/** * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation * Time Zone Redirection Table Generator * * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* Run with ' csi scripts/TimeZones.csx' from freerdp checkout root */ using System; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; struct SYSTEM_TIME_ENTRY { public UInt16 wYear; public UInt16 wMonth; public UInt16 wDayOfWeek; public UInt16 wDay; public UInt16 wHour; public UInt16 wMinute; public UInt16 wSecond; public UInt16 wMilliseconds; }; struct TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY { public long TicksStart; public long TicksEnd; public Int32 DaylightDelta; public SYSTEM_TIME_ENTRY StandardDate; public SYSTEM_TIME_ENTRY DaylightDate; }; struct TIME_ZONE_ENTRY { public string Id; public Int32 Bias; public bool SupportsDST; public string DisplayName; public string StandardName; public string DaylightName; public string RuleTable; public UInt32 RuleTableCount; }; int i; UInt32 index; const string file = @"winpr/libwinpr/timezone/TimeZones.c"; TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] rules; StreamWriter stream = new StreamWriter(file, false); ReadOnlyCollection timeZones = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones(); Console.WriteLine("Updating " + file); stream.WriteLine("/* "); stream.WriteLine(" * Automatically generated with scripts/TimeZones.csx"); stream.WriteLine(" */ "); stream.WriteLine(); stream.WriteLine("#include \"TimeZones.h\""); stream.WriteLine(); index = 0; foreach (TimeZoneInfo timeZone in timeZones) { rules = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules(); if ((!timeZone.SupportsDaylightSavingTime) || (rules.Length < 1)) { index++; continue; } stream.WriteLine("static const TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY TimeZoneRuleTable_{0}[] =", index); stream.WriteLine("{"); i = 0; foreach (TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule rule in rules) { DateTime time; TIME_ZONE_RULE_ENTRY tzr; TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime transition; tzr.TicksStart = rule.DateEnd.ToUniversalTime().Ticks; tzr.TicksEnd = rule.DateStart.ToUniversalTime().Ticks; tzr.DaylightDelta = (Int32)rule.DaylightDelta.TotalMinutes; transition = rule.DaylightTransitionEnd; time = transition.TimeOfDay; tzr.StandardDate.wYear = (UInt16)0; tzr.StandardDate.wMonth = (UInt16)transition.Month; tzr.StandardDate.wDayOfWeek = (UInt16)transition.DayOfWeek; tzr.StandardDate.wDay = (UInt16)transition.Week; tzr.StandardDate.wHour = (UInt16)time.Hour; tzr.StandardDate.wMinute = (UInt16)time.Minute; tzr.StandardDate.wSecond = (UInt16)time.Second; tzr.StandardDate.wMilliseconds = (UInt16)time.Millisecond; transition = rule.DaylightTransitionStart; time = transition.TimeOfDay; tzr.DaylightDate.wYear = (UInt16)0; tzr.DaylightDate.wMonth = (UInt16)transition.Month; tzr.DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek = (UInt16)transition.DayOfWeek; tzr.DaylightDate.wDay = (UInt16)transition.Week; tzr.DaylightDate.wHour = (UInt16)time.Hour; tzr.DaylightDate.wMinute = (UInt16)time.Minute; tzr.DaylightDate.wSecond = (UInt16)time.Second; tzr.DaylightDate.wMilliseconds = (UInt16)time.Millisecond; stream.Write("\t{"); stream.Write(" {0}ULL, {1}ULL, {2},", tzr.TicksStart, tzr.TicksEnd, tzr.DaylightDelta); stream.Write(" { "); stream.Write("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}", tzr.StandardDate.wYear, tzr.StandardDate.wMonth, tzr.StandardDate.wDayOfWeek, tzr.StandardDate.wDay, tzr.StandardDate.wHour, tzr.StandardDate.wMinute, tzr.StandardDate.wSecond, tzr.StandardDate.wMilliseconds); stream.Write(" }, "); stream.Write("{ "); stream.Write("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}", tzr.DaylightDate.wYear, tzr.DaylightDate.wMonth, tzr.DaylightDate.wDayOfWeek, tzr.DaylightDate.wDay, tzr.DaylightDate.wHour, tzr.DaylightDate.wMinute, tzr.DaylightDate.wSecond, tzr.DaylightDate.wMilliseconds); stream.Write(" },"); if (++i < rules.Length) stream.WriteLine(" },"); else stream.WriteLine(" }"); } stream.WriteLine("};"); stream.WriteLine(); index++; } index = 0; stream.WriteLine("const TIME_ZONE_ENTRY TimeZoneTable[] ="); stream.WriteLine("{"); foreach (TimeZoneInfo timeZone in timeZones) { TIME_ZONE_ENTRY tz; TimeSpan offset = timeZone.BaseUtcOffset; rules = timeZone.GetAdjustmentRules(); tz.Id = timeZone.Id; tz.Bias = -(Int32)offset.TotalMinutes; tz.SupportsDST = timeZone.SupportsDaylightSavingTime; tz.DisplayName = timeZone.DisplayName; tz.StandardName = timeZone.StandardName; tz.DaylightName = timeZone.DaylightName; if ((!tz.SupportsDST) || (rules.Length < 1)) { tz.RuleTableCount = 0; tz.RuleTable = "NULL"; } else { tz.RuleTableCount = (UInt32)rules.Length; tz.RuleTable = "TimeZoneRuleTable_" + index; } stream.WriteLine("\t{"); stream.WriteLine("\t\t\"{0}\", {1}, {2}, \"{3}\",", tz.Id, tz.Bias, tz.SupportsDST ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", tz.DisplayName); stream.WriteLine("\t\t\"{0}\", \"{1}\",", tz.StandardName, tz.DaylightName); stream.WriteLine("\t\t{0}, {1}", tz.RuleTable, tz.RuleTableCount); index++; if ((int)index < timeZones.Count) stream.WriteLine("\t},"); else stream.WriteLine("\t}"); } stream.WriteLine("};"); stream.WriteLine(); stream.WriteLine("const size_t TimeZoneTableNrElements = ARRAYSIZE(TimeZoneTable);"); stream.WriteLine(); stream.Close();