Blame src/Crypto/Hash/SHA256.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
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{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy  #-}
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-- |
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-- Module      : Crypto.Hash.SHA256
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-- License     : BSD-3
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-- Maintainer  : Herbert Valerio Riedel <>
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-- Stability   : stable
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-- A module containing < SHA-256> bindings
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module Crypto.Hash.SHA256
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    -- * Incremental API
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    -- | This API is based on 4 different functions, similar to the
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    -- lowlevel operations of a typical hash:
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    --  - 'init': create a new hash context
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    --  - 'update': update non-destructively a new hash context with a strict bytestring
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    --  - 'updates': same as update, except that it takes a list of strict bytestrings
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    --  - 'finalize': finalize the context and returns a digest bytestring.
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    -- all those operations are completely pure, and instead of
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    -- changing the context as usual in others language, it
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    -- re-allocates a new context each time.
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    -- Example:
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    -- > import qualified Data.ByteString
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    -- > import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
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    -- >
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    -- > main = print digest
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    -- >   where
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    -- >     digest = SHA256.finalize ctx
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    -- >     ctx    = foldl SHA256.update ctx0 (map Data.ByteString.pack [ [1,2,3], [4,5,6] ])
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    -- >     ctx0   = SHA256.init
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    , init     -- :: Ctx
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    , update   -- :: Ctx -> ByteString -> Ctx
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    , updates  -- :: Ctx -> [ByteString] -> Ctx
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    , finalize -- :: Ctx -> ByteString
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    , finalizeAndLength -- :: Ctx -> (ByteString,Word64)
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    -- * Single Pass API
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    -- | This API use the incremental API under the hood to provide
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    -- the common all-in-one operations to create digests out of a
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    -- 'ByteString' and lazy 'L.ByteString'.
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    --  - 'hash': create a digest ('init' + 'update' + 'finalize') from a strict 'ByteString'
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    --  - 'hashlazy': create a digest ('init' + 'update' + 'finalize') from a lazy 'L.ByteString'
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    --  - 'hashlazyAndLength': create a digest ('init' + 'update' + 'finalizeAndLength') from a lazy 'L.ByteString'
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    -- Example:
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    -- > import qualified Data.ByteString
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    -- > import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256 as SHA256
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    -- >
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    -- > main = print $ SHA256.hash (Data.ByteString.pack [0..255])
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    -- __NOTE__: The returned digest is a binary 'ByteString'. For
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    -- converting to a base16/hex encoded digest the
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    -- < base16-bytestring>
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    -- package is recommended.
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    , hash     -- :: ByteString -> ByteString
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    , hashlazy -- :: L.ByteString -> ByteString
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    , hashlazyAndLength -- :: L.ByteString -> (ByteString,Int64)
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    -- ** HMAC-SHA-256
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    -- | < RFC2104>-compatible
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    -- < HMAC>-SHA-256 digests
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    , hmac     -- :: ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
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    , hmaclazy -- :: ByteString -> L.ByteString -> ByteString
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    , hmaclazyAndLength -- :: ByteString -> L.ByteString -> (ByteString,Word64)
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    -- ** HKDF-SHA-256
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    -- | < RFC5869>-compatible
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    -- < HKDF>-SHA-256 key derivation function
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    , hkdf
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    ) where
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import           Data.Bits                (xor)
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import           Data.ByteString          (ByteString)
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import qualified Data.ByteString          as B
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import           Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString (PS), create,
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                                           createAndTrim, mallocByteString,
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                                           memcpy, toForeignPtr)
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy     as L
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import           Data.ByteString.Unsafe   (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
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import           Data.Word
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import           Foreign.C.Types
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import           Foreign.ForeignPtr       (withForeignPtr)
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import           Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
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import           Foreign.Ptr
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import           Prelude                  hiding (init)
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import           System.IO.Unsafe         (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
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import           Crypto.Hash.SHA256.FFI
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-- | perform IO for hashes that do allocation and ffi.
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-- unsafeDupablePerformIO is used when possible as the
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-- computation is pure and the output is directly linked
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-- to the input. we also do not modify anything after it has
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-- been returned to the user.
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unsafeDoIO :: IO a -> a
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unsafeDoIO = unsafeDupablePerformIO
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-- keep this synchronised with cbits/sha256.h
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{-# INLINE digestSize #-}
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digestSize :: Int
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digestSize = 32
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{-# INLINE sizeCtx #-}
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sizeCtx :: Int
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sizeCtx = 104
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{-# INLINE withByteStringPtr #-}
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withByteStringPtr :: ByteString -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
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withByteStringPtr b f =
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    withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> f (ptr `plusPtr` off)
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    where (fptr, off, _) = toForeignPtr b
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{-# INLINE create' #-}
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-- | Variant of 'create' which allows to return an argument
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create' :: Int -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO (ByteString,a)
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create' l f = do
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    fp <- mallocByteString l
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    x <- withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> f p
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    let bs = PS fp 0 l
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    return $! x `seq` bs `seq` (bs,x)
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copyCtx :: Ptr Ctx -> Ptr Ctx -> IO ()
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copyCtx dst src = memcpy (castPtr dst) (castPtr src) (fromIntegral sizeCtx)
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withCtxCopy :: Ctx -> (Ptr Ctx -> IO ()) -> IO Ctx
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withCtxCopy (Ctx ctxB) f = Ctx `fmap` createCtx
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    createCtx = create sizeCtx $ \dstPtr ->
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                withByteStringPtr ctxB $ \srcPtr -> do
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                    copyCtx (castPtr dstPtr) (castPtr srcPtr)
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                    f (castPtr dstPtr)
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withCtxThrow :: Ctx -> (Ptr Ctx -> IO a) -> IO a
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withCtxThrow (Ctx ctxB) f =
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    allocaBytes sizeCtx $ \dstPtr ->
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    withByteStringPtr ctxB $ \srcPtr -> do
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        copyCtx (castPtr dstPtr) (castPtr srcPtr)
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        f (castPtr dstPtr)
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withCtxNew :: (Ptr Ctx -> IO ()) -> IO Ctx
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withCtxNew f = Ctx `fmap` create sizeCtx (f . castPtr)
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withCtxNewThrow :: (Ptr Ctx -> IO a) -> IO a
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withCtxNewThrow f = allocaBytes sizeCtx (f . castPtr)
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-- 'safe' call overhead neglible for 4KiB and more
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c_sha256_update :: Ptr Ctx -> Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> IO ()
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c_sha256_update pctx pbuf sz
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  | sz < 4096 = c_sha256_update_unsafe pctx pbuf sz
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  | otherwise = c_sha256_update_safe   pctx pbuf sz
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-- 'safe' call overhead neglible for 4KiB and more
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c_sha256_hash :: Ptr Word8 -> CSize -> Ptr Word8 -> IO ()
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c_sha256_hash pbuf sz pout
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  | sz < 4096 = c_sha256_hash_unsafe pbuf sz pout
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  | otherwise = c_sha256_hash_safe   pbuf sz pout
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updateInternalIO :: Ptr Ctx -> ByteString -> IO ()
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updateInternalIO ptr d =
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    unsafeUseAsCStringLen d (\(cs, len) -> c_sha256_update ptr (castPtr cs) (fromIntegral len))
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finalizeInternalIO :: Ptr Ctx -> IO ByteString
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finalizeInternalIO ptr = create digestSize (c_sha256_finalize ptr)
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finalizeInternalIO' :: Ptr Ctx -> IO (ByteString,Word64)
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finalizeInternalIO' ptr = create' digestSize (c_sha256_finalize_len ptr)
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{-# NOINLINE init #-}
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-- | create a new hash context
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init :: Ctx
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init = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxNew c_sha256_init
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validCtx :: Ctx -> Bool
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validCtx (Ctx b) = B.length b == sizeCtx
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{-# NOINLINE update #-}
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-- | update a context with a bytestring
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update :: Ctx -> ByteString -> Ctx
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update ctx d
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  | validCtx ctx = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxCopy ctx $ \ptr -> updateInternalIO ptr d
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  | otherwise    = error "SHA256.update: invalid Ctx"
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{-# NOINLINE updates #-}
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-- | updates a context with multiple bytestrings
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updates :: Ctx -> [ByteString] -> Ctx
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updates ctx d
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  | validCtx ctx = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxCopy ctx $ \ptr -> mapM_ (updateInternalIO ptr) d
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  | otherwise    = error "SHA256.updates: invalid Ctx"
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{-# NOINLINE finalize #-}
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-- | finalize the context into a digest bytestring (32 bytes)
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finalize :: Ctx -> ByteString
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finalize ctx
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  | validCtx ctx = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxThrow ctx finalizeInternalIO
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  | otherwise    = error "SHA256.finalize: invalid Ctx"
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{-# NOINLINE finalizeAndLength #-}
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-- | Variant of 'finalize' also returning length of hashed content
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-- @since
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finalizeAndLength :: Ctx -> (ByteString,Word64)
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finalizeAndLength ctx
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  | validCtx ctx = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxThrow ctx finalizeInternalIO'
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  | otherwise    = error "SHA256.finalize: invalid Ctx"
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{-# NOINLINE hash #-}
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-- | hash a strict bytestring into a digest bytestring (32 bytes)
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hash :: ByteString -> ByteString
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-- hash d = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxNewThrow $ \ptr -> c_sha256_init ptr >> updateInternalIO ptr d >> finalizeInternalIO ptr
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hash d = unsafeDoIO $ unsafeUseAsCStringLen d $ \(cs, len) -> create digestSize (c_sha256_hash (castPtr cs) (fromIntegral len))
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{-# NOINLINE hashlazy #-}
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-- | hash a lazy bytestring into a digest bytestring (32 bytes)
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hashlazy :: L.ByteString -> ByteString
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hashlazy l = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxNewThrow $ \ptr ->
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    c_sha256_init ptr >> mapM_ (updateInternalIO ptr) (L.toChunks l) >> finalizeInternalIO ptr
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{-# NOINLINE hashlazyAndLength #-}
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-- | Variant of 'hashlazy' which simultaneously computes the hash and length of a lazy bytestring.
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-- @since
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hashlazyAndLength :: L.ByteString -> (ByteString,Word64)
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hashlazyAndLength l = unsafeDoIO $ withCtxNewThrow $ \ptr ->
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    c_sha256_init ptr >> mapM_ (updateInternalIO ptr) (L.toChunks l) >> finalizeInternalIO' ptr
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-- | Compute 32-byte < RFC2104>-compatible
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-- HMAC-SHA-256 digest for a strict bytestring message
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-- @since
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hmac :: ByteString -- ^ secret
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     -> ByteString -- ^ message
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     -> ByteString -- ^ digest (32 bytes)
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hmac secret msg = hash $ B.append opad (hashlazy $ L.fromChunks [ipad,msg])
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    opad = (xor 0x5c) k'
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    ipad = (xor 0x36) k'
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    k'  = B.append kt pad
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    kt  = if B.length secret > 64 then hash secret else secret
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    pad = B.replicate (64 - B.length kt) 0
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-- | Compute 32-byte < RFC2104>-compatible
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-- HMAC-SHA-256 digest for a lazy bytestring message
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-- @since
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hmaclazy :: ByteString   -- ^ secret
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         -> L.ByteString -- ^ message
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         -> ByteString   -- ^ digest (32 bytes)
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hmaclazy secret msg = hash $ B.append opad (hashlazy $ L.append ipad msg)
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    opad = (xor 0x5c) k'
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    ipad = L.fromChunks [ (xor 0x36) k']
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    k'  = B.append kt pad
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    kt  = if B.length secret > 64 then hash secret else secret
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    pad = B.replicate (64 - B.length kt) 0
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-- | Variant of 'hmaclazy' which also returns length of message
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-- @since
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hmaclazyAndLength :: ByteString   -- ^ secret
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                  -> L.ByteString -- ^ message
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                  -> (ByteString,Word64) -- ^ digest (32 bytes) and length of message
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hmaclazyAndLength secret msg =
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    (hash (B.append opad htmp), sz' - fromIntegral ipadLen)
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    (htmp, sz') = hashlazyAndLength (L.append ipad msg)
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    opad = (xor 0x5c) k'
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    ipad = L.fromChunks [ (xor 0x36) k']
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    ipadLen = B.length k'
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    k'  = B.append kt pad
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    kt  = if B.length secret > 64 then hash secret else secret
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    pad = B.replicate (64 - B.length kt) 0
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{-# NOINLINE hkdf #-}
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-- | < RFC6234>-compatible
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-- HKDF-SHA-256 key derivation function.
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-- @since
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hkdf :: ByteString -- ^ /IKM/ Input keying material
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     -> ByteString -- ^ /salt/ Optional salt value, a non-secret random value (can be @""@)
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     -> ByteString -- ^ /info/ Optional context and application specific information (can be @""@)
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     -> Int        -- ^ /L/ length of output keying material in octets (at most 255*32 bytes)
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     -> ByteString -- ^ /OKM/ Output keying material (/L/ bytes)
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hkdf ikm salt info l
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  | l == 0 = B.empty
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  | 0 > l || l > 255*32 = error "hkdf: invalid L parameter"
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  | otherwise = unsafeDoIO $ createAndTrim (32*fromIntegral cnt) (go 0 B.empty)
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    prk = hmac salt ikm
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    cnt = fromIntegral ((l+31) `div` 32) :: Word8
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    go :: Word8 -> ByteString -> Ptr Word8 -> IO Int
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    go !i t !p | i == cnt  = return l
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               | otherwise = do
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                   let t' = hmaclazy prk (L.fromChunks [t,info,B.singleton (i+1)])
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                   withByteStringPtr t' $ \tptr' -> memcpy p tptr' 32
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                   go (i+1) t' (p `plusPtr` 32)