Blame .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/

Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
name: Bug report
Packit Service fa4841
about: Create a report to help us improve
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**Found a bug? - We would like to help you and smash the bug away.**
Packit Service fa4841
1. __Please don't "report" questions as bugs. For these (questions/build instructions/...) please use one of the following means of contact:__
Packit Service fa4841
   * We are reachable via IRC _#freerdp on freenode_
Packit Service fa4841
   * We are reachable via mailing list <>
Packit Service fa4841
   * Try our mailing list for discussions/questions
Packit Service fa4841
1. Before reporting a bug have a look into our issue tracker to see if the bug was already reported and you can add some additional information.
Packit Service fa4841
1. If it's a __new__ bug - create a new issue.
Packit Service fa4841
1. For more details see
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**Describe the bug**
Packit Service fa4841
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**To Reproduce**
Packit Service fa4841
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Packit Service fa4841
1. Go to '...'
Packit Service fa4841
2. Click on '....'
Packit Service fa4841
3. Scroll down to '....'
Packit Service fa4841
4. See error
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**Expected behavior**
Packit Service fa4841
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**Application details**
Packit Service fa4841
* Version of FreeRDP
Packit Service fa4841
* Command line used
Packit Service fa4841
* output of `/buildconfig`
Packit Service fa4841
* OS version connecting to
Packit Service fa4841
* If available the log output from a run with `/log-level:trace` 
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
Packit Service fa4841
 - OS: [e.g. iOS]
Packit Service fa4841
 - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
Packit Service fa4841
 - Version [e.g. 22]
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**Smartphone (please complete the following information):**
Packit Service fa4841
 - Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
Packit Service fa4841
 - OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
Packit Service fa4841
 - Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
Packit Service fa4841
 - Version [e.g. 22]
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
**Additional context**
Packit Service fa4841
Add any other context about the problem here.
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
** Please remove this text before submitting your issue!
Packit Service fa4841
Packit Service fa4841
_Thank you for reporting a bug!_