Blame xml-conduit.cabal

Packit 899799
name:            xml-conduit
Packit 899799
Packit 899799
license:         MIT
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license-file:    LICENSE
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author:          Michael Snoyman <>, Aristid Breitkreuz <>
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maintainer:      Michael Snoyman <>
Packit 899799
synopsis:        Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package.
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description:     Hackage documentation generation is not reliable. For up to date documentation, please see: <>.
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category:        XML, Conduit
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stability:       Stable
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cabal-version:   >= 1.8
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build-type:      Simple
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extra-source-files: test/main.hs
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    build-depends:   base                      >= 4        && < 5
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                   , conduit                   >= 1.0      && < 1.3
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                   , conduit-extra             >= 1.1
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                   , resourcet                 >= 0.3      && < 1.2
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                   , bytestring                >= 0.9
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                   , text                      >= 0.7
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                   , containers                >= 0.2
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                   , xml-types                 >= 0.3.4    && < 0.4
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                   , attoparsec                >= 0.10
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                   , blaze-builder             >= 0.2      && < 0.5
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                   , transformers              >= 0.2      && < 0.6
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                   , data-default-class
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                   , monad-control             >= 0.3      && < 1.1
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                   , blaze-markup              >= 0.5
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                   , blaze-html                >= 0.5
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                   , deepseq                   >=
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    exposed-modules: Text.XML.Stream.Parse
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    other-modules:   Text.XML.Stream.Token
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    ghc-options:     -Wall
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test-suite test
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    type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
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    main-is: main.hs
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    hs-source-dirs: test
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    build-depends:          base
Packit 899799
                          , containers
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                          , text
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                          , transformers
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                          , bytestring
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                          , xml-conduit
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                          , hspec >= 1.3
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                          , HUnit
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                          , xml-types >= 0.3.1
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                          , conduit
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                          , blaze-markup
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                          , resourcet
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source-repository head
Packit 899799
  type:     git
Packit 899799
  location: git://