/* This file is part of GEGL * * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with GEGL; if not, see . * * Copyright 2003 Calvin Williamson * 2006 Øyvind Kolås * * Original contents copied from gimp/app/core/gimpparamspecs.h * (c) 1995-2006 Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and others. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "gegl-paramspecs.h" static void gegl_param_double_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass); static void gegl_param_double_init (GParamSpec *pspec); GType gegl_param_double_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GParamSpecClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gegl_param_double_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GeglParamSpecDouble), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gegl_param_double_init }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_PARAM_DOUBLE, "GeglParamDouble", &info, 0); } return type; } static void gegl_param_double_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass) { klass->value_type = G_TYPE_DOUBLE; } static void gegl_param_double_init (GParamSpec *pspec) { GParamSpecDouble *dpspec = G_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (pspec); GeglParamSpecDouble *gdpspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (pspec); gdpspec->ui_minimum = dpspec->minimum; gdpspec->ui_maximum = dpspec->maximum; gdpspec->ui_gamma = 1.0; } GParamSpec * gegl_param_spec_double (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, gdouble minimum, gdouble maximum, gdouble default_value, gdouble ui_minimum, gdouble ui_maximum, gdouble ui_gamma, GParamFlags flags) { GeglParamSpecDouble *pspec; GParamSpecDouble *dspec; pspec = g_param_spec_internal (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_DOUBLE, name, nick, blurb, flags); dspec = G_PARAM_SPEC_DOUBLE (pspec); dspec->minimum = minimum; dspec->maximum = maximum; dspec->default_value = default_value; pspec->ui_minimum = ui_minimum; pspec->ui_maximum = ui_maximum; pspec->ui_gamma = ui_gamma; return G_PARAM_SPEC (pspec); } static void gegl_param_int_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass); static void gegl_param_int_init (GParamSpec *pspec); GType gegl_param_int_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GParamSpecClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gegl_param_int_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GeglParamSpecInt), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gegl_param_int_init }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_PARAM_INT, "GeglParamint", &info, 0); } return type; } static void gegl_param_int_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass) { klass->value_type = G_TYPE_INT; } static void gegl_param_int_init (GParamSpec *pspec) { GParamSpecInt *dpspec = G_PARAM_SPEC_INT (pspec); GeglParamSpecInt *gdpspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_INT (pspec); gdpspec->ui_minimum = dpspec->minimum; gdpspec->ui_maximum = dpspec->maximum; gdpspec->ui_gamma = 1.0; } GParamSpec * gegl_param_spec_int (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, gint minimum, gint maximum, gint default_value, gint ui_minimum, gint ui_maximum, gdouble ui_gamma, GParamFlags flags) { GeglParamSpecInt *pspec; GParamSpecInt *ispec; pspec = g_param_spec_internal (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_INT, name, nick, blurb, flags); ispec = G_PARAM_SPEC_INT (pspec); ispec->minimum = minimum; ispec->maximum = maximum; ispec->default_value = default_value; pspec->ui_minimum = ui_minimum; pspec->ui_maximum = ui_maximum; pspec->ui_gamma = ui_gamma; return G_PARAM_SPEC (pspec); } /* * GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_STRING */ static void gegl_param_string_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass); static void gegl_param_string_init (GParamSpec *pspec); static gboolean gegl_param_string_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value); GType gegl_param_string_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GParamSpecClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gegl_param_string_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GeglParamSpecString), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gegl_param_string_init }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING, "GeglParamString", &info, 0); } return type; } static void gegl_param_string_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass) { klass->value_type = G_TYPE_STRING; klass->value_validate = gegl_param_string_validate; } static void gegl_param_string_init (GParamSpec *pspec) { GeglParamSpecString *sspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (pspec); sspec->no_validate = FALSE; sspec->null_ok = FALSE; } static gboolean gegl_param_string_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value) { GeglParamSpecString *sspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (pspec); gchar *string = value->data[0].v_pointer; if (string) { gchar *s; if (!sspec->no_validate && !g_utf8_validate (string, -1, (const gchar **) &s)) { for (; *s; s++) if (*s < ' ') *s = '?'; return TRUE; } } else if (!sspec->null_ok) { value->data[0].v_pointer = g_strdup (""); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } GParamSpec * gegl_param_spec_string (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, gboolean no_validate, gboolean null_ok, const gchar *default_value, GParamFlags flags) { GeglParamSpecString *sspec; sspec = g_param_spec_internal (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_STRING, name, nick, blurb, flags); if (sspec) { g_free (G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (sspec)->default_value); G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (sspec)->default_value = g_strdup (default_value); sspec->no_validate = no_validate ? TRUE : FALSE; sspec->null_ok = null_ok ? TRUE : FALSE; } return G_PARAM_SPEC (sspec); } /* * GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_FILE_PATH */ static void gegl_param_file_path_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass); static void gegl_param_file_path_init (GParamSpec *pspec); static gboolean gegl_param_file_path_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value); GType gegl_param_file_path_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GParamSpecClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gegl_param_file_path_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GeglParamSpecString), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gegl_param_file_path_init }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING, "GeglParamFilePath", &info, 0); } return type; } static void gegl_param_file_path_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass) { klass->value_type = G_TYPE_STRING; klass->value_validate = gegl_param_file_path_validate; } static void gegl_param_file_path_init (GParamSpec *pspec) { GeglParamSpecFilePath *sspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_FILE_PATH (pspec); sspec->no_validate = FALSE; sspec->null_ok = FALSE; } static gboolean gegl_param_file_path_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value) { GeglParamSpecFilePath *sspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_FILE_PATH (pspec); gchar *path = value->data[0].v_pointer; if (path) { gchar *s; if (!sspec->no_validate && !g_utf8_validate (path, -1, (const gchar **) &s)) { for (; *s; s++) if (*s < ' ') *s = '?'; return TRUE; } } else if (!sspec->null_ok) { value->data[0].v_pointer = g_strdup (""); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } GParamSpec * gegl_param_spec_file_path (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, gboolean no_validate, gboolean null_ok, const gchar *default_value, GParamFlags flags) { GeglParamSpecFilePath *sspec; sspec = g_param_spec_internal (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_FILE_PATH, name, nick, blurb, flags); if (sspec) { g_free (G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (sspec)->default_value); G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (sspec)->default_value = g_strdup (default_value); sspec->no_validate = no_validate ? TRUE : FALSE; sspec->null_ok = null_ok ? TRUE : FALSE; } return G_PARAM_SPEC (sspec); } /* * GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_MULTILINE */ static void gegl_param_multiline_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass); static void gegl_param_multiline_init (GParamSpec *pspec); static gboolean gegl_param_multiline_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value); GType gegl_param_multiline_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GParamSpecClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gegl_param_multiline_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GeglParamSpecString), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gegl_param_multiline_init }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_PARAM_STRING, "GeglParamMultiline", &info, 0); } return type; } static void gegl_param_multiline_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass) { klass->value_type = G_TYPE_STRING; klass->value_validate = gegl_param_multiline_validate; } static void gegl_param_multiline_init (GParamSpec *pspec) { GeglParamSpecMultiline *sspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_MULTILINE (pspec); sspec->no_validate = FALSE; sspec->null_ok = FALSE; } static gboolean gegl_param_multiline_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value) { GeglParamSpecMultiline *sspec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_MULTILINE (pspec); gchar *multiline = value->data[0].v_pointer; if (multiline) { gchar *s; if (!sspec->no_validate && !g_utf8_validate (multiline, -1, (const gchar **) &s)) { for (; *s; s++) if (*s < ' ') *s = '?'; return TRUE; } } else if (!sspec->null_ok) { value->data[0].v_pointer = g_strdup (""); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } GParamSpec * gegl_param_spec_multiline (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, const gchar *default_value, GParamFlags flags) { GeglParamSpecMultiline *sspec; sspec = g_param_spec_internal (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_MULTILINE, name, nick, blurb, flags); if (sspec) { g_free (G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (sspec)->default_value); G_PARAM_SPEC_STRING (sspec)->default_value = g_strdup (default_value); /* sspec->no_validate = no_validate ? TRUE : FALSE; sspec->null_ok = null_ok ? TRUE : FALSE;*/ } return G_PARAM_SPEC (sspec); } /* * GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM */ static void gegl_param_enum_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass); static void gegl_param_enum_init (GParamSpec *pspec); static void gegl_param_enum_finalize (GParamSpec *pspec); static gboolean gegl_param_enum_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value); GType gegl_param_enum_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GParamSpecClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gegl_param_enum_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GeglParamSpecEnum), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gegl_param_enum_init }; type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM, "GeglParamEnum", &info, 0); } return type; } static void gegl_param_enum_class_init (GParamSpecClass *klass) { klass->value_type = G_TYPE_ENUM; klass->finalize = gegl_param_enum_finalize; klass->value_validate = gegl_param_enum_validate; } static void gegl_param_enum_init (GParamSpec *pspec) { GeglParamSpecEnum *espec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (pspec); espec->excluded_values = NULL; } static void gegl_param_enum_finalize (GParamSpec *pspec) { GeglParamSpecEnum *espec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (pspec); GParamSpecClass *parent_class; parent_class = g_type_class_peek (g_type_parent (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM)); g_slist_free (espec->excluded_values); parent_class->finalize (pspec); } static gboolean gegl_param_enum_validate (GParamSpec *pspec, GValue *value) { GeglParamSpecEnum *espec = GEGL_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (pspec); GParamSpecClass *parent_class; GSList *list; parent_class = g_type_class_peek (g_type_parent (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM)); if (parent_class->value_validate (pspec, value)) return TRUE; for (list = espec->excluded_values; list; list = g_slist_next (list)) { if (GPOINTER_TO_INT (list->data) == value->data[0].v_long) { value->data[0].v_long = G_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (pspec)->default_value; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } GParamSpec * gegl_param_spec_enum (const gchar *name, const gchar *nick, const gchar *blurb, GType enum_type, gint default_value, GParamFlags flags) { GeglParamSpecEnum *espec; GEnumClass *enum_class; g_return_val_if_fail (G_TYPE_IS_ENUM (enum_type), NULL); enum_class = g_type_class_ref (enum_type); g_return_val_if_fail (g_enum_get_value (enum_class, default_value) != NULL, NULL); espec = g_param_spec_internal (GEGL_TYPE_PARAM_ENUM, name, nick, blurb, flags); G_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (espec)->enum_class = enum_class; G_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (espec)->default_value = default_value; G_PARAM_SPEC (espec)->value_type = enum_type; return G_PARAM_SPEC (espec); } void gegl_param_spec_enum_exclude_value (GeglParamSpecEnum *espec, gint value) { g_return_if_fail (GEGL_IS_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (espec)); g_return_if_fail (g_enum_get_value (G_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM (espec)->enum_class, value) != NULL); espec->excluded_values = g_slist_prepend (espec->excluded_values, GINT_TO_POINTER (value)); }