Blame docs/gegl-plugin.h.html

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<TITLE>Enscript Output</TITLE>
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<FONT COLOR="#B22222">/* This file is the public operation GEGL API, this API will change to much
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 * larger degrees than the api provided by gegl.h
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 * GEGL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
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 * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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 * GEGL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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 * License along with GEGL; if not, see <>.
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 * 2000-2008 Øyvind Kolås.
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F">"config.h"</FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">endif</FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><string.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><glib-object.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><gegl.h></FONT>
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<FONT COLOR="#B22222">/* Extra types needed when coding operations */</FONT>
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglOperation        GeglOperation;
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglOperationContext GeglOperationContext;
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglPad              GeglPad;
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglConnection       GeglConnection;
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><gegl-matrix.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><gegl-utils.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><gegl-buffer.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><gegl-paramspecs.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><gmodule.h></FONT>
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglModule     GeglModule;
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglModuleInfo GeglModuleInfo;
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglModuleDB   GeglModuleDB;
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<FONT COLOR="#B22222">/***
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 * Writing GEGL operations
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<FONT COLOR="#B22222">/*#include <geglmodule.h>*/</FONT>
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<FONT COLOR="#B22222">/*  increment the ABI version each time one of the following changes:
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 *  - the libgeglmodule implementation (if the change affects modules).
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 *  - GeglOperation or one of it's base classes changes. (XXX:-
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 *    should be extended so a range of abi versions are accepted.
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT> _GeglModuleInfo
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  guint32  abi_version;
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GType <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_module_register_type</FONT> (GTypeModule     *module,
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                                 GType            parent_type,
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                                 <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar     *type_name,
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                                 <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> GTypeInfo *type_info,
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                                 GTypeFlags       flags);
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gint            <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_operation_context_get_level</FONT>  (GeglOperationContext *self);
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GeglBuffer     *<FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_operation_context_get_source</FONT> (GeglOperationContext *self,
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                                                   <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar          *padname);
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GeglBuffer     *<FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_operation_context_get_target</FONT> (GeglOperationContext *self,
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                                                   <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar          *padname);
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">void</FONT>            <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_operation_context_set_object</FONT> (GeglOperationContext *context,
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                                                   <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar          *padname,
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                                                   GObject              *data);
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">void</FONT>            <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_operation_context_take_object</FONT>(GeglOperationContext *context,
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                                                   <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar          *padname,
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                                                   GObject              *data);
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GObject        *<FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_operation_context_get_object</FONT> (GeglOperationContext *context,
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                                                   <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar          *padname);
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">void</FONT>            <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_extension_handler_register</FONT>    (<FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar         *extension,
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                                                    <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar         *handler);
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">void</FONT>            gegl_extension_handler_register_saver
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                                                   (<FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar         *extension,
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                                                    <FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar         *handler);
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar   * <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_extension_handler_get</FONT>         (<FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar         *extension);
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar   * <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_extension_handler_get_saver</FONT>   (<FONT COLOR="#228B22">const</FONT> gchar         *extension);
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<FONT COLOR="#B22222">/* code template utility, updates the jacobian matrix using
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 * a user defined mapping function for displacement, example
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 * with an identity transform (note that for the identity
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 * transform this is massive computational overhead that can
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 * be skipped by passing NULL to the sampler.
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 * #define gegl_unmap(x,y,dx,dy) { dx=x; dy=y; }
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 * gegl_sampler_compute_scale (scale, x, y);
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 * gegl_unmap(x,y,sample_x,sample_y);
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 * gegl_buffer_sample (buffer, sample_x, sample_y, scale, dest, format,
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 *                     GEGL_SAMPLER_LOHALO);
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 * #undef gegl_unmap      // IMPORTANT undefine map macro
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">define</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_sampler_compute_scale</FONT>(matrix, x, y) \
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{                                       \
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  float ax, ay, bx, by;                 \
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  gegl_unmap(x + 0.5, y, ax, ay);       \
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  gegl_unmap(x - 0.5, y, bx, by);       \
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  matrix.coeff[0][0] = ax - bx;         \
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  matrix.coeff[1][0] = ay - by;         \
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  gegl_unmap(x, y + 0.5, ax, ay);       \
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  gegl_unmap(x, y - 0.5, bx, by);       \
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  matrix.coeff[0][1] = ax - bx;         \
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  matrix.coeff[1][1] = ay - by;         \
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<FONT COLOR="#228B22">typedef</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#228B22">struct</FONT>
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  GObject       parent_instance;
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  <FONT COLOR="#228B22">void</FONT> (* get) (GeglSampler *self,
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                gdouble      x,
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                gdouble      y,
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                GeglMatrix2 *scale,
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                <FONT COLOR="#228B22">void</FONT>        *output);
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} SamplerMock;
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">define</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#0000FF">gegl_sampler_get</FONT>(sampler,x,y,scale,dest) \
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><glib-object.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><babl/babl.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-filter.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-area-filter.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-point-filter.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-composer.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-composer3.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-point-composer.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-point-composer3.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-point-render.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-temporal.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-source.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-sink.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><operation/gegl-operation-meta.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">include</FONT> <FONT COLOR="#BC8F8F"><gegl-lookup.h></FONT>
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#<FONT COLOR="#5F9EA0">endif</FONT>  <FONT COLOR="#B22222">/* __GEGL_PLUGIN_H__ */</FONT>
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<ADDRESS>Generated by GNU Enscript</ADDRESS>
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