Blame tox.ini

rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
envlist = py{27,36}-cov, htmlcov
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
basepython =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    py27: {env:TOXPYTHON:python2.7}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    pypy: {env:TOXPYTHON:pypy}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    py34: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.4}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    py35: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.5}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    py36: {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.6}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
deps =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    cov: coverage>=4.3
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
install_command =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    pip install -v {opts} {packages}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
commands =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # run the test suite against the package installed inside tox env.
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # We use parallel mode and then combine later so that will take
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # paths like .tox/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fontTools and collapse
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # them into Lib/fontTools.
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    cov: coverage run --parallel-mode -m pytest {posargs}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    nocov: pytest {posargs}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
basepython = {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.6}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
deps =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
skip_install = true
rpm-build 6a2e4c
commands =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    coverage combine
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    coverage html
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
passenv = *
rpm-build 6a2e4c
basepython = {env:TOXPYTHON:python}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
deps =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
skip_install = true
rpm-build 6a2e4c
ignore_outcome = true
rpm-build 6a2e4c
commands =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    coverage combine
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    codecov --env TOXENV
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
basepython = {env:TOXPYTHON:python3.6}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
deps =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
skip_install = true
rpm-build 6a2e4c
install_command =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # make sure we use the latest setuptools and wheel
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    pip install --upgrade {opts} {packages}
rpm-build 6a2e4c
whitelist_externals =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
rpm-build 6a2e4c
commands =
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # check metadata and rst long_description
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    python check --restructuredtext --strict
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # clean up build/ and dist/ folders
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    rm -rf {toxinidir}/dist
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    python clean --all
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # build sdist
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    python sdist --dist-dir {toxinidir}/dist
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    # build wheel from sdist
rpm-build 6a2e4c
    pip wheel -v --no-deps --no-index --wheel-dir {toxinidir}/dist --find-links {toxinidir}/dist fonttools