzített PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "„0000” (a legtöbb fejhallgató, egér és GPS eszköz)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "„1111”" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "„1234”" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Ne párosítsa" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Egyéni PIN-kód:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "P_róbálja újra" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Kilépés" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Nem egyezik" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Megegyezik" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth eszköz beállítása" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth eszközök beállítása" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Kapcsolódás…" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth bekapcsolása" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: ki" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth kikapcsolása" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: be" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: letiltva" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Bontás…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Bontás" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Kapcsolódás" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Fájlok küldése…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Fájlok tallózása…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Hibakeresés" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "– Bluetooth kisalkalmazás" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "A parancssori kapcsolók teljes listájáért adja ki a „%s --help” " +#~ "parancsot.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth kisalkalmazás" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Adja meg a(z) %s eszköz PIN-kódját." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Ad hozzáférést a(z) „%s” eszközhöz?" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "A(z) %s eszköz hozzá akar férni a(z) „%s” szolgáltatáshoz." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth eszköz" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Adja meg a PIN-kódot" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "A(z) „%s” eszköz párosításának megerősítése" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Ellenőrizze a PIN-t" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Felhatalmazási kérés a következőtől: „%s”" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Felhatalmazás ellenőrzése" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-kezelő kisalkalmazás" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: ellenőrzés" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Látható" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Fájlok küldése az eszközre…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Új eszköz beállítása…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-beállítások" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Kilépés" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Mindig adok hozzáférést" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Elutasítás" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Megadás" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Nem egyezik" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Megegyezik" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "B_emenet megjelenítése" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Fájlátvitel" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Fájlok küldése Bluetoothon" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Programhiba: az eszköz nem található a listában" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Az OBEX küldés fájlátvitel nem támogatott" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX küldés)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Csak az ilyen Bluetooth eszközök megjelenítése…" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Válassza ki a tallózni kívánt eszközt" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Tallózás" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Válassza ki a tallózni kívánt eszközt" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Fájlok tallózása az eszközön…" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Beállítások" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth letiltva" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth hardveres kapcsolóval letiltva" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Nem találhatók Bluetooth-adapterek" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Láthatóság" + +#~| msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Fájlok tallózása…" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Az eszköz beállítása meghiúsult" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Bevezetés" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Válassza ki a beállítani kívánt eszközt" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Beállítás befejeződött" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Az Új Bluetooth eszköz beállítása végigvezeti a Bluetooth-képes eszközök " +#~ "számítógéphez kapcsolásának folyamatán." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Az eszköznek a számítógép 10 méteres körzetén belül és „láthatónak” (néha " +#~ "ezt „feltérképezhetőnek” hívják) kell lennie. Ha bizonytalan, nézze meg " +#~ "az eszköz kézikönyvét." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Üdvözli az Új Bluetooth eszköz beállítása" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Futtatás önálló módban" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin Bluetooth-panel" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "– Moblin Bluetooth-panel" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d óra" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d óra" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d perc" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d perc" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d másodperc" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d másodperc" + +#~| msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~| msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 másodperc" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "A számítógépe látható Bluetoothon\n" +#~ "a következő számára: %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "A(z) „%s” eszközzel való párosítás meghiúsult." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Párosítás" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Tallózás" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Az eszköz beállítása meghiúsult" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Vissza az eszközökhöz" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Eszköz beállítása" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Beállítások" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Megjelenítés:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN-beállítások" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Új eszköz hozzáadása" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Láthatóvá tétel Bluetoothon" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Fájl küldése a számítógépről" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-kezelő panel" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Billentyűzetbeállítások megnyitása…" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Egérbeállítások megnyitása…" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Hangbeállítások megnyitása…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: engedélyezve" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Energia" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" diff --git a/po/hy.po b/po/hy.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc4150e --- /dev/null +++ b/po/hy.po @@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ +# translation of gnome-bluetooth.HEAD.po to armenian +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# Narine Martirosyan +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.HEAD\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-08 17:48+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-03-18 10:42+0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Narine Martirosyan \n" +"Language-Team: \n" +"Language: hy\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:127 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Բոլոր տեսակները" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:129 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Հեռախոս" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:131 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Մոդեմ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:133 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Համակարգիչ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:135 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Ցանց" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:138 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Ականջակալ (խոսափողով)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:140 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Ականջակալներ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:142 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Ձայնասարք" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:144 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Ստեղնաշար" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:146 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Մկնիկ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:148 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Տեսախցիկ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:150 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Տպիչ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:152 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Խաղաձող" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:154 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Թաբլեթ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:156 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Տեսասարք" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:158 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:129 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:85 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Անհայտ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:369 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Կտտացրե՛ք սարքն ընտրելու համար" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:170 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Ոչ մի ադապտեր հասանելի չէ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:174 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:868 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Որոնում է սարքերը..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:372 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "'%s'–ը ջնջե՞լ սարքերի ցուցակից։" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:374 +msgid "If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "Եթե ջնջեք սարքը, ստիպված կլինեք հաջորդ օգտագործումից առաջ կրկին տեղադրել այն։ " + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:746 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Սարք" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Տեսակ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Բոլոր դասերը" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Զուգակցված" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Վստահված" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Չզուգակցված կամ չվստահված" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:83 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Զուգակցված կամ վստահված" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:238 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr " Ցույց տալ միայն Bluetooth սարքերը ... հետ" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:254 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Սարքի_կատեգորիա." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:269 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Ընտրել սարքի կատեգորիան ֆիլտրելու համար" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:283 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Սարք_տեսակ." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:304 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Ընտրել սարքի տեսակը ֆիլտրելու համար" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:310 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Մուտքի սարքեր (մկնիկներ, ստեղնաշարեր և այլն)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:314 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Ականջակալ, ականջակալներ (խոսափողով) և այլ ձայնասարքեր" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Օգտագործել այս GPS սարքը աշխարհագրական տվյալներ տրամադրող ծառայությունների համար" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Միանալ համացանցին՝ օգտագործելով Ձեր բջջային հեռախոսը (փորձարկում)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:140 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Ընտրել սարքը զննելու համար" + +#: ../applet/main.c:144 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_Զննել" + +#: ../applet/main.c:153 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Ընտրել սարքը զննելու համար" + +#: ../applet/main.c:332 +#: ../properties/properties-adapter-off.ui.h:1 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Միացնել Bluetooth–ը" + +#: ../applet/main.c:333 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Bluetooth. Անջատված" + +#: ../applet/main.c:336 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Անջատել Bluetooth–ը" + +#: ../applet/main.c:337 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Bluetooth. միացված" + +#: ../applet/main.c:342 +#: ../applet/notify.c:148 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth. Կասեցված" + +#: ../applet/main.c:493 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Անջատում..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:496 +#: ../sendto/main.c:217 +#: ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Միացում..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:499 +#: ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Միացված" + +#: ../applet/main.c:502 +#: ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Անջատված" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 +#: ../applet/main.c:922 +#: ../properties/adapter.c:371 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Անջատել" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 +#: ../applet/main.c:922 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Միանալ" + +#: ../applet/main.c:871 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Ուղարկել ֆայլերը" + +#: ../applet/main.c:881 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Զննել ֆայլերը..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:892 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "Բացել ստեղնաշարի նախընտրությունները..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:900 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "Բացել մկնիկի նախընտրությունները..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:910 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "Բացել ձայնի նախընտրությունները..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:1037 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Վերացնել թերությունները" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:1057 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- Bluetooth ապլետ" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1062 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Գործարկել '%s --help'–ը հասանելի հրամանային տողի ամբողջ ընտրացանկերը տեսնելու համար.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1079 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Bluetooth ապլետ" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:148 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth. թույլատրված է" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:251 +#: ../applet/agent.c:332 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "'%s' սարքը պետք է միացնել համակարգչին" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:257 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել %s սարքում նշված PIN–ը (անհատական իդենտիֆիկացնող ծածկագիր)" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք, հաստատել, արդյոք PIN '%s'–ը համընկնում է %s սարքի PIN-ի հետ։" + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Թույլատրել մուտքը դեպի '%s'–ը" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:390 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "%s սարքը մուտքի իրավունք է ցանկանում դեպի '%s' ծառայությունը։" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:496 +#: ../applet/agent.c:531 +#: ../applet/agent.c:573 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Զուգակցման հարցում '%s'–ի համար" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:500 +#: ../applet/agent.c:535 +#: ../applet/agent.c:577 +#: ../applet/agent.c:618 +#: ../applet/agent.c:656 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Bluetooth սարք" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:501 +#: ../applet/agent.c:536 +#: ../applet/agent.c:578 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Մուտքագրել PIN–ը" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Զուգակցման հաստատում '%s'–ի համար" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:619 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Ստուգել PIN–ը" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:652 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Լիազորման հարցում '%s'–ի համար" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:657 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Ստուգել լիազորումը" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Bluetooth կառավարիչ" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Bluetooth կառավարման ապլետ" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Bluetooth. ստուգում" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Զննել ֆայլեր սարքի վրա..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 +#: ../properties/adapter.c:330 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1297 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1385 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Սարքեր" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Նախընտրություններ" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Փակել" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Ֆայլերը ուղարկել սարքի վրա..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Կարգավորել նոր սարք..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Տեսանելի" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "_Միշտ թույլատրել մուտքը" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Թույլատրել" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_Մերժել" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "_Չի համընկնում" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Համընկնումներ" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_Ցույց տալ մուտքը" + +#: ../properties/main.c:91 +msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +msgstr "Չի կարող սկսել \"Անձնական ֆայլի համատեղ օգտագործումը\" նախընտրությունները" + +#: ../properties/main.c:96 +msgid "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly installed." +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք ստուգել, որ \"Անձնական ֆայլի համատեղ օգտագործումը\" ծրագիրը ճիշտ է տեղադրված։" + +#: ../properties/main.c:125 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "Bluetooth նախընտրություններ" + +#: ../properties/main.c:140 +msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +msgstr "_Ցույց տալ Bluetooth–ի պատկերանշանը " + +#: ../properties/main.c:164 +msgid "Receive Files" +msgstr "Ստանալ ֆայլերը" + +#: ../properties/main.c:212 +msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +msgstr "Արտածել ընթացիկ հայտնի սարքերի ցուցակը" + +#: ../properties/main.c:250 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "Bluetooth–ի հատկությունները " + +#. The discoverable checkbox +#: ../properties/adapter.c:277 +msgid "Make computer _visible" +msgstr "Համակարգիչը _տեսանելի դարձնել" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:300 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "Ընկերական անուն" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:362 +msgid "Set up _new device..." +msgstr "Կարգովորել _նոր սարքը..." + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:385 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Հեռացնել" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:661 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth–ը ապաակտիվացված է" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:697 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgstr "Bluetooth–ի ոչ մի ադապտեր չկա" + +#: ../properties/properties-no-adapter.ui.h:1 +msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgstr "Ձեր համակարգիչը ոչ մի միացված ադապտեր չունի։" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1455 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Կոնֆիգուրացնել Bluetooth–ի պարամետրերը" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +msgstr "Ցու՞յց տալ տեղեկացման պատկերանշանը" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +msgstr "Ցու՞յց տալ տեղեկացման պատկերանշանը։" + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1233 +#, c-format +msgid "GConf error: %s" +msgstr "GConf-ի սխալ. %s" + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1238 +msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +msgstr "Հետագա բոլոր սխալները ցույց տալ միայն տերմինալի վրա։" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:205 +#: ../wizard/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "'%s'–ի հետ զուգակցումը չեղյալ է համարված" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:245 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1049 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք, հաստատե՛ք, որ '%s'–ի վրա ցուցադրված PIN–ը համընկնում է այս մեկի հետ։" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:299 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1100 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել հետևյալ PIN–ը." + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:382 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "'%s'–ի տեղադրումը չհաջողվեց" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' now... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:513 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Միանում է '%s'–ին…" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:549 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:658 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել հետևյալ PIN–ը '%s'–ի վրա և ստեղնաշարի վրա սեղմել “Enter”." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:551 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:660 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք մուտքագրել հետևյալ PIN–ը '%s'–ի վրա." + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:572 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Խնդրում ենք սպասել մինչև կարգավորման ավարտը '%s' սարքի վրա…" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:588 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:686 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Նոր '%s' սարքը հաջողությամբ է տեղադրված" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (ամենամեծ քանակությամբ ականջակալներ (խոսափողով), մկնիկներ և GPS սարքեր)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Bluetooth–ի նոր սարքի կարգավորում" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "Ընդհանուր PIN." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Սարքի կարգավորում" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Սարքի կարգավորումը ձախողված է " + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Սարքի որոնում" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:10 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1253 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Չի համընկնում" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Ավարտում է նոր սարքի կարգավորում" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "Հաստատված PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Ներածություն" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1249 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Համընկնումներ" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN ընտրացանկեր" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN _ընտրացանկեր..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1163 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Ընտրել լրացուցիչ ծառայություններ Ձեր սարքի հետ օգտագործելու համար." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "Ընտրե՛ք սարքը, որը ցանկանում եք կարգավորել" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Կարգավորումն ավարտված է" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "Bluetooth–ի նոր սարքի կարգավորումը կառաջնորդի Ձեզ Bluetooth–ի ակտիվացված սարքերը տվյալ համակարգչի հետ օգտագործման համար կոնֆիգուրացնելու պրոցեսի միջով։ " + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be “visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in doubt." +msgstr "Սարքը հասանելի և \"տեսանելի\" (երբեմն նաև՝ \"հայտնաբերվող\") կլինի համակարգչից մինչև 10 մետր հեռավորության վրա։ Կասկածի դեպքում կարդացեք սարքի ձեռնարկը։" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Բարի գալուստ Bluetooth–ի նոր սարքի կարգավորման համակարգ" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_PIN–ի ավտոմատ ընտրում" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "_Վերագործարկման կարգավորում" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d վայրկյան" +msgstr[1] "%'d վայրկյան" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 +#: ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d րոպե" +msgstr[1] "%'d րոպե" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ժամ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ժամ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "մոտավորապես %'d ժամ" +msgstr[1] "մոտավորապես %'d ժամ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Ֆայլի տեղափոխում" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Կրկին փորձել" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth–ով ֆայլերի ուղարկում" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Ումից․" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Ում․" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 +#: ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Անհայտ սխալ է հայտնաբերվել" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +msgid "Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "Համոզվե՛ք, որ հեռադիր սարքը միացված է և ընդունում է Bluetooth–ի միացումները" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Ուղարկում է %s–ը" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 +#: ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Ուղարկում է %d–ի %d–ը" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:641 +msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgstr "Ընտրե՛ք սարքը ուղարկելու համար" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "Send _To" +msgstr "Ուղարկել" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:687 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Ընտրել ֆայլերը ուղարկելու համար" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:716 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Հեռադիր սարքի օգտագործումը" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:718 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Հեռադիր սարքի անվանումը" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:172 +msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Ծրագրավորման սխալ, չի կարող ցուցակից գտնել սարքը " + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:247 +#, c-format +msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "Obex Push ֆայլի փոխանցումը չի ապահովվում" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:266 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:86 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "Գործարկել առանձին եղանակով" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:94 +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Moblin Bluetooth վահանակ" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:95 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "– Moblin Bluetooth վահանակ" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:122 +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:533 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "%s–ի զուգակցումը ձախողվեց։" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:895 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Զուգակցում" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:909 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Միացում" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:928 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Զննում" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1122 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Սարքի կարգավորումը ձախողվեց" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1136 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1212 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1261 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1323 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1540 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Ետ՝ դեպի սարքերը" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1175 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Ավարտված է" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1196 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1233 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Սարքի կարգավորում" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1344 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Միայն ցույց տալ." + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1350 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "PIN ընտրացանկեր" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1433 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Նոր սարք ավելացնել" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1500 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Համակարգչից ֆայլ ուղարկել " + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Bluetooth կառավարման վահանակ" + diff --git a/po/id.po b/po/id.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..71c72c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/id.po @@ -0,0 +1,539 @@ +# Indonesian translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007 gnome-bluetooth's copyright holder +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Andika Triwidada , 2007, 2011, 2012, 2013. +# Dirgita , 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-14 14:14+0700\n" +"Last-Translator: Kukuh Syafaat \n" +"Language-Team: Indonesian \n" +"Language: id\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klik untuk memilih perangkat…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "Ba_tal" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Tak dikenal" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Tak tersedia adaptor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Mencari perangkat…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Perangkat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Jenis" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Perangkat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Semua katagori" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Dipasangkan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Dipercaya" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Tak dipasangkan atau dipercaya" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Dipasangkan atau dipercaya" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Tampilkan:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Katagori perangkat:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Memilih kategori perangkat yang hendak disaring" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Jenis perangka_t:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Memilih jenis perangkat yang hendak disaring" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Perangkat masukan (tetikus, papan ketik, dsb.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Headphone, headset, dan perangkat audio lainnya" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Konfirmasikan PIN Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Konfirmasikan PIN yang dimasukkan pada “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Konfirmasi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Konfirmasikan PIN Bluetooth bagi “%s”. Ini biasanya dapat ditemukan dalam " +"manual perangkat." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Memperpasangkan dengan \"%s\"" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Konfirmasikan bahwa PIN berikut sama dengan yang ditampilkan pada “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Permintaan Berpasangan Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"“%s” ingin memperpasangkan dengan perangkat ini. Apakah Anda ingin " +"mengizinkan perpasangan?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Konfirmasikan Koneksi Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"“%s” ingin menyambung dengan perangkat ini. Apakah Anda ingin mengizinkannya?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Harap masukkan PIN berikut pada \"%s\":" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Harap masukkan PIN berikut pada \"%s\". Lalu tekan \"Return\" pada papan tik." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Harap gerakkan joystick iCade Anda pada arah-arah berikut. Kemudian tekan " +"sebarang tombol putih." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Izinkan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Tutup" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Batal" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Terima" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Tak Disiapkan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Tersambung" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Terputus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ya" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Tidak" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Nampak sebagai \"%s\" dan tersedia bagi transfer berkas Bluetooth. Berkas " +"yang ditransfer diletakkan dalam folder Downloads." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Hapus \"%s\" dari daftar perangkat?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Bila Anda menghapus perangkat, Anda perlu menyiapkannya lagi sebelum memakai " +"lagi." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Hapus" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Anda menerima \"%s\" melalui Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Anda menerima sebuah berkas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Buka Berkas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Munculkan Berkas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Penerimaan berkas selesai" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transfer berkas Bluetooth dari %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Tolak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telepon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Komputer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Jaringan" + +# speaker + mic +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Headset" + +# speaker saja +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Headphone" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Perangkat audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Papan ketik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Tetikus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Pencetak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Perangkat video" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Kendali jarak jauh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Pemindai" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Tampilan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Wearable" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Boneka" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Semua jenis" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Koneksi" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Alamat" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Pengaturan _Tetikus & Touchpad" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Pengaturan _Suara" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Pengaturan Papan _Ketik" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Kirim _Berkas…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Buang Pe_rangkat" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transfer Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Mengirim berkas melalui Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Terjadi galat yang tak dikenal" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Pastikan bahwa perangkat jauh dinyalakan dan itu menerima koneksi Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d detik" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d menit" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d jam" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "kira-kira %'d jam" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Menyambung…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transfer Berkas Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Ulangi" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Dari:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Ke:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Mengirim %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Mengirim berkas %d dari %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/det" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transfer komplit" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Tutup" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Ada kesalahan" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Pilih perangkat yang hendak dikirimi" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Kirim" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Pilih berkas untuk dikirim" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Pilih" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Perangkat jarak jauh yang hendak dipakai" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ALAMAT" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nama perangkat jarak jauh" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAMA" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[BERKAS...]" + +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Mencari perangkat..." diff --git a/po/is.po b/po/is.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..823c511 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/is.po @@ -0,0 +1,553 @@ +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Sveinn í Felli , 2015, 2017. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: \n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-14 17:33+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-07 06:03+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Sveinn í Felli \n" +"Language-Team: Icelandic \n" +"Language: is\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Ýttu til að velja tæki..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Hætta við" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "Í _lagi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Óþekkt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Engin tengitæki tiltæk" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Leita að tækjum..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Tæki" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tegund" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Tæki" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Allir flokkar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Parað" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Treyst" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Hvorki treyst né parað saman" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Treyst eða parað saman" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Sýna:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Tækjaflokkur:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Veldu tækisflokk til að sía" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Gerð tækis:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Veldu tegund tækis til að sía" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Inntakstæki (mýs, lyklaborð, o.s.frv.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Heyrnartól, heyrnartól með hljóðnema eða önnur hljóðtæki" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Staðfestu Bluetooth PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Staðfestu PIN-númerið sem sett var inn á '%s'." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Staðfesta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Staðfestu PIN-númerið á '%s'. Venjulega er hægt að finna þetta í handbók " +"tækisins." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Para '%s'" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Staðfestu hvort eftirfarandi PIN-númer samsvari því sem gefið er upp á '%s'." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Beiðni um pörun Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' vill parast við þetta tæki. Viltu leyfa pörun?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Staðfesta Bluetooth-tengingu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "'%s' vill parast við þetta tæki. Viltu leyfa pörun?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Sláðu inn eftirfarandi PIN-númer á '%s'." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Sláðu inn eftirfarandi PIN-númer á '%s'. Ýttu síðan á \"Enter\" á " +"lyklaborðinu." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Hreyfðu til stýripinnann á iCade tækinu í eftirfarandi áttir. Ýttu síðan á " +"einhvern af hvítu hnöppunum." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Leyfa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Hafna" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Hætta við" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Samþykkja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ekki uppsett" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Tengt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Aftengt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Já" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nei" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Sýnilegt sem “%s” og tiltækt fyrir skráaflutning með Bluetooth. Fluttar " +"skrár eru settar í möppuna Sóttar skrár." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Viltu fjarlægja '%s‘ af listanum yfir tæki?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Þú verður að setja tækið upp aftur ef þú vilt nota það eftir að hafa " +"fjarlægt það." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Fjarlægja" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Þú fékkst '%s' í gegnum Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Þú fékkst skrá" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Opna skrá" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Sýna skrá" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Skrá móttekin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth skráaflutningur frá %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Hafna" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Sími" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Módem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Tölva" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Netkerfi" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Heyrnartól með hljóðnema" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Heyrnartól" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Hljóðtæki" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Lyklaborð" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mús" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Myndavél" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Prentari" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Stýripinni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Teiknitafla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Myndmerkistæki" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Fjarstýring" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skanni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Skjár" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Klæðanlegt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Leikfang" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Allar tegundir" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Tenging" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Vistfang" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Stillingar _músar og snertiplatta" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Hljóðstillingar" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Ly_klaborðsstillingar" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Sen_da skrár…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Fja_rlægja tæki" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth flutningur" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Senda skrár með Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Óþekkt villa kom upp" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Gakktu úr skugga um að kveikt sé á tækinu og að það samþykki Bluetooth-" +"tengingar" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekúnda" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekúndur" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d mínúta" +msgstr[1] "%'d mínútur" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d klukkutími" +msgstr[1] "%'d klukkutímar" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "nálægt %'d klukkustund" +msgstr[1] "nálægt %'d klukkustundum" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Tengist…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth skráaflutningur" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Reyna aftur" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Frá:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Til:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Sendi %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Sendi skrá %d af %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/sek" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/sek." + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u flutningi lokið" +msgstr[1] "%u flutningum lokið" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Loka" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Það kom upp villa" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Veldu tæki til að senda til" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Senda" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Veldu skrár til að senda" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Velja" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Tæki sem á að nota" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "VISTFANG" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Heiti fjartengds tækis" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAFN" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[SKRÁ...]" + diff --git a/po/it.po b/po/it.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b07fa9a --- /dev/null +++ b/po/it.po @@ -0,0 +1,576 @@ +# Italian translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 the gnome-bluetooth'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Francesco Marletta , 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. +# Luca Ferretti , 2011. +# +# --------------------------------------------------------------------- +# [Note] +# All'interno della traduzione, sono state fatte le seguenti scelte: +# 1) passkey --> chiave d'accesso +# 2) grant --> accordare +# 3) pairing --> associare (termine usato dai telefoni cellulari) +# +# Alcune utili immagini del programma possono essere visualizzate su +# +# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Milo Casagrande , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-26 17:42+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Milo Casagrande \n" +"Language-Team: Italian \n" +"Language: it\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.12\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Fare clic per selezionare il dispositivo…" + +# FIXME! usare stock +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "A_nnulla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Sconosciuto" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nessun adattatore disponibile" + +# [NdT] si riferisci ai dispositivi Bluetooth +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Ricerca dispositivi…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Tutte le categorie" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Associato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Fidato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Non associato o fidato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Associato o fidato" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Mostra:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoria dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Selezionare la categoria del dispositivo da filtrare" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipo di dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Selezionare il tipo di dispositivo da filtrare" + +# messo al singolare perché è "Tipo di dispositivo" e perché i tipi non +# raggruppati come questo (cfr primi messaggi) sono al singolare +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositivo di input (mouse, tastiera, ecc.)" + +# come sopra +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Cuffie, auricolari o altro dispositivo audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Conferma PIN Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Confermare il PIN inserito su «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Conferma" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confermare il PIN Bluetooth per «%s»: solitamente può essere trovato nel " +"manuale del dispositivo." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Associazione con «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Confermare che il PIN visualizzato su «%s» corrisponda a questo." + +# +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Richiesta associazione Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"«%s» ha richiesto di essere associato con questo dispositivo. Consentire " +"l'associazione?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Conferma connessione Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"«%s» ha richiesto collegarsi con questo dispositivo. Consentire il " +"collegamento?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Inserire il seguente PIN su «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Inserire il seguente PIN su «%s» e premere «Invio» sulla tastiera." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Muovere il joystick del proprio iCade nelle seguenti direzioni, quindi " +"premere uno dei pulsanti bianchi." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Consenti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Declina" + +# FIXME! usare stock +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annulla" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Accetta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Non configurato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Collegato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Scollegato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sì" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "No" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visibile come «%s» e disponibile per trasferimenti file via Bluetooth. I " +"file trasferiti vengono salvati nella cartella Scaricati." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Rimuovere «%s» dall'elenco dei dispositivi?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Rimuovendo il dispositivo è necessario configurarlo nuovamente per poterlo " +"riusare." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Rimuovi" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Ricevuto «%s» via Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Ricevuto un file" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Apri file" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Mostra file" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Ricezione file completata" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Trasferimento file Bluetooth da %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Rifiuta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefono" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Computer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rete" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Auricolare" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Cuffie" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositivo audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastiera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mouse" + +# [NdT] Assumo che si tratti di una fotocamera, +# in quanto trasmettere video tramite +# Bluetooth mi sembra un po' eccessivo +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotocamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Stampante" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tavoletta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositivo video" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Telecomando" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Display" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Indossabile" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Giocattolo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Tutti i tipi" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connessione" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Indirizzo" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Impostazioni _mouse e touchpad" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Impostazioni _audio" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Impostazioni _tastiera" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Invia _file…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Rimuovi dispositivo" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Trasferimento Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Invia file attraverso Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Si è verificato un errore sconosciuto" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Assicurarsi che il dispositivo remoto sia attivato e che accetti connessioni " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d secondo" +msgstr[1] "%'d secondi" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuto" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuti" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ora" +msgstr[1] "%'d ore" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "approssimativamente %'d ora" +msgstr[1] "approssimativamente %'d ore" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Connessione…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Trasferimento file Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Riprova" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Da:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "A:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Invio di %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Invio del file %d di %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u trasferimento completato" +msgstr[1] "%u trasferimenti completati" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Chiudi" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Si è verificato un errore" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Selezionare il dispositivo a cui inviare" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "In_via" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Scegliere i file da inviare" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seleziona" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositivo remoto da usare" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "INDIRIZZO" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nome del dispositivo remoto" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOME" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FILE…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visibile come «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pagina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pagina 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Fatto" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Inserire il seguente PIN su «Foobar»:" diff --git a/po/ja.po b/po/ja.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1c72278 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ja.po @@ -0,0 +1,474 @@ +# Japanese translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007-2009 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# CHIKAMA Masaki , 2008. +# Takayuki KUSANO , 2009-2011. +# Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) , 2009. +# Noriko Mizumoto , 2012. +# Jiro Matsuzawa , 2013, 2014. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-18 15:57+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-20 01:22+0900\n" +"Last-Translator: Jiro Matsuzawa \n" +"Language-Team: Japanese \n" +"Language: ja\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "クリックしてデバイスを選択…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "中止(_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "OK(_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "未知" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "アダプターが利用できません" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "デバイスを検索しています…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "デバイス" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "種類" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "デバイス" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "すべてのカテゴリ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "ペアリング済" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "認証済み" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "未ペアリングあるいは未認証" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "ペアリング済あるいは認証済" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "表示:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "デバイスのカテゴリ(_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "リストを絞り込むためデバイスのカテゴリを選択してください" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "デバイスの種類(_T)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "リストを絞り込むためデバイスの種類を選択してください" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "入力デバイス (マウス、キーボード、など)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "ヘッドフォン、ヘッドセット、その他のオーディオ・デバイス" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bluetooth PIN の確認" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s' で入力された PIN を確認してください。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "確認" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the device's manual." +msgstr "'%s' の Bluetooth PIN を確認してください。通常はデバイスのマニュアルに記載されています。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "ペアリング '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "以下の PIN が '%s' に表示されているものと一致するかどうか確認してください。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth ペアリングリクエスト" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' がこのデバイスとのペアリングを要求しています。ペアリングを許可しますか?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "次の PINを '%s' に入力してください。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "次のPINを'%s'に入力してください。その後キーボードで“Return”を押してください。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "以下の方向に iCade のジョイスティックを移動してください。その後白いボタンのいずれかを押してください。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "許可" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "拒否" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "中止" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "承認" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "設定されていません" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "接続しました" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "切断しました" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "はい" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "いいえ" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s”のように表示されます" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "'%s' をデバイスのリストから削除しますか?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "デバイスを削除すると、次回使用時にデバイスを再設定しなければなりません。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "削除(_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "すべてのタイプ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "電話" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "モデム" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "コンピューター" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "ネットワーク" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ヘッドセット" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "ヘッドフォン" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "オーディオデバイス" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "キーボード" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "マウス" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "カメラ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "プリンター" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "ジョイパッド" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "タブレット" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ビデオデバイス" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "リモートコントローラー" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "スキャナー" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "ディスプレイ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "ウェアラブル" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "玩具" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "接続" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "ページ1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "ページ2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "アドレス" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "マウスとタッチパッドの設定(_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "音の設定(_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "キーボードの設定(_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ファイルの送信(_F)…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "デバイスの削除(_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth 転送" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ファイルを Bluetooth で送信" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "不明なエラーが発生しました" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d 秒" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d 分" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d 時間" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "約 %'d 時間" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "接続中…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth ファイル転送" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "再試行(_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "送信元:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "送信先:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s を送信中" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "ファイル送信 %2$d 中 %1$d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/秒" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/秒" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u 件転送完了" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "閉じる(_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "エラーが発生しました" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "送信先のデバイスを選択してください" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "送信(_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "送信するファイルを選択" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "選択" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "使用するリモート・デバイス" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "アドレス" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "リモート・デバイスの名前" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "名前" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ファイル...]" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "完了" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "以下のPINを'%Foobar'に入力してください:" diff --git a/po/ka.po b/po/ka.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a10c38d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ka.po @@ -0,0 +1,702 @@ +# Georgian translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2008 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2008 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2008. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-29 14:31+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-10-04 22:26+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: David Machakhelidze \n" +"Language-Team: Georgian \n" +"Language: ka\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:37+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n" + +#~ msgid "Trusted" +#~ msgstr "სანდო" + +#~ msgid "Device" +#~ msgstr "მოწყობილობა" + +#~ msgid "Device _category:" +#~ msgstr "მოწყობილობის კატეგორია" + +#~ msgid "Device _type:" +#~ msgstr "მოწყობილობის ტიპი" + +#~ msgid "Search" +#~ msgstr "ძებნა" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:82 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "ყველა ტიპი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:84 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ტელეფონი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:86 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "მოდემი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:88 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "კომპიუტერი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:90 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "ქსელი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:92 ../wizard/main.c:326 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ყურსასმენი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:94 +msgid "Headphone" +msgstr "ყურსასმენი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:96 ../wizard/main.c:311 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "კლავიატურა" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:98 ../wizard/main.c:306 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "მაუსი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:100 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "კამერა" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:102 ../wizard/main.c:321 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "პრინტერი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:104 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "ჯოიპედი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:106 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "პლანშეტი" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:108 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "უცნობი" + +#: ../common/helper.c:162 +msgid "Select Device" +msgstr "შეარჩიეთ მოწყობილობა" + +#: ../common/helper.c:222 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "შეარჩიეთ გასაგზავნი ფაილები" + +#: ../applet/main.c:123 +msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის მმართველი გნომისათვის" + +#: ../applet/main.c:126 ../analyzer/dialog.c:128 +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "" +"Launchpad Contributions:\n" +" David Machakhelidze\n" +"\n" +"Launchpad Contributions:\n" +" David Machakhelidze" + +#: ../applet/main.c:177 ../applet/main.c:232 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "ახალი მოწყობილობის გამართვა..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:242 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "ფაილები მოწყობილობაზე გაგზავნა..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:250 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "მოწყობილობის ფაილების გახსნა..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:373 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის აპპლეტი" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:258 +msgid "Authentication request" +msgstr "აუთენტიფიკაციის მოთხოვნა" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:286 ../applet/agent.c:395 +msgid "Pairing request for device:" +msgstr "შეწყვილების მოთხოვნა მოწყობილობისთვის:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:303 +msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +msgstr "შეიყვანეთ გასაღები აუტენთიფიკაციისათვის:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:327 +msgid "Show input" +msgstr "სიმბოლოების გამოჩენა" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +msgid "Confirmation request" +msgstr "დამოწმების მოთხოვნა" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:412 +msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +msgstr "აუტენტიფიკაციის მნიშვნელობის დამოწმება:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:456 +msgid "Authorization request" +msgstr "ავტორიზაციის მოთხოვნა" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:482 +msgid "Authorization request for device:" +msgstr "ავტორიზაციის მოთხოვნა მოწყობილობისათვის:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:503 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to %s?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:512 +msgid "Always grant access" +msgstr "ყოველთვის მიეცი უფლება" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:586 ../applet/agent.c:633 ../applet/agent.c:683 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for %s" +msgstr "%s ითხოვს შეწყვილებას" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:590 ../applet/agent.c:637 ../applet/agent.c:687 +#: ../applet/agent.c:736 ../applet/agent.c:781 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Bluetooth -ის მოწყობილობა" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:591 +msgid "Enter PIN code" +msgstr "შეიყვანეთ PIN კოდი" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:638 ../applet/agent.c:688 +msgid "Enter passkey" +msgstr "შეიყვანეთ გასაღები" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:732 +#, c-format +msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +msgstr "დამოწმების მოთხოვნა მოწყობილობისგან %s" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:737 +msgid "Confirm passkey" +msgstr "გასაღების დამოწმება" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request for %s" +msgstr "ავტორიზაციის მოთხოვნა %s" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:782 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "შეამოწმე ავტორიზაცია" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის მენეჯერი" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის მართვის აპლეტი" + +#: ../properties/main.c:63 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის პარამეტრები" + +#: ../properties/main.c:94 +msgid "General" +msgstr "ძირითადი" + +#: ../properties/main.c:131 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის თვისებები" + +#: ../properties/general.c:172 +msgid "File transfer" +msgstr "ფაილების გაგზავნა" + +#: ../properties/general.c:176 +msgid "Receive files from remote devices" +msgstr "ფაილების მიღება მოწყობილობისაგან" + +#: ../properties/general.c:184 +msgid "Share files from public folder" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:195 +msgid "Notification area" +msgstr "შეტყობინებების არე" + +#: ../properties/general.c:199 +msgid "Never display icon" +msgstr "ხატულის გამორთვა" + +#: ../properties/general.c:206 +msgid "Only display when adapter present" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:213 +msgid "Always display icon" +msgstr "ხატულის ყოველთვის ჩვენება" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:99 +msgid "Adapter" +msgstr "ადაპტერი" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:174 +msgid "always" +msgstr "ყოველთვის" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:176 +msgid "hidden" +msgstr "ფარული" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "%'g minute" +msgid_plural "%'g minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'g წუთი" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:477 +msgid "Visibility setting" +msgstr "ხილვოდაობა" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:490 +msgid "Hidden" +msgstr "ფარული" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:502 +msgid "Always visible" +msgstr "ყოველთვის ხილული" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:514 +msgid "Temporary visible" +msgstr "დროებით ხილული" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:566 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "მეგობრული სახელი" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:587 +msgid "Known devices" +msgstr "ცნობილი მოწყობილობები" + +#: ../properties/dialog.c:41 +msgid "Remove from list of known devices?" +msgstr "ამოვიღოთ თუ არა ცნობილი მოწყობილობების სიიდან?" + +#: ../properties/dialog.c:42 +msgid "" +"If you delete the device, you have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილი" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის პარამეტრების კონფიგურაცია" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "" +"Display options for the notification icon. Valid options are \"never\", " +"\"present\" and \"always\"." +msgstr "" +"შეტყობიენბათა ხატულის პარამეტრების ჩვენება. ეს პარამეტრებია \"არასდროს\", " +"\"ახლა\" and \"ყოველთვის\"." + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If Bluetooth file sharing is enabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If receiving of remote files via Bluetooth is enabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "" +"If the service for receiving remote files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If the service for sharing files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "When to show the notification icon" +msgstr "შეტყობინების ხატულას ჩვენების დრო" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:75 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN code: %s" +msgstr "შეიყვანეთ შემდეგი PIN კოდი: %s" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:94 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following passkey: %s%s" +msgstr "შეიყვანეთ შემდეგი გასაღები: %s%s" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s canceled" +msgstr "შეყვილება %s-თან გაუქმდა" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:118 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s finished" +msgstr "შეყვილება %s-თან დასრულდა" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully paired with %s" +msgstr "წარმატებული შეწყვილება %s-თან" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:159 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed" +msgstr "შეწყვილება %s-თან ჩაიშალა" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:193 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to %s now ..." +msgstr "შეერთება %s-თან ..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:264 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "შესავალი" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:265 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth device setup wizard" +msgstr "მოგესალმებათ ლურჯკბილა მოწყობილობის გამართვის ოსტატი" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:268 +msgid "" +"The device wizard will walk you through the process of configuring Bluetooth " +"enabled devices for use with this computer.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:303 +msgid "Device type" +msgstr "მოწყობილობის ტიპი" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:304 +msgid "Select the type of device you want to setup" +msgstr "შეარჩიეთ საჭირო მოწყობილობის ტიპი" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:316 +msgid "Mobile phone" +msgstr "მობილური ტელეფონი" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:331 +msgid "Any device" +msgstr "ნებისმიერი მოწყობილობა" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:392 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "მოწყობილობის ძიება" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:393 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "შეარჩიეთ მოწყობილობა" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:428 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "მოწყობილობის გამართვა" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:429 +msgid "Setting up new device" +msgstr "ახალი მოწყობილობის გამართვა" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:451 +msgid "Summary" +msgstr "მოკლე შინაარსი" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:452 +msgid "Succesfully configured new device" +msgstr "მოწყობილობის გამართვა დასრულდა წარმატებით" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:462 +msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +msgstr "ლურჯკბილა მოწყობილობის ოსტატი" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:93 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d წამი" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:98 ../sendto/main.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d წუთი" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d საათი" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:119 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "მიახლოებით %'d საათი" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:145 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "ფაილების გადაცემა" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ფაილების გადაცემა ლურჯი კბილით" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:174 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "ვისგან:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:190 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "ვის:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:206 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "დაკავშირება..." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:254 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "გაგზავნა %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:261 ../sendto/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "იგზავნება %d ფაილი %d-დან" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:322 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d კბ/წმ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:324 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d ბ/წმ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:373 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "უცნობი შეცდომა" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:383 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:554 ../browse/main.c:38 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:166 +msgid "Saving of protocol trace failed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:313 +msgid "Loading Trace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:317 +msgid "Live Import" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:321 +msgid "Protocol Trace" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:326 +msgid "Unsaved" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:609 +msgid "Can't live import from" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:842 ../analyzer/main.c:1032 ../analyzer/dialog.c:102 +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Bluetooth Analyzer" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის ანალიზი" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:856 +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_ფაილი" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:886 +msgid "Open _Recent" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:933 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "რ_ედაქტირება" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:942 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "ჩ_ვენება" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:947 +msgid "_Full Screen" +msgstr "_სრული ეკრანი" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:954 +msgid "_Tools" +msgstr "_ხელსაწყოები" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:959 +msgid "_Debug Packet List" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:968 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_დახმარება" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +msgstr "ლურჯი კბილის პროტოკოლის ანალიზი" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:140 +msgid "All Files" +msgstr "ყველა ფაილი" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:145 +msgid "Supported Files" +msgstr "მხარდაჭერილი ფაილები" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:154 +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:160 +msgid "Apple Packet Logger Files" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:175 +msgid "By Extension" +msgstr "გაფართოების მიხედვით" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:180 +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Format" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:185 +msgid "Apple Packet Logger Format" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:249 +msgid "Select File _Type" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:292 +msgid "File Type" +msgstr "ფაილის ტიპი" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:297 +msgid "Extensions" +msgstr "გაფართოებები" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:331 +msgid "Save File" +msgstr "ფაილის შენახვა" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:373 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "ფაილის გახსნა" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:455 +msgid "Local connection" +msgstr "ლოკალური შეერთება" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:463 +msgid "Remote connection" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:497 +msgid "Open Import" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:537 +msgid "Save the protocol trace before closing?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:538 +msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:546 +msgid "Close _without Saving" +msgstr "დახურვა დამახსოვრების გარეშე" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:576 +msgid "There is" +msgstr "იქ არის" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:576 +msgid "There are" +msgstr "იქ არის" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:577 +msgid "unsaved protocol trace." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:578 +msgid "unsaved protocol traces." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:579 +msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:589 +msgid "_Discard Changes" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:250 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ტიპი" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:258 +msgid "Packet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:267 +msgid "Timestamp" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Analyze Bluetooth traces" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Apple Packet Logger File" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop File" +msgstr "" diff --git a/po/kk.po b/po/kk.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a742931 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/kk.po @@ -0,0 +1,662 @@ +# Kazakh translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2010 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Baurzhan Muftakhidinov , 2010-2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-20 18:32+0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Baurzhan Muftakhidinov \n" +"Language-Team: Kazakh \n" +"Language: kk\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.8.12\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Құрылғыны таңдау үшін шертіңіз..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "Ба_с тарту" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "О_К" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Белгісіз" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Қолжетерлік адаптерлер жоқ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Құрылғыларды іздеу…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Құрылғы" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Түрі" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Құрылғылар" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Барлық санаттар" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Жұпталған" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Сенімді" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Жұпталған не сенімді емес" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Жұпталған не сенімді" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Көрсету:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Құрылғы _санаты:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Сүзгілеу үшін құрылғы санатын енгізіңіз" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Құрылғы _түрі:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Сүзгілеу үшін құрылғы түрін енгізіңіз" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Енгізу құрылғылары (тышқан, пернетақталар, т.с.с.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Құлаққап, гарнитура және басқа да аудио құрылғылары" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bluetooth PIN кодын растау" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "\"%s\" құрылғысында енгізілген PIN кодын растаңыз." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Растау" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"\"%s\" үшін Bluetooth PIN кодын растаңыз. Әдетте оны құрылғы құжаттамасынан " +"табуға болады." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "\"%s\" жұптау" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Келесі PIN коды \"%s\" құрылғысында көрсетілген кодпен сәйкес келетінін " +"растаңыз." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth жұптау сұранымы" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "\"%s\" бұл құрылғымен жұптағысы келеді. Жұптауды рұқсат ету керек пе?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bluetooth байланысын растау" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"\"%s\" бұл құрылғыға байланыс орнатқысы келеді. Оны рұқсат ету керек пе?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Келесі PIN кодын \"%s\" құрылғысында енгізіңіз." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Келесі PIN кодын \"%s\" құрылғысында енгізіңіз. Одан кейін пернетақтада " +"\"Enter\" басыңыз." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Өзіңіздің iCade құрылғысының джойстигін келесі бағыттарда жылжытыңыз. Одан " +"кейін ақ батырмалардын кез-келгенін басыңыз." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Рұқсат ету" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Елемеу" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Бас тарту" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Қабылдау" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Бапталмаған" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Байланысқан" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Байланыспаған" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Иә" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Жоқ" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Компьютер енді \"%s\" ретінде көрінеді және Bluetooth файлдар алмасулары " +"үшін қолжетерлік. Алмасқан файлдарды Жүктемелер бумасынан " +"табуға болады." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "\"%s\" құрылғылар тізімінен өшіру керек пе?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Құрылғыны өшірсеңіз, қайта қолдану үшін оны жаңадан баптау керек болады." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "Өші_ру" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Сіз Bluetooth арқылы \"%s\" қабылдадыңыз" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Сіз файлды қабылдадыңыз" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Файлды ашу" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Файлды анықтау" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Файлдарды қабылдау аяқталды" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "%s жіберген Bluetooth файлдармен алмасуы" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Тайдыру" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Телефон" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Компьютер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Желі" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Гарнитура" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Құлаққап" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Аудио құрылғысы" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Пернетақта" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Тышқан" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Камера" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Принтер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Геймпад" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Видео құрылғысы" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Қашықтан басқару" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Сканер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Көрсету" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Өзімен ұстап жүруге болатын құрылғы" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Ойыншық" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Барлық түрлер" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Байланыс" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Адресі" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Тышқан және тачпад баптаулары" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Дыбы_с баптаулары" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Пернетақта баптаулары" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_Файлдарды жіберу…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Құрылғыны ө_шіру" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth алмасулары" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Файлдарды Bluetooth арқылы жіберу" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Белгісіз қате орын алды" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Қашықтағы құрылғы іске қосулы және ол Bluetooth байланыстарын қабылдайтынын " +"тексеріңіз" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d секунд" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d минут" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d сағат" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "шамамен %'d сағат" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Байланысу…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth файлдармен алмасу" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Қа_йталау" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Кімнен:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Кімге:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Жіберуде %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Нөмірі %d файлды жіберу, барлығы %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d КБ/с" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d Б/с" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u алмасу аяқталды" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Жа_бу" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Қате орын алды" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Жіберу үшін құрылғыны таңдаңыз" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Жіберу" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Жіберу үшін файлдарды таңдаңыз" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Таңдау" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Қолдану үшін қашықтағы құрылғы" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "АДРЕС" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Қашықтағы құрылғы атауы" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "АТАУЫ" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "\"%s\" ретінде көрінеді" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "бет 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "бет 2" + +#~| msgid "Device" +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Құрылғыларды іздеу" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN опциялары" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Жұптамау" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Таңдауыңызша PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "Қай_тадан көру" + +#~| msgid "Quit" +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "Ш_ығу" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Сәйкес емес" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Сәйкес" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth құрылғысын баптау" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth құрылғыларын баптау" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Файлдармен алмасу" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Файлдарды Bluetooth арқылы жіберу" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Шолу үшін құрылғыны таңдаңыз" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "Қара_п шығу" + +#~ msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-ды іске қосыңыз" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Сөндірілген" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Байланысты үзу..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Байланысты үзу" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Файлдарды шолу..." + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Пернетақта баптауларын ашу..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Тышқан баптауларын ашу..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Дыбыс баптауларын ашу..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Жөндеу" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetooth апплеті" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Командалық жолдың барлық опцияларын қарау үшін '%s --help' енгізіңіз.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth апплеті" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Қосулы" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Тексеру" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Қалаулар" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Көрінетін" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "Та_йдыру" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d КБ/с" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Байланысу" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Шолу" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Дайын" diff --git a/po/km.po b/po/km.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..36910a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/km.po @@ -0,0 +1,669 @@ +# Khmer translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2012 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2012 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-07 08:13+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-11 08:29+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Khoem Sokhem \n" +"Language-Team: Khmer\n" +"Language: km\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 15890)\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-09-03 23:41+0000\n" +"X-Language: km-KH\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "ចុច ដើម្បី​ជ្រើស​ឧបករណ៍..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "មិន​ស្គាល់" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "មិនអាច​អាដាប់ទ័រ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "កំពុង​ស្វែងរក​ឧបករណ៍..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ប្រភេទ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "គ្រប់​ប្រភេទ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "បាន​ផ្គូផ្គង" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "ដែលទុកចិត្ត" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "មិន​ផ្គូផ្គង ឬ​មិន​ទុក​ចិត្ត" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "បាន​ផ្គូផ្គង ឬ​ទុកចិត្ត" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "បង្ហាញ៖" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ប្រភេទ​ឧបករណ៍៖" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "ជ្រើស​ប្រភេទ​ឧបករណ៍​ ដើម្បី​ត្រង" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ប្រភេទ​ឧបករណ៍៖" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ជ្រើស​ប្រភេទ​ឧបករណ៍​ ដើម្បី​ត្រង" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍​បញ្ចូល (កណ្ដុរ ក្ដារចុច ។ល។)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "កាស និង​ឧបករណ៍​អូឌីយ៉ូ​ផ្សេង​ទៀត" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "គ្រប់​ប្រភេទ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ទូរស័ព្ទ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "ម៉ូដឹម" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "កុំព្យូទ័រ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "បណ្ដាញ" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "កាស" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "កាស" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍​អូឌីយ៉ូ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "ក្ដារចុច" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "កណ្ដុរ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "ម៉ាស៊ីន​ថត" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "ម៉ាស៊ីន​បោះពុម្ព" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ថេបប្លែត" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍​វីដេអូ" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "ប្រើ​ឧបករណ៍ GPS នេះ​សម្រាប់​សេវាកម្ម Geolocation" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "ចូល​​ប្រើ​អ៊ីនធឺណិត ដោយ​ប្រើ​ប្រាស់​ទូរស័ព្ទ​ចល័ត (សាកល្បង)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:230 +msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +msgstr "បើក​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/main.c:231 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "ប៊្លូធូស ៖ បិទ" + +#: ../applet/main.c:234 +msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +msgstr "បិទ​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/main.c:235 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "ប៊្លូធូស ៖ បើក" + +#: ../applet/main.c:240 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "ប៊្លូធូស ៖ បាន​បិទ" + +#: ../applet/main.c:387 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "កំពុង​ផ្ដាច់..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:390 ../sendto/main.c:192 ../sendto/main.c:292 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "កំពុង​តភ្ជាប់..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:393 ../applet/main.c:676 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "បាន​តភ្ជាប់" + +#: ../applet/main.c:396 ../applet/main.c:676 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "បាន​ផ្ដាច់" + +#: ../applet/main.c:694 ../applet/main.c:758 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "ផ្ដាច់" + +#: ../applet/main.c:694 ../applet/main.c:758 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "តភ្ជាប់" + +#: ../applet/main.c:707 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "ផ្ញើ​ឯកសារ..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:717 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "រកមើល​ឯកសារ..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:728 +msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "ការ​កំណត់​ក្ដារចុច" + +#: ../applet/main.c:736 +msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "ការ​កំណត់​កណ្ដុរ និង​ការ​ប៉ះ" + +#: ../applet/main.c:746 +msgid "Sound Settings" +msgstr "ការ​កំណត់​សំឡេង" + +#: ../applet/main.c:799 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "បំបាត់​កំហុស" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:818 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- អាប់ភ្លេត​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/main.c:823 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"ដំណើរការ '%s --help' ដើម្បី​មើល​បញ្ជូ​ពេញលេញ​ដែល​អាច​ប្រើ​បាន​នៃ​ជម្រើស​បន្ទាត់​ពាក្យ​បញ្ជា ។\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:849 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "អាប់ភ្លេត​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:122 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:196 ../applet/agent.c:265 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍​ '%s' ចង់​ផ្គូផ្គង​ជា​មួយ​កុំព្យូទ័រ​នេះ" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "សូម​បញ្ចូល​ PIN ដែល​អធិប្បាយ​នៅ​លើ​ឧបករណ៍ %s ។" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "សូម​បញ្ជាក់​ថាតើ PIN '%s' ផ្គូផ្គង​ជា​មួយ​ឧបករណ៍​មួយ​ នៅ​លើ​ឧបករណ៍​នេះ %s ។" + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "ផ្ដល់​សិទ្ធិ​ចូល​ទៅ '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:319 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍ %s ចង់​ចូល​ប្រើ​សេវាកម្ម​ '%s'។" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "សំណើ​ផ្គូផ្គង​សម្រាប់ '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:371 ../applet/agent.c:404 ../applet/agent.c:434 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:372 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "បញ្ចូល PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:396 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "បញ្ជាក់​ការ​ផ្គូផ្គង​សម្រាប់ '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:405 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "ផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ PIN" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:432 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "សំណើ​ចូល​ពី '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:435 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "ពិនិត្យ​មើល​សិទ្ធិ" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "កម្មវិធី​គ្រប់គ្រង​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "អាប់ភ្លេត​កម្មវិធី​គ្រប់គ្រង​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "ប៊្លូធូស ៖ ពិនិត្យ​មើល" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "មើលឃើញ" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "ផ្ញើ​ឯកសារ​ទៅ​ឧបករណ៍..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "រៀបចំ​ឧបករណ៍​ថ្មី..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +msgstr "ការ​កំណត់​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "ចេញ" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "ផ្ដល់​សិទ្ធិ​ជា​និច្ច" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "បដិសេធ" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "ផ្ដល់​សិទ្ធិ" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "មិន​ផ្គូផ្គង" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "ផ្គូផ្គង" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "បង្ហាញ​ការ​បញ្ចូល" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:241 ../wizard/main.c:364 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "ការ​ផ្គូផ្គង​​ជា​មួយ '%s' បាន​បោះបង់" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:282 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "សូម​បញ្ជាក់​ថា PIN បាន​បង្ហាញ​នៅ​លើ '%s' ជា​មួយ​ឧបករណ៍​មួយ​នេះ ។" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:336 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "សូម​បញ្ចូល​ PIN ដូច​ខា​ងក្រោម ៖" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:424 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "បាន​បរាជ័យ​ក្នុងការ​រៀបចំ '%s' បាន​បរាជ័យ" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:478 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "កំពុង​តភ្ជាប់​ទៅ '%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:518 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "សូម​បញ្ចូល​ PIN ដូច​ខាងក្រោម​នៅ​លើ '%s' ៖" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "សូម​បញ្ចូល​ PIN ដូច​ខាង​ក្រោម​នៅ​ '%s' ហើយ​ចុច​គ្រាប់​ចុច​បញ្ចូល “Enter” នៅ​លើ​ក្ដារចុច ៖" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:526 +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgstr "សូម​ផ្លាស់ទីយ៉យស្ទីក​នៃ iCade របស់​តាម​ទិស​ដូច​ខាងក្រោម ៖" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:558 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "សូម​រង់ចាំ​ខណៈ​ដែល​កំពុង​បញ្ចប់​ការ​រៀបចំ​លើ​ឧបករណ៍ '%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:576 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "ការ​រៀបចំ​ឧបករណ៍​ថ្មី​ជោគជ័យ '%s'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "ការ​រៀបចំ​ឧបករណ៍​ប៊្លូធូស​ថ្មី" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "ជម្រើស PIN..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "Device Search" +msgstr "ការ​ស្វែងរក​ឧបករណ៍" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "ការ​រៀបចំ​ឧបករណ៍" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Finishing Setup" +msgstr "បញ្ចប់​កា​ររៀបចំ" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "ជ្រើស​សេវាកម្ម​បន្ថែម ដែល​អ្នក​ចង់​ប្រើ​ជា​មួយ​ឧបករណ៍​របស់​អ្នក ៖" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Setup Summary" +msgstr "សង្ខេប​ការ​រៀបចំ" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "ជម្រើស PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "កា​រជ្រើស PIN ដោយ​ស្វ័យ​ប្រវត្តិ" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "PIN ថេរ" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (ភាគ​ច្រើន​ជា​ កាស កណ្ដុរ និង​ឧបករណ៍ GPS)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "កុំ​ផ្គូផ្គង" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "ប្ដូរ PIN តាម​បំណង ៖" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "_Try Again" +msgstr "ព្យាយាម​ម្ដង​ទៀត" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "ចេញ" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "បោះបង់" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "កុំផ្គូផ្គង" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "ផ្គូផ្គង" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "ការ​រៀបចំ​ឧបករណ៍​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "រៀបចំ​ឧបករណ៍​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:151 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d វិនាទី" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:156 ../sendto/main.c:169 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d នាទី" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ម៉ោង" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ប្រហែល %'d ម៉ោង" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:231 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "ការ​ផ្ទេរ​ឯកសារ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:234 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "ព្យាយាម​ម្ដង​ទៀត" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ផ្ញើ​ឯកសារ​តាមរយៈ​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:265 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "ពី ៖" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:277 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "ជូន​ចំពោះ ៖" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:321 ../sendto/main.c:339 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "កំហុស​មិន​ស្គាល់​បាន​កើត​ឡើង" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:332 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "សូម​ប្រាកដ​ថា ឧបករណ៍​ពី​ចម្ងាយ​ត្រូវ​បាន​បើក ហើយ​វា​ទទួល​ការ​តភ្ជាប់​តាមរយៈ​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:430 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "ផ្ញើ %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:437 ../sendto/main.c:508 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "ផ្ញើ​ឯកសារ %d នៃ %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:504 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:506 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:639 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "ជ្រើស​ឧបករណ៍​ត្រូវ​ផ្ញើ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:644 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "ផ្ញើ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:688 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "ជ្រើស​ឯកសារ​ត្រូវ​ផ្ញើ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:691 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "ជ្រើស" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:717 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ឧបករណ៍​ពី​ចម្ងាយ​ត្រូវ​ប្រើ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:717 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "អាសយដ្ឋាន" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:719 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "ឈ្មោះ​ឧបករណ៍​ពី​ចម្ងាយ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:719 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "ឈ្មោះ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ឯកសារ...]" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:168 +msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "កំហុស​កម្មវិធី ៖ រក​មិនឃើញ​ឧបករណ៍​នៅ​ក្នុង​បញ្ជី" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:243 +#, c-format +msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "OBEX ជំរុញ​ការ​ផ្ទេរ​ឯកសារ​ដែល​មិន​បាន​គាំទ្រ" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:262 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "ប៊្លូធូស (OBEX Push)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ការ​ផ្ទេរ​តាម​ប៊្លូធូស" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ផ្ញើ​ឯកសារ​តាមរយៈ​ប៊្លូធូស" diff --git a/po/kn.po b/po/kn.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..29dad68 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/kn.po @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +# translation of to Kannada +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Shankar Prasad , 2009, 2012, 2014. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version:\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-02 06:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-12 00:36+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: Shankar Prasad \n" +"Language-Team: Kannada \n" +"Language: kn\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +#| msgid "Click to select device..." +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಕ್ಲಿಕ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "ರದ್ದುಮಾಡು (_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ಸರಿ (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ಗೊತ್ತಿರದ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಅಡಾಪ್ಟರುಗಳು ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +#| msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "ಸಾಧನಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಹುಡುಕಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ಸಾಧನ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ಬಗೆ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ಸಾಧನಗಳು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ವರ್ಗಗಳು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "ಜೋಡಿಯಾದ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "ನಂಬಿಕಸ್ತ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "ಜೋಡಿಯಾಗಿಲ್ಲದ ಅಥವ ನಂಬಿಕಸ್ತವಾಗಿಲ್ಲದ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "ಜೋಡಿಯಾದ ಅಥವ ನಂಬಿಕಸ್ತ" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "ತೋರಿಸು:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ಸಾಧನದ ಪಂಗಡ (_c):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧನ ವರ್ಗವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ಸಾಧನದ ಬಗೆ (_t):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ಫಿಲ್ಟರ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧನ ಬಗೆಯನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್‌ ಸಾಧನಗಳು (ಮೌಸ್‌ಗಳು, ಕೀಲಿಮಣೆಗಳು, ಇತರೆ.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "ಹೆಡ್‌ಫೋನ್‌ಗಳು, ಹೆಡ್‌ಸೆಟ್‌ಗಳು ಹಾಗು ಇತರೆ ಆಡಿಯೊ ಸಾಧನಗಳು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್ PIN ಅನ್ನು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s' ನಲ್ಲಿ ನಮೂದಿಸಲಾದ PIN ಅನ್ನು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿ." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "ದೃಢೀಕರಣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"'%s' ಗಾಗಿ ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್ ಪಿನ್‌ ಅನ್ನು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿ. ಇದನ್ನು ಸಾಧನದ ಕೈಪಿಡಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ನೋಡಬಹುದು." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' ಜೋಡಿಯಾಗಿಸುವಿಕೆ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s' ನಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸಲಾದ PINಗೆ ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನವು ತಾಳೆಯಾಗುತ್ತದೆಯೆ ಎಂದು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿ." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್‌ ಜೋಡಿಮಾಡುವಿಕೆ ಮನವಿ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"'%s' ಈ ಸಾಧನದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಜೋಡಿ ಮಾಡಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತಿದೆ. ಜೋಡಿ ಮಾಡಲು ನೀವು ಅನುಮತಿಸುತ್ತಿರಾ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ PIN ಅನ್ನು '%s' ನಲ್ಲಿ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ PINಅನ್ನು '%s' ನಲ್ಲಿ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ ನಂತರ ಕೀಲಿಮಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿರುವ “Return” " +"ಅನ್ನು " +"ಒತ್ತಿ:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +#| msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"ನಿಮ್ಮ iCade ನ ಜಾಯ್‌ಸ್ಟಿಕ್ ಅನ್ನು ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ದಿಕ್ಕಿನಲ್ಲಿ ತಿರುಗಿಸಿ. ನಂತರ ಯಾವುದೆ " +"ಬಿಳಿಯ ಗುಂಡಿಗಳನ್ನು ಒತ್ತಿ," + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "ಅನುಮತಿಸು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "ತ್ಯಜಿಸು" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +#| msgid "_Cancel" +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ರದ್ದುಮಾಡು" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "ಒಪ್ಪಿಕೋ" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +#| msgid "Connecting..." +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದಿದೆ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "ಹೌದು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” ಎಂದು ಕಾಣಿಸುತ್ತದೆ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಮಾಡಿದ ಸಾಧನಗಳಿಂದ '%s' ಅನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಬೇಕೆ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"ನೀವು ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ಮುಂದಿನ ಬಾರಿ ಬಳಸುವ ಮೊದಲು ನೀವು ಅದನ್ನು ಪುನಃ " +"ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕಿರುತ್ತದೆ." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕು (_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಬಗೆಗಳು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ದೂರವಾಣಿ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "ಮಾಡೆಮ್" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "ಗಣಕ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧ" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ಹೆಡ್‌ಸೆಟ್‌" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "ಹೆಡ್‌ಫೋನ್‌ಗಳು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ಸಾಧನ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "ಕೀಲಿಮಣೆ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "ಮೌಸ್" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "ಮುದ್ರಕ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "ಜಾಯ್‌ಪ್ಯಾಡ್‌" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ಟ್ಯಾಬ್ಲೆಟ್‌" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಸಾಧನ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "ರಿಮೋಟ್ ಕಂಟ್ರೋಲ್" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "ಸ್ಕ್ಯಾನರ್" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "ಪ್ರದರ್ಶಕ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "ಧರಿಸಬಹುದಾದವು" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +#| msgid "To:" +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "ಆಟಿಕೆ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "Connecting..." +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "ಪುಟ 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "ಪುಟ 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ವಿಳಾಸ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "ಮೌಸ್‌ ಮತ್ತು ಟಚ್‌ಪ್ಯಾಡ್‌ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "ಧ್ವನಿಯ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +#| msgid "Keyboard" +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "ಕೀಲಿಮಣೆ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು (_F)…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +#| msgid "Remote device to use" +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕು (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್‌ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್ ಮೂಲಕ ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "ಒಂದು ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲದ ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d ಸೆಕೆಂಡು" +msgstr[1] "%'d ಸೆಕೆಂಡು" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d ನಿಮಿಷ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ನಿಮಿಷ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ಗಂಟೆ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ಗಂಟೆ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ಅಂದಾಜು %'d ಗಂಟೆ" +msgstr[1] "ಅಂದಾಜು %'d ಗಂಟೆ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +#| msgid "Connecting..." +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತಿದೆ…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್‌ ಕಡತ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "ಪುನಃ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸು (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "ಯಿಂದ:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "ಗೆ:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "ಕಡತ %d ಅನ್ನು (%d ನಲ್ಲಿ) ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" +msgstr[1] "%u ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಗಳು ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಿವೆ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "ಮುಚ್ಚು (_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "ಒಂದು ದೋಷ ಇತ್ತು" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "ಕಳುಹಿಸು (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "ಆರಿಸು" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಸಾಧನ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADDRESS" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಸಾಧನದ ಹೆಸರು" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FILE...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "ಜಿಯೋಲೊಕೇಶನ್ ಸೇವೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಈ GPS ಸಾಧನವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೊಬೈಲ್ ದೂರವಾಣಿಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಅಂತರ್ಜಾಲವನ್ನು ನಿಲುಕಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ (ಪ್ರಾಯೋಗಿಕ)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ PIN ಅನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ಅನ್ನು ಸಿದ್ಧಪಡಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸಾಧಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ಸಾಧನನಲ್ಲಿ ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಕೆಯು ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸುವವರೆಗೂ ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಕಾಯಿರಿ..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಾಧನ '%s' ಅನ್ನು ಯಶಸ್ವಿಯಾಗಿ ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್‌ ಹೊಸ ಸಾಧನದ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆ" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು(_o)..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "ಸಾಧನದ ಹುಡುಕಾಟ" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ಸಾಧನದ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆ" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಯನ್ನು ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಾಧನದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಹೆಚ್ಚುವರಿ ಸೇವೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಯ ಸಾರಾಂಶ" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತ PIN ಆಯ್ಕೆ(_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "ನಿಶ್ಚಿತ PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಹೆಡ್‌ಸೆಟ್‌ಗಳು, ಮೌಸ್‌ಗಳು ಹಾಗು GPS ಸಾಧನಗಳು)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "ಜಂಟಿ ಮಾಡಬೇಡ" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ಅಗತ್ಯಾನುಗುಣ PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "ಇನ್ನೊಮ್ಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸು (_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸು (_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ತಾಳೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "ತಾಳೆಗಳು" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್‌ ಸಾಧನದ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆ" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್‌ ಸಾಧನಗಳ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆ" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "ಕಡತ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್ ಮೂಲಕ ಕಳುಹಿಸುವಿಕೆ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಸಾಧನವು ಚಾಲಿತಗೊಂಡಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಅದು ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ ಎಂದು " +#~ "ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ" diff --git a/po/ko.po b/po/ko.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3ea5516 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ko.po @@ -0,0 +1,550 @@ +# gnome-bluetooth translation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Based on Rosetta translation: +# Korean translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Hyunseok Hwang , 2007, 2008. +# Young-Ho Cha , 2008. +# SeongMan, Jang 2017. +# +# Update in gnome-bluetooth: +# Seong-ho Cho , 2011-2015. +# Changwoo Ryu , 2009-2011, 2015. +# +# 주의: +# - Bluetooth는 "블루투스"로 번역. +# - pair(ing)은 "페어링"으로 음역 +# - 그래픽 입력 장치인 Tablet은 "디지타이저"로 의역, 태블릿 컴퓨터와 구별 +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-26 16:43+0900\n" +"Last-Translator: SeongMan, Jang \n" +"Language-Team: GNOME Korea \n" +"Language: ko\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "선택할 장치를 누르십시오…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "취소(_C)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "확인(_O)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "알 수 없음" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "어댑터가 없습니다" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "장치 검색 중…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "장치" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "종류" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "장치" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "모든 분류" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "페어링함" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "신뢰함" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "페어링 상태 아니거나 신뢰하지 않음" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "페어링함 또는 신뢰함" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "보기:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "장치 분류(_C):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "필터링할 장치 분류를 선택하십시오" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "장치 종류(_T):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "필터링할 장치 종류를 선택하십시오" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "입력 장치(마우스, 키보드 등)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "헤드폰, 헤드셋 및 기타 오디오 장치" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "블루투스 PIN 확인" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "“%s” 장치에 입력한 PIN을 확인하십시오." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "확인" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"“%s” 장치의 블루투스 PIN을 확인하십시오. 장치 설명서에서 찾을 수 있습니다." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” 장치 페어링 중" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "“%s” 장치에 표시된 PIN이 다음 PIN과 일치하는지 확인하십시오." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "블루투스 페어링 요청" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "“%s” 장치가 이 장치와 페어링하려고 합니다. 페어링을 허용하시겠습니까?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "블루투스 연결 확인" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s” 장치가 이 장치에 연결하려고 합니다. 허용하시겠습니까?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "“%s” 장치에 다음 PIN을 입력하십시오." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "“%s” 장치에 다음 PIN을 입력하고 키보드에서 “Return”을 누르십시오." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"다음 방향을 따라 iCade의 조이스틱을 움직이십시오. 그 다음 흰색 단추중 아무거" +"나 누르십시오." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "허용" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "무시" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "취소" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "수락" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "설정하지 않음" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "연결함" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "연결 끊김" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "예" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "아니요" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"이름이 “%s”이고 블루투스 파일 전송을 사용할 수 있습니다. 전송한 파일은 다운로드 폴더에 저장됩니다." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "장치 목록에서 “%s” 장치를 제거하시겠습니까?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "장치를 제거하면 다음에 사용하기 전 설정해야 합니다." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "제거(_R)" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "블루투스를 통해 “%s” 파일을 받았습니다" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "파일을 받았습니다" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "파일 열기" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "파일 드러내기" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "파일 받기를 마쳤습니다" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "%s에서 블루투스 파일 전송이 있습니다" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "거부" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "전화" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "모뎀" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "컴퓨터" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "네트워크" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "헤드셋" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "헤드폰" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "오디오 장치" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "키보드" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "마우스" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "카메라" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "프린터" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "조이패드" + +# 주: 입력 장치를 말함. 태블릿 PC가 아님 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "디지타이저" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "비디오 장치" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "원격 컨트롤" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "스캐너" + +# 주의: 디스플레이 장치를 말함 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "디스플레이" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "착용장치" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "완구" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "모든 종류" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "연결" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "주소" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "마우스와 터치패드 설정(_M)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "소리 설정(_S)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "키보드 설정(_K)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "파일 보내기(_F)…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "장치 제거(_R)" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "블루투스 전송" + +# long description +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "블루투스를 통해 파일을 전송합니다" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "알 수 없는 오류 발생" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "원격 장치를 켜고 블루투스 연결을 받아들이는지 확인하십시오" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d초" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d분" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d시간" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "약 %'d시간" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "연결하는 중…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "블루투스 파일 전송" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "다시 시도(_R)" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "원본:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "대상:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s 보내는 중" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "파일 %2$d개 중 %1$d개 보내는 중" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "전송 %u건 완료" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "닫기(_C)" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "오류가 있습니다" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "보낼 대상 장치를 선택하십시오" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "보내기(_S)" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "보낼 파일을 선택하십시오" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "선택" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "사용할 원격 장치" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "<주소>" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "원격 장치의 이름" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "<이름>" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[<파일>…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "“%s”(으)로 표시" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "1 페이지" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "2 페이지" diff --git a/po/ku.po b/po/ku.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..381ae9c --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ku.po @@ -0,0 +1,969 @@ +# Kurdish translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2010 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# oensari , 2010. +# OMER ENSARİ , 2010. +# Erdal Ronahî , 2011. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth gnome-2-32\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-14 00:41+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-14 00:53+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Erdal Ronahî \n" +"Language-Team: Kurdish Team\n" +"Language: ku\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:128 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Hemû cure" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:130 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:132 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:134 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Komputer" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:136 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Tor" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:139 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Pêbihîstoka bi mîkrofon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:141 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Pêbihîstok" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:143 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Cîhaza muzîkê" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:145 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klavye" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:147 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mişk" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:149 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:151 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Çaper" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:153 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Kontrolkerê lîstikê" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:155 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:157 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Cîhaza vîdeo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:159 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:130 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nenas" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Bitikîne û cîhaz hilbijêre" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:171 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Tu adeptor tune" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:175 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:905 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Lê cîhazan digere..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:373 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Bila '%s' ji lîsteya cîhazan were rakirin?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:375 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Heke hun cîhazê rakin, beriya cardin bikaranîna vê divê hun nûve saz bikin." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Cîhaz" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:819 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:8 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Cure" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:71 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Hemû kategorî" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:73 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:5 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Cotbûyî" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Ewle" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ne cotbûyî ye an ne ewle ye" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Cotbûyî ye an ewle ye" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "Tenê cîhazên Bluetooth nîşan bide bi..." + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Kategoriya cîhazê:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:262 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Ji bo parzûnkirinê kategoriya cîhazê hilbijêre" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:276 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Cureya cîhazê:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:297 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Ji bo parzûnkirinê cureya cîhazê hilbijêre" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:303 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Cîhazên têketinê (mişk, klavye, hwd.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:307 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Pêbihîstok, pêbihîstoka bi mîkrofon û cîhazên muzîkê yên din" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Ji bo servîsên Geolocation vê GPSê bi kar bîne" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Girêdana înternetê bi bikaranîna telefona destan (ceribandin)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:125 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Cîhaz hilbijêre û bigere" + +#: ../applet/main.c:129 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "Bi_gere" + +#: ../applet/main.c:138 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Cîhaz hilbijêre û bigere" + +#: ../applet/main.c:288 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth veke" + +#: ../applet/main.c:289 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Girtî" + +#: ../applet/main.c:292 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth bigire" + +#: ../applet/main.c:293 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Vekirî" + +#: ../applet/main.c:298 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Bêbandor" + +#: ../applet/main.c:445 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Girêdan qut dibe..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:448 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Tê dirêdan..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:451 ../applet/main.c:734 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Hate girêdan" + +#: ../applet/main.c:454 ../applet/main.c:734 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Girêdan qut bû" + +#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Girêdan qutkirin" + +#: ../applet/main.c:752 ../applet/main.c:816 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1001 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Girêdan" + +#: ../applet/main.c:765 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Pelan bişîne..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:775 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Pelan bigere..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:786 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "Vebijêrkên klavyê veke..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:794 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "Vebijêrkên mişkê veke..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:804 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "Vebijêrkên dengê veke..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:857 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Neqandina çewtiyan" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:876 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- sepanoka Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:881 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Ji bo dîtina lîsteya tam ya vebijêrkên rêza fermanê yên heyî '%s --help' " +"bimeşîne.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:907 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Sepanoka Bluetooth" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../applet/notify.c:122 ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/main.c:129 ../moblin/main.c:141 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1602 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Çalak e" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:196 ../applet/agent.c:265 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "Cîhaza '%s' dixwaze ku bi vê komputerê re bibe cot" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Ji kerema xwe PIN a di cîhaza %s de derbas dibe têkeve." + +#: ../applet/agent.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Ji kerema xwe hevgirtina PIN a '%s' û ya cîhazê %s piştrast bikin." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:319 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "Cîhaza %s dixwaze ku bigihîje servîsa '%s'." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Daxwaza cotbûnê ji bo '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:371 ../applet/agent.c:404 ../applet/agent.c:434 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Cîhaza Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:372 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "PIN têkeve" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:396 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Erêkirina cotbûnê ji bo '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:405 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "PIN piştrast bike" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:432 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Daxwaza rayedariyê ji '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:435 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Rayedariyê kontrol bike" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Rêvebirê Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Sepanoka rêvebirê Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Tê kontrolkirin" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Pelên di cîhazê de bigere..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1403 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1513 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Cîhaz" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Vebijêrk" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Derkeve" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Pelan bişîne li cîhazê..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Cîhaza nû saz bike..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Xuya" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "Ne_pejirîne" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "Hev na_girin" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Hevgirtî" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "Têketinê _nîşan bide" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Erê" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:239 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Na" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:331 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth neçalak e" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:336 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +msgstr "Bluetooth neçalak e bi şalterê reqalavê" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:340 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +msgstr "Tu adeptorên Bluetooth nehatine dîtin" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:406 +msgid "Visibility" +msgstr "Xuyabûn" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:410 +#, c-format +msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +msgstr "Xuyabûna \"%s\"" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:1 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Navnîşan" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:2 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Girêdan" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:3 +msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Mîhengên klavyeyê" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Mîhengên mîşk û touchpadê" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:6 +msgid "Power" +msgstr "Hêz" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:7 +msgid "Sound Settings" +msgstr "Mîhengên dengî" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Mîhengên Bluetooth veava bike" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:207 ../wizard/main.c:328 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Cotbûna bi '%s' re hat betalkirin" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:247 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1146 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Ji kerema xwe hevgirtina PIN a di '%s' de tê nîşandan û vê erê bikin." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:301 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1197 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Ji kerema xwe vê PIN ê têkeve: " + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:384 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Sazkirina '%s' pêk nehat" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:442 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Bi '%s' re tê girêdan..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:480 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:750 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" +"Ji kerema xwe vê PIN a di '%s' de têkeve û li klavyê pêl \"Enter\" bike:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:482 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:752 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Ji kerema xwe vê PIN a di '%s' de têkeve:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "" +"Ji kerema xwe li benda bidawîbûna sazkirina di cîhaza '%s' de bimîne..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:523 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Bi serkeftî cîhaza nû '%s' sazkir" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (pêbihîstoka bi mîkrofon, mişk û cîhazên GPS)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Sazkirina cîhaza nû ya Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "PIN a taybet:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Sazkirina cîhazê" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Sazkirina cîhazê pêk nehat" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Lêgerîna cîhazê" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "Cot neke" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1350 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Hev nagirin" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Bidawîbûna sazkirina cîhaza nû" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "PIN a sabît" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Danasîn" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1346 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Hevgirtî" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "Vebijêrkên PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "_Vebijêrkên PIN..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1260 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "" +"Zêdetir servîsên hun dixwazin bi cîhaza xwe re bi kar bînin hilbijêrin:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +msgstr "Cîhaza ku tu dixwazî saz bikî hilbijêre" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Sazkirin qediya" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"Bi sazkirina cîhaza nû ya Bluetooth re hunê cîhazên Bluetooth yên çalakkirî " +"ji bo bikaranîna bi vê komputerê re veava bikin." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"Cîhaz divê ji komputera we 10 metreyan dûrtir nebe, û \"xuya\" be (caran ji " +"vê re \"tê dîtin\" tê gotin). Heke hun biguman bin rêbera cîhazê kontrol " +"bikin." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Bi xêr hatin li sazkirina cîhaza nû ya Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "Bi_xweber hilbijartina PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Betalkirin" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Girtin" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "Sazkirinê nûve bide _destpêkirin" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Sazkirina cîhaza Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Sazkirina cîhazên Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d çirke" +msgstr[1] "%'d çirke" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d xulek" +msgstr[1] "%'d xulek" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d saet" +msgstr[1] "%'d saet" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "kêmzêde %'d saet" +msgstr[1] "kêmzêde %'d saet" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Veguhestina pelî" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Dîsa bi_ceribîne" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Şandina pelan bi Bluetooth re" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Ji:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Ji bo:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Çewtiyekî nenas çêbû" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Kontrol bikin ku cîhaza dûr girêdayî ye û girêdana bi Bluetooth re pejirandî " +"ye" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s dişîne" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Pela %d ya %d dişîne " + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/çrk" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/çrk" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:651 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Cîhaza ku bixwazî bişînî hilbijêre" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:656 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "Şan_din" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Pelan ji bo şandinê hilbijêre" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:703 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Hilbijartin" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:729 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Cîhaza dûr ji bo bikaranînê" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:731 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Navê cîhaza dûr" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:168 +msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Çewtiya bernamekirinê: nikare cîhazê di lîstê de bibîne" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:243 +#, c-format +msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "Veguhestina pelê ya Obex Push nayê piştgirîdan" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:262 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Veguhestina Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Şandina pelan bi Bluetooth re" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "Di moda serbixwe de meşîne" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Panela Moblin Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Panela Moblin Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "%d saet" +msgstr[1] "%d saet" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%d xulek" +msgstr[1] "%d xulek" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:182 +#, c-format +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%d çirke" +msgstr[1] "%d çirke" + +#. hour:minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#. minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:192 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "%s %s" + +#. minutes +#. seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:195 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:199 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#. 0 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:202 +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "0 çirke" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:224 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Your computer is visible on\n" +"Bluetooth for %s." +msgstr "" +"Komputera te %s\n" +"di Bluetooth de xuya dibe." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:625 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Cotbûna bi '%s' re pêk nehat." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:985 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Cot" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1022 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Gerîn" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1219 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Sazkirina cîhazê pêk nehat" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1233 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1309 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1358 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1436 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1668 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Vegere cîhazan" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1272 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Qediya" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1293 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1330 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Sazkirina cîhazê" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1453 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1584 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Mîheng" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1469 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Tenê nîşan bide:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1475 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "Vebijêrkên PIN" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1519 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Cîhazekî nû lê zêde bike" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1620 +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1626 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Ji komputera xwe pelan bişîne" + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Panela Rêvebirê Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Nikare vebijêrkên \"Parvekirina Pelên Şexsî\" bide destpêkirin" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ji kerema kontrol bikin ku bernameya \"Parvekirina Pelên Şexsî\" bêçewtî " +#~ "hatiye sazkirin." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Vebijêrkên Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "Îkona Bluetooth _nîşan bide" + +#~ msgid "Receive Files" +#~ msgstr "Wergirtina pelan" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Derana lîsteya cîhazên tên naskirin" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +#~ msgstr "Taybetmendiyên Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Komputerê bike _xuya" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Navê dostane" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Cîhaza nû _saz bike..." + +#~ msgid "_Remove" +#~ msgstr "_Rake" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth bi bişkokekî girtin/vekirinê ve hatiye neçalak kirin." + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Cotbûn" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Girêdan" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Bigere" diff --git a/po/lt.po b/po/lt.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..beb96c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/lt.po @@ -0,0 +1,565 @@ +# Lithuanian translation for Bluez. +# Copyright (C) 2009 Bluetooth Applet 1.8 +# Copyright © 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Tadas Masiulionis , 2009. +# Žygimantas Beručka , 2009, 2010. +# Aurimas Černius , 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Bluetooth Applet 1.8\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-22 23:33+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Aurimas Černius \n" +"Language-Team: Lietuvių \n" +"Language: lt\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && (n" +"%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Pasirinkite įrenginį…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Atšaukti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Gerai" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nežinomas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nėra prieinamų įrenginių" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Ieškoma įrenginių…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Įrenginys" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Įrenginiai" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Visos kategorijos" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Sujungta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Patikimas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nesujungtas arba nepatikimas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Sujungtas arba patikimas" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Rodyti:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Įrenginio _kategorija:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Pasirinkite filtruotiną įrenginių kategoriją" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Įrenginio _tipas:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Pasirinkite filtruotiną įrenginių tipą" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Įvesties įrenginiai (pelės, klaviatūros ir t. t.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Ausinės, ausinės su mikrofonu ir kiti garso įrenginiai" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Patvirtinti Bluetooth PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Patvirtinkite „%s“ įvestą PIN." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Patvirtinti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Patvirtinkite „%s“ Bluetooth PIN. Jį paprastai rasite įrenginio žinyne." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Poruojamasi su „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Patvirtinkite, kad „%s“ rodomas PIN sutampa su šiuo." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth poravimosi užklausa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "„%s“ nori susiporuoti su šiuo įrenginiu. Ar norite leisti poruotis?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Patvirtinti Bluetooth ryšį" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "„%s“ nori susijungti su šiuo įrenginiu. Ar norite tai leisti?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Įveskite šį PIN įrenginyje „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Įveskite šį PIN įrenginyje „%s“. Tuomet paspauskite „Enter“ klaviatūroje." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Pajudinkite jūsų iCade vairasvirtę šiomis kryptimis. Tuomet paspauskite bet " +"kurį baltą mygtuką." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Leisti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Atmesti" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Atsisakyti" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Priimti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nenustatytas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Prisijungta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Atsijungta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Taip" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Matomas kaip „%s“ ir prieinamas Bluetooth failų perdavimams. Perduoti failai " +"bus patalpinti parsiuntimų aplanke." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Pašalinti „%s“ iš įrenginių sąrašo?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "Jei pašalinsite įrenginį, reikės jį nustatyti prieš kitą naudojimą." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Pašalinti" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Gavote „%s“ per Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Jūs gavote failą" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Atverti failą" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Parodyti failą" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Failo gavimas užbaigtas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth failų perdavimas iš %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Atmesti" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefonas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modemas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Kompiuteris" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Tinklas" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Ausinės su mikrofonu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Ausinės" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Garso įrenginys" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klaviatūra" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Pelė" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotoaparatas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Spausdintuvas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Valdymo pultas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Planšetė" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Vaizdo įrenginys" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Nuotolinis valdymas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skaitytuvas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Vaizduoklis" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Dėvimas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Žaislas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Visi tipai" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Ryšys" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresas" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Pelės ir jutiklinio kilimėlio nustatymai" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Garso nustatymai" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Klaviatūros nustatymai" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Siųsti _failus…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Pašalinti į_renginį" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth perdavimas" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Siųsti failus per Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Įvyko nežinoma klaida" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Įsitikinkite, kad nutolęs įrenginys yra įjungtas ir kad jis priima Bluetooth " +"prisijungimus" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekundė" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekundės" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekundžių" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minutė" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutės" +msgstr[2] "%'d minučių" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d valanda" +msgstr[1] "%'d valandos" +msgstr[2] "%'d valandų" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "apie %'d valandą" +msgstr[1] "apie %'d valandas" +msgstr[2] "apie %'d valandų" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Jungiamasi…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth failų perdavimas" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Bandyti dar kartą" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Iš:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Į:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Siunčiamas %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Siunčiamas %d failas iš %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "Užbaigtas %u perdavimas" +msgstr[1] "Užbaigti %u perdavimai" +msgstr[2] "Užbaigta %u perdavimų" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Užverti" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Kilo klaida" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Pasirinkite įrenginį, į kurį siųsti" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "S_iųsti" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Pasirinkite siųstinus failus" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Pasirinkti" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Naudotinas nutolęs įrenginys" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESAS" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nutolusio įrenginio pavadinimas" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "PAVADINIMAS" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FAILAS…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Matomas kaip „%s“" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "puslapis 2" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "puslapis 1" diff --git a/po/lv.po b/po/lv.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f00426 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/lv.po @@ -0,0 +1,561 @@ +# Latvian translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# +# +# Peteris Krisjanis , 2009. +# Anita Reitere , 2010. +# Rūdofls Mazurs , 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"luetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-28 10:00+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Rūdolfs Mazurs \n" +"Language-Team: Latvian \n" +"Language: lv\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 :" +" 2);\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Spiediet, lai izvēlētos ierīci…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "At_celt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Labi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nezināma" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nav pieejamu adapteru" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Meklē ierīces…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Ierīce" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tips" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Ierīces" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Visas kategorijas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Sapārots" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Uzticams" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ne sapārots, ne uzticams" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Sapārots vai uzticams" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Rādīt:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Ierīces _kategorija:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Izvēlieties ierīču kategoriju atlasei" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Ierīces _tips:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Izvēlieties ierīču tipu atlasei" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Ievades ierīces (peles, tastatūras u.c.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Austiņas un citas audio ierīces" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Apstiprināt Bluetooth PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Lūdzu, apstipriniet PIN, kas tika ievadīta ierīcē “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Apstiprināt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Apstiprināt “%s” Bluetooth PIN. To parasti var atrast ierīces rokasgrāmatā." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Drukā “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Lūdzu, apstipriniet, ka sekojošais PIN atbilst tam, kas ir uz “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth sapārošanas pieprasījums" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "“%s” prasa sapārošanu ar šo datoru. Vai atļaut sapārošanu?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Apstiprināt Bluetooth savienojumu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s” prasa savienojumu ar šo datoru. Vai to atļaut?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Lūdzu, ievadiet šo PIN uz “%s”:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Lūdzu, ievadiet šo PIN uz “%s”. Tad nospiediet tastatūras “Enter” taustiņu." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Lūdzu, kustiniet sava iCade kursorsviru šajos virzienos. Pēc tam spiediet " +"jebkuru no baltajām pogām." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Atļaut" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Atmest" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Atcelt" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Pieņemt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nav iestatīts" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Savienots" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Atvienots" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Jā" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nē" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Redzams kā “%s” un pieejams Bluetooth datņu pārsūtīšanai. Pārsūtītās datnes " +"tiek novietotas mapē Lejupielādes." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Izņemt “%s” no ierīču saraksta?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ja izņemsiet ierīci no saraksta, nākamajā lietošanas reizē tā būs atkal " +"jāiestata." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Izņemt" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Jūs caur Bluetooth saņēmāt “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Jūs saņēmāt datni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Atvērt datni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Atklāt datni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Datnes saņemšana ir pabeigta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth datņu pārsūtīšana no %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Noraidīt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Tālrunis" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modems" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Dators" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Tīkls" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Austiņas ar mikrofonu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Austiņas" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Audio ierīce" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatūra" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Pele" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotoaparāts" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Printeris" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Spēļu manipulators" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Planšete" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video ierīce" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Attālinātā vadība" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skeneris" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Displejs" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Valkājams" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Rotaļlieta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Visi tipi" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Savienojums" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adrese" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Peles un skārienpaliktņa iestatīju_mi" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Skaņas iestatījumi" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Tastatūras iestatījumi" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Sūtīt _datnes..." + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Izņemt ie_rīci" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth pārsūtīšana" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Sūtīt datnes caur Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Gadījās nezināma kļūda" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Pārliecinieties, ka attālinātā ierīce ir ieslēgta un pieņem Bluetooth " +"savienojumus" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekunde" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekundes" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekunžu" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minūte" +msgstr[1] "%'d minūtes" +msgstr[2] "%'d minūšu" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d stunda" +msgstr[1] "%'d stundas" +msgstr[2] "%'d stundu" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "apmēram %'d stunda" +msgstr[1] "apmēram %'d stundas" +msgstr[2] "apmēram %'d stundu" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Savienojas…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth datņu pārsūtīšana" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Mēģināt vēlreiz" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "No:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Uz:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Sūta %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Sūta %d. datni no %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u pārsūtīšana ir pabeigta" +msgstr[1] "%u pārsūtīšanas ir pabeigtas" +msgstr[2] "%u pārsūtīšanas ir pabeigtas" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Aizvērt" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Gadījās kļūdas" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Izvēlieties ierīci, uz kuru sūtīt" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Sūtīt" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Izvēlieties datnes, ko sūtīt" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Izvēlieties" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Izmantojamā attālinātā ierīce" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESE" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Attālinātās ierīces nosaukums" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOSAUKUMS" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[DATNE…]" + diff --git a/po/mai.po b/po/mai.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bdd28be --- /dev/null +++ b/po/mai.po @@ -0,0 +1,730 @@ +# translation of gnome-bluetooth.master.po to Maithili +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Sangeeta Kumari , 2009. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-09-11 14:00+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-11 20:36+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: Sangeeta Kumari \n" +"Language-Team: Maithili \n" +"Language: mai\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n\n" +"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:109 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:111 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "फोन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:113 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "माडेम" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:115 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "कम्प्यूटर" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:117 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "नेटवर्क" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:120 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "हेडसेट" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:122 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:124 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:126 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "कुँजीपटल" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:128 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "माउस" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:130 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "कैमरा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:132 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "मुद्रक" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:134 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:136 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:138 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:139 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "अज्ञात" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:65 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:360 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:95 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:97 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:99 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:101 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:103 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:184 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:813 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:683 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "डिवाइस" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:720 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "प्रकार" + +#. The filters +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:836 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:856 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:871 +msgid "Select the device category to filter above list" +msgstr "" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:885 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:906 +msgid "Select the device type to filter above list" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:912 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, ...)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:916 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:112 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:116 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "ब्राउज़ (_B)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:124 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:278 ../properties/properties-adapter-off.ui.h:1 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:279 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:282 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:283 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:288 ../applet/notify.c:148 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:410 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "डिसकनेक्ट कए रहल अछि..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:413 ../sendto/main.c:213 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "कनेक्ट कए रहल अछि...." + +#: ../applet/main.c:416 ../applet/main.c:756 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "संबंधित" + +#: ../applet/main.c:419 ../applet/main.c:756 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "बिसंबंधित" + +#: ../applet/main.c:774 ../applet/main.c:828 ../properties/adapter.c:446 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "डिसकनेक्ट करू" + +#: ../applet/main.c:774 ../applet/main.c:828 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "जोड़ू" + +#: ../applet/main.c:787 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:797 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:808 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:816 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:942 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "डिबग" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:962 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:967 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"'%s चलाबू--help' उपलब्ध कमाण्ड लाइन क' पूर्ण सूचीकेँ देखबाक लेल.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:983 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:148 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:251 ../applet/agent.c:332 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:257 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:390 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:496 ../applet/agent.c:531 ../applet/agent.c:573 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:500 ../applet/agent.c:535 ../applet/agent.c:577 +#: ../applet/agent.c:618 ../applet/agent.c:656 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:501 ../applet/agent.c:536 ../applet/agent.c:578 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:619 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:652 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:657 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "ब्लूटूथ मैनेजर" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../properties/adapter.c:405 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "डिवाइस" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "वरीयतासभ" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "बाहर" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "अस्वीकार करू (_R)" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:131 +msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:134 +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "संगीता कुमारी (" + +#: ../properties/main.c:136 +msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:161 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:176 +msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:332 +msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:369 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:181 +msgid "If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" + +#. The discoverable checkbox +#: ../properties/adapter.c:352 +msgid "Make computer _discoverable" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:375 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:437 +msgid "Set up _new device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:460 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "हटाबू (_R)" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:735 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:771 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/properties-no-adapter.ui.h:1 +msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "ब्लूटूथ" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1223 +#, c-format +msgid "GConf error: %s" +msgstr "GConf त्रुटि: %s" + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1228 +msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +msgstr "आगाँक सभ त्रुटिसभ सिर्फ टर्मिनल पर देखाबू." + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:206 ../wizard/main.c:327 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:246 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:300 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:383 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' now... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:514 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:550 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:552 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:573 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:586 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Custom PIN code:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:10 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "परिचय" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "मिलान" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be “" +"discoverable” (sometimes called “visible”). Check the " +"device's manual if in doubt." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:98 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:103 ../sendto/main.c:116 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:114 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:124 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:150 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "फाइल हस्तांतरण" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:169 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:181 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "द्वारा:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:197 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "प्रति:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:243 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "एकटा अनजान त्रुटि उत्पन्न भेल" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:337 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:406 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:404 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:498 +msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:502 +msgid "Send _To" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:543 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:572 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:574 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "" + diff --git a/po/ b/po/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9423439 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +i18n.gettext(gnomebt_gettext_package, preset: 'glib') diff --git a/po/mk.po b/po/mk.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db3a0e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/mk.po @@ -0,0 +1,870 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 3.4\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-05 22:00+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-06 02:50+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Jovan N\n" +"Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" +"Language: mk\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural= n==1 || n%10==1 ? 0 : 1;\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Кликнете за да изберите уред..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:136 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:89 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Непознат" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:177 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Не е пронајден адаптер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:181 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:845 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Барам уреди..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:721 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:1030 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Уред" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:757 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Тип" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:1032 +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1404 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1514 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Уреди" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Сите категории" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Спарени" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Доверливи" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ни спарени ни доверливи" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Спарени или доверливи" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Покажи:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Категорија на уред:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Изберете ја категоријата на уреди за филтрирање" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Тип на уред:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Изберете го типот на уред за филтрирање" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Влезни уреди (глувци, тастатури, итн.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Слушалки, микрофони и слични аудио уреди" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:58 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Сите типови" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:60 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Телефон" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:62 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:64 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Компјутер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:66 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Мрежа" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:69 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Слушалки со микфорон" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:71 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Слушалки" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:73 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Аудио уред" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:75 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Тастатура" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:77 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Глушец" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:79 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Камера" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:81 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Печатач" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:83 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Џојпад" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:85 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Таблет" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:87 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Видео уред" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Користи го овој GPS уред за геолокациски сервиси" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Пристапете до интернет со користење на Вашиот мобилен телефон (тест)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:118 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Изберете уред кој ќе го прегледате" + +#: ../applet/main.c:122 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_Прегледај" + +#: ../applet/main.c:131 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Изберете уред за прегледување" + +#: ../applet/main.c:281 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Вклучи Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:282 +#: ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Bluetooth: исклучен" + +#: ../applet/main.c:285 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Исклучи Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:286 +#: ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Bluetooth: вклучен" + +#: ../applet/main.c:291 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: оневозможен" + +#: ../applet/main.c:438 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Се исклучувам..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:441 +#: ../sendto/main.c:206 +#: ../sendto/main.c:308 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Се поврзувам..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:444 +#: ../applet/main.c:727 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Поврзан" + +#: ../applet/main.c:447 +#: ../applet/main.c:727 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Исклучен" + +#: ../applet/main.c:745 +#: ../applet/main.c:809 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Исклучи се" + +#: ../applet/main.c:745 +#: ../applet/main.c:809 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1002 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Поврзи се" + +#: ../applet/main.c:758 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Испрати датотеки..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:768 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Прелистај датотеки..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:779 +msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Поставувања за тастатура" + +#: ../applet/main.c:787 +msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Поставувања за глушец и тачпад" + +#: ../applet/main.c:797 +msgid "Sound Settings" +msgstr "Поставувања за звук" + +#: ../applet/main.c:850 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Дебагирај" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:869 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- аплет за Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:874 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Извршете '%s --help' за да видите целосна листа на достапни опции за командната линија.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:900 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Аплет за Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:122 +#: ../moblin/main.c:129 +#: ../moblin/main.c:141 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:196 +#: ../applet/agent.c:265 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "Уредот „%s“ сака да се впари со овој компјутер" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Внесете го PIN-от прикажан на уредот %s." + +#: ../applet/agent.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Потврдете дека PIN-от „%s“ се совпаѓа со тој на уредот %s." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Дозволи му пристап на „%s“" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:319 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "Уредот %s сака да пристапува на сервисот „%s“." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Барање за спарување за „%s“" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:371 +#: ../applet/agent.c:404 +#: ../applet/agent.c:434 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Bluetooth уред" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:372 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Внесете PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:396 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Потврда за спарување за „%s“" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:405 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Потврди го PIN-от" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:432 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Барање за авторизација од „%s“" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:435 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Провери авторизација" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Менаџер за Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Аплет за менаџерот за Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Bluetooth: проверувам" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Прелистај датотеки на уредот..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Преференци" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Излез" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Испрати датотеки на уредот..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Постави нов уред..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Видлив" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "_Секогаш дозволувај пристап" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Дозволи" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_Одбиј" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "_Не се совпаѓа" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Се совпаѓа" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_Покажи влез" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:204 +#: ../wizard/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Спарувањето со „%s“ е откажано" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:245 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1147 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Потврдете дека PIN-от прикажан на „%s“ се совпаѓа со овој." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:299 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1198 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Внесете го следниот PIN:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Поставувањето на „%s“ не успеа" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:442 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Се поврзувам со „%s“..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:480 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:750 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "Внесете го следниот PIN на „%s“ и притиснете „Enter“ на тастатурата:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:482 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:752 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Внесете го следниот PIN на „%s“:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Почекајте додека привршува поставувањето на уредот „%s“..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:523 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Успешно е поставен новиот уред „%s“" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +#: ../moblin/pin.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (повеќето слушалки, глувци и GPS уреди)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +#: ../moblin/pin.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +#: ../moblin/pin.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Поставување на нов Bluetooth уред" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +#: ../moblin/pin.ui.h:4 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "Сопствен PIN:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Поставување на уред" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Поставувањето на уредот не успеа" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Пребарување на уреди" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "Не ги спарувај" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1351 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Не се совпаѓа" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Го привршувам поставувањето на нов уред" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +#: ../moblin/pin.ui.h:6 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "Фиксен PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Вовед" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1347 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Се совпаѓа" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +#: ../moblin/pin.ui.h:7 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "Опции за PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "_Опции за PIN..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1261 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Изберете дополнителни сервиси кои сакате да ги користите со Вашиот уред:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +msgstr "Изберете го типот на уред кој сакате да го поставите" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Поставувањето заврши" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "Поставувањето на нови Bluetooth уред ќе Ве води низ процесот на конфигурација на уреди со овозможен Bluetooth за користење со овој компјутер." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be “visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in doubt." +msgstr "Уредот ќе треба да биде во растојание од 10 метри од Вашиот компјутер, да биде „видлив“. Проверете го упатството на уредот за подетални информации." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Добродојдовте во поставувањето на нов Bluetooth уред" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +#: ../moblin/pin.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_Автоматски избор на PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Откажи" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Затвори" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "_Рестартирај го поставувањето" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Поставување на Bluetooth уред" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Постави Bluetooth уреди" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:151 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d секунда" +msgstr[1] "%'d секунди" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:156 +#: ../sendto/main.c:169 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d минута" +msgstr[1] "%'d минути" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d час" +msgstr[1] "%'d часа" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "приближно %'d час" +msgstr[1] "приближно %'d часа" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:245 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Пренос на датотеки" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Обиди се пак" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:269 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Испраќање на датотеки преку Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:281 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Од:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:293 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "До:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:337 +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Се случи непозната грешка" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:348 +msgid "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "Проверете дали оддалечениот уред е вклучен и дека прифаќа Bluetooth врски" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Испраќам %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:453 +#: ../sendto/main.c:524 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Ја испраќам датотеката %d од %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:520 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/сек." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:522 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/сек." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:658 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Изберете уред до кој ќе испраќате" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:663 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Испрати" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:707 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Одберете датотеки за испраќање" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:710 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Избери" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:736 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Оддалечен уред кој ќе се користи" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Име на оддалечениот уред" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:168 +msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Програмска грешка: не можев да го најдам уредот на листата" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:243 +#, c-format +msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "OBEX трансферот на датотеки не е поддржан" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:262 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth пренос" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Испрати датотеки преку Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "Изврши се во самостоен режим" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Moblin Bluetooth панел" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Moblin Bluetooth панел" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "%d час" +msgstr[1] "%d часа" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%d минута" +msgstr[1] "%d минути" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:182 +#, c-format +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%d секунда" +msgstr[1] "%d секунди" + +#. 5 hours 2 minutes 12 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:188 +#, c-format +msgctxt "time" +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#. 2 minutes 12 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:192 +#, c-format +msgctxt "time" +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "%s %s" + +#. 0 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:202 +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "0 секунди" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:224 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Your computer is visible on\n" +"Bluetooth for %s." +msgstr "" +"Вашиот компјутер е видлив на\n" +"Bluetooth за %s." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:625 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Спарувањето со %s не успеа." + +#. Translators: this is a verb (just like "Connect"), not a noun. +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:986 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Спари" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1023 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Прелистај" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1220 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Поставувањето на уредот не успеа" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1234 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1310 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1359 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1437 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1669 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Назад кај уредите" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1273 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Готово" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1294 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1331 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Поставување на уред" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1454 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1585 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Поставувања" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1470 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Покажи ги само:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1476 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "Опции за PIN" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1520 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Додај нов уред" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1603 +msgctxt "Power" +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1621 +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "Направи се видлив на Bluetooth" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1627 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Испратете датотека од Вашиот компјутер" + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Панел на менаџерот на Bluetooth" + diff --git a/po/ml.po b/po/ml.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80876df --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ml.po @@ -0,0 +1,925 @@ +# translation of to +# translation of gnome-bluetooth-master-po-ml-86413.po to +# Malayalam translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# rine joseph , 2009. +# Ani Peter|അനി പീറ്റര്‍ , 2009. +# Praveen Arimbrathodiyil , 2010, 2012. +# Mohammed Sadiq , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version:\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-04-19 19:23+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-07 23:47+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: ബാലശങ്കർ സി \n" +"Language-Team: \n" +"Language: ml\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.2\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "ഉപകരണം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്നതിനായി ക്ലിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 ../sendto/main.c:447 ../sendto/main.c:738 +#: ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_റദ്ദാക്കുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ശരി (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "അറിയാത്ത" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "അഡാപ്ടറുകള്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ക്കായി തിരയുന്നു…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ഉപകരണം" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "തരം" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "എല്ലാ വിഭാഗങ്ങളും" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "ജോടികള്‍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "വിശ്വാസമുള്ളവ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "ജോടിയല്ലത്തവയോ വിശ്വാസമുള്ളവയോ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "ജോടികളോ വിശ്വാസമുള്ളവയോ" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "കാണിയ്ക്കുക:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ഉപകരണ _വിഭാഗം:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "ഫില്‍റ്റര്‍ ചെയ്യുന്നതിനായി ഉപകരണ വിഭാഗം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ഉപകരണം ഏതു് _തരം:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ഏതു് തരം ഉപകരണം ഫില്‍റ്റര്‍ ചെയ്യേണമെന്നു് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ഇന്‍പുട്ട് ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ (മൌസുകള്‍, കീബോര്‍ഡുകള്‍ മുതലായവ)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "ഹെഡ്ഫോണുകള്‍, ഹെഡ്സെറ്റുകള്‍, മറ്റു് ശബ്ദോപകരണങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പിൻ ഉറപ്പുവരുത്തുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s' എന്ന ഉപകരണത്തിൽ ചേർത്ത പിൻ ദയവായി ഉറപ്പാക്കുക." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "ഉറപ്പാക്കൂ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the device's manual." +msgstr "'%s'നുള്ള ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് പിൻ ഉറപ്പുവരുത്തുക. സാധാരണഗതിക്ക് ഇത് ഉപകരണത്തിന്റെ സഹായരേഖയിൽ കാണാം." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' നെ ജോടി ചേർക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "ഈ പിൻ %s ഉപകരണത്തിൽ കാണുന്നതുമായി ചേരുന്നു എന്നു് ദയവായി ഉറപ്പാക്കുക." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ജോടി ചേരാനുള്ള അപേക്ഷ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' ഈ ഉപകരണവുമായി ജോടി ചേരുവാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു. താങ്കൾക്ക് ഇത് അനുവദിക്കണോ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ബന്ധം ഉറപ്പുവരുത്തുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "'%s' ഈ ഉപകരണവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെടാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നു. താങ്കൾക്ക് ഇത് അനുവദിക്കണോ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "ദയവായി '%s'-ല്‍ ഈ പിന്‍ നല്‍കുക." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "ദയവായി '%s'-ല്‍ ഈ പിന്‍ നല്‍കുക. എന്നിട്ട് കീബോര്‍ഡില്‍ “Enter” അമര്‍ത്തുക." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "ദയവായി താഴെ പറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്ന ദിശയിലേയ്ക്ക് നിങ്ങളുടെ iCade-ന്റെ ജോയ്സ്റ്റിക്ക് നീക്കുക. എന്നിട്ട് ഏതെങ്കിലും വെളുത്ത ബട്ടണിൽ അമർത്തുക." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "അനുവദിക്കുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "നിരസിക്കുക" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "റദ്ദാക്കുക" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "സ്വീകരിക്കുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "ക്രമീകരിച്ചിട്ടില്ല" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടു" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "വിഛേദിച്ചു" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "വേണം" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "വേണ്ട" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "\"%s\" എന്ന പേരിൽ ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് ഫയൽ പങ്കിടലുകൾക്കായി ലഭ്യമാണ്. പങ്കിട്ട ഫയലുകൾ ഡൗൺലോഡുകൾ എന്ന അറയിൽ ലഭ്യമാണ്." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ഉപകരണങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടികയില്‍ നിന്നും '%s' നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ഉപകരണം നീക്കം ചെയ്താല്‍, അടുത്ത തവണ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിനു് മുമ്പു് അതു് വീണ്ടും സജ്ജമാക്കണം." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "താങ്കൾക്ക് \"%s\" ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് വഴി ലഭിച്ചു" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "താങ്കൾക്ക് ഒരു ഫയൽ ലഭിച്ചു" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "ഫയൽ തുറക്കുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "ഫയൽ വെളിപ്പെടുത്തുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "ഫയൽ സ്വീകരിച്ചുകഴിഞ്ഞു" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "%s-ൽ നിന്നും ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് ഫയൽ പങ്കിടൽ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "നിരസിക്കുക" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ഫോണ്‍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "മോഡം" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "കമ്പ്യൂട്ടര്‍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "ശൃംഖല" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ഹെഡ്‌സെറ്റ്" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "ഹെഡ്‌ഫോണുകള്‍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ശബ്ദോപകരണം" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "കീ ബോര്‍ഡ്‌" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "മൌസ്" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "ക്യാമറ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "പ്രിന്റര്‍" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "ജോയ് പാഡ്" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ടാബ്ലെറ്റ്‌" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ചലച്ചിത്രോപകരണം" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "റിമോട്ട് കണ്ട്രോൾ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "സ്കാനർ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "ഡിസ്പ്ലേ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "ധരിക്കാവുന്നത്" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "കളിപ്പാട്ടം" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "എല്ലാ തരങ്ങളും" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "ബന്ധം" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "വിലാസം" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "മൌസും ടച്ച്പാഡ് ക്രമീകരണങ്ങളും (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "ശബ്ദ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങള്‍ (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "കീബോര്‍ഡ്‌ സജ്ജീകരണങ്ങള്‍ (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ഫയലുകള്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക (_F)…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "ഉപകരണം നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പാലകന്‍" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് വഴി ഫയലുകള്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "അപരിചിതമായ പിശകുണ്ടായി" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "റിമോട്ട് ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ ഓണ്‍ ആണെന്നും അവ ബ്ലൂടൂത്ത് ബന്ധങ്ങൾ സ്വീകരിക്കുമെന്നും ഉറപ്പാക്കുക" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d സെക്കന്‍ഡ്" +msgstr[1] "%'d സെക്കന്‍ഡുകള്‍" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d മിനിറ്റ്" +msgstr[1] "%'d മിനിറ്റുകള്‍" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d മണിക്കൂര്‍" +msgstr[1] "%'d മണിക്കൂറുകള്‍" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ഏകദേശം %'d മണിക്കൂര്‍" +msgstr[1] "ഏകദേശം %'d മണിക്കൂറുകള്‍" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "ബന്ധിപ്പിയ്ക്കുന്നു…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ഫയൽ ട്രാൻസ്ഫർ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "എവിടെ നിന്നു്:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "എങ്ങോട്ട്:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s അയയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%2$d ഫയലിലെ %1$d അയയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u പങ്കിടൽ പൂർത്തിയായി" +msgstr[1] "%u പങ്കിടലുകൾ പൂർത്തിയായി" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "അടയ്ക്കുക (_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "ഒരു പിഴവുണ്ടായി" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "അയയ്ക്കുവാനുള്ള ഉപകരണം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "അയയ്ക്കുവാനുള്ള ഫയലുകള്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "തെ_രഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ഉപയോഗത്തിനുള്ള വിദൂര ഉപകരണം" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "വിലാസം" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "വിദൂരത്തുള്ള ഉപകരണത്തിന്റെ പേരു്" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "പേരു്" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ഫയല്‍...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "ഭൂസ്ഥാന സേവനങ്ങള്‍ക്കായി ഈ ജിപിഎസ് ഉപകരണം ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ മൊബൈല്‍ ഫോണുപയോഗിച്ചു് ഇന്റര്‍നെറ്റ് ലഭ്യമാക്കുക (പരീക്ഷണം)" + +#~| msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ഓണ്‍ ചെയ്യുക" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത്: ഓഫ്" + +#~| msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ഓഫ് ചെയ്യുക" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത്: ഓണ്‍" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത്: പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതം" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "വിഛേദിക്കുന്നു..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "വിഛേദിക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "ഫയലുകള്‍ നോക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "പിഴവു് തിരുത്തുക" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- ബ്ലൂടൂത് ലഘുപ്രയോഗം" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "ലഭ്യമായ കമാന്‍ഡ് ലൈന്‍ ഐച്ഛികങ്ങള്‍ക്കായി '%s --help' പ്രവര്‍ത്തിപ്പിയ്ക്കുക.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ലഘുപ്രയോഗം" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത്" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "%s ഉപകരണത്തില്‍ പറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്ന പിന്‍ ദയവായി നല്‍കുക." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s'-നു് അനുവാദം നല്‍കുക" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "%s ഉപകരണത്തിനു് '%s' സേവനത്തിനുള്ള അനുവാദം ആവശ്യമുണ്ടു്." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ഉപകരണം" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "പിന്‍ നല്‍കുക" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s'-നുള്ള ജോടി ഉറപ്പിക്കല്‍" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "പിന്‍ ഉറപ്പാക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' അനുവാദം ചോദിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "അനുവാദം പരിശോധിക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പാലകന്‍" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പാലകന്റെ ലഘുപ്രയോഗം" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത്: പരിശോധിക്കുന്നു" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "കാണാവുന്ന" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണത്തിലേക്ക് ഫയലുകള്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "പുതിയ ഉപകരണം സജ്ജമാക്കുക..." + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് സജ്ജീകരണങ്ങള്‍" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "പുറത്തു് കടക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_എപ്പോഴും കയറുവാന്‍ അനുവാദം നല്‍കുക" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_നിഷേധിക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_അനുമതി നല്‍കുക" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_ചേരുന്നില്ല" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_പൊരുത്തപ്പെട്ടു" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "ഇന്‍പുട്ട് _കാണിക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s'-മായുള്ള ജോടി റദ്ദാക്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "'%s'-ല്‍ കാണിക്കുന്ന പിന്‍ ഇതുമായി പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുന്നു എന്നുറപ്പാക്കുക." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ദയവായി താഴെ പറയുന്ന പിന്‍ നല്‍കുക:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' സജ്ജീകരണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s'-ലേക്ക് കണക്ട് ചെയ്യുന്നു..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ഉപകരണത്തില്‍ സജ്ജീകരണം പൂര്‍ത്തിയാകുന്നതു് വരെ ദയവായി കാത്തിരിക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "പുതിയ ഉപകരണം '%s'-ന്റെ സജ്ജീകരണം വിജയിച്ചു" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പുതിയ ഉപകരണ ക്രമീകരണം" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "പിന്‍ _ഐച്ഛികങ്ങള്‍..." + +#~| msgid "Device search" +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണം തെരച്ചില്‍" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണത്തിന്റെ സജ്ജീകരണം" + +#~| msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "സജ്ജീകരണം പൂര്‍ത്തിയാകുന്നു" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഉപകരണത്തിനൊപ്പം ഉപയോഗിക്കുവാനുള്ള അധികമായ സേവനങ്ങള്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "സജ്ജീകരണ ചുരുക്കം" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "പിന്‍ ഐച്ഛികങ്ങള്‍" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_സ്വയമേയുള്ള പിന്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കല്‍" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "സ്ഥിരമായ പിന്‍" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (മിക്ക ഹെഡ്സെറ്റുകള്‍, മൌസുകള്‍, ജിപിഎസ് ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~| msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "ചേര്‍ക്കുവാന്‍ പാടില്ല" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "പിന്‍ കോഡ് സജ്ജമാക്കുക:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിയ്ക്കു_ക" + +#~| msgid "Quit" +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "പു_റത്തു് കടക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ചേരുന്നില്ല" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "ചേരുന്നു" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ഉപകരണ ക്രമീകരണം" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ സജ്ജമാക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "ഫയല്‍ ഇടപാടു്" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് വഴി ഫയലുകള്‍ അയയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#~| msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "പ്രോഗ്രാമിങ്ങിലെ പിശകു്, പട്ടികയില്‍ ഉപകരണം കണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല" + +#~| msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "ഒബെക്സ് പുഷ് ഫയല്‍ ഇടപാടു് പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് (ഒബെക്സ് പുഷ്)" + +#~| msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ മാത്രം കാണിക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "ഏതു് ഉപകരണത്തില്‍ നോക്കണം" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_നോക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "ഏതു് ഉപകരണത്തില്‍ നോക്കണം" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "കീബോര്‍ഡ് മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍ തുറക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "മൌസ് മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍ തുറക്കുക..." + +#~| msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ശബ്ദ മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍ തുറക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത്: പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജം" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണത്തില്‍ ഫയലുകള്‍ക്കായി നോക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "\"സ്വകാര്യ ഫയല്‍ പങ്കിടലിനുള്ള\" മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍ തുടങ്ങാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല" + +#~ msgid "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly installed." +#~ msgstr "ദയവായി \"സ്വാര്യ ഫയല്‍ പങ്കിടലിനുള്ള\" പ്രോഗ്രാം ശരിയായി ഇന്‍സ്റ്റോള്‍ ചെയ്തിട്ടുണ്ടെന്നുറപ്പാക്കുക." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് ചിഹ്നം _കാണിക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "ഇപ്പോള്‍ അറിയാവുന്ന ഉപകരണങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടിക കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#~| msgid "Make computer _discoverable" +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "കമ്പ്യൂട്ടര്‍ _കാണാവുന്നതാക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "എളുപ്പമുള്ള പേരു്" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "_പുതിയ ഉപകരണം സജ്ജമാക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതമാണു്" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് അഡാപ്ടറുകള്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറില്‍ ബ്ലൂടൂത് അഡാപ്ടറുകള്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല." + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "അറിയിപ്പിനുള്ള ചിഹ്നം കാണിക്കണമോ എന്നു്" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "അറിയിപ്പിനുള്ള ചിഹ്നം കാണിക്കണമോ എന്നു്." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf പിശക്: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "ഇനിയുള്ള പിശകുകള്‍ ടെര്‍മിനലില്‍ മാത്രമേ കാണിക്കുകയുള്ളൂ." + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണത്തിന്റെ സജ്ജീകരണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "അവതരണം" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് സജ്ജമാക്കുവാനുള്ള ഉപകരണം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "സജ്ജീകരണം പൂര്‍ത്തിയായി" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use " +#~ "with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പുതിയ ഉപകരണ സജ്ജീകരണം നിങ്ങളെ ഈ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിനൊപ്പം ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള ബ്ലൂടൂത് സജ്ജമായ ഉപകരണങ്ങളുടെ ക്രമീകരണത്തിലൂടെ കൊണ്ടുപോകുന്നു." + +#~| msgid "" +#~| "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be “discoverable” (sometimes called " +#~| "“visible”). Check the device's manual if in doubt." +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be “visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). " +#~ "Check the device's manual if in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ഉപകരണം നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിന്റെ 10 മീറ്റര്‍ ചുറ്റളവിലുണ്ടായിരിക്കണം, കൂടാതെ “കാണാവുന്നതു്” എന്ന (ചിലപ്പോള്‍ “കാണ്ടുപിടിയ്ക്കാവുന്നതു്” എന്നും " +#~ "വിളിക്കുന്ന) അവസ്ഥയിലായിരിയ്ക്കണം. സംശയമുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍, ഉപകരണത്തിന്റെ മാനുവല്‍ കാണുക." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പുതിയ ഉപകരണത്തിനുള്ള സജ്ജീകരണത്തിലേക്ക് സ്വാഗതം" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "സജ്ജീകരണം _വീണ്ടും ആരംഭിക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "ഒറ്റയ്ക്കുള്ള ദശയില്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തിപ്പിയ്ക്കുക" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "മോബ്ലിന്‍ ബ്ലൂടൂത് പാളി" + +#~| msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- മോബ്ലിന്‍ ബ്ലൂടൂത് പാളി" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത്" + +#~| msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "'%s'-മായുള്ള ജോടി പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "ജോടി" + +#~| msgid "Connect" +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "ബന്ധിയ്ക്കുക" + +#~| msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "നോക്കുക" + +#~| msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണത്തിന്റെ സജ്ജീകരണം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണങ്ങളിലേയ്ക്കു് തിരിച്ചു് പോകുക" + +#~| msgid "Phone" +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "തീര്‍ന്നു" + +#~| msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "ഉപകരണത്തിന്റെ സജ്ജീകരണം" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "ഇവ മാത്രം കാണിയ്ക്കുക:" + +#~| msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "പിന്‍ ഐച്ഛികങ്ങള്‍" + +#~| msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "പുതിയ ഉപകരണം ചേര്‍ക്കുക..." + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറില്‍ നിന്നും ഫയല്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "ബ്ലൂടൂത് പാലകന്റെ ലഘുപ്രയോഗം" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "ഗ്നോം പണിയിടത്തിനുള്ളൊരു ബ്ലൂടൂത് പാലകന്‍" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "Rine Joseph|റൈന്‍ ജോസഫ് Ani Peter|അനി പീറ്റര്‍ " + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "ഗ്നോം ബ്ലൂടൂത് ആസ്ഥാന താള്‍" diff --git a/po/mn.po b/po/mn.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..63b830f --- /dev/null +++ b/po/mn.po @@ -0,0 +1,893 @@ +# Mongolian translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2008 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2008 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2008. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2008-09-29 14:31+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-02-24 14:57+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Marcel Holtmann \n" +"Language-Team: Mongolian \n" +"Language: mn\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n" + +#~ msgid "All categories" +#~ msgstr "Бүх ангилал" + +#~ msgid "Bonded" +#~ msgstr "Холбогдсон" + +#~ msgid "Trusted" +#~ msgstr "Найдвартай" + +#~ msgid "Device" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмж" + +#~ msgid "Device _category:" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмж _category:" + +#~ msgid "Device _type:" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмж _type:" + +#, c-format +#~ msgid "Created bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "%s тэй холболт үүслээ" + +#, c-format +#~ msgid "Removed bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "%s холболтыг хасах" + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched off" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмж унтарсан" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made non-discoverable" +#~ msgstr "Төрөөхөмжийн илрүүлэлтийг хаалаа" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made connectable" +#~ msgstr "Төрөөрөмж холбогдохийн нээлээ" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made discoverable" +#~ msgstr "Төрөөхөмжийн илрүүлэлтийг нээлээ" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made limited discoverable" +#~ msgstr "Төрөөхөмж илрүүлэлт хязгаарлагдсан байна." + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched into pairing mode" +#~ msgstr "Төрөөхөмж хос горимруу шилжлээ" + +#, c-format +#~ msgid "Couldn't execute command: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "Командыг биелүүлж чадсангүй: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "Browse Devices" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмжүүд хайх" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Хайх төхөөрөмж сонгох" + +#~ msgid "Send File..." +#~ msgstr "Файл илгээх..." + +#~ msgid "Browse Device..." +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмж хайх..." + +#~ msgid "Setup New Device" +#~ msgstr "Шинэ төрөөхөмж тохируулах" + +#, c-format +#~ msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Хослох хүсэлт '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Confirm pairing" +#~ msgstr "Хослох баталгаажих" + +#~ msgid "Services" +#~ msgstr "Үйлчилгээ" + +#~ msgid "Authorization requests" +#~ msgstr "Нэвтрэх хүсэлтүүд" + +#~ msgid "Automatically authorize incoming requests" +#~ msgstr "Ирэх нэвтрэх хүсэлтийг автоматжуул" + +#~ msgid "Hardware database" +#~ msgstr "Техникийн сан" + +#~ msgid "Select class of device automatically" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмжийн ангилалын автоматаар сонго" + +#~ msgid "Available services" +#~ msgstr "Боломжит үйлчилгээнүүд" + +#~ msgid "never" +#~ msgstr "хэзээч" + +#~ msgid "1 minute" +#~ msgstr "1 Минут" + +#, c-format +#~ msgid "%g minutes" +#~ msgstr "%g минут" + +#~ msgid "Set _Trusted" +#~ msgstr "тохируул _Trusted" + +#~ msgid "Remove _Trust" +#~ msgstr "_Trust аас арилга" + +#~ msgid "Mode of operation" +#~ msgstr "Үйлдэлийн горим" + +#~ msgid "Other devices can connect" +#~ msgstr "Бусад төхөөрөмж холбогдож чадна" + +#~ msgid "Visible and connectable for other devices" +#~ msgstr "Бусад төхөөрөмжид харагддаг холбогддог" + +#~ msgid "Limited discoverable and connectable" +#~ msgstr "Илрүүлэлт болох холболтын хязгаарлалт" + +#~ msgid "Make adapter invisible after:" +#~ msgstr "Тохируулагчийн харагдахгүй болсоны дараа:" + +#~ msgid "Adapter name" +#~ msgstr "Тохируулагчийн нэр" + +#~ msgid "Class of device" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмжийн ангилал" + +#~ msgid "Unspecified" +#~ msgstr "Тодорхойлогдоогүй" + +#~ msgid "Desktop workstation" +#~ msgstr "Ажилбарын дэлгэц" + +#~ msgid "Laptop computer" +#~ msgstr "Зөөврийн тооцоолуур" + +#~ msgid "Bonded devices" +#~ msgstr "Холбогдсон төхөөрөмжүүд" + +#~ msgid "Remove from list of bonded devices?" +#~ msgstr "Холбогдсон төхөөрөмжийн жагсаалтаас устгах уу?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you delete the bonding, you have to re-pair the device before next use." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Хэрвээ холболтуудыг утсгавал дараа хос төхөөрөмжийг дахин хэргэлэх болно." + +#~ msgid "Remove device entry from service?" +#~ msgstr "Үйлчилгээнээс төхөөрөмжийн өгөгдөлийг утсгах уу?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you delete the device entry, you can't use it with this service anymore." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Хэрвээ төхөөрөмжийн мэдээлэлийг устгавал та үйлчилгээнд хэргэлэж чадахгүй" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to device" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмжрүү холбогдож байна" + +#~ msgid "Select device" +#~ msgstr "Төхөөрөмж сонгох" + +#~ msgid "Show all devices" +#~ msgstr "Бүх төхөөрөмжийн харах" + +#~ msgid "Create Device" +#~ msgstr "Төрөөхөмж үүсгэх" + +#~ msgid "Audio devices" +#~ msgstr "Дууны төхөөрөмжүүд" + +#~ msgid "connected" +#~ msgstr "холбогдсон" + +#~ msgid "Input devices" +#~ msgstr "Оролтын төхөөрөмжүүд" + +#~ msgid "_Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "таслах" + +#~ msgid "Network devices" +#~ msgstr "Сүлжээний төхөөрөмжүүд" + +#~ msgid "If HAL should be used for automatic preferences settings" +#~ msgstr "Хэрвээ HAL нь автомат тохиргоонд ашиглагдсан бол" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If HAL should be used to automatically adjust settings like class of device " +#~ "etc." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "HAL ийг төхөөөмжийн ангилал гэх мэтэд автоматаар тохиргоонд ашигласан бол" + +#~ msgid "If authorization requests should be automatically granted" +#~ msgstr "Хэрэв нэвтрэх хүсэлтүүд автоматаар зөвшөөрөгдсөн" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If authorization requests should be granted all the time without asking the " +#~ "user for confirmation." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Хэрвээ холбогдох хүсэлтүүд бүгд зөвшөөрөгдвөл хэрэглэгчээс баталгаа асуухгүй" + +#~ msgid "Search" +#~ msgstr "Хайх" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:82 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Бүх төрлүүд" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:84 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Утас" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:86 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:88 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "тооцоолуур" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:90 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Сүлжээ" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:92 ../wizard/main.c:326 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Чихэвч" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:94 +msgid "Headphone" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:96 ../wizard/main.c:311 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Гар" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:98 ../wizard/main.c:306 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Хулгана" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:100 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Зургийн апрад" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:102 ../wizard/main.c:321 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Хэвлэгч" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:104 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:106 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/bluetooth-client.c:108 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Үл мэдэгдэх" + +#: ../common/helper.c:162 +msgid "Select Device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../common/helper.c:222 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:123 +msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +msgstr "Gnome дэлгэцийн Блүтүүт зохицуулагч" + +#: ../applet/main.c:126 ../analyzer/dialog.c:128 +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "" +"Launchpad Contributions:\n" +" Ankhbayar\n" +"\n" +"Launchpad Contributions:\n" +" Marcel Holtmann" + +#: ../applet/main.c:177 ../applet/main.c:232 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:242 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:250 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:373 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Блүтүүл аплет" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:258 +msgid "Authentication request" +msgstr "Нэвтрэх хүсэлт" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:286 ../applet/agent.c:395 +msgid "Pairing request for device:" +msgstr "Төхөөрөмжийн хослох хүсэлт:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:303 +msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +msgstr "Нэвтрэх нууц түрхүүр оруул:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:327 +msgid "Show input" +msgstr "Оролт харах" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +msgid "Confirmation request" +msgstr "Баталгаах хүсэлт" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:412 +msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +msgstr "Нэвтрэх баталгаат утга:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:456 +msgid "Authorization request" +msgstr "Зөвшөөрөл хүсэлт" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:482 +msgid "Authorization request for device:" +msgstr "Төхөөрөмж зөвшөөрөх хүсэлт:" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:503 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to %s?" +msgstr "%s хандахыг зөвшөөрөх үү?" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:512 +msgid "Always grant access" +msgstr "Хандахыг үргэлж зөвшөөрөх" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:586 ../applet/agent.c:633 ../applet/agent.c:683 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:590 ../applet/agent.c:637 ../applet/agent.c:687 +#: ../applet/agent.c:736 ../applet/agent.c:781 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Блүтүүт төхөөрөмж" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:591 +msgid "Enter PIN code" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:638 ../applet/agent.c:688 +msgid "Enter passkey" +msgstr "Нууц үр оруул" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:732 +#, c-format +msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:737 +msgid "Confirm passkey" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request for %s" +msgstr "Нэвтрэх хүсэлт %s" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:782 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Нэвтрэлт шалгалгах" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Блүтүүт зохицуулагч" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Блүтүүт зохижуулах аплет" + +#: ../properties/main.c:63 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "Блүтүүт тохиргоо" + +#: ../properties/main.c:94 +msgid "General" +msgstr "Ерөнхий" + +#: ../properties/main.c:131 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:172 +msgid "File transfer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:176 +msgid "Receive files from remote devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:184 +msgid "Share files from public folder" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/general.c:195 +msgid "Notification area" +msgstr "Мэдэгдэх хэсэг" + +#: ../properties/general.c:199 +msgid "Never display icon" +msgstr "Хэзээч дэлгэцийн тэмдэг болохгүй" + +#: ../properties/general.c:206 +msgid "Only display when adapter present" +msgstr "Зөвхөн тохируулагч өгөгдсөн үед харуул" + +#: ../properties/general.c:213 +msgid "Always display icon" +msgstr "Үргэлж дэлгэцийн тэмдэг болох" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:99 +msgid "Adapter" +msgstr "Тохриуулагч" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:174 +msgid "always" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:176 +msgid "hidden" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "%'g minute" +msgid_plural "%'g minutes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:477 +msgid "Visibility setting" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:490 +msgid "Hidden" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:502 +msgid "Always visible" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:514 +msgid "Temporary visible" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:566 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:587 +msgid "Known devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/dialog.c:41 +msgid "Remove from list of known devices?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/dialog.c:42 +msgid "" +"If you delete the device, you have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Блүтүүт" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Блүтүүтийн тохиргоог тохируулах" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "" +"Display options for the notification icon. Valid options are \"never\", " +"\"present\" and \"always\"." +msgstr "" +"Мэдэгдэх тэмдэгт харагдах. Асуух сонголтууд нь \"Хэзээч\", \"одоо\" бас " +"\"Үргэлж\"" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If Bluetooth file sharing is enabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If receiving of remote files via Bluetooth is enabled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "" +"If the service for receiving remote files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "If the service for sharing files via Bluetooth is enabled or not." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "When to show the notification icon" +msgstr "Мэдэгдэх тэмдэг харагдсан үед" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:75 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN code: %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:94 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following passkey: %s%s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s canceled" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:118 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s finished" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully paired with %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:159 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:193 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to %s now ..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:264 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:265 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth device setup wizard" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:268 +msgid "" +"The device wizard will walk you through the process of configuring Bluetooth " +"enabled devices for use with this computer.\n" +"\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:303 +msgid "Device type" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:304 +msgid "Select the type of device you want to setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:316 +msgid "Mobile phone" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:331 +msgid "Any device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:392 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:393 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:428 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:429 +msgid "Setting up new device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:451 +msgid "Summary" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:452 +msgid "Succesfully configured new device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:462 +msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:93 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:98 ../sendto/main.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:119 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:145 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:174 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:190 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:206 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:254 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:261 ../sendto/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:322 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:324 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:373 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:383 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:554 ../browse/main.c:38 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:166 +msgid "Saving of protocol trace failed" +msgstr "Протокол амжилтгүй трэсийг хадгалж байна" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:313 +msgid "Loading Trace" +msgstr "Трээс ачаалж байна" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:317 +msgid "Live Import" +msgstr "Амьд Импорт" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:321 +msgid "Protocol Trace" +msgstr "Протокол трэс" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:326 +msgid "Unsaved" +msgstr "Хадгалаагүй" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:609 +msgid "Can't live import from" +msgstr "Амьд Импорлож чадахгүй" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:842 ../analyzer/main.c:1032 ../analyzer/dialog.c:102 +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Bluetooth Analyzer" +msgstr "Блүтүүт шинжээч" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:856 +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Файл" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:886 +msgid "Open _Recent" +msgstr "Саяханы _Нээсэн" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:933 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Засварлах" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:942 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Үзэх" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:947 +msgid "_Full Screen" +msgstr "_Дэлгэц дүүрэн" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:954 +msgid "_Tools" +msgstr "_Хэрэгслүүд" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:959 +msgid "_Debug Packet List" +msgstr "Багцийн жагсаалт шалгах" + +#: ../analyzer/main.c:968 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Тусламж" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +msgstr "Блүтүүт протокол шинжээч" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:140 +msgid "All Files" +msgstr "Бүх файлууд" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:145 +msgid "Supported Files" +msgstr "Дэмжиглсэн файлүүд" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:154 +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Files" +msgstr "Урдшугамын BTSnoop файлууд" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:160 +msgid "Apple Packet Logger Files" +msgstr "Апплет багц лог файлууд" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:175 +msgid "By Extension" +msgstr "Өргөтгөлөөр" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:180 +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Format" +msgstr "Урдшугам BTSnoop формат" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:185 +msgid "Apple Packet Logger Format" +msgstr "Апплет багц лог формат" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:249 +msgid "Select File _Type" +msgstr "Файлын төрөл _Сонгох" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:292 +msgid "File Type" +msgstr "Файлын төрөл" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:297 +msgid "Extensions" +msgstr "Өргөтгөлүүд" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:331 +msgid "Save File" +msgstr "Файл хадгал" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:373 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Файл нээх" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:455 +msgid "Local connection" +msgstr "Дотоод холболт" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:463 +msgid "Remote connection" +msgstr "Алсын холболт" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:497 +msgid "Open Import" +msgstr "Импорт нээх" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:537 +msgid "Save the protocol trace before closing?" +msgstr "Протокол трэсийг хадгалаад дараа нь хаах уу?" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:538 +msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +msgstr "Та хадгалахгүй юм бол бүх мэдээлэл байнга алга болно." + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:546 +msgid "Close _without Saving" +msgstr "_Хадгалахгүйгээр хаах" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:576 +msgid "There is" +msgstr "Эд нар" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:576 +msgid "There are" +msgstr "Тэд нар" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:577 +msgid "unsaved protocol trace." +msgstr "Хадгалаагүй протокол трэс" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:578 +msgid "unsaved protocol traces." +msgstr "хадгалаагүй протокол трэсүүд" + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:579 +msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +msgstr "Та одоо гарах юм бол бүх мэдээлэл алга болно." + +#: ../analyzer/dialog.c:589 +msgid "_Discard Changes" +msgstr "Өөрлөлт _Болих" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:250 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Төрөл" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:258 +msgid "Packet" +msgstr "Багц" + +#: ../analyzer/tracer.c:267 +msgid "Timestamp" +msgstr "Цагтэмдэг" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Analyze Bluetooth traces" +msgstr "Блүтүүт шинжээч трэсүүд" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Apple Packet Logger File" +msgstr "Аппле багц лог файл" + +#: ../analyzer/ +msgid "Frontline BTSnoop File" +msgstr "Урдшугам BTSnoop файл" diff --git a/po/mr.po b/po/mr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..706fed1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/mr.po @@ -0,0 +1,848 @@ +# translation of mr.po to Marathi +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Sandeep Shedmake , 2009. +# Sandeep Shedmake , 2009, 2012, 2014. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: mr\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-15 18:02+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-16 11:53+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: Sandeep Shedmake \n" +"Language-Team: Marathi \n" +"Language: mr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +#| msgid "Click to select device..." +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "साधन निवडण्याकरीता क्लिक करा..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "रद्द करा (_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ठीक आहे (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "अपरिचीत" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "अडॅप्टर उपलब्ध नाही" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +#| msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "साधनांकरीता शोधत आहे..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "साधन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "प्रकार" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "साधन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "सर्व प्रवर्ग" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "जोडी" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "विश्वासर्ह" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "जोडी किंवा विश्वासर्ह नाही" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "जोडी केलेले किंवा विश्वासर्ह" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "दाखवा:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "साधन प्रवर्ग (_c):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "फिल्टर करण्यासाठी डिव्हाइस विभाग निवडा" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "साधन प्रकार (_t):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "फिल्टर करण्यासाठी डिव्हाइस प्रकार निवडा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "इंपुट साधने (माइस, कळफलक, इत्यादि)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "हेडफोन, हेडसेट व इतर ऑडिओ साधन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +#| msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ब्लुटूथ PIN ची खात्री करा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s' वेळी एंटर केलेल्या PIN ची खात्री करा." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "खात्री करा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"'%s' करिता ब्लुटूथ PIN ची खात्री करा. हे सहसा साधनाच्या पुस्तिकेमध्ये आढळते." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' चे जोड करणे" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "खालील PIN '%s' सह जुळते किंवा नाही, कृपया याची खात्री करा." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ब्लुटुथ पैरिंग विनंती" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' ला या साधनासह जोडयाचे आहे. जोड स्वीकारयचे?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "कृपया '%s' वरील खालील PIN द्या:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "कृपया '%s' वरील खालील PIN द्या. नंतर किबोर्डवरील “Return” दाबा." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +#| msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"iCade च्या जॉयस्टिकला कृपया खालिल दिशेत फिरवा. नंतर कोणतेही वाइट बटन दाबा." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "स्वीकार करा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "वगळा" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +#| msgid "_Cancel" +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "रद्द करा" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "स्वीकार करा" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "सेट केले नाही" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "जुळले" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "जुळवणी मोडली" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "होय" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "नाही" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” म्हणून दृष्यास्पद" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "साधनच्या सूचीपासून '%s' काढून टाकायचे?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"उपकरन काढून टाकल्यास, पुढच्या वापरणीपूर्व तुम्हाला त्यांस पुनः सेट करावे " +"लागेल." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "काढून टाका (_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "सर्व प्रकार" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "दूरध्वनी" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "मोडेम" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "संगणक" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "जाळं" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "हेडसेट" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "हेडफोन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ऑडिओ साधन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "कळफलक" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "माउस" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "कॅमेरा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "प्रिंटर" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "जॉयपॅड" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "टॅबलेट" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "व्हिडीओ साधन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "रिमोट कंट्रोल" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "स्कॅनर" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "डिस्पले" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "वेअरेबल" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +#| msgid "To:" +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "टॉय" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "Connect" +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "जोडणी" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "पृष्ठ 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "पृष्ठ 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "पत्ता" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +#| msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "माऊस आणि टचपॅड सेटिंग्ज (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +#| msgid "Sound Settings" +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "साऊंड सेटिंग्ज (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +#| msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "कळफलक सेटिंग्ज (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +#| msgid "Send files..." +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "फाइल्स पाठवा (_F)..." + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +#| msgid "_Remove" +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "साधन काढून टाका (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथ ट्रांस्फर" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथतर्फे फाइल पाठवा" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "अपरिचीत त्रुटी आढळली" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d सेकंद" +msgstr[1] "%'d सेकंद" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d मिनीट" +msgstr[1] "%'d मिनीट" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d तास" +msgstr[1] "%'d तास" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "अंदाजे %'d तास" +msgstr[1] "अंदाजे %'d तास" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +#| msgid "Connecting..." +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "जोडणी करत आहे…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथ फाइल स्थानांतर" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "पुनःप्रयत्न करा (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "पासून:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "प्रती:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s पाठवत आहे" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d पैकी %d फाइल पाठवत आहे" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u स्थानांतर पूर्ण झाले" +msgstr[1] "%u स्थानांतरन पूर्ण झाले" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "बंद करा (_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "त्रुटी आढळली" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "पाठवण्याजोगी साधन निवडा" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "पाठवा (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "पाठवण्याजोगी फाइल निवडा" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "निवडा" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "वापरण्याजोगी दूरस्थ साधन" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "पत्ता" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "दूरस्थ साधनाचे नाव काढूण टाका" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "नाव" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[फाइल...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Geolocation सेवा करीता या GPS साधनचा वापर करा" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "तुमच्या मोबाईल फोनचा (चाचणी) वापर करून आंतरजाल करीता प्रवेश प्राप्त करा" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथ सुरू करा" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: बंद करा" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथ बंद करा" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: सुरू करा" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: अकार्यान्वीत" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "जुळवणी मोडत आहे..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "जुळवणी मोडा" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "फाइल तपासा..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "डिबग" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Bluetooth ऍप्लेट" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "उपलब्ध आदेश ओळ पर्याय पहाण्याकरीता '%s --help' पहा.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth ऍपलेट" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "उपकरन %s वर कृपया PIN प्रविष्ट करा." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' करीता परवानगी द्या" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "साधन %s ला सेवा '%s' करीता प्रवेश हवा आहे." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth साधन" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN द्या" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' करीता जोडी बनवण्याची निश्चितता" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN तपासा" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' पासून ओळख पटवण्याची विनंती" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "अधिकृत परवानगी तपासा" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth व्यवस्थापक" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth व्यवस्थापक ऍपलेट" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: तपासत आहे" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "दृष्यास्पद" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "साधन करीता फाइल पाठवा..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "नवीन साधनची मांडणी..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथ सेटिंग्स्" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "बाहेर पडा" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "नेहमी प्रवेश मान्य करा (_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "नकार (_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "मान्य करा (_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "जुळवणी अशक्य (_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "जुळवणी (_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "इनपुट दाखवा (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' शी जोडी करणे रद्द केले" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "'%s' वरील प्रदर्शीत PIN याच्यासह जुळते, कृपया याची खात्री करा." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "कृपया खालील PIN द्या:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' संयोजीत करणे अपयशी" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' शी जुळवणी करत आहे..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "कृपया उपकरन '%s' वरील सेटअप पूर्णहोईपर्यंत प्रतीक्षा करा..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "यशस्वीरित्या नवीन उपकरन '%s' सेटअप करा" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth नवीन उपकरनचे सेटअप" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN पर्याय (_o)..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "डिव्हाइस शोध" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "साधनची मांडणी" + +#~| msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "सेटअप पूर्ण करत आहे" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "तुमच्या साधनसह वापरण्याजोगी अगाऊ सेवा नीवडा:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "सेटअपचे सारांश " + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN पर्याय" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "स्वयं PIN नीवड (_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "ठरलेले PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (बहुतांश हेडसेट, माईस व GPS साधन)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "जोड अशक्य" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "पसंतीचे PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा (_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "बाहेर पडा (_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "जुळवणी अशक्य" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "जुळवणी शक्य" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथ डिव्हाइसचे मांडणी" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ब्ल्युटूथ साधनांची मांडणी" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "फाइल स्थानांतरन" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth द्वारे फाइल पाठवत आहे" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "दूरस्थ साधन बंद केले आहे व ते ब्ल्युटूथ जोडणी स्वीकारते याची खात्री करा" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "प्रोग्रामिंग त्रुटी: सूचीत डिव्हाइस शोधणे अशक्य" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX पुश फाइल स्थानांतरन असमर्थीत" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "ब्लुयटूथ (OBEX पुश)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "यानुरूप फक्त Bluetooth साधन दाखवा..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "तपासणी करीता साधन निवडा" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "तपासणी करा (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "तपासणी करीता साधन निवडा" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "कळफलक आवड नीवड उघडा..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "माऊस आवड नीवड उघडा..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: कार्यान्वीत" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "साधन वरील फाइल तपासा..." + +#~| msgid "Preferences..." +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "पसंती" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "GNOME डेस्कटॉप करीता Bluetooth व्यवस्थापक" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "संदिप शेडमाके , 2009; संदिप शेडमाके " +#~ ", 2009." + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "GNOME Bluetooth मुख्य पान" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth आवडनिवड" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth साधन दाखवा (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "वर्तमानक्षणी परिचीत साधनची यादी आऊटपुट करा" + +#~| msgid "_Discoverable" +#~ msgid "Make computer _discoverable" +#~ msgstr "संगणक आढळेल असे करा (_d)" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "मैत्रीपूर्ण नाव" + +#~| msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "नवीन उफकरनचे सेटअप करा (_n)..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth अकार्यान्वीत आहे" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth अडॅप्टर आढळले नाही" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "तुमच्या संगणकावर कुठलेही Bluetooth अडॅप्टर जोडलेले नाही." + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "सूचना चिन्ह दाखवायचे" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "सूचना चिन्ह दाखवायचे." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf त्रुटी: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "सर्व पुढिल त्रुटी फक्त टर्मिनलवर दाखवले जाईल." + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "साधन मांडणी अपयशी" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "परिचय" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +#~ msgstr "मांडणी करण्याजोगी साधन निवडा" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "मांडणी पूर्ण झाली" + +#~| msgid "" +#~| "The device wizard will walk you through the process of configuring " +#~| "Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Bluetooth चे नवीन उपकरन सेटअप तुम्हाला या संगणकाशी Bluetooth कार्यक्षम उपकरने कसे " +#~ "संरचीत करायचे, त्याच्याशी अवगत करते." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“discoverable” (sometimes called “visible”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "साधन तुमच्या संगणकापासून 10 मीटरच्या अंतरावर, व “शोधण्याजोगी” असायला हवे (बहुतांश " +#~ "वेळा यांस “दृष्यास्पद”). संशय आढळल्यास साधनची पुस्तिका तपासून पहा." + +#~| msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth device setup wizard" +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth नवीन उपरकन सेटअपवर आपले स्वागत आहे" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "मांडणी पुन्हा सुरू करा (_R)" diff --git a/po/ms.po b/po/ms.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..242887a --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ms.po @@ -0,0 +1,1009 @@ +# Malay translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2008 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2008 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , 2008. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-17 14:02+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-16 14:09+0800\n" +"Last-Translator: Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir Md Eusoff \n" +"Language-Team: Malay \n" +"Language: ms\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build Unknown)\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:127 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Semua Jenis" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:129 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:131 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:133 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Komputer" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:135 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rangkaian" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:138 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Headset" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:140 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:142 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Peranti Audio" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:144 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Papan Kekunci" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:146 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Tetikus" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:148 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:150 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Pencetak" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:152 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Pad Ria" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:154 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:156 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Peranti Video" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:158 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:129 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:85 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Tidak Ketahui" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:369 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Klik untuk memilih peranti..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:170 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Tiada adapter ada" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:174 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:868 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Mencari peranti..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:372 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Buang '%s' dari senarai peranti?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:374 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Jika anda keluarkan peranti tersebut, anda perlu menetapkan ia semula untuk " +"kegunaan akan datang." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:746 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Peranti" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Jenis" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Semua Kategori" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Pasangan" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Dipercayai" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:83 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:238 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:254 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Kategori _Peranti" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:269 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Pilih kategori peranti untuk disaring" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:283 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Jenis _peranti:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:304 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Pilih jenis peranti untuk disaring" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:310 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Peranti Input (tetikus, papan kekunci, dll.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:314 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Guna peranti GPS ini untuk servis Geolocation" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Akses Internet menggunakan telefon mudah alih (ujian)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:140 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Pilih Peranti Untuk Dilihat" + +#: ../applet/main.c:144 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:153 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Pilih peranti untuk dilihat" + +#: ../applet/main.c:332 ../properties/properties-adapter-off.ui.h:1 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Hidupkan Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:333 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Padam" + +#: ../applet/main.c:336 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Padamkan Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:337 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Hidupkan" + +#: ../applet/main.c:342 ../applet/notify.c:150 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Dilumpuhkan" + +#: ../applet/main.c:493 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:496 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Bersambung..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:499 ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Bersambung" + +#: ../applet/main.c:502 ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 ../applet/main.c:922 ../properties/adapter.c:371 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 ../applet/main.c:922 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Sambung" + +#: ../applet/main.c:871 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Hantar fail..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:881 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:892 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "Buka Pilihan Papankekunci..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:900 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "Buka Pilihan Tetikus..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:910 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "Buka Pilihan Bunyi..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:1037 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Debug" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:1057 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "-Applet Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1062 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1079 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Applet Bluetooth" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../applet/notify.c:115 ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/main.c:141 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1615 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:150 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Dibolehkan" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:251 ../applet/agent.c:332 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:257 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Sila masukan PIN yang disebut pada peranti %s." + +#: ../applet/agent.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Sila pastikan samaade PIN '%s' sama dengan peranti %s." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Beri akses kepada '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:390 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "Peranti %s hendak akses servis '%s'." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:496 ../applet/agent.c:531 ../applet/agent.c:573 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:500 ../applet/agent.c:535 ../applet/agent.c:577 +#: ../applet/agent.c:618 ../applet/agent.c:656 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Peranti Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:501 ../applet/agent.c:536 ../applet/agent.c:578 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Masukkan PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:619 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Menyemak PIN" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:652 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Permintaan kebenaran dari '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:657 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Menyemak kebenaran" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Pengurus Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Applet Pengurus Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Bluetooth: Periksa" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../properties/adapter.c:330 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1416 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Peranti" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Pilihan" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Berhenti" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Hantar fail kepada peranti..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Tetapan peranti baru..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Boleh Dilihat" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "_Sentiasa berikan laluan" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Diterima" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_Ditolak" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "_Tidak sama" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Sama" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_Paparkan Input" + +#: ../properties/main.c:91 +msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:96 +msgid "" +"Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +"installed." +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/main.c:125 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "Pilihan Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/main.c:140 +msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +msgstr "_Papar Ikon Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/main.c:164 +msgid "Receive Files" +msgstr "Terima Fail" + +#: ../properties/main.c:212 +msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +msgstr "Keluarkan senarai peranti yang dikenali" + +#: ../properties/main.c:250 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "" + +#. The discoverable checkbox +#: ../properties/adapter.c:277 +msgid "Make computer _visible" +msgstr "" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:300 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "Nama mesra" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:362 +msgid "Set up _new device..." +msgstr "Tetapan _peranti baru..." + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:385 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Buang" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:661 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "Bluetooth dilumpuhkan" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:697 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgstr "Tiada peranti Bluetooth wujud" + +#: ../properties/properties-no-adapter.ui.h:1 +msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgstr "Komputer anda tidak mempunyai adapter Bluetooth di plug masuk." + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Kongfigurasi Tetapan Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +msgstr "Apakah untuk tunjuk ikon notifikasi" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +msgstr "Bilakah tunjuk icon pengumunan." + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1233 +#, c-format +msgid "GConf error: %s" +msgstr "Ralat GConf: %s" + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1238 +msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +msgstr "Semua lanjutan ralat hanya ditunjuk pada terminal" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:205 ../wizard/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Pasangan dengan '%s' dibatalkan" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:245 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1159 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Sila pastikan PIN ditunjuk pada '%s' sama dengan ini." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:299 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1210 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Sila masukkan PIN:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:382 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Tetapan '%s' gagal" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' now... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:513 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Bersambung kepada '%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:549 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:768 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "Sila masukkan PIN pada '%s' and tekan \"ENTER\" pada papan kekunci:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:551 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:770 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Sila masukkan PIN pada '%s':" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:572 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Sila tunggu sebentar sementara tetapan pada peranti '%s' ..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:588 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:796 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Telah berjaya tetapan peranti baru '%s'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (kebanyakan headsts, tetikus and peranti GPS)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Setup Peranti Baru Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Setup Peranti" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Setup Peranti Gagal" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Mencari peranti" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:10 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1363 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Tidak sama" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "PIN Tetap" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Pengenalan" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1359 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Sama" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "Opsyen PIN " + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN _Opysen..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1273 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Sila pilih servis tambahan yang anda ingin guna dengan peranti anda:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "Pilih peranti untuk ditetapkan" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Tetapan Lengkap" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Selamat Datang ke kongfigurasi peranti Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_Automatik Pilihan PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d saat" +msgstr[1] "%'d saat" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minit" +msgstr[1] "%'d minit" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d jam" +msgstr[1] "%'d jam" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "anggaran %'d jam" +msgstr[1] "anggaran %'d jam" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Pindah Fail" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Cuba Lagi" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Penghantaran fail melalui Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Dari:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Ke:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ralat tidak dikenalpasti telah berlaku" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Menghantar %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Menghantar fail %d dari %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:641 +msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgstr "Pilih Peranti untuk Hantar Kepada" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "Send _To" +msgstr "Hantar _Kepada" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:687 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Pilih fail untuk dihantar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:716 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Peranti terpencil untuk digunakan" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:718 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Nama peranti terpencil" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:172 +msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:247 +#, c-format +msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:266 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "Bluetooth (Tolakkan OBEX)" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Panel Moblin Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Panel Moblin Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:129 +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:176 +#, c-format +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "%d jam" +msgstr[1] "%d jam" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%d minit" +msgstr[1] "%d minit" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:181 +#, c-format +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%d saat" +msgstr[1] "%d saat" + +#. hour:minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:187 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#. minutes:seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:191 +#, c-format +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "%s %s" + +#. minutes +#. seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:194 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:198 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#. 0 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:201 +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "0 saat" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:223 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"Your computer is visible on\n" +"Bluetooth for %s." +msgstr "Komputer anda boleh dilihat pada Bluetooh untuk %s." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:643 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Pasangan dengan %s gagal." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1005 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Pasangan" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1019 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Sambung" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1038 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1232 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Setup peranti gagal" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1246 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1322 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1371 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1449 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1681 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Kembali kepada peranti" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1285 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Dilakukan" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1306 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1343 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Tetapan peranti" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1466 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1597 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Menghantar %s" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1482 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Hanya tunjuk:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1488 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "Opsyen PIN" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1532 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Tambah peranti baru" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1633 +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "Boleh dilihat pada Bluetooth" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1639 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Hantar fail dari komputer anda" + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Pengurus Panel Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Search" +#~ msgstr "Carian" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "Pengurus Bluetooth untuk desktop GNOME" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " sir.ade\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Ahmed Noor Kader Mustajir B. Md Eusoff\n" +#~ " Mohammad Hafiz bin Ismail" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "Masukkan kekunci laluan" + +#~ msgid "General" +#~ msgstr "Am" + +#~ msgid "Notification area" +#~ msgstr "Kawasan notifikasi" + +#~ msgid "Always display icon" +#~ msgstr "Sentiasa paparkan ikon" + +#~ msgid "Adapter" +#~ msgstr "Penyesuai" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "_Fail" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Sunting" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "_Papar" + +#~ msgid "_Full Screen" +#~ msgstr "S_krin penuh" + +#~ msgid "_Tools" +#~ msgstr "_Alatan" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "_Bantuan" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +#~ msgstr "Penganalisa protokol Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "All Files" +#~ msgstr "Semua fail" + +#~ msgid "Supported Files" +#~ msgstr "Fail fail disokong" + +#~ msgid "By Extension" +#~ msgstr "Mengikut Peng" + +#~ msgid "Frontline BTSnoop Format" +#~ msgstr "Format Frontline BTSnoop" + +#~ msgid "Select File _Type" +#~ msgstr "Pilih _Jenis Fail" + +#~ msgid "File Type" +#~ msgstr "Jenis Fail" + +#~ msgid "Extensions" +#~ msgstr "Penghujungan" + +#~ msgid "Open File" +#~ msgstr "Buka Fail" + +#~ msgid "Local connection" +#~ msgstr "Sambungan setempat" + +#~ msgid "Remote connection" +#~ msgstr "Sambungan terpencil" + +#~ msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +#~ msgstr "Sekiranya tidak disimpan, semua maklumat akan hilang buat selamanya" + +#~ msgid "Close _without Saving" +#~ msgstr "Tutup _tanpa Simpan" + +#~ msgid "There is" +#~ msgstr "Terdapat" + +#~ msgid "There are" +#~ msgstr "Terdapat" + +#~ msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +#~ msgstr "Jika keluar sekarang, semua maklumat akan hilang" + +#~ msgid "_Discard Changes" +#~ msgstr "_Buang Perubahan" + +#~ msgid "Packet" +#~ msgstr "Peket" + +#~ msgid "Timestamp" +#~ msgstr "Setemmasa" diff --git a/po/nb.po b/po/nb.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ba0b68 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/nb.po @@ -0,0 +1,533 @@ +# Norwegian bokmål translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Kjartan Maraas , 2007-2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth 3.26.x\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-06 15:17+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas \n" +"Language-Team: Norwegian bokmål \n" +"Language: nb\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klikk for å velge enhet …" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "A_vbryt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Ukjent" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Ingen enheter tilgjengelig" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Søker etter enheter …" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Enhet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Type" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Enheter" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Alle kategorier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Koblet sammen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "I tillitsforhold" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ikke koblet sammen eller i tillitsforhold" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Koblet sammen eller i tillitsforhold" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Vis:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Enhets_kategori:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Velg enhetskategori som skal filtreres" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Type enhet:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Velg enhetstype som skal filtreres" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Inndataenheter (mus, tastatur, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Hodetelefoner og andre lydenheter" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bekreft PIN for Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Vennligst bekreft PIN-koden som ble skrevet inn på «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Bekreft" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Bekreft Bluetooth-PIN for «%s». Denne finnes vanligvis i dokumentasjonen for " +"enheten." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Kobler sammen med «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Vennligst bekreft at følgende PIN er lik den som vises på «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Forespørsel om Bluetooth-sammenkobling" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"«%s» ønsker å koble sammen med denne enheten. Vil du tillate sammenkobling?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bekreft Bluetooth-tilkobling" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "«%s» ønsker å koble til denne enheten. Vil du tillate dette?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Vennligst oppgi følgende PIN på «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Vennligst oppgi følgende PIN på «%s» og trykk «linjeskift» på tastaturet." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Vennligst beveg styrepinnen på din iCade i følgende retninger. Trykk så på " +"en av de hvite knappene." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Tillat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Avvis" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Avbryt" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Godta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ikke satt opp" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Koblet til" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Koblet fra" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nei" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Synlig som «%s» og tilgjengelig for filoverføringer via Bluetooth. Overførte " +"filer plasseres i mappen Nedlastinger." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Fjern «%s» fra enhetslisten?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Hvis du fjerner enheten vil du måtte konfigurere den igjen før du bruker den " +"på nytt." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "Fje_rn" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Du mottok «%s» via Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Du mottok en fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Åpne fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Vis vil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Mottak av fil fullført" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth-filoverføring fra %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Avslå" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Datamaskin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Nettverk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Hodetelefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Hodetelefoner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Lydenhet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatur" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Skriver" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videoenhet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Fjernkontroll" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Skjerm" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Bærbar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Leketøy" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alle typer" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Tilkobling" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresse" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Innstillinger for _mus og pekeplate" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Innstillinger for _lyd" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Innstillinger for _tastatur" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Send _filer …" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Fje_rn enhet" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-overføring" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Send filer via Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "En ukjent feil oppsto" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Sjekk at den eksterne enheten er slått på og at den godtar tilkobling med " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekund" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunder" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minutt" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutter" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d time" +msgstr[1] "%'d timer" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "omtrent %'d time" +msgstr[1] "omtrent %'d timer" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Kobler til …" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-filoverføring" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "P_røv igjen" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Fra:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Til:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Sender %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Sender fil %d av %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u overføring fullført" +msgstr[1] "%u overføringer fullført" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Lukk" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "En feil oppsto" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Velg enhet å sende til" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Send" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Velg filer som skal sendes" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Velg" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Ekstern enhet som skal brukes" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESSE" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Navn på ekstern enhet" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAVN" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FIL …]" diff --git a/po/ne.po b/po/ne.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f8a144 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ne.po @@ -0,0 +1,540 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# FIRST AUTHOR , YEAR. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth gnome 3.14\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-09 06:05+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-14 21:42+0400\n" +"Last-Translator: Pawan Chitrakar \n" +"Language-Team: Nepali Translation Team \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.9\n" +"Language: ne\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "रद्द गर्नुहोस्" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ठिक छ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "#UNKNOWN!" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +#, fuzzy +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "उपलब्ध छैन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "खोजी गर्दै" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Device" +msgstr "यन्त्र" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "प्रकार" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "यन्त्र" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +#, fuzzy +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "कोटिहरू" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "जोडि मिलाईएको" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "साइनिङ प्रमाणपत्र विश्वासीलो छैन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "जोडि मिलाईएको" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "जोडि मिलाईएको" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "देखाउनुहोस्" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "कोटी" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "यन्त्र" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "प्रकार चयन गर्नुहोस्" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ब्लुटुठ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "यकिन:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "[%s]" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ब्लुटुठ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "अनुमति दिनुहोस्" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "खोजी केन्द्र खारेज गर्नुहोस्" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "रद्द गर्नुहोस्" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "स्विकार गर्नुहोस्" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "सेटअप" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "जडान भएको छैन ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "जडान विच्छेद गरियो" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "हो" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "%s दृश्यात्मक स्तम्भहरू" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "सूचीबाट एउटा इमेल ठेगाना हटाउनुहोस्" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "हटाउनुहोस्" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "सबै प्रकार" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "फोन" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "मोडेम" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "कम्प्युटर" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Network" +msgstr "सञ्जाल" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "हेडफोनहरू" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "अडियो" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "कीबोर्ड" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "सुलसुले" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "क्यामेरा" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "मुद्रक" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ट्याबलेट" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "यन्त्र" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "अवरक्त टाढाको नियन्त्रण" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "स्क्यानर" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Display" +msgstr "प्रदर्शन गर्नुहोस्:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "जडान रद्द गरियो" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +#, fuzzy +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "पृष्ठ १" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "पृष्ठ २" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ठेगाना:" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "सुलसुले" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "ध्वनि:" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "सेटिङ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "पठाउनुहोस्" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "यन्त्र" + +#: ../sendto/ +#, fuzzy +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ब्लुटुठ" + +#: ../sendto/ +#, fuzzy +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "हालको फाइललाई इमेल मार्फत पठाउनुहोस्" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +#, fuzzy +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "त्रुटि देखापर्यो" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "जडान गर्दै....." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ब्लुटुठ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "पुन:प्रयास गर्नुहोस्" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +#, fuzzy +msgid "From:" +msgstr "बाट" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s ले %s पठाएको छ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d को %d सन्देश पठाउँदै" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "साइज (केबि)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Close" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +#, fuzzy +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "त्रुटि:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "यन्त्र" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "पठाउनुहोस्" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "पठाउनुहोस्" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Select" +msgstr "चयन गर्नुहोस्..." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "यन्त्र" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ठेगाना:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "यन्त्र नाम" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +#, fuzzy +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "नाम: " + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +#, fuzzy +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "यस रूपमा फाइल गर्नुहोस्" diff --git a/po/nl.po b/po/nl.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a0c600 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/nl.po @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +# Dutch translation for gnome-bluetooth +# +# This file is released under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# +# Reinout van Schouwen , 2008. +# Wouter Bolsterlee , 2010–2011. +# Erwin Poeze , 2013. +# Nathan Follens , 2015, 2017. +# Hannie Dumoleyn , 2015. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-23 17:56+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-25 09:49+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Nathan Follens \n" +"Language-Team: Dutch \n" +"Language: nl\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klik om een apparaat te selecteren…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Annuleren" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Oké" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Onbekend" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Geen adapters beschikbaar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Zoeken naar apparaten…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Apparaat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Type" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Apparaten" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Alle categorieën" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Gekoppeld" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Vertrouwd" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Niet gekoppeld of vertrouwd" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Gekoppeld of vertrouwd" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Tonen:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Apparaat_categorie:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Selecteer een apparaatcategorie om te filteren" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Apparaat_type:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Selecteer het apparaattype om te filteren" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Invoerapparaten (muis, toetsenbord, enz.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Audioapparaten (koptelefoon, microfoon, enz.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bluetooth-pincode bevestigen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Bevestig dat de pincode ingevoerd is op ‘%s’." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Bevestigen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Bevestig de bluetooth-pincode voor ‘%s’. Dit staat meestal in de handleiding " +"van het apparaat." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "‘%s’ koppelen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Bevestig dat de volgende pincode gelijk is aan de getoonde code op ‘%s’." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth-koppelingsverzoek" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "‘%s’ wil koppelen met dit apparaat. Staat u koppelen toe?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bluetooth-verbinding bevestigen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "‘%s’ wil koppelen met dit apparaat. Staat u koppelen toe?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Voer de volgende pincode in op ‘%s’." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Voer de volgende pincode in op ‘%s’ en druk daarna op ‘Enter’." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Beweeg de joystick van uw iCade in de volgende richtingen. Druk vervolgens " +"op een van de witte knoppen." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Toestaan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Verwerpen" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Annuleren" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Accepteren" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Niet ingesteld" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Verbonden" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Niet verbonden" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nee" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Zichtbaar als ‘%s’ en beschikbaar voor Bluetooth-bestandsoverdracht. " +"Overgebrachte bestanden worden geplaatst in de Downloads-" +"map." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "‘%s’ verwijderen uit de lijst van apparaten?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Na verwijdering dient u het apparaat opnieuw in te stellen voordat u het " +"weer kunt gebruiken." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Verwijderen" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "U ontving ‘%s’ via Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "U ontving een bestand" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Bestand openen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Bestand tonen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Ontvangst van bestand voltooid" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bestandsoverdracht via Bluetooth van %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Afslaan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefoon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Computer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Netwerk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Headset" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Koptelefoon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Audio-apparaat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Toetsenbord" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Muis" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Camera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Printer" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video-apparaat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Afstandsbediening" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Scherm" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Draagbaar apparaat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Speeltje" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alle types" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Verbinding" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adres" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Muis- en touchpad-instellingen" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Geluidsinstellingen" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Toetsenbordinstellingen" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_Bestanden verzenden…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Apparaat _verwijderen" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-overdracht" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bestanden versturen via Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Er is een onbekende fout opgetreden" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Zorg ervoor dat het externe apparaat is aangezet en dat het Bluetooth-" +"verbinding accepteert" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d seconde" +msgstr[1] "%'d seconden" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuten" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d uur" +msgstr[1] "%'d uren" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ongeveer %'d uur" +msgstr[1] "ongeveer %'d uren" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Verbinden…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bestandsoverdracht via Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Opnieuw" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Van:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Aan:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s versturen" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Bestand %d van %d versturen" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u overdracht afgerond" +msgstr[1] "%u overdrachten afgerond" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Sl_uiten" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Er is iets fout gegaan" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Kies het apparaat om naartoe te sturen" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "Ver_sturen" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Kies de te versturen bestanden" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Selecteren" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Te gebruiken apparaat op afstand" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRES" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Naam van apparaat" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAAM" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[BESTAND…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Zichtbaar als ‘%s’" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pagina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pagina 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Gereed" diff --git a/po/nn.po b/po/nn.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..429ecae --- /dev/null +++ b/po/nn.po @@ -0,0 +1,850 @@ +# Norwegian Nynorsk translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2010 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Torstein Adolf Winterseth , 2010. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-04-02 15:31+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-04-02 18:58+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Torstein Adolf Winterseth \n" +"Language-Team: Norwegian Nynorsk \n" +"Language: nn\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:127 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alle typar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:129 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:131 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:133 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Datamaskin" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:135 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Nettverk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:138 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:140 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Hovudtelefonar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:142 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Lydeining" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:144 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatur" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:146 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mus" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:148 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:150 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Skrivar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:152 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Styrespak" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:154 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Notatblokk-PC" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:156 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videoeining" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-client.c:158 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:129 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:85 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Ukjend" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:369 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Trykk for å velja …" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:170 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Ingen adapter tilgjengeleg" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:174 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:868 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Søkjer etter einingar …" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:372 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Fjern «%s» frå lista over einingar?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:374 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Om du fjernar denne eininga så må du setja henne opp igjen om du\n" +"vil bruka henne på nytt." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:746 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Eining" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:783 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Type" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:75 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Alle kategoriar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:77 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Para" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:79 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Tiltrutt" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:81 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ikkje tiltrutt eller para" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:83 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Para eller tiltrutt" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:238 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "Vis berre blåtanneiningar med … " + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:254 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Einings_kategori:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:269 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Vel einingskategorien å filtrera" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:283 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Einings_type:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:304 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Vel einingstypen å filtrera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:310 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Inneiningar (mus, tastatur osv.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:314 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:162 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Kopla til Internettet ved å bruka mobiltelefon (test)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:140 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Vel eining å bla gjennom" + +#: ../applet/main.c:144 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_Bla gjennom" + +#: ../applet/main.c:153 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Vel eining å bla gjennom" + +#: ../applet/main.c:332 ../properties/properties-adapter-off.ui.h:1 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Slå på blåtann" + +#: ../applet/main.c:333 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "Blåtann: Av" + +#: ../applet/main.c:336 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Slå av blåtann" + +#: ../applet/main.c:337 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "Blåtann: På" + +#: ../applet/main.c:342 ../applet/notify.c:150 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "Blåtann: Deaktivert" + +#: ../applet/main.c:493 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Koplar frå …" + +#: ../applet/main.c:496 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Koplar til …" + +#: ../applet/main.c:499 ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Tilkopla" + +#: ../applet/main.c:502 ../applet/main.c:840 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Fråkopla" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 ../applet/main.c:922 ../properties/adapter.c:371 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Kopla frå" + +#: ../applet/main.c:858 ../applet/main.c:922 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Kopla til" + +#: ../applet/main.c:871 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Send filer …" + +#: ../applet/main.c:881 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Bla gjennom filer …" + +#: ../applet/main.c:892 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "Opna tastaturinnstillingar …" + +#: ../applet/main.c:900 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "Opna musinnstillingar …" + +#: ../applet/main.c:910 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "Opna lydinnstillingar …" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1037 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Feilsøk" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:1057 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- Panelprogram for blåtann" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1062 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Køyr «%s --help» for å sjå ei fullstendig liste over tilgjengelege\n" +"kommandolinjeflagg.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:1079 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "Panelprogram for blåtann" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../applet/notify.c:115 ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1455 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "Blåtann" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:150 +msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +msgstr "Blåtann: Aktivert" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:251 ../applet/agent.c:332 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "Eining «%s» vil para med denne maskina" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:257 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Skriv inn PIN til eining %s" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Stadfest at PIN på «%s» er lik det på eining «%s»." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Tillat tilgang til «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:390 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "Eining «%s» vil ha tilgang til tenesten «%s»." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:496 ../applet/agent.c:531 ../applet/agent.c:573 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Paringsførespurnad frå «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:500 ../applet/agent.c:535 ../applet/agent.c:577 +#: ../applet/agent.c:618 ../applet/agent.c:656 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Blåtanneining" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:501 ../applet/agent.c:536 ../applet/agent.c:578 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Skriv inn PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Paringsgodkjenning for «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:619 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Vertifiser PIN" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:652 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Autoriseringsførespurnad frå «%s»" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:657 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Sjekk autorisering" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Handsamar for blåtann" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Panelprogram for å handsama blåtann" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "Blåtann: Sjekkar" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Bla gjennom filer på eining …" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../properties/adapter.c:330 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1297 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1385 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Einingar" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Innstillingar" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Avslutt" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Send filer til eining …" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Set opp ny eining …" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Synleg" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "_Alltid tillata tilgang" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Tillat" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_Avvis" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "_Feil" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Rett" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_Vis inndaga" + +#: ../properties/main.c:91 +msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +msgstr "Klarte ikkje starna «Personleg fildeling»-innstillingar" + +#: ../properties/main.c:96 +msgid "" +"Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +"installed." +msgstr "Stadfest at «Personleg fildeling»-programmet er riktig installert." + +#: ../properties/main.c:125 +msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +msgstr "Brukarval for blåtann" + +#: ../properties/main.c:140 +msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +msgstr "_Vis blåtannikon" + +#: ../properties/main.c:164 +msgid "Receive Files" +msgstr "Motta filer" + +#: ../properties/main.c:212 +msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +msgstr "Gje ut ei liste over kjende einingar" + +#: ../properties/main.c:250 +msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgstr "Blåtanneigenskapar" + +#. The discoverable checkbox +#: ../properties/adapter.c:277 +msgid "Make computer _visible" +msgstr "Gjer datamaskina _synleg" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:300 +msgid "Friendly name" +msgstr "Vennleg namn" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:362 +msgid "Set up _new device..." +msgstr "Set opp _ny eining …" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:385 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Fjern" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:661 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "Blåtann er deaktivert" + +#: ../properties/adapter.c:697 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +msgstr "Ingen blåtannadapter til stades" + +#: ../properties/properties-no-adapter.ui.h:1 +msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +msgstr "Datamaskina di har ingen blåtannadapter kopla til." + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Set opp blåtannval" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +msgstr "Om notifikasjonsikonet skal visast" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +msgstr "Om notifikasjonsikonet skal visast." + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1233 +#, c-format +msgid "GConf error: %s" +msgstr "GConf-feil: %s" + +#: ../properties/gconf-bridge.c:1238 +msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +msgstr "Alle framtidige feil vert berre vist i terminalen." + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:205 ../wizard/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Paringa med «%s» er avbroten" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:245 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1049 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Stadfest at PIN vist på «%s» er lik denne." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:299 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1100 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Skriv inn følgjande PIN:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:382 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Oppsetjinga av «%s» feila" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' now... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:513 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Koplar til «%s» …" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:549 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:658 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "Skriv inn følgjande PIN på «%s» og trykk «Enter»:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:551 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:660 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Skriv inn følgjande PIN på «%s»:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:572 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Vent medan oppsetjinga av «%s» fullførast …" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:588 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:686 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Oppsetjinga av den nye eininga «%s» var vellukka" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "«0000». (fleste hovudtelefonar, mus og GPS-einingar)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "«1111»" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "«1234»" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Oppsetjing av ny blåtanneining" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "Sjølvvald PIN:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Einingsoppset" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Oppsetjinga av eining feila" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Søk etter eining" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:10 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1253 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Feil" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Fullførar oppsetjing av eining" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "Fast PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Introduksjon" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1249 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Rett" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN-val" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN-_val …" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1163 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "Vel tilleggstenestane du vil bruka med eininga di:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 +msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +msgstr "Vel eininga du vil setja opp" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Oppsett fullført" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"Oppsetjinga for nye blåtanneiningar vil gå gjennom prosessen for å setja opp " +"blåtanneiningar slik at du kan bruka dei med denne datamaskina." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"Eininga må vera innanfor rekkjevidda på 10 meter frå datamaskina di og vera " +"sette opp til å vera synleg (nokre gongar kalla oppdagbar). Sjå i manualen " +"om du er usikker." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Velkommen til oppsetjinga av ny blåtanneining" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "_Automatisk PIN-veljing" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "_Start oppsetjinga på nytt" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekund" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekund" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minutt" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutt" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d time" +msgstr[1] "%'d timar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "om lag %'d time" +msgstr[1] "om lag %'d timar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Filoverføring" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Prøv _omatt" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Sending av filer via blåtann" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Frå:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Til:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ein ukjend feil oppstod" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +msgid "" +"Make sure that remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth " +"connections" +msgstr "" +"Sjekk at den eksterne eininga er slått på og tillèt blåtanntilkoplingar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Sendar %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Sender fil %d av %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:641 +msgid "Select Device to Send To" +msgstr "Vel eining å senda til" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "Send _To" +msgstr "Send _til" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:687 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Vel filer å senda" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:716 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Ekstern eining å bruka" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:718 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Namnet til ekstern eining" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:172 +msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Programmeringsfeil, klarte ikkje å finna eininga i lista" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:247 +#, c-format +msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "«Obex Push»-filoverføring ustøtta" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:266 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "Blåtann (OBEX Push*)" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:86 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:94 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Moblin-panelprogram for blåtann" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:95 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Moblin-panelprogram for blåtann" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:122 +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:533 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Paring med «%s» feila." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:895 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Para" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:909 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Kopla til" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:928 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Bla gjennom" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1122 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Oppsetjinga av eining feila" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1136 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1212 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1261 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1323 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1540 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Tilbake til einingar" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1175 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Fullført" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1196 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1233 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Oppsetjing av eining" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1344 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Berre vis:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1350 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "PIN-val" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1433 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Legg til ein ny eining" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1500 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Send fil frå datamaskina di" + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Panelprogram for handsaming av blåtann" diff --git a/po/oc.po b/po/oc.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5fb9094 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/oc.po @@ -0,0 +1,765 @@ +# Occitan translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Cédric Valmary (Tot en Òc) , 2015. +# Cédric Valmary ( , 2016. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-05-08 19:41+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-08 18:37+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Cédric Valmary ( \n" +"Language-Team: Tot En Òc\n" +"Language: oc\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Clicatz per causir un periferic…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1264 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "A_nullar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_D'acòrdi" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconegut" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Pas cap d'adaptator de disponible" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1553 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Recèrca de periferics…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Periferic" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1515 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Periferics" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Totas las categorias" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Apariat" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Fisable" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Pas apariat o fisable" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Apariat o fisable" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Afichar :" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoria de periferic :" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Seleccionar la categoria de periferic a filtrar" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipe de periferic :" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Causir lo tipe de periferic a filtrar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Periferics de picada (mirga, clavièrs, etc.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Escotadors, casques àudio e autres periferics àudio" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirmar lo numèro d'identificacion personala del Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "Confirmatz lo numèro d'identificacion personala picat dins « %s » ." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirmar lo numèro d'identificacion personala (PIN) de « %s ». Es " +"normalament indicat dins lo manual del periferic." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "Ligason de « %s »" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" +"Confirmatz que lo numèro d'identificacion personala seguent correspond a lo " +"qu'es afichat sus « %s »." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Demanda de ligason Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "« %s » se vòl connectar a aqueste periferic. Autorizatz la ligason ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirmar la connexion al Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "« %s » se vòl connectar a aqueste periferic. Autorizatz la ligason ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "Picatz lo numèro d'identificacion personala seguent sus « %s »." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Picatz lo numèro d'identificacion personala çaiaprèp sus « %s ». Quichatz " +"puèi sus la tòca « Entrada » del clavièr." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Desplaçatz lo joystick de vòstre iCade dins las direccions seguentas. " +"Quichatz puèi sul boton blanc que volètz." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Autorizar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Abandonar" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Anullar" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Acceptar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Pas configurat" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Connectat" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconnectat" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1132 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Òc" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1132 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Non" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1232 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1259 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Suprimir « %s » de la lista dels periferics ?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1261 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Se suprimissètz aqueste periferic, vos lo caldrà reconfigurar tornamai abans " +"utilizacion." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1265 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Suprimir" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Avètz recebut \"%s\" per Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Avètz recebut un fichièr" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Dobrir un fichièr" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferiment de fichièr per Bluetooth dempuèi %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Totes los tipes" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefòn" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modèm" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ordenador" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Ret" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Casc àudio" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Escotadors" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Periferic àudio" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Clavièr" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mirga" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Aparelh fòto" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Imprimenta" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Maneta de jòc" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tauleta" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Periferic vidèo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Comanda a distància" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Ecran" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Portable" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Joguet" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Connexion" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adreça" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres de la mir_gat e del pavat tactil" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres del _son" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Paramètres del _clavièr" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Mandadís de _fichièrs…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Suprimir lo periferic" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferiment Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Mandadís de fichièrs per Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Una error desconeguda s'es produita" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Vérifiez que lo periferic es allumé e qu'il accepte les connexions Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segonda" +msgstr[1] "%'d segondas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ora" +msgstr[1] "%'d oras" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "environ %'d ora" +msgstr[1] "environ %'d oras" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Connexion en cors…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferiment de fichièr per Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Ensajar tornamai" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De :" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Cap a :" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Mandadís de %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Mandadís del fichièr %d sus %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d Ko/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d o/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transferiment acabat" +msgstr[1] "%u transferiments acabats" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Tampar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "I a agut una error" + +# Títol de fenèstra +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Causida del periferic cibla" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Mandar" + +# Títol de fenèstra +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Causida dels fichièrs de mandar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seleccionar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Periferic distant d'utilizar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADREÇA" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Nom del periferic distant" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOM" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FICHIÈR...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visible en tant que « %s »" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pagina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pagina 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Acabat" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Utilizar aqueste periferic GPS pels servicis de geolocalizacion" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Accedir a Internet amb vòstre telefòn mobil (tèst)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Aparatge de « %s » anullat" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Confirmatz que lo numèro d'identificacion personala afichat sus « %s » " +#~ "correspond a celui-ci." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Picatz lo numèro d'identificacion personala seguent :" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Fracàs de la configuracion de « %s »" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Connexion en cors amb « %s »..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Pacientatz pendent la configuracion del periferic « %s »..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Configuracion del novèl periferic « %s » réussie" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuracion del novèl periferic Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Options de numèro d'identificacion personal..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Recèrca de periferic" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuracion del periferic" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Fin de la configuracion" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Seleccionatz los servicis suplementaris que volètz utilizar amb vòstre " +#~ "periferic :" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Resumit de la configuracion" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opcions de numèro d'identificacion personal" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "Seleccion _automatica del numèro d'identificacion personal" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Numèro d'identificacion personala fixe" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "0000 (pour la màger part des escotadors, mirga e GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "1111" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "1234" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Ne pas apparier" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Numèro d'identificacion personala personalizat :" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "En_sajar tornamai" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Quitar" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Correspond pas" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Correspond" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuracion de periferic Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Configurar de periferics Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth : desactivat" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Desactivar Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth : actiu" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth : desactivat" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Desconnexion en cors..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Desconnectar" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Percórrer los fichièrs..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Desbugatge" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- applet Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Exécutez « %s --help » per veire una lista completa des options " +#~ "disponibles\n" +#~ "en linha de comanda.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Applet Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Picatz lo numèro d'identificacion personala mencionat sul periferic %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Acordar l'accès a %s" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Lo periferic %s souhaite accedir al servici « %s »." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Periferic Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Sasir lo numèro d'identificacion personal" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirmar la demanda de ligason per « %s »" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Verificar lo numèro d'identificacion personal" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Demanda d'autorizacion de « %s »" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Verificar l'autorizacion" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Applet de gestion Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth : verificacion" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Visible" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Mandar los fichièrs al periferic..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurar un novèl periferic..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Paramètres Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Quitar" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Totjorn acordar l'accès" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Regetar" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Acordar" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Correspond _pas" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Correspond" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "A_fichar los caractèrs picats" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Transferiment de fichièr" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Mandadís de fichièrs per Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Error de programacion : impossible de trobar lo periferic dins la lista" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Lo transfert de fichièrs « OBEX Push » es pas pres en carga" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" diff --git a/po/or.po b/po/or.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0901b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/or.po @@ -0,0 +1,963 @@ +# translation of gnome-bluetooth.master.or.po to Oriya +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# Manoj Kumar Giri , 2009, 2011, 2012, 2014. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master.or\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-27 06:05+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-08-27 20:15+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: Manoj Kumar Giri \n" +"Language-Team: Oriya \n" +"Language: or\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"\n" +"\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +#| msgid "Click to select device..." +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ବାଛିବା ପାଇଁ କ୍ଲିକ କରନ୍ତୁ…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "ବାତିଲ କରନ୍ତୁ (_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ଠିକ ଅଛି (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ଅଜଣା" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "କୌଣସି ଏଡପଟର ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ନାହିଁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +#| msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଖୋଜୁଅଛି…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ପ୍ରକାର" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "ସମସ୍ତ ବିଭାଗ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "ଯୁଗଳ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "ବିଶ୍ୱସ୍ତ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "ଯୁଗଳ ଅଥବା ବିଶ୍ୱସ୍ତ ନୁହଁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "ଯୁଗଳ ଅଥବା ବିଶ୍ୱସ୍ତ" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "ଦେଖାଅ:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ବିଭାଗ (_c):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "ଛାଣିବା ପାଇଁ ଉପକରଣ ବିଭାଗକୁ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ପ୍ରକାର (_t):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ଛାଣିବା ପାଇଁ ଉପକରଣ ପ୍ରକାରକୁ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ନିବେଶ ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକ (ମାଉସ, କିବୋର୍ଡ, ଇତ୍ୟାଦି।)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "ହେଡଫୋନ, ହେଡସେଟ ଏବଂ ଅନ୍ୟାନ୍ୟ ଧ୍ୱନି ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +#| msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ନୂତନ ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ PIN କୁ ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s'ରେ ନିବେଶ କରାଯାଇଥିବା PIN କୁ ଦୟାକରି ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"'%s' ପାଇଁ ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ PIN କୁ ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ। ଏହା ସାଧାରଣତଃ ଉପକରଣର ହସ୍ତପୁସ୍ତକରେ ମିଳିଥାଏ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' କୁ ଯୁଗଳ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" +"ଦୟାକରି ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ ଯେ ନିମ୍ନଲିଖିତ PIN ଟି '%s' ଉପରେ ଦର୍ଶାଯାଇଥିବା ସହିତ ମେଳ " +"ଖାଇଥାଏ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Properties" +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଯୁଗଳ ଅନୁରୋଧ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"'%s' ଏହି ଉପକରଣ ସହିତ ଯୁଗଳ ହେବାକୁ ଇଚ୍ଛାପ୍ରକାଶ କରୁଅଛି। ଯୁଗଳ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଆପଣ " +"ଅନୁମତି ଦେବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଛନ୍ତି କି?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "ଦୟାକରି ନିମ୍ନଲିଖିତ PIN କୁ '%s' ରେ ଭରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"ଦୟାକରି ନିମ୍ନଲିଖିତ PIN କୁ '%s' ରେ ଭରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ। ତାପରେ କିବୋର୍ଡରେ “Return” କୁ " +"ଦବାନ୍ତୁ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +#| msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"ଦୟାକରି ଆପଣଙ୍କର iCade ର ଜୟଷ୍ଟିକକୁ ନିମ୍ନଲିଖିତ ଦିଗରେ ଗତି କରାନ୍ତୁ। ତାପରେ ଧଳା " +"ବଟନଗୁଡ଼ିକ ମଧ୍ଯରୁ ଗୋଟିକୁ ଦବାନ୍ତୁ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "ଅନୁମତି ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "ଅସ୍ୱୀକାର କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +#| msgid "_Cancel" +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ବାତିଲ" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "ଗ୍ରହଣ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା କରାଯାଇନାହିଁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "ସଂଯୁକ୍ତ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "ଅସଂଯୁକ୍ତ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "ହଁ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "ନାଁ" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s”ଭାବରେ ଦୃଷ୍ଟିଯୋଗ୍ୟ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକର ତାଲିକାରୁ '%s' କୁ କାଢ଼ିବେ କି?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"ଯଦି ଆପଣ ସେହି ଉପକରଣକୁ କାଢ଼ନ୍ତି, ତେବେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ତାହା ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ବ୍ୟବହାର ପୂର୍ବରୁ " +"ପୁଣିଥରେ ସେଟ କରିବାକୁ " +"ହେବ।" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "କାଢ଼ନ୍ତୁ (_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "ସମସ୍ତ ପ୍ରକାର" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ଫୋନ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "ମଡେମ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "କମ୍ପୁଟର" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "ନେଟୱର୍କ" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ହେଡ଼ସେଟ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "ହେଡ଼ଫୋନ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ଧ୍ୱନି ଉପକରଣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "କିବୋର୍ଡ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "ମାଉସ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "କ୍ୟାମେରା" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "ମୁଦ୍ରଣୀ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "ଜୟପ୍ୟାଡ଼" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ଟ୍ୟାବଲେଟ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ଭିଡ଼ିଓ ଉପକରଣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "ସୁଦୂର ନିୟନ୍ତ୍ରଣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "ସ୍କାନର" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶନୀ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "ଆବରଣ ଯୋଗ୍ୟ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +#| msgid "To:" +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "ଟୟ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "ସଂଯୋଗ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "ପୃଷ୍ଠା 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "ପୃଷ୍ଠା 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ଠିକଣା" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +#| msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "ମାଉସ ଏବଂ ଟଚ ପ୍ୟାଡ ସେଟିଙ୍ଗଗୁଡିକ (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +#| msgid "Sound Settings" +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "ଧ୍ୱନି ସେଟିଙ୍ଗଗୁଡିକ (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +#| msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "କିବୋର୍ଡ ବିନ୍ୟାସଗୁଡ଼ିକ (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +#| msgid "Send files..." +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ (_F)…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +#| msgid "_Remove" +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "ଉପକରଣକୁ କାଢ଼ନ୍ତୁ (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପରିବହନ" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ମାଧ୍ଯମରେ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "ଗୋଟିଏ ଅଜଣା ତ୍ରୁଟି ଘଟିଲା" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d ସେକଣ୍ଡ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ସେକଣ୍ଡ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d ମିନଟ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ମିନଟ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ଘଣ୍ଟା" +msgstr[1] "%'d ଘଣ୍ଟା" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ପାଖାପାଖି %'d ଘଣ୍ଟା" +msgstr[1] "ପାଖାପାଖି %'d ଘଣ୍ଟା" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +#| msgid "Connection" +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "ସଂଯୋଗ କରୁଅଛି…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଫାଇଲ ସ୍ଥାନାନ୍ତରଣ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "ପୁନଃପ୍ରଚେଷ୍ଟା କରନ୍ତୁ (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "ରୁ:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "କୁ:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s ପଠାଉଅଛି" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d ର %d ଫାଇଲକୁ ପଠାଉଅଛି" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u ସ୍ଥାନାନ୍ତରଣ ସଂପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ହୋଇଛି" +msgstr[1] "%u ସ୍ଥାନାନ୍ତରଣ ସଂପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ହୋଇଛି" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "ବନ୍ଦ କରନ୍ତୁ (_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "ସେଠାରେ ଗୋଟିଏ ତୃଟି ଥିଲା" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "ପଠାଇବା ପାଇଁ ଉପକରଣ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "ପଠାନ୍ତୁ (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "ପଠାଇବା ପାଇଁ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିବା ପାଇଁ ସୁଦୂର ଉପକରଣ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ଠିକଣା" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "ସୁଦୂର ଉପକରଣର ନାମ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "ନାମ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ଫାଇଲ...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "ଭୌଗଳିକ ସ୍ଥିତି ସର୍ଭିସଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପାଇଁ GPS ଉପକରଣକୁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ମୋବାଇଲ ଫୋନ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରି ଇଣ୍ଟରନେଟ ସୁବିଧା ଉପଭୋଗ କରନ୍ତୁ (ପରୀକ୍ଷା)" + +#~| msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥକୁ ଅନ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ: ଅଫ" + +#~| msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥକୁ ଅଫ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ: ଅନ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ: ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "ସଂଯୋଗ ବିଚ୍ଛିନ୍ନ କରୁଅଛି..." + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "ସଂଯୋଗ କରୁଅଛି..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "ସଂଯୋଗ ବିଚ୍ଛିନ୍ନ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "ସଂଯୋଗ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "ଫାଇଲ ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "ତ୍ରୁଟିନିବାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଆପଲେଟ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶ ନାମା ବିକଳ୍ପଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଦେଖିବା ପାଇଁ '%s --help' କୁ ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ।\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଆପଲେଟ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ %s ରେ ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ଟ PIN କୁ ଭରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ।" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' କୁ ଅଭିଗମ୍ୟତା ଅନୁମତି ପ୍ରଦାନ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ %s ସର୍ଭିସ '%s' ପାଇଁ ଅଭିଗମ୍ୟତା ଆଶା କରିଥାଏ।" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଉପକରଣ" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN ଭରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ପାଇଁ ଯୁଗଳ ନିଶ୍ଚିତକରଣ" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN କୁ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ରୁ ବୈଧିକରଣ ଅନୁରୋଧ" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "ବୈଧିକରଣ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପରିଚାଳକ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପରିଚାଳକ ଆପଲେଟ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ: ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରୁଅଛି" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "ଦୃଶ୍ଯମାନ" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣକୁ ଫାଇଲ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "ନୂତନ ଉପକରଣ ସ୍ଥାପନ କରନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ସଂରଚନାଗୁଡ଼ିକ" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "ବିଦାୟ ନିଅନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "ସର୍ବଦା ଅଭିଗମ୍ୟତା ଅନୁମତି ପ୍ରଦାନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "ପ୍ରତ୍ୟାଖାନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "ଅନୁମତି ପ୍ରଦାନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ମେଳଖାଇନଥାଏ (_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "ମେଳକମାନ (_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "ନିବେଶକୁ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ସହିତ ଯୁଗଳ ବାତିଲ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ରେ ଦର୍ଶାଯାଇଥିବା PIN ମେଳଖାଉଛି କି ନାହିଁ ଦୟାକରି ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ।" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ଦୟାକରି ନିମ୍ନଲିଖିତ PIN କୁ ଭରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ସେଟ କରିବାରେ ବିଫଳ" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ସହିତ ସଂଯୋଗ କରୁଅଛି..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ '%s' ରେ ସଂରଚନା ସମାପ୍ତ କରିବା ସମୟରେ ଦୟାକରି ଅପେକ୍ଷା କରନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ '%s' କୁ ସଫଳତାର ସହିତ ବିନ୍ୟାସ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ନୂତନ ଉପକରଣ ବିନ୍ୟାସ" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN ବିକଳ୍ପଗୁଡ଼ିକ (_o)..." + +#~| msgid "Device search" +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ସନ୍ଧାନ" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ସଂରଚନା" + +#~| msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "ସଂରଚନା ସମାପ୍ତ କରୁଅଛି" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "ଆପଣଙ୍କର ଉପକରଣ ସହିତ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରିବାକୁ ଇଚ୍ଛାକରୁଥିବା ଅତିରିକ୍ତ ସର୍ଭିସଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "ସଂରଚନା ସାରାଂଶ" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN ବିକଳ୍ପଗୁଡ଼ିକ" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "ସ୍ୱୟଂଚାଳିତ PIN ଚୟନ (_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "ସ୍ଥିର PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (ଅଧିକାଂଶ ହେଡସେଟ, ମାଉସ ଏବଂ GPS ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକ)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "ଯୁଗଳ କରନ୍ତୁ ନାହିଁ" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ଇଚ୍ଛାମୁତାବକ PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "ପୁଣିଥରେ ଚେଷ୍ଟାକରନ୍ତୁ (_T)" + +#~| msgid "Quit" +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "ବିଦାୟ ନିଅନ୍ତୁ (_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ମେଳଖାଉନାହିଁ" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "ମେଳଖାଇଥାଏ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଉପକରଣ ବିନ୍ୟାସ" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବ୍ୟବସ୍ଥା କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "ଫାଇଲ ସ୍ଥାନାନ୍ତରଣ" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ମାଧ୍ଯମରେ ଫାଇଲ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ସୁଦୂର ଉପକରଣଟି ଅନ ଅଛି କି ନାହିଁ ଏବଂ ଏହା ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ସଂଯୋଗକୁ ଗ୍ରହଣ କରୁଛି କି ନାହିଁ ତାହା ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "ପ୍ରଗ୍ରାମ ଜନିତ ତ୍ରୁଟି: ତାଲିକାରେ ଉପକରଣକୁ ପାଇଲା ନାହିଁ" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX ପ୍ରେରଣ ଫାଇଲ ପରିବହନ ସମର୍ଥିତ ନୁହଁ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "ଏହା ସହିତ କେବଳ ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଉପକରଣକୁ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଉପକରଣ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରନ୍ତୁ (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଉପକରଣ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "କିବୋର୍ଡ ପସନ୍ଦଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ମାଉସ ପସନ୍ଦକୁ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ଧ୍ୱନି ପସନ୍ଦକୁ ଖୋଲନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ: ସକ୍ରିୟ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣରେ ଫାଇଲଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରନ୍ତୁ..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ପସନ୍ଦଗୁଡ଼ିକ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥକୁ ହାର୍ଡୱେର ସ୍ୱିଚ ଦ୍ୱାରା ନିଷ୍କ୍ରିୟ କରାହୋଇଛି" + +#~| msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "କୌଣସି ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଏଡପଟର ମିଳିଲା ନାହିଁ" + +#~| msgid "Visible" +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "ଦେଖିବା କ୍ଷମତା" + +#~| msgid "Phone" +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "ଶକ୍ତି" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ସଂରଚନା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "ପରିଚୟ" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "ଆପଣ ବିନ୍ୟାସ କରିବାକୁ ଚାହୁଁଥିବା ଉପକରଣକୁ ବାଛନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "ବିନ୍ୟାସ ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ନୂତନ ଉପକରଣ ବିନ୍ୟାସ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ସକ୍ରିୟ ଉପକରଣକୁ ଏହି କମ୍ପୁଟରରେ ବ୍ୟବହାର ପାଇଁ ବିନ୍ୟାସ " +#~ "ପଥରେ ନେଇଯିବ।" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ଉପକରଣଟି କମ୍ପୁଟର ପାଖରୁ 10 ମିଟର ମଧ୍ଯରେ ରହିବା ଆବଶ୍ୟକ, ଏବଂ “ଦୃଶ୍ୟମାନ” ହୋଇଥାଏ (ବେଳେବେଳେ " +#~ "“ଆବିଷ୍କାର ଯୋଗ୍ୟ” ବୋଲି କୁହାଯାଏ)। ଉପକରଣର ହସ୍ତପୁସ୍ତକକୁ ଦ୍ୱନ୍ଦ ସମୟରେ ଯାଞ୍ଚ କରନ୍ତୁ।" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ନୂତନ ଉପକରଣ ବିନ୍ୟାସରେ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ସ୍ୱାଗତ" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "ସଂରଚନାକୁ ପୁନର୍ଚାଳନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_R)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "ଷ୍ଟାଣ୍ଡଏଲନ ଧାରାରେ ଚଲାନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପଟ୍ଟିକ" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପଟ୍ଟିକ" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ଘଣ୍ଟା" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d ଘଣ୍ଟା" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ମିନିଟ" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d ମିନଟ" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ସେକେଣ୍ଡ" +#~ msgstr[1] "%'d ସେକଣ୍ଡ" + +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 ସେକଣ୍ଡ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ଆପଣଙ୍କ କମ୍ପୁଟର %s ପାଇଁ ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥରେ\n" +#~ "ଦୃଶ୍ୟମାନ।" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%s ସହିତ ଯୁଗଳବନ୍ଦି ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି।" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "ଯୁଗଳ" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ରାଉଜ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ସଂରଚନା ବିଫଳ ହୋଇଛି" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକ ପାଖକୁ ଫେରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "ସମାପ୍ତ" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "ଉପକରଣ ସଂରଚନା" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "ସେଟିଙ୍ଗଗୁଡିକ" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "କେବଳ ପ୍ରଦର୍ଶନ କରନ୍ତୁ:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN ବିକଳ୍ପଗୁଡ଼ିକ" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "ନୂତନ ଉପକରଣ ଯୋଗ କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ମାଧ୍ଯମରେ ଦୃଶ୍ୟମାନ" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "ଆପଣଙ୍କ କମ୍ପୁଟରରୁ ଫାଇଲ ପଠାନ୍ତୁ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପରିଚାଳକ ପଟ୍ଟିକ" + +#~ msgid "Active" +#~ msgstr "ସକ୍ରିୟ" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "GNOME ଡେସ୍କଟପ ପାଇଁ ଗୋଟିଏ ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପରିଚାଳକ" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "ମନୋଜ କୁମାର ଗିରି " + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "GNOME ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ମୂଳସ୍ଥାନ ପୃଷ୍ଠା" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ପସନ୍ଦଗୁଡ଼ିକ" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ଚିତ୍ରସଂକେତ ଦର୍ଶାନ୍ତୁ (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "ବର୍ତ୍ତମାନ ଜଣାଥିବା ଉପକରଣଗୁଡ଼ିକର ଗୋଟିଏ ତାଲିକା ବାହାର କରନ୍ତୁ" + +#~| msgid "_Discoverable" +#~ msgid "Make computer _discoverable" +#~ msgstr "କମ୍ପୁଟରକୁ ଆବିଷ୍କାର ଯୋଗ୍ୟ କରନ୍ତୁ (_d)" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "ସୁପରିଚିତ ନାମ" + +#~| msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "ନୂତନ ଉପକରଣ ସ୍ଥାପନ କରନ୍ତୁ (_n)..." + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ଚିତ୍ରସଂକେତକୁ ଦର୍ଶାଇବା ଉଚିତ କି" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "ବିଜ୍ଞପ୍ତି ଚିତ୍ରସଂକେତକୁ ଦର୍ଶାଇବା ଉଚିତ କି।" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf ତ୍ରୁଟି: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ସମସ୍ତ ତ୍ରୁଟିଗୁଡ଼ିକ କେବଳ ଟର୍ମିନାଲରେ ଦର୍ଶାଯାଇଥିଲା।" diff --git a/po/pa.po b/po/pa.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16c2dd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/pa.po @@ -0,0 +1,1078 @@ +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# +# A S Alam , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"luetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-15 12:52+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-09 06:37-0600\n" +"Last-Translator: A S Alam \n" +"Language-Team: Punjabi \n" +"Language: pa\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 2.0\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "…ਜੰਤਰ ਚੁਣਨ ਲਈ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ(_C)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "ਠੀਕ ਹੈ(_O)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ਅਣਪਛਾਤਾ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "ਐਡਪਟਰ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "…ਜੰਤਰਾਂ ਲਈ ਖੋਜ ਜਾਰੀ ਹੈ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ਕਿਸਮ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "ਸਭ ਵਰਗ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "ਪੇਅਰ ਕੀਤੇ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "ਟਰੱਸਟ ਕੀਤੇ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਪੇਅਰ ਜਾਂ ਟਰੱਸਟ ਨਹੀਂ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "ਪੇਅਰ ਜਾਂ ਟਰੱਸਟ ਕੀਤੇ" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "ਵੇਖੋ:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਕੈਟਾਗਰੀ(_c):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "ਫਿਲਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਜੰਤਰ ਕੈਟਾਗਰੀ ਚੁਣੋ" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਟਾਈਪ(_t):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "ਫਿਲਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਜੰਤਰ ਕਿਸਮ ਚੁਣੋ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ਇੰਪੁੱਟ ਜੰਤਰ (ਮਾਊਸ, ਕੀਬੋਰਡ ਆਦਿ)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "ਹੈੱਡਫੋਨ, ਹੈੱਡਸੈੱਟ ਅਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਆਡੀਓ ਜੰਤਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਪਿੰਨ ਤਸਦੀਕ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ ਕਿ “%s“ ਉੱਤੇ PIN ਦਿੱਤਾ ਹੈ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕਰੋ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"“%s“ ਲਈ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਪਿੰਨ ਦੀ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ ਕਰੋ। ਇਹ ਅਕਸਰ ਜੰਤਰ ਦੇ ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਜਾ" +" ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "“%s“ ਨੂੰ ਪੇਅਰ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "ਤਸਦੀਕ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ ਕਿ “%s“ ਉੱਤੇ ਵਿਖਾਈ ਦਿੱਤਾ PIN ਹੇਠ ਦਿੱਤੇ ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਹੈ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਪੇਅਰ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਬੇਨਤੀ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"“%s“ ਇਸ ਜੰਤਰ ਨਾਲ ਪੇਅਰ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ। ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪੇਅਰ ਕਰਨ ਨੂੰ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ ਕਰਨਾ" +" ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +#| msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਕਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਦੀ ਤਸਦੀਕ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s“ ਇਸ ਜੰਤਰ ਨਾਲ ਕਨੈਕਟ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ। ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਸ ਦੀ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤ ਦਿੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "“%s“ ਉੱਤੇ ਅੱਗੇ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਪਿੰਨ ਲਿਖੋ ਜੀ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "ਹੇਠ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਪਿੰਨ “%s“ ਉੱਤੇ ਦਿਓ। ਤਦ ਕੀਬੋਰਡ ਤੋਂ “ਐਂਟਰ“ ਦੱਬੋ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"ਆਪਣੇ iCade ਦੀ ਜਾਏਸਟਿੱਕ ਨੂੰ ਅੱਗੇ ਦਿੱਤੀਆਂ ਦਿਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਘੁੰਮਾਉ ਜੀ। ਤਦ ਚਿੱਟੇ" +" ਬਟਨਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕਿਸੇ ਨੂੰ ਵੀ " +"ਦੱਬੋ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "ਮਨਸੂਖ" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਨਹੀਂ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੈ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "ਡਿਸ-ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੈ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "ਹਾਂ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "ਨਹੀਂ" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"“%s” ਵਜੋਂ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਫ਼ਾਇਲ ਤਬਾਦਲੇ ਲਈ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹੈ। ਤਬਾਦਲਾ ਕੀਤੀਆਂ" +" ਫ਼ਾਇਲਾਂ ਨੂੰ " +"ਡਾਊਨਲੋਡ (Downloads) ਫੋਲਡਰ 'ਚ ਰੱਖਿਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ਕੀ ਜੰਤਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਸੂਚੀ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ “%s“ ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਉਣਾ ਹੈ?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"ਜੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਹਟਾਇਆ ਤਾਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਅਗਲੀ ਵਾਰ ਵਰਤਣ ਸਮੇਂ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕਰਨਾ ਪਵੇਗਾ।" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "ਹਟਾਓ(_R)" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਰਾਹੀਂ “%s\" ਲਈ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +#| msgid "Receive Files" +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਫ਼ਾਈਲ ਮਿਲੀ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +#| msgid "Send _Files…" +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +#| msgid "Receive Files" +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਦਿਖਾਓ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤੀ ਪੂਰੀ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਫਾਇਲ ਤਬਾਦਲਾ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "ਇਨਕਾਰ ਕਰੋ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ਫ਼ੋਨ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "ਮਾਡਮ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ਹੈੱਡਸੈੱਟ " + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "ਹੈੱਡਫੋਨ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਜੰਤਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "ਕੀਬੋਰਡ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "ਮਾਊਸ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "ਪਰਿੰਟਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "ਜਾਏ-ਪੈਡ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "ਟੇਬਲੇਟ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਜੰਤਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "ਰਿਮੋਟ ਕੰਟਰੋਲ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "ਸਕੈਨਰ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "ਡਿਸਪਲੇਅ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "ਪਹਿਣਨਯੋਗ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "ਖਿਡੌਣਾ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "ਸਭ ਟਾਈਪਾਂ" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "ਮਾਊਸ ਅਤੇ ਟੱਚਪੈਡ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ(_M)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "ਸਾਊਂਡ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ(_S)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "ਕੀਬੋਰਡ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ(_K)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "…ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਭੇਜੋ(_F)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਹਟਾਓ(_R)" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰ" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਭੇਜੋ" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਅਣਜਾਣੀ ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਹੈ" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਉ ਕਿ ਰਿਮੋਟ ਜੰਤਰ ਚਾਲੂ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਹ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ।" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d ਸਕਿੰਟ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ਸਕਿੰਟ" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d ਮਿੰਟ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ਮਿੰਟ" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ਘੰਟਾ" +msgstr[1] "%'d ਘੰਟੇ" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ਅੰਦਾਜ਼ਨ %'d ਘੰਟਾ" +msgstr[1] "ਅੰਦਾਜ਼ਨ %'d ਘੰਟੇ" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "…ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਫਾਇਲ ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰ" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼(_R)" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "ਤੋਂ:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "ਵੱਲ:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s ਭੇਜੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%2$d ਵਿੱਚੋਂ %1$d ਫਾਇਲ ਭੇਜੀ ਜਾ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਪੂਰਾ" +msgstr[1] "%u ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਪੂਰੇ ਹੋਏ" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ(_C)" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਸੀ" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "ਭੇਜਣ ਲਈ ਜੰਤਰ ਚੁਣੋ" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "ਭੇਜੋ(_S)" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "ਭੇਜਣ ਲਈ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਚੁਣੋ" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "ਚੁਣੋ" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਰਿਮੋਟ ਜੰਤਰ" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "ਰਿਮੋਟ ਜੰਤਰ ਦਾ ਨਾਂ" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "ਨਾਂ" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ਫਾਇਲ...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "“%s” ਵਜੋਂ ਦਿੱਖ" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "ਸਫ਼ਾ 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "ਸਫ਼ਾ 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "ਮੁਕੰਮਲ" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "ਭੂਗੋਲਿਕ-ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਸਰਵਿਸਾਂ ਲਈ ਇਹ GPS ਜੰਤਰ ਵਰਤੋਂ" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "ਆਪਣੇ ਮੋਬਾਇਲ ਫੋਨ ਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਇੰਟਰਨੈੱਟ ਵਰਤੋਂ (ਟੈਸਟ)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ਨਾਲ ਪੇਅਰ ਕਰਨਾ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਕਿ '%s' ਉੱਤੇ ਵੇਖਾਇਆ PIN ਇਸ ਨਾਲ ਮਿਲਦਾ ਹੈ।" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ਹੇਠ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਪਿੰਨ (PIN) ਦਿਓ:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ਲਈ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਇਆ" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' ਨਾਲ ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ '%s' ਉੱਤੇ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਦੇ ਪੂਰਾ ਹੋਣ ਤੱਕ ਉਡੀਕੋ ਜੀ…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ '%s' ਠੀਕ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "ਪਿੰਨ ਚੋਣਾਂ(_o)…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਖੋਜ" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਮੁਕੰਮਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "ਹੋਰ ਸਰਵਿਸਾਂ ਚੁਣੋ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਜੰਤਰ ਨਾਲ ਵਰਤਣੀਆਂ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਸਾਰ" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "ਪਿੰਨ ਚੋਣਾਂ" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "ਆਟੋਮੈਟਿਕ ਪਿੰਨ(PIN) ਚੋਣ(_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "ਪੱਕਾ ਪਿੰਨ" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (ਬਹੁਤੇ ਹੈੱਡਸੈੱਟ, ਮਾਊਸ ਅਤੇ GPS ਜੰਤਰ)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "ਪੇਅਰ ਨਾ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ ਪਿੰਨ:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "ਮੁੜ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ(_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ(_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ਮਿਲਦਾ ਨਹੀਂ" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "ਮਿਲਦਾ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ…" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ: ਬੰਦ" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ: ਚਾਲੂ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ: ਆਯੋਗ" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "ਡਿਸ-ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "ਡਿਸ-ਕੁਨੈਕਟ" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਭੇਜੋ…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ ਕਰੋ…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "ਡੀਬੱਗ" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਐਪਲਿਟ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "ਪੂਰੀਆਂ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਲਾਈਨ ਚੋਣਂ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ ਵੇਖਣ ਵਾਸਤੇ '%s --help' ਚਲਾਉ।\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਐਪਲਿਟ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ %s ਉੱਤੇ PIN ਲਈ ਤਹਿ ਕੀਤਾ ਕੋਡ ਦਿਓ ਜੀ।" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ਲਈ ਪਹੁੰਚ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ %s ਸਰਵਿਸ '%s' ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤਣੀ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ ਹੈ।" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਜੰਤਰ" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN ਦਿਓ" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ਲਈ ਪੇਅਰ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ਤੋਂ ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਮੰਗ" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਐਪਲਿਟ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ: ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "ਦਿੱਖ" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਭੇਜੋ…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "ਬਾਹਰ" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਪਹੁੰਚ ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ(_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "ਇਨਕਾਰ(_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ(_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ਮਿਲਦਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ(_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "ਮਿਲਦਾ(_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "ਇੰਪੁੱਟ ਵੇਖੋ(_S)" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰ" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਭੇਜੀਆਂ ਜਾ ਰਹੀਆਂ ਹਨ" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮਿੰਗ ਗਲਤੀ: ਲਿਸਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੰਤਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX ਪੁਸ਼ ਫਾਇਲ ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ (OBEX ਪੁਸ਼)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "…ਨਾਲ ਹੀ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਜੰਤਰ ਵੇਖੋ" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ ਕਰਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਜੰਤਰ ਚੁਣੋ" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "ਬਰਾਊਜ਼(_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਜੰਤਰ ਚੁਣੋ" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ ਕਰੋ…" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ਮੇਰੀ ਪਸੰਦ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਆਯੋਗ ਹੈ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਨੂੰ ਹਾਰਡਵੇਅਰ ਸਵਿੱਚ ਰਾਹੀਂ ਬੰਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਐਡਪਟਰ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਨਹੀਂ" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "ਦਿੱਖ" + +#~| msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲਾਂ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ ਕਰੋ…" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਇਆ" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "ਜਾਣ ਪਛਾਣ" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਚੁਣੋ, ਜੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕਰਨਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਮੁਕੰਮਲ ਹੋਇਆ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਸ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਨਾਲ ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਵਾਲੇ ਜੰਤਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਸੰਰਚਨਾ " +#~ "ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਕਾਰਵਾਈ ਲਈ ਮੱਦਦ ਕਰੇਗਾ।" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ਜੰਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਤੋਂ 10 ਮੀਟਰ ਦੀ ਦੂਰੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ “ਦਿੱਖ " +#~ "(visible)” (ਕੁਝ ਵਾਰ “ਖੋਜ ਯੋਗ(discoverable)” ਵੀ ਕਹਿੰਦੇ ਹਨ) ਹੋਣਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ। ਜੇ ਕੋਈ " +#~ "ਸ਼ੱਕ ਹੋਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਦਾ ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਵੇਖੋ।" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਵਲੋਂ ਜੀ ਆਇਆਂ ਨੂੰ" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "ਇੱਕਲੇ ਮੋਡ ਵਿੱਚ ਚਲਾਓ" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "ਮੋਬਲਿਨ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਪੈਨਲ" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- ਮੋਬਲਿਨ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਪੈਨਲ" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ਘੰਟਾ" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d ਘੰਟੇ" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ਮਿੰਟ" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d ਮਿੰਟ" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ਸਕਿੰਟ" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d ਸਕਿੰਟ" + +#~| msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~| msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "੦ ਸਕਿੰਟ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ %s\n" +#~ "ਲਈ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਉੱਤੇ ਦਿਖਾਈ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%s ਨਾਲ ਪੇਅਰ ਕਰਨਾ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ।" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "ਪੇਅਰ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "ਬਰਾਊਜ਼" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਇਆ" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਵਾਪਸ" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈਟਅੱਪ" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "ਸੈਟਿੰਗ" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "ਕੇਵਲ ਵੇਖੋ:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "ਪਿੰਨ ਚੋਣਾਂ" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਉੱਤੇ ਦਿੱਖ ਬਣਾਉ" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਤੋਂ ਫਾਇਲ ਭੇਜੋ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਪੈਨਲ" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ਕੀਬੋਰਡ ਪਸੰਦ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ਮਾਊਸ ਪਸੰਦ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ਸਾਊਂਡ ਪਸੰਦ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ: ਯੋਗ" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "ਪਾਵਰ" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਖੋਜ-ਯੋਗ ਬਣਾਓ(_v)" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "ਸੌਖਾ ਨਾਂ" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ(_n)..." + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "\"ਨਿੱਜੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਸਾਂਝ\" ਪਸੰਦ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਸਕਿਆ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰੋ ਕਿ \"ਨਿੱਜੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਸਾਂਝ\" ਪਰੋਗਰਾਮ ਠੀਕ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੈ।" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਆਈਕਾਨ ਵੇਖੋ(_S)" + +#~| msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..." +#~ msgstr "ਸ਼ੇਅਰ ਕਰਨ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ..." + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਕੋਈ ਵੀ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਐਡਪਟਰ ਪਲੱਗਇਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਨੂੰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਤੋਂ ਸਵਿੱਚ ਰਾਹੀ ਬੰਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ।" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਪਸੰਦ" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "ਇਸ ਸਮੇਂ ਜਾਣੇ ਜੰਤਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ ਵੇਖੋ" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "ਪੇਅਰ" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕਰੋ" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "ਬਰਾਊਜ਼" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "ਕੀ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਆਈਕਾਨ ਵੇਖਣਾ ਹੈ" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "ਕੀ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਆਈਕਾਨ ਵੇਖਣਾ ਹੈ।" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf ਗਲਤੀ: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "ਸਭ ਹੋਰ ਗਲਤੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਟਰਮੀਨਲ ਉੱਤੇ ਵੇਖਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ।" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਲਈ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ਅਮਨਪਰੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਆਲਮ, ੨੦੦੯\n" +#~ "" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "ਗਨੋਮ ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਮੁੱਖ ਪੇਜ਼" + +#~ msgid "S_earch" +#~ msgstr "ਖੋਜ(_e)" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Unknown" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ: ਅਣਜਾਣ" + +#~ msgid "Authentication request" +#~ msgstr "ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਲੋੜੀਂਦੀ" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for device:" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਲਈ ਪੇਅਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਮੰਗ:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਲਈ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਿਓ:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request" +#~ msgstr "ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀ ਮੰਗ" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request for device:" +#~ msgstr "ਜੰਤਰ ਲਈ ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਮੰਗ:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦਿਓ" + +#~ msgid "Known devices" +#~ msgstr "ਜਾਣੇ ਜੰਤਰ" + +#~ msgid "Fixed Passkey" +#~ msgstr "ਸਥਿਰ ਸ਼ਬਦ" + +#~ msgid "Setting up new device" +#~ msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਜੰਤਰ ਸੈੱਟਅੱਪ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +#~ msgstr "ਬਲਿਊਟੁੱਥ ਜੰਤਰ ਸਹਾਇਕ" + +#~ msgid "gtk-close" +#~ msgstr "gtk-close" + +#~ msgid "Error Occurred" +#~ msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ" diff --git a/po/pl.po b/po/pl.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b1d56d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/pl.po @@ -0,0 +1,547 @@ +# Polish translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright © 2007-2017 the gnome-bluetooth authors. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Tomasz Dominikowski , 2007-2009. +# Piotr Drąg , 2010-2017. +# Wojciech Szczęsny , 2013. +# Paweł Żołnowski , 2014. +# , 2007-2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-12 02:01+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-12 02:02+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Piotr Drąg \n" +"Language-Team: Polish \n" +"Language: pl\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " +"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Proszę kliknąć, aby wybrać urządzenie…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Anuluj" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nieznane" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Brak dostępnych adapterów" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Wyszukiwanie urządzeń…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Urządzenie" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Typ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Urządzenia" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Wszystkie kategorie" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Powiązane" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Zaufane" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Niepowiązane i niezaufane" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Powiązane lub zaufane" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Kategoria urządzenia:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Aby przefiltrować, proszę wybrać kategorię urządzenia" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Typ urządzenia:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Aby przefiltrować, proszę wybrać typ urządzenia" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Urządzenia wejściowe (myszy, klawiatury itp.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Słuchawki, zestawy słuchawkowe i inne urządzenia dźwiękowe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Potwierdzanie kodu PIN Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Proszę potwierdzić kod PIN, który został wprowadzony na urządzeniu „%s”." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Potwierdź" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Należy potwierdzić kod PIN Bluetooth dla urządzenia „%s”. Można go znaleźć " +"w instrukcji urządzenia." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Łączenie urządzenia „%s”" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Proszę potwierdzić, że następujący kod PIN jest identyczny z kodem " +"wyświetlonym na urządzeniu „%s”." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Prośba połączenia Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"Urządzenie „%s” chce połączyć się z tym urządzeniem. Zezwolić na połączenie?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Potwierdzenie połączenia Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "Urządzenie „%s” chce połączyć się z tym urządzeniem. Zezwolić na to?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Proszę wprowadzić następujący kod PIN na urządzeniu „%s”." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Proszę wprowadzić następujący kod PIN na urządzeniu „%s” i nacisnąć klawisz " +"Enter na klawiaturze." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Proszę przesunąć joystick urządzenia iCade w następujących kierunkach " +"i nacisnąć którykolwiek z białych przycisków." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Zezwól" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Odrzuć" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Anuluj" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Zaakceptuj" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nieskonfigurowane" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Połączone" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Rozłączone" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Tak" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nie" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Komputer jest widoczny jako „%s” i może przesyłać pliki przez Bluetooth. " +"Przysłane pliki będą umieszczane w katalogu Pobrane." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Usunąć urządzenie „%s” z listy?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Jeśli urządzenie zostanie usunięte, następnym razem trzeba będzie je " +"skonfigurować ponownie." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Usuń" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Odebrano plik „%s” przez Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Odebrano plik" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Otwórz plik" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Wyświetl plik" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Ukończono odbiór pliku" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Przesyłanie plików przez Bluetooth z %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Odmów" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Komputer" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Sieć" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Zestaw słuchawkowy" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Słuchawki" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Urządzenie dźwiękowe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klawiatura" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mysz" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Aparat" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Drukarka" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Kontroler" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Urządzenie wideo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Pilot" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skaner" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Wyświetlacz" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Urządzenie podręczne" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Gadżet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Wszystkie typy" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Połączenie" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adres" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Ustawienia _myszy i panelu dotykowego" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "U_stawienia dźwięku" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Ustawienia _klawiatury" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_Wyślij pliki…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Usuń urządzenie" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Przesyłanie przez Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Wysyłanie plików przez Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Wystąpił nieznany błąd" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Proszę się upewnić, czy zdalne urządzenie jest włączone i czy przyjmuje " +"połączenia Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekunda" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekundy" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekund" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuty" +msgstr[2] "%'d minut" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d godzina" +msgstr[1] "%'d godziny" +msgstr[2] "%'d godzin" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "około %'d godzina" +msgstr[1] "około %'d godziny" +msgstr[2] "około %'d godzin" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Łączenie…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Przesyłanie plików przez Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Ponów" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Od:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Do:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Wysyłanie %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Wysyłanie %d. pliku z %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "Ukończono %u przesyłanie" +msgstr[1] "Ukończono %u przesyłania" +msgstr[2] "Ukończono %u przesyłań" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Za_mknij" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Wystąpił błąd" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Wybór urządzenia docelowego" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Wyślij" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Wybór plików do wysłania" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Wybierz" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Zdalne urządzenie do użycia" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRES" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nazwa zdalnego urządzenia" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAZWA" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[PLIK…]" + +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" diff --git a/po/pt.po b/po/pt.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0b6f1f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/pt.po @@ -0,0 +1,1025 @@ +# gnome-bluetooth's Portuguese translation. +# Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 gnome-bluetooth +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Susana Pereira 2007, 2008. +# Rui Gouveia , 2011. +# Duarte Loreto 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. +# António Lima , 2013. +# Tiago S. , 2014. +# Bruno Ramalhete , 2014, 2015. +# Pedro Albuquerque , 2014, 2015. +# Sérgio Cardeira , 2016. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: 3.14\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-02-18 19:56+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-02-19 02:22-0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Sérgio Cardeira \n" +"Language-Team: Português \n" +"Language: pt\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Clique para selecionar um dispositivo…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1255 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancelar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Aceitar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconhecido" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nenhum adaptador disponível" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1544 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "A procurar dispositivos…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositivo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1506 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivos" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Todas as categorias" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Emparelhado" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De confiança" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nem emparelhado nem de confiança" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Emparelhado ou de confiança" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Mostrar:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoria do dispositivo:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Selecione a categoria do dispositivo a filtrar" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipo de dispositivo:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Selecione o tipo de dispositivo a filtrar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositivos de entrada (ratos, teclados, etc.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Auscultadores, microfones e outros dispositivos de áudio" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirme o PIN do Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "Confirme o PIN que foi introduzido em \"%s\"." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirme o PIN do Bluetooth para \"%s\". Tal pode ser encontrado no manual " +"do dispositivo." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "A emparelhar com \"%s\"" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "Confirme se o PIN seguinte corresponde ao mostrado em \"%s\"." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Pedido de emparelhamento Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"\"%s\" quer-se emparelhar com este dispositivo. Permitir o emparelhamento?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirme a ligação Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"\"%s\" quer-se emparelhar com este dispositivo. Permitir o emparelhamento?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "Introduza o seguinte PIN em \"%s\"." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Introduza o PIN seguinte em \"%s\". Depois prima “Enter” no teclado." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Mova o joystick do seu iCade nas seguintes direções. Depois prima qualquer " +"um dos botões brancos." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permitir" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Negar" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Aceitar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Por configurar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Ligado" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desligado" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1123 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sim" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1123 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Não" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1223 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visível como \"%s\" e disponível para transferências Bluetooth. Os ficheiros " +"transferidos são colocados em Transferências" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1250 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Remover \"%s\" da lista de dispositivos?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1252 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Se remover o dispositivo, terá de o configurar novamente antes de o poder " +"voltar a utilizar." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1256 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Remover" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Recebeu \"%s\" via Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Recebeu um ficheiro" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Abrir ficheiro" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Revelar ficheiro" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Receção de ficheiro completa" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferência de ficheiros por Bluetooth de %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Declinar" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Todos os tipos" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefone" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Computador" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rede" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Auscultadores/microfone" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Auscultadores" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositivo áudio" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teclado" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Rato" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Câmara" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Impressora" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositivo vídeo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Controlo remoto" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Digitalizador" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Ecrã" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Equipável" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Brinquedo" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Ligação" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Endereço" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Definições de _Rato & Touchpad" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Definições de _Som" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Definições de _Teclado" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Enviar _Ficheiros…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Remover dispositivo" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferência por Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Enviar ficheiros através do Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Certifique-se que o dispositivo remoto está ligado e está a aceitar ligações " +"Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segundo" +msgstr[1] "%'d segundos" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuto" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutos" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d horas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadamente %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadamente %'d horas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "A ligar…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferência de ficheiros por Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Tentar novamente" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Para:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "A enviar %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "A enviar o ficheiro %d de %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transferência concluída" +msgstr[1] "%u transferências concluídas" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Fe_char" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Ocorreu um erro" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Selecione o dispositivo para onde enviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Enviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Escolha os ficheiros a enviar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Selecionar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositivo remoto a utilizar" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ENDEREÇO" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Nome do dispositivo remoto" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[FICHEIRO...]" + +#~| msgid "Searching for devices…" +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "A procurar dispositivos..." + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visível como “%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "página 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "página 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Terminado" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Utilize este dispositivo GPS para serviços de Geolocalização" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Aceda à Internet utilizando o seu telefone móvel (teste)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Cancelado o emparelhamento com '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Confirme que o PIN apresentado em '%s' coincide com este." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Introduza o seguinte PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Falha ao configurar '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "A estabelecer ligação a '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Aguarde enquanto é terminada a configuração do dispositivo '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Novo dispositivo '%s' configurado com sucesso" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuração de Novo Dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opções de PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Procura de Dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuração de Dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "A Finalizar a Configuração" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Selecione os serviços adicionais que deseja utilizar com o seu " +#~ "dispositivo:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Resumo da Configuração" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opções de PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "Seleção _automática de PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN Fixo" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (a maior parte dos auscultadores, ratos e dispositivos GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Não emparelhar" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Código PIN Personalizado:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Tentar Novamente" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Sair" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Não coincide" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Coincide" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuração de Dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Configurar dispositivos Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "A estabelecer ligação..." + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Transferência de Ficheiro" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "A enviar ficheiros através do Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Ativar o Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Desligado" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Desligar o Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Ligado" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Desativado" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "A desligar..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Desligar" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Ligar" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Enviar ficheiros..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Navegar nos ficheiros..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Depuração" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Applet Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Execute '%s --help' para consultar uma lista completa das opções de linha " +#~ "de comandos.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Applet Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Introduza o PIN indicado no dispositivo %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Conceder acesso a '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "O dispositivo '%s' deseja aceder ao serviço '%s'." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Introduza o PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirmação de emparelhamento para '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Verifique o PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Pedido de autorização de '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Confirmar a autorização" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Gestor Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Applet de Gestão Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: A verificar" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Visível" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Enviar ficheiros para o dispositivo..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurar novo dispositivo..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Definições do Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Sair" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "Conceder sempre _acesso" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Rejeitar" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Conceder" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Não coincide" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Coincide" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Apresentar entrada" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Erro de programação: incapaz de encontrar o dispositivo na lista" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Não é suportada a transferência de ficheiros por Obex Push" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Apenas Apresentar Dispositivos Bluetooth Com..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Selecione Dispositivo a Navegar" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Navegar" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Selecione o dispositivo a navegar" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Navegar nos ficheiros do dispositivo..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Preferências" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth está desativado" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth está desativado no equipamento" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Nenhum dispositivo Bluetooth encontrado" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Visibilidade" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Navegar nos Ficheiros..." + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Falha na Configuração do Dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Introdução" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Selecione o dispositivo que deseja configurar" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Configuração Terminada" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "A configuração de novo dispositivo Bluetooth irá acompanhá-lo ao longo do " +#~ "processo de configurar dispositivos Bluetooth neste computador." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "O dispositivo terá de estar a menos de 10 metros do seu computador, e " +#~ "estar “visível” (por vezes indicado como podendo ser “descoberto”). Em " +#~ "dúvida, consulte o manual do dispositivo." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Bem vindo à configuração de novo dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Executar em modo independente" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Painel Bluetooth Moblin" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Painel Bluetooth Moblin" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d hora" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d horas" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d minuto" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d minutos" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d segundo" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d segundos" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s e %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s e %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 segundos" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "O seu computador está visível em\n" +#~ "Bluetooth para %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Falha ao emparelhar com %s." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Emparelhar" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Navegar" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Falha na configuração do dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Retroceder para os dispositivos" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuração de dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Definições" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Apenas apresentar:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "Opções de PIN" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Adicionar um novo dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Tornar visível no Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Enviar o ficheiro do seu computador" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Painel de Gestão Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir as Preferências do Teclado..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir as Preferências do Rato..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Abrir as Preferências de Som..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Ativado" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Energia" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Apresentar uma lista de dispositivos atualmente conhecidos" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Tornar o computador _visível" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Nome amigável" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurar um _novo dispositivo..." + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Incapaz de iniciar as preferências da \"Partilha de Ficheiros Pessoais\"" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Certifique-se de que a aplicação de \"Partilha de Ficheiros Pessoais\" " +#~ "está corretamente instalada." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "_Apresentar ícone do Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "O seu computador não tem quaisquer adapdatores Bluetooth ligados." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "O Bluetooth foi desativado por um interruptor no seu computador." + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Par" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Ligar" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Navegar" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Preferências do Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Se apresentar ou não o ícone de notificação" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Se apresentar apresentar ou não o ícone de notificação." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "Erro GConf: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "Todos os erros seguintes serão apresentados apenas na consola." + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "Um Gestor Bluetooth para o ambiente de trabalho GNOME" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Duarte Loreto , Susana Pereira , Bruno Ramalhete , Pedro " +#~ "Albuquerque " + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "Página web do GNOME Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/pt_BR.po b/po/pt_BR.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ba23981 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/pt_BR.po @@ -0,0 +1,754 @@ +# Brazilian Portuguese translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, 2017 Luiz Augusto von Dentz +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Luiz Augusto von Dentz , 2007. +# Henrique P Machado , 2009. +# Flamarion Jorge , 2010. +# Djavan Fagundes , 2011. +# Jonh Wendell , 2012. +# Rafael Ferreira , 2012. +# Edson Silva , 2013. +# Fábio Nogueira , 2013. +# Enrico Nicoletto , 2014, 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-31 11:51-0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Enrico Nicoletto \n" +"Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese \n" +"Language: pt_BR\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2008-10-05 13:36+0000\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Clique para selecionar o dispositivo…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Cancelar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconhecido" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nenhum adaptador disponível" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Pesquisando por dispositivos…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispositivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tipo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispositivos" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Todas as categorias" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Emparelhado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Confiável" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Não emparelhado ou não confiável" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Emparelhado ou confiável" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Mostrar:" + +# Mantida underline na letra "C", preservando-se a formatação original. +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categoria do dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Selecione a categoria do dispositivo para filtrar" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tipo de dispositivo:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Selecione o tipo do dispositivo para filtrar na lista acima" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispositivos de entrada (mouses, teclados, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "" +"Fones de ouvido, fones de ouvido com microfone e outros dispositivos de áudio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirme o PIN do Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Por favor, confirme o PIN que foi digitado em “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirme o PIN do Bluetooth para “%s”. Isso geralmente pode ser encontrado " +"no manual do dispositivo." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Emparelhando “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Por favor, confirme se o seguinte PIN corresponde ao exibido em “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Pedido de emparelhamento de Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"“%s” deseja emparelhar com este dispositivo. Você deseja permitir o " +"emparelhamento?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirmar conexão Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s” deseja conectar-se a este dispositivo. Você deseja permitir isto?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Por favor, digite o seguinte PIN em “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Por favor, digite o seguinte PIN em “%s”. Em seguida, pressione “Enter” no " +"teclado." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Por favor, mova o joystick de seu iCade nas direções que se seguem. Em " +"seguida pressione qualquer um dos botões brancos." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permitir" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Descartar" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Cancelar" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Aceitar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Não foi configurado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Conectado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Desconectado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sim" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Não" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Visível como “%s” e habilitado para transferências Bluetooth de arquivos. Os " +"arquivos transferidos serão colocados na pasta de Downloads." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Remover “%s” da lista de dispositivos?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Se você remover o dispositivo, você terá de configurá-lo novamente antes da " +"próxima utilização." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Remover" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Você recebeu “%s” via Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Você recebeu um arquivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Abrir arquivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Revelar arquivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Recebimento de arquivo completado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transferência Bluetooth de arquivo de %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Recusar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefone" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Computador" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rede" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Fone de ouvido com microfone" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Fones de ouvido" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de áudio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Teclado" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mouse" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Câmera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Impressora" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Controle de jogos" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispositivo de vídeo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Controle remoto" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Tela" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Vestível" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Brinquedo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Todos os tipos" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Conexão" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Endereço" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Configurações de _mouse & touchpad" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Configurações de _som" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Configurações de _teclado" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Enviar _arquivos…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Remover dispositivo" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transferência Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Enviar arquivos via Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +#| msgid "Bluetooth" +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Certifique-se de que o dispositivo remoto está alternado e que aceita " +"conexões Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d segundo" +msgstr[1] "%'d segundos" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minuto" +msgstr[1] "%'d minutes" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hora" +msgstr[1] "%'d horas" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximadamente %'d hora" +msgstr[1] "aproximadamente %'d horas" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Conectando…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transferência de arquivo Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Tenta_r novamente" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Para:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Enviando %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Enviando arquivo %d de %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u trasferência concluída" +msgstr[1] "%u trasferências concluídas" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Fec_har" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Ocorreu um erro" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Escolher o dispositivo para envio" + +# Underline alterada para a letra "V'. +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "En_viar" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Escolha os arquivos para enviar" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Selecionar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispositivo remoto para usar" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ENDEREÇO" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Nome do dispositivo remoto" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NOME" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ARQUIVO…]" + +#~| msgid "Searching for devices…" +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Pesquisando por dispositivos..." + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Visível como \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "página 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "página 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Concluído" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Por favor, digite o seguinte PIN em \"Foobar\":" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Usa esse dispositivo GPS para serviços de localização terrestre" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Acessa a Internet usando seu celular (em teste)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "O emparelhamento com \"%s\" foi cancelado" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Por favor, confirme se o PIN exibido em \"%s\" corresponde com este." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Por favor, digite o seguinte PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Falha na configuração de \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Conectando com \"%s\"..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Por favor, aguarde a finalização das configurações do dispositivo \"%s" +#~ "\"..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Novo dispositivo \"%s\" configurado com sucesso" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuração de novo dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opções de PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Pesquisar dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuração do dispositivo" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Finalizando configuração" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Selecione os serviços adicionais que você deseja utilizar com o " +#~ "dispositivo:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Configurar resumo" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opções de PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "Seleção _automática de PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN fixo" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "\"0000\" (maioria dos fones de ouvido com microfone, mouses e " +#~ "dispositivos de GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "\"1111\"" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "\"1234\"" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Não parear" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN personalizado:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Tentar novamente" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Sair" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Não corresponde" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Corresponde" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configuração de dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Configura dispositivos Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: desligado" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Desligar o Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Ligado" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Desabilitado" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Desconectando..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Desconectar" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Navegar nos arquivos..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Depurar" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- miniaplicativo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Execute \"%s --help\" para ver uma lista completa de opções de linha de " +#~ "comando disponíveis.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicativo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Por favor, entre com o PIN mencionado no dispositivo %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Conceder acesso a \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "O dispositivo %s deseja acesso ao serviço \"%s\"." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Dispositivo Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Digite o PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirmação de emparelhamento para \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Verificar PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Pedido de autorização de \"%s\"" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Verificar autorização" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicativo gerenciador de Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: verificando" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Visível" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Enviar arquivos para o dispositivo..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurar novo dispositivo..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Configurações do Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Sair" diff --git a/po/ro.po b/po/ro.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7c2029d --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ro.po @@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@ +# Romanian translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Alexandru Szasz +# Copyright (c) 2009 Lucian Adrian Grijincu +# Copyright (c) 2009 Adi Roiban +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Lucian Adrian Grijincu , 2009, 2010, 2011. +# Daniel Șerbănescu , 2010. +# Nichita Utiu , 2010. +# Daniel Șerbănescu , 2015, 2018. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-11-15 12:52+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-04-01 17:32+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Daniel Șerbănescu \n" +"Language-Team: Gnome Romanian Translation Team\n" +"Language: ro\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : (n==0 || (n%100 > 0 && n%100 < " +"20)) ? 1 : 2);;\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Clic pentru a selecta dispozitivul…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Anulează" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Necunoscut" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Niciun adaptor disponibil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Se caută după dispozitive…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Dispozitiv" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tip" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Dispozitive" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Toate categoriile" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Asociat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "De încredere" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nici asociat, nici de încredere" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Asociat sau de încredere" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Arată:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Categorie dispozitiv:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Alegeți categoria dispozitivului pentru filtrare" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Tip dispozitiv:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Alegeți tipul dispozitivului pentru filtrare" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Dispozitive de intrare (mauși, tastaturi, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Căști și alte dispozitive audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Confirmă PIN-ul Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Confirmați PIN-ul care a fost introdus pe „%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Confirmă" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Confirmați PIN-ul Bluetooth pentru „%s”. Acesta se poate găsi de obicei în " +"manualul dispozitivului." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Cerere de asociere pentru „%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Confirmați dacă PIN-ul următor corespunde celui de pe dispozitivul „%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Cerere de asociere Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "„%s” vrea să se asocieze cu acest dispozitiv. Permiteți asocierea?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Confirmă conexiunea Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "„%s” vrea să se conecteze cu acest dispozitiv. Permiteți conectarea?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Introduceți următorul PIN pe „%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Introduceți următorul PIN pe „%s”. Apoi apăsați „Enter” pe tastatură." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Mutați joystick-ul iCade în direcțiile următoare. Apoi apăsați oricare " +"dintre butoanele albe." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Permite" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Respinge" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Anulează" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Acceptă" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Neconfigurat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Conectat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Deconectat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Da" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nu" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Vizibil ca „%s” și disponibil pentru transfer de fișiere prin Bluetooth. " +"Fișierele transferate sunt plasate în dosarul Descărcări." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Eliminați „%s” din lista dispozitivelor?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Dacă eliminați acest dispozitiv, va trebui să îl configurați din nou înainte " +"de următoarea utilizare." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Elimină" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Ați primit „%s” prin Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Ați primit un fișier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Deschide fișierul" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Dezvăluie fișierul" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Primirea fișierului s-a încheiat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Transfer de fișiere prin Bluetooth de la %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Refuză" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Calculator" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rețea" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Set de căști" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Căști" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Dispozitiv audio" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatură" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Maus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Cameră" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Imprimantă" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tabletă" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Dispozitiv video" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Telecomandă" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Scanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Ecran" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Accesoriu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Jucărie" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Toate tipurile" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Conexiune" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresă" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Configurări pentru _maus și touchpad" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Configurări pentru _sunet" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Configurări pentru _tastatură" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Trimite _fișiere…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Elimină dispozitivul" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Transfer Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Trimiteți fișiere prin Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "A apărut o eroare necunoscută" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Asigurați-vă că dispozitivul la distanță este pornit și acceptă conexiuni " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "o secundă" +msgstr[1] "%'d secunde" +msgstr[2] "%'d de secunde" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "un minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minute" +msgstr[2] "%'d de minute" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "o oră" +msgstr[1] "%'d ore" +msgstr[2] "%'d de ore" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "aproximativ o oră" +msgstr[1] "aproximativ %'d ore" +msgstr[2] "aproximativ %'d de ore" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Se conectează…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Transfer fișiere prin Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Reîncearcă" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "De la:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Către:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Se trimite %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Se trimite fișierul %d din %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u transfer complet" +msgstr[1] "%u transferuri complete" +msgstr[2] "%u de transferuri complete" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "În_chide" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "A apărut o eroare" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Alegeți dispozitivul destinație" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Trimite" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Alegeți fișierele de trimis" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Alege" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Dispozitiv la distanță de folosit" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESĂ" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Numele dispozitivului la distanță" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NUME" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FIȘIER…]" + +#~| msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Vizibil ca „%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "pagina 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "pagina 2" + +#~| msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Afișează doar dispozitivele Bluetooth cu..." + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Folosește acest dispozitiv GPS pentru servicii de geolocație" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Accesează Internetul utilizând telefonul mobil (test)" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Alegere dispozitiv de navigat" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Navighează" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Alege dispozitivul de navigat" + +#~ msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Pornește Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: oprit" + +#~ msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Oprește Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: pornit" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: dezactivat" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Se deconectează..." + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Se conectează..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Deconectează" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Conectează" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Navighează fișiere..." + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Deschide preferințele tastaturii..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Deschide preferințele mausului..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Deschide preferințele sunetului..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Depanează" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- Miniaplicație Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Executați „%s --help” pentru a vedea întreaga listă a comenzilor " +#~ "disponibile.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicație Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: activat" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Introduceți PIN-ul menționat pe dispozitiv: %s" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Permite accesul la „%s”" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Dispozitivul %s vrea să acceseze serviciul „%s”." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Dispozitiv Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Introduceți PIN-ul" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Confirmare de asociere pentru „%s”" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Verificare PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Cerere de autorizare de la „%s”" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Verifică autorizarea" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "Administrator Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Miniaplicație administrator Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: verificare" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Navighează fișierele de pe dispozitiv..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Preferințe" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Ieșire" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Trimite fișiere către dispozitiv..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurează un dispozitiv nou..." + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Vizibil" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "Permite _accesul întotdeauna" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "Permi_te" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Refuză" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "N_u se potrivesc" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Potriviri" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "A_fișează intrările" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-ul este dezactivat" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth-ul este dezactivat dintr-un comutator hardware" + +#~| msgid "No Bluetooth adapters present" +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Niciun adaptor Bluetooth nu a fost găsit" + +#~| msgid "Visible" +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Vizibilitate" + +#~| msgid "Phone" +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Putere" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Asocierea cu „%s” a fost anulată" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Confirmați dacă PIN-ul afișat pe „%s” este acesta." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Introduceți următorul PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Configurarea dispozitivului „%s” a eșuat" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Se conectează la „%s”..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Așteptați până se termină configurarea dispozitivului „%s”..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Noul dispozitiv „%s” a fost configurat cu succes" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "„0000” (majoritatea căștilor, mausurilor și dispozitivelor GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "„1111”" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "„1234”" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configurare dispozitiv Bluetooth nou" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN personalizat:" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configurare dispozitiv" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Configurarea dispozitivului a eșuat" + +#~ msgid "Device search" +#~ msgstr "Căutare dispozitive" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Nu asocia" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Nu se potrivesc" + +#~ msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Se încheie configurarea noului dispozitiv" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN predefinit" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Introducere" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Se potrivește" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opțiuni PIN" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opțiuni PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Alegeți serviciile adiționale pe care doriți să le folosiți cu " +#~ "dispozitivul dumneavoastră:" + +#~| msgid "Select the device you want to setup" +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Alegeți dispozitivul pe care doriți să îl configurați" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Configurare completă" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Asistentul de instalare a unui nou dispozitiv Bluetooth vă va ghida în " +#~ "procesul de configurare a dispozitivelor Bluetooth active pentru a fi " +#~ "folosite cu acest calculator." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Dispozitivul trebuie să se afle la mai puțin de 10 metri față de " +#~ "calculator și trebuie să fie „vizibil” (câteodată întâlnit și ca " +#~ "„descoperibil”). Verificați manualul dispozitivului dacă aveți dubii." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Bine ați venit la asistentul de instalare de noi dispozitive Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "Selectare _automată PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "_Repornește instalarea" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Configurare dispozitiv Bluetooth" + +#~| msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Configurare dispozitive Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Transfer fișiere" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Se trimit fișiere prin Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KO/s" + +#~| msgid "Programming error, could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Eroare de programare: nu s-a putut găsi dispozitivul în listă" + +#~| msgid "Obex Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Transferul de fișiere prin OBEX Push nu este suportat" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Rulează în mod autonom" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Administrator Bluetooth Moblin" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Miniaplicație Bluetooth Moblin" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "o oră" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d ore" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d de ore" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "un minut" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d minute" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d de minute" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "o secundă" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d secunde" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d de secunde" + +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 secunde" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Calculatorule este vizibil prin\n" +#~ "Bluetooth pentru %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Asocierea cu „%s” a eșuat." + +#~| msgid "Paired" +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Asociază" + +#~| msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Navighează" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Configurarea dispozitivului a eșuat" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Înapoi la dispozitive" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Gata" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Configurare dispozitiv" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Configurări" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Afișează doar:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "Opțiuni PIN" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Adaugă un dispozitiv nou" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Fă vizibil prin Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Trimite un fișier de pe calculator" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Panou administrare Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Fă calculatorul _vizibil" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Nume afișat" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Configurează un dispozitiv _nou..." + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Nu s-au putut porni preferințele de „Partajare fișiere personale”" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Verificați dacă programul „Partajare fișiere personale” este instalat " +#~ "corect." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "Afișează iconița _Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "Calculatorul nu are conectat niciun adaptor Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Bluetooth-ul a fost dezactivat de către un comutator de la calculator." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Asociază" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Conectează" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Navighează" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Afișează o listă a dispozitivelor cunoscute acum" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Preferințe Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "Dacă se afișează sau nu pictograma de notificare" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "Dacă se afișează sau nu pictograma de notificare." + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "Eroare GConf: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "Toate erorile următoare sunt afișate doar în terminal." + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "Un administrator Bluetooth pentru GNOME" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Lucian Adrian Grijincu\n" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Adi Roiban\n" +#~ " Alexandru Szasz\n" +#~ " Cristian KLEIN\n" +#~ " Doru Horișco\n" +#~ " Ionuț Jula\n" +#~ " Marcel Holtmann" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "Pagina de Internet GNOME Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/ru.po b/po/ru.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc237c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ru.po @@ -0,0 +1,553 @@ +# translation of to Russian +# Leonid Kanter , 2009, 2010. +# Valery Inozemtsev , 2009. +# Yuri Kozlov , 2010. +# Paulo Fino , 2015. +# Stas Solovey , 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015. +# Yuri Myasoedov , 2012, 2014, 2015. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version:\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-20 12:12+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Stas Solovey \n" +"Language-Team: русский \n" +"Language: ru\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n" +"%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2009-04-14 23:23+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Нажмите, чтобы выбрать устройство…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Отмена" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_ОК" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Неизвестный" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Нет доступных адаптеров" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Поиск устройств…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Устройство" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Тип" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Устройства" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Все категории" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Сопряжённые" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Доверенные" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Несопряжённые или недоверенные" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Сопряжённые или доверенные" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Показывать:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Категория устройства:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Выберите категорию устройства для фильтрации" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Тип устройства:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Выберите тип устройства для фильтрации" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Устройства ввода (мыши, клавиатуры и т.д.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Наушники, гарнитуры и другие звуковые устройства" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Подтвердите Bluetooth PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Подтвердите PIN-код, который был введён на «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Подтвердить" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Подтвердить Bluetooth PIN для «%s». Как это сделать можно найти в " +"руководстве для устройства." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Сопряжение «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Подтвердите, что PIN-код, отображаемый на «%s», соответствует этому." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Запрос на сопряжение Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"«%s» хочет установить сопряжение с этим устройством. Разрешить сопряжение?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Подтверждение подключения по Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "«%s» хочет подключиться к этому устройству. Разрешить подключение?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Введите следующий PIN на «%s»." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Введите следующий PIN на «%s». Затем нажмите «Ввод» на клавиатуре." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Переместите джойстик iCade в следующих направлениях. Затем нажмите любую из " +"белых кнопок." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Разрешить" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Отклонить" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Отмена" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Принять" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Не настроено" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Подключено" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Отключено" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Да" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Нет" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Виден как «%s», доступен для передачи файлов по Bluetooth. Полученные файлы " +"сохраняются в каталог Загрузки." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Удалить «%s» из списка устройств?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Если вы удалите устройство, вам необходимо будет снова настроить его перед " +"следующим использованием." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Удалить" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Через Bluetooth получен файл «%s»" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Получен файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Открыть файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Показать файл" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Получение файла завершено" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Передача файла по Bluetooth от %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Отклонить" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Телефон" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Компьютер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Сеть" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Гарнитура" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Наушники" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Звуковое устройство" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Клавиатура" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Мышь" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Камера" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Принтер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Геймпад" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Планшет" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Видеоустройство" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Пульт управления" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Сканер" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Дисплей" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Носимое устройство" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Игрушка" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Все типы" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Подключение" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Адрес" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Настройки _мыши и тачпада" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Настройки _звука" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Настройки клавиатуры" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Отправить _файлы…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Удалить устройство" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Передача данных по Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Отправка файлов через Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Произошла неизвестная ошибка" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Убедитесь, что удалённое устройство включено, и что оно принимает соединения " +"Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d секунда" +msgstr[1] "%'d секунды" +msgstr[2] "%'d секунд" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d минута" +msgstr[1] "%'d минуты" +msgstr[2] "%'d минут" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d час" +msgstr[1] "%'d часа" +msgstr[2] "%'d часов" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "примерно %'d час" +msgstr[1] "примерно %'d часа" +msgstr[2] "примерно %'d часов" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Подключение…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Передача данных по Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "П_овторить" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "От:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "До:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Передача %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Передача файла %d из %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d КБ/с" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d Б/с" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u передача завершена" +msgstr[1] "%u передачи завершены" +msgstr[2] "%u передач завершено" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Закрыть" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Произошла ошибка" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Выберите устройство назначения" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Отправить" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Выберите файлы для отправки" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Выбрать" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Используемое удалённое устройство" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "АДРЕС" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Имя удалённого устройства" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "ИМЯ" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Видимое как «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "страница 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "страница 2" diff --git a/po/sk.po b/po/sk.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0673bae --- /dev/null +++ b/po/sk.po @@ -0,0 +1,725 @@ +# Slovak translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Tomáš Vadina , 2009. +# Marián Bača , 2010, 2011. +# Pavol Klačanský , 2012, 2013. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-23 19:55+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Dušan Kazik \n" +"Language-Team: Slovak \n" +"Language: sk\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1) ? 1 : (n>=2 && n<=4) ? 2 : 0;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Kliknutím vyberte zariadenie…" + +# GtkButton label +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Zrušiť" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Neznáme" + +# GtkLabel label +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nie sú k dispozícií žiadne adaptéry" + +# GtkLabel label +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Hľadajú sa zariadenia…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Zariadenie" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Typ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Zariadenia" + +# ComboBox item +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Všetky kategórie" + +# ComboBox item +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Spárované" + +# ComboBox item +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Dôveryhodné" + +# ComboBox item +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Nespárované alebo nedôveryhodné" + +# ComboBox item +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Spárované alebo dôveryhodné" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Zobraziť:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Zariadenie s _kategóriu:" + +# GtkComboBox tooltip_text +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Vyberte kategóriu zariadenia na vyfiltrovanie" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Typ zariadenia:" + +# GtkComboBox tooltip_text +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Vyberte typ zariadenia na vyfiltrovanie" + +# GtkListStore +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Vstupné zariadenia (myši, klávesnice, atď.)" + +# GtkListStore +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Slúchadlá, slúchadlá s mikrofónom a iné zvukové zariadenia" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Potvrdenie kódu PIN pre bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Prosím, potvrďte kód PIN zadaný v zariadení „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Potvrdiť" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Potvrďte kód PIN pre zariadenie „%s“. Zvyčajne sa dá nájsť v dokumentácii k " +"zariadeniu" + +# GtkLabel label +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Párovanie so zariadením „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Prosím, potvrďte, že nasledovný kód PIN sa zhoduje s tým zobrazeným na " +"zariadení „%s“" + +# desktop entry name +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Žiadosť o párovanie so zariadením Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"Zariadenie „%s“ sa pokúša spárovať s týmto zariadením. Chcete povoliť " +"spárovanie?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Potvrdenie pripojenia bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"Zariadenie „%s“ sa pokúša spárovať s týmto zariadením. Chcete ho povoliť?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Prosím, zadajte nasledujúci kód PIN na zariadení „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Prosím, zadajte nasledujúci kód PIN na zariadení „%s“, a potom stlačte " +"„Enter“ na klávesnici." + +# PM: joystick je po slovensky džojstik alebo pákový ovládač +# PK: :D, ten preklad je dobry +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Prosím, hýbte s džojstikom na vašom iCade nasledujúcimi smermi, a potom " +"stlačte jedno z bielych tlačidiel." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Povoliť" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Odmietnuť" + +# GtkButton label +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Zrušiť" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Prijať" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nenastavené" + +# GtkAction label +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Pripojené" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Odpojené" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Áno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nie" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Zariadenie je viditeľné pod názvom „%s“ a dostupné pre prenos súborov cez " +"bluetooth. Prenesené súbory sú umiestnené v priečinku Stiahnuté." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Odstrániť „%s“ zo zoznamu zariadení?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ak odstránite zariadenie, budete ho musieť pred opätovným použitím znovu " +"nastaviť." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "O_dstrániť" + +# desktop entry comment +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Prijali ste súbor „%s“ cez bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Prijali ste súbor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Otvoriť súbor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Odhaliť súbor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Príjem súboru dokončený" + +# desktop entry name +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Prenos súborov cez bluetooth z %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Odmietnuť" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefón" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Počítač" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Sieť" + +# ListStore item +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Slúchadlo s mikrofónom" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Slúchadlá" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Zvukové zariadenie" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klávesnica" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Myš" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotoaparát" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Tlačiareň" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Herný ovládač" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video zariadenie" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Diaľkové ovládanie" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skener" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Displej" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Doplnok oblečenia" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Hračka" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Všetky typy" + +# GtkAction label +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Pripojenie" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresa" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenia _myšy a dotykovej plochy" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenia _zvuku" + +# ListStore item +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Nastavenia _klávesnice" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Poslať _súbory" + +# cmd desc +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "O_dstrániť zariadenie" + +# desktop entry name +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Prenos cez bluetooth" + +# desktop entry comment +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Posielanie súborov cez bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Nastala neznáma chyba" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Uistite sa, že vzdialené zariadenie je zapnuté a prijíma bluetooth spojenia" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekúnd" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunda" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekundy" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minút" +msgstr[1] "%'d minúta" +msgstr[2] "%'d minúty" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d hodín" +msgstr[1] "%'d hodina" +msgstr[2] "%'d hodiny" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "približne %'d hodín" +msgstr[1] "približne %'d hodina" +msgstr[2] "približne %'d hodiny" + +# GtkAction label +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Pripája sa…" + +# desktop entry name +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Prenos súborov cez bluetooth" + +# GtlButton label +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Skúsiť znova" + +# je to zdrojový priečinok +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Z:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Do:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Odosiela sa %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Odosiela sa %d. súbor z %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u prenosov dokončených" +msgstr[1] "%u prenos dokončený" +msgstr[2] "%u prenosy dokončené" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Zavrieť" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Vyskytla sa chyba" + +# GtkDialog title +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Výber cieľového zariadenia" + +# GtkButton label +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Odoslať" + +# GtkDialog title +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Výber súborov na odoslanie" + +# GtkButton label +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Vybrať" + +# cmd desc +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Vzdialené zariadenie, ktoré sa má použiť" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESA" + +# cmd desc +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Názov vzdialeného zariadenia" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NÁZOV" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[SÚBOR…]" + +# GtkLabel label +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Hľadajú sa zariadenia..." + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Viditeľný ako „%s“" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "Stránka 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "Stránka 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Hotovo" + +# GtkCheckButton label +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Použiť toto zariadenie GPS na geolokalizačné služby" + +# GtkCheckButton label +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Prístup k internetu pomocou vášho mobilného telefónu (test)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Prosím, zadajte nasledujúci kód PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Nastavenie zariadenia „%s“ zlyhalo" + +# PM: prebieha pripájanie k zariadeniu %s +# PK: ja by som nechal takto, kedze dane zariadenie sa pripaja +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Pripája sa k zariadeniu „%s“…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Prosím, počkajte, pokým sa nedokončí nastavovanie zariadenia „%s“…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Nové zariadenie „%s“ bolo úspešne nastavené" + +# GtkAssistant title +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Nastavenie nového zariadenia Bluetooth" + +# GtkButton label +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Voľby pre kód PIN…" + +# title +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Hľadanie zariadenia" + +# title +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Nastavovanie zariadenia" + +# title +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Dokončenie nastavenia" + +# GtkLabel label +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Vyberte ďalšie služby, ktoré chcete použiť s vašim zariadením:" + +# title +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Zhrnutie nastavenia" + +# GtkDialog title +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Voľby pre kód PIN" + +# GtkRadioButton label +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Automatický výber kódu PIN" + +# GtkLabel label +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Pevný kód PIN" + +# GtkRadioButton label +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "„0000“ (väčšina slúchadiel s mikrofónom, myší a GPS zariadení)" + +# GtkRadioButton label +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "„1111“" + +# GtkRadioButton label +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "„1234“" + +# PM: V kontexte ostatných možnosti sa mi tu viac hodí nepárovať +# GtkRadioButton label +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Nepárovať" + +# GtkRadioButton label +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Vlastný kód PIN:" + +# GtkButton label +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Skúsiť znovu" + +# GtkButton label +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "U_končiť" + +# GtkButton label +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Nezhoduje sa" + +# GtkButton label +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Zhoduje sa" + +# PM: podľa popisu to nestavuje samotné zariadenie bluetooth ale zariadenia ktoré sa ku nemu pripájajú takže by balo byť Nastavenie bluetothových zariadení +# PK: neznasilnoval by som to slovo +# desktop entry name +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Nastavenie bluetooth zariadenia" + +# desktop entry comment +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Nastavuje zariadenia, ktoré komunikujú cez bluetooth" diff --git a/po/sl.po b/po/sl.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b31f21a --- /dev/null +++ b/po/sl.po @@ -0,0 +1,950 @@ +# Slovenian translations for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# Matej Urbančič , 2009–2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-28 19:30+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-28 19:33+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič \n" +"Language-Team: Slovenian GNOME Translation Team \n" +"Language: sl_SI\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n%100==1 ? 1 : n%100==2 ? 2 : n%100==3 || n" +"%100==4 ? 3 : 0);\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.1\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Kliknite za izbor naprave ..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Prekliči" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_V redu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Neznano" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Ni razpoložljivega vmesnika" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Iskanje naprav ..." + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Naprava" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Vrsta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Naprave" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Vse kategorije" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Seznanjeno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Varno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ni seznanjeno oziroma zaupljivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Seznanjeno oziroma zaupljivo" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Pokaži:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Kategorija naprav:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Izbor kategorije naprav za filtriranje seznama" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Vrsta naprave:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Izbor vrste naprave za filtriranje seznama" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Vhodne naprave (miška, tipkovnica ...)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Slušalke, mikrofoni in druge zvočne naprave" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Potrdi kodo PIN" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Potrdite, da je koda PIN skladna z kodo na napravi »%s«." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Potrdi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Zahtevana je potrditev kode PIN naprave bluetooth »%s«. Ta je običajno " +"zapisana v priročniku naprave." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Zahteva seznanjanja z napravo »%s«" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Potrdite, da je koda PIN skladna z kodo, prikazano na napravi »%s«." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Zahteva seznanjanja z napravo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"Naprava »%s« se poskuša seznaniti z računalnikom. Ali dovolite seznanjenje?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Potrditev povezave Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "Naprava »%s« vzpostavlja povezavo. Ali dovolite povezovanje?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Vnesite kodo PIN na »%s«." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Vnesite kodo PIN na »%s« in pritisnite vnosno tipko." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Premaknite igralno palico naprave iCade v navedenih smereh, nato pa " +"pritisnite katerikoli beli gumb." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Dovoli" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Zavrzi" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Prekliči" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Sprejmi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Ni nastavljeno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Povezano" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Prekinjena povezava" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Da" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Naprava je vidna kot “%s” in je pripravljena za prenos datoteke prek sistema " +"bluetooth. Datoteka bo shranjena v mapi Prejeto ." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Ali naj se naprava »%s« odstrani s seznama?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"V primeru, da napravo odstranite, jo bo treba pred naslednjo uporabo, " +"ponovno nastaviti." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Odstrani" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Prek bluetooth ste prejeli »%s«" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Prejeli ste datoteko" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Odpri datoteko" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Razkrij datoteko" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Prejemanje datoteke je končano" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Prenos datoteke %s prek Bloetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Zavrni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Računalnik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Omrežje" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Slušalka" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Slušalke" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Zvočna naprava" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tipkovnica" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Miška" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotoaparat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Tiskalnik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Igralna konzola" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablični računalnik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video naprava" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Daljinski upravljalnik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Optični bralnik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Zaslon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Nosljivo" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Igrača" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Vse vrste" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Povezava" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Naslov" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Nastavitve _miške in sledilne ploščice" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Nastavitve zvoka" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Nastavitve tipkovnice" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Pošlji _datoteke ..." + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Odstrani napravo" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Prenos Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Pošiljanje datotek preko Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Prišlo je do neznane napake." + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Prepričajte se, da je oddaljena naprava priključena in da omogoča " +"sprejemanje Bluetooth povezav" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekund" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunda" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekundi" +msgstr[3] "%'d sekunde" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[2] "%'d minuti" +msgstr[3] "%'d minute" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ur" +msgstr[1] "%'d ura" +msgstr[2] "%'d uri" +msgstr[3] "%'d ure" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "približno %'d ur" +msgstr[1] "približno %'d ura" +msgstr[2] "približno %'d uri" +msgstr[3] "približno %'d ure" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Povezovanje ..." + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Prenos datoteke preko Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Poskusi znova" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Od:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Za:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Pošiljanje %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Pošiljanje %d od %d datotek" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u prenosov je končanih" +msgstr[1] "%u prenos je končan" +msgstr[2] "%u prenosa sta končana" +msgstr[3] "%u prenosi so končani" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Zapri" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake." + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Izbor naprave za pošiljanje" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Pošlji" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Izbor datotek za pošiljanje" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Izberi" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Uporabi oddaljeno napravo" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "NASLOV" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Ime oddaljene naprave" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "IME" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[DATOTEKA ...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Vidno kot “%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "stran 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "stran 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Končano" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Vnesite prehodno geslo PIN na 'Napravi':" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Uporabi napravo GPS za določevanje trenutnega mesta" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Dostop do spleta z uporabo mobilnega telefona (preizkusno)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Seznanjanje z napravo '%s' je preklicano" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Potrdite, da se prehodno geslo '%s' sklada s tem." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Vnesite naslednje prehodno geslo:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Nastavljanje naprave '%s' ni uspelo." + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Povezovanje z napravo '%s' ..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Počakajte na nastavljanje naprave '%s' ..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Uspešna namestitev naprave '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Namestitev nove naprave Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Možnosti prehodnega gesla ..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Iskanje naprave" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Namestitev naprave" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Zaključevanje nameščanja" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Izbor storitev za uporabo z napravo:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Povzetek namestitve" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Možnosti prehodnega gesla" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Samodejni izbor prehodnega gesla" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Določeno prehodno geslo" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (večino slušalk, mišk in naprav GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Ne seznani" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Prehodno geslo po meri:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Poskusi znova" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Končaj" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Se ne sklada" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Zadetki" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "namestitev naprav Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Namestitev naprav Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "Povezovanje ..." + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Prenos datotek" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Pošiljanje datotek prek Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Vklopi Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: izklopljeno" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Izklopi Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: vklopljeno" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: onemogočeno" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Prekinjanje povezave ..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Prekini povezavo" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "Povezava" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Pošlji datoteke ..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Brskanje datotek ..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Razhroščevanje" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- aplet Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Zaženite '%s --help' za podroben pregled celotnega seznama možnosti " +#~ "ukazne vrstice.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth aplet" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Vnesite prehodno geslo naprave %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Odobritev dostopa do '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Naprava %s čaka na dostop do storitve '%s'." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Naprava Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Vnos prehodnega gesla" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Potrditev seznanjanja z napravo '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Potrditev prehodnega gesla" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Zahteva za overitev '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Preveri overitev" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Aplet Bluetooth upravljalnik" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: preverjanje " + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Vidno" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Pošiljanje datotek na napravo ..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Nastavitev nove naprave ..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Nastavitve vmesnika Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Končaj" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "_Vedno odobri dostop" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Zavrni" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Odobritev" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Se ne sklada" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Zadetki" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Pokaži vnos" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Napaka programa: na seznamu naprave ni mogoče najti" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Prenos datotek Obex Push ni podprt" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Možnosti" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Izbor naprave za brskanje" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "_Prebrskaj" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Izbor naprave za brskanje" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Brskanje med datotekami na napravi ..." + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Neuspešna namestitev naprave" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Uvod" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Izbor naprave za nastavitev" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Namestitev je končana" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "S čarovnikom naprav je enostavneje namestiti in prilagoditi Bluetooth " +#~ "naprave za delo z računalnikom" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Naprava mora biti znotraj območja desetih metrov od računalnika in mora " +#~ "biti nastavljena kot “vidna”; (včasih imenovano tudi “zaznavna”). " +#~ "Preverite priročnik naprave." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Dobrodošli v čarovniku za nameščanje Bluetooth naprav" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Zaženi v samostojnem načinu" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin Bluetooth pult" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin Bluetooth pult" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ur" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d ura" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d uri" +#~ msgstr[3] "%d ure" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d minut" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d minuta" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d minuti" +#~ msgstr[3] "%d minute" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d sekund" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d sekunda" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d sekundi" +#~ msgstr[3] "%d sekunde" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 sekund" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "V računalnik je viden na\n" +#~ "napravi Bluetooth za %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Seznanjanje z napravo '%s' je spodletelo." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Seznani" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Prebrskaj" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Neuspešna namestitev naprave" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Nazaj na naprave" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Namestitev naprave" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Nastavitve" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Pokaži le:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "Možnosti prehodnega gesla" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Dodaj napravo" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Omogoči kot vidno na napravah Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Pošlji datoteko iz računalnika" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Pult Bluetooth upravljalnika" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Pokaži le Bluetooth naprave z ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Odpri možnosti tipkovnice ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Odpri možnosti miške ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Odpri možnosti zvoka ..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Naprava Bluetooth je onemogočena" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Naprava Bluetooth je onemogočena s strojnim stikalom" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Ni navzočih Bluetooth naprav" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Vidnost" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Brskanje datotek ..." diff --git a/po/sr.po b/po/sr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb61a09 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/sr.po @@ -0,0 +1,663 @@ +# Serbian translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright © 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Launchpad Contributions: +# Bojan Bogdanović\n" +# Marcel Holtmann\n" +# +# Милош Поповић , 2007—2010. +# Мирослав Николић , 2011—2017. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-14 20:25+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Мирослав Николић \n" +"Language-Team: српски \n" +"Language: sr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : " +"n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Кликните да изаберете уређај…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Откажи" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "У _реду" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Непознато" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Нема досупних адаптера" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Тражим уређаје…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Уређај" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Врста" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Уређаји" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Све категорије" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Упарени" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Од поверења" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Неупарени или поверљиви" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Упарени или поверљиви" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Прикажи:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Категорија уређаја:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Изаберите категорију уређаја за сужавање списка" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Врста уређаја:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Изаберите врсту уређаја за сужавање списка" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Улазни уређаји (миш, тастатура, итд.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Слушалице и други звучни уређаји" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Потврдите ПИН блутута" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Потврдите ПИН који је исписан на „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Потврди" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Потврдите ПИН блутута за „%s“. Ово обично можете наћи у упутству уређаја." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Упарујем „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Потврдите да се следећи ПИН поклапа са оним приказаним на „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Захтев упаривања Блутута" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"„%s“ жели да се упари са овим уређајем. Да ли желите да допустите упаривање?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Потврдите блутут повезивање" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"„%s“ жели да се повеже са овим уређајем. Да ли желите да допустите " +"повезивање?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Унесите следећи ПИН на „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Унесите следећи ПИН на „%s“. Затим притисните „Унеси“ на тастатури." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Померајте џојстик вашег иКејда (iCade) су следећим правцима. Затим " +"притисните неко од белих дугмади." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Одобри" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Одбаци" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Откажи" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Прихвати" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Није подешено" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Повезан" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Неповезан" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Да" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Не" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Уређај је видљив као „%s“ и спреман за преносе датотека преко блутута. " +"Пренешене датотеке ће бити смештене у фасцикли Преузето." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Да уклоним „%s“ са списка уређаја?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Уколико уклоните уређај, мораћете поново да га подесите пре следећег " +"коришћења." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Уклони" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Примили сте „%s“ преко блутута" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Примили сте датотеку" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Отвори датотеку" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Прикажи датотеку" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Пријем датотеке завршен" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Блутут пренос датотеке са уређаја „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Одбиј" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Телефон" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Рачунар" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Мрежа" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Слушалице са микрофоном" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Слушалице" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Звучни уређај" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Тастатура" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Миш" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Фотоапарат" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Штампач" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Џојстик" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Таблет" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Видео уређај" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Даљинско управљање" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Прегледач" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Приказ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Угрејив" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Справа" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Све врсте" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Веза" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Адреса" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Подешавања _миша и додирне табле" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Подшавања _звука" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Подешавања _тастатуре" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Пошаљи _датотеке…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Уклони уређај" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Пренос Блутутом" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Шаљем датотеке преко Блутута" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Дошло је до непознате грешке" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Проверите да ли је удаљени уређај укључен и да ли је подешен тако да " +"прихвата везе преко Блутута" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d секунда" +msgstr[1] "%'d секунде" +msgstr[2] "%'d секунди" +msgstr[3] "%'d секунда" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d минут" +msgstr[1] "%'d минута" +msgstr[2] "%'d минута" +msgstr[3] "%'d минут" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d сат" +msgstr[1] "%'d сата" +msgstr[2] "%'d сати" +msgstr[3] "%'d сат" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "приближно %'d сат" +msgstr[1] "приближно %'d сата" +msgstr[2] "приближно %'d сати" +msgstr[3] "приближно %'d сат" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Повезујем се…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Пренос датотека блутутом" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Пробај поново" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Шаље:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Прима:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Шаљем „%s“" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Шаљем %d. датотеку од %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u пренос је завршен" +msgstr[1] "%u преноса су завршена" +msgstr[2] "%u преноса је завршено" +msgstr[3] "Један пренос је завршен" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Затвори" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Дошло је до грешке" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Изаберите уређај на који да пошаљем" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "Пошаљи _на" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Изаберите датотеке за слање" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Изабери" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Жељени удаљени уређај" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "АДРЕСА" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Назив удаљеног уређаја" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "НАЗИВ" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[ДАТОТЕКА…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Види се као „%s“" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "страница 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "страница 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Урађено" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Користи овај ГПС уређај за геолоцирање" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Приступи Интернету преко мобилног телефона (пробно)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Унесите следећи ПИН:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Није успело подеавање „%s“" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Повезујем се са „%s“..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Сачекајте док не завршим подешавање уређаја „%s“..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Подеавање новог уређаја „%s“ је успело" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Подешавање новог Блутут уређаја" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Опције за ПИН..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Претрага уређаја" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Подешавање уређаја" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Завршавам подешавање новог уређаја" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Изаберите додатне сервисе за употребу на овом уређају:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Сажетак подешавања" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Опције за ПИН" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Сам изабери ПИН" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Задати ПИН" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "„0000“ (већина микрофона, мишева и GPS уређаја)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "„1111“" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "„1234“" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Не упаруј" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Произвољни ПИН:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Покушај опет" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Изађи" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Не поклапа се" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Поклапа се" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Подешавање Блутут уређаја" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Подесите Блутут уређаје" diff --git a/po/sr@latin.po b/po/sr@latin.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..85f3fdb --- /dev/null +++ b/po/sr@latin.po @@ -0,0 +1,663 @@ +# Serbian translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright © 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Launchpad Contributions: +# Bojan Bogdanović\n" +# Marcel Holtmann\n" +# +# Miloš Popović , 2007—2010. +# Miroslav Nikolić , 2011—2017. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-14 20:25+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Miroslav Nikolić \n" +"Language-Team: srpski \n" +"Language: sr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=n==1? 3 : n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : " +"n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2;\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Kliknite da izaberete uređaj…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Otkaži" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "U _redu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nepoznato" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Nema dosupnih adaptera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Tražim uređaje…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Uređaj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Vrsta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Uređaji" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Sve kategorije" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Upareni" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Od poverenja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Neupareni ili poverljivi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Upareni ili poverljivi" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Prikaži:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Kategorija uređaja:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Izaberite kategoriju uređaja za sužavanje spiska" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Vrsta uređaja:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Izaberite vrstu uređaja za sužavanje spiska" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Ulazni uređaji (miš, tastatura, itd.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Slušalice i drugi zvučni uređaji" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Potvrdite PIN blututa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Potvrdite PIN koji je ispisan na „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Potvrdi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Potvrdite PIN blututa za „%s“. Ovo obično možete naći u uputstvu uređaja." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Uparujem „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Potvrdite da se sledeći PIN poklapa sa onim prikazanim na „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Zahtev uparivanja Blututa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"„%s“ želi da se upari sa ovim uređajem. Da li želite da dopustite uparivanje?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Potvrdite blutut povezivanje" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "" +"„%s“ želi da se poveže sa ovim uređajem. Da li želite da dopustite " +"povezivanje?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Unesite sledeći PIN na „%s“." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Unesite sledeći PIN na „%s“. Zatim pritisnite „Unesi“ na tastaturi." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Pomerajte džojstik vašeg iKejda (iCade) su sledećim pravcima. Zatim " +"pritisnite neko od belih dugmadi." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Odobri" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Odbaci" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Otkaži" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Prihvati" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Nije podešeno" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Povezan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Nepovezan" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Da" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ne" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Uređaj je vidljiv kao „%s“ i spreman za prenose datoteka preko blututa. " +"Prenešene datoteke će biti smeštene u fascikli Preuzeto." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Da uklonim „%s“ sa spiska uređaja?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Ukoliko uklonite uređaj, moraćete ponovo da ga podesite pre sledećeg " +"korišćenja." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Ukloni" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Primili ste „%s“ preko blututa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Primili ste datoteku" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Otvori datoteku" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Prikaži datoteku" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Prijem datoteke završen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Blutut prenos datoteke sa uređaja „%s“" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Odbij" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Računar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Mreža" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Slušalice sa mikrofonom" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Slušalice" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Zvučni uređaj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tastatura" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Miš" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotoaparat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Štampač" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Džojstik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video uređaj" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Daljinsko upravljanje" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Pregledač" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Prikaz" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Ugrejiv" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Sprava" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Sve vrste" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Veza" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adresa" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Podešavanja _miša i dodirne table" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Podšavanja _zvuka" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Podešavanja _tastature" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Pošalji _datoteke…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Ukloni uređaj" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Prenos Blututom" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Šaljem datoteke preko Blututa" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Došlo je do nepoznate greške" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Proverite da li je udaljeni uređaj uključen i da li je podešen tako da " +"prihvata veze preko Blututa" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekunda" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunde" +msgstr[2] "%'d sekundi" +msgstr[3] "%'d sekunda" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[2] "%'d minuta" +msgstr[3] "%'d minut" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d sat" +msgstr[1] "%'d sata" +msgstr[2] "%'d sati" +msgstr[3] "%'d sat" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "približno %'d sat" +msgstr[1] "približno %'d sata" +msgstr[2] "približno %'d sati" +msgstr[3] "približno %'d sat" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Povezujem se…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Prenos datoteka blututom" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Probaj ponovo" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Šalje:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Prima:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Šaljem „%s“" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Šaljem %d. datoteku od %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u prenos je završen" +msgstr[1] "%u prenosa su završena" +msgstr[2] "%u prenosa je završeno" +msgstr[3] "Jedan prenos je završen" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Zatvori" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Došlo je do greške" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Izaberite uređaj na koji da pošaljem" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "Pošalji _na" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Izaberite datoteke za slanje" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Izaberi" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Željeni udaljeni uređaj" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESA" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Naziv udaljenog uređaja" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAZIV" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[DATOTEKA…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Vidi se kao „%s“" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "stranica 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "stranica 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Urađeno" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Koristi ovaj GPS uređaj za geolociranje" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Pristupi Internetu preko mobilnog telefona (probno)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Unesite sledeći PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Nije uspelo podeavanje „%s“" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Povezujem se sa „%s“..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Sačekajte dok ne završim podešavanje uređaja „%s“..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Podeavanje novog uređaja „%s“ je uspelo" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Podešavanje novog Blutut uređaja" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Opcije za PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Pretraga uređaja" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Podešavanje uređaja" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Završavam podešavanje novog uređaja" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Izaberite dodatne servise za upotrebu na ovom uređaju:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Sažetak podešavanja" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Opcije za PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Sam izaberi PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Zadati PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "„0000“ (većina mikrofona, miševa i GPS uređaja)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "„1111“" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "„1234“" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Ne uparuj" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Proizvoljni PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Pokušaj opet" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Izađi" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Ne poklapa se" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Poklapa se" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Podešavanje Blutut uređaja" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Podesite Blutut uređaje" diff --git a/po/sv.po b/po/sv.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..aea6292 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/sv.po @@ -0,0 +1,556 @@ +# Swedish translation for gnome-bluetooth +# Copyright © 2007-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Daniel Nylander , 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. +# Mattias Eriksson , 2014. +# Anders Jonsson , 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-27 01:51+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Anders Jonsson \n" +"Language-Team: Svenska \n" +"Language: sv\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Klicka för att välja enhet…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Avbryt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Okänd" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Inga adaptrar finns tillgängliga" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Söker efter enheter…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Enhet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Typ" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Enheter" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Alla kategorier" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Ihopparad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Pålitlig" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Inte ihopparad eller pålitlig" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ihopparad eller pålitlig" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Visa:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Enhets_kategori:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Välj enhetskategori för att filtrera" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Enhets_typ:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Välj enhetstyp för att filtrera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Inmatningsenheter (möss, tangentbord, etc.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Hörlurar, headsets och andra ljudenheter" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bekräfta PIN-kod för Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Bekräfta PIN-koden som angavs på ”%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Bekräfta" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Bekräfta PIN-kod för Bluetooth avseende ”%s”. Den kan vanligen hittas i " +"enhetens manual." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Parar ihop ”%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Bekräfta att följande PIN-kod matchar den som visas på ”%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth-förfrågan för ihopparning" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "”%s” vill paras ihop med denna enhet. Vill du tillåta ihopparning?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bekräfta Bluetooth-anslutning" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "”%s” vill ansluta till denna enhet. Vill du tillåta detta?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Ange följande PIN-kod på ”%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "Ange följande PIN-kod på ”%s”. Tryck sedan ”Retur” på tangentbordet." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Rör på styrspaken på din iCade i följande riktningar. Tryck sedan på någon " +"av de vita knapparna." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Tillåt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Avfärda" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Avbryt" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Acceptera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Inte konfigurerat" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Ansluten" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Frånkopplad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nej" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Synlig som ”%s” och tillgänglig för Bluetooth-filöverföringar. Överförda " +"filer placeras i mappen Hämtningar." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Ta bort ”%s” från listan över enheter?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Om du tar bort enheten så måste du konfigurera den igen innan du kan använda " +"den." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Ta bort" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Du har tagit emot ”%s” via Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Du mottog en fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Öppna fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Visa fil" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Filmottagning slutförd" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Bluetooth-filöverföring från %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Neka" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Dator" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Nätverk" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Headset" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Hörlurar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Ljudenhet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Tangentbord" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Mus" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Kamera" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Skrivare" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Styrspak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Ritbord" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Videoenhet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Fjärrkontroll" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Skanner" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Skärm" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Kroppsnära" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Leksak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Alla typer" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Anslutning" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adress" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Inställningar för _mus och styrplatta" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Ljudin_ställningar" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Tangentbordsinställningar" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Skicka _filer…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Ta bo_rt enhet" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-överföring" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Skicka filer via Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Ett okänt fel inträffade" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Försäkra dig om att fjärrenheten är påslagen och att den accepterar " +"Bluetooth-anslutningar" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d sekund" +msgstr[1] "%'d sekunder" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d minut" +msgstr[1] "%'d minuter" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d timme" +msgstr[1] "%'d timmar" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ungefär %'d timme" +msgstr[1] "ungefär %'d timmar" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Ansluter…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth-filöverföring" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "Försök _igen" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Från:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Till:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Skickar %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Skickar fil %d av %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u överföring slutförd" +msgstr[1] "%u överföringar slutförda" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "S_täng" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Det uppstod ett fel" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Välj enhet att skicka till" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Skicka" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Välj filer att skicka" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Välj" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Fjärrenhet att använda" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRESS" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Fjärrenhetens namn" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAMN" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[FIL…]" + +#~ msgid "Searching for devices..." +#~ msgstr "Söker efter enheter…" + +#~ msgid "You have been sent a file \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "En fil ”%s” har skickats till dig via Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "You have been sent a file" +#~ msgstr "En fil har skickats till dig" + +#~ msgid "Receive" +#~ msgstr "Ta emot" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Synlig som ”%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "sida 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "sida 2" diff --git a/po/ta.po b/po/ta.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7d82b92 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ta.po @@ -0,0 +1,968 @@ +# translation of gnome-bluetooth.master.po to Tamil +# Tamil translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# I. Felix , 2009. +# Dr.T.Vasudevan , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. +# Dr,T,Vasudevan , 2010, 2011. +# Shantha kumar , 2012, 2013, 2014. +# Thangamani Arun >, 2014. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-08-18 15:57+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-13 21:13+0630\n" +"Last-Translator: Shantha kumar \n" +"Language-Team: American English \n" +"Language: ta\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "சாதனத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்க சொடுக்கவும்..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_ரத்து செய்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_சரி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "தெரியாத" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "தகவிகள் கிடைக்கப் பெறவில்லை" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "சாதனங்களுக்காக தேடுகிறது..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "சாதனம்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "வகை" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "சாதனங்கள்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "அனைத்து வகைகள்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "பிணை" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "நம்பகமான" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "பிணயும் இல்லை நம்பகமும் இல்லை" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "பிணை அல்லது நம்பகம்" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "காட்டு:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_சாதன வகையினம்:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "வடிகட்ட சாதன வகையினத்தை தேர்ந்தெடு" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_t சாதன வகை:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "வடிகட்ட சாதன வகையை தேர்ந்தெடு" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "உள்ளீட்டு சாதனங்கள் (சொடுக்கி, விசைப்பலகை, போன்றன)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "தலையணி கேட்பொறி, தலை அணிகள் மற்ற ஒலி சாதனங்கள்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் கடவு எண்ணை உறுதிப்படுத்து" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s'சாதனத்தில் உள்ளிட்ட கடவு எண்ணை உறுதி செய்யவும்." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "உறுதிப்படுத்து" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"'%s' க்கான ப்ளூடூத் கடவு எண்ணை உறுதிப்படுத்தவும்.இது வழக்கமாக கருவியின் பயனர் " +"கையேட்டில் " +"இருக்கும்." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' உடன் சோடி சேருகிறது" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s' சாதனத்தில் காட்டிய கடவு எண் பொருந்துகிறதா என உறுதி செய்யவும்." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் இணைப்புக்கான கோரிக்கை" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "சாதனம் '%s' கணினியுடன் இணைக்க விரும்புகிறது. இதை அனுமதிக்கவா?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s' கருவியினுள் பின்வரும் கடவு எண்ணை உள்ளிடவும்." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"'%s' இல் பின்வரும் கடவு எண்ணை உள்ளிட்டு \"Return\" என்ற விசையை அழுத்துக." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"தயவுச் செய்து உங்கள் ஐகேடு இன் ஜாய்குச்சியை கீழ் வரும் திசைகளில் நகர்த்துக. " +"பிறகு எதாவது " +"ஒரு பொத்தானை அழுத்தவும்." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "அனுமதி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "நிராகரி" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ரத்து செய்" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "ஏற்றுக்கொள்" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +#| msgid "Not Setup" +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "அமைக்கப்படவில்லை" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "இணைக்கப்பட்டது" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "துண்டிக்கப்பட்டது" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "ஆம்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "இல்லை" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” மாதிரி காட்டு\t" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "சாதனங்களின் பட்டியலிருந்து '%s' ஐ நீக்கவா?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"இந்த சாதனத்தை நீங்கள் நீக்கினால்,அடுத்த பயன்பாட்டிற்கு முன் நீங்கள் அதை " +"அமைக்க வேண்டும்." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_நீக்கவும்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "அனைத்து வகைகள்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "தொலைபேசி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "மோடம்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "கணினி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "பிணையம்" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ஹெட்செட்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "ஹெட்போன்கள்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ஆடியோச் சாதனம்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "விசைப்பலகை" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "சொடுக்கி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "கேமரா" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "அச்சுப்பொறி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "ஜாய்பேடு" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "டேப்லெட்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "வீடியோ சாதனம்" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "தொலைநிலைக் கட்டுப்பாடு" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "வருடி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "காண்பி" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "பொருத்தக்கூடியது" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "பொம்மை" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "இணைப்பு" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "பக்கம் 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "பக்கம் 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "முகவரி" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "சொடுக்கி மற்றும் தொடுதிட்டு அமைப்புகள்" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_ஒலி அமைப்புகள்" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_விசைப்பலகை அமைப்பு" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_கோப்புகளை அனுப்பு..." + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_சாதனத்தை நீக்கு" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் பரிமாற்றம்" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் வழியாக கோப்புகள் அனுப்பு" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "ஒரு தெரியாத பிழை ஏற்பட்டது" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d விநாடி" +msgstr[1] "%'d விநாடிகள்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d நிமிடம்" +msgstr[1] "%'d நிமிடங்கள்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d மணி" +msgstr[1] "%'d மணிகள்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "தோராயமாக %'d மணி" +msgstr[1] "தோராயமாக %'d மணிகள்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "இணைக்கிறது…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் கோப்புப் பரிமாற்றம்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_மறுமுயற்சி" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "அனுப்புனர்:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "பெறுனர்:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s ஐ அனுப்புகிறது" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%d %d இல் கோப்பை அனுப்புகிறது" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d கிபை/நொடி" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d பைட்/நொடி" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u பரிமாற்றம் முடிந்தது" +msgstr[1] "%u பரிமாற்றங்கள் முடிந்தன" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_C மூடுக" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "ஒரு பிழை ஏற்பட்டது" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "அனுப்புவதற்கு சானத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_அனுப்பு" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "கோப்புகளை அனுப்புவதற்கு தேர்ந்தெடு" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "தேர்வு செய்க" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "பயன்படுத்துவதற்கான தொலைச் சாதனம்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "முகவரி" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "தொலைதூர சாதனங்களின் பெயர்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "பெயர்" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[கோப்பு...]" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "முடிந்தது" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "இந்த ஜிபிஎஸ்(GPS) சாதனத்தை இருப்பிட சேவைக்கு பயன்படுத்தவும்" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "உங்களது மொபைல் ஃபோனில் இணைய அணுகலை பயன்படுத்துகிறது (சோதனை)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s' உடன் பிணைத்தல் ரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr " '%s' இல் காட்டப்பட்ட பின் எண்இதனுடன் பொருந்துகிறதா என உறுதி செய்யவும்." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "பின்வரும் பின் ஐ உள்ளிடவும்:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s'ஐ அமைப்பது தோல்வியுற்றது" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s'க்கு இணைக்கப்படுகிறது..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s'அமைவு முடிவடையும் வரை தயவு செய்து காத்திருக்கவும்..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "வெற்றிகரமாக கட்டமைக்கப்பட்ட புதிய சாதனம் '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் புதிய சாதனம் அமைப்பு" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "பின் எண் விருப்பங்கள் (_o)..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "சாதன தேடல்" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "சாதன அமைப்பு" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "அமைவை முடிக்கிறது" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "உங்கள் சாதனத்துடன் பயன்படுத்த விரும்பும் கூடுதல் சேவைகளை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "வடிவமைப்பு சுருக்கம்" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "பின் எண் விருப்பங்கள்" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "தானியக்கி பின் எண் தேர்ந்தெடுத்தல் (_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "நிலையான பின் எண்" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (பெரும்பாலும் ஹெட்செட்களில், சுட்டி மற்றும் GPS சாதனங்கள்)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "பொருத்த வேண்டாம்" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "தனிப்பயன் பின் குறியீடு:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_T மீண்டும் முயற்சிசெய்" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "வெளியேறு (_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "பொருந்தவில்லை" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "பொருத்தங்கள்" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் சாதனம் அமைப்பு" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் சாதனங்களை அமை" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "இணைக்கிறது..." + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத்தை இயக்கு" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத்: சக்திநீக்கி உள்ளது" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத்தை நிறுத்து" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: உயிரூட்டப்பட்டு உள்ளது" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: செயல்நீக்கப்பட்டது" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "துண்டிக்கப்படுகிறது..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "துண்டிக்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "இணைக்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "கோப்புகளை அனுப்பு..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "கோப்புகளை உலாவி..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "வழு நீக்கு " + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- ப்ளூடூத் குறுநிரல் " + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "'%s --உதவிக்கு ஒரு முழு பட்டியலில் இருக்கும் கட்டளை வரி விருப்பங்களை இயக்குகிறது.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் குறுநிரல்" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத்" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "சாதனம் %s மேல் குறிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள பின் ஐ உள்ளிடவும்." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s'உடன் அணுகலை ஏற்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "சாதனம் %s சேவை '%s'ஐ அணுக விரும்புகிறது." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் சாதனம்" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "பின் எண் ஐ உள்ளிடுக" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "%s'கான இணைக்கப்படும் உறுதிபடுத்தல்" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "பின் எண் ஐ சரி பார்க்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s'லிருந்து அங்கீகார வேண்டுகோள்" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "அங்கீகாரத்தை சரிபார்க்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் மேலாளர்" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் மேலாளர் அப்லெட்" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் அமைப்புகள்" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத்: சரிபார்க்கிறது" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "நிறுத்து" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "சாதனத்தில் கோப்புகளை அனுப்பு..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "புதிய சாதனத்தை அமைக்கவும்..." + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "பார்வையில் உள்ள" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "அணுகலை எப்பொதும் அனுமதிக்கவும் (_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "அனுமதி (_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "மறுத்தல் (_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "பொருந்தவில்லை (_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "பொருத்தங்கள் (_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "உள்ளீட்டைக் காட்டு (_S)" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "கோப்பை மாற்று" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் வழியாக கோப்புகள் அனுப்பப்படுகிறது" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "தொலை சாதனம் உயிரூட்டப்பட்டு உள்ளதா மற்றும் அது ப்ளூடூத் இணைப்புகளை ஏற்றுக் " +#~ "கொள்ளுகிறதா என பார்க்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "நிரலாக்க பிழை: பட்டியலில் சாதனத்தை காணவில்லை" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "ஒபெக்ஸ் புஷ் கோப்பு பறிமாற்றத்துக்கு ஆதரவில்லை" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: (ஒபெக்ஸ் புஷ்)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "இதனுடன் கூடிய ப்ளூடூத் சாதனங்களை மட்டும் காட்டு..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "உலாவுவதற்கு சாதனத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "உலாவு (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "உலாவுவதற்கு சாதனத்தை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "சாதனத்தில் கோப்புகளை உலாவு..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "முன்னுரிமைகள்" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் செயல்படவில்லை" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் வண்பொருள் மாற்றியால் செயல்படவில்லை" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் தகைவிகள் ஏதும் இல்லை" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "தெரிவு" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "கோப்புகளில் உலாவு..." + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத்" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "சாதனத்தை அமைப்பதில் தோல்வி" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "அறிமுகம்" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "நீங்கள் அமைக்க விரும்பும் சாதனத்தை தேர்ந்தெடு" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "அமைவு முடிந்தது" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "புதிய ப்ளூடூத் சாதன வழிகாட்டி ப்ளூடூத் செயல்படுத்தப்பட்ட சாதனங்களை இந்த கணினியில் " +#~ "பயன் படுத்த கட்டமைக்க உடன் அழைத்துச்செல்லும். " + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "சாதனம் உங்கள் கணீனியில் இருந்து 10 மீட்டர் தொலைவுக்குள் இருக்க வேண்டும். மேலும் அது “ " +#~ "காண முடியவேண்டும்.” (சில சமயம் “ என அழைக்கப்படும். கண்டு பிடிக்கக்கூடியது ”). " +#~ "சந்தேகமிருந்தால் சாதனத்தின் கையேட்டை பார்க்கவும்.." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் புதிய சாதன அமைவு வழிகாட்டிக்கு வரவேற்கிறது" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "தனித்த இயக்க பாங்கில் இயக்கு" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "மோப்ளின் ப்ளூடூத் பலகம்" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- மோப்ளின் ப்ளூடூத் பலகம்" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d மணி நேரம்" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d மணிகள்" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d நிமிடம்" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d நிமிடங்கள்" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d விநாடி" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d விநாடிகள்" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 விநாடிகள்" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s க்கு உங்கள் கணினி \n" +#~ "எந்த ப்ளூடூத் இல் தெரிகிறது " + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%s உடன் பிணைத்தல் ரத்து செய்யப்பட்டது" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "பிணை" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "உலாவு" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "சாதன அமைப்பு தோல்வியடைந்தது" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "சாதனத்துக்கு பின் செல்க" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "சாதன அமைப்பு" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "அமைப்புகள்" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "காட்டுதல் இது மட்டும்:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "பின் எண் தேர்வுகள்" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "புதிய சாதனத்தை சேர்க்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் வழியாக தெரியச்செய்" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "உங்கள் கணினியிலிருந்து கோப்பை அனுப்புக" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் மேலாளர் பலகம்" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "விசைப்பலகை முன்னுரிமைகளை திறக்கவும்..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "சுட்டி முன்னுரிமைகளை திறக்கவும்..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ஒலி முன்னுரிமைகளை திறக்கவும்..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: செயல்படுத்தப்பட்டது" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "மின்சக்தி" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "நடப்பில் தெரிந்த சாதனங்களின் வெளியேறும் பட்டியல்" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "கணினியை கண்டு பிடிக்கூடியதாக்கு (_v)" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "நட்பான பெயர்" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "(_n) புதிய சாதனத்தை அமைக்கவும்..." + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "\" தனிப்பட்ட கோப்பு பகிர்வு\" விருப்பங்கள் ஐ துவக்க இயலாது" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "\" தனிப்பட்ட கோப்பு பகிர்வு\" நிரல் சரியாக நிறுவப்பட்டுள்ளதா என சோதித்துக்கொள்ளவும்." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் சின்னத்தைக் காட்டு (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Receive Files" +#~ msgstr "கோப்புகளை பெறுக" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "உங்கள் கணினி எந்த ப்ளூடூத் அடாப்டரையும் இணைப்பில் இல்லை." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "உங்கள் கணினியில் ஒரு மாற்றி மூலம் ப்ளூடூத் செயலிழக்கப்பட்டது." + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத்" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "ஜோடி சேர்" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "இணைக்கவும்" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "உலாவு" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ப்ளூடூத் முன்னுரிமைகள்" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "அறிக்கை சின்னத்தைக் காட்ட வேண்டுமா" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "அறிக்கை சின்னத்தைக் காட்ட வேண்டுமா" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "ஜிகான்ஃப் பிழை: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "முனையத்தில் மட்டுமே மற்ற அனைத்து பிழைகளும் காட்டப்படும்" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "இந்த க்னோம் பணிமேடைக்கு ஒரு ப்ளூடூத் மேலாளர் " + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "IFELIX " + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "க்னோம் ப்ளூடூத் முகப்பு பக்கம்" diff --git a/po/te.po b/po/te.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b57efc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/te.po @@ -0,0 +1,872 @@ +# translation of gnome-bluetooth.master.te.po to Telugu +# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Gnome-bluetooth package. +# +# +# Krishna Babu K , 2009, 2012, 2014. +# Praveen Illa , 2011, 2012. +# Sasi Bhushan Boddepalli , 2012. +# Hari Krishna , 2011, 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth.master.te\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-09-12 06:06+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-09-12 16:27+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: Krishnababu Krothapalli \n" +"Language-Team: Telugu \n" +"Language: te\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:73 +#| msgid "Click to select device..." +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "పరికరాన్ని ఎంచుకోవడానికి నొక్కండి..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:203 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:699 ../sendto/main.c:755 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "రద్దుచేయి (_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:204 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "సరే (_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "తెలియదు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "ఏ ఎడాప్టర్స్ అందుబాటులో లేవు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +#| msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "పరికరముల కొరకు వెతుకుతోంది..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "పరికరం" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "రకం" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "పరికరములు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "అన్ని వర్గాలు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "జతపరిచినవి" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "నమ్మదగినవి" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "జతపరచనివి లేదా నమ్మలేనివి" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "జతపరిచినవి లేదా నమ్మదగినవి" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "చూపించు:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "పరికరము వర్గము (_c):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "వడకట్టుటకు పరికరము వర్గాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "పరికరము రకము (_t):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "వడకట్టుటకు పరికరము రకాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "ఇన్‌పుట్ పరికరాలు (మౌస్, కీబోర్డు, ఇతర.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "హెడ్‌ఫోనులు, హెడ్‌సెట్లు మరియు ఇతర ఆడియో పరికరాలు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +#| msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ పిన్ ఖాయపరచుము" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "దయచేసి '%s' పైన ప్రవేశపెట్టిన పిన్ ఖాయపరచండి." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "ఖాయపరచు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"'%s' కొరకు బ్లూటూత్ పిన్ ఖాయపరచుము. ఇది సాదారణంగా పరికరపు మాన్యువల్ నందు " +"ఉంటుంది." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "'%s' జతపరచుట" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" +"దయచేసి కింది పిన్, '%s' పరికరము పైన చూపబడిన దానితో సరిపోలుతోందేమో ఖాయపరచండి." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ జతపరచుటకు అభ్యర్దన" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' ఈ పరికరంతో జతపడాలని అనుకుంటోంది. మీరు జతపరచబడుటను అనుమతిస్తారా?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "'%s'పైన దయచేసి క్రింది పిన్ ప్రవేశపెట్టండి." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"దయచేసి క్రింది పేర్కొన్న పిన్ ను '%s' పైన ప్రవేశపెట్టండి. అప్పుడు కీబోర్డు " +"పైన “Return” వత్తండి:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +#| msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"దయచేసి కింది దిశలలో మీ ఐకేడ్ జాయ్ స్టిక్కును కదపండి. అప్పుడు ఏదైనా తెలుపు " +"బటన్లను వత్తండి." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "అనుమతించు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "తొలగించు" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:309 +#| msgid "_Cancel" +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "రద్దుచేయి" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:290 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "ఆమోదించు" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "అమర్చబడి లేదు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "అనుసంధానించబడింది" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "అననుసంధానించబడింది" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "అవును" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "కాదు" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” వలె కనిపించును" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "పరికరముల జాబితా నుండి '%s'ను తీసివేయాలా?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"ఒకవేళ మీరు పరికరమును తీసివేసినట్లయితే, మీరు తరువాత మళ్ళీ వాడాలంటే ముందుగా " +"దీనిని మరలా " +"అమర్చవలసివుంటుంది." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "తీసివేయి (_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "అన్ని రకములు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "ఫోన్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "మోడెమ్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "కంప్యూటర్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "నెట్‌వర్క్" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "హెడ్‌సెట్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "హెడ్‌ఫోన్లు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ఆడియో పరికరము" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "కీబోర్డు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "మౌస్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "కెమేరా" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "ముద్రకం" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "జాయ్‌ప్యాడ్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "టాబ్లెట్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "వీడియో పరికరము" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "రిమోట్ నియంత్రణ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "స్కానర్" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "ప్రదర్శించు" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "ధరించగల" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +#| msgid "To:" +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "బొమ్మ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "Connect" +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "అనుసంధానము" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "పుట 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "పుట 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "చిరునామా" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +#| msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "మౌస్ మరియు టచ్‌ప్యాడ్ అమరికలు (_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +#| msgid "Sound Settings" +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "శబ్దపు అమరికలు (_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +#| msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "కీబోర్డు అమరికలు (_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +#| msgid "Send files..." +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ఫైళ్ళను పంపు... (_F)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +#| msgid "Remote device to use" +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "పరికరము తీసివేయి (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ బదిలీకరణ" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ ద్వారా ఫైళ్ళను పంపు" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "ఒక తెలియని దోషము ఎదురైంది" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d సెకను" +msgstr[1] "%'d సెకనులు" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d నిమిషం" +msgstr[1] "%'d నిమిషాలు" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d గంట" +msgstr[1] "%'d గంటలు" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "షుమారుగా %'d గంట" +msgstr[1] "షుమారుగా %'d గంటలు" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +#| msgid "Connecting..." +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "అనుసంధానిస్తోంది..." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +#| msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ ఫైల్ బదిలీ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించు (_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "నుండి:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "ఇచటకు:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:555 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s పంపుచున్నది" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:562 ../sendto/main.c:611 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%2$d లో %1$d ఫైళ్ళను పంపుచున్నది" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kb/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:640 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u బదిలీ పూర్తైనది" +msgstr[1] "%u బదిలీలు పూర్తైనవి" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:647 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "మూసివేయి (_C)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:657 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "అక్కడ ఒక దోషంవుంది" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:695 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "పంపుటకు పరికరమును ఎంచుకోండి" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "పంపు (_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:750 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "పంపుటకు ఫైళ్ళను ఎంచుకోండి" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:756 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "ఎంచుకొను" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "వాడవలసిన దూరస్థ పరికరము" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "చిరునామా" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "దూరస్థ పరికరము యొక్క పేరు" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:788 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "నామము" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:807 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ఫైల్...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "జియోలొకేషన్ సేవల కొరకు ఈ GPS పరికరాన్ని ఉపయోగించు" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "మీ సెల్ ఫోన్ ఉపయోగించి అంతర్జాలాన్ని వాడుకొను (పరీక్షించు)" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ మొదలు పెట్టు " + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్: ఆపబడింది" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ ఆఫ్ చేయి " + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్: ఆన్‌చేయబడింది" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్: అచేతనపరచబడింది" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "అననుసంధానిస్తోంది..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "అననుసంధానించు" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "ఫైళ్ళను అన్వేషించు..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "దోషశుద్ది" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- బ్లూటూత్ ఆప్లెట్" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "అందుబాటులో వున్న ఆదేశ వరుస ఐచ్చికాల పూర్తి జాబితా కొరకు '%s --help' నడుపుము.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ ఆప్లెట్" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "దయచేసి పరికరము %s పైన తెలుపబడిన PIN ప్రవేశపెట్టండి." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s'కు వాడుటకు అనుమతి ఇవ్వు" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "%s పరికరము '%s' సేవను వాడుటకు అనుమతి కోరుచున్నది." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ పరికరము" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN ప్రవేశపెట్టు" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' కొరకు జతపరచు అభ్యర్ధన నిర్ధారణ" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN సరిచూడు" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' నుండి ధృవీకరణ అభ్యర్ధన" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "ధృవీకరణను పరిశీలించు" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ నిర్వాహకము ఆప్లెట్" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్: పరిశీలించుచున్నది" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "కనిపించు" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "పరికరానికి ఫైళ్ళను పంపుము..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "కొత్త పరికరమును అమర్చు..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ సెట్టింగులు " + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "నిష్క్రమించు" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "ఎల్లప్పుడు ప్రవేశ సౌలభ్యతను అనుమతించు (_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "తిరస్కరించు (_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "అనుమతించు (_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "సరిపోలలేదు (_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "పోలికలు (_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "ఇన్‌పుట్‌ను చూపించు (_S)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "'%s'తో జతపరచుట రద్దుచేయబడింది" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "'%s' పైన ప్రదర్శించబడిన PIN దీనిని సరిపోలుతుందని దయచేసి నిర్ధారించండి." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "దయచేసి క్రింద పేర్కొన్న PIN ప్రవేశపెట్టండి:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "'%s'ను అమర్చుట విఫలమైంది" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s'కు అనుసంధానిస్తున్నది..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "'%s' పరికరము పైన అమర్పును పూర్తిచేసేంతవరకూ దయచేసి వేచివుండండి..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "సమర్ధవంతంగా కొత్త పరికరము '%s' అమర్చబడింది" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ కొత్త పరికర అమర్పు" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN ఐచ్చికాలు...(_o)" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "పరికరము గురించి శోధన" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "పరికరము అమర్పు" + +#~| msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr " అమరికను పూర్తిచేస్తున్నది " + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "మీ పరికరముతో ఉపయోగించాలనుకుంటున్న అదనపు సేవలను ఎంచుకోండి:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "సెటప్ సారాంశం " + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN ఐచ్చికాలు" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "స్వయంచాలక PIN ఎంపిక (_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN అమర్చబడింది" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (హెడ్‌సెట్లు, మైక్ మరియు GPS పరికరాలు)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "జతపరుచవద్దు" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "మలచిన PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించు(_T) " + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "నిష్క్రమించు(_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "సరిపోల లేదు" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "సరిపోలినది" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ పరికరపు అమరిక" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ పరికరాలను అమర్చు" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "ఫైల్ బదిలీ" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ ద్వారా ఫైళ్ళను పంపుచున్నది" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "దూరస్థ పరికరము ఆన్ అయివుండునట్లు మరియు అది బ్లూటూత్ అనుసంధానములను ఆమోదించునట్లు చూడండి" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "ప్రోగ్రామింగ్ దోషము: జాబితాలో పరికరాన్ని కనుగొనలేకపోతుంది" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX పుష్ ఫైల్ బదిలీ సహకరించుటలేదు" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d కిబై/సె" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "అన్వేషించుటకు పరికరమును ఎంచుకొను" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "విహరించు (_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "అన్వేషించుటకు పరికరాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "పరికరము పైన ఫైళ్ళను అన్వేషించుము..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ప్రాధాన్యతలు" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "పరికరము అమర్పు విఫలమైంది" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "పరిచయం" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "మీరు అమర్చదలచిన పరికరమును ఎంచుకోండి" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "అమరిక పూర్తయింది" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "బ్లూటూత్ చేతనముగా కలిగిన పరికరములను ఈ కంప్యూటరుతో వుపయోగించుటకు చేయవలసిన ఆకృతీకరణను ఈ " +#~ "బ్లూటూత్ కొత్త పరికర అమర్పు మీకు చూపుతుంది." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "పరికరము మీ కంప్యూటర్‌నుండి 10 మీటర్ల లోపల వుండవలసి వుంటుంది, మరియు " +#~ "“కనిపించునట్లు” (కొన్నిసార్లు “కనుగొనదగునట్లు” అని పిలువబడుతుంది). ఇంకా అనుమానము వుంటే " +#~ "పరికరపు మాన్యువల్‌ను చూడుము." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ కొత్త పరికరము అమర్పునకు సుస్వాగతము" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "అమరికను పునఃప్రారంభించు (_R)" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "స్టాండలోన్ విధములో నడుపు" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- మొబ్లిన్ బ్లూటూత్ పానల్" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d గంట" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d గంటలు" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d నిమిషం" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d నిమిషాలు" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d సెకను" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d సెకనులు" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 సెకన్లు" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "మీ కంప్యూటర్ బ్లూటూత్ పై %s కొరకు\n" +#~ "కనిపిస్తున్నది." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%s తో జతపరచుట విఫలమైంది." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "జతపరుచు" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "విహరించు" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "పరికరము అమరిక విఫలమైంది" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "పరికరముల తిరిగి వెళ్ళు" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "అయినది" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "పరికరము అమర్పు" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "అమరికలు" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "వీటిని మాత్రమే చూపించు:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN ఐచ్చికాలు" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "కొత్త పరికరమును జతచేయి" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ పై కనిపించునట్లు చేయి" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "మీ కంప్యూటర్ నుండి ఫైలును పంపండి" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "బ్లూటూత్ నిర్వాహక ప్యానల్" diff --git a/po/tg.po b/po/tg.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dc7bc99 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/tg.po @@ -0,0 +1,601 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# Victor Ibragimov , 2013, 2014, 2015 +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Tajik Gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-03-11 19:02+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-03-12 10:46+0500\n" +"Last-Translator: Victor Ibragimov \n" +"Language-Team: \n" +"Language: tg\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.5\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Барои интихоби дастгоҳ, зер кунед..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1195 ../sendto/main.c:423 +#: ../sendto/main.c:697 ../sendto/main.c:753 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Бекор кардан" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_OK" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Номаълум" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Ягон адаптер дастрас нест" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Дар ҳоли ҷустуҷӯи дастгоҳҳо..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Дастгоҳ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Навъ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1443 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Дастгоҳҳо" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Ҳамаи категорияҳо" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Ҷуфтдор" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Эътимоднок" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ҷуфтнашуда ё беэътибор" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ҷуштшуда ё боэътибор" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Намоиш додан:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Категорияи _дастгоҳ:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Интихоб кардани категорияи дастгоҳ барои филтркунӣ" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Навъи дастгоҳ:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Интихоб кардани навъи дастгоҳ барои филтркунӣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Дастгоҳҳои вурудӣ (микрофонҳо, клавиатураҳо ва ғайра)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Телефонҳо, гӯшмонакҳо ва дастгоҳҳои аудиоии дигар" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Рамзи PIN-и Bluetooth-ро тасдиқ кунед" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "Лутфан, рамзи PIN-ро, ки дар '%s' ворид шудааст, тасдиқ кунед." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:142 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Тасдиқ кардан" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"Рамзи PIN-и Bluetooth-ро барои '%s' тасдиқ кунед. Одатан, шумо метавонед " +"онро аз дастури дастгоҳ пайдо кунед." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "Ҷуфтсозии '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "" +"Лутфан, тасдиқ кунед, ки рамзи PIN-и намоишдода дар '%s' ба рамзи зерин " +"мувофиқат мекунад." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Дархости ҷуфтсозии Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"'%s' мехоҳад, ки ин дастгоҳро ҷуфт кунад. Барои ҷуфтсозӣ иҷозат медиҳед?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:119 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "Лутфан, рамзи PIN-и зеринро дар '%s' ворид кунед." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:122 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Лутфан, рамзи PIN-и зеринро дар '%s' ворид кунед. Баъд тугмаи “Enter”-ро дар " +"клавиатура пахш намоед." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Лутфан, ҷойстики iCade-и худро ба самтҳои зерин ҳаракат кунед. Баъд яке аз " +"тугмаҳои сафедро пахш кунед." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:132 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Иҷозат додан" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Рад кардан" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Бекор кардан" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:270 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Қабул кардан" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "Not Setup" +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Танзим нашудааст" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Пайваст шудааст" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Қатъ шудааст" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ҳа" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1069 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Не" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1164 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "Ҳамчун “%s” намоён аст" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1190 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "'%s'-ро аз рӯйхати дастгоҳҳо тоза мекунед?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Агар дастгоҳро тоза кунед, шумо бояд онро барои истифодаи оянда аз нав " +"танзим кунед." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1196 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Тоза кардан" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Ҳамаи намудҳо" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Телефон" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Компютер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Шабака" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Маҷмӯи гушмонак" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Гӯшмонакҳо" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Дастгоҳи аудиоӣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Клавиатура" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Муш" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Камера" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Принтер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Ҷойстики бозӣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Планшет" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Дастгоҳи видеоӣ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Идоракунии дурдаст" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Сканер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Намоиш" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Васлшаванда" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Бозӣ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Пайваст" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "саҳифаи 1" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "саҳифаи 2" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Суроға" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Танзимоти муш ва панели ламсӣ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Танзимоти садо" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Танзимоти клавиатура" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Фиристодани _файлҳо…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_Тоза кардани дастгоҳ" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Интиқолдиҳи тавассути Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Фиристодани файлҳо тавассути Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Хатогии номаълум ба вуҷуд омад." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d сония" +msgstr[1] "%'d сония" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d дақиқа" +msgstr[1] "%'d дақиқа" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d соат" +msgstr[1] "%'d соат" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "тахминан %'d соат" +msgstr[1] "тахминан %'d соат" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:476 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Пайваст шуда истодааст..." + +#: ../sendto/main.c:420 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Интиқолдиҳи тавассути Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:424 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Аз нав кӯшидан" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Аз:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:460 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Ба:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:553 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Фиристодани %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:560 ../sendto/main.c:609 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Фиристодани файл: %d аз %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:605 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d КБ/с" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:607 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d Б/с" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:638 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u интиқол ба анҷом расид" +msgstr[1] "%u интиқол ба анҷом расиданд" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:645 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Пӯшидан" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:655 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Хатогӣ ба вуҷуд омад" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:693 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Интихоб кардани дастгоҳ барои фиристониш" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:698 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Фиристодан" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:748 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Интихоб кардани файлҳо барои фиристониш" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:754 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Интихоб кардан" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:784 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Дастгоҳи дурдаст барои истифода" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:784 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "СУРОҒА" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Номи дастгоҳи дурдаст" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:786 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "НОМ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:805 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ФАЙЛ...]" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Тайёр" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "Лутфан, рамзи PIN-и зеринро дар 'Навори рамзҳо' ворид кунед:" + +#~| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN code entered on '%s':" +#~ msgstr "Лутфан, рамзи PIN-и дар '%s' воридшударо ворид кунед:" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Мутобиқаткунанда" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that you want to pair with '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Лутфан, тасдиқ кунед, ки мехоҳед бо '%s' ҷуфт созед" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Дстифода бурдани ин дастгоҳи GPS барои хидматҳои ҷойгиршавии ҷуғрофӣ" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Пайдо кардани дастраӣ ба Интернет тавассути телефони мобилӣ (санҷишӣ)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Лутфан, рамзи PIN-и зеринро ворид кунед:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Танзимкуни '%s' қатъ шудааст" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Пайвастшавӣ ба \"%s\"..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Лутфан, интизор шавед то ки танзими дастгоҳи '%s' ба анҷом расад..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Дастгоҳи нави '%s' бо муваффақият танзим шудааст" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Танзими дастгоҳи нави Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Имконоти PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Ҷустуҷӯи дастгоҳҳо" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Танзимоти дастгоҳ" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Анҷом додани танзимот" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Интихоб кардани хидматҳои иловагӣ барои истифода бурдан бо дастгоҳ:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Хулосаи танзимот" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Имконоти PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Интихоби PIN ба таври худкор" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN-и муқаррар" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (гӯшмонакҳо, микрофонҳо ва дастгоҳҳои GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Ҷуфт накардан" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN-и фармоишӣ:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Амалро аз нав такрор кунед" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_Баромад" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Мувофиқат намекунад" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Танзими дастгоҳи Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Танзим кардани дастгоҳҳои Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Мутмаин шавед, ки дастгоҳи дурдаст фаъол аст ва пайвастҳои Bluetooth-ро " +#~ "қабул мекунад" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Интиқолдиҳии файл" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Фиристодани файлҳо тавассути Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/th.po b/po/th.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b0b9b3e --- /dev/null +++ b/po/th.po @@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@ +# Thai translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Akom Chotiphantawanon , 2009-2015. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-25 07:57+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-12 12:38+0700\n" +"Last-Translator: Akom Chotiphantawanon \n" +"Language-Team: Thai \n" +"Language: th\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "คลิกเพื่อเลือกอุปกรณ์…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1254 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_ยกเลิก" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_ตกลง" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ไม่ทราบ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "ไม่มีอะแดปเตอร์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1541 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "กำลังค้นหาอุปกรณ์…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "อุปกรณ์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "ชนิด" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1503 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "อุปกรณ์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "ทุกประเภท" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "จับคู่แล้ว" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "เชื่อถือ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "ยังไม่จับคู่หรือไม่เชื่อถือ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "จับคู่แล้วหรือเชื่อถือ" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "แสดง:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_ประเภทอุปกรณ์:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "เลือกประเภทอุปกรณ์ที่จะกรอง" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_ชนิดอุปกรณ์:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "เลือกชนิดอุปกรณ์ที่จะกรอง" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "อุปกรณ์อินพุต (เมาส์ แป้นพิมพ์ เป็นต้น)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "หูฟัง ชุดหูฟัง และอุปกรณ์เสียงอื่น" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "ยืนยัน PIN บลูทูท" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "กรุณายืนยัน PIN ที่ป้อนไว้ที่ '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "ยืนยัน" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "ยืนยัน PIN บลูทูทสำหรับ '%s' ตามปกติสามารถหาได้ในคู่มือของอุปกรณ์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "การจับคู่กับ '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "กรุณายืนยันว่า PIN ต่อไปนี้ตรงกับที่แสดงในอุปกรณ์ '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "การขอจับคู่บลูทูท" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "'%s' ต้องการจับคู่กับอุปกรณ์นี้ คุณต้องการอนุญาตให้จับคู่หรือไม่?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "ยืนยันการเชื่อมต่อบลูทูท" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "'%s' ต้องการเชื่อมต่อกับอุปกรณ์นี้ คุณต้องการอนุญาตให้เชื่อมต่อหรือไม่?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "กรุณาป้อน PIN ต่อไปนี้ที่ '%s'" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "กรุณาป้อน PIN ต่อไปนี้ที่ '%s' แล้วกด “Enter” บนแป้นพิมพ์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "กรุณาเลื่อนก้านควบคุม iCade ของคุณในทิศทางต่อไปนี้ แล้วกดปุ่มสีขาวใดๆ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "อนุญาต" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "ไม่สนใจ" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "ยกเลิก" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "ยอมรับ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "ไม่ได้ตั้งค่า" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "เชื่อมต่ออยู่" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "ไม่ได้เชื่อมต่อ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1122 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "ใช่" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1122 +msgid "No" +msgstr "ไม่ใช่" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1222 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"มองเห็นเป็น “%s” และสามารถถ่ายโอนแฟ้มผ่านบลูทูทได้ แฟ้มที่ถ่ายโอนจะอยู่ในโฟลเดอร์ ดาวน์โหลด" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1249 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "ลบ '%s' ออกจากรายชื่ออุปกรณ์หรือไม่?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1251 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "ถ้าคุณลบอุปกรณ์นี้ คุณจะต้องตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ใหม่อีกครั้งก่อนใช้ครั้งต่อไป" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1255 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_ลบ" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "คุณได้รับ \"%s\" ผ่านบลูทูท" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "คุณได้รับแฟ้ม" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "เปิดแฟ้ม" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "แสดงแฟ้มในโฟลเดอร์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "การรับแฟ้มเสร็จสมบูรณ์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "การถ่ายโอนแฟ้มผ่านบลูทูทจาก %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "ปฏิเสธ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "ทุกชนิด" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "โทรศัพท์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "โมเด็ม" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "คอมพิวเตอร์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "เครือข่าย" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "ชุดหูฟัง" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "หูฟัง" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "อุปกรณ์เสียง" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "แป้นพิมพ์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "เมาส์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "กล้องถ่ายรูป" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "เครื่องพิมพ์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "จอยแพ็ด" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "แท็บเล็ต" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "อุปกรณ์วีดิทัศน์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "รีโมตคอนโทรล" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "สแกนเนอร์" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "จอแสดงผล" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "สวมใส่ได้" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "ของเล่น" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "การเชื่อมต่อ" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "ที่อยู่" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "ค่าตั้งเ_มาส์และทัชแพด" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "ค่าตั้งเ_สียง" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "ค่าตั้งแ_ป้นพิมพ์" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "ส่งแ_ฟ้ม…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "_ลบอุปกรณ์" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "ถ่ายโอนผ่านบลูทูท" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "ส่งแฟ้มทางบลูทูท" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดไม่ทราบสาเหตุ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "กรุณาตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจ ว่าอุปกรณ์อีกฝ่ายหนึ่งเปิดทำงานอยู่ และรับการเชื่อมต่อบลูทูท" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d วินาที" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d นาที" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d ชั่วโมง" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ประมาณ %'d ชั่วโมง" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "กำลังเชื่อมต่อ…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "การถ่ายโอนแฟ้มผ่านบลูทูท" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_ลองใหม่" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "จาก:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "ถึง:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "กำลังส่ง %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "กำลังส่งแฟ้มที่ %d จาก %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "ถ่ายโอนเสร็จสมบูรณ์ %u รายการ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "ปิ_ด" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาด" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "เลือกอุปกรณ์ที่จะรับการส่ง" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_ส่ง" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "เลือกแฟ้มที่จะส่ง" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "เลือก" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "อุปกรณ์อีกฝ่ายที่จะใช้" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "แอดเดรส" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "ชื่อของอุปกรณ์อีกฝ่าย" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "ชื่อ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[แฟ้ม...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "มองเห็นเป็น “%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "หน้า 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "หน้า 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "เรียบร้อย" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "กรุณาป้อน PIN ต่อไปนี้ที่ 'Foobar':" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "ใช้อุปกรณ์ GPS นี้กับบริการ Geolocation" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "เข้าถึงอินเทอร์เน็ตโดยใช้โทรศัพท์มือถือของคุณ (ทดสอบ)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "การจับคู่กับ '%s' ถูกยกเลิก" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "กรุณายืนยันว่า PIN ที่แสดงบน '%s' ตรงกันกับ PIN นี้" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "กรุณาป้อน PIN ต่อไปนี้:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "การตั้งค่า '%s' ไม่สำเร็จ" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "กำลังเชื่อมต่อไปยัง '%s'..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "กรุณารอสักครู่ขณะเสร็จสิ้นการตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ '%s' ..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ใหม่ '%s' สำเร็จแล้ว" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "การตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์บลูทูทชิ้นใหม่" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_ตัวเลือกของ PIN..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "ค้นหาอุปกรณ์" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "กำลังเสร็จสิ้นการตั้งค่า" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "เลือกบริการเสริมที่คุณต้องการใช้กับอุปกรณ์ของคุณ:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "สรุปการตั้งค่า" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "ตัวเลือกของ PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "เลือก PIN โดย_อัตโนมัติ" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN แบบตายตัว" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (ชุดหูฟัง เมาส์ และอุปกรณ์ GPS ส่วนใหญ่)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "ไม่ต้องจับคู่" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "รหัส PIN กำหนดเอง:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_ลองอีกครั้ง" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "_ออก" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ไม่ตรงกัน" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "ตรงกัน" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "กำลังเชื่อมต่อ..." + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "การถ่ายโอนแฟ้ม" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "การส่งแฟ้มทางบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "เปิดบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท: ปิด" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ปิดบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท: เปิด" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท: ปิดใช้" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "กำลังตัดการเชื่อมต่อ..." + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "ตัดการเชื่อมต่อ" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "เชื่อมต่อ" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "ส่งแฟ้ม..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "เรียกดูแฟ้ม..." + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "ดีบั๊ก" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- แอพเพล็ตบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "เรียก '%s --help' เพื่อดูตัวเลือกบรรทัดคำสั่งทั้งหมดที่ใช้ได้\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "แอพเพล็ตบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "กรุณาป้อน PIN ที่ระบุบนอุปกรณ์ %s" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "อนุญาตให้ '%s' เข้าถึงได้" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "อุปกรณ์ %s ต้องการเข้าถึงบริการ '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "อุปกรณ์บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "ป้อน PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "การยืนยันการจับคู่สำหรับ '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "ตรวจสอบ PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "การขอยืนยันสิทธิ์จาก %s" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "ตรวจสอบการยืนยันสิทธิ์" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "เครื่องมือจัดการบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "แอพเพล็ตจัดการบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท: การตรวจสอบ" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "มองเห็น" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ส่งแฟ้มไปยังอุปกรณ์..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ใหม่..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "ออก" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "อนุญาตให้เข้าถึงเ_สมอ" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_ปฏิเสธ" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_อนุญาต" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "ไ_ม่ตรงกัน" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_ตรงกัน" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "แ_สดงอักขระที่ป้อน" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดของการเขียนโปรแกรม: ไม่พบอุปกรณ์ในรายชื่อ" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "ไม่รองรับการถ่ายโอนแฟ้มผ่าน OBEX Push" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "เลือกอุปกรณ์ที่จะเรียกดู" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "เ_รียกดู" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "เลือกอุปกรณ์ที่จะเรียกดู" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "เรียกดูแฟ้มในอุปกรณ์ ..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ปรับแต่ง" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ไม่สำเร็จ" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "เกริ่นนำ" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "เลือกอุปกรณ์ที่คุณต้องการตั้งค่า" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าเสร็จสมบูรณ์แล้ว" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "การตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์บูลทูทชิ้นใหม่ จะพาคุณผ่านกระบวนการตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ที่รองรับบลูทูท " +#~ "เพื่อใช้กับคอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "อุปกรณ์จะต้องอยู่ภายในระยะ 10 เมตร จากเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ และ " +#~ "“มองเห็นได้” (บางครั้งเรียกว่า “เปิดให้ตรวจพบได้”) กรุณาตรวจสอบกับคู่มืออุปกรณ์หากมีข้อสงสัย" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "ยินดีต้อนรับสู่การตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์บลูทูทชิ้นใหม่" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "เรียกในโหมดทำงานเดี่ยว" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "พาเนลบลูทูท Moblin" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- พาเนลบลูทูท Moblin" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d ชั่วโมง" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d นาที" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d วินาที" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 วินาที" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "คอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณมองเห็นได้\n" +#~ "ผ่านบลูทูทเป็นเวลา %s" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "การจับคู่กับ %s ล้มเหลว" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "จับคู่" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "เรียกดู" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ไม่สำเร็จ" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "กลับไปยังรายชื่ออุปกรณ์" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "ค่าตั้ง" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "แสดงเฉพาะ:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "ตัวเลือกของ PIN" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "เพิ่มอุปกรณ์ใหม่" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "ทำให้มองเห็นได้ผ่านบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "ส่งแฟ้มจากคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "พาเนลจัดการบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "แสดงเฉพาะอุปกรณ์บลูทูทที่มี..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูทถูกปิดใช้งาน" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูทถูกปิดใช้งานโดยสวิตช์ฮาร์ดแวร์" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "ไม่พบอะแดปเตอร์บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "ความปรากฏเห็น" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "เรียกดูแฟ้ม..." + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "เปิดการปรับแต่งแป้นพิมพ์..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "เปิดการปรับแต่งเมาส์..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "เปิดการปรับแต่งเสียง..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท: เปิดใช้งาน" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "พลังงาน" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "เ_ปิดคอมพิวเตอร์ให้มองเห็นได้" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "ชื่อที่เข้าใจง่าย" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ชิ้นใ_หม่..." + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ไม่สามารถเปิดเครื่องมือปรับแต่ง \"การแบ่งปันแฟ้มส่วนตัว\"" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "กรุณาตรวจสอบว่าโปรแกรม \"แบ่งปันแฟ้มส่วนตัว\" ได้ติดตั้งอย่างถูกต้องแล้ว" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "แ_สดงไอคอนบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "คอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณไม่มีอะแดปเตอร์บลูทูทเสียบอยู่เลย" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "บลูทูทถูกปิดอยู่โดยสวิตช์บนคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณ" + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "เชื่อมต่อ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "ปรับแต่งบลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "แสดงรายชื่ออุปกรณ์ปัจจุบันที่รู้จัก" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "จะแสดงไอคอนแจ้งเหตุหรือไม่" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "จะแสดงไอคอนแจ้งเหตุหรือไม่" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "ข้อผิดพลาดของ GConf: %s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "ข้อผิดพลาดที่เหลือทั้งหมดแสดงไว้ในเทอร์มินัลเท่านั้น" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "เครื่องมือจัดการบลูทูทสำหรับเดสก์ท็อป GNOME" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "อาคม โชติพันธวานนท์ , 2552" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "โฮมเพจของ GNOME Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Unknown" +#~ msgstr "บลูทูท: ไม่ทราบ" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "ป้อนกุญแจรหัสผ่าน" + +#~ msgid "Verify passkey" +#~ msgstr "ตรวจสอบกุญแจรหัสผ่าน" + +#~ msgid "Known devices" +#~ msgstr "อุปกรณ์ที่ทราบ" + +#~ msgid "Successfully configured '%s'" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่า '%s' สำเร็จแล้ว" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +#~ msgstr "เครื่องมือช่วยตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์บลูทูท" + +#~ msgid "Setup Finished" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าเสร็จแล้ว" + +#~ msgid "S_earch" +#~ msgstr "_ค้นหา" + +#~ msgid "Authentication request" +#~ msgstr "การขอการยืนยันตัวบุคคล" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for device:" +#~ msgstr "การขอจับคู่สำหรับอุปกรณ์:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "ป้อนกุญแจรหัสผ่านเพื่อยืนยันตัวบุคคล:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request" +#~ msgstr "การขอคำยืนยัน" + +#~ msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "ยืนยันค่าสำหรับยืนยันตัวบุคคล:" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request" +#~ msgstr "การขอยืนยันสิทธิ์" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request for device:" +#~ msgstr "การขอยืนยันสิทธิ์สำหรับอุปกรณ์:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +#~ msgstr "การขอการยืนยันสำหรับ %s" + +#~ msgid "Please wait whilst '%s' is being paired" +#~ msgstr "กรุณารอขณะจับคู่กับ '%s'" + +#~ msgid "Additional setup" +#~ msgstr "ตั้งค่าเพิ่มเติม" + +#~ msgid "Setting up new device" +#~ msgstr "กำลังตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์ใหม่" + +#~ msgid "Error Occurred" +#~ msgstr "เกิดข้อผิดพลาด" diff --git a/po/tr.po b/po/tr.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4f4c466 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/tr.po @@ -0,0 +1,563 @@ +# Turkish translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# +# Baris Cicek , 2009, 2011. +# Osman Karagöz , 2012. +# Gökhan Gurbetoğlu , 2013. +# sabri ünal , 2014. +# Muhammet Kara , 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015. +# Emin Tufan Çetin , 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-16 00:05+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Emin Tufan Çetin \n" +"Language-Team: Turkish \n" +"Language: tr\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.6\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Aygıtı seçmek için tıkla…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_İptal" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Tamam" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Bilinmeyen" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Hiçbir bağdaştırıcı yok" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Aygıtlar aranıyor…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Aygıt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Tür" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Aygıtlar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Tüm kategoriler" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Eşleştirilmiş" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Güvenilir" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Eşleştirilmemiş veya güvenilmemiş" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Eşleştirilmiş veya güvenilir" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Göster:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Aygıt _kategorisi:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Süzülecek aygıt kategorisini seç" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "Aygıt _türü:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Süzülecek aygıt türünü seç" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Giriş aygıtları (fareler, klavyeler, vb.)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Kulaklıklar, mikrofonlu kulaklıklar ve diğer ses aygıtları" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Bluetooth PIN Kodunu Onayla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Lütfen “%s” üzerinde girilen PIN kodunu onaylayın." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Onayla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +#| "device's manual." +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"“%s” için Bluetooth PIN kodunu onaylayın. Bununla ilgili bilgiler genellikle " +"aygıtın kullanım kılavuzunda bulunur." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "“%s” eşleştiriliyor" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "" +"Lütfen aşağıdaki PIN kodunun “%s” üzerinde görülen ile eşleştiğini onaylayın." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Bluetooth Eşleştirme İsteği" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "" +"“%s” bu aygıtla eşleşmek istiyor. Eşleştirmeye izin vermek istiyor musunuz?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Bluetooth Bağlantısını Onayla" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +#| msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s” bu aygıta bağlanmak istiyor. İzin vermek istiyor musunuz?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Lütfen “%s” üzerinde aşağıdaki PIN kodunu girin." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +#| msgid "" +#| "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the " +#| "keyboard." +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Lütfen “%s” üzerinde aşağıdaki PIN kodunu girin. Sonra da klavyedeki " +"“Giriş” (Enter) tuşuna basın." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Lütfen iCade’inizin oyun çubuğunu aşağıdaki yönlerde hareket ettirin. Sonra " +"da beyaz düğmelerden herhangi birine basın." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "İzin ver" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Kapat" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "İptal" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Kabul et" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Kurulmamış" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Bağlı" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Bağlantı Kesik" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Evet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Hayır" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"“%s” olarak görünür ve Bluetooth dosya aktarımları için uygundur. Aktarılan " +"dosyalar İndirilenler klasörüne kaydedilir." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "“%s” aygıtlar listesinden kaldırılsın mı?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Eğer aygıtı kaldırırsanız, yeniden kullanmadan önce yeniden kurmanız gerekir." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Kaldır" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +#| msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bluetooth aracılığıyla “%s” dosyasını aldınız" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Bir dosya aldınız" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Dosyayı Aç" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Dosyayı Göster" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Dosya alımı tamamlandı" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "%s’den Bluetooth dosya aktarımı" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Reddet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Telefon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Bilgisayar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Ağ" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Kulaklıklı mikrofon" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Kulaklıklar" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Ses aygıtı" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Klavye" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Fare" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Fotoğraf makinesi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Yazıcı" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Joypad" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Tablet" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Video aygıtı" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Uzaktan kumanda" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Tarayıcı" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Ekran" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Giyilebilir" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Oyuncak" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Tüm türler" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Bağlantı" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Adres" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "_Fare ve Dokunmatik Yüzey Ayarları" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "_Ses Ayarları" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "_Klavye Ayarları" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "_Dosya Gönder…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Aygıtı Kaldı_r" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth Aktarımı" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Dosyaları Bluetooth ile gönder" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Bilinmeyen bir hata oluştu" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Uzak aygıtın açık olduğuna ve Bluetooth bağlantılarını kabul ettiğine emin " +"olun" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d saniye" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d dakika" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d saat" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "yaklaşık %'d saat" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Bağlanılıyor…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Bluetooth Dosya Aktarımı" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Yeniden Dene" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Gönderen:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Alıcı:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s gönderiliyor" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "%2$d dosyadan %1$d. gönderiliyor" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u aktarım tamamlandı" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Kapat" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Bir hata oluştu" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Gönderilecek aygıtı seçin" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Gönder" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Gönderilecek dosyaları seçin" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Seç" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Kullanılacak uzaktaki aygıt" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ADRES" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +#| msgid "Remote device's name" +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Uzaktaki aygıtın adı" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "AD" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +#| msgid "[FILE...]" +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[DOSYA…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "“%s” olarak görünür" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "sayfa 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "sayfa 2" diff --git a/po/ug.po b/po/ug.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53e3ce4 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/ug.po @@ -0,0 +1,801 @@ +# Uyghur translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. +# Sahran , 2010. +# OmarjanTk , 2010. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-09 14:44+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-08 17:40+0600\n" +"Last-Translator: Sahran \n" +"Language-Team: Uyghur Computer Science Association \n" +"Language: ug\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "چېكىلسە ئۈسكۈنە تاللىنىدۇ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "نامەلۇم" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "ئىشلەتكىلى بولىدىغان ماسلاشتۇرغۇچ يوق" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە ئىزدەۋاتىدۇ..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "تىپى" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "ئۈسكۈنىلەر" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "بارلىق كاتېگورىيەلەر" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "جۈپلەنگەن" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "ئىشەنچلىك" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "جۈپلەنمىگەن ياكى ئىشەنچسىز" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "جۈپلەنگەن ياكى ئىشەنچلىك" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "كۆرسەت:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە كاتېگورىيىسى(_C):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "سۈزىدىغان ئۈسكۈنە كاتېگورىيەسىنى تاللايدۇ" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە تىپى(_T):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "سۈزىدىغان ئۈسكۈنە تىپىنى تاللايدۇ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "كىرگۈزۈش ئۈسكۈنىسى (مىكروفون،ھەرپ تاختا قاتارلىقلار)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "تىڭشىغۇچ، تىڭشىغۇچ-مىكروفون ۋە باشقا ئاۋاز ئۈسكۈنىسى" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "بارلىق تىپلار" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "تېلېفون" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "مودېم" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "كومپيۇتېر" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "تور" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "تىڭشىغۇچ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "تىڭشىغۇچ" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "ئاۋاز ئۈسكۈنىسى" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "ھەرپتاختا" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "چاشقىنەك" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "كامېرا" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "پرىنتېر" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "قول" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "سەزگۈر تاختا" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "ئاۋاز ئۈسكۈنىسى" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Geolocation مۇلازىمىتى ئۈچۈن بۇ GPS نى ئىشلەت" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "كۆچمە تېلېفونىڭىزنى ئىشلىتىپ تور زىيارەت قىلىڭ (سىناق)" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:242 ../wizard/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "‹%s› بىلەن جۈپلىنىش بىكار قىلىندى" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:283 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "‹%s› دا كۆرسىتىلگەن PIN مۇشۇنىڭغا ماس كېلەمدۇ جەزملەڭ." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:337 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "تۆۋەندىكى PIN نومۇرىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:425 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "‹%s› نى تەڭشەش مەغلۇپ بولدى" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:479 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "‹%s› بىلەن باغلىنىۋاتىدۇ..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "‹%s›غا تۆۋەندىكى PIN نومۇرىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:522 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "‹%s› غا تۆۋەندىكى PIN نومۇرىنى كىرگۈزۈپ ھەرپتاختىدىكى “Enter” نى بىسىڭ:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:527 +msgid "Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions:" +msgstr "مەزكۇر iCade نىڭ تۇتقۇچىنى تۆۋەندىكى يۆنىلىشكە يۆتكەڭ:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:559 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "‹%s› نى تەڭشەش ھازىرلا تۈگەيدۇ،سەل ساقلاڭ..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "يېڭى ئۈسكۈنە ‹%s› مۇۋەپپەقىيەتلىك تەڭشەلدى" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "كۆكچىش يېڭى ئۈسكۈنىسىنى تەڭشەش" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "PIN تاللانمىلىرى(_O)..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 +#| msgid "Device search" +msgid "Device Search" +msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە ئىزدەش" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە تەڭشەش" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 +#| msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgid "Finishing Setup" +msgstr "تەڭشەشنى تاماملاش" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "ئۈسكىنىڭىز ئۈچۈن ئىشلىتىدىغان قوشۇمچە مۇلازىمەتنى تاللاڭ:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Setup Summary" +msgstr "تەڭشەش خۇلاسىسى" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "PIN تاللانمىلىرى" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "PIN نومۇرىنى ئاپتوماتىك تاللا(_A)" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "مۇقىم PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (كۆپ ساندىكى تىڭشىغۇچ، چاشقىنەك ۋە GPS ئۈسكۈنىسى)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:13 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "جۈپلىمە" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:16 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "ئۆزى بەلگىلىگەن PIN نومۇرى:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 +msgid "_Try Again" +msgstr "قايتا سىنا(_T)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 +#| msgid "Quit" +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "ئاخىرلاشتۇر(_Q)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "ئەمەلدىن قالدۇر(_C)" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "ماسلاشمىدى" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "تېپىلغانلىرى" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "كۆكچىش ئۈسكۈنىسىنى تەڭشەش" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "كۆكچىش ئۈسكۈنىلىرىنى تەڭشەش پروگراممىسى" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:151 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d سېكۇنت" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:156 ../sendto/main.c:169 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d مىنۇت" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d سائەت" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "تەخمىنەن %'d سائەت" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:192 ../sendto/main.c:292 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "باغلىنىۋاتىدۇ…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:231 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "ھۆججەت يوللاش" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:234 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "قايتا سىنا(_R)" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "كۆكچىش بىلەن ھۆججەت يوللاش" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:265 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "ئەۋەتكۈچى:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:277 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "خەت تاپشۇرۇۋالغۇچى:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:321 ../sendto/main.c:339 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "نامەلۇم خاتالىق يۈز بەردى" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:332 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "يىراقتىكى ئۈسكۈنىنىڭ كۆكچىش ئىقتىدارىنى ئېچىڭ ھەمدە كۆكچىش باشلىنىشىنى قوبۇل قىلىدىغانلىقىنى جەزملەڭ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:430 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "%s غا يوللاۋاتىدۇ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:437 ../sendto/main.c:508 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "ھۆججەت يوللاۋاتىدۇ %d / %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:504 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:506 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d بايت/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:639 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "يوللايدىغان ئۈسكۈنىنى تاللاڭ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:644 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "يوللا(_S)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:688 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "يوللايدىغان ھۆججەتنى تاللاڭ" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:691 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "تاللا" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:717 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "يىراقتىكى ئۈسكىنىنى ئىشلەت" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:717 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ئادرېسى" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:719 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "يىراقتىكى ئۈسكۈنە ئىسمى" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:719 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "NAME" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ھۆججەت…]" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "كۆكچىش ئۇزىتىشى" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "كۆكچىش بىلەن ھۆججەت يوللاش پروگراممىسى" + +#~ msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +#~ msgstr "'%s' نى ئۈسكۈنە قاتارىدىن ئۆچۈرسۇنمۇ؟" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next " +#~ "use." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ئەگەر سىز بۇ ئۈسكىنىنى ئۆچۈرۈۋەتسىڭىز،كىيىن ئىشلەتكەندە قايتا تەڭشەش " +#~ "زۆرۈر بولىدۇ." + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "پەقەت كۆكچىش ئىقتىدارى بولغان ئۈسكۈنىنىلا كۆرسەت..." + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "كۆرىدىغان ئۈسكىنىنى تاللاڭ" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "كۆز يۈگۈرت(_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "كۆرىدىغان ئۈسكىنىنى تاللايدۇ" + +#~ msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىشنى ئاچ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش:تاقاق" + +#~ msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىشنى تاقا" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش:ئوچۇق" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش: ئىناۋەتسىز" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "ئۈزۈۋاتىدۇ…" + +#~ msgid "Connected" +#~ msgstr "باغلاندى" + +#~ msgid "Disconnected" +#~ msgstr "ئۈزۈلدى" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "ئۈز" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "باغلان" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "ھۆججەت يوللاۋاتىدۇ..." + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "ھۆججەتكە كۆز يۈگۈرت..." + +#~ msgid "Keyboard Settings" +#~ msgstr "ھەرپتاختا تەڭشىكى" + +#~ msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +#~ msgstr "چاشقىنەك ۋە سېزىمچان تاختا تەڭشىكى" + +#~ msgid "Sound Settings" +#~ msgstr "ئاۋاز تەڭشىكى" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "سازلا" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- كۆكچىش قوللانچىقى" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "'%s --help' ئىجرا قىلىپ بۇيرۇق قۇرىنىڭ تولۇق تاللانما تىزىمىنى كۆرۈڭ.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش قوللانچىقى" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش" + +#~ msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە'%s' كومپيۇتېر بىلەن جۈپلەنمەكچى" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "%s ئۈسكۈنىسىدە يوللىغان PIN نومۇرىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ." + +#~ msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "سىز كىرگۈزگەن PIN '%s' نومۇرى %s دا كىرگۈزگەن نومۇر بىلەن " +#~ "ئوخشايدىغانلىقىنى جەزملەڭ." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "%s نى زىيارەت قىلىشقا يول قويامسىز؟" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە %s مۇلازىمەت %s نى زىيارەت قىلماقچى." + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "%s دىن كەلگەن جۈپلەش ئىلتىماسى" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش ئۈسكۈنىسى" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN نومۇرىنى كىرگۈزۈڭ" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "%s دىن كەلگەن جۈپلەش ئىلتىماسىنى جەزملەش" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "PINنى تەكشۈر" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "'%s' تىن كەلگەن دەلىللەش ئىلتىماسى" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "ھوقۇق تەكشۈرۈش" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش باشقۇرغۇچىسى" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش باشقۇرۇش پروگراممىسى" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش: تەكشۈرۈۋاتىدۇ" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكىنىدىكى ھۆججەتنى كۆرۈش..." + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "مايىللىق" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكىنىگە ھۆججەت يوللاش..." + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "يېڭى ئۈسكىنىنى تەڭشەش" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "كۆرۈنۈشچان" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "ھەمىشە زىيارەتكە رۇخسەت(_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "رۇخسەت(_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "رەت قىل(_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "جۈپلىمە(_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "جۈپلە(_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "كىرگۈزگەننى كۆرسەت(_S)" + +#~ msgid "Yes" +#~ msgstr "ھەئە" + +#~ msgid "No" +#~ msgstr "ياق" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش ئىناۋەتسىز قىلىندى" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش قاتتىق ئۈزچات تەرىپىدىن چەكلەنگەن" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش ماسلاشتۇرغۇچىسى تېپىلمىدى" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "كۆرۈشچانلىقى" + +#~ msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +#~ msgstr "«%s» نىڭ كۆرۈنۈشچانلىقى" + +#~ msgid "Address" +#~ msgstr "ئادرېس" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "ھۆججەتكە كۆز يۈگۈرت..." + +#~ msgid "Connection" +#~ msgstr "باغلىنىش" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش" + +#~ msgid "Send Files..." +#~ msgstr "ھۆججەت يوللاۋاتىدۇ..." + +#~ msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش تەڭشىكىنى تەڭشەش" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە تەڭشەش مەغلۇپ بولدى" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "تونۇشتۇرۇش" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "تەڭشەيدىغان ئۈسكۈنىنى تاللاڭ" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "تەڭشەش تاماملاندى" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "مەزكۇر قاچىلاش يېتەكچىسى كومپيۇتېرىڭىزدا كۆكچىش ئىقتىدارى بولغان " +#~ "ئۈسكىنىنى تەڭشەشكە ياردەم قىلىدۇ." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "بۇ ئۈسكۈنە چوقۇم كومپيۇتېرىڭىزدىكى 10 مېتىر دائىرە ئىچىدە بۆلىشى كېرەك،" +#~ "ھەمدە \"كۆرگىلى بولىدۇ\" ھالىتىدە تۇرۇشى كېرەك." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "يېڭى كۆكچىش ئۈسكۈنىسىنى تەڭشەشكە كەلگىنىڭىزگە مەرھابا" + +#~ msgid "_Close" +#~ msgstr "ياپ(_C)" + +#~ msgid "_Restart Setup" +#~ msgstr "قاچىلاش پروگراممىسىنى قايتا قوزغات(_R)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "پروگرامما خاتالىقى: تىزىمدىكى ئۈسكىنىنى تاپالمىدى" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Obex ھۆججەت ئۇزىتىشنى قوللىمايدۇ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "مۇستەقىل ھالىتىدە ئىجرا قىل" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin كۆكچىش تاختىسى" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin كۆكچىش تاختىسى -" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d سائەت" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d مىنۇت" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d سېكۇنت" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 سېكۇنت" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "كومپيۇتېرىڭىز\n" +#~ "كۆكچىش %s دا كۆرۈنىدۇ." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "%s بىلەن جۈپلەش مەغلۇپ بولدى." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "جۈپ" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "كۆز يۈگۈرت" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە تەڭشەش مەغلۇپ بولدى" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكىنىگە قايتىش" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "تامام" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "ئۈسكۈنە تەڭشەش" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "تەڭشەكلەر" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "پەقەتلا كۆرۈنىدۇ:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN تاللانمىسى" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "يېڭى ئۈسكۈنە قوشۇش" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىشتا كۆرۈنسۇن" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "كومپيۇتېرىڭىزدىن ھۆججەت يوللايدۇ" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش باشقۇرۇش تاختىسى" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ھەرپتاختا مايىللىقىنى ئاچ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "چاشقىنەك مايىللىقىنى ئاچ..." + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "ئاۋاز مايىللىقىنى ئاچ..." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "كۆكچىش: ئىناۋەتلىك" diff --git a/po/uk.po b/po/uk.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..effaba2 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/uk.po @@ -0,0 +1,996 @@ +# Ukrainian translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Oleksandr Kovalenko , 2009. +# Kyrylo Polezhajev , 2009. +# wanderlust , 2009. +# Daniel Korostil , 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: bluez-gnome\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-03-04 15:07+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-03-04 15:12+0300\n" +"Last-Translator: Daniel Korostil \n" +"Language-Team:\n" +"Language: uk\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && " +"n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" +"X-Poedit-Language: Ukrainian\n" +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Натисніть, щоб вибрати пристрій…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1255 ../sendto/main.c:447 +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 ../sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Скасувати" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "_Гаразд" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Невідомо" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Немає доступних адаптерів" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1544 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Пошук пристроїв…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Пристрій" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Тип" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1506 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Пристрої" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Всі категорії" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Пов'язані" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Довірені" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Непов'язані або недостовірні" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Пов'язані або довірені" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Показ:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Категорія пристрою:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Виберіть категорію пристрою для фільтрування" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Тип пристрою:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Виберіть тип пристрою для фільтрування" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Пристрої вводу (миша, клавіатура тощо.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Навушники, гарнітури та інші аудіопристрої" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Підтвердьте Bluetooth PIN" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "Підтвердьте код PIN, який уведено на «%s»." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Підтвердити" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "" +"Підтвердьте Bluetooth PIN для «%s». Це зазвичай вказано в посібнику пристрою." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "Пов'язання «%s»" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "Підтвердьте, що код PIN збігається з показаним на «%s»." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Запит на пов'язання Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "«%s» бажає пов'язатись з цим пристроєм. Дозволити пов'язання?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Підтвердьте з'єднання Bluetooth" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "«%s» бажає зв'язатись з цим пристроєм. Дозволити?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "Введіть цей PIN на пристрої «%s»." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Введіть цей PIN на пристрої «%s». Потім натисніть «Return» на клавіатурі." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Перемістіть джойстик вашого iCade у ці напрямки. Потім натисніть будь-яку з " +"білих кнопок." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Дозволити" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Відкинути" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Скасувати" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Схвалити" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui.h:1 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Не налаштовано" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "З'єднано" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Роз'єднано" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1123 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Так" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1123 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Ні" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1223 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Видимий як «%s» і доступний для передавання файлів через Bluetooth. " +"Передавання відбувається через теку Звантаження." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1250 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Вилучити «%s» з переліку пристроїв?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1252 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Якщо вилучите цей пристрій, перед наступним використанням потрібно буде " +"встановити його знову." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1256 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "В_идалити" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received \"%s\" via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Через Bluetooth одержано файл «%s»" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Одержано файл" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Відкрити файл" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Показати файл" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Одержання файла завершено" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Передавання файлів через Bluetooth від %s" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Відхилити" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Всі типи" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Телефон" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Модем" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Комп'ютер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Мережа" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Гарнітура" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Навушники" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Аудіопристрій" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Клавіатура" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Миша" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Камера" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Принтер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Джойстик" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Планшет" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Відеопристрій" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Віддалене керування" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Сканер" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Екран" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Придатний" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Іграшка" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "З'єднання" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Адреса" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Параметри ми_ші та сенсорного пристрою" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Параметри _звуку" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Параметри _клавіатури" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Надіслати _файли…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "В_илучити носій" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Передача файлів через Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Надіслати файли через Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Трапилась невідома помилка" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Переконайтеся, що віддалений пристрій увімкнено та приймає з'єднання " +"Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d секунда" +msgstr[1] "%'d секунди" +msgstr[2] "%'d секунд" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:368 ../sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d хвилина" +msgstr[1] "%'d хвилини" +msgstr[2] "%'d хвилин" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d година" +msgstr[1] "%'d години" +msgstr[2] "%'d годин" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "приблизно %'d година" +msgstr[1] "приблизно %'d години" +msgstr[2] "приблизно %'d годин" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:402 ../sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "З'єднання…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Передавання файлів через Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Повторити" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Від:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "До:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Надсилання %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:584 ../sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Надсилання файла %d з %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d КБ/с" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d Б/с" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u передачу завершено" +msgstr[1] "%u передачі завершено" +msgstr[2] "%u передач завершено" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Закрити" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Виникла помилка" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Виберіть пристрій, якому надіслати" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Надіслати " + +#: ../sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Виберіть файли, які потрібно надіслати" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Вибрати" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Використати віддалений пристрій" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "АДРЕСА" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Назва віддаленого пристрою" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "НАЗВА" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[ФАЙЛ…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Показується як «%s»" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "сторінка 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "сторінка 2" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "Завершено" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Використовувати цей пристрій GPS для служби визначення місця розташування" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Доступ до інтернету за допомогою вашого мобільного телефону (test)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "Пов'язання з «%s» скасовано" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "Підтвердьте, що PIN, показаний на пристрої «%s» збігається з цим." + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Введіть такий PIN:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Помилка при налаштуванні пристрою «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "З'єднання з «%s»…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Дочекайтесь закінчення встановлення пристрою «%s»…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Пристрій «%s» успішно встановлено" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Налаштовування нового пристрою Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Параметри PIN…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Пошук пристроїв" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Встановлення пристроїв" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Завершення налаштування" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Виберіть додаткові служби, які ви бажаєте використовувати з вашим " +#~ "пристроєм:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Підсумок параметрів" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Параметри PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Автоматичний вибір PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "Фіксований PIN" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (більшість гарнітур, мишей та пристроїв GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Не пов'язувати" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Вказаний користувачем PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Спробувати знову" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "Ви_йти" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Не збігаються" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Збігаються" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Налаштовування пристрою Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Налаштувати пристрої Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "З'єднання…" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Увімкнути Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Вимкнено" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Вимкнути Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Увімкнено" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Недоступно" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "Роз'єднання…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "Роз'єднати" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "З'єднати" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "Надіслати файли…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "Оглянути файли…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "Зневадження" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "— Програма керування Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Введіть «%s --help», щоб подивитися повний список доступних параметрів " +#~ "командного рядка.\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "Програма керування Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "Введіть код PIN для пристрою %s." + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Надати доступ «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "Пристрій %s вимагає отримати доступ до служби «%s»." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "Пристрій Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "Введіть PIN" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Підтвердження для пов'язання з «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "Перевіряння PIN" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Запит на авторизацію від «%s»" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "Перевірка авторизації" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "Програма керування Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Перевіряння" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "Видимий" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "Надіслати файли до пристрою…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "Встановити новий пристрій…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "Параметри Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "Вийти" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "Завжди надавати _доступ" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "_Відхилити" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "_Надати доступ" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "_Не збігаються" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "_Збігаються" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "_Показувати ввід" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "Передача файлів" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Надсилання файлів через Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "Помилка у програмі: не вдалось знайти пристрій у списку" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "Передачі типу Obex Push не підтримуються" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d КБ/с" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "Показувати тільки пристрої Bluetooth з…" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "Виберіть пристрій для перегляду" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "П_ереглянути" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "Виберіть пристрій для перегляду" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "Оглянути файли на пристрої…" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "Параметри" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth недоступний" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth недоступний апаратно" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "Не знайдено жодного адаптера Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "Видимість" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "Оглянути файли…" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "Не вдалось налаштувати пристрої " + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "Вступ" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "Виберіть пристрій, який ви бажаєте налаштувати" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "Встановлення завершено" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Майстер налаштовування пристроїв допоможе налаштувати пристрій Bluetooth, " +#~ "для використання його з цим комп'ютером." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Пристрій повинен бути в радіусі 10 метрів від комп'ютера і бути у стані " +#~ "«видимий». Якщо потрібно, перевірте посібник користувача для вашого " +#~ "пристрою." + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "Ласкаво просимо до майстра встановлення нових пристроїв Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "Запустити у самостійному режимі" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Панель Moblin Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "— Панель Moblin Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d година" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d години" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d годин" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d хвилина" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d хвилини" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d хвилин" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d секунда" +#~ msgstr[1] "%d секунди" +#~ msgstr[2] "%d секунд" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 секунд" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ваш комп'ютер видимий через \n" +#~ "Bluetooth для %s." + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "Не вдалось пов'язатись із %s." + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Пов'язані" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Огляд" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "Не вдалось налаштувати пристрій" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "Назад до списку пристроїв" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "Встановлення пристрою" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "Параметри" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "Показувати лише:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "Параметри PIN" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "Додати пристрій" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "Зробити видимим через Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "Надіслати файл з вашого комп'ютера" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "Панель менеджера Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Відкрити налаштування клавіатури…" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Відкрити налаштування миші…" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "Відкрити налаштування звуку…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth: Доступно" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "Живлення" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "Вивести список відомих пристроїв" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "Зробити комп'ютер _видимим" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "Дружня назва" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "Встановити _новий пристрій..." + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Не вдається запустити параметри \"Спільний доступ до особистих файлів\"" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Перевірте, що програму \"Спільний доступ до особистих файлів\" " +#~ "встановлено коректно." + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "Показувати _значок Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "На вашому комп'ютері не знайдено жодного адаптера Bluetooth." + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "Bluetooth вимкнено перемикачем на комп'ютері." + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "Пара" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "З'єднати" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "Переглянути" diff --git a/po/vi.po b/po/vi.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2f511da --- /dev/null +++ b/po/vi.po @@ -0,0 +1,622 @@ +# Vietnamese translation of gnome-bluetooth. +# Bản dịch tiếng Việt dành cho gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2015 GNOME i18n Project for Vietnamse +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Bùi Xuân Dương , 2009. +# Nguyễn Thái Ngọc Duy , 2012. +# Trần Ngọc Quân , 2013-2014, 2015, 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-09-02 12:59+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-09-04 15:03+0700\n" +"Last-Translator: Trần Ngọc Quân \n" +"Language-Team: Vietnamese \n" +"Language: vi\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Gtranslator 2.91.7\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "Dùng chuột để chọn thiết bị…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "T_hôi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "Đồn_g ý" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Không biết" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Không có bộ điều hợp" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "Đang tìm thiết bị…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Thiết bị" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Kiểu" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Thiết bị" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Mọi chủng loại" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Đã kết đôi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Tin cậy" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Không kết nối hoặc tin cậy" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Đã kết nối hoặc tin cậy" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Hiện:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "_Chủng loại thiết bị:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Chọn kiểu thiết bị để lọc" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "_Kiểu thiết bị:" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Chọn kiểu thiết bị để lọc" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Thiết bị nhập liệu (con chuột, bàn phím, v.v..)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Tai nghe và các thiết bị âm thanh khác" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "Xác nhận PIN Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "Vui lòng xác nhận mã PIN cái đã nhập vào trên “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "Xác nhận" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "" +"Xác nhận mã PIN Bluetooth cho “%s”. Cái này bạn có thể tìm thấy trên quyển " +"sổ hướng dẫn sử dụng của thiết bị." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "Ghép đôi “%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "Vui lòng xác nhận mã PIN khớp với cái hiển thị trên “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "Yêu cầu kết đôi Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "“%s” muốn kết đôi với thiết bị này. Bạn có cho kết đôi không?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "Xác nhận kết nối Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s” muốn kết nối với thiết bị này. Bạn có cho phép nó không?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "Vui lòng điền mã PIN sau đây vào “%s”." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "" +"Vui lòng điền mã PIN sau đây trên “%s”. Rồi nhấn “Enter” trên bàn phím." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "" +"Vui lòng di chuyển cần điều khiển iCade của bạn theo theo hướng sau. Sau đó " +"bấm bất kỳ phím trắng nào." + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "Cho phép" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "Gạt bỏ" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "Hủy bỏ" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "Chấp nhận" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "Chưa cài đặt" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Đã kết nối" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Chưa kết nối" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Có" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Không" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"Xuất hiện như là “%s” và sẵn sàng cho truyền các tập tin qua Bluetooth. Các " +"tập tin đã truyền được đặt ở trong thư mục Tải về." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Xóa “%s” ra khỏi danh sách thiết bị?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Nếu bạn gỡ bỏ thiết bị, bạn sẽ phải cài đặt lại nó khi dùng nó lần sau." + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Xóa bỏ" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Bạn đã nhận \"%s\" thông qua Bluetooth" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "Bạn đã nhận một tập tin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "Mở tập tin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "Hiện tập tin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "Hoàn tất nhận tập tin" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "Truyền tập tin qua Bluetooth từ %s" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "Từ chối" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Điện thoại" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Modem" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Máy tính" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Mạng" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Tai nghe đàm thoại" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Tai nghe" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Thiết bị âm thanh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Bàn phím" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Chuột" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Máy ảnh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Máy in" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "Tay chơi game" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "Máy tính bảng" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Thiết bị phim ảnh" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "Điều khiển từ xa" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "Máy quét" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "Màn hình" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "Mang được" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "Đồ chơi" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Mọi kiểu" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Kết nối" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Địa chỉ" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Cài đặt Ch_uột & Touchpad" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "Cài đặt Â_m thanh" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Cài đặt _Bàn phím" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "Gửi _tập tin…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "Đĩa _di động" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Truyền Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Gửi tập tin thông qua Bluetooth" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Đã gặp lỗi không xác định" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "Kiểm tra thiết bị từ xa đã bật và chấp nhận kết nối Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d giây" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d phút" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d giờ" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "khoảng %'d giờ" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "Đang kết nối…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "Truyền tập tin qua Bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Thử lại" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Từ:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Đến:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Đang gửi %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Đang gửi %d / %d tập tin" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "đã truyền xong %u" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Đón_g" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "Đã có lỗi xảy ra" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Chọn thiết bị để gửi đến" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Gửi" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Chọn tập tin để gửi" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Chọn" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Thiết bị từ xa sẽ dùng" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "ĐỊA_CHỈ" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "Tên của thiết bị từ xa" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "TÊN" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[TẬP TIN…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "Nhìn thấy là “%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "trang 1" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "trang 2" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "Dùng thiết bị GPS này cho dịch vụ Geolocation (Định vị toàn cầu)" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "Truy cập Internet bằng điện thoại di động (thử nghiệm)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "Hãy điền PIN sau:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "Cài đặt “%s” không thành công" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Đang kết nối tới “%s”…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "Vui lòng chờ hoàn tất cài đặt trên thiết bị “%s”…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "Cài đặt thiết bị mới “%s” thành công" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Cài đặt thiết bị Bluetooth mới" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "_Tùy chọn PIN…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "Tìm thiết bị" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Cài đặt thiết bị" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "Hoàn tất cài đặt" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "Chọn các dịch vụ dùng cùng với thiết bị:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "Tóm tắt thiết lập" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "Tùy chọn PIN" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "_Tự động chọn PIN" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "PIN cố định" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "“0000” (dùng được với hầu hết các tai nghe, chuột và thiết bị GPS)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "“1111”" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "“1234”" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "Không cặp" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "PIN tự chọn:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "_Thử lại" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "T_hoát" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "Không khớp" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "Khớp" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "Cài đặt thiết bị Bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "Cài đặt thiết bị Bluetooth" diff --git a/po/xh.po b/po/xh.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2674e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/xh.po @@ -0,0 +1,848 @@ +# Xhosa translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2011 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Andiswa Mvanyashe , 2011, 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-22 02:00+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-01 12:28+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Andiswa Mvanyashe \n" +"Language-Team:\n" +"Language: xh\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Cofa ukukhetha isixhobo..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:136 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:89 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Engaziwayo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:177 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Akukho adaptha efumanekayo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:181 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:845 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Ikhangela izixhobo..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:721 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:1030 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Isixhobo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:757 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Chwetheza" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:1032 ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1404 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1514 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Izixhobo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Zonke iintlobo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Idityanisiwe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Ithenjiwe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Ayidityaniswanga okanye ayithenjwanga" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Idityanisiwe oknaye ithenjiwe" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "Bonisa:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "U_hlobo lesixhobo:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Khetha uhlobo lwenqubo luza kuhluza" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "U_hlobo lwesixhobo:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Khetha uhlobo lwesixhobo esiza kuhluza" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Izixhobo ezinika igalelo (impuku, ibhodi yamaqhosha, njalo-njalo.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Ifini-yentloko, ihediseti kunye nezinye izixhobo zelizwi" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:58 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Zonke iintlobo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:60 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Ifowni" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:62 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "I-modem" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:64 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ikhompuyutha" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:66 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Umsebenzi wothungelwano" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:69 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "Ihediseti" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:71 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Ifoni-yentloko" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:73 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Izixhobo ezinesandi" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:75 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Ibhodi yamaqhosha" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:77 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Impuku" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:79 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Ikhamera" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:81 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "Isishicileli" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:83 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "I-joypad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:85 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "I-tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:87 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Isixhobo sevidiyo" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Sebenzisa esi sixhobo seGPS kumsebenzi we-Geolocation" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Ngena kwi-inthanethi usebenzisa iselula yakho (vavanya)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:118 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Khetha isixhobo sokukhangela" + +#: ../applet/main.c:122 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_Khangela" + +#: ../applet/main.c:131 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Khetha isixhobo sokukhangela" + +#: ../applet/main.c:281 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Layita i-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:282 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: yicime" + +#: ../applet/main.c:285 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Cima i-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:286 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: yilayite" + +#: ../applet/main.c:291 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: imisiwe" + +#: ../applet/main.c:438 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Ukuqhawuka konxulumano..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:441 ../sendto/main.c:206 ../sendto/main.c:308 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Iyanxulumana..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:444 ../applet/main.c:727 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Unxulumene" + +#: ../applet/main.c:447 ../applet/main.c:727 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Uqhawukile" + +#: ../applet/main.c:745 ../applet/main.c:809 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Nqamla uxhulumaniso" + +#: ../applet/main.c:745 ../applet/main.c:809 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1002 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Nxulumanisa" + +#: ../applet/main.c:758 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Ithumela iifayile..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:768 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Khangela iifayile..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:779 +msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Izicwangciso zebhodi yamaqhosha" + +#: ../applet/main.c:787 +msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Imimmiselo yempuku kunye nepadi ephathwayo" + +#: ../applet/main.c:797 +msgid "Sound Settings" +msgstr "Imimiselo yesandi" + +#: ../applet/main.c:850 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Cokisa" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:869 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- I-Bluetooth applet" + +#: ../applet/main.c:874 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Sebenzisa '%s----help' lokufumana uluhlu olukhoyo lomyalelo weenketho " +"zelayini.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:900 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth applet" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:122 ../moblin/main.c:129 ../moblin/main.c:141 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:196 ../applet/agent.c:265 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "Isixhobo u-'%s' sifuna ukudibana nekhompuyutha" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Nceda ufake i-PIN echazwe kwisixhobo %s." + +#: ../applet/agent.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Nceda uqinisekise uku i-PIN '%s' iyadibana nale ekwisixhobo %s." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Nikeza ungeniso ku '%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:319 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "Isixhobo u-%s sifuna ukungena kumsbenzi we-'%s'." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Isicelo sokudibana sika-'%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:371 ../applet/agent.c:404 ../applet/agent.c:434 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Isixhobo se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:372 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Faka i-PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:396 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Ukudibanisa izivumelwano zika-'%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:405 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Ngqina i-PIN" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:432 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Isicelo semvume esisuka ku-'%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:435 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Jonga imvume" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Umphathi we-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "Umphathi we-Bluetooth applet" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: isajonga" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Khangela iifayile kwisixhobo..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Uluhlu lwezinto ezikhethwayo" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Phuma" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Thumela iifayile kwisixhobo..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Lungisa isixhobo esitsha..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Iyabonakala" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "_Soloko ufaka isingeniso" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Nika" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_Yala" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "I_zidibani" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Ziyadibana" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "_Bonisa igalelo" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:204 ../wizard/main.c:326 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Indibano ne-'%s' iyekisiwe" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:245 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1147 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Nceda uvume i-PIN eboniswe kwi-'%s' iyadibana nale." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:299 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1198 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Nceda ufake lePIN elandelayo:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:385 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Ukulungisela i-'%s' akuhumelelanga" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:442 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Idibana kwi-'%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:480 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:750 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" +"Nceda ufake i-PIN elandelayo kwi-'%s' kwaye ucinezele u“Faka” kwibhodi " +"enamaqhosha:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:482 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:752 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Nceda ufake lePIN elandelayo PIN '%s':" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Nceda ulinde ngoku isagqiba ummiselo kwisixhobo i-'%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:523 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Uphumelele ekumiseni isixhobo esitsha '%s'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (iihediseti, impuku nesixhobo se-GPS)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Umiselo wesixhobo esitsha se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:4 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "Ukulungiselela i-PIN:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Ummiselo wesixhobo" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Ummiselo wesixhobo awuphumelelanga" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Ukhangelo lwesixhobo" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "Sukuzidibanisa" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1351 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Izidibani" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Iyagqiba ummiselo wesixhobo esitsha" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:6 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "I-PIN emile" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Intshayelelo" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1347 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Iyadibana" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:7 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "Ukukhetha kwi-PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "U_kwikhetha kwi-PIN..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1261 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "" +"Khetha umimisebenzi eyongezelelweyo ufuna ukuyisebenzisela yona ngesixhobo " +"sakho:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +msgstr "Khetha isixhobo ofuna ukusimisela" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Ummiselo ugqityiwe" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"Umiselo wesixhobo esitsha sizakukuhambisa kulenkqubo yokudibanisa " +"i-Bluetooth yesixhobo esimisiwe ekusebenzeni kule khompuyutha." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"Isixhobo kuza kufuneka sibekwimithazi eziyi-10 zekhompuyutha, kwaye " +"“ibonakale” (ngamanye amaxesha ibizwa “iyafumaneka”). Jonga imanywali " +"yesixhobo ukuba uyathandabuza." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Wamkelekile kummiselo wesixhobo esitsha se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "U_khetho lwe-PIN oluzenzekelayo" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Hlaba" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "Va_la" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "_Qalela ukumisela" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Ummiselo wesixhobo se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Ummiselo wesixhobo se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:151 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "umzuzwana oyi-%'d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzwana eyi-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:156 ../sendto/main.c:169 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "umzuzu oyi-%'d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzu eyi-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "iyure eyi-%'d" +msgstr[1] "iiyure eziyi-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "kuqikelelo lweyure eyi-%'d" +msgstr[1] "kuqikelelo lweeyure eziyi-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:245 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Uthutho lwefayili" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Zama kwakhona" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:269 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Ukuthumela iifayile usebenzisa i-Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:281 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Isuka:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:293 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Iya ku:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:337 ../sendto/main.c:355 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Kwenzekee impazamo engaziwayo" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:348 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Qiniseka ukuba esona sixhobo sisiso silayitiwe kwaye iyamkela indibano ye-" +"Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:446 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Iyathumela ku-%s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:453 ../sendto/main.c:524 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Thumela ifayile ku-%d ye-%d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:520 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:522 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:658 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Khetha isixhobo ukusithumela ku" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:663 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Thumela" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:707 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Khetha ifayle oza kuyithumela" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:710 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Khetha" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:736 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Isixhobo okufuneka sisetyenziswe" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Igama lesixhobo sakude esilawulayo" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:168 +msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Ingxaki enkqubeni: ayikwazanga ukufumana isixhobo esikuluhlu" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:243 +#, c-format +msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "I-OBEX dudula udluliselo lwefayile olungaxhaswayo" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:262 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth (OBEX dudula)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Uthumela nge-Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Thumela iifayile usebenzisa i-Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "Qhuba kwimeko yokuzimela wedwa" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "I-Moblin Bluetooth Panel" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- I-Moblin Bluetooth Panel" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "iyure eyi-%d" +msgstr[1] "iiyure eziyi-%d" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "umzuzu oyi-%d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzu eyi-%d" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:182 +#, c-format +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "umzuzwana oyi-%d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzwana eyi-%d" + +#. 5 hours 2 minutes 12 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:188 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgctxt "time" +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "i-%s kwi-%s ye-%s" + +#. 2 minutes 12 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:192 +#, c-format +msgctxt "time" +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "%s %s" + +#. 0 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:202 +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "imizuzwana eli-0" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:224 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Your computer is visible on\n" +"Bluetooth for %s." +msgstr "" +"Ikhompuyutha yakho iyabonakala kwi\n" +"Bluetooth ye %s." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:625 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Indibano ne-%s ayiphumelelanga." + +#. Translators: this is a verb (just like "Connect"), not a noun. +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:986 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Dibanisa" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1023 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Khangela" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1220 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Ummiselo wesixhobo awuphumelelanga" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1234 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1310 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1359 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1437 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1669 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Emva kwisixhobo" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1273 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Kugqityiwe" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1294 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1331 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Ummiselo wesixhobo" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1454 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1585 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Imimiselo" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1470 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Bonisa qha:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1476 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "Ukukhetha kwi-PIN" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1520 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Fakela isixhobo esitsha" + +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1603 +msgctxt "Power" +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1621 +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "Yenze ibonakale kwi-bluetooth" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1627 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Thumela ifayile eskuka kwikhompuyutha yakho" + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Umphathi we-Bluetooth panel" diff --git a/po/zh_CN.po b/po/zh_CN.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3eddccd --- /dev/null +++ b/po/zh_CN.po @@ -0,0 +1,1159 @@ +# Chinese (China) translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Zhang Miao , 2009. +# 甘露(Gan Lu) ,2013 +# Tong Hui , 2013 +# Dingzhong Chen , 2017. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-23 14:22+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-18 22:50+0800\n" +"Last-Translator: Dingzhong Chen \n" +"Language-Team: Chinese (China) \n" +"Language: zh_CN\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "点击选取设备…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "取消(_C)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "确定(_O)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "未知的" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "无可用适配器" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1561 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "正在搜索设备…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "设备" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "类型" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1524 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "设备" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "全部分类" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "配对的" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "信任的" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "非配对也非信任的" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "配对或信任的" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "显示:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "设备分类(_C):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "选择要筛选的设备分类" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "设备类型(_T):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "选择要筛选的设备类型" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "输入设备(鼠标、键盘等)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "耳机、耳麦及其他音频设备" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "确认蓝牙 PIN 码" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "请确认“%s”上输入的 PIN。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "确认" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "请确认“%s”的蓝牙 PIN 码。这一般可以在蓝牙设备的手册中查到。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "正在与“%s”配对" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "请确认下面的 PIN 与“%s”上显示的一致。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "蓝牙配对请求" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "“%s”希望与此设备配对,您是否允许配对?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "确认蓝牙连接" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "“%s”希望连接此设备。是否允许连接?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "请在“%s”上输入以下 PIN 码。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "请在“%s”上输入以下 PIN 码并按下键盘中的“返回”键。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "请按以下方向移动您 iCade 的游戏操作杆。然后按下任意一个白色按钮。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "允许" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "拒绝" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "取消" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "接受" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "未设置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "已连接" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "已断开" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "是" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "没有" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"作为“%s”可见并可用于蓝牙文件传输。已传输的文件位于 下载 文" +"件夹。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "将“%s”从设备列表中移除?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "如果您移除此设备,下次使用它之前必须重新设置。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "移除(_R)" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "从蓝牙接收到了“%s”" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "接收到了一个文件" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "打开文件" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "显示文件" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "文件接收完成" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "从 %s 传送来的蓝牙文件" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "拒绝" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "手机" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "调制解调器" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "电脑" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "网络" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "耳麦" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "耳机" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "音频设备" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "键盘" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "鼠标" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "相机" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "打印机" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "游戏手柄" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "平板" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "视频设备" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "远程控制" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "扫描仪" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "显示" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "可穿戴" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "玩具" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "所有类型" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "连接" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "地址" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "鼠标与触摸板设置(_M)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "声音设置(_S)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "键盘设置(_K)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "发送文件(_F)…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "移除设备(_R)" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "蓝牙传送" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "通过蓝牙设备发送文件" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "发生未知错误" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "请确认远端设备已打开并接收蓝牙连接" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d 秒" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d 分钟" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d 小时" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "约 %'d 小时" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "正在连接…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "蓝牙文件传送" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "重试(_R)" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "从:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "到:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "正在发送 %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "正在发送文件 %d / %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d kB/秒" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d 字节/秒" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u 传输完成" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "关闭(_C)" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "出错了" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "选择要发送到的设备" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "发送(_S)" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "选择要发送的文件" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "选择" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "要使用的远端设备" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "地址" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "远端设备名" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "名称" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[文件…]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "显示为“%s”" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "第 1 页" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "第 2 页" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "完成" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN on 'Foobar':" +#~ msgstr "请在“Foobar”上输入以下 PIN 码:" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "使用该 GPS 设备提供地理位置服务" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "使用您的手机访问互联网(测试)" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "请输入以下 PIN 码:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "设置“%s”时失败" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "正在连接“%s”..." + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "请稍等,正在完成设备“%s”的设置..." + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "成功设置了新设备“%s”" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "蓝牙新设备设置" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN 码选项(_O)..." + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "设备搜索" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "设备设置" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "正在完成设置" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "选择想要用于您的设备的其他服务:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "设置总结" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN 选项" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "自动选择 PIN 码(_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "固定 PIN 码" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "“0000”(大多数耳麦、鼠标及 GPS 设备)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "“1111”" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "“1234”" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "不配对" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "自定义 PIN:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "重试(_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "退出(_Q" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "不一致" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "一致" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "蓝牙设备设置" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "设置蓝牙设备" + +#~ msgctxt "_" +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Zhang Miao , 2009\n" +#~ "TeliuTe , 2010Shyer Huang,2013" + +#~ msgctxt "_" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "external ref='figures/bluetooth-applet.png' " +#~ "md5='be49aed48d4f1cd84dfd912664b32864'" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "external ref='figures/bluetooth-applet.png' " +#~ "md5='be49aed48d4f1cd84dfd912664b32864'" + +#~ msgctxt "_" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "external ref='figures/bluetooth-wizard.png' " +#~ "md5='bad909a5b3d4b8e0cbd9af05e4f0ed3d'" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "external ref='figures/bluetooth-wizard.png' " +#~ "md5='bad909a5b3d4b8e0cbd9af05e4f0ed3d'" + +#~ msgctxt "_" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "external ref='figures/bluetooth-properties.png' " +#~ "md5='29c87da1b0147ad9837223a69fd8835d'" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "external ref='figures/bluetooth-properties.png' " +#~ "md5='29c87da1b0147ad9837223a69fd8835d'" + +#~ msgid "gnome-bluetooth Manual" +#~ msgstr "gnome-bluetooth 手册" + +#~ msgid "2009 Baptiste Mille-Mathias" +#~ msgstr "2009 Baptiste Mille-Mathias" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document " +#~ "under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), Version 1.1 " +#~ "or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no " +#~ "Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You " +#~ "can find a copy of the GFDL at this link or in the file COPYING-DOCS distributed with this manual." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "对于本文档的复制、分发和/或修改必须遵循自由软件基金会 (Free Software " +#~ "Foundation) 发布的 GNU 自由文档许可证 (GFDL) 版本 1.1 或更高版本,该许可证" +#~ "没有固定的部分、没有封面和背页文本。您可以在此link上或在随本手册一起分发的 COPYING-DOCS 文件中找" +#~ "到 GFDL 的副本。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "This manual is part of a collection of GNOME manuals distributed under " +#~ "the GFDL. If you want to distribute this manual separately from the " +#~ "collection, you can do so by adding a copy of the license to the manual, " +#~ "as described in section 6 of the license." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "本手册是在 GFDL 许可之下分发的 GNOME 手册集合的一部分。如果想要单独分发此" +#~ "手册,可以在手册中添加该许可证的一份副本然后分发,如该许可证的第 6 部分所" +#~ "述。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Many of the names used by companies to distinguish their products and " +#~ "services are claimed as trademarks. Where those names appear in any GNOME " +#~ "documentation, and the members of the GNOME Documentation Project are " +#~ "made aware of those trademarks, then the names are in capital letters or " +#~ "initial capital letters." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "各个公司使用的许多用于区别它们产品和服务的名称都声明为商标。在所有的 " +#~ "GNOME 文档以及 GNOME 文档项目的成员中,这些名称都是以全大写字母或首字母大" +#~ "写显示,从而表明它们是商标。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED ON AN \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, " +#~ "EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES " +#~ "THAT THE DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS FREE OF DEFECTS " +#~ "MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGING. THE ENTIRE " +#~ "RISK AS TO THE QUALITY, ACCURACY, AND PERFORMANCE OF THE DOCUMENT OR " +#~ "MODIFIED VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS WITH YOU. SHOULD ANY DOCUMENT OR " +#~ "MODIFIED VERSION PROVE DEFECTIVE IN ANY RESPECT, YOU (NOT THE INITIAL " +#~ "WRITER, AUTHOR OR ANY CONTRIBUTOR) ASSUME THE COST OF ANY NECESSARY " +#~ "SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY CONSTITUTES " +#~ "AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THIS LICENSE. NO USE OF ANY DOCUMENT OR MODIFIED " +#~ "VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT IS AUTHORIZED HEREUNDER EXCEPT UNDER THIS " +#~ "DISCLAIMER; AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES AND UNDER NO LEGAL THEORY, WHETHER " +#~ "IN TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, SHALL THE AUTHOR, " +#~ "INITIAL WRITER, ANY CONTRIBUTOR, OR ANY DISTRIBUTOR OF THE DOCUMENT OR " +#~ "MODIFIED VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT, OR ANY SUPPLIER OF ANY OF SUCH PARTIES, " +#~ "BE LIABLE TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR " +#~ "CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, " +#~ "DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, COMPUTER FAILURE OR " +#~ "MALFUNCTION, OR ANY AND ALL OTHER DAMAGES OR LOSSES ARISING OUT OF OR " +#~ "RELATING TO USE OF THE DOCUMENT AND MODIFIED VERSIONS OF THE DOCUMENT, " +#~ "EVEN IF SUCH PARTY SHALL HAVE BEEN INFORMED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH " +#~ "DAMAGES." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "文档按“原样”提供,不提供任何明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于:文档或文档的修" +#~ "改版本没有适销性方面的缺陷、适合特定目的的适用性,以及没有侵权行为。您将自" +#~ "行承担本文档以及文档修改版本的质量、准确性以及性能方面的风险。如果任何文档" +#~ "或文档修改版本存在缺陷,您(而不是最初的编写者、作者或撰写人)将承担所有必需" +#~ "的服务、维修或更正的费用。此免责声明是本许可证的重要组成部分。如果不接受此" +#~ "免责声明,那么您就没有权利使用任何文档或文档的修改版本;并且无论在任何情况" +#~ "以及在任何法律理论下,本文档或文档修改版本的作者、最初的编写者、任何撰写人" +#~ "或任何分发者,或者任意这些方的任何提供者都不对任何人由于使用本文档或文档修" +#~ "改版本引起或带来的任何直接的、间接的、特殊的、偶然的或继发的损失承担任何民" +#~ "事(包括疏忽)、合同或其它方面的责任,这些损失包括但不限于信誉损失、工作停" +#~ "止、计算机失败或故障,或任何以及所有其它损失或由此引发的或与之相关的损失," +#~ "即使这些方已被告知存在出现此类损失的可能性时也是如此。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "DOCUMENT AND MODIFIED VERSIONS OF THE DOCUMENT ARE PROVIDED UNDER THE " +#~ "TERMS OF THE GNU FREE DOCUMENTATION LICENSE WITH THE FURTHER " +#~ "UNDERSTANDING THAT: <_:orderedlist-1/>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "本文档以及文档的修改版本都是在遵循 GNU 自由文档许可证的条款下提供,这表示" +#~ "具有以下含义:" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Baptiste Mille-Mathias " +#~ " GNOME Documentation Project
" +#~ "
" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Baptiste Mille-Mathias " +#~ " GNOME Documentation Project
" +#~ "
" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Baptiste Mille-Mathias" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Baptiste Mille-Mathias" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "1.0 March 2009 <_:revdescription-1/>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "1.0 March 2009 <_:revdescription-1/>" + +#~ msgid "This manual describes version 2.28 of gnome-bluetooth." +#~ msgstr "本手册叙述的是 2.28 版的 gnome-bluetooth。" + +#~ msgid "Feedback" +#~ msgstr "反馈" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the gnome-" +#~ "bluetooth application or this manual, follow the directions " +#~ "in the GNOME " +#~ "Feedback Page ." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "要报告关于gnome-bluetooth应用程序或本手册缺陷或" +#~ "提供建议,请按照 GNOME 反馈页面 中的指导。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth is an application to manage " +#~ "Bluetooth devices in the GNOME desktop." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth是 GNOME 桌面的管理蓝牙设备的应" +#~ "用程序。" + +#~ msgid "gnome-bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "gnome-bluetooth" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "蓝牙" + +#~ msgid "Communication" +#~ msgstr "通信" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "简介" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth permits to send files to your " +#~ "Bluetooth devices, or browse their content." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth 允许发送文件到您的蓝牙设备或浏" +#~ "览其内容。" + +#~ msgid "Connect to your devices, like headset or audio gateway." +#~ msgstr "连接到您的设备,例如头戴式耳机或音频网关。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can add or delete Bluetooth devices, or manage their permissions." +#~ msgstr "您可以添加或删除蓝牙设备,或者管理它们的权限。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth is an application that let you " +#~ "manage Bluetooth in the GNOME destkop. <_:itemizedlist-1/>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth 是一个在 GNOME 桌面下管理蓝牙的" +#~ "应用程序。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The applet is the resident application you can find in the notification " +#~ "applet, that let you quickly access to the features, like sending files, " +#~ "or managing your devices." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "此小程序可以在提示托盘小程序中找到,该提示小程序允许您进行快速存取的一系列" +#~ "特性,如发送文件,或管理设备。" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet icon in notification tray" +#~ msgstr "在提示托盘中的蓝牙小程序图标" + +#~ msgid "Starting Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "启动蓝牙小程序" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The gnome-bluetooth applet is started " +#~ "automatically when you log into your session, and you can find its icon " +#~ "in the notification zone. To launch manually the applet, open menu " +#~ " ApplicationsAccessoriesTerminal and type " +#~ "bluetooth-applet." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth 小程序会在您进入会话时自动启" +#~ "动,并可以在通知区域找到它的图标。要手动载入此小程序,打开菜单 " +#~ "应用程序附件终" +#~ "端 ,并键入 bluetooth-applet。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "To prevent launching of the applet in your desktop, open menu " +#~ " SystemPreferencesSession and disable " +#~ "Bluetooth Manager." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "要阻止您桌面上此小程序的载入,打开 系统首选项会话 菜" +#~ "单,然后禁用 蓝牙管理器 项。" + +#~ msgid "Turning off your Bluetooth adapter" +#~ msgstr "停用蓝牙适配器" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Disabling your Bluetooth adapter will stop current and all future " +#~ "communications from and to your Bluetooth adapter. Disabling your " +#~ "Bluetooth adapter permits to save power of your laptop's battery, so " +#~ "it'll increase the autonomy, this is a good idea to disable your " +#~ "Bluetooth device when you don't use it." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "禁用蓝牙适配器将会停止所有当前和将发生的通信。禁用蓝牙适配器可以节省笔记本" +#~ "电池的电能,所以它会增加自主性,当您不使用它时禁用您的蓝牙设备是一个好的主" +#~ "意。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Click on the icon of the applet, and choose Turn Off " +#~ "Bluetooth, the notification icon will become grey." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "点击此小程序的图标,然后选择关闭蓝牙设备,提示图标将会变成灰色。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Choose this menu to send a file to a device; a file chooser will appear " +#~ "to pick up the file to send and you'll have to select the device to send " +#~ "the file to." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "选择此菜单以发送文件到设备;将会出现一个文件选择器,在其中选择要发送的文" +#~ "件,和要将文件发送到的目标设备。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Choose this menu to browse the device filesystem directly in your file " +#~ "manager." +#~ msgstr "选择此菜单以在文件管理器中直接浏览设备文件系统" + +#~ msgid "Last used devices" +#~ msgstr "上次使用的设备" + +#~ msgid "This section displays your paired devices you can connect to." +#~ msgstr "此部分显示您可以连接到的配对设备。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "To connect to the device, click on its name, which will become bolded to " +#~ "inform you're connect to it." +#~ msgstr "要连接到此设备,点击它的名字,它会被加粗以指示已连接。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "To add a new device (which consist of pairing your adapter with your " +#~ "device), click on the applet icon, and choose Setup new device..." +#~ ". An graphical assistant will help you in the process of " +#~ "setting up your device." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "要添加一个新设备(由适配器与设备的配对组成),点击小程序图标,选择" +#~ "设置新设备...。一个图形化助手将会帮助您设置您的设备。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Don't forget to set your remote device in discoverable mode before " +#~ "starting the process, else the wizard won't be able to find it." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "在开始此过程之前,不要忘记将远程设备设置为可发现模式,否则向导将不能找到" +#~ "它。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The wizard will present the discoverable devices it has found all around. " +#~ "You can filter out the list of devices by choosing the type of devices " +#~ "you're looking for." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "此向导会显示在周边已经找到的可发现设备。您可以通过选择要查找的设备类型来过" +#~ "滤设备列表。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If your device has a harcoded passkey, choose Passkey " +#~ "Options..., in the new dialog, choose the passkey to use." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "如果设备有硬编码的识别码,在新对话框中选择识别码选项...,并选择要用的识别码。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Choose Forward for the pairing step; if you " +#~ "defined a fixed passkey in the previous step the pairing will occur " +#~ "automatically, else you'll be presented a passkey to enter in your " +#~ "device, type it on your device, once done the devices and your adapter " +#~ "will be paired." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "选择 前进进入配对步骤;如果您已经在先前的步骤中定义" +#~ "了固定的识别码,配对会自动完成,否则会在设备中给你显示一个需要输入的验证" +#~ "码,请在您的设备中键入。一旦完成,设备与适配器将会配对完毕。" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "首选项" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Click on the icon of the applet, and choose " +#~ "Preferences , the preferences dialog " +#~ "will appear." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "点击小程序图标,然后选择首选项,会出现首选项设置对话框。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "For more information about preferences, see section " +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "更多关于首选项的信息,参见" +#~ "部分" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The gnome-bluetooth preference dialog allows " +#~ "you to manage your various Bluetooth devices or change properties of your " +#~ "Bluetooth adapter(s)." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "gnome-bluetooth首选项对话框允许您管理各种蓝牙设" +#~ "备或更改蓝牙适配器的属性。" + +#~ msgid "Preferences dialog" +#~ msgstr "首选项对话框" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "When your adapter is set to Discoverable any " +#~ "Bluetooth device around will be able to see it, and therefore will able " +#~ "to ask pairing." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "当适配器设置为可发现时,周边的任何蓝牙设备将能看见" +#~ "它,并能请求配对。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Bluetooth as other network types implies security risks, so setting your " +#~ "adapter undiscoverable to other devices is a good thing to do to limit " +#~ "the possibility of cracking." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "如同其他网络设备,蓝牙亦有安全风险,所以设置适配器为不可发现是一件不错的选" +#~ "择,以限制被入侵的风险。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "This is only useful to set your device discoverable if you plan to pair " +#~ "it with another device, once it is done, you can untick " +#~ "Discoverable." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "仅当您计划与其他设备配对时,设置设备为可发现是有用的。一旦完成,您可以取消" +#~ "勾选可发现。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "When your device is undiscoverable, communication with already paired " +#~ "Bluetooth devices is possible." +#~ msgstr "当您的设备为不可发现时,与已经配对的蓝牙设备之间通信仍是允许的。" + +#~ msgid "Adapter friendly name" +#~ msgstr "适配器友好名称" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The friendly name is an alias for the address used to identified each " +#~ "Bluetooth device much easier to remind." +#~ msgstr "友好名称是标志每个蓝牙设备所用地址的别名,这样以便记忆。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "By default the adapter friendly name is HOSTNAME-0 (where " +#~ "HOSTNAME is the name of your computer), to change it, edit " +#~ "the text entry and set the name you want. the change will be immediatly " +#~ "effective." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "默认情况下,适配器的友好名称为HOSTNAME-0 (在这里 " +#~ "HOSTNAME 是您的计算机的名字),要改变它,编辑文本项,并设置" +#~ "您想要的名字。改变将会立即生效。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Setup new device, as described in " +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "设置新设备,如同中的描述" + +#~ msgid "Connect / Disconnect to a device." +#~ msgstr "连接/断开一个设备。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Device Deletion. Deletion will suppress pairing between the adapter and " +#~ "the device, and no communication will be allowed. You need to pair them " +#~ "together again if you want transfer files for instance." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "设备删除。删除将会阻止适配器与设备之间的配对,并且不允许它们之间的任何通" +#~ "信。如果您需要传输文件,您需要再次将它们配对。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Known devices lists the Bluetooth devices you paired " +#~ "and let you manage them, like deleting them, connect to them or adding " +#~ "new one. <_:itemizedlist-1/>" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "已知设备 列出配对的蓝牙设备,并允许您对它们进行管理," +#~ "如删除它们,连接它们,或添加新的设备。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can show or hide Bluetooth icon in the panel. See for the applet features." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "您可以显示或隐藏面板上的蓝牙图标,更多面板小程序特性请参阅:。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you disable the icon in the panel, only limited set of actions will " +#~ "remain available." +#~ msgstr "如果您禁用了面板上的图标,只有很有限的操作继续可用。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Click on the Receive Files button and the " +#~ "Personal File Sharing Preferences dialog will " +#~ "appear. You can configure Bluetooth file reception and sharing there." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "点击 接收文件 按钮,将出现 个人文件共享首选" +#~ "项 对话框,您可以在这儿配置蓝牙文件接收和共享。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "This feature is not provided by gnome-bluetooth. gnome-user-share must be " +#~ "installed to use this feature." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "该特性不是由 gnome-bluetooth 提供,必须安装 " +#~ "gnome-user-share 后才能使用。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Read more in the Personal File Sharing Manual: receiving and sharing." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "更多资料请阅读 个人文" +#~ "件共享手册: 接收文件共享。" + +#~ msgid "Frequently Asked Questions" +#~ msgstr "常见问题" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "I don't see how to receive files over Bluetooth on my computer in " +#~ "gnome-bluetooth, am I blind?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "我没有在我的电脑上看见如何用gnome-bluetooth接收" +#~ "文件,我眼神不好吗?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "File reception is not implemented in gnome-bluetooth, but in gnome-user-share, so you " +#~ "have to install this application to be able to receive files over " +#~ "Bluetooth. Button explained in the is just a launcher of its configuration dialog." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "文件接收没有在gnome-bluetooth中执行,而是在" +#~ "gnome-user-share中,所以您必须安装此应用程序以" +#~ "通过蓝牙接收文件。在 的" +#~ "按钮说明里,它只是配置对话框的一个启动器。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "I found a bug in gnome-bluetooth what I can do?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "我发现了gnome-bluetooth中的一个缺陷,应该怎么" +#~ "做?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You should submit a bug report to ." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "您应该将缺陷报告提交到。" + +#~ msgid "link" +#~ msgstr "链接" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document " +#~ "under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), Version 1.1 " +#~ "or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no " +#~ "Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. You " +#~ "can find a copy of the GFDL at this <_:ulink-1/> or in the file COPYING-" +#~ "DOCS distributed with this manual." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "对于本文档的复制、分发和/或修改必须遵循自由软件基金会 (Free Software " +#~ "Foundation) 发布的 GNU 自由文档许可证 (GFDL) 版本 1.1 或更高版本,该许可证" +#~ "没有固定的部分、没有封面和背页文本。您可以在此link上或在随本手册一起分发的 COPYING-DOCS 文件中找" +#~ "到 GFDL 的副本。" + +#~ msgid "2009" +#~ msgstr "2009" + +#~ msgid "Baptiste Mille-Mathias" +#~ msgstr "Baptiste Mille-Mathias" + +#~ msgid "Baptiste" +#~ msgstr "Baptiste" + +#~ msgid "Mille-Mathias" +#~ msgstr "Mille-Mathias" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Documentation Project" +#~ msgstr "GNOME 文档项目" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ msgstr "" + +#~ msgid "1.0" +#~ msgstr "1.0" + +#~ msgid "March 2009" +#~ msgstr "2009年3月" + +#~ msgid "Communication" +#~ msgstr "通信" diff --git a/po/zh_HK.po b/po/zh_HK.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..169d593 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/zh_HK.po @@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@ +# Chinese (Hong Kong) translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Peter Chen , 2007. +# Chao-Hsiung Liao , 2009, 2010. +# Cheng-Chia Tseng , 2010. +# Wei-Lun Chao , 2010. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth 3.3.3\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2014-01-26 13:35+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2014-01-28 20:16+0800\n" +"Last-Translator: Cheng-Chia Tseng \n" +"Language-Team: Chinese (Hong Kong) \n" +"Language: zh_HK\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:75 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "請點按以選擇裝置…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:205 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1197 ../sendto/main.c:420 +#: ../sendto/main.c:688 ../sendto/main.c:737 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "取消(_C)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:206 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "確定(_O)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:101 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "不明" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "沒有介面卡可用" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:804 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "正在搜尋裝置…" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:696 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:985 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "裝置" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:732 ../lib/settings.ui.h:5 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "類型" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:987 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1445 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "裝置" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "所有分類" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../lib/settings.ui.h:4 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "已配對" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "受信任的" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "未配對或不受信任" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "已配對或受信任的" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "顯示:" + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "裝置分類(_C):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "選擇裝置分類以過濾上列清單" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "裝置類型(_T):" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "選擇裝置類型以過濾上列清單" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "輸入裝置 (滑鼠、鍵盤…等。)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "頭戴式耳機、耳機麥克風和其他音效裝置" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:87 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:94 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:108 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "確認藍牙 PIN 碼" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on '%s'." +msgstr "請確認在「%s」上輸入的 PIN 碼。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:92 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:146 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "確認" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:95 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for '%s'. This can usually be found in the " +"device's manual." +msgstr "請確認「%s」的藍牙 PIN 碼。這通常可以在裝置的手冊中找到。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing '%s'" +msgstr "與「%s」配對" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:109 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on '%s'." +msgstr "請確認下列 PIN 碼是否和裝置「%s」上的相符。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:114 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "藍牙配對請求" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:115 +#, c-format +msgid "'%s' wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "「%s」想要和這個裝置配對。你是否准許配對?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:123 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s'." +msgstr "請在「%s」上輸入下列 PIN 碼。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:126 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s'. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "請在「%s」上輸入下列 PIN 碼,接着按下鍵盤上的「Enter」鍵。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:129 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "請根據下列方向移動你 iCade 的搖桿,接着按下任一白色按鈕。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:136 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "允許" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:140 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "放棄" + +#. Cancel button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:150 ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:301 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "取消" + +#. OK button +#: ../lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:282 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "接受" + +#. Placeholder text +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:121 +msgid "Not Setup" +msgstr "尚未設置" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "已連線" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "已斷線" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1071 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "是" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1071 +msgid "No" +msgstr "否" + +#. translators: %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera's Computer” +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1166 +#, c-format +msgid "Visible as “%s”" +msgstr "顯示名稱為「%s」" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1192 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "是否從裝置的清單中移除「%s」?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1194 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "如果你刪除此裝置,下次使用時必須再次設定它。" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1198 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "移除(_R)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1696 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "完成" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "所有類型" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "電話" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "數據機" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "電腦" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:67 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "網絡" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "耳機麥克風" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "頭戴式耳機" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "音訊裝置" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "鍵盤" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "滑鼠" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "攝影機" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "打印機" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "遊戲臺" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "平板" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "視像裝置" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "遠端遙控" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "掃描器" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "顯示器" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "穿戴裝置" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:98 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "玩具" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:1 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "連線" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:2 +msgid "page 1" +msgstr "第 1 頁" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:3 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "第 2 頁" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:6 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "位址" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:7 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "滑鼠與觸控板設定(_M)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "音效設定(_S)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:9 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "鍵盤設定(_K)" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:10 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "傳送檔案(_F)…" + +#: ../lib/settings.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "移除裝置(_R)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "藍牙傳輸" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "透過藍牙傳送檔案" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "發生不明的錯誤" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:339 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d 秒" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:344 ../sendto/main.c:357 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d 分鐘" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:355 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d 小時" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:365 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "大約 %'d 小時" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:378 ../sendto/main.c:473 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "正在連線…" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:418 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "藍牙檔案傳輸" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:421 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "重試(_R)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:443 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "從:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "到:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:552 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "正在傳送 %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:559 ../sendto/main.c:608 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "正在傳送檔案 %d / %d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:604 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:606 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:636 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u 傳輸完畢" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:650 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "發生錯誤" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:686 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "選擇要傳送到的裝置" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:691 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "傳送(_T)" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:735 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "選擇要傳送的檔案" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:738 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "選取" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:764 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "要使用的遠端裝置" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:764 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "位址" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:766 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "遠端裝置的名稱" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:766 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "名稱" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:785 +msgid "[FILE...]" +msgstr "[檔案...]" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "使用這個 GPS 裝置作為全球定位服務" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "使用您的行動電話存取網際網路 (測試)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "與「%s」配對已被取消" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "請確認顯示在「%s」上的 PIN 碼與這個相符。" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "請輸入下列 PIN 碼:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "設定「%s」失敗" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "正在連接到「%s」…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "請等待裝置「%s」設定結束…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "成功的設定新的裝置「%s」" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "藍牙新裝置設定" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN 碼選項(_O)…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "裝置搜尋" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "正在結束設定" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "選擇想要使用於此裝置的額外服務:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "設置摘要" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN 碼選項" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "自動選取 PIN 碼(_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "固定式 PIN 碼" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (多數的耳機麥克風、滑鼠與 GPS 裝置)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "不要配對" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "自訂 PIN 碼:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "重試(_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "結束(_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "不相符" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "相符" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "藍牙裝置設置" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "設置藍牙裝置" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "連線中" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +#~ "Bluetooth connections" +#~ msgstr "請確定遠端裝置已開啟而且接受藍牙連線" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "開啟藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:關閉" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "關閉藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:開啟" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:已停用" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "正在中斷…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "斷線" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "連線" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "傳送檔案…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "瀏覽檔案…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "偵錯" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- 藍牙面板程式" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "執行「%s --help」可列出命令列中可用的完整選項。\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "藍牙面板程式" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "請輸入裝置 %s 所提及的 PIN 碼。" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "准許存取「%s」" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "裝置 %s 想要存取服務「%s」。" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "藍牙裝置" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "輸入 PIN 碼" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "「%s」的配對確認" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "驗證 PIN 碼" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "來自「%s」的驗證要求" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "檢查授權" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "藍牙管理員" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "藍牙管理員面板程式" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:檢查中" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "顯示" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "傳送檔案到裝置…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "設定新的裝置…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "藍牙設定值" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "結束" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "永遠准許存取(_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "拒絕(_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "准許(_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "不相符(_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "相符(_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "顯示輸入(_S)" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "檔案傳輸程式" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "透過藍牙傳送檔案" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "程式設計錯誤:無法尋找清單內的裝置" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push 檔案傳輸不被支援" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "藍牙 (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "偏好設定" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "選擇裝置以瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽(_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "選擇裝置以瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "在裝置上瀏覽…" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定失敗" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "導覽" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "選擇您想要設定的裝置" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "設定已完成" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "藍牙新裝置設定精靈會帶您完成設定藍牙裝置的程序,以便用於這個電腦。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "該裝置需在離電腦 10 公尺的範圍內,而且應為「顯示」 (有時稱為「可發現」、" +#~ "「可探查」)。如果有疑慮請查閱該裝置的手冊。" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "歡迎使用藍牙新裝置設定精靈" + +#~ msgid "_Close" +#~ msgstr "關閉(_C)" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "以獨立模式執行" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin 藍牙面板" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin 藍牙面板" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d 小時" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d 分鐘" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d 秒" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 秒" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "您的電腦可顯示於\n" +#~ "%s 的藍牙上。" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "與 %s 配對失敗。" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "配對" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定失敗" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "返回裝置" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "設定值" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "只顯示:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN 碼選項" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "加入新的裝置" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "讓它在藍牙裝置中為可顯示的" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "從您的電腦傳送檔案" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "藍牙管理員面板" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "只顯示這樣的藍牙裝置…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "藍牙已停用" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "藍牙已被硬體開關停用" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "沒有發現藍牙配接器" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "顯示" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "瀏覽檔案…" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "開啟鍵盤偏好設定…" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "開啟滑鼠偏好設定…" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "開啟音效偏好設定…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:已啟用" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "電源" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "無法起始「個人檔案分享」偏好設定" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "請確認「個人檔案分享」程式是否已正確安裝。" + +#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..." +#~ msgstr "分享設定…" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "友善名稱" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "顯示電腦(_V)" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "設定新的裝置(_N)…" + +#~ msgid "_Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "斷線(_D)" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "您的電腦沒有連接任何藍牙配接器。" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "藍牙已被您電腦的某開關停用。" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "顯示藍牙圖示(_S)" + +#~ msgid "Receive Files" +#~ msgstr "接收檔案" + +#~ msgid "bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "配對" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "連線" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "輸出目前未知裝置的清單" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "藍牙偏好設定" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "是否顯示通知圖示" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "是否顯示通知圖示。" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf 錯誤:%s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "所有進一步的錯誤訊息只會在終端機中顯示。" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "一個給 GNOME 桌面使用的藍牙管理員" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Peter Chen\n" +#~ " Walter Cheuk\n" +#~ " hialan\n" +#~ " kimchihsnu\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Peter Chen" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "GNOME Bluetooth 首頁" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Unknown" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:不明" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "輸入驗證碼" + +#~ msgid "Verify passkey" +#~ msgstr "驗證通行碼" + +#~ msgid "Known devices" +#~ msgstr "已知裝置" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +#~ msgstr "藍牙裝置精靈" + +#~ msgid "Setup Finished" +#~ msgstr "設定結束" + +#~ msgid "S_earch" +#~ msgstr "搜尋(_E)" + +#~ msgid "Authentication request" +#~ msgstr "認證請求" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for device:" +#~ msgstr "裝置配對請求:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "輸入驗證通行金鑰:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request" +#~ msgstr "確認請求" + +#~ msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "驗證確認數值:" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request" +#~ msgstr "授權請求" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request for device:" +#~ msgstr "為裝置請求授權:" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for %s" +#~ msgstr "對 %s 的配對要求" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +#~ msgstr "%s 的授確認請求" + +#~ msgid "Please wait whilst '%s' is being paired" +#~ msgstr "請等待「%s」完成配對" + +#~ msgid "Setting up new device" +#~ msgstr "設定新的裝置" + +#~ msgid "Successfully configured new device" +#~ msgstr "成功設定新的裝置" + +#~ msgid "gtk-close" +#~ msgstr "gtk-close" + +#~ msgid "Error Occurred" +#~ msgstr "發生錯誤" + +#~ msgid "Created bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "已和 %s 建立連結 (bonding)" + +#~ msgid "Removed bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "已和 %s 解除連結" + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched off" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被關閉" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made non-discoverable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成不可被搜索" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made connectable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成可連接" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made discoverable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成可被找到" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made limited discoverable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成可有限制地被找到" + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched into pairing mode" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被切換成配對模式" + +#~ msgid "Couldn't execute command: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "無法執行指令: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "Browse Devices" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽裝置" + +#~ msgid "Confirm pairing" +#~ msgstr "確認配對" + +#~ msgid "Services" +#~ msgstr "服務" + +#~ msgid "Authorization requests" +#~ msgstr "授權請求" + +#~ msgid "Automatically authorize incoming requests" +#~ msgstr "自動授權連進來的請求" + +#~ msgid "Hardware database" +#~ msgstr "硬體資料庫" + +#~ msgid "Select class of device automatically" +#~ msgstr "自動選擇裝置類別" + +#~ msgid "Available services" +#~ msgstr "可用的服務" + +#~ msgid "never" +#~ msgstr "永遠不會" + +#~ msgid "1 minute" +#~ msgstr "1 分鐘" + +#~ msgid "%g minutes" +#~ msgstr "%g 分鐘" + +#~ msgid "Set _Trusted" +#~ msgstr "設定成信任(_T)" + +#~ msgid "Mode of operation" +#~ msgstr "操作模式" + +#~ msgid "Other devices can connect" +#~ msgstr "其他裝置可以連接" + +#~ msgid "Visible and connectable for other devices" +#~ msgstr "可被搜尋到且其他裝置可以連接" + +#~ msgid "Limited discoverable and connectable" +#~ msgstr "可被有限制地搜尋到且其他裝置可以連接" + +#~ msgid "Unspecified" +#~ msgstr "未指定" + +#~ msgid "Desktop workstation" +#~ msgstr "桌面工作站" + +#~ msgid "Laptop computer" +#~ msgstr "手提電腦" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you delete the device entry, you can't use it with this service " +#~ "anymore." +#~ msgstr "若您移除該裝置項目,您將再也不能使用該服務。" + +#~ msgid "Show all devices" +#~ msgstr "顯示所有裝置" + +#~ msgid "Input devices" +#~ msgstr "輸入裝置" + +#~ msgid "Network devices" +#~ msgstr "網路裝置" + +#~ msgid "If authorization requests should be automatically granted" +#~ msgstr "是否要自動允許授權請求" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If authorization requests should be granted all the time without asking " +#~ "the user for confirmation." +#~ msgstr "是否要自動允許授權請求,不需經過使用者同意。" + +#~ msgid "General" +#~ msgstr "一般" + +#~ msgid "Notification area" +#~ msgstr "通知區域" + +#~ msgid "Never display icon" +#~ msgstr "永不顯示圖示" + +#~ msgid "Only display when adapter present" +#~ msgstr "只在連接時顯示" + +#~ msgid "Always display icon" +#~ msgstr "永遠顯示圖示" + +#~ msgid "Loading Trace" +#~ msgstr "讀取追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "Protocol Trace" +#~ msgstr "通訊協定追蹤" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved" +#~ msgstr "未儲存" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "檔案(_F)" + +#~ msgid "Open _Recent" +#~ msgstr "最近開啟(_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "編輯(_E)" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "檢視(_V)" + +#~ msgid "_Full Screen" +#~ msgstr "全螢幕(_F)" + +#~ msgid "_Tools" +#~ msgstr "工具(_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "求助(_H)" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +#~ msgstr "藍牙協定分析器" + +#~ msgid "All Files" +#~ msgstr "所有檔案" + +#~ msgid "Supported Files" +#~ msgstr "支援的檔案" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger Format" +#~ msgstr "Apple 封包記錄器格式" + +#~ msgid "Select File _Type" +#~ msgstr "選擇檔案格式(_T)" + +#~ msgid "File Type" +#~ msgstr "檔案型態" + +#~ msgid "Open File" +#~ msgstr "開啟檔案" + +#~ msgid "Local connection" +#~ msgstr "本地連線" + +#~ msgid "Open Import" +#~ msgstr "開啟匯入" + +#~ msgid "Save the protocol trace before closing?" +#~ msgstr "關閉前儲存通訊協定的追蹤檔?" + +#~ msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +#~ msgstr "若不儲存,所有的資訊將會永遠消失。" + +#~ msgid "Close _without Saving" +#~ msgstr "關閉但不儲存(_W)" + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol trace." +#~ msgstr "未儲存的追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol traces." +#~ msgstr "未儲存的追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +#~ msgstr "如果現在離開將會遺失所有資訊。" + +#~ msgid "_Discard Changes" +#~ msgstr "放棄更改(_D)" + +#~ msgid "Packet" +#~ msgstr "封包" + +#~ msgid "Timestamp" +#~ msgstr "時間戳記" + +#~ msgid "Analyze Bluetooth traces" +#~ msgstr "分析藍牙追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger File" +#~ msgstr "Apple 封包記錄檔" diff --git a/po/zh_TW.po b/po/zh_TW.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d641c31 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/zh_TW.po @@ -0,0 +1,1272 @@ +# Traditional Chinese translation for bluez-gnome +# Copyright (c) 2007 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2007 +# This file is distributed under the same license as the bluez-gnome package. +# Peter Chen , 2007. +# Chao-Hsiung Liao , 2009, 2010. +# Cheng-Chia Tseng , 2010. +# Wei-Lun Chao , 2010. +# +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth 3.3.3\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-08-13 21:07+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-08-27 12:36+0800\n" +"Last-Translator: Cheng-Chia Tseng \n" +"Language-Team: Traditional Chinese \n" +"Language: zh_TW\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" +"X-Generator: Poedit 2.0.3\n" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:71 +msgid "Click to select device…" +msgstr "請點按以選擇裝置…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:201 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1275 +#: sendto/main.c:447 sendto/main.c:738 sendto/main.c:794 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "取消(_C)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:202 +msgid "_OK" +msgstr "確定(_O)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:135 lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:99 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "不明" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "沒有介面卡可用" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:180 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:806 +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1564 +msgid "Searching for devices…" +msgstr "正在搜尋裝置…" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:698 lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:988 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "裝置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:734 lib/settings.ui:179 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "類型" + +#: lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:990 lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1526 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "裝置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "所有分類" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 lib/settings.ui:134 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "已配對" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "受信任的" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "未配對或不受信任" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "已配對或受信任的" + +#. This is the title of the filter section of the Bluetooth device chooser. +#. * It used to say Show Only Bluetooth Devices With... +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:231 +msgid "Show:" +msgstr "顯示:" + +#. The device category filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:247 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "裝置分類(_C):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:258 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "選擇裝置分類以過濾上列清單" + +#. The device type filter +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:272 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "裝置類型(_T):" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:289 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "選擇裝置類型以過濾上列清單" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:295 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "輸入裝置 (滑鼠、鍵盤…等。)" + +#: lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:299 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "頭戴式耳機、耳機麥克風和其他音效裝置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:83 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:90 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:104 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth PIN" +msgstr "確認藍牙 PIN 碼" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:84 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm the PIN that was entered on “%s”." +msgstr "請確認在「%s」上輸入的 PIN 碼。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:88 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:101 +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:149 +msgid "Confirm" +msgstr "確認" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:91 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Confirm the Bluetooth PIN for “%s”. This can usually be found in the " +"device’s manual." +msgstr "請確認「%s」的藍牙 PIN 碼。這通常可以在裝置的手冊中找到。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:97 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing “%s”" +msgstr "與「%s」配對" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:105 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please confirm that the following PIN matches the one displayed on “%s”." +msgstr "請確認下列 PIN 碼是否和裝置「%s」上的相符。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:110 +msgid "Bluetooth Pairing Request" +msgstr "藍牙配對請求" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:111 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to pair with this device. Do you want to allow pairing?" +msgstr "「%s」想要和這個裝置配對。您是否准許配對?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:116 +msgid "Confirm Bluetooth Connection" +msgstr "確認藍牙連線" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:117 +#, c-format +msgid "“%s” wants to connect with this device. Do you want to allow it?" +msgstr "「%s」想要和這個裝置連線。您是否准許配對連線?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:125 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on “%s”." +msgstr "請在「%s」上輸入下列 PIN 碼。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:128 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on “%s”. Then press “Return” on the keyboard." +msgstr "請在「%s」上輸入下列 PIN 碼,接著按下鍵盤上的「Enter」鍵。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:131 +msgid "" +"Please move the joystick of your iCade in the following directions. Then " +"press any of the white buttons." +msgstr "請根據下列方向移動您 iCade 的搖桿,接著按下任一白色按鈕。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:139 +msgid "Allow" +msgstr "允許" + +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:143 +msgid "Dismiss" +msgstr "放棄" + +#. Cancel button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:153 lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:308 +msgid "Cancel" +msgstr "取消" + +#. OK button +#: lib/bluetooth-pairing-dialog.c:289 lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:246 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "接受" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:79 lib/bluetooth-settings-row.ui:37 +msgid "Not Set Up" +msgstr "尚未設置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:81 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "已連線" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-row.c:83 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "已斷線" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "是" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1143 +msgid "No" +msgstr "否" + +#. translators: first %s is the name of the computer, for example: +#. * Visible as “Bastien Nocera’s Computer” followed by the +#. * location of the Downloads folder. +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1243 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Visible as “%s” and available for Bluetooth file transfers. Transferred " +"files are placed in the Downloads folder." +msgstr "" +"辨識名稱為「%s」,可用於藍牙檔案傳輸。傳輸的檔案會放置於下載資料夾。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1270 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove “%s” from the list of devices?" +msgstr "是否從裝置的清單中移除「%s」?" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1272 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "如果您刪除此裝置,下次使用時必須再次設定它。" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-widget.c:1276 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "移除(_R)" + +#. Translators: %s is the name of the filename received +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:145 +#, c-format +msgid "You received “%s” via Bluetooth" +msgstr "您已透過藍牙接收「%s」" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:147 +msgid "You received a file" +msgstr "您已接收一個檔案" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:158 +msgid "Open File" +msgstr "開啟檔案" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:162 +msgid "Reveal File" +msgstr "顯示檔案" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:179 +msgid "File reception complete" +msgstr "檔案接收完成" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:233 +#, c-format +msgid "Bluetooth file transfer from %s" +msgstr "來自 %s 的藍牙檔案傳輸" + +#: lib/bluetooth-settings-obexpush.c:243 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "拒絕" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:59 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "電話" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:61 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "數據機" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:63 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "電腦" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:65 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "網路" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:68 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "耳機麥克風" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:70 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "頭戴式耳機" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:72 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "音訊裝置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:74 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "鍵盤" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:76 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "滑鼠" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:78 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "攝影機" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:80 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "印表機" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:82 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "遊戲臺" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:84 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "平板" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:86 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "視訊裝置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:88 +msgid "Remote control" +msgstr "遠端遙控" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:90 +msgid "Scanner" +msgstr "掃描器" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:92 +msgid "Display" +msgstr "顯示器" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:94 +msgid "Wearable" +msgstr "穿戴裝置" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:96 +msgid "Toy" +msgstr "玩具" + +#: lib/bluetooth-utils.c:117 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "所有類型" + +#: lib/settings.ui:44 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "連線" + +#: lib/settings.ui:224 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "位址" + +#: lib/settings.ui:279 +msgid "_Mouse & Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "滑鼠與觸控板設定(_M)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:293 +msgid "_Sound Settings" +msgstr "音效設定(_S)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:307 +msgid "_Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "鍵盤設定(_K)" + +#: lib/settings.ui:321 +msgid "Send _Files…" +msgstr "傳送檔案(_F)…" + +#: lib/settings.ui:335 +msgid "_Remove Device" +msgstr "移除裝置(_R)" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "藍牙傳輸" + +#: sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "透過藍牙傳送檔案" + +#. Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +#: sendto/ +msgid "bluetooth" +msgstr "bluetooth" + +#: sendto/main.c:117 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "發生不明的錯誤" + +#: sendto/main.c:130 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "請確定遠端裝置已開啟而且接受藍牙連線" + +#: sendto/main.c:363 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "%'d 秒" + +#: sendto/main.c:368 sendto/main.c:381 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "%'d 分鐘" + +#: sendto/main.c:379 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "%'d 小時" + +#: sendto/main.c:389 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "大約 %'d 小時" + +#: sendto/main.c:402 sendto/main.c:500 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "正在連線…" + +#: sendto/main.c:444 +msgid "Bluetooth File Transfer" +msgstr "藍牙檔案傳輸" + +#: sendto/main.c:448 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "重試(_R)" + +#: sendto/main.c:470 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "從:" + +#: sendto/main.c:484 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "到:" + +#: sendto/main.c:577 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "正在傳送 %s" + +#: sendto/main.c:584 sendto/main.c:633 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "正在傳送檔案 %d / %d" + +#: sendto/main.c:629 +#, c-format +msgid "%d kB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:631 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: sendto/main.c:662 +#, c-format +msgid "%u transfer complete" +msgid_plural "%u transfers complete" +msgstr[0] "%u 傳輸完畢" + +#: sendto/main.c:669 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "關閉(_C)" + +#: sendto/main.c:679 +msgid "There was an error" +msgstr "發生錯誤" + +#: sendto/main.c:734 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "選擇要傳送到的裝置" + +#: sendto/main.c:739 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "傳送(_T)" + +#: sendto/main.c:789 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "選擇要傳送的檔案" + +#: sendto/main.c:795 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "選取" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "要使用的遠端裝置" + +#: sendto/main.c:825 +msgid "ADDRESS" +msgstr "位址" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "Remote device’s name" +msgstr "遠端裝置的名稱" + +#: sendto/main.c:827 +msgid "NAME" +msgstr "名稱" + +#: sendto/main.c:846 +msgid "[FILE…]" +msgstr "[檔案...]" + +#~ msgid "Visible as “%s”" +#~ msgstr "顯示名稱為「%s」" + +#~ msgid "page 1" +#~ msgstr "第 1 頁" + +#~ msgid "page 2" +#~ msgstr "第 2 頁" + +#~ msgid "Done" +#~ msgstr "完成" + +#~ msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +#~ msgstr "使用這個 GPS 裝置作為全球定位服務" + +#~ msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +#~ msgstr "使用您的行動電話存取網際網路 (測試)" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +#~ msgstr "與「%s」配對已被取消" + +#~ msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +#~ msgstr "請確認顯示在「%s」上的 PIN 碼與這個相符。" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +#~ msgstr "請輸入下列 PIN 碼:" + +#~ msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +#~ msgstr "設定「%s」失敗" + +#~ msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "正在連接到「%s」…" + +#~ msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +#~ msgstr "請等待裝置「%s」設定結束…" + +#~ msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +#~ msgstr "成功的設定新的裝置「%s」" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "藍牙新裝置設定" + +#~ msgid "PIN _options..." +#~ msgstr "PIN 碼選項(_O)…" + +#~ msgid "Device Search" +#~ msgstr "裝置搜尋" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定" + +#~ msgid "Finishing Setup" +#~ msgstr "正在結束設定" + +#~ msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +#~ msgstr "選擇想要使用於此裝置的額外服務:" + +#~ msgid "Setup Summary" +#~ msgstr "設置摘要" + +#~ msgid "PIN Options" +#~ msgstr "PIN 碼選項" + +#~ msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +#~ msgstr "自動選取 PIN 碼(_A)" + +#~ msgid "Fixed PIN" +#~ msgstr "固定式 PIN 碼" + +#~ msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +#~ msgstr "'0000' (多數的耳機麥克風、滑鼠與 GPS 裝置)" + +#~ msgid "'1111'" +#~ msgstr "'1111'" + +#~ msgid "'1234'" +#~ msgstr "'1234'" + +#~ msgid "Do not pair" +#~ msgstr "不要配對" + +#~ msgid "Custom PIN:" +#~ msgstr "自訂 PIN 碼:" + +#~ msgid "_Try Again" +#~ msgstr "重試(_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Quit" +#~ msgstr "結束(_Q)" + +#~ msgid "Does not match" +#~ msgstr "不相符" + +#~ msgid "Matches" +#~ msgstr "相符" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +#~ msgstr "藍牙裝置設置" + +#~ msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +#~ msgstr "設置藍牙裝置" + +#~ msgid "Connecting..." +#~ msgstr "連線中" + +#~ msgid "Turn on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "開啟藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:關閉" + +#~ msgid "Turn off Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "關閉藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: On" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:開啟" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:已停用" + +#~ msgid "Disconnecting..." +#~ msgstr "正在中斷…" + +#~ msgid "Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "斷線" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "連線" + +#~ msgid "Send files..." +#~ msgstr "傳送檔案…" + +#~ msgid "Browse files..." +#~ msgstr "瀏覽檔案…" + +#~ msgid "Debug" +#~ msgstr "偵錯" + +#~ msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +#~ msgstr "- 藍牙面板程式" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s\n" +#~ "執行「%s --help」可列出命令列中可用的完整選項。\n" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +#~ msgstr "藍牙面板程式" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +#~ msgstr "請輸入裝置 %s 所提及的 PIN 碼。" + +#~ msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +#~ msgstr "准許存取「%s」" + +#~ msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +#~ msgstr "裝置 %s 想要存取服務「%s」。" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth device" +#~ msgstr "藍牙裝置" + +#~ msgid "Enter PIN" +#~ msgstr "輸入 PIN 碼" + +#~ msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +#~ msgstr "「%s」的配對確認" + +#~ msgid "Verify PIN" +#~ msgstr "驗證 PIN 碼" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +#~ msgstr "來自「%s」的驗證要求" + +#~ msgid "Check authorization" +#~ msgstr "檢查授權" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +#~ msgstr "藍牙管理員" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +#~ msgstr "藍牙管理員面板程式" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:檢查中" + +#~ msgid "Visible" +#~ msgstr "顯示" + +#~ msgid "Send files to device..." +#~ msgstr "傳送檔案到裝置…" + +#~ msgid "Set up new device..." +#~ msgstr "設定新的裝置…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Settings" +#~ msgstr "藍牙設定值" + +#~ msgid "Quit" +#~ msgstr "結束" + +#~ msgid "_Always grant access" +#~ msgstr "永遠准許存取(_A)" + +#~ msgid "_Reject" +#~ msgstr "拒絕(_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Grant" +#~ msgstr "准許(_G)" + +#~ msgid "_Does not match" +#~ msgstr "不相符(_D)" + +#~ msgid "_Matches" +#~ msgstr "相符(_M)" + +#~ msgid "_Show input" +#~ msgstr "顯示輸入(_S)" + +#~ msgid "File Transfer" +#~ msgstr "檔案傳輸程式" + +#~ msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "透過藍牙傳送檔案" + +#~ msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +#~ msgstr "程式設計錯誤:無法尋找清單內的裝置" + +#~ msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +#~ msgstr "OBEX Push 檔案傳輸不被支援" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +#~ msgstr "藍牙 (OBEX Push)" + +#~ msgid "%d KB/s" +#~ msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#~ msgid "Preferences" +#~ msgstr "偏好設定" + +#~ msgid "Select Device to Browse" +#~ msgstr "選擇裝置以瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "_Browse" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽(_B)" + +#~ msgid "Select device to browse" +#~ msgstr "選擇裝置以瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "Browse files on device..." +#~ msgstr "在裝置上瀏覽…" + +#~ msgid "Device Setup Failed" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定失敗" + +#~ msgid "Introduction" +#~ msgstr "導覽" + +#~ msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +#~ msgstr "選擇您想要設定的裝置" + +#~ msgid "Setup Completed" +#~ msgstr "設定已完成" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +#~ "configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +#~ msgstr "藍牙新裝置設定精靈會帶您完成設定藍牙裝置的程序,以便用於這個電腦。" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +#~ "“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if " +#~ "in doubt." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "該裝置需在離電腦 10 公尺的範圍內,而且應為「顯示」 (有時稱為「可發現」、" +#~ "「可探查」)。如果有疑慮請查閱該裝置的手冊。" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +#~ msgstr "歡迎使用藍牙新裝置設定精靈" + +#~ msgid "Run in standalone mode" +#~ msgstr "以獨立模式執行" + +#~ msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "Moblin 藍牙面板" + +#~ msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +#~ msgstr "- Moblin 藍牙面板" + +#~ msgid "%d hour" +#~ msgid_plural "%d hours" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d 小時" + +#~ msgid "%d minute" +#~ msgid_plural "%d minutes" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d 分鐘" + +#~ msgid "%d second" +#~ msgid_plural "%d seconds" +#~ msgstr[0] "%d 秒" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#~ msgctxt "time" +#~ msgid "%s %s" +#~ msgstr "%s %s" + +#~ msgid "0 seconds" +#~ msgstr "0 秒" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Your computer is visible on\n" +#~ "Bluetooth for %s." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "您的電腦可顯示於\n" +#~ "%s 的藍牙上。" + +#~ msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +#~ msgstr "與 %s 配對失敗。" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "配對" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "Device setup failed" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定失敗" + +#~ msgid "Back to devices" +#~ msgstr "返回裝置" + +#~ msgid "Device setup" +#~ msgstr "裝置設定" + +#~ msgid "Settings" +#~ msgstr "設定值" + +#~ msgid "Only show:" +#~ msgstr "只顯示:" + +#~ msgid "PIN options" +#~ msgstr "PIN 碼選項" + +#~ msgid "Add a new device" +#~ msgstr "加入新的裝置" + +#~ msgctxt "Power" +#~ msgid "Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "藍牙" + +#~ msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +#~ msgstr "讓它在藍牙裝置中為可顯示的" + +#~ msgid "Send file from your computer" +#~ msgstr "從您的電腦傳送檔案" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +#~ msgstr "藍牙管理員面板" + +#~ msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +#~ msgstr "只顯示這樣的藍牙裝置…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +#~ msgstr "藍牙已停用" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +#~ msgstr "藍牙已被硬體開關停用" + +#~ msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +#~ msgstr "沒有發現藍牙配接器" + +#~ msgid "Visibility" +#~ msgstr "顯示" + +#~ msgid "Browse Files..." +#~ msgstr "瀏覽檔案…" + +#~ msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "開啟鍵盤偏好設定…" + +#~ msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "開啟滑鼠偏好設定…" + +#~ msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +#~ msgstr "開啟音效偏好設定…" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Enabled" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:已啟用" + +#~ msgid "Power" +#~ msgstr "電源" + +#~ msgid "%s" +#~ msgstr "%s" + +#~ msgid "Cannot start \"Personal File Sharing\" Preferences" +#~ msgstr "無法起始「個人檔案分享」偏好設定" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Please verify that the \"Personal File Sharing\" program is correctly " +#~ "installed." +#~ msgstr "請確認「個人檔案分享」程式是否已正確安裝。" + +#~ msgid "Sharing Settings..." +#~ msgstr "分享設定…" + +#~ msgid "Friendly name" +#~ msgstr "友善名稱" + +#~ msgid "Make computer _visible" +#~ msgstr "顯示電腦(_V)" + +#~ msgid "Set up _new device..." +#~ msgstr "設定新的裝置(_N)…" + +#~ msgid "_Disconnect" +#~ msgstr "斷線(_D)" + +#~ msgid "Your computer does not have any Bluetooth adapters plugged in." +#~ msgstr "您的電腦沒有連接任何藍牙配接器。" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth has been disabled by a switch on your computer." +#~ msgstr "藍牙已被您電腦的某開關停用。" + +#~ msgid "_Show Bluetooth icon" +#~ msgstr "顯示藍牙圖示(_S)" + +#~ msgid "Pair" +#~ msgstr "配對" + +#~ msgid "Connect" +#~ msgstr "連線" + +#~ msgid "Browse" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽" + +#~ msgid "Output a list of currently known devices" +#~ msgstr "輸出目前未知裝置的清單" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Preferences" +#~ msgstr "藍牙偏好設定" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon" +#~ msgstr "是否顯示通知圖示" + +#~ msgid "Whether to show the notification icon." +#~ msgstr "是否顯示通知圖示。" + +#~ msgid "GConf error: %s" +#~ msgstr "GConf 錯誤:%s" + +#~ msgid "All further errors shown only on terminal." +#~ msgstr "所有進一步的錯誤訊息只會在終端機中顯示。" + +#~ msgid "A Bluetooth manager for the GNOME desktop" +#~ msgstr "一個給 GNOME 桌面使用的藍牙管理員" + +#~ msgid "translator-credits" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Peter Chen\n" +#~ " Walter Cheuk\n" +#~ " hialan\n" +#~ " kimchihsnu\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Launchpad Contributions:\n" +#~ " Peter Chen" + +#~ msgid "GNOME Bluetooth home page" +#~ msgstr "GNOME Bluetooth 首頁" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth: Unknown" +#~ msgstr "藍牙:不明" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey" +#~ msgstr "輸入驗證碼" + +#~ msgid "Verify passkey" +#~ msgstr "驗證通行碼" + +#~ msgid "Known devices" +#~ msgstr "已知裝置" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth Device Wizard" +#~ msgstr "藍牙裝置精靈" + +#~ msgid "Setup Finished" +#~ msgstr "設定結束" + +#~ msgid "S_earch" +#~ msgstr "搜尋(_E)" + +#~ msgid "Authentication request" +#~ msgstr "認證請求" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for device:" +#~ msgstr "裝置配對請求:" + +#~ msgid "Enter passkey for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "輸入驗證通行金鑰:" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request" +#~ msgstr "確認請求" + +#~ msgid "Confirm value for authentication:" +#~ msgstr "驗證確認數值:" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request" +#~ msgstr "授權請求" + +#~ msgid "Authorization request for device:" +#~ msgstr "為裝置請求授權:" + +#~ msgid "Pairing request for %s" +#~ msgstr "對 %s 的配對要求" + +#~ msgid "Confirmation request for %s" +#~ msgstr "%s 的授確認請求" + +#~ msgid "Please wait whilst '%s' is being paired" +#~ msgstr "請等待「%s」完成配對" + +#~ msgid "Setting up new device" +#~ msgstr "設定新的裝置" + +#~ msgid "Successfully configured new device" +#~ msgstr "成功設定新的裝置" + +#~ msgid "gtk-close" +#~ msgstr "gtk-close" + +#~ msgid "Error Occurred" +#~ msgstr "發生錯誤" + +#~ msgid "Created bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "已和 %s 建立連結 (bonding)" + +#~ msgid "Removed bonding with %s" +#~ msgstr "已和 %s 解除連結" + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched off" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被關閉" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made non-discoverable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成不可被搜索" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made connectable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成可連接" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made discoverable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成可被找到" + +#~ msgid "Device has been made limited discoverable" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被設定成可有限制地被找到" + +#~ msgid "Device has been switched into pairing mode" +#~ msgstr "裝置已被切換成配對模式" + +#~ msgid "Couldn't execute command: %s\n" +#~ msgstr "無法執行指令: %s\n" + +#~ msgid "Browse Devices" +#~ msgstr "瀏覽裝置" + +#~ msgid "Confirm pairing" +#~ msgstr "確認配對" + +#~ msgid "Services" +#~ msgstr "服務" + +#~ msgid "Authorization requests" +#~ msgstr "授權請求" + +#~ msgid "Automatically authorize incoming requests" +#~ msgstr "自動授權連進來的請求" + +#~ msgid "Hardware database" +#~ msgstr "硬體資料庫" + +#~ msgid "Select class of device automatically" +#~ msgstr "自動選擇裝置類別" + +#~ msgid "Available services" +#~ msgstr "可用的服務" + +#~ msgid "never" +#~ msgstr "永遠不會" + +#~ msgid "1 minute" +#~ msgstr "1 分鐘" + +#~ msgid "%g minutes" +#~ msgstr "%g 分鐘" + +#~ msgid "Set _Trusted" +#~ msgstr "設定成信任(_T)" + +#~ msgid "Mode of operation" +#~ msgstr "操作模式" + +#~ msgid "Other devices can connect" +#~ msgstr "其他裝置可以連接" + +#~ msgid "Visible and connectable for other devices" +#~ msgstr "可被搜尋到且其他裝置可以連接" + +#~ msgid "Limited discoverable and connectable" +#~ msgstr "可被有限制地搜尋到且其他裝置可以連接" + +#~ msgid "Unspecified" +#~ msgstr "未指定" + +#~ msgid "Desktop workstation" +#~ msgstr "桌面工作站" + +#~ msgid "Laptop computer" +#~ msgstr "手提電腦" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If you delete the device entry, you can't use it with this service " +#~ "anymore." +#~ msgstr "若您移除該裝置項目,您將再也不能使用該服務。" + +#~ msgid "Show all devices" +#~ msgstr "顯示所有裝置" + +#~ msgid "Input devices" +#~ msgstr "輸入裝置" + +#~ msgid "Network devices" +#~ msgstr "網路裝置" + +#~ msgid "If authorization requests should be automatically granted" +#~ msgstr "是否要自動允許授權請求" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "If authorization requests should be granted all the time without asking " +#~ "the user for confirmation." +#~ msgstr "是否要自動允許授權請求,不需經過使用者同意。" + +#~ msgid "General" +#~ msgstr "一般" + +#~ msgid "Notification area" +#~ msgstr "通知區域" + +#~ msgid "Never display icon" +#~ msgstr "永不顯示圖示" + +#~ msgid "Only display when adapter present" +#~ msgstr "只在連接時顯示" + +#~ msgid "Always display icon" +#~ msgstr "永遠顯示圖示" + +#~ msgid "Loading Trace" +#~ msgstr "讀取追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "Protocol Trace" +#~ msgstr "通訊協定追蹤" + +#~ msgid "Unsaved" +#~ msgstr "未儲存" + +#~ msgid "_File" +#~ msgstr "檔案(_F)" + +#~ msgid "Open _Recent" +#~ msgstr "最近開啟(_R)" + +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "編輯(_E)" + +#~ msgid "_View" +#~ msgstr "檢視(_V)" + +#~ msgid "_Full Screen" +#~ msgstr "全螢幕(_F)" + +#~ msgid "_Tools" +#~ msgstr "工具(_T)" + +#~ msgid "_Help" +#~ msgstr "求助(_H)" + +#~ msgid "Bluetooth protocol analyzer" +#~ msgstr "藍牙協定分析器" + +#~ msgid "All Files" +#~ msgstr "所有檔案" + +#~ msgid "Supported Files" +#~ msgstr "支援的檔案" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger Format" +#~ msgstr "Apple 封包記錄器格式" + +#~ msgid "Select File _Type" +#~ msgstr "選擇檔案格式(_T)" + +#~ msgid "File Type" +#~ msgstr "檔案型態" + +#~ msgid "Local connection" +#~ msgstr "本地連線" + +#~ msgid "Open Import" +#~ msgstr "開啟匯入" + +#~ msgid "Save the protocol trace before closing?" +#~ msgstr "關閉前儲存通訊協定的追蹤檔?" + +#~ msgid "If you don't save, all information will be permanently lost." +#~ msgstr "若不儲存,所有的資訊將會永遠消失。" + +#~ msgid "Close _without Saving" +#~ msgstr "關閉但不儲存(_W)" + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol trace." +#~ msgstr "未儲存的追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "unsaved protocol traces." +#~ msgstr "未儲存的追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "If you quit now, all information will be lost." +#~ msgstr "如果現在離開將會遺失所有資訊。" + +#~ msgid "_Discard Changes" +#~ msgstr "放棄更改(_D)" + +#~ msgid "Packet" +#~ msgstr "封包" + +#~ msgid "Timestamp" +#~ msgstr "時間戳記" + +#~ msgid "Analyze Bluetooth traces" +#~ msgstr "分析藍牙追蹤檔" + +#~ msgid "Apple Packet Logger File" +#~ msgstr "Apple 封包記錄檔" diff --git a/po/zu.po b/po/zu.po new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e3cf164 --- /dev/null +++ b/po/zu.po @@ -0,0 +1,920 @@ +# Zulu translation for gnome-bluetooth. +# Copyright (C) 2011 gnome-bluetooth's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the gnome-bluetooth package. +# Priscilla Mahlangu , 2011. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: gnome-bluetooth master\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:" +"bluetooth&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-07-23 16:00+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-08 08:59+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Priscilla Mahlangu \n" +"Language-Team:\n" +"Language: zu\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.0\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser-button.c:76 +msgid "Click to select device..." +msgstr "Chofoza ukukhetha isisetshenziswa..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:131 ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:82 +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:89 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Akwaziwa" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:172 +msgid "No adapters available" +msgstr "Akukho zisetshenziswa ezikhona" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:176 ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:924 +msgid "Searching for devices..." +msgstr "Kusesha izisetshenziswa..." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:374 +#, c-format +msgid "Remove '%s' from the list of devices?" +msgstr "Susa '%s' kuhlu lwezisetshenziswa?" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:376 +msgid "" +"If you remove the device, you will have to set it up again before next use." +msgstr "" +"Uma ususa isisetshenziswa, kumele uyisethe futhi ngaphambi kokuthi " +"sisetshenziswe futhi." + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:800 +msgid "Device" +msgstr "Isisetshenziswa" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-chooser.c:836 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:11 +msgid "Type" +msgstr "Uhlobo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:72 +msgid "All categories" +msgstr "Izigaba zonke" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:74 ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:6 +msgid "Paired" +msgstr "Okuxhunyanisiwe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:76 +msgid "Trusted" +msgstr "Kuthembiwe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:78 +msgid "Not paired or trusted" +msgstr "Akuxhunyaniswanga noma akuthembekanga" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:80 +msgid "Paired or trusted" +msgstr "Kuxhunyanisiwe noma kuthembiwe" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:234 +msgid "Show Only Bluetooth Devices With..." +msgstr "Bonisa izisetshenziswa ze-Bluetooth kuphela nge..." + +#. The device category filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:250 +msgid "Device _category:" +msgstr "Isigaba _sesisetshenziswa:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:265 +msgid "Select the device category to filter" +msgstr "Khetha isigaba sesisetshenziswa okumele usihlunge" + +#. The device type filter +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:279 +msgid "Device _type:" +msgstr "U_hlobo lwesisetshenziswa:" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:300 +msgid "Select the device type to filter" +msgstr "Khetha uhlobo lwesisetshenziswa okumele usihlunge" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:306 +msgid "Input devices (mice, keyboards, etc.)" +msgstr "Izisetshenziswa sokukhishwayo (amagundane, amakhibhodi, njll.)" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-filter-widget.c:310 +msgid "Headphones, headsets and other audio devices" +msgstr "Ama-headphones, ama-headset kanye nezisetshenziswa ezinye zomsindo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:58 +msgid "All types" +msgstr "Izinhlobo zonke" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:60 +msgid "Phone" +msgstr "Ucingo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:62 +msgid "Modem" +msgstr "Imodemu" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:64 +msgid "Computer" +msgstr "Ikhomphyutha" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:66 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Inethiwekhi" + +#. translators: a hands-free headset, a combination of a single speaker with a microphone +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:69 +msgid "Headset" +msgstr "I-headset" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:71 +msgid "Headphones" +msgstr "Ama-headphones" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:73 +msgid "Audio device" +msgstr "Izisetshenziswa zomsindo" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:75 +msgid "Keyboard" +msgstr "Ikhibhodi" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:77 +msgid "Mouse" +msgstr "Igundane" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:79 +msgid "Camera" +msgstr "Ikhamela" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:81 +msgid "Printer" +msgstr "I-phrinta" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:83 +msgid "Joypad" +msgstr "I-joypad" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:85 +msgid "Tablet" +msgstr "I-tablet" + +#: ../lib/bluetooth-utils.c:87 +msgid "Video device" +msgstr "Isisetshenziswa sevidiyo" + +#: ../lib/plugins/geoclue.c:178 +msgid "Use this GPS device for Geolocation services" +msgstr "Sebenzisa lesi sisetshenziswa se-GPS kwinsizakalo ye-Geolocation" + +#. translators: +#. * This is in a test plugin, please make sure you add the "(test)" part, +#. * or leave untranslated +#: ../lib/plugins/test.c:53 +msgid "Access the Internet using your cell phone (test)" +msgstr "Finyelela ku-inthanethi usebenzisa umakhalekhukhwini wakho (hlola)" + +#: ../applet/main.c:118 +msgid "Select Device to Browse" +msgstr "Khetha isisetshenziswa okumele usiphequlule" + +#: ../applet/main.c:122 +msgid "_Browse" +msgstr "_Dlulisa amahlo" + +#: ../applet/main.c:131 +msgid "Select device to browse" +msgstr "Khetha isisetshenziswa ukuze usiphequlule" + +#: ../applet/main.c:281 +msgid "Turn On Bluetooth" +msgstr "Khanyisa i-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:282 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: Off" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: Icinyiwe" + +#: ../applet/main.c:285 +msgid "Turn Off Bluetooth" +msgstr "Cima i-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/main.c:286 ../applet/notify.c:159 +msgid "Bluetooth: On" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: Ikhanyile" + +#: ../applet/main.c:291 +msgid "Bluetooth: Disabled" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: Ikhutshaziwe" + +#: ../applet/main.c:438 +msgid "Disconnecting..." +msgstr "Kukhishwa ukuxhuma..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:441 ../sendto/main.c:217 ../sendto/main.c:314 +msgid "Connecting..." +msgstr "Kuyaxhuma..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:444 ../applet/main.c:727 +msgid "Connected" +msgstr "Kuxhunyiwe" + +#: ../applet/main.c:447 ../applet/main.c:727 +msgid "Disconnected" +msgstr "Akuxhunyiwe" + +#: ../applet/main.c:745 ../applet/main.c:809 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "Yeka ukuxhuma" + +#: ../applet/main.c:745 ../applet/main.c:809 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1002 +msgid "Connect" +msgstr "Xhuma" + +#: ../applet/main.c:758 +msgid "Send files..." +msgstr "Thumela amafayela..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:768 +msgid "Browse files..." +msgstr "Phequlula amafayela..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:779 +msgid "Open Keyboard Preferences..." +msgstr "Vula okuthandwayo kwekhibhodi..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:787 +msgid "Open Mouse Preferences..." +msgstr "Vula okuthandwayo kwegundane..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:797 +msgid "Open Sound Preferences..." +msgstr "Vula okuthandwayo zomsindo..." + +#: ../applet/main.c:850 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "Lungisa" + +#. Parse command-line options +#: ../applet/main.c:869 +msgid "- Bluetooth applet" +msgstr "- I-Bluetooth applet" + +#: ../applet/main.c:874 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s\n" +"Run '%s --help' to see a full list of available command line options.\n" +msgstr "" +"%s\n" +"Hambisa '%s --help' ukuze ubone uhlu oluphelele olukhona lezinketho zelayini " +"yomyalo.\n" + +#: ../applet/main.c:900 +msgid "Bluetooth Applet" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth applet" + +#: ../applet/notify.c:122 ../properties/ +#: ../moblin/main.c:129 ../moblin/main.c:141 +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:196 ../applet/agent.c:265 +#, c-format +msgid "Device '%s' wants to pair with this computer" +msgstr "Isisetshenziswa '%s' sifuna ukuxhunyaniswa nale khomphyutha" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:202 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the PIN mentioned on device %s." +msgstr "Sicela ufake i-PIN eshiwo kwisisetshenziswa %s." + +#: ../applet/agent.c:272 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm whether the PIN '%s' matches the one on device %s." +msgstr "Sicela uqinisekise ukuthi i-PIN '%s' ifana naleyo ekusisetshenziswa %s." + +#. translators: Whether to grant access to a particular service +#: ../applet/agent.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Grant access to '%s'" +msgstr "Nika ukufinyelela ku-'%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:319 +#, c-format +msgid "Device %s wants access to the service '%s'." +msgstr "Isisetshenziswa %s sifuna ukufinyelela kwinsizakalo '%s'." + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:369 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing request for '%s'" +msgstr "Isicelo sokuxhumana se-'%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:371 ../applet/agent.c:404 ../applet/agent.c:434 +msgid "Bluetooth device" +msgstr "Isisetshenziswa se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:372 +msgid "Enter PIN" +msgstr "Faka i-PIN" + +#. translators: this is a popup telling you a particular device +#. * has asked for pairing +#: ../applet/agent.c:396 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing confirmation for '%s'" +msgstr "Ukuqinisekiswa kokuxhumana kuka-'%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:405 +msgid "Verify PIN" +msgstr "Qinisekisa i-PIN" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:432 +#, c-format +msgid "Authorization request from '%s'" +msgstr "Isicela sokugunyazwa esivela ku-'%s'" + +#: ../applet/agent.c:435 +msgid "Check authorization" +msgstr "Hlola ukugunyazwa" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager" +msgstr "Umphathi we-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager applet" +msgstr "I-applet yomphathi we-Bluetooth" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:1 +msgid "Bluetooth: Checking" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth: Kuyahlola" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse files on device..." +msgstr "Dlulisa amehlo kumafayela kwisisetshenziswa..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:3 ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:676 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1404 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1514 +msgid "Devices" +msgstr "Izisetshenziswa" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:4 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "Okuthandwayo" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:5 +msgid "Quit" +msgstr "Yeka" + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:6 +msgid "Send files to device..." +msgstr "Thumela amafayela kusisetshenziswa..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:7 +msgid "Set up new device..." +msgstr "Misa isisetshenziswa esisha..." + +#: ../applet/popup-menu.ui.h:8 +msgid "Visible" +msgstr "Siyabonakala" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Always grant access" +msgstr "Nika nj_alo ukufinyelela" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Grant" +msgstr "_Nika" + +#: ../applet/authorisation-dialogue.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Reject" +msgstr "_Yenqabela" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Does not match" +msgstr "_Akufani" + +#: ../applet/confirm-dialogue.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Matches" +msgstr "_Kuyafana" + +#: ../applet/passkey-dialogue.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show input" +msgstr "Boni_sa okufakiwayo" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:295 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Yebo" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:295 +msgid "No" +msgstr "Cha" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:407 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth ikhutshaziwe" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:412 +msgid "Bluetooth is disabled by hardware switch" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth ikhutshazwe yi-switch yezingxenyekazi zekhompuyutha" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:416 +msgid "No Bluetooth adapters found" +msgstr "Akukho zisetshenziswa ze-Bluetooth ezitholiwe" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:526 +msgid "Visibility" +msgstr "Ukubonakala" + +#: ../properties/cc-bluetooth-panel.c:530 +#, c-format +msgid "Visibility of “%s”" +msgstr "Ukubonakala kuka-“%s”" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:1 +msgid "Address" +msgstr "Ikheli" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:2 +msgid "Browse Files..." +msgstr "Dlulisa amehlo kumafayela..." + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:3 +msgid "Connection" +msgstr "Ukuxhumana" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:4 +msgid "Keyboard Settings" +msgstr "Izilungiselelo zekhibhodi" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:5 +msgid "Mouse and Touchpad Settings" +msgstr "Izilungiselelo zegundane kanye neze-touchpad" + +#. Translator: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. +#. Power switch +#. Translators: This string appears next to a toggle switch which controls +#. * enabling/disabling Bluetooth radio's on the device. Akin to the power +#. * switches in the Network UI of Moblin +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:8 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1603 +msgctxt "Power" +msgid "Bluetooth" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth" + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:9 +msgid "Send Files..." +msgstr "Thumela amafayela..." + +#: ../properties/bluetooth.ui.h:10 +msgid "Sound Settings" +msgstr "Izilungiselelo zomsindo" + +#: ../properties/ +msgid "Configure Bluetooth settings" +msgstr "Lungiselela izilungiselelo ze-Bluetooth" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Pairing with 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' cancelled +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:207 ../wizard/main.c:328 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with '%s' cancelled" +msgstr "Ukuxhumana ne-'%s' kukhanseliwe" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:247 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1147 +#, c-format +msgid "Please confirm that the PIN displayed on '%s' matches this one." +msgstr "Sicela uqinisekise i-PIN ebonisiwe ku-'%s' ukuthi ifana nale." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:301 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1198 +msgid "Please enter the following PIN:" +msgstr "Sicela ufake i-PIN elandelayo:" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Setting up 'Sony Bluetooth Headset' failed +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:384 +#, c-format +msgid "Setting up '%s' failed" +msgstr "Ukumisa i-'%s' kuhlulekile" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Connecting to 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:442 +#, c-format +msgid "Connecting to '%s'..." +msgstr "Kuxhumana ne-'%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:480 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:750 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Please enter the following PIN on '%s' and press “Enter” on the keyboard:" +msgstr "" +"Sicela ufake i-PIN elandelayo kwi-'%s' bese uchofoza u-“Enter” kwikhibhodi:" + +#: ../wizard/main.c:482 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:752 +#, c-format +msgid "Please enter the following PIN on '%s':" +msgstr "Sicela ufake i-PIN elandelayo kwi-'%s':" + +#. translators: +#. * The '%s' is the device name, for example: +#. * Please wait while finishing setup on 'Sony Bluetooth Headset'... +#. +#: ../wizard/main.c:505 +#, c-format +msgid "Please wait while finishing setup on device '%s'..." +msgstr "Sicela ume isikhashana uma kusaqedwa ukumiswa kwisisetshenziswa '%s'..." + +#: ../wizard/main.c:523 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:777 +#, c-format +msgid "Successfully set up new device '%s'" +msgstr "Misa isisetshenziswa '%s' esisha ngempumelelo" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:1 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:1 +msgid "'0000' (most headsets, mice and GPS devices)" +msgstr "'0000' (ama-headset amaningi, amagundane noma izisetshenziswa ze-GPS)" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:2 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:2 +msgid "'1111'" +msgstr "'1111'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:3 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:3 +msgid "'1234'" +msgstr "'1234'" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:4 +msgid "Bluetooth New Device Setup" +msgstr "Ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa esisha se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:5 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:4 +msgid "Custom PIN:" +msgstr "I-PIN yezifiso:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:6 +msgid "Device Setup" +msgstr "Ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:7 +msgid "Device Setup Failed" +msgstr "Ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa kuhlulekile" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:8 +msgid "Device search" +msgstr "Usesho lwesisetshenziswa" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:9 +msgid "Do not pair" +msgstr "Ungaxhumanisi" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:11 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1351 +msgid "Does not match" +msgstr "Ayifani" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:12 +msgid "Finishing New Device Setup" +msgstr "Kuqedelelwa ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa esisha" + +#. Translators: this is a PIN with a set value, such as 1111, or 0000 +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:14 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:6 +msgid "Fixed PIN" +msgstr "I-PIN ebekiwe" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:15 +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Isingeniso" + +#. This is a button to answer: Does the PIN matches the one on the device? +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:17 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1347 +msgid "Matches" +msgstr "Kuyafana" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:18 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:7 +msgid "PIN Options" +msgstr "Izinketho ze-PIN" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:19 +msgid "PIN _options..." +msgstr "Izinketh_o ze-PIN..." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:20 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1261 +msgid "Select the additional services you want to use with your device:" +msgstr "" +"Khetha izinsizakalo ezingeziwe ofuna ukuzisebenzisa nesisetshenziswa sakho:" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:21 +msgid "Select the device you want to set up" +msgstr "Khetha isisetshenziswa ofuna ukusimisa" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:22 +msgid "Setup Completed" +msgstr "Ukumiswa kuqediwe" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"The Bluetooth new device setup will walk you through the process of " +"configuring Bluetooth enabled devices for use with this computer." +msgstr "" +"Ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa esisha se-Bluetooth kuzokuyala kwinqubo " +"yokulungisa izisetshenziswa ze-Bluetooth ezinikwe amandla ukuthi zisebenze " +"ngale khomphyutha." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:24 +msgid "" +"The device will need to be within 10 meters of your computer, and be " +"“visible” (sometimes called “discoverable”). Check the device's manual if in " +"doubt." +msgstr "" +"Isisetshenziswa sizodinga ukuthi sibe kude nekhomphyutha yakho amamitha " +"angu-10, futhi “sibonakale” (ngesinye isikhathi kubizwa “kuyatholakala”). " +"Hlola imanyuwali yesisetshenziswa uma ungenaso isiqiniseko." + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:25 +msgid "Welcome to the Bluetooth new device setup" +msgstr "Siyakwamukela kumiso lwesisetshenziswa esisha se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:26 ../moblin/pin.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatic PIN selection" +msgstr "Ukukhethwa kwe-PIN okuzenz_akalelayo" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Cancel" +msgstr "_Khansela" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Close" +msgstr "_Vala" + +#: ../wizard/wizard.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Restart Setup" +msgstr "_Qala futhi ukumiswa" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Bluetooth Device Setup" +msgstr "Ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa esisha se-Bluetooth" + +#: ../wizard/ +msgid "Setup Bluetooth devices" +msgstr "Misa izisetshenziswa ze-Bluetooth ezisha" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:162 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d second" +msgid_plural "%'d seconds" +msgstr[0] "umzuzwana ongu-%'d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzwana engu-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:167 ../sendto/main.c:180 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d minute" +msgid_plural "%'d minutes" +msgstr[0] "umzuzu ongu-%'d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzu engu-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:178 +#, c-format +msgid "%'d hour" +msgid_plural "%'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ihora elingu-%'d" +msgstr[1] "amahora angu-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:188 +#, c-format +msgid "approximately %'d hour" +msgid_plural "approximately %'d hours" +msgstr[0] "ihora elingabalelwa ku-%'d" +msgstr[1] "amahora angabalelwa ku-%'d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:249 +msgid "File Transfer" +msgstr "Ukudluliselwa kwefayela" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:253 +msgid "_Retry" +msgstr "_Zama futhi" + +#. translators: This is the heading for the progress dialogue +#: ../sendto/main.c:273 +msgid "Sending files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Ukuthumela amafayela nge-Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:285 +msgid "From:" +msgstr "Kusuka ku:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:298 +msgid "To:" +msgstr "Ku:" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:343 ../sendto/main.c:359 +msgid "An unknown error occurred" +msgstr "Kwenzeke iphutha elingaziwa" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:352 +msgid "" +"Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts " +"Bluetooth connections" +msgstr "" +"Qinisekisa ukuthi isisetshenziswa esikude sikhanyisiwe futhi sivumela " +"ukuxhumana kwe-Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:450 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %s" +msgstr "Kuthunyelwa %s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:457 ../sendto/main.c:523 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending file %d of %d" +msgstr "Kuthunyelwa amafayela angu-%d ka-%d" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:519 +#, c-format +msgid "%d KB/s" +msgstr "%d KB/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:521 +#, c-format +msgid "%d B/s" +msgstr "%d B/s" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:651 +msgid "Select device to send to" +msgstr "Khetha isisetshenziswa okumele uthumele kuso" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:656 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_Thumela" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:700 +msgid "Choose files to send" +msgstr "Khetha amafayela okumele athunyelwe" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:703 +msgid "Select" +msgstr "Khetha" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:729 +msgid "Remote device to use" +msgstr "Isisetshenziswa esikude okumele sisetshenziswe" + +#: ../sendto/main.c:731 +msgid "Remote device's name" +msgstr "Igama lesisetshenziswa esikude" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:168 +msgid "Programming error: could not find the device in the list" +msgstr "Iphutha lokuhlela: ayikwazanga ukuthola isisetshenziswa kuhlu" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:243 +#, c-format +msgid "OBEX Push file transfer unsupported" +msgstr "Ukudluliswa kokusunduza ifayela kwe-OBEX akuxhasiwe" + +#: ../sendto/nautilus-sendto-plugin.c:262 +msgid "Bluetooth (OBEX Push)" +msgstr "I-Bluetooth (i-OBEX Push)" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Bluetooth Transfer" +msgstr "Ukudluliselwa nge-Bluetooth" + +#: ../sendto/ +msgid "Send files via Bluetooth" +msgstr "Thumela amafayela nge-Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:93 +msgid "Run in standalone mode" +msgstr "Hambisa ngendlela ye-standalone" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:101 ../moblin/ +msgid "Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "Iphaneli le-moblin Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/main.c:102 +msgid "- Moblin Bluetooth Panel" +msgstr "- Iphaneli le-mnoblin Bluetooth" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:177 +#, c-format +msgid "%d hour" +msgid_plural "%d hours" +msgstr[0] "ihora elingu-%d" +msgstr[1] "amahora angu-%d" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:179 +#, c-format +msgid "%d minute" +msgid_plural "%d minutes" +msgstr[0] "umzuzu ongu-%d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzu engu-%d" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:182 +#, c-format +msgid "%d second" +msgid_plural "%d seconds" +msgstr[0] "umzuzwana ongu-%d" +msgstr[1] "imizuzwana engu-%d" + +#. 5 hours 2 minutes 12 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:188 +#, c-format +msgctxt "time" +msgid "%s %s %s" +msgstr "%s %s %s" + +#. 2 minutes 12 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:192 +#, c-format +msgctxt "time" +msgid "%s %s" +msgstr "%s %s" + +#. 0 seconds +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:202 +msgid "0 seconds" +msgstr "imizuzwana engu-0" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:224 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Your computer is visible on\n" +"Bluetooth for %s." +msgstr "" +"Ikhomphyutha yakho iyabonakala ku-\n" +"Bluetooth ukuze-%s." + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:625 +#, c-format +msgid "Pairing with %s failed." +msgstr "Ukuxhumana ne-%s kuhlulekile." + +#. Translators: this is a verb (just like "Connect"), not a noun. +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:986 +msgid "Pair" +msgstr "Xhumana" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1023 +msgid "Browse" +msgstr "Dlulisa amehlo" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1220 +msgid "Device setup failed" +msgstr "Ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa kuhlulekile" + +#. Back button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1234 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1310 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1359 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1437 +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1669 +msgid "Back to devices" +msgstr "Buyela kwizisetshenziswa" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1273 +msgid "Done" +msgstr "Kwenziwe" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1294 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1331 +msgid "Device setup" +msgstr "Ukumiswa kwesisetshenziswa" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1454 ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1585 +msgid "Settings" +msgstr "Izilungiselelo" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1470 +msgid "Only show:" +msgstr "Bonisa kuphela:" + +#. Button for PIN options file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1476 +msgid "PIN options" +msgstr "Izinketho ze-PIN" + +#. Add new button +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1520 +msgid "Add a new device" +msgstr "Engeza isisetshenziswa esisha" + +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1621 +msgid "Make visible on Bluetooth" +msgstr "Yenza kubonakale ku-Bluetooth" + +#. Button for Send file +#: ../moblin/moblin-panel.c:1627 +msgid "Send file from your computer" +msgstr "Thumela ifayela kusuka kwikhomphyutha yakho" + +#: ../moblin/ +msgid "Bluetooth Manager Panel" +msgstr "Iphaneli yesiphathi se-Bluetooth" diff --git a/sendto/bluetooth-sendto.1 b/sendto/bluetooth-sendto.1 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..77c2cdb --- /dev/null +++ b/sendto/bluetooth-sendto.1 @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +.TH BLUETOOTH-SENDTO 1 "May 6, 2012" "gnome-bluetooth" "Linux User's Manual" +.SH NAME +bluetooth-sendto - GTK application for transferring files over Bluetooth +.SH SYNOPSIS +.B bluetooth-sendto +[\--device=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX [\--name=NAME]] [file...] +.SH DESCRIPTION +.I bluetooth-sendto +will display a dialog for transferring files over Bluetooth. +.I bluetooth-sendto +is part of gnome-bluetooth, see also +.SH OPTIONS +.TP +\--device +Define the device address to send the file(s) to. +If omitted a chooser will be displayed. +.TP +\--name +Define the device name to send the file(s) to. +If omitted it will be auto detected. +.TP +file +The file(s) to send to the device. +If omitted a chooser will be displayed. +.SH AUTHOR +Marcel Holtmann +.SH LICENSE +bluetooth-sendto is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free +Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) +any later version. + +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but WITHOUT +ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for +more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along +with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., +59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA diff --git a/sendto/ b/sendto/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59358fd --- /dev/null +++ b/sendto/ @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +[Desktop Entry] +Name=Bluetooth Transfer +Comment=Send files via Bluetooth +# Translators: Do NOT translate or transliterate this text (this is an icon file name)! +Icon=bluetooth +Exec=bluetooth-sendto +Terminal=false +Type=Application +Categories=GTK;GNOME;Utility;FileTools; +StartupNotify=true +NoDisplay=true +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=gnome-bluetooth +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=sendto +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=@VERSION@ diff --git a/sendto/main.c b/sendto/main.c new file mode 100644 index 0000000..742a097 --- /dev/null +++ b/sendto/main.c @@ -0,0 +1,959 @@ +/* + * + * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux + * + * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Marcel Holtmann + * Copyright (C) 2013 Intel Corporation. + * + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + * + */ + +#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H +#include +#endif + +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +#include +#include + +#define OBEX_SERVICE "org.bluez.obex" +#define OBEX_PATH "/org/bluez/obex" +#define TRANSFER_IFACE "org.bluez.obex.Transfer1" +#define OPP_IFACE "org.bluez.obex.ObjectPush1" +#define CLIENT_IFACE "org.bluez.obex.Client1" + +#define RESPONSE_RETRY 1 + +static GDBusConnection *conn = NULL; +static GDBusProxy *client_proxy = NULL; +static GDBusProxy *session = NULL; +static GDBusProxy *current_transfer = NULL; +static GCancellable *cancellable = NULL; + +static GtkWidget *dialog; +static GtkWidget *label_from; +static GtkWidget *image_status; +static GtkWidget *label_status; +static GtkWidget *progress; + +static gchar *option_device = NULL; +static gchar *option_device_name = NULL; +static gchar **option_files = NULL; + +static guint64 current_size = 0; +static guint64 total_size = 0; +static guint64 total_sent = 0; + +static int file_count = 0; +static int file_index = 0; + +static gint64 first_update = 0; +static gint64 last_update = 0; + +static void on_transfer_properties (GVariant *props); +static void on_transfer_progress (guint64 transferred); +static void on_transfer_complete (void); +static void on_transfer_error (void); + +static gint64 +get_system_time (void) +{ + struct timeval tmp; + + gettimeofday(&tmp, NULL); + + return (gint64) tmp.tv_usec + + (gint64) tmp.tv_sec * G_GINT64_CONSTANT(1000000); +} + +static void +update_from_label (void) +{ + char *filename = option_files[file_index]; + GFile *file, *dir; + char *text, *markup; + + file = g_file_new_for_path (filename); + dir = g_file_get_parent (file); + g_object_unref (file); + if (g_file_has_uri_scheme (dir, "file") != FALSE) { + text = g_file_get_path (dir); + } else { + text = g_file_get_uri (dir); + } + markup = g_markup_escape_text (text, -1); + g_free (text); + g_object_unref (dir); + gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label_from), markup); + g_free (markup); +} + +static char * +cleanup_error (GError *error) +{ + char *remote_error; + + if (!error || *error->message == '\0') + return g_strdup (_("An unknown error occurred")); + if (g_dbus_error_is_remote_error (error) == FALSE) + return g_strdup (error->message); + + remote_error = g_dbus_error_get_remote_error (error); + g_debug ("Remote error is: %s", remote_error); + g_free (remote_error); + + g_dbus_error_strip_remote_error (error); + g_debug ("Error message is: %s", error->message); + + /* And now, take advantage of the fact that obexd isn't translated */ + if (g_strcmp0 (error->message, "Unable to find service record") == 0) { + return g_strdup (_("Make sure that the remote device is switched on and that it accepts Bluetooth connections")); + } + + return g_strdup (error->message); +} + +static void +handle_error (GError *error) +{ + char *message; + + message = cleanup_error (error); + + gtk_widget_show (image_status); + gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label_status), message); + g_clear_error (&error); + g_free (message); + + /* Clear the progress bar as it may be saying 'Connecting' or + * 'Sending file 1 of 1' which is not true. */ + gtk_progress_bar_set_text (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (progress), ""); + + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), RESPONSE_RETRY, TRUE); +} + +static void +transfer_properties_changed (GDBusProxy *proxy, + GVariant *changed_properties, + GStrv invalidated_properties, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GVariantIter iter; + const char *key; + GVariant *value; + + g_variant_iter_init (&iter, changed_properties); + while (g_variant_iter_next (&iter, "{&sv}", &key, &value)) { + if (g_str_equal (key, "Status")) { + const char *status; + + status = g_variant_get_string (value, NULL); + + if (g_str_equal (status, "complete")) { + on_transfer_complete (); + } else if (g_str_equal (status, "error")) { + on_transfer_error (); + } + } else if (g_str_equal (key, "Transferred")) { + guint64 transferred = g_variant_get_uint64 (value); + + on_transfer_progress (transferred); + } + + g_variant_unref (value); + } +} + +static void +transfer_proxy (GDBusProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + + current_transfer = g_dbus_proxy_new_finish (res, &error); + + if (current_transfer == NULL) { + if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + handle_error (error); + return; + } + + g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (current_transfer), "g-properties-changed", + G_CALLBACK (transfer_properties_changed), NULL); +} + +static void +transfer_created (GDBusProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + GVariant *variant, *properties; + const char *transfer; + + variant = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error); + + if (variant == NULL) { + if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + handle_error (error); + return; + } + + gtk_progress_bar_set_text (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (progress), NULL); + + first_update = get_system_time (); + + g_variant_get (variant, "(&o@a{sv})", &transfer, &properties); + + on_transfer_properties (properties); + + g_dbus_proxy_new (conn, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, + NULL, + OBEX_SERVICE, + transfer, + TRANSFER_IFACE, + cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) transfer_proxy, + NULL); + + g_variant_unref (properties); + g_variant_unref (variant); +} + +static void +send_next_file (void) +{ + update_from_label (); + + g_dbus_proxy_call (session, + "SendFile", + g_variant_new ("(s)", option_files[file_index]), + G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, + -1, + cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) transfer_created, + NULL); +} + +static void +session_proxy (GDBusProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + + g_clear_object (&session); + session = g_dbus_proxy_new_finish (res, &error); + + if (session == NULL) { + if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + handle_error (error); + return; + } + + send_next_file (); +} + +static void +session_created (GDBusProxy *proxy, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer user_data) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + GVariant *variant; + const char *session; + + variant = g_dbus_proxy_call_finish (proxy, res, &error); + + if (variant == NULL) { + if (g_error_matches (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { + g_error_free (error); + return; + } + + handle_error (error); + return; + } + + g_variant_get (variant, "(&o)", &session); + + g_dbus_proxy_new (conn, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_NONE, + NULL, + OBEX_SERVICE, + session, + OPP_IFACE, + cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) session_proxy, + NULL); + + g_variant_unref (variant); +} + +static void +send_files (void) +{ + GVariant *parameters; + GVariantBuilder *builder; + + builder = g_variant_builder_new (G_VARIANT_TYPE_DICTIONARY); + g_variant_builder_add (builder, "{sv}", "Target", + g_variant_new_string ("opp")); + + parameters = g_variant_new ("(sa{sv})", option_device, builder); + + g_dbus_proxy_call (client_proxy, + "CreateSession", + parameters, + G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, + -1, + cancellable, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) session_created, + NULL); + + g_variant_builder_unref (builder); +} + +static gchar *filename_to_path(const gchar *filename) +{ + GFile *file; + gchar *path; + + file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg(filename); + path = g_file_get_path(file); + g_object_unref(file); + + return path; +} + +static gchar *format_time(gint seconds) +{ + gint hours, minutes; + + if (seconds < 0) + seconds = 0; + + if (seconds < 60) + return g_strdup_printf(ngettext("%'d second", + "%'d seconds", seconds), seconds); + + if (seconds < 60 * 60) { + minutes = (seconds + 30) / 60; + return g_strdup_printf(ngettext("%'d minute", + "%'d minutes", minutes), minutes); + } + + hours = seconds / (60 * 60); + + if (seconds < 60 * 60 * 4) { + gchar *res, *h, *m; + + minutes = (seconds - hours * 60 * 60 + 30) / 60; + + h = g_strdup_printf(ngettext("%'d hour", + "%'d hours", hours), hours); + m = g_strdup_printf(ngettext("%'d minute", + "%'d minutes", minutes), minutes); + res = g_strconcat(h, ", ", m, NULL); + g_free(h); + g_free(m); + return res; + } + + return g_strdup_printf(ngettext("approximately %'d hour", + "approximately %'d hours", hours), hours); +} + +static void response_callback(GtkWidget *dialog, + gint response, gpointer user_data) +{ + if (response == RESPONSE_RETRY) { + /* Reset buttons */ + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), RESPONSE_RETRY, FALSE); + + /* Reset status and progress bar */ + gtk_progress_bar_set_text (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (progress), + _("Connecting…")); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label_status), ""); + gtk_widget_hide (image_status); + + /* If we have a session, we don't need to create another one. */ + if (session) + send_next_file (); + else + send_files (); + + return; + } + + /* Cancel any ongoing dbus calls we may have */ + g_cancellable_cancel (cancellable); + + if (current_transfer != NULL) { + g_dbus_proxy_call (current_transfer, + "Cancel", + NULL, + G_DBUS_CALL_FLAGS_NONE, + -1, + NULL, + (GAsyncReadyCallback) NULL, + NULL); + g_object_unref (current_transfer); + current_transfer = NULL; + } + + gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); + gtk_main_quit(); +} + +static void create_window(void) +{ + GtkWidget *vbox, *hbox; + GtkWidget *table; + GtkWidget *label; + gchar *text; + + dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DIALOG, + "use-header-bar", 1, + "title", _("Bluetooth File Transfer"), + NULL); + gtk_dialog_add_buttons(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), + _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, + _("_Retry"), RESPONSE_RETRY, + NULL); + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), RESPONSE_RETRY, FALSE); + gtk_window_set_type_hint(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), + GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL); + gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER); + gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), 400, -1); + gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(dialog), 6); + + vbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0); + gtk_box_set_spacing(GTK_BOX(vbox), 6); + gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), 6); + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog))), + vbox); + + table = gtk_grid_new(); + gtk_grid_set_column_spacing(GTK_GRID(table), 4); + gtk_grid_set_row_spacing(GTK_GRID(table), 4); + gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), table, TRUE, TRUE, 9); + + label = gtk_label_new(NULL); + gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1, 0.5); + text = g_markup_printf_escaped("%s", _("From:")); + gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(label), text); + g_free(text); + gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(table), label, 0, 0, 1, 1); + + label_from = gtk_label_new(NULL); + gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label_from), 0, 0.5); + gtk_label_set_ellipsize(GTK_LABEL(label_from), PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE); + gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(table), label_from, 1, 0, 1, 1); + + update_from_label (); + + label = gtk_label_new(NULL); + gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1, 0.5); + text = g_markup_printf_escaped("%s", _("To:")); + gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(label), text); + g_free(text); + gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(table), label, 0, 1, 1, 1); + + label = gtk_label_new(NULL); + gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 0, 0.5); + gtk_label_set_ellipsize(GTK_LABEL(label), PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END); + gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(label), option_device_name); + gtk_grid_attach(GTK_GRID(table), label, 1, 1, 1, 1); + + progress = gtk_progress_bar_new(); + gtk_progress_bar_set_show_text (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (progress), TRUE); + gtk_progress_bar_set_ellipsize(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), + PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END); + gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), + _("Connecting…")); + gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), progress, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + + hbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 4); + + image_status = gtk_image_new_from_icon_name ("dialog-warning", GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU); + gtk_widget_set_no_show_all (image_status, TRUE); + gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (hbox), image_status, FALSE, FALSE, 4); + + label_status = gtk_label_new(NULL); + gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label_status), 0, 0.5); + gtk_label_set_line_wrap(GTK_LABEL(label_status), TRUE); + gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (hbox), label_status, TRUE, TRUE, 4); + + gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 2); + + g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(dialog), "response", + G_CALLBACK(response_callback), NULL); + + gtk_widget_show_all(dialog); +} + +static gchar *get_device_name(const gchar *address) +{ + BluetoothClient *client; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + gboolean cont; + char *found_name; + + found_name = NULL; + client = bluetooth_client_new (); + model = bluetooth_client_get_model (client); + if (model == NULL) { + g_object_unref (client); + return NULL; + } + + cont = gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter); + while (cont != FALSE) { + char *bdaddr, *name; + + gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ADDRESS, &bdaddr, + BLUETOOTH_COLUMN_ALIAS, &name, + -1); + if (g_strcmp0 (bdaddr, address) == 0) { + g_free (bdaddr); + found_name = name; + break; + } + g_free (bdaddr); + g_free (name); + + cont = gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter); + } + + g_object_unref (model); + g_object_unref (client); + + return found_name; +} + +static void +on_transfer_properties (GVariant *props) +{ + char *filename = option_files[file_index]; + char *basename, *text, *markup; + GVariant *size; + + size = g_variant_lookup_value (props, "Size", G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT64); + if (size) { + current_size = g_variant_get_uint64 (size); + last_update = get_system_time (); + } + + basename = g_path_get_basename(filename); + text = g_strdup_printf(_("Sending %s"), basename); + g_free(basename); + markup = g_markup_printf_escaped("%s", text); + gtk_label_set_markup(GTK_LABEL(label_status), markup); + g_free(markup); + g_free(text); + + text = g_strdup_printf(_("Sending file %d of %d"), + file_index + 1, file_count); + gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), text); + g_free(text); +} + +static void +on_transfer_progress (guint64 transferred) +{ + gint64 current_time; + gint elapsed_time; + gint remaining_time; + gint transfer_rate; + guint64 current_sent; + gdouble fraction; + gchar *time, *rate, *file, *text; + + current_sent = total_sent + transferred; + if (total_size == 0) + fraction = 0.0; + else + fraction = (gdouble) current_sent / (gdouble) total_size; + gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), fraction); + + current_time = get_system_time(); + elapsed_time = (current_time - first_update) / 1000000; + + if (current_time < last_update + 1000000) + return; + + last_update = current_time; + + if (elapsed_time == 0) + return; + + transfer_rate = current_sent / elapsed_time; + + if (transfer_rate == 0) + return; + + remaining_time = (total_size - current_sent) / transfer_rate; + + time = format_time(remaining_time); + + if (transfer_rate >= 3000) + rate = g_strdup_printf(_("%d kB/s"), transfer_rate / 1000); + else + rate = g_strdup_printf(_("%d B/s"), transfer_rate); + + file = g_strdup_printf(_("Sending file %d of %d"), + file_index + 1, file_count); + text = g_strdup_printf("%s (%s, %s)", file, rate, time); + g_free(file); + g_free(rate); + g_free(time); + gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), text); + g_free(text); +} + +static void +on_transfer_complete (void) +{ + total_sent += current_size; + + file_index++; + + /* And we're done with the transfer */ + g_object_unref (current_transfer); + current_transfer = NULL; + + if (file_index == file_count) { + GtkWidget *button; + char *complete; + + gtk_progress_bar_set_fraction(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), 1.0); + + gtk_progress_bar_set_text(GTK_PROGRESS_BAR(progress), ""); + + complete = g_strdup_printf (ngettext ("%u transfer complete", + "%u transfers complete", + file_count), file_count); + gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (label_status), complete); + g_free (complete); + + button = gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL); + gtk_button_set_label (GTK_BUTTON (button), _("_Close")); + } else { + send_next_file (); + } +} + +static void +on_transfer_error (void) +{ + gtk_widget_show (image_status); + gtk_label_set_markup (GTK_LABEL (label_status), _("There was an error")); + + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (GTK_DIALOG (dialog), RESPONSE_RETRY, TRUE); + + g_object_unref (current_transfer); + current_transfer = NULL; +} + +static void +select_device_changed(BluetoothChooser *sel, + char *address, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkDialog *dialog = user_data; + char *icon; + + if (address == NULL) + goto bail; + + icon = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_icon (sel); + if (icon == NULL) + goto bail; + + /* Apple's device don't have OBEX */ + if (g_str_equal (icon, "phone-apple-iphone")) + goto bail; + + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, + GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, TRUE); + return; + +bail: + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive (dialog, + GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, FALSE); +} + +static void +select_device_activated(BluetoothChooser *sel, + char *address, + gpointer user_data) +{ + GtkDialog *dialog = user_data; + + gtk_dialog_response(dialog, GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); +} + +static char * +show_browse_dialog (char **device_name) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *selector, *send_button, *content_area; + char *bdaddr; + int response_id; + GtkStyleContext *context; + + dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_DIALOG, + "title", _("Select device to send to"), + "use-header-bar", 1, + NULL); + gtk_dialog_add_buttons(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), + _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, + _("_Send"), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, + NULL); + gtk_window_set_type_hint (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL); + send_button = gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context(send_button); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "suggested-action"); + + gtk_dialog_set_response_sensitive(GTK_DIALOG(dialog), + GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, FALSE); + gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), 480, 400); + + gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (dialog), 5); + content_area = gtk_dialog_get_content_area (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); + gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (content_area), 2); + + selector = bluetooth_chooser_new(); + gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(selector), 5); + gtk_widget_show(selector); + g_object_set(selector, + "show-searching", TRUE, + "show-device-category", TRUE, + "show-device-type", TRUE, + NULL); + g_signal_connect(selector, "selected-device-changed", + G_CALLBACK(select_device_changed), dialog); + g_signal_connect(selector, "selected-device-activated", + G_CALLBACK(select_device_activated), dialog); + gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (content_area), selector, TRUE, TRUE, 0); + bluetooth_chooser_start_discovery (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (selector)); + + bdaddr = NULL; + response_id = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); + if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + bdaddr = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (selector)); + *device_name = bluetooth_chooser_get_selected_device_name (BLUETOOTH_CHOOSER (selector)); + } + + gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); + + return bdaddr; +} + +static char ** +show_select_dialog(void) +{ + GtkWidget *dialog, *button; + gchar **files = NULL; + GtkStyleContext *context; + + dialog = g_object_new (GTK_TYPE_FILE_CHOOSER_DIALOG, + "title", _("Choose files to send"), + "action", GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, + "use-header-bar", 1, + NULL); + gtk_dialog_add_buttons(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), + _("_Cancel"), GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, + _("Select"), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT, NULL); + gtk_window_set_type_hint (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GDK_WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL); + gtk_file_chooser_set_select_multiple(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog), TRUE); + + button = gtk_dialog_get_widget_for_response(GTK_DIALOG (dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT); + context = gtk_widget_get_style_context(button); + gtk_style_context_add_class (context, "suggested-action"); + + if (gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)) == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) { + GSList *list, *filenames; + int i; + + filenames = gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(dialog)); + + files = g_new(gchar *, g_slist_length(filenames) + 1); + + for (list = filenames, i = 0; list; list = list->next, i++) + files[i] = list->data; + files[i] = NULL; + + g_slist_free(filenames); + } + + gtk_widget_destroy(dialog); + + return files; +} + +static GOptionEntry options[] = { + { "device", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &option_device, + N_("Remote device to use"), N_("ADDRESS") }, + { "name", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &option_device_name, + N_("Remote device’s name"), N_("NAME") }, + { "dest", 0, G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, + G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &option_device, NULL, NULL }, + { G_OPTION_REMAINING, 0, 0, + G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME_ARRAY, &option_files }, + { NULL }, +}; + +int main(int argc, char *argv[]) +{ + GError *error = NULL; + int i; + + bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); + bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); + textdomain(GETTEXT_PACKAGE); + + error = NULL; + + if (gtk_init_with_args(&argc, &argv, _("[FILE…]"), + options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE, &error) == FALSE) { + if (error != NULL) { + g_printerr("%s\n", error->message); + g_error_free(error); + } else + g_printerr("An unknown error occurred\n"); + + return 1; + } + + gtk_window_set_default_icon_name("bluetooth"); + + cancellable = g_cancellable_new (); + + /* A device name, but no device? */ + if (option_device == NULL && option_device_name != NULL) { + if (option_files != NULL) + g_strfreev(option_files); + g_free (option_device_name); + return 1; + } + + if (option_files == NULL) { + option_files = show_select_dialog(); + if (option_files == NULL) + return 1; + } + + if (option_device == NULL) { + option_device = show_browse_dialog(&option_device_name); + if (option_device == NULL) { + g_strfreev(option_files); + return 1; + } + } + + file_count = g_strv_length(option_files); + + for (i = 0; i < file_count; i++) { + gchar *filename; + struct stat st; + + filename = filename_to_path(option_files[i]); + + if (filename != NULL) { + g_free(option_files[i]); + option_files[i] = filename; + } + + if (g_file_test(option_files[i], + G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR) == FALSE) { + option_files[i][0] = '\0'; + continue; + } + + if (g_stat(option_files[i], &st) < 0) + option_files[i][0] = '\0'; + else + total_size += st.st_size; + } + + conn = g_bus_get_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error); + if (conn == NULL) { + if (error != NULL) { + g_printerr("Connecting to session bus failed: %s\n", + error->message); + g_error_free(error); + } else + g_print("An unknown error occurred\n"); + + return 1; + } + + client_proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_sync (conn, + G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_LOAD_PROPERTIES | G_DBUS_PROXY_FLAGS_DO_NOT_CONNECT_SIGNALS, + NULL, + OBEX_SERVICE, + OBEX_PATH, + CLIENT_IFACE, + cancellable, + &error); + if (client_proxy == NULL) { + g_printerr("Acquiring proxy failed: %s\n", error->message); + g_error_free (error); + return 1; + } + + if (option_device_name == NULL) + option_device_name = get_device_name(option_device); + if (option_device_name == NULL) + option_device_name = g_strdup(option_device); + + create_window(); + + if (!g_cancellable_is_cancelled (cancellable)) + send_files (); + + gtk_main(); + + g_cancellable_cancel (cancellable); + + g_clear_object (&cancellable); + g_clear_object (¤t_transfer); + g_clear_object (&session); + g_object_unref (client_proxy); + g_object_unref (conn); + + g_strfreev(option_files); + g_free(option_device); + g_free(option_device_name); + + return 0; +} diff --git a/sendto/ b/sendto/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc55938 --- /dev/null +++ b/sendto/ @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +name = 'bluetooth-sendto' + +executable( + name, + 'main.c', + include_directories: [ + top_inc, + lib_inc + ], + dependencies: gtk_dep, + link_with: libgnome_bluetooth, + install: true, + install_dir: gnomebt_bindir +) + +install_man( + name + '.1', + install_dir: join_paths(gnomebt_mandir, 'man1') +) + +desktop_conf = configuration_data() +desktop_conf.set('VERSION', gnomebt_version) + +desktop = name + '.desktop' + +desktop_in = configure_file( + input: desktop + '', + output: desktop + '.in', + configuration: desktop_conf +) + +i18n.merge_file ( + desktop, + type: 'desktop', + input: desktop_in, + output: desktop, + po_dir: po_dir, + install: true, + install_dir: join_paths(gnomebt_datadir, 'applications') +)