Blame hslua.cabal

Packit f9207c
name:                   hslua
Packit f9207c
version:                0.9.5
Packit f9207c
stability:              beta
Packit f9207c
cabal-version:          >= 1.8
Packit f9207c
license:                MIT
Packit f9207c
build-type:             Simple
Packit f9207c
license-File:           COPYRIGHT
Packit f9207c
copyright:              © 2007–2012 Gracjan Polak
Packit f9207c
                        © 2012–2016 Ömer Sinan Ağacan
Packit f9207c
                        © 2016–2017 Albert Krewinkel
Packit f9207c
author:                 Gracjan Polak, Ömer Sinan Ağacan
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
synopsis:               A Lua language interpreter embedding in Haskell
Packit f9207c
description:            The Foreign.Lua module is a wrapper of Lua language
Packit f9207c
                        interpreter as described on
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
                        This package contains a full Lua interpreter version
Packit f9207c
                        5.3.4. If you want to link it with a system-wide Lua
Packit f9207c
                        installation, use the @system-lua@ flag.
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
                        < Example programs>
Packit f9207c
                        are available in a separate repository.
Packit f9207c
category:               Foreign
Packit f9207c
extra-source-files:     lua-5.3.4/*.h
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
source-repository head
Packit f9207c
  type:                 git
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag system-lua
Packit f9207c
  description:          Use the system-wide Lua instead of the bundled copy.
Packit f9207c
  default:              False
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag apicheck
Packit f9207c
  description:          Compile Lua with -DLUA_USE_APICHECK.
Packit f9207c
  default:              False
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag lua_32bits
Packit f9207c
  description:          Compile Lua with -DLUA_32BITS
Packit f9207c
  default:              False
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag allow-unsafe-gc
Packit f9207c
  description:          Allow optimizations which make Lua's garbage collection
Packit f9207c
                        potentially unsafe; haskell finalizers must be handled
Packit f9207c
                        with extreme care.
Packit f9207c
  default:              True
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag export-dynamic
Packit f9207c
  description:          Add all symbols to dynamic symbol table; disabling this
Packit f9207c
                        will make it possible to create fully static binaries,
Packit f9207c
                        but renders loading of dynamic C libraries impossible.
Packit f9207c
  default:              True
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag luajit
Packit f9207c
  description:          Link with LuaJIT.  This implies flag system-lua as well.
Packit f9207c
  default:              False
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag lua501
Packit f9207c
  description:          Build against lua 5.1.
Packit f9207c
  default:              False
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag lua502
Packit f9207c
  description:          Build against lua 5.2.
Packit f9207c
  default:              False
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
flag use-pkgconfig
Packit f9207c
  description:          Build using pkg-config to discover library and include paths. This is only used with system-lua and luajit.
Packit f9207c
  default:              False
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  build-depends:        base       >= 4.7    && < 5
Packit f9207c
                      , bytestring >= 0.10.2 && < 0.11
Packit f9207c
                      , containers >= 0.5    && < 0.6
Packit f9207c
                      , exceptions >= 0.8    && < 0.9
Packit f9207c
                      , fail       >= 4.9    && < 5
Packit f9207c
                      , mtl        >= 2.2    && < 2.3
Packit f9207c
                      , text
Packit f9207c
  exposed-modules:      Foreign.Lua
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Api
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Api.Constants
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Api.RawBindings
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Api.Types
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.FunctionCalling
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Types
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Types.Error
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Types.FromLuaStack
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Types.Lua
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Types.ToLuaStack
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Util
Packit f9207c
  hs-source-dirs:       src
Packit f9207c
  if impl(ghc < 7.10)
Packit f9207c
     hs-source-dirs:    prelude
Packit f9207c
     other-modules:     Prelude
Packit f9207c
  ghc-options:          -Wall
Packit f9207c
  extensions:           CPP
Packit f9207c
  if flag(system-lua) || flag(luajit) || flag(lua501) || flag(lua502)
Packit f9207c
    c-sources:          safer-api/safer-api.c
Packit f9207c
    include-dirs:       safer-api
Packit f9207c
    if flag(luajit)
Packit f9207c
      if flag(use-pkgconfig)
Packit f9207c
        pkgconfig-depends: luajit
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
        Extra-libraries:  luajit-5.1
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
      if flag(use-pkgconfig)
Packit f9207c
        if flag(lua501)
Packit f9207c
          pkgconfig-depends: lua5.1
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
          if flag(lua502)
Packit f9207c
            pkgconfig-depends: lua5.2
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
            pkgconfig-depends: lua5.3
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
        Extra-libraries:  lua
Packit f9207c
    if !flag(use-pkgconfig)
Packit f9207c
      includes:         lua.h
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
    c-sources:          lua-5.3.4/lapi.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lcode.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lctype.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/ldebug.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/ldo.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/ldump.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lfunc.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lgc.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/llex.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lmem.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lobject.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lopcodes.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lparser.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lstate.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lstring.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/ltable.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/ltm.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lundump.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lvm.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lzio.c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lauxlib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lbaselib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lbitlib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lcorolib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/ldblib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/liolib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lmathlib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lstrlib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/loslib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/ltablib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/lutf8lib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/loadlib.c
Packit f9207c
                      , lua-5.3.4/linit.c
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
                      , safer-api/safer-api.c
Packit f9207c
    include-dirs:       lua-5.3.4
Packit f9207c
                      , safer-api
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  if flag(lua501) || flag(luajit)
Packit f9207c
    cpp-options:        -DLUA_VERSION_NUMBER=501
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
    if flag(lua502)
Packit f9207c
      cpp-options:      -DLUA_VERSION_NUMBER=502
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
      cpp-options:      -DLUA_VERSION_NUMBER=503
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  if os(linux)
Packit f9207c
    cc-options:         "-DLUA_USE_LINUX"
Packit f9207c
    if flag(export-dynamic)
Packit f9207c
      ld-options:         "-Wl,-E"
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  if os(darwin)
Packit f9207c
    cc-options:         "-DLUA_USE_MACOSX"
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  if os(freebsd)
Packit f9207c
    cc-options:         "-DLUA_USE_POSIX"
Packit f9207c
    if flag(export-dynamic)
Packit f9207c
      ld-options:         "-Wl,-E"
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  if flag(lua_32bits)
Packit f9207c
    cc-options:         "-DLUA_32BITS"
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  if flag(allow-unsafe-gc)
Packit f9207c
    cc-options:         "-DALLOW_UNSAFE_GC"
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
  if flag(apicheck)
Packit f9207c
    cc-options:         "-DLUA_USE_APICHECK"
Packit f9207c
Packit f9207c
test-suite test-hslua
Packit f9207c
  type:                 exitcode-stdio-1.0
Packit f9207c
  main-is:              test-hslua.hs
Packit f9207c
  hs-source-dirs:       test
Packit f9207c
  ghc-options:          -Wall -threaded
Packit f9207c
  other-modules:        Foreign.LuaTest
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.ApiTest
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.FunctionCallingTest
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.TypesTest
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Types.FromLuaStackTest
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.Types.ToLuaStackTest
Packit f9207c
                      , Foreign.Lua.UtilTest
Packit f9207c
                      , Test.HsLua.Arbitrary
Packit f9207c
                      , Test.HsLua.Util
Packit f9207c
  build-depends:        base
Packit f9207c
                      , QuickCheck >= 2.7
Packit f9207c
                      , bytestring
Packit f9207c
                      , containers
Packit f9207c
                      , hslua
Packit f9207c
                      , quickcheck-instances
Packit f9207c
                      , tasty
Packit f9207c
                      , tasty-expected-failure >= 0.11 && < 0.12
Packit f9207c
                      , tasty-hunit
Packit f9207c
                      , tasty-quickcheck
Packit f9207c
                      , text
Packit f9207c
  if impl(ghc < 7.10)
Packit f9207c
     hs-source-dirs:    prelude
Packit f9207c
     other-modules:     Prelude