
Packit 462248
## 0.0.17
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add Terminal capabilities: ANSI Escape, UTF8 codepage initialization, get dimensions
Packit 462248
* Checks: Output now has colors
Packit 462248
* Hashable: Add Word128 & Word256 & Boxed Array instances
Packit 462248
* Semigroup: Compatibility with GHC 8.4
Packit 462248
* Drop criterion for benchmark, now use Gauge
Packit 462248
* Remove more UnboxedTuples from Foundation for easier loading with bytecode interpreter
Packit 462248
* Reduce overhead of profiling common primitive operation like size and offset addition by
Packit 462248
  preventing auto-caf in abstraction module
Packit 462248
* Optimise UTF8 validation
Packit 462248
* Optimise String toList (allow fusion)
Packit 462248
* Optimise String reversal
Packit 462248
* Merge different version of lowlevel array algorithms with one backed by a class.
Packit 462248
* Zn64/Zn : Add Num, Additive, Subtractive, NormalForm, Arbitrary instances
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.16
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Re-organize type sized structure and add UVect and Vect
Packit 462248
* Cleanup constraint in ListN, and add couple of combinators
Packit 462248
* Add ExceptT
Packit 462248
* Add some exception combinators (try,finally) that works with foundation classes.
Packit 462248
* Tidy mutable algorithm for sorting removing redundant code
Packit 462248
* Add primitive to convert Double/Float to Word64/Word32
Packit 462248
* Cleanup withPtr / getAddr code to be safer
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.15
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add Bits instance for Natural compat with 7.8
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.14
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add bounded Natural (Zn & Zn64)
Packit 462248
* Add Word128 and Word256
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add From/Into type class
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add breakEnd, spanEnd, revFindIndex
Packit 462248
* Improve arrays sorting
Packit 462248
* Add arrays fromListN implementation
Packit 462248
* Add arrays convertion primitive
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Cleanup API
Packit 462248
* Implement unsnoc
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Improve random generation with XorShift
Packit 462248
* Improve ghc 8.2 support (warning removals)
Packit 462248
* Remove dependency on QuickCheck
Packit 462248
* Split lowlevel modules into basement package
Packit 462248
* Fix compilation with musl
Packit 462248
* Improve native array safety when using through pointer
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* remove foldText
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.13
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Optimise fold
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Re-organise type to be more modular for later change
Packit 462248
* Remove the pinned array explicit status in favor of asking
Packit 462248
  the runtime system directly on demand.
Packit 462248
* Optimise fold operations
Packit 462248
* Optimise all&any
Packit 462248
* Optimise isPrefixOf
Packit 462248
* Optimise isSuffixOf
Packit 462248
* Optimise finding byte
Packit 462248
* Add an optimise function to break on line (CRLF & LF) as part of a stream
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Optimise length
Packit 462248
* Optimise all&any
Packit 462248
* Optimise foldr
Packit 462248
* Remove many unboxed tuples (next, prev, ..) in favor of a strict unpack
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Optimise lines using array breakLine
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* add stripPrefix & stripSuffix
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Improve performance
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Cleanup Offset/Size types with the C boundary
Packit 462248
* Faster Offset/Size convertions
Packit 462248
* Add Base64 support
Packit 462248
* Add LE/BE instance for NormalForm
Packit 462248
* Add UUID generation and parsing
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.12
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Fix build windows building & time subsystem
Packit 462248
* Add BlockN: Typed-fixed length block of memory
Packit 462248
* Add Base64
Packit 462248
* Add 'or' and 'and'
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.11
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add Hlint support (configuration file), and default travis job
Packit 462248
* Property report error through with the ASCII, UTF16, UTF32 string decoders
Packit 462248
* Fix issue with OSX < Sierra
Packit 462248
* Improve Parser and fix backtracking issue
Packit 462248
* Strictify UArray to contains a strict ByteArray#
Packit 462248
* Improve any & all for most collection types
Packit 462248
* Improve minimum & maximum for most collection types
Packit 462248
* Add foldl1 & foldr1
Packit 462248
* Add takeWhile & dropWhile
Packit 462248
* Remove foldl
Packit 462248
* Add basic String builder
Packit 462248
* Add String replace function
Packit 462248
* Add conduit sourceList
Packit 462248
* Improve performance of String uncons, unsnoc, filter and fromBytes UTF8 (validate)
Packit 462248
* Improve UArray filter
Packit 462248
* Fix compilation issue on windows with `clock_gettime` which is not available though all possible compilation mode
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.10
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Cleanup collection APIs that take a lone Int (length, take, drop, splitAt, ..) to take a CountOf
Packit 462248
* Rename Size to CountOf
Packit 462248
* Add basic time functions
Packit 462248
* Add os dependent timing capability
Packit 462248
* Add simple pattern matching for test names with checks.
Packit 462248
* add '--list-tests' for checks
Packit 462248
* Optimise Eq and Ord for blocks and uarray
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.9
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Introduce Block & MutableBlock which represent a chunk of memory without slices
Packit 462248
  and are faster/leaner in many cases.
Packit 462248
* Cleanup String code and some primitives boundaries
Packit 462248
* Fix storable alignment tests
Packit 462248
* Add These data type (either a, b or both)
Packit 462248
* Implement checks command line
Packit 462248
* Improve checks terminal output
Packit 462248
* drop support for GHC 7.4 and GHC 7.6
Packit 462248
* Improve performance of copy out of block and uarray
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.8
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add MonadReader and MonadState
Packit 462248
* Improve performance of numerical read parsers (integral, double)
Packit 462248
* Improve precision of double read parser
Packit 462248
* Add Textual conduit combinator (fromBytes, toBytes, lines)
Packit 462248
* Add DList
Packit 462248
* Fix building on latest Win32, RHEL 5.8
Packit 462248
* Add NormalForm
Packit 462248
* Export some functions in Internal module to manipulate unboxed mutable array
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.7
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Improve Checks: random seed, new properties and improved printing
Packit 462248
* Add ability to parse Natural, Integer, and Double from String
Packit 462248
* Temporarily remove compilation of experimental network resolution introduced in 0.0.5 for windows building.
Packit 462248
* Cleanup Offset and Size fixing some bug in String module
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.6
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Fix build on Centos 6.x / older linux distribution
Packit 462248
* Improve test checks generators
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.5
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Generalize monadic map (mapM, mapM\_)
Packit 462248
* HostName type
Packit 462248
* Network address / name resolution
Packit 462248
* Fix compilation on FreeBSD & OpenBSD
Packit 462248
* Initial re-implementation for property tests and tests orchestration
Packit 462248
* Fix bug in splitElem, and breakElem
Packit 462248
* Improve splitOn to return empty elements
Packit 462248
* Fix API bug for snoc and cons in Chunked UArray
Packit 462248
* Add UUID
Packit 462248
* Check API
Packit 462248
* Fix compilation on !x86
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.4
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add Conduit for all your streaming needs
Packit 462248
* Expose Sequential from Foundation
Packit 462248
* Export internal withPtr for optimisation
Packit 462248
* Export `ifThenElse`
Packit 462248
* Use the proper `String` type for error instead of `[Char]`
Packit 462248
* Add `any` and `all` to `Collection`
Packit 462248
* Add defaulting to Integer and Double for numerical types
Packit 462248
* Add negation for Double and Float (and their associated C types)
Packit 462248
* Add/Export system bindings (Posix file/memory handling, Linux Inotify)
Packit 462248
* Add Big Endian (BE) / Little Endian (LE) wrapping types
Packit 462248
* Add a way to transform an UArray into Hexadecimal/Base16
Packit 462248
* Add IPv4 and IPv6 types
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.3
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add MonadCatch and MonadThrow classes
Packit 462248
* Add Transformer base class (MonadTrans)
Packit 462248
* Add IdentityT, StateT, ReaderT
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Fix build on !x86
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.2
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add `Bifunctor`
Packit 462248
* Implement Better storable type class (#111)
Packit 462248
* Expose Nthable for GHC >= 7.10 (product type getter)
Packit 462248
* Split basic function from `Sequential` to `Collection`
Packit 462248
* show return a Foundation `String` now instead of `[Char]`
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Overhaul of numerical classes (`Integral`, `Rational`, `Divisible`, ..)
Packit 462248
* add IntegralRounding (i.e. rounding from floating types)
Packit 462248
* Expose IEEE manipulation stuff
Packit 462248
* Expose all trigonometry functions in `Foundation.Math.Trigonometry`
Packit 462248
* Export `Natural` (Unsigned `Integer`)
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Add partition
Packit 462248
* Add isPrefixOf and isSuffixOf
Packit 462248
* Add ArrayBuilder machinery
Packit 462248
* Add `String` parser
Packit 462248
* Add minimum and maximum to Collection.
Packit 462248
* Export Foldable and Collection in Foundation
Packit 462248
* add head,last,tail,init
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Basic `ArrayUArray` support (Array of unboxed Array)
Packit 462248
* Add instance for `Float` and `Double` for numerical
Packit 462248
* Boxed array: add native slicing in the type
Packit 462248
* add `NonEmpty` type
Packit 462248
* Add some Data declaration for based type
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Hashing: add FNV, SipHash hash functions family
Packit 462248
* Hashable: add support to hash types
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
Random support:
Packit 462248
* Add support for system entropy
Packit 462248
* Add pseudo random generation capability using a ChaCha core.
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
## 0.0.1
Packit 462248
Packit 462248
* Initial version