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Building Geoclue

  • The following are the dependencies needed to build Geoclue2. But If Geoclue2 is already included in your distro/OS, you should be able to use the package manager's command to install all build depedndancies.

  • gio (>= 2.44.0)

  • gobject-introspection
  • json-glib
  • libsoup2.4 (>= 2.42)
  • pkg-config


shell sudo dnf builddep geoclue2

Debian and Ubuntu:

shell sudo apt build-dep geoclue-2.0

  • For a full-fledged build, you also want ModemManager (mm-glib), avahi-client and avahi-glib. You want the latter two if you want to use the geoclue-share app. You also need libnotify if you want to build the demo agent.


shell sudo dnf install ModemManager-devel sudo dnf install avahi-devel sudo dnf install avahi-glib-devel sudo dnf install libnotify-devel

Debian and Ubuntu:

shell sudo apt install modemmanager-dev sudo apt install libavahi-client-dev sudo apt install libavahi-glib-dev sudo apt install libnotify-dev

  • Install meson.

  • Ensure you have a geoclue user on your system. If it already exists, you may need to modify /etc/passwd file to make it a login user account by replacing /sbin/nologin with /bin/bash (or the path to your preferred shell).

  • Build and install geoclue.

shell meson --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir /etc -Ddbus-srv-user=geoclue build # you may need to pass --libdir=/usr/lib64 on some systems (eg. Fedora) ninja -C build sudo ninja -C build install

  • Then you can run it as:

shell sudo su geoclue # Starts a new shell as `geoclue` user G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=Geoclue /usr/libexec/geoclue

If you get the following error, make sure geoclue process is not already running:


Failed to acquire name 'org.freedesktop.GeoClue2' on system bus or lost it ```

  • Now you can test if Geoclue is running and working:

shell /usr/libexec/geoclue-2.0/demos/where-am-i

It will give your current location.