Blame Network/Stream.hs

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-- |
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-- Module      :  Network.Stream
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-- Copyright   :  See LICENSE file
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-- License     :  BSD
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-- Maintainer  :  Ganesh Sittampalam <>
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-- Stability   :  experimental
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-- Portability :  non-portable (not tested)
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-- An library for creating abstract streams. Originally part of Gray's\/Bringert's
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-- HTTP module.
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-- * Changes by Robin Bate Boerop <>:
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--      - Removed unnecessary import statements.
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--      - Moved Debug code to StreamDebugger.hs
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--      - Moved Socket-related code to StreamSocket.hs.
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-- * Changes by Simon Foster:
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--      - Split Network.HTTPmodule up into to separate
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--        Network.[Stream,TCP,HTTP] modules
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module Network.Stream
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   ( Stream(..)
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   , ConnError(..)
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   , Result
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   , bindE
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   , fmapE
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   , failParse -- :: String -> Result a
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   , failWith  -- :: ConnError -> Result a
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   , failMisc  -- :: String -> Result a
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   ) where
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import Control.Monad.Error
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data ConnError 
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 = ErrorReset 
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 | ErrorClosed
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 | ErrorParse String
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 | ErrorMisc String
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instance Error ConnError where
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  noMsg = strMsg "unknown error"
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  strMsg x = ErrorMisc x
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-- in GHC 7.0 the Monad instance for Error no longer
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-- uses fail x = Left (strMsg x). failMisc is therefore
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-- used instead.
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failMisc :: String -> Result a
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failMisc x = failWith (strMsg x)
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failParse :: String -> Result a
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failParse x = failWith (ErrorParse x)
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failWith :: ConnError -> Result a
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failWith x = Left x
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bindE :: Result a -> (a -> Result b) -> Result b
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bindE (Left e)  _ = Left e
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bindE (Right v) f = f v
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fmapE :: (a -> Result b) -> IO (Result a) -> IO (Result b)
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fmapE f a = do
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 x <- a
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 case x of
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   Left  e -> return (Left e)
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   Right r -> return (f r) 
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-- | This is the type returned by many exported network functions.
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type Result a = Either ConnError   {- error  -}
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                       a           {- result -}
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-- | Streams should make layering of TLS protocol easier in future,
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-- they allow reading/writing to files etc for debugging,
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-- they allow use of protocols other than TCP/IP
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-- and they allow customisation.
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-- Instances of this class should not trim
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-- the input in any way, e.g. leave LF on line
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-- endings etc. Unless that is exactly the behaviour
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-- you want from your twisted instances ;)
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class Stream x where 
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    readLine   :: x -> IO (Result String)
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    readBlock  :: x -> Int -> IO (Result String)
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    writeBlock :: x -> String -> IO (Result ())
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    close      :: x -> IO ()
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    closeOnEnd :: x -> Bool -> IO ()
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      -- ^ True => shutdown the connection when response has been read / end-of-stream
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      --           has been reached.