Blame test/Test/Hspec/ExpectationsSpec.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
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module Test.Hspec.ExpectationsSpec (spec) where
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import           Control.Exception
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import           Test.HUnit.Lang
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import           Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
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import           Test.Hspec.Expectations hiding (HasCallStack)
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import           Data.CallStack
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expectationFailed :: HasCallStack => FailureReason -> HUnitFailure -> Bool
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expectationFailed msg (HUnitFailure l m) = m == msg && (fmap setColumn l) == (fmap setColumn location)
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    location = case reverse callStack of
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      [] -> Nothing
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      (_, loc) : _ -> Just loc
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    location :: Maybe SrcLoc
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    setColumn loc_ = loc_{srcLocStartCol = 0, srcLocEndCol = 0}
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spec :: Spec
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spec = do
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  describe "shouldBe" $ do
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    it "succeeds if arguments are equal" $ do
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      "foo" `shouldBe` "foo"
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    it "fails if arguments are not equal" $ do
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      ("foo" `shouldBe` "bar") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (ExpectedButGot Nothing "\"bar\"" "\"foo\"")
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  describe "shouldSatisfy" $ do
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    it "succeeds if value satisfies predicate" $ do
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      "" `shouldSatisfy` null
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    it "fails if value does not satisfy predicate" $ do
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      ("foo" `shouldSatisfy` null) `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "predicate failed on: \"foo\"")
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  describe "shouldReturn" $ do
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    it "succeeds if arguments represent equal values" $ do
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      return "foo" `shouldReturn` "foo"
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    it "fails if arguments do not represent equal values" $ do
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      (return "foo" `shouldReturn` "bar") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (ExpectedButGot Nothing "\"bar\"" "\"foo\"")
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  describe "shouldStartWith" $ do
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    it "succeeds if second is prefix of first" $ do
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      "hello world" `shouldStartWith` "hello"
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    it "fails if second is not prefix of first" $ do
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      ("hello world" `shouldStartWith` "world") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "\"hello world\" does not start with \"world\"")
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  describe "shouldEndWith" $ do
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    it "succeeds if second is suffix of first" $ do
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      "hello world" `shouldEndWith` "world"
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    it "fails if second is not suffix of first" $ do
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      ("hello world" `shouldEndWith` "hello") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "\"hello world\" does not end with \"hello\"")
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  describe "shouldContain" $ do
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    it "succeeds if second argument is contained in the first" $ do
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      "I'm an hello world message" `shouldContain` "an hello"
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    it "fails if first argument does not contain the second" $ do
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      ("foo" `shouldContain` "bar") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "\"foo\" does not contain \"bar\"")
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  describe "shouldNotBe" $ do
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    it "succeeds if arguments are not equal" $ do
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      "foo" `shouldNotBe` "bar"
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    it "fails if arguments are equal" $ do
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      ("foo" `shouldNotBe` "foo") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "not expected: \"foo\"")
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  describe "shouldNotSatisfy" $ do
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    it "succeeds if value does not satisfy predicate" $ do
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      "bar" `shouldNotSatisfy` null
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    it "fails if the value does satisfy predicate" $ do
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      ("" `shouldNotSatisfy` null) `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "predicate succeeded on: \"\"")
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  describe "shouldNotReturn" $ do
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    it "succeeds if arguments does not represent equal values" $ do
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      return "foo" `shouldNotReturn` "bar"
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    it "fails if arguments do represent equal values" $ do
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      (return "foo" `shouldNotReturn` "foo") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "not expected: \"foo\"")
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  describe "shouldNotContain" $ do
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    it "succeeds if second argument is not contained in the first" $ do
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      "I'm an hello world message" `shouldNotContain` "test"
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    it "fails if first argument does contain the second" $ do
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      ("foo abc def" `shouldNotContain` "def") `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "\"foo abc def\" does contain \"def\"")
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  describe "shouldThrow" $ do
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    it "can be used to require a specific exception" $ do
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      throwIO DivideByZero `shouldThrow` (== DivideByZero)
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    it "can be used to require any exception" $ do
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      error "foobar" `shouldThrow` anyException
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    it "can be used to require an exception of a specific type" $ do
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      error "foobar" `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall
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    it "can be used to require a specific exception" $ do
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      error "foobar" `shouldThrow` errorCall "foobar"
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    it "fails, if a required specific exception is not thrown" $ do
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      (throwIO Overflow `shouldThrow` (== DivideByZero)) `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "predicate failed on expected exception: ArithException (arithmetic overflow)")
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    it "fails, if any exception is required, but no exception is thrown" $ do
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      (return () `shouldThrow` anyException) `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "did not get expected exception: SomeException")
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    it "fails, if an exception of a specific type is required, but no exception is thrown" $ do
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      (return () `shouldThrow` anyErrorCall) `shouldThrow` expectationFailed (Reason "did not get expected exception: ErrorCall")