#include "clusterautoconfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _(String) gettext(String) #include #include #include #include "libgfs2.h" #include "gfs2_mkfs.h" #include "metafs.h" #define RANDOM(values) ((values) * (random() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))) struct jadd_opts { char *path; char *new_inode; char *per_node; char *jindex; unsigned orig_journals; unsigned journals; unsigned quiet:1; unsigned debug:1; }; #define JA_FL_SET 0 #define JA_FL_CLEAR 1 static void set_flags(int fd, int op, uint32_t flags) { int err; uint32_t val; err = ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, &val); if (err) { perror("GETFLAGS"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (op == JA_FL_SET) val |= flags; else if (op == JA_FL_CLEAR) val &= ~flags; err = ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SETFLAGS, &val); if (err) { perror("SETFLAGS"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static int rename2system(struct jadd_opts *opts, const char *new_dir, const char *new_name) { char *newpath; int ret; if (asprintf(&newpath, "%s/%s", new_dir, new_name) < 0) { perror(_("Failed to allocate new path")); return -1; } ret = rename(opts->new_inode, newpath); free(newpath); return ret; } static int build_paths(const char *metafs_path, struct jadd_opts *opts) { int i = 0; struct { char **path; const char *tail; } p[] = { { &opts->new_inode, "new_inode" }, { &opts->per_node, "per_node" }, { &opts->jindex, "jindex" }, { NULL, NULL} }; while (p[i].path != NULL) { if (asprintf(p[i].path, "%s/%s", metafs_path, p[i].tail) < 0) { while (i > 0) free(*p[--i].path); return 1; } if (opts->debug) printf("%d: %s\n", i, *p[i].path); i++; } return 0; } /** * print_usage - print out usage information * @prog_name: The name of this program */ static void print_usage(const char *prog_name) { int i; const char *option, *param, *desc; const char *options[] = { /* Translators: This is a usage string printed with --help. and here are the commandline parameters, e.g. gfs2_jadd -j /dev/sda */ "-c", "", _("Size of quota change file, in megabytes"), "-D", NULL, _("Enable debugging code"), "-h", NULL, _("Display this help, then exit"), "-J", "", _("Size of journals, in megabytes"), "-j", "", _("Number of journals"), "-q", NULL, _("Don't print anything"), "-V", NULL, _("Display version information, then exit"), NULL, NULL, NULL /* Must be kept at the end */ }; printf("%s\n", _("Usage:")); printf("%s [%s] <%s>\n\n", prog_name, _("options"), _("device")); printf(_("Adds journals to a GFS2 file system.")); printf("\n\n%s\n", _("Options:")); for (i = 0; options[i] != NULL; i += 3) { option = options[i]; param = options[i+1]; desc = options[i+2]; printf("%3s %-15s %s\n", option, param ? param : "", desc); } } /** * decode_arguments - decode command line arguments and fill in the struct gfs2_sbd * @argc: * @argv: * @sdp: the decoded command line arguments * */ static void decode_arguments(int argc, char *argv[], struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, struct jadd_opts *opts) { int cont = TRUE; int optchar; while (cont) { optchar = getopt(argc, argv, "c:DhJ:j:qu:V"); switch (optchar) { case 'c': sdp->qcsize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'D': opts->debug = 1; lgfs2_set_debug(1); break; case 'h': print_usage(argv[0]); exit(0); break; case 'J': sdp->jsize = atoi(optarg); break; case 'j': opts->journals = atoi(optarg); break; case 'q': opts->quiet = 1; break; case 'V': printf("gfs2_jadd %s (built %s %s)\n", VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); printf(REDHAT_COPYRIGHT "\n"); exit(0); break; case ':': case '?': fprintf(stderr, _("Please use '-h' for help.\n")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; case EOF: cont = FALSE; break; default: die( _("Invalid option: %c\n"), optchar); break; }; } if (optind < argc) { opts->path = argv[optind]; optind++; } else die( _("no path specified (try -h for help)\n")); if (optind < argc) die( _("Unrecognized argument: %s\n"), argv[optind]); if (opts->debug) { printf( _("Command line arguments:\n")); printf(" qcsize = %u\n", sdp->qcsize); printf(" jsize = %u\n", sdp->jsize); printf(" journals = %u\n", sdp->md.journals); printf(" quiet = %u\n", opts->quiet); printf(" path = %s\n", opts->path); } } static void verify_arguments(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, struct jadd_opts *opts) { if (!opts->journals) die( _("no journals specified\n")); if (sdp->jsize < 32 || sdp->jsize > 1024) die( _("bad journal size\n")); if (!sdp->qcsize || sdp->qcsize > 64) die( _("bad quota change size\n")); } static void print_results(struct jadd_opts *opts) { if (opts->debug) printf("\n"); else if (opts->quiet) return; printf( _("Filesystem: %s\n"), opts->path); printf( _("Old journals: %u\n"), opts->orig_journals); printf( _("New journals: %u\n"), opts->journals); } static int create_new_inode(struct jadd_opts *opts, uint64_t *addr) { char *name = opts->new_inode; int fd; int error; for (;;) { fd = open(name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC, 0600); if (fd >= 0) break; if (errno == EEXIST) { error = unlink(name); if (error){ perror("unlink"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else{ perror("create"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (addr != NULL) { struct stat st; fstat(fd, &st); *addr = st.st_ino; } return fd; } static void add_ir(struct jadd_opts *opts) { int fd; char new_name[256]; int error; fd = create_new_inode(opts, NULL); { struct gfs2_inum_range ir; set_flags(fd, JA_FL_SET, FS_JOURNAL_DATA_FL); memset(&ir, 0, sizeof(struct gfs2_inum_range)); if (write(fd, (void*)&ir, sizeof(struct gfs2_inum_range)) != sizeof(struct gfs2_inum_range)) { perror("add_ir"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } close(fd); sprintf(new_name, "inum_range%u", opts->journals); error = rename2system(opts, opts->per_node, new_name); if (error < 0 && errno != EEXIST){ perror("add_ir rename2system"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void add_sc(struct jadd_opts *opts) { int fd; char new_name[256]; int error; fd = create_new_inode(opts, NULL); { struct gfs2_statfs_change sc; set_flags(fd, JA_FL_SET, FS_JOURNAL_DATA_FL); memset(&sc, 0, sizeof(struct gfs2_statfs_change)); if (write(fd, (void*)&sc, sizeof(struct gfs2_statfs_change)) != sizeof(struct gfs2_statfs_change)) { perror("add_sc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } close(fd); sprintf(new_name, "statfs_change%u", opts->journals); error = rename2system(opts, opts->per_node, new_name); if (error < 0 && errno != EEXIST){ perror("add_sc rename2system"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void add_qc(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, struct jadd_opts *opts) { int fd; char new_name[256]; int error; fd = create_new_inode(opts, NULL); { char buf[sdp->bsize]; unsigned int blocks = sdp->qcsize << (20 - sdp->sd_sb.sb_bsize_shift); unsigned int x; struct gfs2_meta_header mh; set_flags(fd, JA_FL_CLEAR, FS_JOURNAL_DATA_FL); memset(buf, 0, sdp->bsize); for (x=0; xbsize) != sdp->bsize) { perror("add_qc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); memset(&mh, 0, sizeof(struct gfs2_meta_header)); mh.mh_magic = GFS2_MAGIC; mh.mh_type = GFS2_METATYPE_QC; mh.mh_format = GFS2_FORMAT_QC; gfs2_meta_header_out(&mh, buf); for (x=0; xbsize) != sdp->bsize) { perror("add_qc"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } error = fsync(fd); if (error){ perror("add_qc fsync"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } close(fd); sprintf(new_name, "quota_change%u", opts->journals); error = rename2system(opts, opts->per_node, new_name); if (error < 0 && errno != EEXIST){ perror("add_qc rename2system"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void gather_info(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, struct jadd_opts *opts) { struct statfs statbuf; if (statfs(opts->path, &statbuf) < 0) { perror(opts->path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } sdp->bsize = statbuf.f_bsize; } static void find_current_journals(struct jadd_opts *opts) { struct dirent *dp; DIR *dirp; unsigned existing_journals = 0; dirp = opendir(opts->jindex); if (!dirp) { perror("jindex"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (dirp) { if ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(dp->d_name, "journal", 7) == 0) existing_journals++; } else goto close; } close: closedir(dirp); if (existing_journals == 0) { die( _("No journals found. Did you run mkfs.gfs2 correctly?\n")); } opts->orig_journals = existing_journals; } #ifdef GFS2_HAS_LH_V2 static uint64_t find_block_address(int fd, off_t offset, unsigned bsize) { struct { struct fiemap fm; struct fiemap_extent fe; } fme; int ret; fme.fm.fm_start = offset; fme.fm.fm_length = 1; fme.fm.fm_flags = FIEMAP_FLAG_SYNC; fme.fm.fm_extent_count = 1; ret = ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_FIEMAP, &fme.fm); if (ret != 0 || fme.fm.fm_mapped_extents != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find log header block address\n"); return 0; } return fme.fe.fe_physical / bsize; } #endif static void add_j(struct gfs2_sbd *sdp, struct jadd_opts *opts) { int fd; char new_name[256]; int error; uint64_t addr; fd = create_new_inode(opts, &addr); { char buf[sdp->bsize]; unsigned int blocks = sdp->jsize << (20 - sdp->sd_sb.sb_bsize_shift); unsigned int x; struct gfs2_log_header lh; uint64_t seq = RANDOM(blocks); off_t off = 0; set_flags(fd, JA_FL_CLEAR, FS_JOURNAL_DATA_FL); memset(buf, 0, sdp->bsize); for (x=0; xbsize) != sdp->bsize) { perror("add_j"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); memset(&lh, 0, sizeof(struct gfs2_log_header)); lh.lh_header.mh_magic = GFS2_MAGIC; lh.lh_header.mh_type = GFS2_METATYPE_LH; lh.lh_header.mh_format = GFS2_FORMAT_LH; lh.lh_flags = GFS2_LOG_HEAD_UNMOUNT; #ifdef GFS2_HAS_LH_V2 lh.lh_flags |= GFS2_LOG_HEAD_USERSPACE; lh.lh_jinode = addr; #endif for (x=0; xlh_hash = cpu_to_be32(hash); #ifdef GFS2_HAS_LH_V2 ((struct gfs2_log_header *)buf)->lh_addr = cpu_to_be64( find_block_address(fd, off, sdp->bsize)); hash = lgfs2_log_header_crc(buf, sdp->bsize); ((struct gfs2_log_header *)buf)->lh_crc = cpu_to_be32(hash); #endif if (write(fd, buf, sdp->bsize) != sdp->bsize) { perror("add_j"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (++seq == blocks) seq = 0; off += sdp->bsize; } error = fsync(fd); if (error){ perror("add_j fsync"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } close(fd); sprintf(new_name, "journal%u", opts->journals); error = rename2system(opts, opts->jindex, new_name); if (error < 0 && errno != EEXIST){ perror("add_j rename2system"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct jadd_opts opts = {0}; struct gfs2_sbd sbd, *sdp = &sbd; struct metafs mfs = {0}; struct mntent *mnt; unsigned int total; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); textdomain("gfs2-utils"); srandom(time(NULL) ^ getpid()); memset(sdp, 0, sizeof(struct gfs2_sbd)); sdp->jsize = GFS2_DEFAULT_JSIZE; sdp->qcsize = GFS2_DEFAULT_QCSIZE; opts.journals = 1; decode_arguments(argc, argv, sdp, &opts); verify_arguments(sdp, &opts); sbd.path_fd = lgfs2_open_mnt_dir(opts.path, O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC, &mnt); if (sbd.path_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, _("Error looking up mount '%s': %s\n"), opts.path, strerror(errno)); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (mnt == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, _("%s: not a mounted gfs2 file system\n"), opts.path); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gather_info(sdp, &opts); mfs.context = copy_context_opt(mnt); if (mount_gfs2_meta(&mfs, mnt->mnt_dir, opts.debug)) { perror("GFS2 metafs"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (build_paths(mfs.path, &opts)) { perror(_("Failed to build paths")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (compute_constants(sdp)) { perror(_("Failed to compute file system constants")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } find_current_journals(&opts); total = opts.orig_journals + opts.journals; for (opts.journals = opts.orig_journals; opts.journals < total; opts.journals++) { if (metafs_interrupted) { cleanup_metafs(&mfs); exit(130); } add_ir(&opts); add_sc(&opts); add_qc(sdp, &opts); add_j(sdp, &opts); } free(opts.new_inode); free(opts.per_node); free(opts.jindex); close(sdp->path_fd); cleanup_metafs(&mfs); sync(); print_results(&opts); return 0; }