Blame server/Windows/wf_mirage.c

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 * FreeRDP: A Remote Desktop Protocol Implementation
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 * FreeRDP Windows Server
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 * Copyright 2012 Marc-Andre Moreau <>
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 * Copyright 2012-2013 Corey Clayton <>
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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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 * limitations under the License.
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#include <winpr/tchar.h>
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#include <winpr/windows.h>
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#include "wf_mirage.h"
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#define DEVICE_KEY_PREFIX	_T("\\Registry\\Machine\\")
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This function will iterate over the loaded display devices until it finds
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the mirror device we want to load. If found, it will then copy the registry
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key corresponding to the device to the wfi and returns TRUE. Otherwise
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the function returns FALSE.
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BOOL wf_mirror_driver_find_display_device(wfInfo* wfi)
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	BOOL result;
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	BOOL devFound;
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	DWORD deviceNumber;
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	devFound = FALSE;
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	deviceNumber = 0;
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	deviceInfo.cb = sizeof(deviceInfo);
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	while (result = EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, deviceNumber, &deviceInfo, 0))
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		if (_tcscmp(deviceInfo.DeviceString, _T("Mirage Driver")) == 0)
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			int deviceKeyLength;
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			int deviceKeyPrefixLength;
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			deviceKeyPrefixLength = _tcslen(DEVICE_KEY_PREFIX);
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			if (_tcsnicmp(deviceInfo.DeviceKey, DEVICE_KEY_PREFIX, deviceKeyPrefixLength) == 0)
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				deviceKeyLength = _tcslen(deviceInfo.DeviceKey) - deviceKeyPrefixLength;
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				wfi->deviceKey = (LPTSTR) malloc((deviceKeyLength + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
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				if (!wfi->deviceKey)
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					return FALSE;
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				_tcsncpy_s(wfi->deviceKey, deviceKeyLength + 1,
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					&deviceInfo.DeviceKey[deviceKeyPrefixLength], deviceKeyLength);
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			_tcsncpy_s(wfi->deviceName, 32, deviceInfo.DeviceName, _tcslen(deviceInfo.DeviceName));
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			return TRUE;
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	return FALSE;
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 * This function will attempt to access the the windows registry using the device
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 * key stored in the current wfi. It will attempt to read the value of the
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 * "Attach.ToDesktop" subkey and will return TRUE if the value is already set to
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 * val. If unable to read the subkey, this function will return FALSE. If the 
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 * subkey is not set to val it will then attempt to set it to val and return TRUE. If 
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 * unsuccessful or an unexpected value is encountered, the function returns 
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BOOL wf_mirror_driver_display_device_attach(wfInfo* wfi, DWORD mode)
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	HKEY hKey;
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	LONG status;
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	DWORD dwType;
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	DWORD dwSize;
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	DWORD dwValue;
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	status = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wfi->deviceKey,
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		0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &hKey);
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	if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
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		WLog_DBG(TAG, "Error opening RegKey: status=0x%08lX", status);
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		if (status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "access denied. Do you have admin privleges?");
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		return FALSE;
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	dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
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	status = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, _T("Attach.ToDesktop"),
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		NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*) &dwValue, &dwSize);
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	if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
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		WLog_DBG(TAG, "Error querying RegKey: status=0x%08lX", status);
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		if (status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "access denied. Do you have admin privleges?");
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		return FALSE;
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	if (dwValue ^ mode) //only if we want to change modes
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		dwValue = mode;
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		dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
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		status = RegSetValueEx(hKey, _T("Attach.ToDesktop"),
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			0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*) &dwValue, dwSize);
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		if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS)
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "Error writing registry key: %ld", status);
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			if (status == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
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				WLog_DBG(TAG, "access denied. Do you have admin privleges?");
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "");
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			return FALSE;
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	return TRUE;
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void wf_mirror_driver_print_display_change_status(LONG status)
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	TCHAR disp_change[64];
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	switch (status)
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_BADDUALVIEW"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_BADFLAGS"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_BADMODE"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_BADPARAM"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_FAILED"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_NOTUPDATED"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_RESTART"));
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			_tcscpy(disp_change, _T("DISP_CHANGE_UNKNOWN"));
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		WLog_ERR(TAG, "ChangeDisplaySettingsEx() failed with %s (%ld)", disp_change, status);
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		WLog_INFO(TAG, "ChangeDisplaySettingsEx() succeeded with %s (%ld)", disp_change, status);
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 * This function will attempt to apply the currently configured display settings 
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 * in the registry to the display driver. It will return TRUE if successful 
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 * otherwise it returns FALSE.
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 * If mode is MIRROR_UNLOAD then the the driver will be asked to remove itself.
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BOOL wf_mirror_driver_update(wfInfo* wfi, int mode)
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	HDC dc;
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	BOOL status;
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	DWORD* extHdr;
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	WORD drvExtraSaved;
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	DEVMODE* deviceMode;
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	LONG disp_change_status;
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	DWORD dmf_devmodewext_magic_sig = 0xDF20C0DE;
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	if ( (mode != MIRROR_LOAD) && (mode != MIRROR_UNLOAD) )
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		WLog_DBG(TAG, "Invalid mirror mode!");
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		return FALSE;
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	deviceMode = (DEVMODE*) malloc(sizeof(DEVMODE) + EXT_DEVMODE_SIZE_MAX);
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	if (!deviceMode)
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		return FALSE;
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	deviceMode->dmDriverExtra = 2 * sizeof(DWORD);
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	extHdr = (DWORD*)((BYTE*) &deviceMode + sizeof(DEVMODE)); 
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	extHdr[0] = dmf_devmodewext_magic_sig;
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	extHdr[1] = 0;
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	drvExtraSaved = deviceMode->dmDriverExtra;
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	memset(deviceMode, 0, sizeof(DEVMODE) + EXT_DEVMODE_SIZE_MAX);
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	deviceMode->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE);
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	deviceMode->dmDriverExtra = drvExtraSaved;
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	if (mode == MIRROR_LOAD)
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		wfi->virtscreen_width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN);
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		wfi->virtscreen_height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN);
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		deviceMode->dmPelsWidth = wfi->virtscreen_width;
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		deviceMode->dmPelsHeight = wfi->virtscreen_height;
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		deviceMode->dmBitsPerPel = wfi->bitsPerPixel;
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		deviceMode->dmPosition.x = wfi->servscreen_xoffset;
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		deviceMode->dmPosition.y = wfi->servscreen_yoffset;
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	_tcsncpy_s(deviceMode->dmDeviceName, 32, wfi->deviceName, _tcslen(wfi->deviceName));
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	disp_change_status = ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(wfi->deviceName, deviceMode, NULL, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY, NULL);
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	status = (disp_change_status == DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL) ? TRUE : FALSE;
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	if (!status)
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	return status;
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BOOL wf_mirror_driver_map_memory(wfInfo* wfi)
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	int status;
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	wfi->driverDC = CreateDC(wfi->deviceName, NULL, NULL, NULL);
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	if (wfi->driverDC == NULL)
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		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Could not create device driver context!");
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			LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
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			DWORD dw = GetLastError(); 
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				(LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
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				0, NULL );
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			// Display the error message and exit the process
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			WLog_ERR(TAG, "CreateDC failed on device [%s] with error %lu: %s", wfi->deviceName, dw, lpMsgBuf);
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		return FALSE;
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	wfi->changeBuffer = calloc(1, sizeof(GETCHANGESBUF));
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	if (!wfi->changeBuffer)
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		return FALSE;
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	status = ExtEscape(wfi->driverDC, dmf_esc_usm_pipe_map, 0, 0, sizeof(GETCHANGESBUF), (LPSTR) wfi->changeBuffer);
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	if (status <= 0)
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		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to map shared memory from the driver! code %d", status);
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		return FALSE;
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	return TRUE;
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/* Unmap the shared memory and release the DC */
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BOOL wf_mirror_driver_cleanup(wfInfo* wfi)
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	int status;
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	status = ExtEscape(wfi->driverDC, dmf_esc_usm_pipe_unmap, sizeof(GETCHANGESBUF), (LPSTR) wfi->changeBuffer, 0, 0);
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	if (status <= 0)
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		WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to unmap shared memory from the driver! code %d", status);
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	if (wfi->driverDC != NULL)
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		status = DeleteDC(wfi->driverDC);
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		if (status == 0)
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			WLog_ERR(TAG, "Failed to release DC!");
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	return TRUE;
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BOOL wf_mirror_driver_activate(wfInfo* wfi)
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	if (!wfi->mirrorDriverActive)
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		WLog_DBG(TAG, "Activating Mirror Driver");
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		if (wf_mirror_driver_find_display_device(wfi) == FALSE)
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "Could not find dfmirage mirror driver! Is it installed?");
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			return FALSE;
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		if (wf_mirror_driver_display_device_attach(wfi, 1) == FALSE)
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "Could not attach display device!");
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			return FALSE;
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		if (wf_mirror_driver_update(wfi, MIRROR_LOAD) == FALSE)
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "could not update system with new display settings!");
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			return FALSE;
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		if (wf_mirror_driver_map_memory(wfi) == FALSE)
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			WLog_DBG(TAG, "Unable to map memory for mirror driver!");
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			return FALSE;
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		wfi->mirrorDriverActive = TRUE;
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	return TRUE;
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void wf_mirror_driver_deactivate(wfInfo* wfi)
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	if (wfi->mirrorDriverActive)
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		WLog_DBG(TAG, "Deactivating Mirror Driver");
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		wf_mirror_driver_display_device_attach(wfi, 0);
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		wf_mirror_driver_update(wfi, MIRROR_UNLOAD);
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		wfi->mirrorDriverActive = FALSE;
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