Blame test/xref.original

Packit 575503
XREF(AWK)                   Philip L. Bewig                   XREF(AWK)
Packit 575503
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Packit 575503
Packit 575503
        xref(awk) - produce a cross reference listing of an awk program
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Packit 575503
        awk -f xref.awk [ file ... ]
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Packit 575503
        XREF(AWK) takes as input a valid awk program and produces as out-
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        put a cross-reference listing of all variables and function calls
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        which appear in the program.
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Packit 575503
        For ordinary variables and array variables, a line of the form
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                count var(func) lines ...
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        is produced, where "count" is the number of times the variable is
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        used, "var" is the name of the variable, "func" is the function
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        name to which the variable is local (a null "func" indicates that
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        the variable is global), and "lines" is the number of each line
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        where the variable appears.  Appearances of the variable in a
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        function's parameter list are ignored.  The number of lines shown
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        may differ from "count" if the variable appears more than once on
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        the same line.
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        For functions, a line of the form
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                count func(define) lines ...
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        is produced, where "count" is the number of times the function is
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        called, "func" is the name of the function, "define" is the lime
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        number where the function is defined, and "lines" is the number of
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        each line where the function is called.  As for variables, the
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        number of lines shown may differ from "count."
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Packit 575503
        Output lines for variables and functions are intermixed and are
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        sorted by name.  Though terse, the output is informative, easy to
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        read, and amenable to further processing.
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        The cross-reference listing produced by running xref.awk against
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        itself is shown below:
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Packit 575503
                5 NR() 39 45 50 53 68
Packit 575503
                8 RLENGTH() 119 120 123 124 127 128 132 133
Packit 575503
                10 act() 31 34 36 40 51 54 56 63 65 67
Packit 575503
                1 arr(asplit) 90
Packit 575503
                2 arr(inarray) 93 94
Packit 575503
                1 asplit(89) 6
Packit 575503
                3 braces() 55 57 58
Packit 575503
                2 flines() 53 79
Packit 575503
                1 fs(asplit) 89
Packit 575503
                3 funcname() 42 52 61
Packit 575503
                16 i() 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 90
Packit 575503
                3 inarray(92) 37 43 48
Packit 575503
                6 j() 82 83 84
Packit 575503
                3 j(inarray) 93 94
Packit 575503
                3 keywords() 10 125 129
Packit 575503
                1 lex(97) 29
Packit 575503
                31 line() 103 104 107 108 109 110 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Packit 575503
                        119 120 122 123 124 126 127 128 131 132 133
Packit 575503
                6 lines() 39 45 50 83 84
Packit 575503
                4 local() 41 59 60 64
Packit 575503
                3 machine() 17 30 31
Packit 575503
                2 n(asplit) 89 90
Packit 575503
                15 names() 37 38 43 44 48 49 77 78 79 81 82 83 84
Packit 575503
                3 nextstate() 30 62 73
Packit 575503
                4 nnames() 38 44 49 76
Packit 575503
                4 state() 23 30 31 73
Packit 575503
                1 str(asplit) 89
Packit 575503
                3 symb() 29 30 31
Packit 575503
                2 temp() 59 60
Packit 575503
                2 temp_asplit() 89 90
Packit 575503
                31 tok() 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 53 64 101 105
Packit 575503
                        113 115 117 119 123 125 127 129 132
Packit 575503
                1 val(inarray) 94
Packit 575503
                5 xnames() 39 45 50 77 82
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Packit 575503
        For readability, some lines have been folded.
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        # xref.awk - cross reference an awk program
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Packit 575503
        BEGIN {
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                # create array of keywords to be ignored by lexer
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                asplit("BEGIN:END:atan2:break:close:continue:cos:delete:" \
Packit 575503
                        "do:else:exit:exp:for:getline:gsub:if:in:index:int:"  \
Packit 575503
                        "length:log:match:next:print:printf:rand:return:sin:" \
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                # build the symbol-state table
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                split("00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:" \
Packit 575503
                          "20:10:10:12:12:11:07:00:00:00:" \
Packit 575503
                          "08:08:08:08:08:33:08:00:00:00:" \
Packit 575503
                          "08:44:08:36:08:08:08:00:00:00:" \
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                # parse the input and store an intermediate representation
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                # of the cross-reference information
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                # set up the machine
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                state = 1
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                # run the machine
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                for (;;) {
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                        # get next symbol
Packit 575503
                        symb = lex()
Packit 575503
                        nextstate = substr(machine[state symb],1,1)
Packit 575503
                        act = substr(machine[state symb],2,1)
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Packit 575503
                        # perform required action
Packit 575503
                        if ( act == "0" )
Packit 575503
                                ; # do nothing
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "1" ) {
Packit 575503
                                if ( ! inarray(tok,names) )
Packit 575503
                                        names[++nnames] = tok
Packit 575503
                                lines[tok,++xnames[tok]] = NR }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "2" ) {
Packit 575503
                                if ( tok in local ) {
Packit 575503
                                        tok = tok "(" funcname ")"
Packit 575503
                                        if ( ! inarray(tok,names) )
Packit 575503
                                                names[++nnames] = tok
Packit 575503
                                        lines[tok,++xnames[tok]] = NR }
Packit 575503
                                else {
Packit 575503
                                        tok = tok "()"
Packit 575503
                                        if ( ! inarray(tok,names) )
Packit 575503
                                                names[++nnames] = tok
Packit 575503
                                        lines[tok,++xnames[tok]] = NR } }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "3" ) {
Packit 575503
                                funcname = tok
Packit 575503
                                flines[tok] = NR }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "4" )
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "5" ) {
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                                if ( braces == 0 ) {
Packit 575503
                                        for ( temp in local )
Packit 575503
                                                delete local[temp]
Packit 575503
                                        funcname = ""
Packit 575503
                                        nextstate = 1 } }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "6" ) {
Packit 575503
                                local[tok] = 1 }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "7" )
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                        else if ( act == "8" ) {
Packit 575503
                                print "error: xref.awk: line " NR ": aborting" \
Packit 575503
                                        > "/dev/con"
Packit 575503
                                exit 1 }
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                        # finished with current token
Packit 575503
                        state = nextstate }
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                # finished parsing, now ready to print output
Packit 575503
                for ( i = 1; i <= nnames; i++ ) {
Packit 575503
                        printf "%d ", xnames[names[i]] |"sort +1"
Packit 575503
                        if ( index(names[i],"(") == 0 )
Packit 575503
                                printf "%s(%d)", names[i], flines[names[i]] |"sort +1"
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                                printf "%s", names[i] |"sort +1"
Packit 575503
                        for ( j = 1; j <= xnames[names[i]]; j++ )
Packit 575503
                                if ( lines[names[i],j] != lines[names[i],j-1] )
Packit 575503
                                        printf " %d", lines[names[i],j] |"sort +1"
Packit 575503
                        printf "\n" |"sort +1" }
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                } # END OF PROGRAM
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
        function asplit(str,arr,fs,  n) { n = split(str,temp_asplit,fs)
Packit 575503
                for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) arr[temp_asplit[i]]++ }
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
        function inarray(val,arr,  j) {
Packit 575503
            for ( j in arr )
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                if ( arr[j] == val ) return j
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            return "" }
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Packit 575503
        function lex() {
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Packit 575503
                for (;;) {
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Packit 575503
                        if ( tok == "(eof)" ) return 7
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Packit 575503
                        while ( length(line) == 0 )
Packit 575503
                                if ( getline line == 0 ) {
Packit 575503
                                        tok = "(eof)"; return 7 }
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                        sub(/^[ \t]+/,"",line)                                # remove white space,
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                        sub(/^"([^"]|\\")*"/,"",line)             # quoted strings,
Packit 575503
                        sub(/^\/([^\/]|\\\/)+\//,"",line)     # regular expressions,
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                        sub(/^#.*/,"",line)                                   # and comments
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                        if ( line ~ /^function/ ) {
Packit 575503
                                tok = "function"; line = substr(line,9); return 1 }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( line ~ /^{/ ) {
Packit 575503
                                tok = "{"; line = substr(line,2); return 2 }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( line ~ /^}/ ) {
Packit 575503
                                tok = "}"; line = substr(line,2); return 3 }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( match(line,/^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\[/) ) {
Packit 575503
                                tok = substr(line,1,RLENGTH-1)
Packit 575503
                                line = substr(line,RLENGTH+1)
Packit 575503
                                return 5 }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( match(line,/^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*\(/) ) {
Packit 575503
                                tok = substr(line,1,RLENGTH-1)
Packit 575503
                                line = substr(line,RLENGTH+1)
Packit 575503
                                if ( ! ( tok in keywords ) ) return 6 }
Packit 575503
                        else if ( match(line,/^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*/) ) {
Packit 575503
                                tok = substr(line,1,RLENGTH)
Packit 575503
                                line = substr(line,RLENGTH+1)
Packit 575503
                                if ( ! ( tok in keywords ) ) return 4 }
Packit 575503
                        else {
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                                tok = substr(line,1,RLENGTH)
Packit 575503
                                line = substr(line,RLENGTH+1) } } }
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
        Broadly, XREF(AWK) parses an awk program using a symbol-state
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        table, in much the same way as a yacc-generated parser.  The
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        lexical analyzer recognizes seven distinct symbols:  the word
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        "function", the left brace, the right brace, identifiers used
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        as variables, identifiers used as arrays, identifiers used as
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        functions, and end of file.  The type of symbol is returned to
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        the parser as the value of the "lex" function, and the global
Packit 575503
        variable "tok" is set to the text of the current token.
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Packit 575503
        The symbol-state table is stored in the "machine" array.  The
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        table can be represented as follows:
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Packit 575503
                       symbol |     1       2  3   4     5     6     7
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Packit 575503
        state                 | "function"  {  }  var  array  func  eof
Packit 575503
        -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -+- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Packit 575503
        1 any                 |     20     10  10  12    12    11   07
Packit 575503
        2 "function"          |     08     08  08  08    08    33   08
Packit 575503
        3 "function" name     |     08     44  08  36    08    08   08
Packit 575503
        4 "function" name "{" |     08     44  45  42    42    41   08
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        where the first digit is the state to be entered after process-
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        ing the current token and the second digit is an action to be
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        performed.  The actions are listed below:
Packit 575503
Packit 575503
                1       found a function call
Packit 575503
                2       found a variable or array
Packit 575503
                3       found a function definition
Packit 575503
                4       found a left brace
Packit 575503
                5       found a right brace
Packit 575503
                6       found a local variable declaration
Packit 575503
                7       found end of file
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                8       found an error
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Packit 575503
        Each of the first six actions causes some information about the
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        target program to be stored for later processing; the structures
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        used will be discussed below.  The seventh action causes the
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        parser to exit.  The eighth action causes errors to be reported
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        to standard error and the program to abort.
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        Before describing the intermediate data structures, we will
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        discuss some of the more interesting points in the action calls.
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        The "braces" variable keeps track of whether we are currently
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        within a functions; it is positive within a function and zero
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        without.  When the right brace which causes the value of "braces"
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        to go from one to zero is found, the value of "nextstate" is
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        changed from four (scanning a function) to one (any) and the
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        names of local variables are forgotten.  The "local" array is
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        accumulated from the variables found after the function name but
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        before the opening left brace of the function; action two care-
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        fully checks whether a variable is global or local before writing
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        to the intermediate data structure.  The variable "funcname" is
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        the name of the current function when within a function and null
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Packit 575503
        The following arrays store an intermediate representation of the
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        variable and function identifiers of the target program:
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Packit 575503
                names[1..nnames] = list of all identifiers, both variable and
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                        function names; for variables, the name has the form
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                        var(func), but for functions, there are no parentheses
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                xnames[names[i]] = number of times names[i] is used
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                lines[names[i],1..xnames[names[i]]] = list of line numbers
Packit 575503
                        where names[i] is used
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                flines[names[i]] = line number where function names[i] is
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        These arrays are created as the parser reads the input; when the
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        parser is finished, the arrays are output in user-readable form.
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        XREF(AWK) will work with any implementation of nawk.  The MKS
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        ToolKit implementation requires the large-model version of awk.
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Packit 575503
        Written by Phil Bewig on February 10, 1990.  Inspired by
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        Exercise 3-16 of the book "The Awk Programming Language" by
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        Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan and Peter J. Weinberger
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        (Addison-Wesley:  1988).
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        This program is placed in the public domain.  However, the
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        author requests credit when distributed. 
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