Blame tests/test.hs

Packit 755117
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
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import Test.Tasty
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import Test.Tasty.Options
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import Test.Tasty.Providers as Tasty
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import Test.Tasty.Runners as Tasty
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import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
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import Test.Tasty.HUnit
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import Data.Monoid
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import Data.Maybe
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import Text.Regex.PCRE.Light.Char8
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import Text.Printf
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(=~), (!~)
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  :: String -- ^ text
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  -> String -- ^ regex
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  -> Assertion
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text =~ regexStr =
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    msg = printf "Expected /%s/, got %s" regexStr (show text)
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    -- NB show above the intentional -- to add quotes around the string and
Packit 755117
    -- escape newlines etc.
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  in assertBool msg $ match' text regexStr
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text !~ regexStr =
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    msg = printf "Did not expect /%s/, got %s" regexStr (show text)
Packit 755117
  in assertBool msg $ not $ match' text regexStr
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-- note: the order of arguments is reversed relative to match from
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-- pcre-light, but consistent with =~ and !~
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match' :: String -> String -> Bool
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match' text regexStr =
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    regex = compile regexStr []
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Packit 755117
    isJust $ match regex text []
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main =
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  defaultMain $
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    testGroup "Unit tests for Test.Tasty.QuickCheck"
Packit 755117
      [ testCase "Success" $ do
Packit 755117
          Result{..} <- run' $ \x -> x >= (x :: Int)
Packit 755117
          -- there is no instance Show Outcome(
Packit 755117
          -- (because there is no instance Show SomeException),
Packit 755117
          -- so we can't use @?= for this
Packit 755117
          case resultOutcome of
Packit 755117
            Tasty.Success -> return ()
Packit 755117
            _ -> assertFailure $ show resultOutcome
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "OK, passed 100 tests"
Packit 755117
          resultDescription !~ "Use .* to reproduce"
Packit 755117
Packit 755117
      , testCase "Success, replay requested" $ do
Packit 755117
          Result{..} <- runReplay $ \x -> x >= (x :: Int)
Packit 755117
          -- there is no instance Show Outcome(
Packit 755117
          -- (because there is no instance Show SomeException),
Packit 755117
          -- so we can't use @?= for this
Packit 755117
          case resultOutcome of
Packit 755117
            Tasty.Success -> return ()
Packit 755117
            _ -> assertFailure $ show resultOutcome
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "OK, passed 100 tests"
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "Use .* to reproduce"
Packit 755117
Packit 755117
      , testCase "Unexpected failure" $ do
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          Result{..} <- run' $ \x -> x > (x :: Int)
Packit 755117
          case resultOutcome of
Packit 755117
            Tasty.Failure {} -> return ()
Packit 755117
            _ -> assertFailure $ show resultOutcome
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "Failed"
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "Use .* to reproduce"
Packit 755117
Packit 755117
      , testCase "Gave up" $ do
Packit 755117
          Result{..} <- run' $ \x -> x > x ==> x > (x :: Int)
Packit 755117
          case resultOutcome of
Packit 755117
            Tasty.Failure {} -> return ()
Packit 755117
            _ -> assertFailure $ show resultOutcome
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "Gave up"
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "Use .* to reproduce"
Packit 755117
Packit 755117
      , testCase "No expected failure" $ do
Packit 755117
          Result{..} <- run' $ expectFailure $ \x -> x >= (x :: Int)
Packit 755117
          case resultOutcome of
Packit 755117
            Tasty.Failure {} -> return ()
Packit 755117
            _ -> assertFailure $ show resultOutcome
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "Failed.*expected failure"
Packit 755117
          resultDescription =~ "Use .* to reproduce"
Packit 755117
Packit 755117
Packit 755117
Packit 755117
run' :: Testable p => p -> IO Result
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run' p =
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    mempty -- options
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    (QC $ property p)
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    (const $ return ()) -- callback
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runReplay :: Testable p => p -> IO Result
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runReplay p =
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    (singleOption $ QuickCheckShowReplay True)
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    (QC $ property p)
Packit 755117
    (const $ return ())