Blame Network/Socks5/Parse.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
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-- |
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-- Module      : Network.Socks5.Parse
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-- License     : BSD-style
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-- Maintainer  : Vincent Hanquez <>
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-- Stability   : experimental
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-- Portability : portable
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-- A very simple bytestring parser related to Parsec and Attoparsec
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-- Simple example:
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-- > > parse ((,) <$> take 2 <*> byte 0x20 <*> (bytes "abc" *> anyByte)) "xx abctest"
Packit fc2124
-- > ParseOK "est" ("xx", 116)
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Packit fc2124
module Network.Socks5.Parse
Packit fc2124
    ( Parser
Packit fc2124
    , Result(..)
Packit fc2124
    -- * run the Parser
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    , parse
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    , parseFeed
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    -- * Parser methods
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    , byte
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    , anyByte
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    , bytes
Packit fc2124
    , take
Packit fc2124
    , takeWhile
Packit fc2124
    , takeAll
Packit fc2124
    , skip
Packit fc2124
    , skipWhile
Packit fc2124
    , skipAll
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    , takeStorable
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    ) where
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import Control.Applicative
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import Control.Monad
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import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
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import qualified Data.ByteString as B
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B (toForeignPtr)
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import Data.Word
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import Foreign.Storable (Storable, peekByteOff, sizeOf)
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import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
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import Prelude hiding (take, takeWhile)
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import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
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-- | Simple parsing result, that represent respectively:
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-- * failure: with the error message
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-- * continuation: that need for more input data
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-- * success: the remaining unparsed data and the parser value
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data Result a =
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      ParseFail String
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    | ParseMore (ByteString -> Result a)
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    | ParseOK   ByteString a
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instance Show a => Show (Result a) where
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    show (ParseFail err) = "ParseFailure: " ++ err
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    show (ParseMore _)   = "ParseMore _"
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    show (ParseOK b a)   = "ParseOK " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b
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type Failure r = ByteString -> String -> Result r
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type Success a r = ByteString -> a -> Result r
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-- | Simple ByteString parser structure
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newtype Parser a = Parser
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    { runParser :: forall r . ByteString -> Failure r -> Success a r -> Result r }
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instance Monad Parser where
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    fail errorMsg = Parser $ \buf err _ -> err buf ("failed: " ++ errorMsg)
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    return v = Parser $ \buf _ ok -> ok buf v
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    m >>= k = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
Packit fc2124
         runParser m buf err (\buf' a -> runParser (k a) buf' err ok)
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instance MonadPlus Parser where
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    mzero = fail "Parser.MonadPlus.mzero"
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    mplus f g = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
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        -- rewrite the err callback of @f to call @g
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        runParser f buf (\_ _ -> runParser g buf err ok) ok
Packit fc2124
instance Functor Parser where
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    fmap f p = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
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        runParser p buf err (\b a -> ok b (f a))
Packit fc2124
instance Applicative Parser where
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    pure      = return
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    (<*>) d e = d >>= \b -> e >>= \a -> return (b a)
Packit fc2124
instance Alternative Parser where
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    empty = fail "Parser.Alternative.empty"
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    (<|>) = mplus
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-- | Run a parser on an @initial ByteString.
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-- If the Parser need more data than available, the @feeder function
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-- is automatically called and fed to the More continuation.
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parseFeed :: Monad m => m B.ByteString -> Parser a -> B.ByteString -> m (Result a)
Packit fc2124
parseFeed feeder p initial = loop $ parse p initial
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  where loop (ParseMore k) = feeder >>= (loop . k)
Packit fc2124
        loop r             = return r
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Packit fc2124
-- | Run a Parser on a ByteString and return a 'Result'
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parse :: Parser a -> ByteString -> Result a
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parse p s = runParser p s (\_ msg -> ParseFail msg) (\b a -> ParseOK b a)
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getMore :: Parser ()
Packit fc2124
getMore = Parser $ \buf err ok -> ParseMore $ \nextChunk ->
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    if B.null nextChunk
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        then err buf "EOL: need more data"
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        else ok (B.append buf nextChunk) ()
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Packit fc2124
getAll :: Parser ()
Packit fc2124
getAll = Parser $ \buf err ok -> ParseMore $ \nextChunk ->
Packit fc2124
    if B.null nextChunk
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        then ok buf ()
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        else runParser getAll (B.append buf nextChunk) err ok
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flushAll :: Parser ()
Packit fc2124
flushAll = Parser $ \buf err ok -> ParseMore $ \nextChunk ->
Packit fc2124
    if B.null nextChunk
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        then ok buf ()
Packit fc2124
        else runParser getAll B.empty err ok
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-- | Get the next byte from the parser
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anyByte :: Parser Word8
Packit fc2124
anyByte = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
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    case B.uncons buf of
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        Nothing      -> runParser (getMore >> anyByte) buf err ok
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        Just (c1,b2) -> ok b2 c1
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-- | Parse a specific byte at current position
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-- if the byte is different than the expected on,
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-- this parser will raise a failure.
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byte :: Word8 -> Parser ()
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byte w = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
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    case B.uncons buf of
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        Nothing      -> runParser (getMore >> byte w) buf err ok
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        Just (c1,b2) | c1 == w   -> ok b2 ()
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                     | otherwise -> err buf ("byte " ++ show w ++ " : failed")
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-- | Parse a sequence of bytes from current position
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-- if the following bytes don't match the expected
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-- bytestring completely, the parser will raise a failure
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bytes :: ByteString -> Parser ()
Packit fc2124
bytes allExpected = consumeEq allExpected
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  where errMsg = "bytes " ++ show allExpected ++ " : failed"
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        -- partially consume as much as possible or raise an error.
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        consumeEq expected = Parser $ \actual err ok ->
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            let eLen = B.length expected in
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            if B.length actual >= eLen
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                then    -- enough data for doing a full match
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                        let (aMatch,aRem) = B.splitAt eLen actual
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                         in if aMatch == expected
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                                then ok aRem ()
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                                else err actual errMsg
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                else    -- not enough data, match as much as we have, and then recurse.
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                        let (eMatch, eRem) = B.splitAt (B.length actual) expected
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                         in if actual == eMatch
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                                then runParser (getMore >> consumeEq eRem) B.empty err ok
Packit fc2124
                                else err actual errMsg
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-- | Take a storable from the current position in the stream
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takeStorable :: Storable d
Packit fc2124
             => Parser d
Packit fc2124
takeStorable = anyStorable undefined
Packit fc2124
Packit fc2124
    anyStorable :: Storable d => d -> Parser d
Packit fc2124
    anyStorable a = do
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        (fptr, off, _) <- B.toForeignPtr <$> take (sizeOf a)
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        return $ unsafePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> peekByteOff ptr off
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-- | Take @n bytes from the current position in the stream
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take :: Int -> Parser ByteString
Packit fc2124
take n = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
Packit fc2124
    if B.length buf >= n
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        then let (b1,b2) = B.splitAt n buf in ok b2 b1
Packit fc2124
        else runParser (getMore >> take n) buf err ok
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-- | Take bytes while the @predicate hold from the current position in the stream
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takeWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ByteString
Packit fc2124
takeWhile predicate = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
Packit fc2124
    case B.span predicate buf of
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        (_, b2) | B.null b2 -> runParser (getMore >> takeWhile predicate) buf err ok
Packit fc2124
        (b1, b2) -> ok b2 b1
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-- | Take the remaining bytes from the current position in the stream
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takeAll :: Parser ByteString
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takeAll = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
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    runParser (getAll >> returnBuffer) buf err ok
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    returnBuffer = Parser $ \buf _ ok -> ok B.empty buf
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-- | Skip @n bytes from the current position in the stream
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skip :: Int -> Parser ()
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skip n = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
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    if B.length buf >= n
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        then ok (B.drop n buf) ()
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        else runParser (getMore >> skip (n - B.length buf)) B.empty err ok
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-- | Skip bytes while the @predicate hold from the current position in the stream
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skipWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parser ()
Packit fc2124
skipWhile p = Parser $ \buf err ok ->
Packit fc2124
    case B.span p buf of
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        (_, b2) | B.null b2 -> runParser (getMore >> skipWhile p) B.empty err ok
Packit fc2124
        (_, b2) -> ok b2 ()
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-- | Skip all the remaining bytes from the current position in the stream
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skipAll :: Parser ()
Packit fc2124
skipAll = Parser $ \buf err ok -> runParser flushAll buf err ok