Blame docs/

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*GEGL* (Generic Graphics Library) is a graph based image processing framework.
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GEGL provides infrastructure to do demand based cached non destructive image
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editing on larger than RAM buffers. Through link:[babl]
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it provides support for a wide range of color models and pixel storage formats
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for input and output.
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  - Floating point handling and processing and output of larger 8bit, 16bit
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    integer and 32bit floating point per component buffers larger than RAM.
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  - C,[vala],[C#],
Packit bc1512[Python] and[Ruby] interfaces
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    using a consistent DOM like graph API to manage processing graphs.
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  - Processing
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     * Iterative chunk-wise processing.
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     * Processes subregions and dependencies.
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     * Subgraph caches to aid performance of non-destructive editing.
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     * Experimental OpenCL acceleration, with possibility of hybrid cpu/gpu
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  - link:api.html#GeglBuffer[GeglBuffer]
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     * Storage of all babl supported formats.
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     * Tiled sparse buffers (larger than RAM images).
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     * linear buffers (allocated internally or from external allocation.)
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     * On demand tiled mipmapping.
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     * inter process shared storage
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     * External tile-backends (allow wrapping other tiled buffer systems
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       to use them through the GeglBuffer API).
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  - Operations
Packit bc1512
      * PNG, JPEG, SVG, EXR, RAW, ffmpeg, v4l and other image sources.
Packit bc1512
      * link:operations.html#cat_render[Pattern renderers]
Packit bc1512
      * link:operations.html#math[Arithmetic operations]
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      * link_operations.html#porter_duff[porter duff compositing]
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      * SVG filter modes and full set of compositing ops from SVG-1.2 draft.
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      * Gaussian blur, bilateral-filter, symmetric nearest neighbour, linear
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      * blur, unsharp mask, pixelize and more.
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      * link:operations.html#cat_color[Color correction].
Packit bc1512
      * Text rendering using cairo and[pango].
Packit bc1512
      * HDR exposure merging and tone mapping operations.
Packit bc1512
      * Most operations operate in
Packit bc1512[scRGB] (using 32bit
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        floating point/HDR linear light RGBA)
Packit bc1512
  - Bounding box based hit detection.
Packit bc1512
  - XML serialization format (not-finalized)
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This website is built at the time of the previous GEGL tarball release,
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for information about what might change on the way to the next release
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follow the following news sources:
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Packit bc1512[Change log]::
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  For day to day fixes, contributions and changes.
Packit bc1512[NEWS]::
Packit bc1512
  The NEWS file for a list of major new features (also contains older NEWS).
Packit bc1512[bugzilla]::
Packit bc1512
 for known and tracked issues with GEGL and perhaps see the 
Packit bc1512[mail]::
Packit bc1512
  The mailinglist archives for some discussion and announcement.
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For examples of what GEGL's rendering engine currently can do look at the
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The GEGL project uses[GNOME Bugzilla], a
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bug-tracking system that allows us to coordinate bug reports. Bugzilla is also
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used for enhancement requests and the preferred way to submit patches for GEGL
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is to open a bug report and attach the patch to it. Bugzilla is also the
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closest you will find to a roadmap for GEGL.
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Below is a list of links to get you started with Bugzilla:
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Packit bc1512
  -[List of Open Bugs]
Packit bc1512
  -[List of Open Bugs] (excluding enhancement requests)
Packit bc1512
  -[List of Enhancement Proposals]
Packit bc1512
  -[Bugzilla Weekly Summary]
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You can subscribe to gegl-developer and view the archives
Packit bc1512[here]. The GEGL
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developer list is the appopriate place to ask development questions, and get
Packit bc1512
more information about GEGL development in general. You can email this list at
Packit bc1512[].
Packit bc1512
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GEGL development is also discussed in #gegl on GIMPnet (
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GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
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of the link:LGPL[GNU Lesser General Public License] and link:GPL[GNU General
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Public License] as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
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of the Licenses, or (at your option) any later version. The library itself is
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licensed under LGPL while the sample commandline application and GUI binary
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gegl is licensed under GPL.
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Many people have contributed to GEGL
Packit bc1512[over time] the following
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lists are are ordered chronologically according to when they are mentioned in
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the ChangeLog.
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Building from source
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GEGL and it's dependencies are known to work on Linux based systems, windows
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with msys/mingw, and probably other platforms.
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The latest development snapshot, and eventually stable versions of GEGL are
Packit bc1512
available at[].
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The current code under development can be
Packit bc1512[browsed online] and cloned from
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GNOME git using:
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
 $ git clone git://
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 $ git clone git://
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GEGL currently builds and works on linux, win32 and OSX most probably also on
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other systems where glib and gtk+ work.
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Packit bc1512
  - Core
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      * glib (including gobject, and gmodule) 2.16 or newer, which provides
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        inheritance, dynamic modules, common algorithms and data structures
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        for C programming.
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      *[babl] 0.0.22 or newer (for pixel-format
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      * libpng (png load/export ops, and image magick fallback import)
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      * ruby (only if building from git)
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  - GUI (sandbox for testing ops and the API)
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      * GTK+
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  - Optional dependencies for operations.
Packit bc1512
      * SDL (display op)
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      * libjpeg (jpg loader op)
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      * libopenexr (exr loader op)
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      *[libopenraw] (raw
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        loader op)
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      * cairo, pango (text source op)
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      * avcodec, avformat (ff-load and experimental ff-save)
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      * librsvg (svg loader)
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   - Documentation (this document)
Packit bc1512
      * asciidoc
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To build GEGL type the following in the toplevel source directory:
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 $ ./configure  # or: ./ if building from git
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 $ make
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 $ sudo make install
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With GEGL you chain together image processing operations represented by nodes
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into a graph. GEGL provides such operations for loading and storing images,
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adjusting colors, filtering in different ways, transforming and compositing images.
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GEGL's programmer/user interface is a Directed Acyclic Graph of nodes. The DAG
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expresses a processing chain of operations. A DAG, or any node in it, expresses
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a composited and processed image. It is possible to request rectangular regions
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in a wide range of pixel formats from any node.
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This link:development.html[howto] describes good-to-know things for developing gegl
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Public API
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The link:api.html[public API reference] documents the API used for creating
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things with GEGL, this API does not change much at all and is also the API
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provided by language bindings. To make the public API available when compiling
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a .c file add #include <link:gegl.h.html[gegl.h]>, compile and link with the
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flags provided by pkg-config and you should be all set. When you are
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comfortable with the public API, or are using GEGL in some project looking at
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the link:operations.html[Operation reference] might be useful.
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The public API also includes link:api.html#GeglBuffer[GeglBuffer], a flexible
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tiled and linear raster buffer storage system.
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The bindings for use of GEGL in other programming languages than C are
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co-hosted with GEGL in GNOME git but are not part of the regular GEGL
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distribution. The following language bindings are currently available:
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512[vala],[C#],
Packit bc1512[Python] and[Ruby].
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Hello world
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The following is a small sample GEGL application that animates a zoom on a
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mandelbrot fractal. compile it with:
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 $ gcc hello-world.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags gegl` -o hello-world
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This example and others can be found in the examples subdir of the GEGL distribution.
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sys::[cat @top_srcdir@/examples/hello-world.c]
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Operation API
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An API to extend the functionality of GEGL with new image processing primitive,
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file loaders, export formats or similar. 
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Each GEGL operation is defined in a .c file that gets turned into a single
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shared object that is loaded. Each operation is a subclass of one of the
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provided base classes:
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    The base operation class, which all the other base classes are derived
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    from, deriving from this is often quite a bit of work and is encouraged
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    only when your operation doesn't fit into any of the other categories
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    The filter base class sets up GeglBuffers for input and output pads
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    The point-filter base class is for filters where an output pixel only
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    depends on the color and alpha values of the corresponding input pixel.
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    This allows you to do the processing on linear buffers, in the future
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    versions of GEGL operations implemented using the point-filter will get
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    speed increases due to more intelligent processing possible in the point
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    filter class
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    The AreaFilter base class allows defining operations where the output data
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    depends on a neighbourhood with an input window that extends beyond the
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    output window, the information about needed extra pixels in different
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    directions should be set up in the prepare callback for the operation.
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    Composer operations are operations that take two inputs named 'input' and
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    'aux' and write their output to the output pad 'output'
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    A baseclass for composer functions where the output pixels' values depends
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    only on the values of the single corresponding input and aux pixels.
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    Operations used as render sources or file loaders, the process method
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    receives a GeglBuffer to write it's output into
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    The point-render base class is a specialized source operation, where the
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    render is done in small piece to lower the need to do copies. It's dedicated
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    to operation which may be rendered in pieces, like pattern generation.
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    An operation that consumes a GeglBuffer, used for filewriters, display (for
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    the sdl display node)
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    Base class for operations that want access to previous frames in a video
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    sequence, it contains API to configure the amounts of frames to store as
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    well as getting a GeglBuffer pointing to any of the previously stored
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    Used for GEGL operations that are implemented as a sub-graph, at the moment
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    these are defined as C files but should in the future be possible to
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    declare as XML instead.
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To create your own operations you should start by looking for one that does
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approximatly what you already need. Copy it to a new .c source file, and
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replace the occurences of the filename (operation name in the source.)
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Take a look at link:brightness-contrast.c.html[the brightness contrast
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operation] for a point operation well sprinkled with comments as a starting point.
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//XML data model
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//The tree allows clones, making it possible to express any acyclic graph where
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//the nodes are all of the types: source, filter and composer.
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//GEGL can write and reads its data model to and from XML. The XML is chains of
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//image processing commands, where some chains allow a child chain (the 'over'
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//operator to implement layers for instance).
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//The type of operation associated with a node can be specified either with a
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//class attribute or by using the operation name as the tag name for the node.
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//or documentation on how this XML works, take a look at the sources in the
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//gallery. And browse the documentation for operations.
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Some environment variables can be set to alter how GEGL runs, all of these
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options are also available as properties on a singleton GObject returned from
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gegl_config ().
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    A value between 0.0 and 1.0 indicating a trade-off between quality and
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    speed. Defaults to 1.0 (max quality).
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    The amount of error that babl tolerates, set it to for instance 0.1 to use
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    some conversions that trade some quality for speed.
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    The number of pixels processed simulatnously.
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    The tile size used internally by GEGL, defaults to 128x64
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    The directory where temporary swap files are written, if not specified GEGL
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    will not swap to disk. Be aware that swapping to disk is still experimental
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    and GEGL is currently not removing the per process swap files.
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    The size of the tile cache used by GeglBuffer specified in megabytes.
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    set it to "all" to enable all debugging, more specific domains for
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    debugging information are also available.
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Packit bc1512
    When set babl will write a html file (/tmp/babl-stats.html) containing a
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    matrix of used conversions, as well as all existing conversions and which
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    optimized paths are followed.
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    Display tile/buffer leakage statistics.
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    Show the results of have/need rect negotiations.
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    Print a performance instrumentation breakdown of GEGL and it's operations.
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    Enable use of OpenCL processing.
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GEGL provides a commandline tool called gegl, for working with the XML data
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model from file, stdin or the commandline. It can display the result of
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processing the layer tree or save it to file.
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Some examples:
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Render a composition to a PNG file:
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 $ gegl composition.xml -o composition.png
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Invoke gegl like a viewer for gegl compositions:
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 $ gegl -ui -d 5 composition.xml
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Using gegl with png's passing through stdin/stdout piping.
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Packit bc1512
 $ cat input.png | gegl -o - -x "<gegl>
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Packit bc1512
      <node class='invert'/>
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      <node class='scale' x='0.5' y='0.5'/>
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      <node class='png-load' path='-'/></tree></gegl>" > output.png
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The latest development version is available in the gegl repository in GNOME
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gegl usage
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The following is the usage information of the gegl binary, this documentation
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might not be complete.
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sys::[bash -c '../bin/gegl -h 2>&1']
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Packit bc1512
The main source of documentation as GEGL grows is the
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link:operations.html[operations reference]. Plug-ins themselves register
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information about the categories they belong to, what they do, and
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documentation of the available parameters.
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Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
    A link/pipe routing image flow between operations within the graph goes
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    from an output pad to an input pad, in graph glossary this might also be
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    referred to as an edge.
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Packit bc1512
    Directed Acyclic Graph, see graph.
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Packit bc1512
    A composition of nodes, the graph is a DAG.
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Packit bc1512
    The nodes are connected in the graph. A node has an associated operation or
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    can be constructed graph.
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Packit bc1512
    The processing primitive of GEGL, is where the actual image processing
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    takes place. Operations are plug-ins and provide the actual functionality
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    of GEGL
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Packit bc1512
    The part of a node that exchanges image content. The place where image
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    "pipes" are used to connect the various operations in the composition.
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input pad::
Packit bc1512
  consumes image data, might also be seen as an image parameter to the
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Packit bc1512
output pad::
Packit bc1512
  a place where data can be requested, multiple input pads can reference
Packit bc1512
  the same output pad.
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
    Properties are what controls the behavior of operations. Through the use of
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    GParamSpecs properties they are self documenting via introspection.
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Directory overview
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Packit bc1512
GEGL dirs
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Packit bc1512
Directories marked with ⊙ use GNU make extensions to include any .c file
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dropped into the directory in the build.
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Packit bc1512
  ├──gegl               core source of GEGL, library init/deinit,
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  │   │
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  │   ├──buffer         contains the implementation of GeglBuffer
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  │   │                  - sparse (tiled)
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  │   │                  - recursivly subbuffer extendable
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  │   │                  - clipping rectangle (defaults to bounds when making
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  │   │                    subbuffers)
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  │   │                  - storage in any babl supported pixel format
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  │   │                  - read/write rectangular region as linear buffer for
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  │   │                    any babl supported pixel format.
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  │   ├──graph          graph storage and manipulation code.
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  │   ├──module         The code to load plug-ins located in a colon seperated
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  │   │                 list of paths from the environment variable GEGL_PATH
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  │   ├──operation      The GeglOperation base class, and subclasses that act
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  │   │                 as baseclasses for implementeting different types of
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  │   │                 operation plug-ins.
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  │   ├──process        The code controlling data processing.
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  │   └──property-types specialized classes/paramspecs for GeglOperation
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  │                     properties.
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  ├──examples ⊙        hello-world and other example uses of the GEGL API.
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  ├──tests             various tests used to maintain stability when developing
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  │                    GEGL.
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  ├──operations        Runtime loaded plug-ins for image processing operations.
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  │   │
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  │   ├──core ⊙        Basic operations tightly coupled with GEGL.
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  │   ├──affine        Transforming operations (rotate/scale/translate)
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  │   ├──generated ⊙   Operations generated from scripts (currently
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  │   ├──external      Operations with external dependencies.
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  │   ├──common ⊙      Other operations. 
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  │   └──workshop ⊙    Works in progress, (you must pass --enable-workshop 
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  │       │            when configurig to build these by default, you can enter
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  │       │            the directory manually and type make && sudo make install
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  │       │            as well.
Packit bc1512
  │       │
Packit bc1512
  │       ├──external  operations in the workshop with external dependencies.
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  │       └──generated generated operations that are in the workshop.
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Packit bc1512
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  ├──docs              The GEGL website (this documentation), built for your
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  │   │                the corresponding sourcetree with correct documentation
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  │   │                etc.
Packit bc1512
  │   │
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  │   └──gallery ⊙     A gallery of sample GEGL compositions, using the
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  │       │            (not yet stabilized) XML format.
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  │       │
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  │       └──data      Image data used by the sample compositions.
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  ├──bin               gegl binary, for processing XML compositions to png files.
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  ├──bindings          bindings for using GEGL from other programming languages
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  │                    not included in the tarball distribution but exist in
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  │                    the git repository.
Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
  └──tools             some small utilities to help the build.
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Table of Contents
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Packit bc1512
Packit bc1512
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