Blame test/Data/Conduit/TextSpec.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings #-}
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module Data.Conduit.TextSpec (spec) where
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import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT
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import qualified Data.Conduit as C
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import qualified Data.Conduit.Lift as C
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import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
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import Test.Hspec
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import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
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import Data.Monoid
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import Control.Monad.ST
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import qualified Data.Text as T
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import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
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import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as TEE
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import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE
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import Data.Functor.Identity
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import Control.Arrow
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import Control.Applicative
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import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
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import qualified Data.ByteString as S
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import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
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import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runExceptionT_)
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spec :: Spec
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spec = describe "Data.Conduit.Text" $ do
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    describe "text" $ do
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        let go enc tenc tdec cenc = describe enc $ do
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                prop "single chunk" $ \chars -> runST $ runExceptionT_ $ do
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                    let tl = TL.pack chars
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                        lbs = tenc tl
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                        src = CL.sourceList $ L.toChunks lbs
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                    ts <- src C.$= CT.decode cenc C.$$ CL.consume
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                    return $ TL.fromChunks ts == tl
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                prop "many chunks" $ \chars -> runIdentity $ runExceptionT_ $ do
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                    let tl = TL.pack chars
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                        lbs = tenc tl
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                        src = mconcat $ map (CL.sourceList . return . S.singleton) $ L.unpack lbs
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                    ts <- src C.$= CT.decode cenc C.$$ CL.consume
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                    return $ TL.fromChunks ts == tl
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                -- Check whether raw bytes are decoded correctly, in
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                -- particular that Text decoding produces an error if
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                -- and only if Conduit does.
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                prop "raw bytes" $ \bytes ->
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                    let lbs = L.pack bytes
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                        src = CL.sourceList $ L.toChunks lbs
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                        etl = runException $ src C.$= CT.decode cenc C.$$ CL.consume
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                        tl' = tdec lbs
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                    in  case etl of
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                          (Left _) -> (return $! TL.toStrict tl') `shouldThrow` anyException
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                          (Right tl) -> TL.fromChunks tl `shouldBe` tl'
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                prop "encoding" $ \chars -> runIdentity $ runExceptionT_ $ do
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                    let tss = map T.pack chars
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                        lbs = tenc $ TL.fromChunks tss
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                        src = mconcat $ map (CL.sourceList . return) tss
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                    bss <- src C.$= CT.encode cenc C.$$ CL.consume
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                    return $ L.fromChunks bss == lbs
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                prop "valid then invalid" $ \x y chars -> runIdentity $ runExceptionT_ $ do
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                    let tss = map T.pack ([x, y]:chars)
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                        ts = T.concat tss
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                        lbs = tenc (TL.fromChunks tss) `L.append` "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"
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                        src = mapM_ C.yield $ L.toChunks lbs
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                    Just x' <- src C.$$ CT.decode cenc C.=$ C.await
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                    return $ x' `T.isPrefixOf` ts
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        go "utf8" TLE.encodeUtf8 TLE.decodeUtf8 CT.utf8
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        go "utf16_le" TLE.encodeUtf16LE TLE.decodeUtf16LE CT.utf16_le
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        go "utf16_be" TLE.encodeUtf16BE TLE.decodeUtf16BE CT.utf16_be
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        go "utf32_le" TLE.encodeUtf32LE TLE.decodeUtf32LE CT.utf32_le
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        go "utf32_be" TLE.encodeUtf32BE TLE.decodeUtf32BE CT.utf32_be
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        it "mixed utf16 and utf8" $ do
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            let bs = "8\NUL:\NULu\NUL\215\216\217\218"
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                src = C.yield bs C.$= CT.decode CT.utf16_le
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            text <- src C.$$ C.await
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            text `shouldBe` Just "8:u"
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            (src C.$$ CL.sinkNull) `shouldThrow` anyException
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        it "invalid utf8" $ do
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            let bs = S.pack [0..255]
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                src = C.yield bs C.$= CT.decode CT.utf8
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            text <- src C.$$ C.await
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            text `shouldBe` Just (T.pack $ map toEnum [0..127])
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            (src C.$$ CL.sinkNull) `shouldThrow` anyException
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        it "catch UTF8 exceptions" $ do
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            let badBS = "this is good\128\128\0that was bad"
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                grabExceptions inner = C.catchC
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                    (inner C.=$= Right)
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                    (\e -> C.yield (Left (e :: CT.TextException)))
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            res <- C.yield badBS C.$$ (,)
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                <$> (grabExceptions (CT.decode CT.utf8) C.=$ CL.consume)
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                <*> CL.consume
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            first (map (either (Left . show) Right)) res `shouldBe`
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                ( [ Right "this is good"
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                  , Left $ show $ CT.NewDecodeException "UTF-8" 12 "\128\128\0t"
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                , ["\128\128\0that was bad"]
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        it "catch UTF8 exceptions, pure" $ do
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            let badBS = "this is good\128\128\0that was bad"
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                grabExceptions inner = do
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                    res <- C.runCatchC $ inner C.=$= Right
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                    case res of
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                        Left e -> C.yield $ Left e
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                        Right () -> return ()
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            let res = runIdentity $ C.yield badBS C.$$ (,)
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                        <$> (grabExceptions (CT.decode CT.utf8) C.=$ CL.consume)
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                        <*> CL.consume
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            first (map (either (Left . show) Right)) res `shouldBe`
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                ( [ Right "this is good"
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                  , Left $ show $ CT.NewDecodeException "UTF-8" 12 "\128\128\0t"
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                , ["\128\128\0that was bad"]
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        it "catch UTF8 exceptions, catchExceptionC" $ do
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            let badBS = "this is good\128\128\0that was bad"
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                grabExceptions inner = C.catchCatchC
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                    (inner C.=$= Right)
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                    (\e -> C.yield $ Left e)
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            let res = runException_ $ C.yield badBS C.$$ (,)
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                        <$> (grabExceptions (CT.decode CT.utf8) C.=$ CL.consume)
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                        <*> CL.consume
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            first (map (either (Left . show) Right)) res `shouldBe`
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                ( [ Right "this is good"
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                  , Left $ show $ CT.NewDecodeException "UTF-8" 12 "\128\128\0t"
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                , ["\128\128\0that was bad"]
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        it "catch UTF8 exceptions, catchExceptionC, decodeUtf8" $ do
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            let badBS = "this is good\128\128\0that was bad"
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                grabExceptions inner = C.catchCatchC
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                    (inner C.=$= Right)
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                    (\e -> C.yield $ Left e)
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            let res = runException_ $ C.yield badBS C.$$ (,)
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                        <$> (grabExceptions CT.decodeUtf8 C.=$ CL.consume)
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                        <*> CL.consume
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            first (map (either (Left . show) Right)) res `shouldBe`
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                ( [ Right "this is good"
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                  , Left $ show $ CT.NewDecodeException "UTF-8" 12 "\128\128\0t"
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                , ["\128\128\0that was bad"]
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        prop "lenient UTF8 decoding" $ \good1 good2 -> do
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            let bss = [TE.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack good1, "\128\129\130", TE.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack good2]
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                bs = S.concat bss
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                expected = TE.decodeUtf8With TEE.lenientDecode bs
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                actual = runIdentity $ mapM_ C.yield bss C.$$ CT.decodeUtf8Lenient C.=$ CL.consume
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            T.concat actual `shouldBe` expected
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    describe "text lines" $ do
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        it "yields nothing given nothing" $
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            (CL.sourceList [] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "yields nothing given only empty text" $
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            (CL.sourceList [""] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "works across split lines" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["abc", "d\nef"] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["abcd", "ef"]]
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        it "works with multiple lines in an item" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab\ncd\ne"] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["ab", "cd", "e"]]
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        it "works with ending on a newline" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab\n"] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "works with ending a middle item on a newline" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab\n", "cd\ne"] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["ab", "cd", "e"]]
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        it "works with empty text" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab", "", "cd"] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "works with empty lines" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["\n\n"] C.$= CT.lines C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["", ""]]
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    describe "text lines bounded" $ do
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        it "yields nothing given nothing" $
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            (CL.sourceList [] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "yields nothing given only empty text" $
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            (CL.sourceList [""] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "works across split lines" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["abc", "d\nef"] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["abcd", "ef"]]
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        it "works with multiple lines in an item" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab\ncd\ne"] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["ab", "cd", "e"]]
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        it "works with ending on a newline" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab\n"] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "works with ending a middle item on a newline" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab\n", "cd\ne"] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["ab", "cd", "e"]]
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        it "works with empty text" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["ab", "", "cd"] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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        it "works with empty lines" $
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            (CL.sourceList ["\n\n"] C.$= CT.linesBounded 80 C.$$ CL.consume) ==
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                [["", ""]]
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        it "throws an exception when lines are too long" $ do
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            x <- runExceptionT $ CL.sourceList ["hello\nworld"] C.$$ CT.linesBounded 4 C.=$ CL.consume
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            show x `shouldBe` show (Left $ CT.LengthExceeded 4 :: Either CT.TextException ())
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        it "works with infinite input" $ do
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            x <- runExceptionT $ CL.sourceList (cycle ["hello"]) C.$$ CT.linesBounded 256 C.=$ CL.consume
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            show x `shouldBe` show (Left $ CT.LengthExceeded 256 :: Either CT.TextException ())
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    describe "text decode" $ do
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        it' "doesn't throw runtime exceptions" $ do
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            let x = runIdentity $ runExceptionT $ C.yield "\x89\x243" C.$$ CT.decode CT.utf8 C.=$ CL.consume
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            case x of
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                Left _ -> return ()
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                Right t -> error $ "This should have failed: " ++ show t
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        it "is not too eager" $ do
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            x <- CL.sourceList ["foobarbaz", error "ignore me"] C.$$ CT.decode CT.utf8 C.=$ CL.head
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            x `shouldBe` Just "foobarbaz"
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it' :: String -> IO () -> Spec
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it' = it