Blame localedata/charmaps/NATS-DANO-ADD

Packit Service 82fcde
<code_set_name> NATS-DANO-ADD
Packit Service 82fcde
<comment_char> %
Packit Service 82fcde
<escape_char> /
Packit Service 82fcde
% version: 1.0
Packit Service 82fcde
% repertoiremap: mnemonic,ds
Packit Service 82fcde
%  source: ECMA registry
Packit Service 82fcde
Packit Service 82fcde
% alias ISO-IR-9-2
Packit Service 82fcde
Packit Service 82fcde
<A!>                   /x41   <U00C0> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
Packit Service 82fcde
<D//>                  /x44   <U0110> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE
Packit Service 82fcde
<E'>                   /x45   <U00C9> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
Packit Service 82fcde
                   /x50   <U00DE> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER THORN (Icelandic)
Packit Service 82fcde
<U:>                   /x55   <U00DC> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<A:>                   /x5B   <U00C4> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<O:>                   /x5C   <U00D6> LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<a!>                   /x61   <U00E0> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH GRAVE
Packit Service 82fcde
<d//>                  /x64   <U0111> LATIN SMALL LETTER D WITH STROKE
Packit Service 82fcde
<e'>                   /x65   <U00E9> LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
Packit Service 82fcde
                   /x70   <U00FE> LATIN SMALL LETTER THORN (Icelandic)
Packit Service 82fcde
<u:>                   /x75   <U00FC> LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<a:>                   /x7B   <U00E4> LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<o:>                   /x7C   <U00F6> LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<NUL>                  /x00   <U0000> NUL
Packit Service 82fcde
<SOH>                  /x00   <U0001> START OF HEADING (SOH)
Packit Service 82fcde
<STX>                  /x00   <U0002> START OF TEXT (STX)
Packit Service 82fcde
<ETX>                  /x00   <U0003> END OF TEXT (ETX)
Packit Service 82fcde
<EOT>                  /x00   <U0004> END OF TRANSMISSION (EOT)
Packit Service 82fcde
<ENQ>                  /x00   <U0005> ENQUIRY (ENQ)
Packit Service 82fcde
<ACK>                  /x00   <U0006> ACKNOWLEDGE (ACK)
Packit Service 82fcde
<alert>                /x00   <U0007> BELL (BEL)
Packit Service 82fcde
<BEL>                  /x00   <U0007> BELL (BEL)
Packit Service 82fcde
<backspace>            /x00   <U0008> BACKSPACE (BS)
Packit Service 82fcde
<tab>                  /x00   <U0009> CHARACTER TABULATION (HT)
Packit Service 82fcde
<newline>              /x00   <U000A> LINE FEED (LF)
Packit Service 82fcde
<vertical-tab>         /x00   <U000B> LINE TABULATION (VT)
Packit Service 82fcde
<form-feed>            /x00   <U000C> FORM FEED (FF)
Packit Service 82fcde
<carriage-return>      /x00   <U000D> CARRIAGE RETURN (CR)
Packit Service 82fcde
<DLE>                  /x00   <U0010> DATALINK ESCAPE (DLE)
Packit Service 82fcde
<DC1>                  /x00   <U0011> DEVICE CONTROL ONE (DC1)
Packit Service 82fcde
<DC2>                  /x00   <U0012> DEVICE CONTROL TWO (DC2)
Packit Service 82fcde
<DC3>                  /x00   <U0013> DEVICE CONTROL THREE (DC3)
Packit Service 82fcde
<DC4>                  /x00   <U0014> DEVICE CONTROL FOUR (DC4)
Packit Service 82fcde
<NAK>                  /x00   <U0015> NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE (NAK)
Packit Service 82fcde
<SYN>                  /x00   <U0016> SYNCHRONOUS IDLE (SYN)
Packit Service 82fcde
<ETB>                  /x00   <U0017> END OF TRANSMISSION BLOCK (ETB)
Packit Service 82fcde
<CAN>                  /x00   <U0018> CANCEL (CAN)
Packit Service 82fcde
<SUB>                  /x00   <U001A> SUBSTITUTE (SUB)
Packit Service 82fcde
<ESC>                  /x00   <U001B> ESCAPE (ESC)
Packit Service 82fcde
<IS4>                  /x00   <U001C> FILE SEPARATOR (IS4)
Packit Service 82fcde
<IS3>                  /x00   <U001D> GROUP SEPARATOR (IS3)
Packit Service 82fcde
<intro>                /x00   <U001D> GROUP SEPARATOR (IS3)
Packit Service 82fcde
<IS2>                  /x00   <U001E> RECORD SEPARATOR (IS2)
Packit Service 82fcde
<IS1>                  /x00   <U001F> UNIT SEPARATOR (IS1)
Packit Service 82fcde
                  /x00   <U007F> DELETE (DEL)
Packit Service 82fcde
<space>                /x00   <U0020> SPACE
Packit Service 82fcde
<exclamation-mark>     /x00   <U0021> EXCLAMATION MARK
Packit Service 82fcde
<quotation-mark>       /x00   <U0022> QUOTATION MARK
Packit Service 82fcde
<number-sign>          /x00   <U0023> NUMBER SIGN
Packit Service 82fcde
<dollar-sign>          /x00   <U0024> DOLLAR SIGN
Packit Service 82fcde
<percent-sign>         /x00   <U0025> PERCENT SIGN
Packit Service 82fcde
<ampersand>            /x00   <U0026> AMPERSAND
Packit Service 82fcde
<apostrophe>           /x00   <U0027> APOSTROPHE
Packit Service 82fcde
<left-parenthesis>     /x00   <U0028> LEFT PARENTHESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<right-parenthesis>    /x00   <U0029> RIGHT PARENTHESIS
Packit Service 82fcde
<asterisk>             /x00   <U002A> ASTERISK
Packit Service 82fcde
<plus-sign>            /x00   <U002B> PLUS SIGN
Packit Service 82fcde
<comma>                /x00   <U002C> COMMA
Packit Service 82fcde
<hyphen>               /x00   <U002D> HYPHEN-MINUS
Packit Service 82fcde
<hyphen-minus>         /x00   <U002D> HYPHEN-MINUS
Packit Service 82fcde
<period>               /x00   <U002E> FULL STOP
Packit Service 82fcde
<full-stop>            /x00   <U002E> FULL STOP
Packit Service 82fcde
<slash>                /x00   <U002F> SOLIDUS
Packit Service 82fcde
<solidus>              /x00   <U002F> SOLIDUS
Packit Service 82fcde
<zero>                 /x00   <U0030> DIGIT ZERO
Packit Service 82fcde
<one>                  /x00   <U0031> DIGIT ONE
Packit Service 82fcde
<two>                  /x00   <U0032> DIGIT TWO
Packit Service 82fcde
<three>                /x00   <U0033> DIGIT THREE
Packit Service 82fcde
<four>                 /x00   <U0034> DIGIT FOUR
Packit Service 82fcde
<five>                 /x00   <U0035> DIGIT FIVE
Packit Service 82fcde
<six>                  /x00   <U0036> DIGIT SIX
Packit Service 82fcde
<seven>                /x00   <U0037> DIGIT SEVEN
Packit Service 82fcde
<eight>                /x00   <U0038> DIGIT EIGHT
Packit Service 82fcde
<nine>                 /x00   <U0039> DIGIT NINE
Packit Service 82fcde
<colon>                /x00   <U003A> COLON
Packit Service 82fcde
<semicolon>            /x00   <U003B> SEMICOLON
Packit Service 82fcde
<less-than-sign>       /x00   <U003C> LESS-THAN SIGN
Packit Service 82fcde
<equals-sign>          /x00   <U003D> EQUALS SIGN
Packit Service 82fcde
<greater-than-sign>    /x00   <U003E> GREATER-THAN SIGN
Packit Service 82fcde
<question-mark>        /x00   <U003F> QUESTION MARK
Packit Service 82fcde
<commercial-at>        /x00   <U0040> COMMERCIAL AT
Packit Service 82fcde
<left-square-bracket>  /x00   <U005B> LEFT SQUARE BRACKET
Packit Service 82fcde
<backslash>            /x00   <U005C> REVERSE SOLIDUS
Packit Service 82fcde
<reverse-solidus>      /x00   <U005C> REVERSE SOLIDUS
Packit Service 82fcde
<right-square-bracket> /x00   <U005D> RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET
Packit Service 82fcde
<circumflex>           /x00   <U005E> CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
Packit Service 82fcde
<circumflex-accent>    /x00   <U005E> CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT
Packit Service 82fcde
<underscore>           /x00   <U005F> LOW LINE
Packit Service 82fcde
<low-line>             /x00   <U005F> LOW LINE
Packit Service 82fcde
<grave-accent>         /x00   <U0060> GRAVE ACCENT
Packit Service 82fcde
<left-brace>           /x00   <U007B> LEFT CURLY BRACKET
Packit Service 82fcde
<left-curly-bracket>   /x00   <U007B> LEFT CURLY BRACKET
Packit Service 82fcde
<vertical-line>        /x00   <U007C> VERTICAL LINE
Packit Service 82fcde
<right-brace>          /x00   <U007D> RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
Packit Service 82fcde
<right-curly-bracket>  /x00   <U007D> RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
Packit Service 82fcde
<tilde>                /x00   <U007E> TILDE
Packit Service 82fcde