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Packit 6978fb
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<page xmlns="" xmlns:its="" type="topic" style="task" id="plugin-character-map" xml:lang="sl">
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    <link type="guide" xref="gedit-plugin-guide#gedit-additional-plugins"/>
Packit 6978fb
    <revision version="0.2" date="2013-02-24" status="review"/>
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    <credit type="author">
Packit 6978fb
      <name>Jim Campbell</name>
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      <email its:translate="no"></email>
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Packit 6978fb
    <credit type="author">
Packit 6978fb
      <name>Paul Weaver</name>
Packit 6978fb
      <email its:translate="no"></email>
Packit 6978fb
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Packit 6978fb
    <desc>Insert special characters just by clicking on them.</desc>
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  <title>Character Map</title>
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Packit 6978fb

The <app>Character Map</app> plugin enables you to insert characters into

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  your document that you may not be able to type easily using your keyboard. To
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  enable this plugin, select <guiseq><gui style="menu">gedit</gui>
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  <gui style="menuitem">Preferences</gui><gui>Plugins</gui>
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  <gui>Character Map</gui></guiseq>.

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<section id="using-character-map">
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  <title>Uporaba preglednice znakov</title>
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Once the plugin is enabled, you can add characters from the

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  <gui style="tab">Character Map</gui> tab of the side panel
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  (<guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Side Panel</gui></guiseq>).

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Premaknite kazalko, kamor želite vstaviti oznako ali poseben znak.

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Open the side panel by selecting <guiseq><gui>View</gui>

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      <gui>Side Panel</gui></guiseq>, or by pressing <key>F9</key>.

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Select the <gui>Character Map</gui> tab in the side panel.

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If necessary, choose the character set to which your character

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      belongs from the list at the top of the <gui style="tab">Character
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      Map</gui> tab (for example, Arabic).

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Dvokliknite na želen znak za njegovo vstavitev.

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  <note style="tip">
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Za nadaljevanje z običajnim urejanjem morate kliknite na pogled urejanja.

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