Blob Blame History Raw
# Try to filter useless fontlint messages

awk -F "|" '
    NR==4               { result = $0 }
    NR>4 && $1 !~ /^  / { result = result "\n" $0 }
    NR>4 && $1  ~ /^  / { gsub("^  ", "|",$1)
                        result = result $0 }
    END { print result }' \
  | awk -F "|" '
    $1 ~ /Validation/ {
      while (l<=NF) {
        print $l
    $1 !~ /Validation/ { print }' \
  | awk -F "|" '
    NR==1              { result = $0 }
    NR>1 && $1 !~ /^ / { result = result "\n" $0 }
    NR>1 && $1  ~ /^ / { gsub("^ ", "|",$1)
                         result = result $0 }
    END { if (result != "") { print result } }' \
  | grep -v -e "^The following table(s) in the font have been ignored by FontForge" \
            -e "^The glyph named .* is mapped to .*But its name indicates it should be mapped to .*." \
            -e "^A glyph uses at least one, but not all, anchor classes in a subtable" \
            -e "^This font contains both a .* table and a .* table." \
            -e "^Missing Points at Extrema" \
            -e "^Self Intersecting Glyph" \
            -e "^Wrong Direction"