Blame CHANGELOG.markdown

Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Add `Semigroup` instance for `IO`, as well as for `Event` and `Lifetime` from
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Add `Eq1`, `Ord1`, `Read1`, and `Show1` instances for `NonEmpty`
Packit 1161d8
* Define `Generic` and `Generic1` instances back to GHC 7.2, and expose the
Packit 1161d8
  `Data.Semigroup.Generic` module on GHC 7.2
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Depend on the `bytestring-builder` package to ensure `Semigroup` instances for bytestring `Builder` and `ShortByteString` are always defined
Packit 1161d8
* Allow building with `binary-0.8.3` and later
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Add the missing instance for `Data.Binary.Builder.Builder`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added support for `base-4.9`
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Removed the partial functions `words`, `unwords`, `lines`, `unlines`
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Fixed the `@since` annotations
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added `groupWith`, `groupAllWith`, `groupWith1`, `groupAllWith1`
Packit 1161d8
* Renamed `sortOn` to `sortWith` to match the "Comprehensive comprehensions" paper and `TransformListComp` extension.
Packit 1161d8
* Add `Semigroup` instances for `Alt`, `Void`, `Proxy` and `Tagged`
Packit 1161d8
* Add `Num` instances for `Min` and `Max`
Packit 1161d8
* Removed `times1p` in favor of `stimes`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Cleaned up imports to remove warnings on GHC 7.10.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Restored the ability to build on GHC < 7.6. (`Generic1` deriving was only added in GHC 7.6)
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added `genericMappend` and supporting `GSemigroup` class for generically deriving Semigroup instances.
Packit 1161d8
* Added `Arg a b` which only compares for equality/order on its first argument, which can be used to compute `argmin` and `argmax`.
Packit 1161d8
* Add `Bifunctor` `Arg` instance to avoid orphans for GHC 7.10+.
Packit 1161d8
* Added missing `Data.Monoid.Generic` module to source control.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added `Semigroup` instances for various Builder constructions in `text` and `bytestring` where available.
Packit 1161d8
* Added `MonadFix` and `MonadPlus` instances for `NonEmpty`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Bumped `deepseq` version bound for GHC 7.10 compatibility.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* `times1p` and `timesN` are now reduced to accepting only a `Natural` argument. `Whole` doesn't exist in GHC 7.10's Numeric.Natural, and `nats` version 1 has removed support for the class.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Use `Data.Coerce.coerce` on GHC 7.8+ to reduce the number of eta-expansions in the resulting core.
Packit 1161d8
* Avoid conflict with pending `Foldable.length` in base.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* `instance NFData a => NFData (NonEmpty a)`
Packit 1161d8
* Added `NFData` instances for the types in Data.Semigroup
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Fixed a Trustworthiness problem for GHC 7.8+
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Nathan van Doorn fixed a number of embarassing bugs in the `Enum` instances.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* `instance IsList NonEmpty`
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Allow for manual removal of dependencies to support advanced sandbox users who explicitly want to avoid compiling certain dependencies
Packit 1161d8
  they know they aren't using.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
  We will fix bugs caused by any combination of these package flags, but the API of the package should be considered the default build
Packit 1161d8
  configuration with all of the package dependency flags enabled.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Will now build as full-fledged `Safe` Haskell if you configure with -f-hashable.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added some missing `Generic`/`Generic`/`Hashable` instances
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* `Generic` support requires `ghc-prim` on GHC 7.4.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added instances for 'Generic', 'Foldable', 'Traversable', 'Enum', 'Functor', 'Hashable', 'Applicative', 'Monad' and 'MonadFix'
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Vastly widened the dependency bound on `text` and `bytestring`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Updated to support the new version of `text`.
Packit 1161d8
* Added `transpose`, `sortBy` and `sortWith`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added an instance for `Const r`.
Packit 1161d8
* Added `some1`
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added the missing instance for `HashSet`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added support for `unordered-containers`, `bytestring` and `text`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added a `DefaultSignature` for `(<>)` in terms of `mappend`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Added `timesN`.
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
Packit 1161d8
* Moved `Numeric.Natural` to a separate `nats` package.