Blame Data/Conduit/Zlib.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
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-- | Streaming compression and decompression using conduits.
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-- Parts of this code were taken from zlib-enum and adapted for conduits.
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module Data.Conduit.Zlib (
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    -- * Conduits
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    compress, decompress, gzip, ungzip,
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    -- * Flushing
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    compressFlush, decompressFlush,
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    -- * Decompression combinators
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    -- * Re-exported from zlib-bindings
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    WindowBits (..), defaultWindowBits
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) where
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import Data.Streaming.Zlib
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import Data.Conduit
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import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
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import qualified Data.ByteString as S
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import Control.Monad (unless, liftM)
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import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift, MonadTrans)
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import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, unsafePrimToPrim)
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import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase, liftBase)
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import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadThrow, monadThrow)
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import Data.Function (fix)
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-- | Gzip compression with default parameters.
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gzip :: (MonadThrow m, MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base) => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
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gzip = compress 1 (WindowBits 31)
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-- | Gzip decompression with default parameters.
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ungzip :: (MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m) => Conduit ByteString m ByteString
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ungzip = decompress (WindowBits 31)
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unsafeLiftIO :: (MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m) => IO a -> m a
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unsafeLiftIO = liftBase . unsafePrimToPrim
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-- |
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-- Decompress (inflate) a stream of 'ByteString's. For example:
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-- >    sourceFile "test.z" $= decompress defaultWindowBits $$ sinkFile "test"
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    :: (MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m)
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    => WindowBits -- ^ Zlib parameter (see the zlib-bindings package as well as the zlib C library)
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    -> Conduit ByteString m ByteString
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decompress =
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    helperDecompress (liftM (fmap Chunk) await) yield' leftover
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    yield' Flush = return ()
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    yield' (Chunk bs) = yield bs
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-- | Same as 'decompress', but allows you to explicitly flush the stream.
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    :: (MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m)
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    => WindowBits -- ^ Zlib parameter (see the zlib-bindings package as well as the zlib C library)
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    -> Conduit (Flush ByteString) m (Flush ByteString)
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decompressFlush = helperDecompress await yield (leftover . Chunk)
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helperDecompress :: (Monad (t m), MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m, MonadTrans t)
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                 => t m (Maybe (Flush ByteString))
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                 -> (Flush ByteString -> t m ())
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                 -> (ByteString -> t m ())
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                 -> WindowBits
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                 -> t m ()
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helperDecompress await' yield' leftover' config = do
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    -- Initialize the stateful inflater, which will be used below
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    -- This inflater is never exposed outside of this function
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    inf <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ initInflate config
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    -- Some helper functions used by the main feeder loop below
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    let -- Flush any remaining inflated bytes downstream
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        flush = do
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            chunk <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ flushInflate inf
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            unless (S.null chunk) $ yield' $ Chunk chunk
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        -- Get any input which is unused by the inflater
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        getUnused = lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ getUnusedInflate inf
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        -- If there is any unused data, return it as leftovers to the stream
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        unused = do
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            rem' <- getUnused
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            unless (S.null rem') $ leftover' rem'
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    -- Main loop: feed data from upstream into the inflater
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    fix $ \feeder -> do
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        mnext <- await'
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        case mnext of
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            -- No more data is available from upstream
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            Nothing -> do
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                -- Flush any remaining uncompressed data
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                -- Return the rest of the unconsumed data as leftovers
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            -- Another chunk of compressed data arrived
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            Just (Chunk x) -> do
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                -- Feed the compressed data into the inflater, returning a
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                -- "popper" which will return chunks of decompressed data
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                popper <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ feedInflate inf x
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                -- Loop over the popper grabbing decompressed chunks and
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                -- yielding them downstream
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                fix $ \pop -> do
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                    mbs <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO popper
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                    case mbs of
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                        -- No more data from this popper
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                        PRDone -> do
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                            rem' <- getUnused
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                            if S.null rem'
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                                -- No data was unused by the inflater, so let's
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                                -- fill it up again and get more data out of it
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                                then feeder
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                                -- In this case, there is some unconsumed data,
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                                -- meaning the compressed stream is complete.
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                                -- At this point, we need to stop feeding,
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                                -- return the unconsumed data as leftovers, and
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                                -- flush any remaining content (which should be
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                                -- nothing)
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                                else do
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                                    leftover' rem'
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                        -- Another chunk available, yield it downstream and
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                        -- loop again
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                        PRNext bs -> do
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                            yield' (Chunk bs)
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                        -- An error occurred inside zlib, throw it
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                        PRError e -> lift $ monadThrow e
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            -- We've been asked to flush the stream
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            Just Flush -> do
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                -- Get any uncompressed data waiting for us
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                -- Put a Flush in the stream
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                yield' Flush
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                -- Feed in more data
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-- |
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-- Compress (deflate) a stream of 'ByteString's. The 'WindowBits' also control
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-- the format (zlib vs. gzip).
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    :: (MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m)
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    => Int         -- ^ Compression level
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    -> WindowBits  -- ^ Zlib parameter (see the zlib-bindings package as well as the zlib C library)
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    -> Conduit ByteString m ByteString
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compress =
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    helperCompress (liftM (fmap Chunk) await) yield'
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    yield' Flush = return ()
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    yield' (Chunk bs) = yield bs
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-- | Same as 'compress', but allows you to explicitly flush the stream.
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    :: (MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m)
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    => Int         -- ^ Compression level
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    -> WindowBits  -- ^ Zlib parameter (see the zlib-bindings package as well as the zlib C library)
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    -> Conduit (Flush ByteString) m (Flush ByteString)
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compressFlush = helperCompress await yield
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helperCompress :: (Monad (t m), MonadBase base m, PrimMonad base, MonadThrow m, MonadTrans t)
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               => t m (Maybe (Flush ByteString))
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               -> (Flush ByteString -> t m ())
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               -> Int
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               -> WindowBits
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               -> t m ()
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helperCompress await' yield' level config =
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    await' >>= maybe (return ()) start
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    start input = do
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        def <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ initDeflate level config
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        push def input
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    continue def = await' >>= maybe (close def) (push def)
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    goPopper popper = do
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        mbs <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO popper
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        case mbs of
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            PRDone -> return ()
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            PRNext bs -> yield' (Chunk bs) >> goPopper popper
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            PRError e -> lift $ monadThrow e
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    push def (Chunk x) = do
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        popper <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ feedDeflate def x
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        goPopper popper
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        continue def
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    push def Flush = do
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        mchunk <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ flushDeflate def
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        case mchunk of
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            PRDone -> return ()
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            PRNext x -> yield' $ Chunk x
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            PRError e -> lift $ monadThrow e
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        yield' Flush
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        continue def
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    close def = do
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        mchunk <- lift $ unsafeLiftIO $ finishDeflate def
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        case mchunk of
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            PRDone -> return ()
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            PRNext chunk -> yield' (Chunk chunk) >> close def
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            PRError e -> lift $ monadThrow e
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-- | The standard 'decompress' and 'ungzip' functions will only decompress a
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-- single compressed entity from the stream. This combinator will exhaust the
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-- stream completely of all individual compressed entities. This is useful for
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-- cases where you have a concatenated archive, e.g. @cat file1.gz file2.gz >
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-- combined.gz@.
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-- Usage:
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-- > sourceFile "combined.gz" $$ multiple ungzip =$ consume
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-- This combinator will not fail on an empty stream. If you want to ensure that
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-- at least one compressed entity in the stream exists, consider a usage such
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-- as:
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-- > sourceFile "combined.gz" $$ (ungzip >> multiple ungzip) =$ consume
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-- @since 1.1.10
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multiple :: Monad m
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         => Conduit ByteString m a
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         -> Conduit ByteString m a
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multiple inner =
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    loop = do
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        mbs <- await
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        case mbs of
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            Nothing -> return ()
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            Just bs
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                | S.null bs -> loop
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                | otherwise -> do
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                    leftover bs
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