▶ Documentation for basic-font-template.conf This basic fontconfig template is sufficient for the needs of most fonts. It includes two rules: — the first one tells fontconfig it can use the font named [fontname] when an application asks for the generic family [genericname]. — the second one tells fontconfig it can complete the font named [fontname] with glyphs taken from fonts registered under [genericname]. If you have more advanced needs, take a look at the other templates. Please replace [fontname] and [genericname] with the appropriate values in the following blocks of instructions. A [fontname] example would be: DejaVu Sans It's the name under which the font appears in GUI font drop-downs. Fontconfig generics ([genericname]) currently include: — sans-serif — serif — monospace — fantasy – cursive Processing the resulting file through xmllint with the "format" flag is usually a good idea. $ xmllint --format -o [XX]-[fontname].conf [yourfile] The output file will be named: [XX]-[fontname].conf where [XX] should be a two-digit number corresponding to the font priority in fontconfig. © 2008-2009 Nicolas Mailhot