Blame client/iOS/Models/RDPKeyboard.h

Packit 1fb8d4
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 RDP Keyboard helper
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Packit 1fb8d4
 Copyright 2013 Thincast Technologies GmbH, Author: Martin Fleisz
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 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
Packit Service 5a9772
 If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at
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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
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#import "RDPSession.h"
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@class RDPKeyboard;
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@protocol RDPKeyboardDelegate <NSObject>
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- (void)modifiersChangedForKeyboard:(RDPKeyboard *)keyboard;
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Packit Service 5a9772
@interface RDPKeyboard : NSObject
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	RDPSession *_session;
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	int _virtual_key_map[256];
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	int _unicode_map[256];
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	NSDictionary *_special_keys;
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	NSObject<RDPKeyboardDelegate> *_delegate;
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	BOOL _ctrl_pressed;
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	BOOL _alt_pressed;
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	BOOL _shift_pressed;
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	BOOL _win_pressed;
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@property(assign) id<RDPKeyboardDelegate> delegate;
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@property(readonly) BOOL ctrlPressed;
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@property(readonly) BOOL altPressed;
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@property(readonly) BOOL shiftPressed;
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@property(readonly) BOOL winPressed;
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// returns a keyboard instance
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+ (RDPKeyboard *)getSharedRDPKeyboard;
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// init the keyboard and assign the given rdp session and delegate
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- (void)initWithSession:(RDPSession *)session delegate:(NSObject<RDPKeyboardDelegate> *)delegate;
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// called to reset any pending key states (i.e. pressed modifier keys)
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- (void)reset;
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// sends the given unicode character to the server
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- (void)sendUnicode:(int)character;
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// send a key stroke event using the given virtual key code
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- (void)sendVirtualKeyCode:(int)keyCode;
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// toggle ctrl key, returns true if pressed, otherwise false
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- (void)toggleCtrlKey;
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// toggle alt key, returns true if pressed, otherwise false
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- (void)toggleAltKey;
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// toggle shift key, returns true if pressed, otherwise false
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- (void)toggleShiftKey;
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// toggle windows key, returns true if pressed, otherwise false
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- (void)toggleWinKey;
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// send key strokes
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- (void)sendEnterKeyStroke;
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- (void)sendEscapeKeyStroke;
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- (void)sendBackspaceKeyStroke;
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