Blame operations/common/matting-global.c

Packit bc1512
/* This file is an image processing operation for GEGL
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
 * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
Packit bc1512
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
Packit bc1512
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
Packit bc1512
 * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
 * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
Packit bc1512
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
Packit bc1512
 * License along with GEGL; if not, see <>.
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
 * Copyright 2011 Jan Rüegg <>
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
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#include "config.h"
Packit bc1512
#include <glib/gi18n-lib.h>
Packit bc1512
#include <math.h>
Packit Service cd4cb8
#include <stdlib.h>
Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
gegl_chant_int (iterations, _("Iterations"), 1, G_MAXINT, 10,
Packit bc1512
                _("Number of iterations"))
Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
#define GEGL_CHANT_C_FILE "matting-global.c"
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
#include "gegl-chant.h"
Packit bc1512
#include "gegl-debug.h"
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
#define max(a,b) \
Packit bc1512
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
Packit bc1512
  __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
Packit bc1512
  _a > _b ? _a : _b; })
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
#define min(a,b) \
Packit bc1512
  ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
Packit bc1512
  __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
Packit bc1512
  _a > _b ? _b : _a; })
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
#define likely(x)       __builtin_expect((x),1)
Packit bc1512
#define unlikely(x)       __builtin_expect((x),0)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
#define ASSERT(condition) \
Packit bc1512
  if(unlikely(!(condition))) { \
Packit bc1512
  printf("Error at line %i\n", __LINE__); \
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
// Shortcut for doing things in all three channels
Packit bc1512
#define COLOR(expr) {int c; for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { expr; }}
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
// Save all important memories to output image buffer to save memory
Packit bc1512
#define FG_DISTANCE(output, index) (output[index*4+0])
Packit bc1512
#define BG_DISTANCE(output, index) (output[index*4+1])
Packit bc1512
#define FG_INDEX(output, index) (*((int*)(&output[index*4+2])))
Packit bc1512
#define BG_INDEX(output, index) (*((int*)(&output[index*4+3])))
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
/* We don't use the babl_format_get_n_components function for these values,
Packit bc1512
 * as literal constants can be used for stack allocation of array sizes. They
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 * are double checked in matting_process.
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
#define COMPONENTS_AUX    1
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
static const gchar *FORMAT_AUX    = "Y u8";
Packit bc1512
static const gchar *FORMAT_INPUT  = "R'G'B' float";
Packit bc1512
static const gchar *FORMAT_OUTPUT = "R'G'B'A float";
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
static void
Packit bc1512
matting_prepare (GeglOperation *operation)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "input",  babl_format (FORMAT_INPUT));
Packit bc1512
  gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "aux",    babl_format (FORMAT_AUX));
Packit bc1512
  gegl_operation_set_format (operation, "output", babl_format (FORMAT_OUTPUT));
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
static GeglRectangle
Packit bc1512
matting_get_required_for_output (GeglOperation       *operation,
Packit bc1512
                                 const gchar         *input_pad,
Packit bc1512
                                 const GeglRectangle *roi)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  GeglRectangle result = *gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (operation,
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  return result;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
static GeglRectangle
Packit bc1512
matting_get_cached_region (GeglOperation * operation,
Packit bc1512
                           const GeglRectangle * roi)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  return *gegl_operation_source_get_bounding_box (operation, "input");
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
typedef float Color[3];
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
typedef struct {
Packit bc1512
  int x;
Packit bc1512
  int y;
Packit bc1512
} Position;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
typedef struct {
Packit bc1512
  Color color;
Packit bc1512
  Position pos;
Packit bc1512
} ColorSample;
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#define SQUARE(x) ((x)*(x))
Packit bc1512
static inline float get_alpha (Color F, Color B, Color I)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  int c;
Packit bc1512
  float result = 0;
Packit bc1512
  float div = 0;
Packit bc1512
  for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      result += (I[c] - B[c]) * (F[c] - B[c]);
Packit bc1512
      div += SQUARE(F[c] - B[c]);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  return min(max(result / div, 0), 1);
Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
static inline float get_color_cost (Color F, Color B, Color I, float alpha)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  int c;
Packit bc1512
  float result = 0;
Packit bc1512
  for (c = 0; c < 3; c++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      result += SQUARE(I[c] - (alpha * F[c] + (1 - alpha) * B[c]));
Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
  // TODO(rggjan): Remove sqrt to get faster code?
Packit bc1512
  // TODO(rggjan): Remove 255
Packit bc1512
  return sqrt(result) * 255;
Packit bc1512
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static inline int get_distance_squared(ColorSample s, int x, int y)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  return SQUARE(s.pos.x - x) + SQUARE(s.pos.y - y);
Packit bc1512
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static inline float get_distance (ColorSample s, int x, int y)
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Packit bc1512
  // TODO(rggjan): Remove sqrt to get faster code?
Packit bc1512
  return sqrt(get_distance_squared(s, x, y));
Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
static inline float get_distance_cost (ColorSample s, int x, int y, float *best_distance)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  float new_distance = get_distance(s, x, y);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  if (new_distance < *best_distance)
Packit bc1512
    *best_distance = new_distance;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  return new_distance / *best_distance;
Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
static inline float get_cost (ColorSample foreground, ColorSample background, Color I, int x, int y, float *best_fg_distance, float *best_bg_distance)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  float cost = get_color_cost(foreground.color, background.color, I,
Packit bc1512
                              get_alpha(foreground.color, background.color, I));
Packit bc1512
  cost += get_distance_cost(foreground, x, y, best_fg_distance);
Packit bc1512
  cost += get_distance_cost(background, x, y, best_bg_distance);
Packit bc1512
  return cost;
Packit bc1512
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static inline void do_propagate(GArray *foreground_samples, GArray *background_samples, gfloat *input, gfloat *output, guchar *trimap, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
Packit bc1512
  int index_orig = y * w + x;
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  int index_new;
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Packit bc1512
  if (!(trimap[index_orig] == 0 || trimap[index_orig] == 255))
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Packit bc1512
      int xdiff, ydiff;
Packit bc1512
      float best_cost = FLT_MAX;
Packit bc1512
      float *best_fg_distance = &output[index_orig * 4 + 0];
Packit bc1512
      float *best_bg_distance = &output[index_orig * 4 + 1];
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      for (ydiff = -1; ydiff <= 1; ydiff++)
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Packit bc1512
          // Borders
Packit bc1512
          if (y+ydiff < 0 || y+ydiff >= h)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          for (xdiff = -1; xdiff <= 1; xdiff++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              // Borders
Packit bc1512
              if (x+xdiff < 0 || x+xdiff >= w)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              index_new = (y + ydiff) * w + (x + xdiff);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              if (!(trimap[index_new] == 0 || trimap[index_new] == 255))
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                  int fi = FG_INDEX(output, index_new);
Packit bc1512
                  int bi = BG_INDEX(output, index_new);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                  ColorSample foreground = g_array_index(foreground_samples, ColorSample, fi);
Packit bc1512
                  ColorSample background = g_array_index(background_samples, ColorSample, bi);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                  float cost = get_cost(foreground, background, &input[index_orig * 3], x, y, best_fg_distance, best_bg_distance);
Packit bc1512
                  if (cost < best_cost)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                      FG_INDEX(output, index_orig) = fi;
Packit bc1512
                      BG_INDEX(output, index_orig) = bi;
Packit bc1512
                      best_cost = cost;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
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Packit bc1512
static inline void do_random_search(GArray *foreground_samples, GArray *background_samples, gfloat *input, gfloat *output, int x, int y, int w) {
Packit bc1512
  int dist_f = foreground_samples->len;
Packit bc1512
  int dist_b = background_samples->len;
Packit bc1512
  int index = y * w + x;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  int best_fi = FG_INDEX(output, index);
Packit bc1512
  int best_bi = BG_INDEX(output, index);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  int start_fi = best_fi;
Packit bc1512
  int start_bi = best_bi;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Get current best result
Packit bc1512
  float *best_fg_distance = &FG_DISTANCE(output, index);
Packit bc1512
  float *best_bg_distance = &BG_DISTANCE(output, index);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  ColorSample foreground = g_array_index(foreground_samples, ColorSample, best_fi);
Packit bc1512
  ColorSample background = g_array_index(background_samples, ColorSample, best_bi);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Get cost
Packit bc1512
  float best_cost = get_cost(foreground, background, &input[index * 3], x, y, best_fg_distance, best_bg_distance);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  while (dist_f > 0 || dist_b > 0)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      // Get new indices to check
Packit bc1512
      int fl = foreground_samples->len;
Packit bc1512
      int bl = background_samples->len;
Packit bc1512
      int fi = (start_fi + (rand() % (dist_f * 2 + 1)) + fl - dist_f) % fl;
Packit bc1512
      int bi = (start_bi + (rand() % (dist_b * 2 + 1)) + fl - dist_b) % bl;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      ColorSample foreground = g_array_index(foreground_samples, ColorSample, fi);
Packit bc1512
      ColorSample background = g_array_index(background_samples, ColorSample, bi);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      float cost = get_cost(foreground, background, &input[index * 3], x, y, best_fg_distance, best_bg_distance);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      if (cost < best_cost)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          best_cost = cost;
Packit bc1512
          best_fi = fi;
Packit bc1512
          best_bi = bi;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      dist_f /= 2;
Packit bc1512
      dist_b /= 2;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  FG_INDEX(output, index) = best_fi;
Packit bc1512
  BG_INDEX(output, index) = best_bi;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
// Compare color intensities
Packit bc1512
static gint color_compare(gconstpointer p1, gconstpointer p2)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  ColorSample *s1 = (ColorSample*) p1;
Packit bc1512
  ColorSample *s2 = (ColorSample*) p2;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  float sum1 = s1->color[0] + s1->color[1] + s1->color[2];
Packit bc1512
  float sum2 = s2->color[0] + s2->color[1] + s2->color[2];
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  return ((sum1 > sum2) - (sum2 > sum1));
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
static gboolean
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matting_process (GeglOperation       *operation,
Packit bc1512
                 GeglBuffer          *input_buf,
Packit bc1512
                 GeglBuffer          *aux_buf,
Packit bc1512
                 GeglBuffer          *output_buf,
Packit bc1512
                 const GeglRectangle *result,
Packit bc1512
                 int                  level)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  const GeglChantO *o = GEGL_CHANT_PROPERTIES (operation);
Packit bc1512
  gfloat           *input   = NULL;
Packit bc1512
  guchar           *trimap  = NULL;
Packit bc1512
  gfloat           *output  = NULL;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  gboolean          success = FALSE;
Packit bc1512
  int               w, h, i, x, y, xdiff, ydiff, neighbour_mask;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  GArray           *foreground_samples, *background_samples;
Packit bc1512
  GArray           *unknown_positions;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (babl_format_get_n_components (babl_format (FORMAT_INPUT )) == COMPONENTS_INPUT,  FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (babl_format_get_n_components (babl_format (FORMAT_AUX   )) == COMPONENTS_AUX,    FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (babl_format_get_n_components (babl_format (FORMAT_OUTPUT)) == COMPONENTS_OUTPUT, FALSE);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (operation,  FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (input_buf,  FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (aux_buf,    FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (output_buf, FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_return_val_if_fail (result,     FALSE);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  w = result->width;
Packit bc1512
  h = result->height;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  input  = g_new (gfloat, w * h * COMPONENTS_INPUT);
Packit bc1512
  trimap = g_new (guchar, w * h * COMPONENTS_AUX);
Packit bc1512
  output = g_new0 (gfloat, w * h * COMPONENTS_OUTPUT);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  gegl_buffer_get (input_buf, result, 1.0, babl_format (FORMAT_INPUT), input, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);
Packit bc1512
  gegl_buffer_get (  aux_buf, result, 1.0, babl_format (FORMAT_AUX),  trimap, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  foreground_samples = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(ColorSample));
Packit bc1512
  background_samples = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(ColorSample));
Packit bc1512
  unknown_positions = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(Position));
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Get mask
Packit bc1512
  for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          int mask = trimap[y * w + x];
Packit bc1512
          for (ydiff = -1; ydiff <= 1; ydiff++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              // Borders
Packit bc1512
              if (y+ydiff < 0 || y+ydiff >= h)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              for (xdiff = -1; xdiff <= 1; xdiff++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                  // Borders
Packit bc1512
                  if (x+xdiff < 0 || x+xdiff >= w)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                  neighbour_mask = trimap[(y + ydiff) * w + x + xdiff];
Packit bc1512
                  if (neighbour_mask != mask && (mask == 0 || mask == 255))
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                      int index = y*w+x;
Packit bc1512
                      ColorSample s;
Packit bc1512
                      s.pos.x = x;
Packit bc1512
                      s.pos.y = y;
Packit bc1512
                      COLOR(s.color[c] = input[index*3 + c]);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                      if (mask == 255)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                          g_array_append_val(foreground_samples, s);
Packit bc1512
                          FG_DISTANCE(output, index) = 0;
Packit bc1512
                          BG_DISTANCE(output, index) = FLT_MAX;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                          g_array_append_val(background_samples, s);
Packit bc1512
                          FG_DISTANCE(output, index) = 0;
Packit bc1512
                          BG_DISTANCE(output, index) = FLT_MAX;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                      // Go to next pixel
Packit bc1512
                      xdiff = 1;
Packit bc1512
                      ydiff = 1;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Initialize unknowns
Packit bc1512
  for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          int index = y * w + x;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          if (trimap[index] != 0 && trimap[index] != 255)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              Position p;
Packit bc1512
              p.x = x;
Packit bc1512
              p.y = y;
Packit bc1512
              g_array_append_val(unknown_positions, p);
Packit bc1512
              FG_DISTANCE(output, index) = FLT_MAX;
Packit bc1512
              BG_DISTANCE(output, index) = FLT_MAX;
Packit bc1512
              FG_INDEX(output, index) = rand() % foreground_samples->len;
Packit bc1512
              BG_INDEX(output, index) = rand() % background_samples->len;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  g_array_sort(foreground_samples, color_compare);
Packit bc1512
  g_array_sort(background_samples, color_compare);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Do real iterations
Packit bc1512
  for (i = 0; i < o->iterations; i++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      unsigned j;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      GEGL_NOTE (GEGL_DEBUG_PROCESS, "Iteration %i", i);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      for (j=0; j<unknown_positions->len; j++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          Position p = g_array_index(unknown_positions, Position, j);
Packit bc1512
          do_random_search(foreground_samples, background_samples, input, output, p.x, p.y, w);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      for (j=0; j<unknown_positions->len; j++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          Position p = g_array_index(unknown_positions, Position, j);
Packit bc1512
          do_propagate(foreground_samples, background_samples, input, output, trimap, p.x, p.y, w, h);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Fill results in
Packit bc1512
  for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
      for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
          int index = y * w + x;
Packit bc1512
          if (trimap[index] == 0 || trimap[index] == 255)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              // Use known values
Packit bc1512
              output[index * 4 + 0] = input[index * 3 + 0];
Packit bc1512
              output[index * 4 + 1] = input[index * 3 + 1];
Packit bc1512
              output[index * 4 + 2] = input[index * 3 + 2];
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              if (trimap[index] == 0)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                  output[index * 4 + 3] = 0;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              else if (trimap[index] == 255)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
                  output[index * 4 + 3] = 1;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              ColorSample background, foreground;
Packit bc1512
              foreground = g_array_index(foreground_samples, ColorSample, FG_INDEX(output, index));
Packit bc1512
              background = g_array_index(background_samples, ColorSample, BG_INDEX(output, index));
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              output[index * 4 + 3] = get_alpha(foreground.color, background.color, &input[index * 3]);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
              COLOR(output[index * 4 + c] = foreground.color[c]);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Save to buffer
Packit bc1512
  gegl_buffer_set (output_buf, result, 0, babl_format (FORMAT_OUTPUT), output,
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  success = TRUE;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  // Free memory
Packit bc1512
  g_free (input);
Packit bc1512
  g_free (trimap);
Packit bc1512
  g_free (output);
Packit bc1512
  g_array_free(foreground_samples, FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_array_free(background_samples, FALSE);
Packit bc1512
  g_array_free(unknown_positions, FALSE);
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  return success;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
static void gegl_chant_class_init (GeglChantClass *klass)
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  GeglOperationClass         *operation_class;
Packit bc1512
  GeglOperationComposerClass *composer_class;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  composer_class  = GEGL_OPERATION_COMPOSER_CLASS (klass);
Packit bc1512
  composer_class->process = matting_process;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  operation_class = GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (klass);
Packit bc1512
  operation_class->prepare                 = matting_prepare;
Packit bc1512
  operation_class->get_required_for_output = matting_get_required_for_output;
Packit bc1512
  operation_class->get_cached_region       = matting_get_cached_region;
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  gegl_operation_class_set_keys (operation_class,
Packit bc1512
    "name"       , "gegl:matting-global",
Packit bc1512
    "categories" , "misc",
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
   _("Given a sparse user supplied tri-map and an input image, create a "
Packit bc1512
     "foreground alpha matte. Set white as foreground, black as background "
Packit bc1512
     "for the tri-map. Everything else will be treated as unknown and filled in."),
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512