#!/usr/bin/env ruby # GEGL API creator Øyvind Kolås 2007, # # Use under a public domain license. # class Argument attr_accessor :name, :data_type, :doc def initialize @data_type="" @name="" end def data_type type = @data_type.gsub("const", "").gsub(/\**/,"").gsub(/\s*/, "") ret = @data_type.sub(/\s+/, " ") url = "" case type when "void" when "gint" when "guint" when "gchar" when "gdouble" when "gfloat" when "gboolean" when "gpointer" when "GList" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-Doubly-Linked-Lists.html#GList" when "GSList" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-Singly-Linked-Lists.html#GSList" when "GParamSpec" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gobject/gobject-GParamSpec.html#GParamSpec" when "GOptionGroup" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.2/glib/glib-Commandline-option-parser.html#GOptionGroup" when "GValue" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gobject/gobject-Generic-values.html#GValue" else url="##{type}" end if url!="" ret.sub(type, "#{type}") else ret end end end class String def htmlify self.gsub("\n\n","\n

").gsub("XXX","XXX").gsub("NULL","NULL").gsub(/#([a-zA-Z_]*)/, "\\1").gsub(/@([a-zA-Z_]*)/, "\\1").gsub("TRUE", "TRUE") end end class Section attr_accessor :name, :doc, :sample def initialize @doc="" @sample="" @name="" end def menu_entry if @name == "GeglBuffer" or @name == "GeglNode" or @name == "GeglColor" or @name == "GeglRectangle" or @name == "GeglProcessor" or @name == "XML" or @name == "The GEGL API" then return "

" else return "#{@name}" end end def to_s ret = "#{@name}\n" end def sample_html @sample.gsub('&','&').gsub('<','<').gsub('>','>').gsub(/(.)(#.*)$/, "\\1\\2") end def to_html ret = "


" ret += "
" ret += "

" ret += @doc.htmlify ret += "

" ret += "
" ret += "
" ret += "
" end end class Function attr_accessor :name, :return_type, :return_doc, :doc, :arguments, :sample def initialize @arguments = Array.new @doc="" @return_type="" @return_doc="" @name="" @sample="" end def menu_entry "  #{@name}" end def sample_html @sample.gsub('&','&').gsub('<','<').gsub('>','>').gsub(/(.)(#.*)$/, "\\1\\2") end def add_arg arg @arguments << arg end def to_s ret = "#{@return_type} #{@name}\n" @arguments.each {|arg| ret += "\t#{arg.data_type} #{arg.name} : #{arg.doc}\n" } ret += " _#{@doc}\n" ret += " _#{@return_doc}\n" ret += "\n" end def return_type type = @return_type.gsub("const", "").gsub(/\**/,"").gsub(/\s*/, "") ret = @return_type.sub(/\s+/, " ") url = "" case type when "void" when "gint" when "guint" when "gchar" when "gdouble" when "gfloat" when "gboolean" when "gpointer" when "GList" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-Doubly-Linked-Lists.html#GList" when "GSList" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/glib/glib-Singly-Linked-Lists.html#GSList" when "GParamSpec" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gobject/gobject-GParamSpec.html#GParamSpec" when "GOptionGroup" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.2/glib/glib-Commandline-option-parser.html#GOptionGroup" when "GValue" url="http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gobject/gobject-Generic-values.html#GValue" else url="##{type}" end if url!="" ret.sub(type, "#{type}") else ret end end def to_html ret = "
" ret += "
" first=true i=0 if @arguments.length==0 and @return_type!="" ret += "
\n" end @arguments.each {|arg| i=i+1 if(first and i==@arguments.length) ret += "
#{arg.name.sub("...","..., NULL")})
\n" elsif(first) first=false ret += "
#{arg.name.sub("...","..., NULL")},
\n" elsif(i==@arguments.length) ret += "
#{arg.name.sub("...","..., NULL")})
\n" else ret += "
#{arg.name.sub("...","..., NULL")},
\n" end } ret += "
" ret += "
" ret += "
" ret += "
" ret += "

" ret += @doc.htmlify; ret += "

" if @arguments.length > 0 ret += "


" ret += "\n" @arguments.each { |arg| ret += "" ret += "" } ret += "
\n" end ret += "
" ret += "
#{@return_doc.htmlify.sub("Returns", "Returns")}
" ret += "
" ret += "
" end end CSS="div.function{ margin-top: 2em; } div.function_signature{ background-color: #ddd; padding: 0.5em; } div.function_header{ position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; display:block; } div.return_type{ display: block; font-style: italic; color: #22F; float:left; padding-right: 1em; } div.function_name{ display: block; float: left; font-weight: bold; } div.function_args{ float: right; display:block; } div.argument{ display: block; clear: left; } div.arg_type{ display: block; font-style: italic; color: #22F; width: 11em; float: left; } div.arg_name{ color: #050; display: block; float: left; } span.arg_name{ color: #050; } div.arg_doc{ display: none; } div.function_doc{ display: block; margin-top: 2em; } div.float_breaker{ clear: both; } div.return_doc{ margin-top: 2em; } span.const{ color: grey; } span.pointer{ color: red; } span.varargs{ color: #F22; font-style: italic; } span.keyword { color: #22F; font-family: mono; } div.sect{ margin-top: 2em; } div.sect_doc{ display: block; margin-top: 2em; } " elements = [] function = nil state = :none arg_no=0 (ARGV.length-1).times { |file_no| line_no=0 state=:none puts ARGV[file_no] IO.foreach(ARGV[file_no]) { |line| line_no = line_no+1 case state when :none state = :start if (line =~ /\/\*\*/) state = :section if (line =~ /\/\*\*\*/) when :section line =~ / \* (.*):/ elements << function if (function!=nil) function=Section.new function.name=$1.to_s state = :section_doc when :start line =~ / \* (.*):(.*)/ elements << function if (function!=nil) function=Function.new function.name=$1.to_s # $2 is the introspection annotations state = :args arg_no=-1 when :args if line =~ /.*@(.*):(.*):(.*)/ arg_no=arg_no+1 argument=Argument.new argument.name=$1 # $2 is introspection annotations argument.doc=""+$3.to_s function.add_arg argument elsif line =~ /.*@(.*):(.*)/ arg_no=arg_no+1 argument=Argument.new argument.name=$1 argument.doc=""+$2.to_s function.add_arg argument elsif line =~ / \*(.*)/ if $1.chomp=='' state=:more else function.arguments[arg_no].doc = function.arguments[arg_no].doc + $1.to_s + "\n" if arg_no != -1 end else state=:more end when :section_doc if line =~ /^ \* ---/ state=:section_sample elsif line =~ /\*\// state=:none else line =~ /.*\*(.*)/ function.doc = function.doc + $1.to_s + "\n" end when :section_sample if line =~ /\*\// state=:none else line =~ /.*\* (.*)/ function.sample = function.sample + $1.to_s + "\n" end when :function_sample if line =~ /\*\// state=:fun arg_no=0 else line =~ /.*\* (.*)/ function.sample = function.sample + $1.to_s + "\n" end when :more if line =~ /^ \* ---/ state=:function_sample elsif line =~ /.*(Returns.*)/ function.return_doc = $1 + "\n" state=:more_return elsif line =~ /\*\// state=:fun arg_no=0 else line =~ /.*\*(.*)/ function.doc = function.doc + $1.to_s + "\n" end when :more_return if line =~ /^ \* ---/ state=:function_sample elsif line =~ /\*\// state=:fun arg_no=0 else line =~ /.*\*(.*)/ function.return_doc = function.return_doc + $1.to_s + "\n" end when :fun # might be getting more data on current fun if line=~ /^\s*((?:const)?\s*[a-zA-Z\d_]*\s*\**\s*)([a-z_\d]*)\s*\(\s*((?:const)?\s*[a-zA-Z\d_]*\s*\**)\s*([a-zA-Z\d_]*)(,?)/ #.*\(([a-zA-Z_\s\*])([a-zA-Z\d]*)/ function.return_type=$1 name=$2 argtype=$3 argname=$4 comma=$5 arg_no=0 if name!=function.name and function.name!='GeglProcessor' puts "#{line_no}:function name mismatch #{name}!=#{function.name}" end if argtype=='void' state=:none elsif argtype=='' puts "#{line_no}: empty argument list" state=:none else if argname=='' puts "#{line_no}: expected argument name" state=:none end if (function.arguments[arg_no].name!=argname) puts "#{line_no}: #{function.arguments[arg_no].name}!=#{argname}" end function.arguments[arg_no].data_type=argtype arg_no = arg_no+1 end elsif line=~ /^\s*((?:const)?\s*[a-zA-Z\d_]*\s*\**\s*)([a-z_\d]*)/ argtype=$1 argname=$2 if (argtype!='' and argname!='' and function.arguments.length>arg_no) if (function.arguments[arg_no].name!=argname) puts "#{line_no}: #{function.arguments[arg_no].name}!=#{argname}" end function.arguments[arg_no].data_type=argtype arg_no = arg_no+1 end else #puts "we're in fun and got: #{line}" end state = :start if (line =~ /\/\*\*/) state = :section if (line =~ /\/\*\*\*/) else state=:none end } } if ARGV.length<2 puts "usage: #{$0} " exit end =begin File.open(ARGV[1], "w") {|file| file.puts "" elements.each {|fun| file.puts fun.to_html file.puts "" } } =end File.open(ARGV[ARGV.length-1], "w") {|file| file.puts " GEGL API " file.puts "


\n" file.puts "
" elements.each {|element| if !element.name.empty? file.puts "
" end } file.puts "
" } File.open("gegl.devhelp", "w") {|file| file.puts " " file.puts "" elements.each { |element| if element.is_a? Section and !element.name.empty? file.puts "" end } file.puts "" file.puts "" file.puts "" elements.each { |element| if element.is_a? Function and !element.name.empty? file.puts "" end if element.is_a? Section and !element.name.empty? and element.name=~ /^Gegl/ file.puts "" end } IO.foreach("operations.html"){ |line| if line =~ /^
  • .*<\/a><\/li>/ opname=line.gsub(/.*op_/,'').gsub(/'.*/,'').strip file.puts "" end } file.puts "" file.puts "" }