/* * fprintd example to delete fingerprints * Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Drake * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include "manager-dbus-glue.h" #include "device-dbus-glue.h" static DBusGProxy *manager = NULL; static DBusGConnection *connection = NULL; static void create_manager(void) { GError *error = NULL; connection = dbus_g_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &error); if (connection == NULL) { g_print("Failed to connect to session bus: %s\n", error->message); exit (1); } manager = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(connection, "net.reactivated.Fprint", "/net/reactivated/Fprint/Manager", "net.reactivated.Fprint.Manager"); } static void delete_fingerprints(DBusGProxy *dev, const char *username) { GError *error = NULL; GHashTable *props; DBusGProxy *p; p = dbus_g_proxy_new_from_proxy(dev, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", NULL); if (!dbus_g_proxy_call (p, "GetAll", &error, G_TYPE_STRING, "net.reactivated.Fprint.Device", G_TYPE_INVALID, dbus_g_type_get_map ("GHashTable", G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_VALUE), &props, G_TYPE_INVALID)) { g_print("GetAll on the Properties interface failed: %s\n", error->message); exit (1); } if (!net_reactivated_Fprint_Device_delete_enrolled_fingers(dev, username, &error)) { if (dbus_g_error_has_name (error, "net.reactivated.Fprint.Error.NoEnrolledPrints") == FALSE) { g_print("ListEnrolledFingers failed: %s\n", error->message); exit (1); } else { g_print ("No fingerprints to delete on %s\n", g_value_get_string (g_hash_table_lookup (props, "name"))); } } else { g_print ("Fingerprints deleted on %s\n", g_value_get_string (g_hash_table_lookup (props, "name"))); } g_hash_table_destroy (props); g_object_unref (p); } static void process_devices(char **argv) { GError *error = NULL; GPtrArray *devices; char *path; guint i; if (!net_reactivated_Fprint_Manager_get_devices(manager, &devices, &error)) { g_print("list_devices failed: %s\n", error->message); exit (1); } if (devices->len == 0) { g_print("No devices found\n"); exit(1); } g_print("found %d devices\n", devices->len); for (i = 0; i < devices->len; i++) { path = g_ptr_array_index(devices, i); g_print("Device at %s\n", path); } for (i = 0; i < devices->len; i++) { guint j; DBusGProxy *dev; path = g_ptr_array_index(devices, i); g_print("Using device %s\n", path); /* FIXME use for_name_owner?? */ dev = dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name(connection, "net.reactivated.Fprint", path, "net.reactivated.Fprint.Device"); for (j = 1; argv[j] != NULL; j++) delete_fingerprints (dev, argv[j]); g_object_unref (dev); } g_ptr_array_foreach(devices, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_ptr_array_free(devices, TRUE); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 36, 0) g_type_init(); #endif create_manager(); if (argc < 2) { g_print ("Usage: %s [usernames...]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } process_devices (argv); return 0; }