Blame Crypto/OTP.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
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-- | One-time password implementation as defined by the
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-- < HOTP> and < TOTP>
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-- specifications.
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-- Both implementations use a shared key between the client and the server. HOTP passwords
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-- are based on a synchronized counter. TOTP passwords use the same approach but calculate
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-- the counter as a number of time steps from the Unix epoch to the current time, thus
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-- requiring that both client and server have synchronized clocks.
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-- Probably the best-known use of TOTP is in Google's 2-factor authentication.
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-- The TOTP API doesn't depend on any particular time package, so the user needs to supply
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-- the current @OTPTime@ value, based on the system time. For example, using the @hourglass@
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-- package, you could create a @getOTPTime@ function:
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-- >>> import Time.System
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-- >>> import Time.Types
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-- >>>
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-- >>> let getOTPTime = timeCurrent >>= \(Elapsed t) -> return (fromIntegral t :: OTPTime)
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-- Or if you prefer, the @time@ package could be used:
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-- >>> import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
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-- >>>
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-- >>> let getOTPTime = getPOSIXTime >>= \t -> return (floor t :: OTPTime)
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module Crypto.OTP
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    ( OTP
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    , OTPDigits (..)
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    , OTPTime
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    , hotp
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    , resynchronize
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    , totp
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    , totpVerify
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    , TOTPParams
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    , ClockSkew (..)
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    , defaultTOTPParams
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    , mkTOTPParams
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import           Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.&.), (.|.))
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import           Data.ByteArray.Mapping (fromW64BE)
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import           Data.List (elemIndex)
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import           Data.Word
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import           Foreign.Storable (poke)
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import           Control.Monad (unless)
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import           Crypto.Hash (HashAlgorithm, SHA1(..))
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import           Crypto.MAC.HMAC
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import           Crypto.Internal.ByteArray (ByteArrayAccess, ByteArray, Bytes)
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import qualified Crypto.Internal.ByteArray as B
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-- | A one-time password which is a sequence of 4 to 9 digits.
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type OTP = Word32
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-- | The strength of the calculated HOTP value, namely
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-- the number of digits (between 4 and 9) in the extracted value.
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data OTPDigits = OTP4 | OTP5 | OTP6 | OTP7 | OTP8 | OTP9 deriving (Show)
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-- | An integral time value in seconds.
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type OTPTime = Word64
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hotp :: forall hash key. (HashAlgorithm hash, ByteArrayAccess key)
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    => hash
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    -> OTPDigits
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    -- ^ Number of digits in the HOTP value extracted from the calculated HMAC
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    -> key
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    -- ^ Shared secret between the client and server
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    -> Word64
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    -- ^ Counter value synchronized between the client and server
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    -> OTP
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    -- ^ The HOTP value
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hotp _ d k c = dt `mod` digitsPower d
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    mac = hmac k (fromW64BE c :: Bytes) :: HMAC hash
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    offset = fromIntegral (B.index mac (B.length mac - 1) .&. 0xf)
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    dt = (fromIntegral (B.index mac offset       .&. 0x7f) `shiftL` 24) .|.
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         (fromIntegral (B.index mac (offset + 1) .&. 0xff) `shiftL` 16) .|.
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         (fromIntegral (B.index mac (offset + 2) .&. 0xff) `shiftL`  8) .|.
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         fromIntegral  (B.index mac (offset + 3) .&. 0xff)
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-- | Attempt to resynchronize the server's counter value
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-- with the client, given a sequence of HOTP values.
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resynchronize :: (HashAlgorithm hash, ByteArrayAccess key)
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    => hash
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    -> OTPDigits
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    -> Word16
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    -- ^ The look-ahead window parameter. Up to this many values will
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    -- be calculated and checked against the value(s) submitted by the client
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    -> key
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    -- ^ The shared secret
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    -> Word64
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    -- ^ The current server counter value
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    -> (OTP, [OTP])
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    -- ^ The first OTP submitted by the client and a list of additional
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    -- sequential OTPs (which may be empty)
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    -> Maybe Word64
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    -- ^ The new counter value, synchronized with the client's current counter
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    -- or Nothing if the submitted OTP values didn't match anywhere within the window
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resynchronize h d s k c (p1, extras) = do
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    offBy <- fmap fromIntegral (elemIndex p1 range)
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    checkExtraOtps (c + offBy + 1) extras
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    checkExtraOtps ctr [] = Just ctr
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    checkExtraOtps ctr (p:ps)
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        | hotp h d k ctr /= p = Nothing
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        | otherwise           = checkExtraOtps (ctr + 1) ps
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    range = map (hotp h d k)[c..c + fromIntegral s]
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digitsPower :: OTPDigits -> Word32
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digitsPower OTP4 = 10000
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digitsPower OTP5 = 100000
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digitsPower OTP6 = 1000000
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digitsPower OTP7 = 10000000
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digitsPower OTP8 = 100000000
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digitsPower OTP9 = 1000000000
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data TOTPParams h = TP !h !OTPTime !Word16 !OTPDigits !ClockSkew deriving (Show)
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data ClockSkew = NoSkew | OneStep | TwoSteps | ThreeSteps | FourSteps deriving (Enum, Show)
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-- | The default TOTP configuration.
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defaultTOTPParams :: TOTPParams SHA1
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defaultTOTPParams = TP SHA1 0 30 OTP6 TwoSteps
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-- | Create a TOTP configuration with customized parameters.
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mkTOTPParams :: (HashAlgorithm hash)
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    => hash
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    -> OTPTime
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    -- ^ The T0 parameter in seconds. This is the Unix time from which to start
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    -- counting steps (default 0). Must be before the current time.
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    -> Word16
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    -- ^ The time step parameter X in seconds (default 30, maximum allowed 300)
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    -> OTPDigits
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    -- ^ Number of required digits in the OTP (default 6)
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    -> ClockSkew
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    -- ^ The number of time steps to check either side of the current value
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    -- to allow for clock skew between client and server and or delay in
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    -- submitting the value. The default is two time steps.
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    -> Either String (TOTPParams hash)
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mkTOTPParams h t0 x d skew = do
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    unless (x > 0) (Left "Time step must be greater than zero")
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    unless (x <= 300) (Left "Time step cannot be greater than 300 seconds")
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    return (TP h t0 x d skew)
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-- | Calculate a totp value for the given time.
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totp :: (HashAlgorithm hash, ByteArrayAccess key)
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    => TOTPParams hash
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    -> key
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    -- ^ The shared secret
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    -> OTPTime
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    -- ^ The time for which the OTP should be calculated.
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    -- This is usually the current time as returned by @Data.Time.Clock.POSIX.getPOSIXTime@
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    -> OTP
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totp (TP h t0 x d _) k now = hotp h d k (timeToCounter now t0 x)
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-- | Check a supplied TOTP value is valid for the given time,
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-- within the window defined by the skew parameter.
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totpVerify :: (HashAlgorithm hash, ByteArrayAccess key)
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    => TOTPParams hash
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    -> key
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    -> OTPTime
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    -> OTP
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    -> Bool
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totpVerify (TP h t0 x d skew) k now otp = otp `elem` map (hotp h d k) (range window [])
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    t = timeToCounter now t0 x
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    window = fromIntegral (fromEnum skew)
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    range 0 acc = t : acc
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    range n acc = range (n-1) ((t-n) : (t+n) : acc)
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timeToCounter :: Word64 -> Word64 -> Word16 -> Word64
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timeToCounter now t0 x = (now - t0) `div` fromIntegral x