
Packit b7c5e3
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Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
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Packit b7c5e3
Fix compatibility with GHC 8.4
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.12
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Backward compat breaking revision of `Test.Tasty.Ingredients.ConsoleReporter`
Packit b7c5e3
that exposes the name of tests/groups.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.11.3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Expose and document several of the internals of
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Fix compatibility with GHC 7.4
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
1. Make the `--quiet` mode more efficient on a large number of tests
Packit b7c5e3
2. Fix a bug where a cursor would disappear if the test suite was terminated by
Packit b7c5e3
   a signal other than SIGINT.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Make filtering tests (`-p`) work faster
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Fix a critical bug in the quiet mode (`-q`/`--quiet`):
Packit b7c5e3
the exit status could be wrong or the test suite could hang.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Fix compatibility with the latest `unbounded-delays`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.11.2
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Add `composeReporters`, a function to run multiple reporter ingredients
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.11.1
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Introduce `mkOptionCLParser` and `mkFlagCLParser`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Fix compatibility with `optparse-applicative-0.13`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Switch from `regex-tdfa-rc` to `regex-tdfa`, which got a new maintainer.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Clarify `IsTest`’s specification with regard to exceptions
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Use monotonic clock when measuring durations.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.11
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
New field `resultShortDescription` of `Result`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Improve the docs
Packit b7c5e3
* Fix compatibility with GHC HEAD
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Prevent parsing non-positive number of threads via program options (#104)
Packit b7c5e3
* Buffer output to avoid slowdowns when printing test results (#101)
Packit b7c5e3
* Default to using the maximum number of available cores for test execution
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.10.1
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Export `Test.Tasty.Runners.formatMessage`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Don't output ANSI codes for the Emacs terminal emulator
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Better handle the situation when there are no ingredients to run
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Split the changelog into per-project changelogs
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Update to optparse-applicative 0.11
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.10
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Add the `--color` option
Packit b7c5e3
* Timings
Packit b7c5e3
    * Introduce the `Time` type synonym
Packit b7c5e3
    * Change the types of `launchTestTree` and `TestReporter` to accept the
Packit b7c5e3
      total run time
Packit b7c5e3
    * `consoleTestReporter` now displays the timings
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Upgrade to optparse-applicative-0.10.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Be careful not to export the `Show (a -> b)` instance, see
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Hide cursor when running tests
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Fix for GHC 7.9
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Remove the old 'colors' flag description from the cabal file
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Make ansi-terminal an unconditional dependency
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.8
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* `Test.Tasty.Ingredients` is now exposed
Packit b7c5e3
* `Test.Tasty.Ingredients.Basic` is added, which exports the ingredients defined
Packit b7c5e3
    in the `tasty` package. These exports should now be used instead of ones
Packit b7c5e3
    exported from `Test.Tasty.Runners`
Packit b7c5e3
* The `Result` type is now structured a bit differently. Providers now should
Packit b7c5e3
  use `testPassed` and `testFailed` functions instead of constructing `Result`s
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Add «quiet mode» (see README)
Packit b7c5e3
* Add «hide successes» mode (see README)
Packit b7c5e3
* Add short command-line options: `-j` for `--num-threads`, `-p` for `--pattern`
Packit b7c5e3
* Add timeout support
Packit b7c5e3
* `AppMonoid` is renamed to `Traversal` for consistency with the 'reducers'
Packit b7c5e3
  package. Another similar wrapper, `Ap`, is introduced.
Packit b7c5e3
* Fix a resources bug (resources were not released if the test suite was
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* The type of `launchTestTree` is changed. It now takes a continuation as an
Packit b7c5e3
  argument. This is necessary to fix the bug mentioned above.
Packit b7c5e3
* Add `flagCLParser` to be used as the `optionCLParser` implementation for
Packit b7c5e3
  boolean options.
Packit b7c5e3
* Add the ability to pass options via environment
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.7
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Use `regex-tdfa` instead of `regex-posix` (which is a native
Packit b7c5e3
  implementation, and as such is more portable)
Packit b7c5e3
* `foldTestTree` now takes the algebra in the form of a record rather than
Packit b7c5e3
  multiple arguments, to minimize breakage when new nodes are added or
Packit b7c5e3
  existing ones change
Packit b7c5e3
* `withResource` now passes the IO action to get the resource to the inner test tree
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.6
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Better handling of exceptions that arise during resource creation or
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Expose the `AppMonoid` wrapper
Packit b7c5e3
* Add `askOption` and `inludingOptions`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Depend on ansi-terminal >= 0.6.1. This fixes some issues with colors on Windows.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.5.2
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Export `Result` and `Progress` from `Test.Tasty.Runners`
Packit b7c5e3
* Make it clear that only GHC 7.4+ is supported
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.5.1
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Export `ResourceSpec` from `Test.Tasty.Runners`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.5
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Add a capability to acquire and release resources. See the «Resources» section
Packit b7c5e3
in the `Test.Tasty` docs.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
For the end users, the API is backwards-compatible.
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Packit b7c5e3
Test runners may have to be adjusted — there is a new constructor of `TestTree`
Packit b7c5e3
and a new argument of `foldTestTree`.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.4.2
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Add `defaultIngredients`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Print the failure description in red
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Fix a bug ([#25](
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.4
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
The big change in this release is introduction of ingredients, which is a
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replacement for runners. But unless you have a custom runner, this is unlikely
Packit b7c5e3
to affect you much.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
The `Ingredient` data type has replaced the `Runner` type.
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
The following functions have been renamed and possibly changed their types:
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* `defaultMainWithRunner` → `defaultMainWithIngredients`
Packit b7c5e3
* `treeOptionParser` → `suiteOptionParser`
Packit b7c5e3
* `getTreeOptions` → `treeOptions`
Packit b7c5e3
* `runUI` → `consoleTestReporter`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Added in this release:
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* `suiteOptions`
Packit b7c5e3
* `optionParser`
Packit b7c5e3
* functions operating on ingredients
Packit b7c5e3
* `testsNames`
Packit b7c5e3
* the `listingTests` ingredient and its option, `ListTests`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
`NumThreads` is no longer a core option, but is automatically included in the
Packit b7c5e3
test reporting ingredients (see its haddock).
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.3.1
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Proper reporting of (some) non-terminating tests (#15)
Packit b7c5e3
* Upgrade to optparse-applicative 0.6
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Restrict dependency versions
Packit b7c5e3
* Fix a bug where non-terminating test would lead to a deadlock (#15)
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Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.2
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
* Add an `execRunner` function
Packit b7c5e3
* Make `Runner` return `IO Bool`
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Version 0.1.1
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Packit b7c5e3
Set lower bound on optparse-applicative dependency version