Blame Codec/Archive/Tar/Check.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
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-- |
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-- Module      :  Codec.Archive.Tar
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-- Copyright   :  (c) 2008-2012 Duncan Coutts
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--                    2011 Max Bolingbroke
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-- License     :  BSD3
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-- Maintainer  :
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-- Portability :  portable
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-- Perform various checks on tar file entries.
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module Codec.Archive.Tar.Check (
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  -- * Security
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  -- * Tarbombs
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  -- * Portability
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  ) where
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import Codec.Archive.Tar.Types
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import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
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import Control.Exception (Exception)
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import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(mplus))
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import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath.Native
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         ( splitDirectories, isAbsolute, isValid )
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import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as FilePath.Windows
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import qualified System.FilePath.Posix   as FilePath.Posix
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-- Security
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-- | This function checks a sequence of tar entries for file name security
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-- problems. It checks that:
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-- * file paths are not absolute
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-- * file paths do not contain any path components that are \"@..@\"
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-- * file names are valid
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-- These checks are from the perspective of the current OS. That means we check
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-- for \"@C:\blah@\" files on Windows and \"\/blah\" files on Unix. For archive
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-- entry types 'HardLink' and 'SymbolicLink' the same checks are done for the
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-- link target. A failure in any entry terminates the sequence of entries with
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-- an error.
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checkSecurity :: Entries e -> Entries (Either e FileNameError)
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checkSecurity = checkEntries checkEntrySecurity
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checkEntrySecurity :: Entry -> Maybe FileNameError
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checkEntrySecurity entry = case entryContent entry of
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    HardLink     link -> check (entryPath entry)
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                 `mplus` check (fromLinkTarget link)
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    SymbolicLink link -> check (entryPath entry)
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                 `mplus` check (fromLinkTarget link)
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    _                 -> check (entryPath entry)
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    check name
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      | FilePath.Native.isAbsolute name
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      = Just $ AbsoluteFileName name
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      | not (FilePath.Native.isValid name)
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      = Just $ InvalidFileName name
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      | any (=="..") (FilePath.Native.splitDirectories name)
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      = Just $ InvalidFileName name
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      | otherwise = Nothing
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-- | Errors arising from tar file names being in some way invalid or dangerous
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data FileNameError
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  = InvalidFileName FilePath
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  | AbsoluteFileName FilePath
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  deriving (Typeable)
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instance Show FileNameError where
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  show = showFileNameError Nothing
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instance Exception FileNameError
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showFileNameError :: Maybe PortabilityPlatform -> FileNameError -> String
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showFileNameError mb_plat err = case err of
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    InvalidFileName  path -> "Invalid"  ++ plat ++ " file name in tar archive: " ++ show path
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    AbsoluteFileName path -> "Absolute" ++ plat ++ " file name in tar archive: " ++ show path
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  where plat = maybe "" (' ':) mb_plat
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-- Tarbombs
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-- | This function checks a sequence of tar entries for being a \"tar bomb\".
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-- This means that the tar file does not follow the standard convention that
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-- all entries are within a single subdirectory, e.g. a file \"foo.tar\" would
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-- usually have all entries within the \"foo/\" subdirectory.
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-- Given the expected subdirectory, this function checks all entries are within
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-- that subdirectroy.
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-- Note: This check must be used in conjunction with 'checkSecurity'
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-- (or 'checkPortability').
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checkTarbomb :: FilePath -> Entries e -> Entries (Either e TarBombError)
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checkTarbomb expectedTopDir = checkEntries (checkEntryTarbomb expectedTopDir)
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checkEntryTarbomb :: FilePath -> Entry -> Maybe TarBombError
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checkEntryTarbomb _ entry | nonFilesystemEntry = Nothing
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    -- Ignore some special entries we will not unpack anyway
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    nonFilesystemEntry =
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      case entryContent entry of
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        OtherEntryType 'g' _ _ -> True --PAX global header
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        OtherEntryType 'x' _ _ -> True --PAX individual header
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        _                      -> False
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checkEntryTarbomb expectedTopDir entry =
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  case FilePath.Native.splitDirectories (entryPath entry) of
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    (topDir:_) | topDir == expectedTopDir -> Nothing
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    _ -> Just $ TarBombError expectedTopDir
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-- | An error that occurs if a tar file is a \"tar bomb\" that would extract
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-- files outside of the intended directory.
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data TarBombError = TarBombError FilePath
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                  deriving (Typeable)
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instance Exception TarBombError
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instance Show TarBombError where
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  show (TarBombError expectedTopDir)
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    = "File in tar archive is not in the expected directory " ++ show expectedTopDir
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-- Portability
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-- | This function checks a sequence of tar entries for a number of portability
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-- issues. It will complain if:
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-- * The old \"Unix V7\" or \"gnu\" formats are used. For maximum portability
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--   only the POSIX standard \"ustar\" format should be used.
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-- * A non-portable entry type is used. Only ordinary files, hard links,
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--   symlinks and directories are portable. Device files, pipes and others are
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--   not portable between all common operating systems.
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-- * Non-ASCII characters are used in file names. There is no agreed portable
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--   convention for Unicode or other extended character sets in file names in
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--   tar archives.
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-- * File names that would not be portable to both Unix and Windows. This check
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--   includes characters that are valid in both systems and the \'/\' vs \'\\\'
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--   directory separator conventions.
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checkPortability :: Entries e -> Entries (Either e PortabilityError)
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checkPortability = checkEntries checkEntryPortability
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checkEntryPortability :: Entry -> Maybe PortabilityError
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checkEntryPortability entry
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  | entryFormat entry `elem` [V7Format, GnuFormat]
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  = Just $ NonPortableFormat (entryFormat entry)
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  | not (portableFileType (entryContent entry))
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  = Just NonPortableFileType
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  | not (all portableChar posixPath)
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  = Just $ NonPortableEntryNameChar posixPath
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  | not (FilePath.Posix.isValid posixPath)
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  = Just $ NonPortableFileName "unix"    (InvalidFileName posixPath)
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  | not (FilePath.Windows.isValid windowsPath)
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  = Just $ NonPortableFileName "windows" (InvalidFileName windowsPath)
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  | FilePath.Posix.isAbsolute posixPath
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  = Just $ NonPortableFileName "unix"    (AbsoluteFileName posixPath)
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  | FilePath.Windows.isAbsolute windowsPath
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  = Just $ NonPortableFileName "windows" (AbsoluteFileName windowsPath)
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  | any (=="..") (FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories posixPath)
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  = Just $ NonPortableFileName "unix"    (InvalidFileName posixPath)
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  | any (=="..") (FilePath.Windows.splitDirectories windowsPath)
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  = Just $ NonPortableFileName "windows" (InvalidFileName windowsPath)
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  | otherwise = Nothing
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    tarPath     = entryTarPath entry
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    posixPath   = fromTarPathToPosixPath   tarPath
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    windowsPath = fromTarPathToWindowsPath tarPath
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    portableFileType ftype = case ftype of
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      NormalFile   {} -> True
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      HardLink     {} -> True
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      SymbolicLink {} -> True
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      Directory       -> True
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      _               -> False
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    portableChar c = c <= '\127'
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-- | Portability problems in a tar archive
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data PortabilityError
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  = NonPortableFormat Format
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  | NonPortableFileType
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  | NonPortableEntryNameChar FilePath
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  | NonPortableFileName PortabilityPlatform FileNameError
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  deriving (Typeable)
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-- | The name of a platform that portability issues arise from
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type PortabilityPlatform = String
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instance Exception PortabilityError
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instance Show PortabilityError where
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  show (NonPortableFormat format) = "Archive is in the " ++ fmt ++ " format"
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    where fmt = case format of V7Format    -> "old Unix V7 tar"
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                               UstarFormat -> "ustar" -- I never generate this but a user might
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                               GnuFormat   -> "GNU tar"
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  show NonPortableFileType        = "Non-portable file type in archive"
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  show (NonPortableEntryNameChar posixPath)
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    = "Non-portable character in archive entry name: " ++ show posixPath
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  show (NonPortableFileName platform err)
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    = showFileNameError (Just platform) err
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-- Utils
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checkEntries :: (Entry -> Maybe e') -> Entries e -> Entries (Either e e')
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checkEntries checkEntry =
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  mapEntries (\entry -> maybe (Right entry) Left (checkEntry entry))