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▶ Documentation for l10n-font-template.conf

This advanced template replaces the first rule of the basic template with a
locale-specific one. It includes two rules:
— the first one tells fontconfig it can use the font named [fontname] when an
application asks for the generic family [genericname], but only for the [loc]
locale code.
— the second one tells fontconfig it can complete the font named [fontname]
with glyphs taken from fonts registered under [genericname].

The typical use-case are CJK fonts, since the so-called “Han unification” decision made different locales share the same code-points even
though the associated glyphs are supposed to be drawn differently for each of

If you have different needs, take a look at the other templates.

Please replace [fontname], [genericname], and [loc] with the appropriate values
in the following blocks of instructions.

A [fontname] example would be:
DejaVu Sans
It's the name under which the font appears in GUI font drop-downs.

Fontconfig generics ([genericname]) currently include:
— sans-serif
— serif
— monospace
— fantasy
– cursive

A [loc] example would be:

You may want to add more lines for [loc] to allow matching ll as well as ll-cc,
however this is unsafe as a “foo” [loc] will match both foo and bar-foo. It is
better to list all ll-cc locales explicitely.

Processing the resulting file through xmllint with the "format" flag is usually
a good idea.
$ xmllint --format -o [XX]-[fontname].conf [yourfile]
The output file will be named:
where [XX] should be a two-digit number corresponding to the font priority in

© 2008-2009 Nicolas Mailhot <nim at fedoraproject dot org>