Blame localedata/locales/wae_CH

Packit 6c4009
comment_char %
Packit 6c4009
escape_char /
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% This file is part of the GNU C Library and contains locale data.
Packit 6c4009
% The Free Software Foundation does not claim any copyright interest
Packit 6c4009
% in the locale data contained in this file.  The foregoing does not
Packit 6c4009
% affect the license of the GNU C Library as a whole.  It does not
Packit 6c4009
% exempt you from the conditions of the license if your use would
Packit 6c4009
% otherwise be governed by that license.
Packit 6c4009
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Packit 6c4009
% ChangeLog
Packit 6c4009
%	0.1		2010-10-25 Kevin Bortis <>
Packit 6c4009
%				- First version of wae_CH locale file
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
title      "Walser locale for Switzerland"
Packit 6c4009
source     ""
Packit 6c4009
address    ""
Packit 6c4009
contact    "Walser Translation Team"
Packit 6c4009
email      ""
Packit 6c4009
tel        ""
Packit 6c4009
fax        ""
Packit 6c4009
language   "Walser"
Packit 6c4009
territory  "Switzerland"
Packit 6c4009
revision   "0.1"
Packit 6c4009
date       "2010-10-25"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_IDENTIFICATION
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_CTYPE
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_COLLATE
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_TIME
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_NUMERIC
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_MONETARY
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_MESSAGES
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_MEASUREMENT
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_PAPER
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_NAME
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_ADDRESS
Packit 6c4009
category "i18n:2012";LC_TELEPHONE
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Using same characters as in German language (Switzerland)
Packit 6c4009
copy "de_CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Copy the template from ISO/IEC 14651
Packit 6c4009
copy "iso14651_t1"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% abday - The abbreviations for the week days:
Packit 6c4009
% - Sun, Män, Zis, Mit, Fro, Fri, Sam
Packit 6c4009
abday	"Sun";/
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
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% day - The full names of the week days:
Packit 6c4009
% - Suntag, Mäntag, Zischtag, Mittwuch, Frontag, Fritag, Samschtag
Packit 6c4009
day         "Suntag";/
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
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% abmon - The abbreviations for the months
Packit 6c4009
% - Jen, Hor, Mär, Abr, Mei, Brá, Hei, Öig, Her, Wím, Win, Chr
Packit 6c4009
abmon       	"Jen";/
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
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Packit 6c4009
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Packit 6c4009
% mon - The full names of the months -
Packit 6c4009
% - Jenner, Hornig, Märze, Abrille, Meije, Bráčet, Heiwet,
Packit 6c4009
%    Öigšte, Herbštmánet, Wímánet, Wintermánet, Chrištmánet
Packit 6c4009
mon         	"Jenner";/
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
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Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Abreviated date and time representation to be referenced by the "%c" field descriptor -
Packit 6c4009
d_t_fmt "%a %d. %b %Y %T %Z"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% "%a" (short weekday name),
Packit 6c4009
% "%d" (day of month as a decimal number),
Packit 6c4009
% "%b" (short month name),
Packit 6c4009
% "%Y" (year with century as a decimal number),
Packit 6c4009
% "%T" (24-hour clock time in format HH:MM:SS),
Packit 6c4009
% "%Z" (Time zone name)
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Date representation to be referenced by the "%x" field descriptor -
Packit 6c4009
% "%Y-%m-%d", as decimal numbers (2000-12-01).
Packit 6c4009
d_fmt   "%Y-%m-%d"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Time representation to be referenced by the "%X" field descriptor -
Packit 6c4009
% "%T" (24-hour clock time in format HH:MM:SS)
Packit 6c4009
t_fmt   "%T"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Define representation of ante meridiem and post meridiem strings -
Packit 6c4009
% The ""s mean default to "AM" and "PM".
Packit 6c4009
am_pm       "";""
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Define time representation in 12-hour format with "am_pm", to be referenced by the "%r"
Packit 6c4009
% field descriptor -
Packit 6c4009
% The "" means that this format is not supported.
Packit 6c4009
t_fmt_ampm  ""
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% Date representation not described in ISO/IEC 14652. Comes out as -
Packit 6c4009
date_fmt	"%a %-d %b %H:%M:%S %Z %Y"
Packit 6c4009
% which is
Packit 6c4009
% %a - abbreviated weekday name,
Packit 6c4009
% %b - abreviated month name,
Packit 6c4009
% %e - day of month as a decimal number with leading space (1 to 31),
Packit 6c4009
% %H - hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00 to 23),
Packit 6c4009
% %M - minute as a decimal number (00 to 59),
Packit 6c4009
% %S - seconds as a decimal number (00 to 59),
Packit 6c4009
% %Z - time-zone name,
Packit 6c4009
% %Y - year with century as a decimal number,e.g. 2001.
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
week    7;19971130;4
Packit 6c4009
first_weekday 2
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
copy "de_CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
copy "de_CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
yesexpr "^[+1jJyY]"
Packit 6c4009
noexpr  "^[-0nN]"
Packit 6c4009
yesstr  "ja"
Packit 6c4009
nostr   "nei"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
copy "de_CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
copy "de_CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
copy "de_CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
name_fmt    "%d%t%g%t%m%t%f"
Packit 6c4009
% Format for addressing a person.
Packit 6c4009
% "Salutation",
Packit 6c4009
% "Empty string, or <Space>",
Packit 6c4009
% "First given name",
Packit 6c4009
% "Empty string, or <Space>",
Packit 6c4009
% "Middle names",
Packit 6c4009
% "Empty string, or <Space>",
Packit 6c4009
% "Clan names"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
name_miss   "Fr<U00F6>lein"
Packit 6c4009
% Salutation for unmarried females - "Frölein"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
name_mr     "Herr"
Packit 6c4009
% Salutation for males - "Herr"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
name_mrs    "Fr<U00F6>iw"
Packit 6c4009
% Salutation for married females - "Fröiw"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
name_ms     "Fr<U00F6>iw"
Packit 6c4009
% Salutation valid for all females - "Fröiw"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
country_name "Schwiz"
Packit 6c4009
% Country name "Switzerland"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
country_post "DH"
Packit 6c4009
% Abbreviated country postal name - "CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
lang_name "Walser"
Packit 6c4009
% Language name - "Walser"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% UN Geneve 1949:68 Distinguishing signs of vehicles in international traffic
Packit 6c4009
country_car "CH"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% ISO 639 two and three letter language names
Packit 6c4009
% see
Packit 6c4009
% "", "wae", "wae"
Packit 6c4009
lang_ab       ""
Packit 6c4009
lang_term     "wae"
Packit 6c4009
lang_lib      "wae"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
postal_fmt    "%f%N%a%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%z %T%N%c%N"
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% ISO 3166 country number and 2 and 3 letter abreviations
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009
% "CH", "CHE"
Packit 6c4009
country_ab2   "CH"
Packit 6c4009
country_ab3   "CHE"
Packit 6c4009
country_num   756
Packit 6c4009
country_isbn  3
Packit 6c4009
Packit 6c4009