Blame Codec/Archive/Tar/Types.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, BangPatterns #-}
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-- |
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-- Module      :  Codec.Archive.Tar.Types
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-- Copyright   :  (c) 2007 Bjorn Bringert,
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--                    2008 Andrea Vezzosi,
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--                    2008-2009 Duncan Coutts
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--                    2011 Max Bolingbroke
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-- License     :  BSD3
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-- Maintainer  :
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-- Portability :  portable
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-- Types to represent the content of @.tar@ archives.
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module Codec.Archive.Tar.Types (
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#ifdef TESTS
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  ) where
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import Data.Int      (Int64)
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import Data.Monoid   (Monoid(..))
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import qualified Data.ByteString       as BS
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS.Char8
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy  as LBS
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import Control.DeepSeq
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import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath.Native
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         ( joinPath, splitDirectories, addTrailingPathSeparator )
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import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
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         ( joinPath, splitPath, splitDirectories, hasTrailingPathSeparator
Packit 8cecbd
         , addTrailingPathSeparator )
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import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as FilePath.Windows
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         ( joinPath, addTrailingPathSeparator )
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import System.Posix.Types
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         ( FileMode )
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#ifdef TESTS
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import Test.QuickCheck
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import Control.Applicative ((<$>), pure, (<*>))
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type FileSize  = Int64
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-- | The number of seconds since the UNIX epoch
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type EpochTime = Int64
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type DevMajor  = Int
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type DevMinor  = Int
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type TypeCode  = Char
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type Permissions = FileMode
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-- | Tar archive entry.
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data Entry = Entry {
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    -- | The path of the file or directory within the archive. This is in a
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    -- tar-specific form. Use 'entryPath' to get a native 'FilePath'.
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    entryTarPath :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TarPath,
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    -- | The real content of the entry. For 'NormalFile' this includes the
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    -- file data. An entry usually contains a 'NormalFile' or a 'Directory'.
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    entryContent :: !EntryContent,
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    -- | File permissions (Unix style file mode).
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    entryPermissions :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Permissions,
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    -- | The user and group to which this file belongs.
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    entryOwnership :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Ownership,
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    -- | The time the file was last modified.
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    entryTime :: {-# UNPACK #-} !EpochTime,
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    -- | The tar format the archive is using.
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    entryFormat :: !Format
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  deriving (Eq, Show)
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-- | Native 'FilePath' of the file or directory within the archive.
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entryPath :: Entry -> FilePath
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entryPath = fromTarPath . entryTarPath
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-- | The content of a tar archive entry, which depends on the type of entry.
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-- Portable archives should contain only 'NormalFile' and 'Directory'.
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data EntryContent = NormalFile      LBS.ByteString {-# UNPACK #-} !FileSize
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                  | Directory
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                  | SymbolicLink    !LinkTarget
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                  | HardLink        !LinkTarget
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                  | CharacterDevice {-# UNPACK #-} !DevMajor
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                                    {-# UNPACK #-} !DevMinor
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                  | BlockDevice     {-# UNPACK #-} !DevMajor
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                                    {-# UNPACK #-} !DevMinor
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                  | NamedPipe
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                  | OtherEntryType  {-# UNPACK #-} !TypeCode LBS.ByteString
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                                    {-# UNPACK #-} !FileSize
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    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
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data Ownership = Ownership {
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    -- | The owner user name. Should be set to @\"\"@ if unknown.
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    ownerName :: String,
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    -- | The owner group name. Should be set to @\"\"@ if unknown.
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    groupName :: String,
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    -- | Numeric owner user id. Should be set to @0@ if unknown.
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    ownerId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
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    -- | Numeric owner group id. Should be set to @0@ if unknown.
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    groupId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
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    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
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-- | There have been a number of extensions to the tar file format over the
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-- years. They all share the basic entry fields and put more meta-data in
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-- different extended headers.
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data Format =
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     -- | This is the classic Unix V7 tar format. It does not support owner and
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     -- group names, just numeric Ids. It also does not support device numbers.
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     -- | The \"USTAR\" format is an extension of the classic V7 format. It was
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     -- later standardised by POSIX. It has some restrictions but is the most
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     -- portable format.
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   | UstarFormat
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     -- | The GNU tar implementation also extends the classic V7 format, though
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     -- in a slightly different way from the USTAR format. In general for new
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     -- archives the standard USTAR/POSIX should be used.
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   | GnuFormat
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  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
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instance NFData Entry where
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  rnf (Entry _ c _ _ _ _) = rnf c
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instance NFData EntryContent where
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  rnf x = case x of
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      NormalFile       c _  -> rnflbs c
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      OtherEntryType _ c _  -> rnflbs c
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      _                     -> seq x ()
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#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0)
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      rnflbs = rnf
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      rnflbs = foldr (\ !_bs r -> r) () . LBS.toChunks
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instance NFData Ownership where
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  rnf (Ownership o g _ _) = rnf o `seq` rnf g
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-- | @rw-r--r--@ for normal files
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ordinaryFilePermissions :: Permissions
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ordinaryFilePermissions   = 0o0644
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-- | @rwxr-xr-x@ for executable files
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executableFilePermissions :: Permissions
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executableFilePermissions = 0o0755
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-- | @rwxr-xr-x@ for directories
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directoryPermissions :: Permissions
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directoryPermissions  = 0o0755
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-- | An 'Entry' with all default values except for the file name and type. It
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-- uses the portable USTAR/POSIX format (see 'UstarHeader').
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-- You can use this as a basis and override specific fields, eg:
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-- > (emptyEntry name HardLink) { linkTarget = target }
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simpleEntry :: TarPath -> EntryContent -> Entry
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simpleEntry tarpath content = Entry {
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    entryTarPath     = tarpath,
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    entryContent     = content,
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    entryPermissions = case content of
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                         Directory -> directoryPermissions
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                         _         -> ordinaryFilePermissions,
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    entryOwnership   = Ownership "" "" 0 0,
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    entryTime        = 0,
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    entryFormat      = UstarFormat
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-- | A tar 'Entry' for a file.
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-- Entry  fields such as file permissions and ownership have default values.
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-- You can use this as a basis and override specific fields. For example if you
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-- need an executable file you could use:
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-- > (fileEntry name content) { fileMode = executableFileMode }
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fileEntry :: TarPath -> LBS.ByteString -> Entry
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fileEntry name fileContent =
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  simpleEntry name (NormalFile fileContent (LBS.length fileContent))
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-- | A tar 'Entry' for a directory.
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-- Entry fields such as file permissions and ownership have default values.
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directoryEntry :: TarPath -> Entry
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directoryEntry name = simpleEntry name Directory
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-- * Tar paths
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-- | The classic tar format allowed just 100 characters for the file name. The
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-- USTAR format extended this with an extra 155 characters, however it uses a
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-- complex method of splitting the name between the two sections.
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-- Instead of just putting any overflow into the extended area, it uses the
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-- extended area as a prefix. The aggravating insane bit however is that the
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-- prefix (if any) must only contain a directory prefix. That is the split
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-- between the two areas must be on a directory separator boundary. So there is
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-- no simple calculation to work out if a file name is too long. Instead we
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-- have to try to find a valid split that makes the name fit in the two areas.
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-- The rationale presumably was to make it a bit more compatible with old tar
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-- programs that only understand the classic format. A classic tar would be
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-- able to extract the file name and possibly some dir prefix, but not the
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-- full dir prefix. So the files would end up in the wrong place, but that's
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-- probably better than ending up with the wrong names too.
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-- So it's understandable but rather annoying.
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-- * Tar paths use Posix format (ie @\'/\'@ directory separators), irrespective
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--   of the local path conventions.
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-- * The directory separator between the prefix and name is /not/ stored.
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data TarPath = TarPath {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- path name, 100 characters max.
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                       {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString -- path prefix, 155 characters max.
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  deriving (Eq, Ord)
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instance NFData TarPath where
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  rnf (TarPath _ _) = () -- fully strict by construction
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instance Show TarPath where
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  show = show . fromTarPath
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-- | Convert a 'TarPath' to a native 'FilePath'.
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-- The native 'FilePath' will use the native directory separator but it is not
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-- otherwise checked for validity or sanity. In particular:
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-- * The tar path may be invalid as a native path, eg the file name @\"nul\"@
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--   is not valid on Windows.
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-- * The tar path may be an absolute path or may contain @\"..\"@ components.
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--   For security reasons this should not usually be allowed, but it is your
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--   responsibility to check for these conditions (eg using 'checkSecurity').
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fromTarPath :: TarPath -> FilePath
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fromTarPath (TarPath namebs prefixbs) = adjustDirectory $
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  FilePath.Native.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories prefix
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                          ++ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories name
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    name   = BS.Char8.unpack namebs
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    prefix = BS.Char8.unpack prefixbs
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    adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator name
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                    = FilePath.Native.addTrailingPathSeparator
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                    | otherwise = id
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-- | Convert a 'TarPath' to a Unix\/Posix 'FilePath'.
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-- The difference compared to 'fromTarPath' is that it always returns a Unix
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-- style path irrespective of the current operating system.
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-- This is useful to check how a 'TarPath' would be interpreted on a specific
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-- operating system, eg to perform portability checks.
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fromTarPathToPosixPath :: TarPath -> FilePath
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fromTarPathToPosixPath (TarPath namebs prefixbs) = adjustDirectory $
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  FilePath.Posix.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories prefix
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                         ++ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories name
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    name   = BS.Char8.unpack namebs
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    prefix = BS.Char8.unpack prefixbs
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    adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator name
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                    = FilePath.Posix.addTrailingPathSeparator
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                    | otherwise = id
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-- | Convert a 'TarPath' to a Windows 'FilePath'.
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-- The only difference compared to 'fromTarPath' is that it always returns a
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-- Windows style path irrespective of the current operating system.
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-- This is useful to check how a 'TarPath' would be interpreted on a specific
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-- operating system, eg to perform portability checks.
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fromTarPathToWindowsPath :: TarPath -> FilePath
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fromTarPathToWindowsPath (TarPath namebs prefixbs) = adjustDirectory $
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  FilePath.Windows.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories prefix
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                           ++ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories name
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    name   = BS.Char8.unpack namebs
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    prefix = BS.Char8.unpack prefixbs
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    adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator name
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                    = FilePath.Windows.addTrailingPathSeparator
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                    | otherwise = id
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-- | Convert a native 'FilePath' to a 'TarPath'.
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-- The conversion may fail if the 'FilePath' is too long. See 'TarPath' for a
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-- description of the problem with splitting long 'FilePath's.
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toTarPath :: Bool -- ^ Is the path for a directory? This is needed because for
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                  -- directories a 'TarPath' must always use a trailing @\/@.
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          -> FilePath -> Either String TarPath
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toTarPath isDir = splitLongPath
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                . addTrailingSep
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                . FilePath.Posix.joinPath
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                . FilePath.Native.splitDirectories
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    addTrailingSep | isDir     = FilePath.Posix.addTrailingPathSeparator
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                   | otherwise = id
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-- | Take a sanitised path, split on directory separators and try to pack it
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-- into the 155 + 100 tar file name format.
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-- The strategy is this: take the name-directory components in reverse order
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-- and try to fit as many components into the 100 long name area as possible.
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-- If all the remaining components fit in the 155 name area then we win.
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splitLongPath :: FilePath -> Either String TarPath
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splitLongPath path =
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  case packName nameMax (reverse (FilePath.Posix.splitPath path)) of
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    Left err                 -> Left err
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    Right (name, [])         -> Right $! TarPath (BS.Char8.pack name)
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    Right (name, first:rest) -> case packName prefixMax remainder of
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      Left err               -> Left err
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      Right (_     , (_:_))  -> Left "File name too long (cannot split)"
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      Right (prefix, [])     -> Right $! TarPath (BS.Char8.pack name)
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                                                 (BS.Char8.pack prefix)
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        -- drop the '/' between the name and prefix:
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        remainder = init first : rest
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    nameMax, prefixMax :: Int
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    nameMax   = 100
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    prefixMax = 155
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    packName _      []     = Left "File name empty"
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    packName maxLen (c:cs)
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      | n > maxLen         = Left "File name too long"
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      | otherwise          = Right (packName' maxLen n [c] cs)
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      where n = length c
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    packName' maxLen n ok (c:cs)
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      | n' <= maxLen             = packName' maxLen n' (c:ok) cs
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                                     where n' = n + length c
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    packName' _      _ ok    cs  = (FilePath.Posix.joinPath ok, cs)
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-- | The tar format allows just 100 ASCII characters for the 'SymbolicLink' and
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-- 'HardLink' entry types.
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newtype LinkTarget = LinkTarget BS.ByteString
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  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
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instance NFData LinkTarget where
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#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0)
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    rnf (LinkTarget bs) = rnf bs
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    rnf (LinkTarget !_bs) = ()
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-- | Convert a native 'FilePath' to a tar 'LinkTarget'. This may fail if the
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-- string is longer than 100 characters or if it contains non-portable
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-- characters.
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toLinkTarget   :: FilePath -> Maybe LinkTarget
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toLinkTarget path | length path <= 100 = Just $! LinkTarget (BS.Char8.pack path)
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                  | otherwise          = Nothing
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-- | Convert a tar 'LinkTarget' to a native 'FilePath'.
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fromLinkTarget :: LinkTarget -> FilePath
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fromLinkTarget (LinkTarget pathbs) = adjustDirectory $
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  FilePath.Native.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories path
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    path = BS.Char8.unpack pathbs
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    adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator path
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                    = FilePath.Native.addTrailingPathSeparator
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                    | otherwise = id
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-- | Convert a tar 'LinkTarget' to a Unix/Posix 'FilePath'.
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fromLinkTargetToPosixPath :: LinkTarget -> FilePath
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fromLinkTargetToPosixPath (LinkTarget pathbs) = adjustDirectory $
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  FilePath.Posix.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories path
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Packit 8cecbd
    path = BS.Char8.unpack pathbs
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    adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator path
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                    = FilePath.Native.addTrailingPathSeparator
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                    | otherwise = id
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-- | Convert a tar 'LinkTarget' to a Windows 'FilePath'.
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fromLinkTargetToWindowsPath :: LinkTarget -> FilePath
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fromLinkTargetToWindowsPath (LinkTarget pathbs) = adjustDirectory $
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  FilePath.Windows.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories path
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Packit 8cecbd
    path = BS.Char8.unpack pathbs
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    adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator path
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                    = FilePath.Windows.addTrailingPathSeparator
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                    | otherwise = id
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-- * Entries type
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-- | A tar archive is a sequence of entries.
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-- The point of this type as opposed to just using a list is that it makes the
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-- failure case explicit. We need this because the sequence of entries we get
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-- from reading a tarball can include errors.
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-- It is a concrete data type so you can manipulate it directly but it is often
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-- clearer to use the provided functions for mapping, folding and unfolding.
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-- Converting from a list can be done with just @foldr Next Done@. Converting
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-- back into a list can be done with 'foldEntries' however in that case you
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-- must be prepared to handle the 'Fail' case inherent in the 'Entries' type.
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-- The 'Monoid' instance lets you concatenate archives or append entries to an
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-- archive.
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data Entries e = Next Entry (Entries e)
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               | Done
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               | Fail e
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  deriving (Eq, Show)
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infixr 5 `Next`
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-- | This is like the standard 'unfoldr' function on lists, but for 'Entries'.
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-- It includes failure as an extra possibility that the stepper function may
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-- return.
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-- It can be used to generate 'Entries' from some other type. For example it is
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-- used internally to lazily unfold entries from a 'LBS.ByteString'.
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unfoldEntries :: (a -> Either e (Maybe (Entry, a))) -> a -> Entries e
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unfoldEntries f = unfold
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    unfold x = case f x of
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      Left err             -> Fail err
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      Right Nothing        -> Done
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      Right (Just (e, x')) -> Next e (unfold x')
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-- | This is like the standard 'foldr' function on lists, but for 'Entries'.
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-- Compared to 'foldr' it takes an extra function to account for the
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-- possibility of failure.
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-- This is used to consume a sequence of entries. For example it could be used
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-- to scan a tarball for problems or to collect an index of the contents.
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foldEntries :: (Entry -> a -> a) -> a -> (e -> a) -> Entries e -> a
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foldEntries next done fail' = fold
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    fold (Next e es) = next e (fold es)
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    fold Done        = done
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    fold (Fail err)  = fail' err
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-- | A 'foldl'-like function on Entries. It either returns the final
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-- accumulator result, or the failure along with the intermediate accumulator
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-- value.
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foldlEntries :: (a -> Entry -> a) -> a -> Entries e -> Either (e, a) a
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foldlEntries f z = go z
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    go !acc (Next e es) = go (f acc e) es
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    go !acc  Done       = Right acc
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    go !acc (Fail err)  = Left (err, acc)
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-- | This is like the standard 'map' function on lists, but for 'Entries'. It
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-- includes failure as a extra possible outcome of the mapping function.
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-- If your mapping function cannot fail it may be more convenient to use
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-- 'mapEntriesNoFail'
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mapEntries :: (Entry -> Either e' Entry) -> Entries e -> Entries (Either e e')
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mapEntries f =
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  foldEntries (\entry rest -> either (Fail . Right) (flip Next rest) (f entry)) Done (Fail . Left)
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-- | Like 'mapEntries' but the mapping function itself cannot fail.
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mapEntriesNoFail :: (Entry -> Entry) -> Entries e -> Entries e
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mapEntriesNoFail f =
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  foldEntries (\entry -> Next (f entry)) Done Fail
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instance Monoid (Entries e) where
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  mempty      = Done
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  mappend a b = foldEntries Next b Fail a
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instance Functor Entries where
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  fmap f = foldEntries Next Done (Fail . f)
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instance NFData e => NFData (Entries e) where
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  rnf (Next e es) = rnf e `seq` rnf es
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  rnf  Done       = ()
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  rnf (Fail e)    = rnf e
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-- QuickCheck instances
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#ifdef TESTS
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instance Arbitrary Entry where
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  arbitrary = Entry <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryPermissions
Packit 8cecbd
                    <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryEpochTime <*> arbitrary
Packit 8cecbd
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      arbitraryPermissions :: Gen Permissions
Packit 8cecbd
      arbitraryPermissions = fromIntegral <$> (arbitraryOctal 7 :: Gen Int)
Packit 8cecbd
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      arbitraryEpochTime :: Gen EpochTime
Packit 8cecbd
      arbitraryEpochTime = fromIntegral <$> (arbitraryOctal 11 :: Gen Int)
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Packit 8cecbd
  shrink (Entry path content perms author time format) =
Packit 8cecbd
      [ Entry path' content' perms author' time' format 
Packit 8cecbd
      | (path', content', author', time') <-
Packit 8cecbd
         shrink (path, content, author, time) ]
Packit 8cecbd
   ++ [ Entry path content perms' author time format
Packit 8cecbd
      | perms' <- shrinkIntegral perms ]
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
instance Arbitrary TarPath where
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  arbitrary = either error id
Packit 8cecbd
            . toTarPath False
Packit 8cecbd
            . FilePath.Posix.joinPath
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          <$> listOf1ToN (255 `div` 5)
Packit 8cecbd
                         (elements (map (replicate 4) "abcd"))
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
  shrink = map (either error id . toTarPath False)
Packit 8cecbd
         . map FilePath.Posix.joinPath
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         . filter (not . null)
Packit 8cecbd
         . shrinkList shrinkNothing
Packit 8cecbd
         . FilePath.Posix.splitPath
Packit 8cecbd
         . fromTarPathToPosixPath
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
instance Arbitrary LinkTarget where
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  arbitrary = maybe (error "link target too large") id
Packit 8cecbd
            . toLinkTarget
Packit 8cecbd
            . FilePath.Native.joinPath
Packit 8cecbd
          <$> listOf1ToN (100 `div` 5)
Packit 8cecbd
                         (elements (map (replicate 4) "abcd"))
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
  shrink = map (maybe (error "link target too large") id . toLinkTarget)
Packit 8cecbd
         . map FilePath.Posix.joinPath
Packit 8cecbd
         . filter (not . null)
Packit 8cecbd
         . shrinkList shrinkNothing
Packit 8cecbd
         . FilePath.Posix.splitPath
Packit 8cecbd
         . fromLinkTargetToPosixPath
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
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listOf1ToN :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
Packit 8cecbd
listOf1ToN n g = sized $ \sz -> do
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    n <- choose (1, min n (max 1 sz))
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    vectorOf n g
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listOf0ToN :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
Packit 8cecbd
listOf0ToN n g = sized $ \sz -> do
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    n <- choose (0, min n sz)
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    vectorOf n g
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instance Arbitrary EntryContent where
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  arbitrary =
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Packit 8cecbd
      [ (16, do bs <- arbitrary;
Packit 8cecbd
                return (NormalFile bs (LBS.length bs)))
Packit 8cecbd
      , (2, pure Directory)
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      , (1, SymbolicLink    <$> arbitrary)
Packit 8cecbd
      , (1, HardLink        <$> arbitrary)
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      , (1, CharacterDevice <$> arbitraryOctal 7 <*> arbitraryOctal 7)
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      , (1, BlockDevice     <$> arbitraryOctal 7 <*> arbitraryOctal 7)
Packit 8cecbd
      , (1, pure NamedPipe)
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      , (1, do c  <- elements (['A'..'Z']++['a'..'z'])
Packit 8cecbd
               bs <- arbitrary;
Packit 8cecbd
               return (OtherEntryType c bs (LBS.length bs)))
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
  shrink (NormalFile bs _)   = [ NormalFile bs' (LBS.length bs') 
Packit 8cecbd
                               | bs' <- shrink bs ]
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  shrink  Directory          = []
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  shrink (SymbolicLink link) = [ SymbolicLink link' | link' <- shrink link ]
Packit 8cecbd
  shrink (HardLink     link) = [ HardLink     link' | link' <- shrink link ]
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  shrink (CharacterDevice ma mi) = [ CharacterDevice ma' mi'
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                                   | (ma', mi') <- shrink (ma, mi) ]
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  shrink (BlockDevice     ma mi) = [ BlockDevice ma' mi'
Packit 8cecbd
                                   | (ma', mi') <- shrink (ma, mi) ]
Packit 8cecbd
  shrink  NamedPipe              = []
Packit 8cecbd
  shrink (OtherEntryType c bs _) = [ OtherEntryType c bs' (LBS.length bs') 
Packit 8cecbd
                                   | bs' <- shrink bs ]
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
instance Arbitrary LBS.ByteString where
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  arbitrary = fmap LBS.pack arbitrary
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  shrink    = map LBS.pack . shrink . LBS.unpack
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Packit 8cecbd
instance Arbitrary BS.ByteString where
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  arbitrary = fmap BS.pack arbitrary
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  shrink    = map BS.pack . shrink . BS.unpack
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instance Arbitrary Ownership where
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  arbitrary = Ownership <$> name <*> name
Packit 8cecbd
                        <*> idno <*> idno
Packit 8cecbd
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      name = listOf0ToN 32 (arbitrary `suchThat` (/= '\0'))
Packit 8cecbd
      idno = arbitraryOctal 7
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Packit 8cecbd
  shrink (Ownership oname gname oid gid) =
Packit 8cecbd
    [ Ownership oname' gname' oid' gid'
Packit 8cecbd
    | (oname', gname', oid', gid') <- shrink (oname, gname, oid, gid) ]
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Packit 8cecbd
instance Arbitrary Format where
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  arbitrary = elements [V7Format, UstarFormat, GnuFormat]
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--arbitraryOctal :: (Integral n, Random n) => Int -> Gen n
Packit 8cecbd
arbitraryOctal n =
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    oneof [ pure 0
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          , choose (0, upperBound)
Packit 8cecbd
          , pure upperBound
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
Packit 8cecbd
    upperBound = 8^n-1
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-- For QC tests it's useful to have a way to limit the info to that which can
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-- be expressed in the old V7 format
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limitToV7FormatCompat :: Entry -> Entry
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limitToV7FormatCompat entry@Entry { entryFormat = V7Format } =
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    entry {
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      entryContent = case entryContent entry of
Packit 8cecbd
        CharacterDevice _ _ -> OtherEntryType  '3' LBS.empty 0
Packit 8cecbd
        BlockDevice     _ _ -> OtherEntryType  '4' LBS.empty 0
Packit 8cecbd
        Directory           -> OtherEntryType  '5' LBS.empty 0
Packit 8cecbd
        NamedPipe           -> OtherEntryType  '6' LBS.empty 0
Packit 8cecbd
        other               -> other,
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Packit 8cecbd
      entryOwnership = (entryOwnership entry) {
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        groupName = "",
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        ownerName = ""
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Packit 8cecbd
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      entryTarPath = let TarPath name _prefix = entryTarPath entry
Packit 8cecbd
                      in TarPath name BS.empty
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limitToV7FormatCompat entry = entry
Packit 8cecbd
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