/* * gnome-keyring * * Copyright (C) 2011 Collabora Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * * Author: Stef Walter */ #include "config.h" #include "gcr-certificate-extensions.h" #include "gcr/gcr-oids.h" #include "egg/egg-asn1x.h" #include "egg/egg-asn1-defs.h" #include "egg/egg-dn.h" #include GBytes * _gcr_certificate_extension_find (GNode *cert, GQuark oid, gboolean *critical) { GNode *node; gint index; g_return_val_if_fail (cert != NULL, NULL); /* Extensions */ for (index = 1; TRUE; ++index) { node = egg_asn1x_node (cert, "tbsCertificate", "extensions", index, NULL); if (node == NULL) return NULL; /* Dig out the OID */ if (egg_asn1x_get_oid_as_quark (egg_asn1x_node (node, "extnID", NULL)) == oid) { if (critical) { if (!egg_asn1x_get_boolean (egg_asn1x_node (node, "critical", NULL), critical)) g_return_val_if_reached (NULL); } /* Extension value */ return egg_asn1x_get_string_as_bytes (egg_asn1x_node (node, "extnValue", NULL)); } } g_assert_not_reached (); } gboolean _gcr_certificate_extension_basic_constraints (GBytes *data, gboolean *is_ca, gint *path_len) { gboolean ret = TRUE; GNode *asn = NULL; GNode *node; gulong value; g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE); asn = egg_asn1x_create_and_decode (pkix_asn1_tab, "BasicConstraints", data); if (asn == NULL) return FALSE; if (path_len) { node = egg_asn1x_node (asn, "pathLenConstraint", NULL); if (!egg_asn1x_have (node)) *path_len = -1; else if (!egg_asn1x_get_integer_as_ulong (node, &value)) ret = FALSE; else *path_len = value; } if (is_ca) { node = egg_asn1x_node (asn, "cA", NULL); if (!egg_asn1x_have (node)) *is_ca = FALSE; else if (!egg_asn1x_get_boolean (node, is_ca)) ret = FALSE; } egg_asn1x_destroy (asn); return ret; } GQuark * _gcr_certificate_extension_extended_key_usage (GBytes *data) { GNode *asn = NULL; GNode *node; GArray *array; GQuark oid; int i; g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, NULL); asn = egg_asn1x_create_and_decode (pkix_asn1_tab, "ExtKeyUsageSyntax", data); if (asn == NULL) return NULL; array = g_array_new (TRUE, TRUE, sizeof (GQuark)); for (i = 0; TRUE; ++i) { node = egg_asn1x_node (asn, i + 1, NULL); if (node == NULL) break; oid = egg_asn1x_get_oid_as_quark (node); g_array_append_val (array, oid); } egg_asn1x_destroy (asn); return (GQuark*)g_array_free (array, FALSE); } gpointer _gcr_certificate_extension_subject_key_identifier (GBytes *data, gsize *n_keyid) { GNode *asn = NULL; gpointer result; g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, NULL); asn = egg_asn1x_create_and_decode (pkix_asn1_tab, "SubjectKeyIdentifier", data); if (asn == NULL) return NULL; result = egg_asn1x_get_string_as_raw (asn, g_realloc, n_keyid); egg_asn1x_destroy (asn); return result; } gboolean _gcr_certificate_extension_key_usage (GBytes *data, gulong *key_usage) { GNode *asn = NULL; gboolean ret = TRUE; guint n_bits; g_return_val_if_fail (data != NULL, FALSE); asn = egg_asn1x_create_and_decode (pkix_asn1_tab, "KeyUsage", data); if (asn == NULL) return FALSE; ret = egg_asn1x_get_bits_as_ulong (asn, key_usage, &n_bits); egg_asn1x_destroy (asn); return ret; } static void general_name_parse_other (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { GNode *decode = NULL; GQuark oid; GNode *any; general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_OTHER; general->description = _("Other Name"); general->display = NULL; oid = egg_asn1x_get_oid_as_quark (egg_asn1x_node (node, "type-id", NULL)); any = egg_asn1x_node (node, "value", NULL); if (any == NULL) return; if (oid == GCR_OID_ALT_NAME_XMPP_ADDR) { general->description = _("XMPP Addr"); decode = egg_asn1x_get_any_as (any, pkix_asn1_tab, "UTF8String"); general->display = egg_asn1x_get_string_as_utf8 (decode, g_realloc); } else if (oid == GCR_OID_ALT_NAME_DNS_SRV) { general->description = _("DNS SRV"); decode = egg_asn1x_get_any_as (any, pkix_asn1_tab, "IA5String"); general->display = egg_asn1x_get_string_as_utf8 (decode, g_realloc); } egg_asn1x_destroy (decode); } static void general_name_parse_rfc822 (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_RFC822; general->description = _("Email"); general->display = egg_asn1x_get_string_as_utf8 (node, g_realloc); } static void general_name_parse_dns (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_DNS; general->description = _("DNS"); general->display = egg_asn1x_get_string_as_utf8 (node, g_realloc); } static void general_name_parse_x400 (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_X400; general->description = _("X400 Address"); } static void general_name_parse_dn (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_DNS; general->description = _("Directory Name"); general->display = egg_dn_read (node); } static void general_name_parse_edi (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_EDI; general->description = _("EDI Party Name"); } static void general_name_parse_uri (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_URI; general->description = _("URI"); general->display = egg_asn1x_get_string_as_utf8 (node, g_realloc); } static void general_name_parse_ip (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_IP; general->description = _("IP Address"); general->display = egg_asn1x_get_string_as_utf8 (node, g_realloc); } static void general_name_parse_registered (GNode *node, GcrGeneralName *general) { general->type = GCR_GENERAL_NAME_REGISTERED_ID; general->description = _("Registered ID"); general->display = egg_asn1x_get_oid_as_string (node); } GArray* _gcr_certificate_extension_subject_alt_name (GBytes *data) { GNode *asn = NULL; guint count, i; const gchar *node_name; GArray *names; GcrGeneralName general; GNode *choice; asn = egg_asn1x_create_and_decode (pkix_asn1_tab, "SubjectAltName", data); if (asn == NULL) return NULL; names = g_array_new (FALSE, TRUE, sizeof (GcrGeneralName)); count = egg_asn1x_count (asn); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { choice = egg_asn1x_get_choice (egg_asn1x_node (asn, i + 1, NULL)); g_return_val_if_fail (choice, NULL); node_name = egg_asn1x_name (choice); g_return_val_if_fail (node_name, NULL); memset (&general, 0, sizeof (general)); if (g_str_equal (node_name, "otherName")) general_name_parse_other (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "rfc822Name")) general_name_parse_rfc822 (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "dNSName")) general_name_parse_dns (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "x400Address")) general_name_parse_x400 (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "directoryName")) general_name_parse_dn (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "ediPartyName")) general_name_parse_edi (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "uniformResourceIdentifier")) general_name_parse_uri (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "IPAddress")) general_name_parse_ip (choice, &general); else if (g_str_equal (node_name, "registeredID")) general_name_parse_registered (choice, &general); general.raw = egg_asn1x_get_element_raw (choice); g_array_append_val (names, general); } egg_asn1x_destroy (asn); return names; } void _gcr_general_names_free (GArray *names) { GcrGeneralName *name; guint i; for (i = 0; names && i < names->len; i++) { name = &g_array_index (names, GcrGeneralName, i); g_free (name->display); g_bytes_unref (name->raw); } g_array_free (names, TRUE); }