/* PackTab - Pack a static table * Copyright (C) 2001 Behdad Esfahbod. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library, in a file named COPYING; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * * For licensing issues, contact . */ /* 8 <= N <= 2^21 int key 1 <= max_depth <= 21 */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #include #ifdef STDC_HEADERS # include # include #else # if HAVE_STDLIB_H # include # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H # if !STDC_HEADERS && HAVE_MEMORY_H # include # endif # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H # include #endif #include "packtab.h" typedef signed int uni_table[1024 * 1024 * 2]; static int n, a, max_depth, digits, tab_width, per_row; static long N; signed int def_key; static uni_table temp, x, perm, *tab; static long packtab_pow[22], cluster, cmpcluster; static const char *const *name, *key_type_name, *table_name, *macro_name; static FILE *f; static long most_binary ( long min, long max ) { /* min should be less than max */ register int i, ii; if (min == max) return max; for (i = 21; max < packtab_pow[i]; i--) ; ii = i; while (i && !((min ^ max) & packtab_pow[i])) i--; if (ii == i) { /* min is less than half of max */ for (i = 21 - 1; min < packtab_pow[i]; i--) ; i++; return packtab_pow[i]; } return max & (packtab_pow[i] - 1); } static void init ( const signed int *table ) { register int i; /* initialize powers of two */ packtab_pow[0] = 1; for (i = 1; i <= 21; i++) packtab_pow[i] = packtab_pow[i - 1] << 1; /* reduce number of elements to get a more binary number */ { long essen; /* find number of essential items */ essen = N - 1; while (essen && table[essen] == def_key) essen--; essen++; N = most_binary (essen, N); } for (n = 21; N % packtab_pow[n]; n--) ; digits = (n + 3) / 4; for (i = 6; i; i--) if (packtab_pow[i] * (tab_width + 1) < 80) break; per_row = packtab_pow[i]; } static int compare ( const void *r, const void *s ) { int i; for (i = 0; i < cmpcluster; i++) if (((int *) r)[i] != ((int *) s)[i]) return ((int *) r)[i] - ((int *) s)[i]; return 0; } static int lev, best_lev, p[22], best_p[22], nn; static long c[22], best_c[22], s, best_s; static long t[22], best_t[22], clusters[22], best_cluster[22]; static void found ( void ) { int i; if (s < best_s) { best_s = s; best_lev = lev; for (i = 0; i <= lev; i++) { best_p[i] = p[i]; best_c[i] = c[i]; best_t[i] = t[i]; best_cluster[i] = clusters[i]; } } } static void bt ( int node_size ) { long i, j, k, y, sbak; long key_bytes; if (t[lev] == 1) { found (); return; } if (lev == max_depth) return; for (i = 1 - t[lev] % 2; i <= nn + (t[lev] >> nn) % 2; i++) { nn -= (p[lev] = i); clusters[lev] = cluster = (i && nn >= 0) ? packtab_pow[i] : t[lev]; cmpcluster = cluster + 1; t[lev + 1] = (t[lev] - 1) / cluster + 1; for (j = 0; j < t[lev + 1]; j++) { memmove (temp + j * cmpcluster, tab[lev] + j * cluster, cluster * sizeof (tab[lev][0])); temp[j * cmpcluster + cluster] = j; } qsort (temp, t[lev + 1], cmpcluster * sizeof (temp[0]), compare); for (j = 0; j < t[lev + 1]; j++) { perm[j] = temp[j * cmpcluster + cluster]; temp[j * cmpcluster + cluster] = 0; } k = 1; y = 0; tab[lev + 1][perm[0]] = perm[0]; for (j = 1; j < t[lev + 1]; j++) { if (compare (temp + y, temp + y + cmpcluster)) { k++; tab[lev + 1][perm[j]] = perm[j]; } else tab[lev + 1][perm[j]] = tab[lev + 1][perm[j - 1]]; y += cmpcluster; } sbak = s; s += k * node_size * cluster; c[lev] = k; if (s >= best_s) { s = sbak; nn += i; return; } key_bytes = k * cluster; key_bytes = key_bytes < 0xff ? 1 : key_bytes < 0xffff ? 2 : 4; lev++; bt (key_bytes); lev--; s = sbak; nn += i; } } static void solve ( void ) { best_lev = max_depth + 2; best_s = N * a * 2; lev = 0; s = 0; nn = n; t[0] = N; bt (a); } static void write_array ( long max_key ) { int i, j, k, y, ii, ofs; const char *key_type; if (best_t[lev] == 1) return; nn -= (i = best_p[lev]); cluster = best_cluster[lev]; cmpcluster = cluster + 1; t[lev + 1] = best_t[lev + 1]; for (j = 0; j < t[lev + 1]; j++) { memmove (temp + j * cmpcluster, tab[lev] + j * cluster, cluster * sizeof (tab[lev][0])); temp[j * cmpcluster + cluster] = j; } qsort (temp, t[lev + 1], cmpcluster * sizeof (temp[0]), compare); for (j = 0; j < t[lev + 1]; j++) { perm[j] = temp[j * cmpcluster + cluster]; temp[j * cmpcluster + cluster] = 0; } k = 1; y = 0; tab[lev + 1][perm[0]] = x[0] = perm[0]; for (j = 1; j < t[lev + 1]; j++) { if (compare (temp + y, temp + y + cmpcluster)) { x[k] = perm[j]; tab[lev + 1][perm[j]] = x[k]; k++; } else tab[lev + 1][perm[j]] = tab[lev + 1][perm[j - 1]]; y += cmpcluster; } i = 0; for (ii = 1; ii < k; ii++) if (x[ii] < x[i]) i = ii; key_type = !lev ? key_type_name : max_key <= 0xff ? "PACKTAB_UINT8" : max_key <= 0xffff ? "PACKTAB_UINT16" : "PACKTAB_UINT32"; fprintf (f, "static const %s %sLev%d[%ld*%d] = {", key_type, table_name, best_lev - lev - 1, cluster, k); ofs = 0; for (ii = 0; ii < k; ii++) { int kk, jj; fprintf (f, "\n#define %sLev%d_%0*lX 0x%0X", table_name, best_lev - lev - 1, digits, x[i] * packtab_pow[n - nn], ofs); kk = x[i] * cluster; if (!lev) if (name) for (j = 0; j < cluster; j++) { if (!(j % per_row) && j != cluster - 1) fprintf (f, "\n "); fprintf (f, "%*s,", tab_width, name[tab[lev][kk++]]); } else for (j = 0; j < cluster; j++) { if (!(j % per_row) && j != cluster - 1) fprintf (f, "\n "); fprintf (f, "%*d,", tab_width, tab[lev][kk++]); } else for (j = 0; j < cluster; j++, kk++) fprintf (f, "\n %sLev%d_%0*lX, /* %0*lX..%0*lX */", table_name, best_lev - lev, digits, tab[lev][kk] * packtab_pow[n - nn - best_p[lev]], digits, x[i] * packtab_pow[n - nn] + j * packtab_pow[n - nn - best_p[lev]], digits, x[i] * packtab_pow[n - nn] + (j + 1) * packtab_pow[n - nn - best_p[lev]] - 1); ofs += cluster; jj = i; for (j = 0; j < k; j++) if (x[j] > x[i] && (x[j] < x[jj] || jj == i)) jj = j; i = jj; } fprintf (f, "\n};\n\n"); lev++; write_array (cluster * k); lev--; } static void write_source ( void ) { int i, j; lev = 0; s = 0; nn = n; t[0] = N; fprintf (f, "\n" "/* *IND" "ENT-OFF* */\n\n"); write_array (0); fprintf (f, "/* *IND" "ENT-ON* */\n\n"); fprintf (f, "#define %s(x) \\\n", macro_name); fprintf (f, "\t((x) >= 0x%lx ? ", N); if (name) fprintf (f, "%s", name[def_key]); else fprintf (f, "%d", def_key); fprintf (f, " : "); j = 0; for (i = best_lev - 1; i >= 0; i--) { fprintf (f, " \\\n\t%sLev%d[((x)", table_name, i); if (j != 0) fprintf (f, " >> %d", j); if (i) fprintf (f, " & 0x%02lx) +", packtab_pow[best_p[best_lev - 1 - i]] - 1); j += best_p[best_lev - 1 - i]; } fprintf (f, ")"); for (i = 0; i < best_lev; i++) fprintf (f, "]"); fprintf (f, ")\n\n"); } static void write_out ( void ) { int i; fprintf (f, "/*\n" " generated by packtab.c version %d\n\n" " use %s(key) to access your table\n\n" " assumed sizeof(%s): %d\n" " required memory: %ld\n" " lookups: %d\n" " partition shape: %s", packtab_version, macro_name, key_type_name, a, best_s, best_lev, table_name); for (i = best_lev - 1; i >= 0; i--) fprintf (f, "[%ld]", best_cluster[i]); fprintf (f, "\n" " different table entries:"); for (i = best_lev - 1; i >= 0; i--) fprintf (f, " %ld", best_c[i]); fprintf (f, "\n*/\n"); write_source (); } int pack_table ( const signed int *base, long key_num, int key_size, signed int default_key, int p_max_depth, int p_tab_width, const char *const *p_name, const char *p_key_type_name, const char *p_table_name, const char *p_macro_name, FILE *out ) { N = key_num; a = key_size; def_key = default_key; max_depth = p_max_depth; tab_width = p_tab_width; name = p_name; key_type_name = p_key_type_name; table_name = p_table_name; macro_name = p_macro_name; f = out; init (base); if (!(tab = malloc ((n + 1) * sizeof (tab[0])))) return 0; memmove (tab[0], base, N * sizeof (base[0])); solve (); write_out (); free (tab); return 1; } /* End of packtab.c */