Blame src/Math/NumberTheory/Logarithms.hs

Packit 785658
-- |
Packit 785658
-- Module:      Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms
Packit 785658
-- Copyright:   (c) 2011 Daniel Fischer
Packit 785658
-- Licence:     MIT
Packit 785658
-- Maintainer:  Daniel Fischer <>
Packit 785658
-- Stability:   Provisional
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-- Portability: Non-portable (GHC extensions)
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-- Integer Logarithms. For efficiency, the internal representation of 'Integer's
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-- from integer-gmp is used.
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{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
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module Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms
Packit 785658
    ( -- * Integer logarithms with input checks
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    , integerLog2
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    , integerLog10
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    , naturalLogBase
Packit 785658
    , naturalLog2
Packit 785658
    , naturalLog10
Packit 785658
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    , intLog2
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    , wordLog2
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      -- * Integer logarithms without input checks
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      -- | These functions are total, however, don't rely on the values with out-of-domain arguments.
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    , integerLogBase'
Packit 785658
    , integerLog2'
Packit 785658
    , integerLog10'
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Packit 785658
    , intLog2'
Packit 785658
    , wordLog2'
Packit 785658
    ) where
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import GHC.Exts
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import Data.Bits
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import Data.Array.Unboxed
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import Numeric.Natural
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import GHC.Integer.Logarithms.Compat
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#if Base48 && defined(MIN_VERSION_integer_gmp)
Packit 785658
import GHC.Integer.GMP.Internals (Integer (..))
Packit 785658
import GHC.Natural
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#if CheckBounds
Packit 785658
import Data.Array.IArray (IArray, (!))
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import Data.Array.Base (unsafeAt)
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-- | Calculate the integer logarithm for an arbitrary base.
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--   The base must be greater than 1, the second argument, the number
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--   whose logarithm is sought, must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.
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--   If @base == 2@, the specialised version is called, which is more
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--   efficient than the general algorithm.
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--   Satisfies:
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-- > base ^ integerLogBase base m <= m < base ^ (integerLogBase base m + 1)
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-- for @base > 1@ and @m > 0@.
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integerLogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Int
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integerLogBase b n
Packit 785658
  | n < 1       = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.integerLogBase: argument must be positive."
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  | n < b       = 0
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  | b == 2      = integerLog2' n
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  | b < 2       = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.integerLogBase: base must be greater than one."
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  | otherwise   = integerLogBase' b n
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-- | Calculate the integer logarithm of an 'Integer' to base 2.
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--   The argument must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.
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integerLog2 :: Integer -> Int
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integerLog2 n
Packit 785658
  | n < 1       = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.integerLog2: argument must be positive"
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  | otherwise   = I# (integerLog2# n)
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-- | Cacluate the integer logarithm for an arbitrary base.
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--   The base must be greater than 1, the second argument, the number
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--   whose logarithm is sought, must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.
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--   If @base == 2@, the specialised version is called, which is more
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--   efficient than the general algorithm.
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--   Satisfies:
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-- > base ^ integerLogBase base m <= m < base ^ (integerLogBase base m + 1)
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-- for @base > 1@ and @m > 0@.
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naturalLogBase :: Natural -> Natural -> Int
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naturalLogBase b n
Packit 785658
  | n < 1       = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.naturalLogBase: argument must be positive."
Packit 785658
  | n < b       = 0
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  | b == 2      = naturalLog2' n
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  | b < 2       = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.naturalLogBase: base must be greater than one."
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  | otherwise   = naturalLogBase' b n
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-- | Calculate the natural logarithm of an 'Natural' to base 2.
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--   The argument must be non-zero, otherwise an error is thrown.
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naturalLog2 :: Natural -> Int
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naturalLog2 n
Packit 785658
  | n < 1       = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.naturalLog2: argument must be non-zero"
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  | otherwise   = I# (naturalLog2# n)
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-- | Calculate the integer logarithm of an 'Int' to base 2.
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--   The argument must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.
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intLog2 :: Int -> Int
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intLog2 (I# i#)
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  | isTrue# (i# <# 1#)  = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.intLog2: argument must be positive"
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  | otherwise           = I# (wordLog2# (int2Word# i#))
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-- | Calculate the integer logarithm of a 'Word' to base 2.
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--   The argument must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.
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wordLog2 :: Word -> Int
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wordLog2 (W# w#)
Packit 785658
  | isTrue# (w# `eqWord#` 0##)  = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.wordLog2: argument must not be 0."
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  | otherwise                   = I# (wordLog2# w#)
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-- | Same as 'integerLog2', but without checks, saves a little time when
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--   called often for known good input.
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integerLog2' :: Integer -> Int
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integerLog2' n = I# (integerLog2# n)
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-- | Same as 'naturalLog2', but without checks, saves a little time when
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--   called often for known good input.
Packit 785658
naturalLog2' :: Natural -> Int
Packit 785658
naturalLog2' n = I# (naturalLog2# n)
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-- | Same as 'intLog2', but without checks, saves a little time when
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--   called often for known good input.
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intLog2' :: Int -> Int
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intLog2' (I# i#) = I# (wordLog2# (int2Word# i#))
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-- | Same as 'wordLog2', but without checks, saves a little time when
Packit 785658
--   called often for known good input.
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wordLog2' :: Word -> Int
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wordLog2' (W# w#) = I# (wordLog2# w#)
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-- | Calculate the integer logarithm of an 'Integer' to base 10.
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--   The argument must be positive, otherwise an error is thrown.
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integerLog10 :: Integer -> Int
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integerLog10 n
Packit 785658
  | n < 1     = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.integerLog10: argument must be positive"
Packit 785658
  | otherwise = integerLog10' n
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-- | Calculate the integer logarithm of an 'Integer' to base 10.
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--   The argument must be not zero, otherwise an error is thrown.
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naturalLog10 :: Natural -> Int
Packit 785658
naturalLog10 n
Packit 785658
  | n < 1     = error "Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms.naturalaLog10: argument must be non-zero"
Packit 785658
  | otherwise = naturalLog10' n
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-- | Same as 'integerLog10', but without a check for a positive
Packit 785658
--   argument. Saves a little time when called often for known good
Packit 785658
--   input.
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integerLog10' :: Integer -> Int
Packit 785658
integerLog10' n
Packit 785658
  | n < 10      = 0
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  | n < 100     = 1
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  | otherwise   = ex + integerLog10' (n `quot` 10 ^ ex)
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      ln = I# (integerLog2# n)
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      -- u/v is a good approximation of log 2/log 10
Packit 785658
      u  = 1936274
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      v  = 6432163
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      -- so ex is a good approximation to integerLogBase 10 n
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      ex = fromInteger ((u * fromIntegral ln) `quot` v)
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-- | Same as 'naturalLog10', but without a check for a positive
Packit 785658
--   argument. Saves a little time when called often for known good
Packit 785658
--   input.
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naturalLog10' :: Natural -> Int
Packit 785658
naturalLog10' n
Packit 785658
  | n < 10      = 0
Packit 785658
  | n < 100     = 1
Packit 785658
  | otherwise   = ex + naturalLog10' (n `quot` 10 ^ ex)
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      ln = I# (naturalLog2# n)
Packit 785658
      -- u/v is a good approximation of log 2/log 10
Packit 785658
      u  = 1936274
Packit 785658
      v  = 6432163
Packit 785658
      -- so ex is a good approximation to naturalLogBase 10 n
Packit 785658
      ex = fromInteger ((u * fromIntegral ln) `quot` v)
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-- | Same as 'integerLogBase', but without checks, saves a little time when
Packit 785658
--   called often for known good input.
Packit 785658
integerLogBase' :: Integer -> Integer -> Int
Packit 785658
integerLogBase' b n
Packit 785658
  | n < b       = 0
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  | ln-lb < lb  = 1     -- overflow safe version of ln < 2*lb, implies n < b*b
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  | b < 33      = let bi = fromInteger b
Packit 785658
                      ix = 2*bi-4
Packit 785658
                      -- u/v is a good approximation of log 2/log b
Packit 785658
                      u  = logArr `unsafeAt` ix
Packit 785658
                      v  = logArr `unsafeAt` (ix+1)
Packit 785658
                      -- hence ex is a rather good approximation of integerLogBase b n
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                      -- most of the time, it will already be exact
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                      ex = fromInteger ((fromIntegral u * fromIntegral ln) `quot` fromIntegral v)
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                  in case u of
Packit 785658
                      1 -> ln `quot` v      -- a power of 2, easy
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                      _ -> ex + integerLogBase' b (n `quot` b ^ ex)
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  | otherwise   = let -- shift b so that 16 <= bi < 32
Packit 785658
                      bi = fromInteger (b `shiftR` (lb-4))
Packit 785658
                      -- we choose an approximation of log 2 / log (bi+1) to
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                      -- be sure we underestimate
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                      ix = 2*bi-2
Packit 785658
                      -- u/w is a reasonably good approximation to log 2/log b
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                      -- it is too small, but not by much, so the recursive call
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                      -- should most of the time be caught by one of the first
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                      -- two guards unless n is huge, but then it'd still be
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                      -- a call with a much smaller second argument.
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                      u  = fromIntegral $ logArr `unsafeAt` ix
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                      v  = fromIntegral $ logArr `unsafeAt` (ix+1)
Packit 785658
                      w  = v + u*fromIntegral (lb-4)
Packit 785658
                      ex = fromInteger ((u * fromIntegral ln) `quot` w)
Packit 785658
                  in ex + integerLogBase' b (n `quot` b ^ ex)
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Packit 785658
      lb = integerLog2' b
Packit 785658
      ln = integerLog2' n
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-- | Same as 'naturalLogBase', but without checks, saves a little time when
Packit 785658
--   called often for known good input.
Packit 785658
naturalLogBase' :: Natural -> Natural -> Int
Packit 785658
naturalLogBase' b n
Packit 785658
    | n < b       = 0
Packit 785658
  | ln-lb < lb  = 1     -- overflow safe version of ln < 2*lb, implies n < b*b
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  | b < 33      = let bi = fromIntegral b
Packit 785658
                      ix = 2*bi-4
Packit 785658
                      -- u/v is a good approximation of log 2/log b
Packit 785658
                      u  = logArr `unsafeAt` ix
Packit 785658
                      v  = logArr `unsafeAt` (ix+1)
Packit 785658
                      -- hence ex is a rather good approximation of integerLogBase b n
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                      -- most of the time, it will already be exact
Packit 785658
                      ex = fromNatural ((fromIntegral u * fromIntegral ln) `quot` fromIntegral v)
Packit 785658
                  in case u of
Packit 785658
                      1 -> ln `quot` v      -- a power of 2, easy
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                      _ -> ex + naturalLogBase' b (n `quot` b ^ ex)
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  | otherwise   = let -- shift b so that 16 <= bi < 32
Packit 785658
                      bi = fromNatural (b `shiftR` (lb-4))
Packit 785658
                      -- we choose an approximation of log 2 / log (bi+1) to
Packit 785658
                      -- be sure we underestimate
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                      ix = 2*bi-2
Packit 785658
                      -- u/w is a reasonably good approximation to log 2/log b
Packit 785658
                      -- it is too small, but not by much, so the recursive call
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                      -- should most of the time be caught by one of the first
Packit 785658
                      -- two guards unless n is huge, but then it'd still be
Packit 785658
                      -- a call with a much smaller second argument.
Packit 785658
                      u  = fromIntegral $ logArr `unsafeAt` ix
Packit 785658
                      v  = fromIntegral $ logArr `unsafeAt` (ix+1)
Packit 785658
                      w  = v + u*fromIntegral (lb-4)
Packit 785658
                      ex = fromNatural ((u * fromIntegral ln) `quot` w)
Packit 785658
                  in ex + naturalLogBase' b (n `quot` b ^ ex)
Packit 785658
Packit 785658
      lb = naturalLog2' b
Packit 785658
      ln = naturalLog2' n
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-- Lookup table for logarithms of 2 <= k <= 32
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-- In each row "x , y", x/y is a good rational approximation of log 2  / log k.
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-- For the powers of 2, it is exact, otherwise x/y < log 2/log k, since we don't
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-- want to overestimate integerLogBase b n = floor $ (log 2/log b)*logBase 2 n.
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logArr :: UArray Int Int
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logArr = listArray (0, 61)
Packit 785658
          [ 1 , 1,
Packit 785658
            190537 , 301994,
Packit 785658
            1 , 2,
Packit 785658
            1936274 , 4495889,
Packit 785658
            190537 , 492531,
Packit 785658
            91313 , 256348,
Packit 785658
            1 , 3,
Packit 785658
            190537 , 603988,
Packit 785658
            1936274 , 6432163,
Packit 785658
            1686227 , 5833387,
Packit 785658
            190537 , 683068,
Packit 785658
            5458 , 20197,
Packit 785658
            91313 , 347661,
Packit 785658
            416263 , 1626294,
Packit 785658
            1 , 4,
Packit 785658
            32631 , 133378,
Packit 785658
            190537 , 794525,
Packit 785658
            163451 , 694328,
Packit 785658
            1936274 , 8368437,
Packit 785658
            1454590 , 6389021,
Packit 785658
            1686227 , 7519614,
Packit 785658
            785355 , 3552602,
Packit 785658
            190537 , 873605,
Packit 785658
            968137 , 4495889,
Packit 785658
            5458 , 25655,
Packit 785658
            190537 , 905982,
Packit 785658
            91313 , 438974,
Packit 785658
            390321 , 1896172,
Packit 785658
            416263 , 2042557,
Packit 785658
            709397 , 3514492,
Packit 785658
            1 , 5
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-- Unsafe
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#if CheckBounds
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unsafeAt :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> e
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unsafeAt = (!)`
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-- Natural helpers
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fromNatural :: Num a => Natural -> a
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fromNatural = fromIntegral
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naturalLog2# :: Natural -> Int#
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#if Base48 && defined(MIN_VERSION_integer_gmp)
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naturalLog2# (NatS# b) = wordLog2# b
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naturalLog2# (NatJ# n) = integerLog2# (Jp# n)
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naturalLog2# n = integerLog2# (toInteger n)
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#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707
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-- The times they are a-changing. The types of primops too :(
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isTrue# :: Bool -> Bool
Packit 785658
isTrue# = id
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