Blame Data/Conduit/Process/Typed.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
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-- | The "System.Process.Typed" module from @typed-process@, but with
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-- added conduit helpers.
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module Data.Conduit.Process.Typed
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  ( -- * Conduit specific stuff
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  , createSource
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    -- * Generalized functions
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  , withProcess
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  , withProcess_
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  , withLoggedProcess_
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    -- * Reexports
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  , module System.Process.Typed
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  ) where
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import System.Process.Typed hiding (withProcess, withProcess_)
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import qualified System.Process.Typed as P
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import Data.Conduit (ConduitM, (.|), runConduit)
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import qualified Data.Conduit as C
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import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
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import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift
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import qualified Data.ByteString as S
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import System.IO (hClose)
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import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
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import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef)
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import Control.Exception (throwIO, catch)
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import Control.Concurrent.Async (concurrently)
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-- | Provide input to a process by writing to a conduit.
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-- @since 1.2.1
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createSink :: MonadIO m => StreamSpec 'STInput (ConduitM S.ByteString o m ())
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createSink =
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    (\h -> C.addCleanup (\_ -> liftIO $ hClose h) (CB.sinkHandle h))
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    `fmap` createPipe
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-- | Read output from a process by read from a conduit.
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-- @since 1.2.1
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createSource :: MonadIO m => StreamSpec 'STOutput (ConduitM i S.ByteString m ())
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createSource =
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    (\h -> C.addCleanup (\_ -> liftIO $ hClose h) (CB.sourceHandle h))
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    `fmap` createPipe
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-- | Internal function: like 'createSource', but stick all chunks into
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-- the 'IORef'.
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  :: MonadIO m
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  => IORef ([S.ByteString] -> [S.ByteString])
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  -> StreamSpec 'STOutput (ConduitM i S.ByteString m ())
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createSourceLogged ref =
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    -- We do not add a cleanup action to close the handle, since in
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    -- withLoggedProcess_ we attempt to read from the handle twice
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    (\h ->
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       (  CB.sourceHandle h
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       .| CL.iterM (\bs -> liftIO $ modifyIORef ref (. (bs:))))
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    `fmap` createPipe
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-- | Same as 'P.withProcess', but generalized to 'MonadUnliftIO'.
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-- @since 1.2.1
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  :: MonadUnliftIO m
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  => ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr
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  -> (Process stdin stdout stderr -> m a)
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  -> m a
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withProcess pc f = withRunInIO $ \run -> P.withProcess pc (run . f)
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-- | Same as 'P.withProcess_', but generalized to 'MonadUnliftIO'.
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-- @since 1.2.1
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  :: MonadUnliftIO m
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  => ProcessConfig stdin stdout stderr
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  -> (Process stdin stdout stderr -> m a)
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  -> m a
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withProcess_ pc f = withRunInIO $ \run -> P.withProcess_ pc (run . f)
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-- | Run a process, throwing an exception on a failure exit code. This
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-- will store all output from stdout and stderr in memory for better
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-- error messages. Note that this will require unbounded memory usage,
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-- so caveat emptor.
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-- This will ignore any previous settings for the stdout and stderr
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-- streams, and instead force them to use 'createSource'.
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-- @since 1.2.3
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  :: MonadUnliftIO m
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  => ProcessConfig stdin stdoutIgnored stderrIgnored
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  -> (Process stdin (ConduitM () S.ByteString m ()) (ConduitM () S.ByteString m ()) -> m a)
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  -> m a
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withLoggedProcess_ pc inner = withUnliftIO $ \u -> do
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  stdoutBuffer <- newIORef id
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  stderrBuffer <- newIORef id
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  let pc' = setStdout (createSourceLogged stdoutBuffer)
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          $ setStderr (createSourceLogged stderrBuffer) pc
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  P.withProcess pc' $ \p -> do
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    a <- unliftIO u $ inner p
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    let drain src = unliftIO u (runConduit (src .| CL.sinkNull))
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    ((), ()) <- drain (getStdout p) `concurrently`
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                drain (getStderr p)
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    checkExitCode p `catch` \ece -> do
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      stdout <- readIORef stdoutBuffer
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      stderr <- readIORef stderrBuffer
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      throwIO ece
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        { eceStdout = BL.fromChunks $ stdout []
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        , eceStderr = BL.fromChunks $ stderr []
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    return a