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Fontconfig generic font families

The CSS classification system currently used by fontconfig is the following:

   1. a font that can not be used to write long “professional” texts is a 
      “fantasy” font.
   2. otherwise:
         1. if it's monospaced, it's a “monospace” font,
         2. if it's variable-width and:
               1. it simulates hand-written text, it's a “cursive” font,
               2. it uses serifs¹, it's a “serif” font,
               3. it does not use serifs, it's a “sans-serif” font, 
         3. otherwise, are you really sure it's not a “fantasy” font? 

Some font authors also make their fonts self-categorize, thus checking the 
font metadata in fontforge may provide another hint². However, sometimes this 
metadata is missing or plain false, so do not rely on it 100%. 

² <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + <F> then check the OS/2 tab.

© 2009 Nicolas Mailhot <nim at fedoraproject dot org>