Blame fonts.dtd

Packit 352660
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		      cache | 
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		      cachedir |
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		      include | 
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		      config |
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		      selectfont |
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		      match | 
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		      alias)* >
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Packit 352660
    Add a directory that provides fonts
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	  prefix    CDATA       "default"
Packit 352660
	  xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve'>
Packit 352660
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    Define the per-user file that holds cache font information.
Packit 352660
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    If the filename begins with '~', it is replaced with the users
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    home directory path.
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    Add a directory that is searched for font cache files.
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    These hold per-directory cache data and are searched in
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    order for each directory. When writing cache files, the first
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    directory which allows the cache file to be created is used.
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    A leading '~' in a directory name is replaced with the users
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    home directory path.
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	  prefix    CDATA      "default"
Packit 352660
	  xml:space (default|preserve) 'preserve'>
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    Reference another configuration file; note that this
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    is another complete font configuration file and not
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    just a file included by the XML parser.
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    Set 'ignore_missing' to 'yes' if errors are to be ignored.
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    If the filename begins with '~', it is replaced with the users
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    home directory path.
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	  ignore_missing    (no|yes)		"no"
Packit 352660
	  prefix	    CDATA               "default"
Packit 352660
	  deprecated	    (yes|no)		"no"
Packit 352660
	  xml:space	    (default|preserve)	"preserve">
Packit 352660
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    Global library configuration data
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    Specify the set of Unicode encoding values which
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    represent glyphs that are allowed to contain no
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    data.  With this list, fontconfig can examine
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    fonts for broken glyphs and eliminate them from
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    the set of valid Unicode chars.  This idea
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    was borrowed from Mozilla
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    Aliases are just a special case for multiple match elements
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    They are syntactically equivalent to:
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	<test name="family">
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	    <string value=[family]/>
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	<edit name="family" mode="prepend">
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	    <string value=[prefer]/>
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	<edit name="family" mode="append">
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	    <string value=[accept]/>
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	<edit name="family" mode="append_last">
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	    <string value=[default]/>
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    Periodically rescan the font configuration and
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    directories to synch internal state with filesystem
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    Edit list of available fonts at startup/reload time
Packit 352660
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	  binding (weak|strong|same) "weak">
Packit 352660
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    Match and edit patterns.
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    If 'target' is 'pattern', execute the match before selecting a font.
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    if 'target' is 'font', execute the match on the result of a font
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	  target (pattern|font|scan) "pattern">
Packit 352660
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Packit 352660
    Match a field in a pattern
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Packit 352660
    if 'qual' is 'any', then the match succeeds if any value in the field matches.
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    if 'qual' is 'all', then the match succeeds only if all values match.
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    if 'qual' is 'first', then the match succeeds only if the first value matches.
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    if 'qual' is 'not_first', then the match succeeds only if any value other than
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    	the first matches.
Packit 352660
    For match elements with target=font, if test 'target' is 'pattern',
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    then the test is applied to the pattern used in matching rather than
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    to the resulting font.
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    Match elements with target=scan are applied as fonts are scanned.
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    They edit the pattern generated from the scanned font and affect
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    what the fontconfig database contains.
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	  qual (any|all|first|not_first)    "any"
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	  name CDATA	    #REQUIRED
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	  target (pattern|font|default)		"default"
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	  ignore-blanks (true|false)	"false"
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	  compare (eq|not_eq|less|less_eq|more|more_eq|contains|not_contains)	"eq">
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    Edit a field in a pattern
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    The enclosed values are used together to edit the list of values
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    associated with 'name'.
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Packit 352660
    If 'name' matches one of those used in a test element for this match element:
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	if 'mode' is 'assign', replace the matched value.
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	if 'mode' is 'assign_replace', replace all of the values
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	if 'mode' is 'prepend', insert before the matched value
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	if 'mode' is 'append', insert after the matched value
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	if 'mode' is 'prepend_first', insert before all of the values
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	if 'mode' is 'append_last', insert after all of the values
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    If 'name' doesn't match any of those used in a test element:
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	if 'mode' is 'assign' or 'assign_replace, replace all of the values
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	if 'mode' is 'prepend' or 'prepend_first', insert before all of the values
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	if 'mode' is 'append' or 'append_last', insert after all of the values
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	  name CDATA	    #REQUIRED
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	  mode (assign|assign_replace|prepend|append|prepend_first|append_last|delete|delete_all) "assign"
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	  binding (weak|strong|same) "weak">
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    Elements of expressions follow
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	  target (default|font|pattern) 'default'>
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